HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-01-14, Page 13ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT, available immediately, downtown Brussels, $525 includes all utilities, newly renovated. Phone 403-453- 8988 or 403-305-2717. 02-1 -------------------------------------------- BLYTH – 183 DRUMMOND ST. Spacious two-bedroom unit for seniors/mature adults. Clean, non- smoking unit in well-maintained building. Appliances, laundry, heat and hydro included. $690/month. Call Brian at 519-524-7517. 02-2 -------------------------------------------- THREE-BEDROOM SEMI IN Blyth, gas heat, large yard, good parking, $525 pus utilities. Phone 519-887-9007. 01-tfn -------------------------------------------- HOUSE FOR RENT – OR RENT to own or for sale in Brussels, small two plus one bedroom, two bath, on quiet street with nice yard, $500/month plus utilities. Call 1- 866-646-3474. Available immediately. 49-tfn -------------------------------------------- TWO-BEDROOM RENOVATED apartment, utilities included, available immediately, $650/month. Call Michelle 519-523-4448. 47-tfn -------------------------------------------- BLYTH - LARGE FLOOR LEVEL two-bedroom apartment close to all amenities, $500/month, all inclusive. Call Brad 519-524-3394. 43-tfn TREADMILL, 1.5 HP, GOES 8 MPH, measures calories and mph, distance and speed, $250. 30"x24"; millennium Coca Cola calendar in original package, $200. 519-523- 4583. 02-1 -------------------------------------------- SPECIAL OCCASION CAKES, made to order. Call 519-523-4907. tfn -------------------------------------------- REPRINTS OF PHOTOS taken by Citizen photographers are available to purchase. All in colour. 4x6 – $4.00, 5x7 – $5.00, 8x10 – $8.00. Phone 519-523-4792 or 519- 887-9114 to order. tfn BROMLEY. I would like to say thanks for all the phone calls, visits, food, cards, Xmas arrangements brought to the house. It was just great. And now with Bruce laid up thank you for all the calls and snowblowing offers. We thank you all. – Sharon and Bruce. 02-1p MAJESTIC WOMEN’S INSTITUTE is hosting soup, sandwich and cards, Thursday, January 21, noon, basement Brussels Library. $6.50 per person. 02-1 -------------------------------------------- HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Huron County Fundraiser Valentine’s Dance, Feb. 13, 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. at Royal Canadian Legion, Seaforth. Live music by “The Dukes of Dixie”. Hot and cold food throughout the night 50/50 draw. Door prizes, cash bar. Tickets available at Seaforth Bakery, Dundee Financial or call Andrea at 519-522-0280. 02-1 -------------------------------------------- TUESDAY TUNES – OLD-TIME fiddle music and dancing at Seaforth Community Centres every Tuesday afternoon starting January 19 to April 20, 1 - 3:30 p.m. 02-4 -------------------------------------------- FREE – SCOTTISH COUNTRY dance lessons, January 13 and 20, 7:30 p.m. at the Melville Presbyterian Church, Church Hall. If you can, please bring a partner (doesn’t have to be a spouse). There is still time to join in the fun. Get ready for the ceilidh! January 23. 02-2 -------------------------------------------- BURNS SUPPER AND CEILIDH, January 23, 6:30 p.m. presented by Melville Presbyterian church at the Brussels Legion. Tickets $25 (dinner and dance). For tickets call 519-887- 2664 or 519-887-9831 or 519-887- 6555. 02-2 -------------------------------------------- WEIGHT LOSS GROUP RESUMES their meetings on Wednesday, Jan. 6 at Brussels United Church, 7 p.m. New participants welcome. For info call 519-887-8267. 01-2p YOGILATES AT DUFF’S UNITED in Walton is accepting new students for 8:30 a.m. on Thursdays. Call Sue at 519-284-8098. 01-2 -------------------------------------------- WALK THIS WAY INDOOR Walking Program, Mondays to Fridays 1 - 3 p.m. Blyth Arena. Program runs January to April. Call Cheryl or Nadine at 1-877-502-8277 for more info. Town and Country Support Services. 01-3 CROPLAND WANTED TO RENT or share crop. References available. Competitive prices. Top stewardship practises performed. Peter Rastorfer, 519-347-2669. 02-11 -------------------------------------------- WANTED TO RENT – HAY OR cash cropland. Call Scott Cardiff 519-887-9867. 02-4 SNOBELEN FARMS LTD. IS A locally based agricultural company. Our main business includes handling commercial grains, processing seed and food grade soybeans. Entering our 39th year of business we are seeking a self-motivated individual to join our staff. Seed Sales Assistant – Working with our sales manager and Q/A manager duties include: seed procurement/contracts, receiv- ing seed orders, data entry and general office duties. Education or experience in agriculture or related field required. Please apply with résumé including references to: Snobelen Farms Ltd., Attn. Troy Snobelen, Box 29, Lucknow, ON N0G 2H0. Tel: 519-528-2092. Fax 519-528-3542. We thank all applicants but only applicants to be interviewed will be contacted. www.snowbelengroup.com 01-2 -------------------------------------------- PART-TIME BARTENDER AT Brussels Legion 218, Friday and Saturday evenings, approximately 8 hours, special events. Must be 19 years of age. Duty list can be obtained at Branch. Résumé to be received by January 15. 50-3 THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2010. PAGE 13. Classified Advertisements – RRAATTEESS –20 words or less only $7.00. Additional words 20¢ each. 50¢ will be deducted if ad is paid in advance DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 519-523-4792 or 519-887-9114 Articles for sale Cards of thanks Coming events Coming events Farmland Help wanted ccommodation for rentA Auction sales SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 AT 10:00 AM: 2008 Elite spa hot tub; ESB tanning bed, 42 inch screen TV, quality modern furniture, some antique furniture, toy farm tractors and machinery, glassware including some antique pieces, etc. for the Estate of Kees Schrauwn plus other estates to be held at the Seaforth Fairgrounds Agri-Plex building. See: www.lobbauction.on.ca for full list and pictures. RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR Clinton 519-482-7898 The Old Mill Part-time seamstress wanted. Must have experience. Varied and interesting work. Apply in person to The Old Mill, 1 mile south of Blyth on Hwy. 4 519-523-4595 Help wantedHelp wanted The Huron County Wide Group Insurance Consortium REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ADVISORY, BROKER and CONSULTING SERVICES RFP Reference: Huron County Wide Group Insurance Consortium 2010 ISSUE DATE: January 13, 2010 CLOSING DATE AND TIME: February 24, 2010 at 12:00:00 noon RFP Packages may be obtained at www.merx.com or by contacting RFP@centralhuron.com Please Recycle This Newspaper Classified advertisements published in The Citizen are now available on our website at www.northhuron.on.ca