HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-01-21, Page 15THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2010. PAGE 15. It has been back into routine this past week and it sometimes seemed a struggle. Returning from holidays and getting back into the swing of early mornings, and the cold, makes one want to go on holidays again, but alas, one would have to win the lottery first. Our condolences are expressed to the Elliott family on the loss of a family member. Dave Smith, husband of Velma (Elliott) and father of Victoria and Aaron of Guelph, who passed away suddenly this week. He was the son of former Brussels residents Dorothy and the late John Smith and son-in-law of Anne and the late Ted Elliott. Members of the Elliott family travelled to Guelph to attend funeral services on Friday. Our get-well wishes go to Pearl Shaw who is in Seaforth hospital at this time. We hope she is home again soon. Our thoughts and prayers are withthe Blake family as Steve Blake is inhospital at this time with somehealth problems. We wish the bestfor him.The Cranbrook dart league had 21enthusiastic players having a lot offun on Wednesday evening. The highscores of the night went to KarenBowles hitting a 94 and to FredSmith scoring a 116. A light lunch is brought and enjoyed by all at the end of the evening. The Olympic torch has touched the life of yet another Walton connection. The granddaughter of Neil and Marie McGavin, Jessica Kelso, of North Bay was attending a friend’s birthday party and an extra special guest was an Olympic Torch bearer. Everyone had the opportunity to have their picture taken with the torch. Jessica was very excited. Her parents are Heather and Bryan Kelso. Members of Duff’s United Church met downstairs again on Sunday for service. Rev. Peter has returned from holidays and conducted the service. A special event will be held on Sunday, Jan. 31 to raise funds for the devastated people of Haiti. A breakfast will follow the Sunday service at 10:45 a.m. and the community is invited to come and donations will gratefully be accepted for the Haiti relief fund. Weencourage everyone to come out andsupport this local fundraising effort.Returning from a vacation to theDominican Republic are Matt andJulie Shortreed. They were part of agroup of eight or so and reporthaving a good time.Celebrating birthdays this pastweek are Logan Terpstra, BrendaDalton, Holly Mitchell, Doris Williamson, Dianne Huether, Murray McCall, Brett Stevenson, Paulene Gulutzen, Jacob Schmeltzer, Heather Clarke, Joan Ritchie, Marni Knight, Clint Emmrich, Angela Fraser and Nadine Ringgenberg. AUTOMOTIVE SAVE UP TO $400 ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE. Clean driving record? Call Grey Power today at 1-866-473- 9207 for no-obligation quote. Additional discounts available. 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