HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-11-26, Page 30For The SNOWMOBILE FAN ,Whiz Skid ,Tote Sleighs SPECIAL PRICES on flardahl Snowmobile Oil and Texaco Snowmobile Oil BY CASE LOTS Agent for Badger, Ralcoe and many other lines. We have a wide variety of "G a rant" snow shovels at reduced prices, ARCHERS FARM SALES & SERVICE CHRISTMAS TREES FINE SELECTION NOW IN STOCK at PAUL'S BP • . SERVICE Operated by PAUL GOLDSVVORTHY 365 Victoria St. (Hwy. 4, S.) CLINTON A Man and HIS Gifts SPORT SHIRTS JEWELLERY SWEATERS PYJAMAS SCARVES DRESS SHIRTS SUITS CO-ORDINATES_. JAtKETS SLACKS GLOVES Irts 1 I rich:eft Cap be Limited cLiNtON dODER1CH KINCAROINE 1Q .Clintf)1) NpvVeNcorcityhurday,..pe.cemher, 4, ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE 1. FOR SALE 11. SERVICES 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE 7. AUTOS S.HELP WANTED CIASSIFIED ADV. RATES. PIANO arid bench for sale. Sherlock Manning.. Phone 523-9437. -49p 30" ENTERPRISE gas stove, perfect condition, fully automatic, four-burner, white. $75.00. Apply to 1.42 Princess Street. •-e47-50b • WATCH -REPAIR is a job fo experts. Our work assures you. satisfaction, Counter's Jeweller 'Huron Co,unty's Oldes Establishe Jewellery S.-tore, Clinton, Ontario, -tfb TWQ,IIVRN.ER .Ccileinen stove; 2 pnefeeeigriel. fishing POPP. Repairable lawn glower engine on table. $31:00 for lot, Phone 482-9190. -49p W. It, DALR YMP LE HOUSEKEEPER , required for 481 SON elderly gentleman in his own Brucefield home. Reply to *Pt 450. Ontario ---45tfn 1.968 Chrysler Newport, 2 door SMALL home, electric heated, near EeYfield, on highway, suitable for one or two reliable persone. $62,00 a month. Phone 482-3444 days or 482-9244 evenings or weekends -- . 49b ENGLISH walnuts, Excellent for eating and baking. Phone 452-9186. --4914 WESTERN saddle - like 482-9275. -49p CASH RATE c Per, Word Minlinso 73e 25c Extra will be added to each lase lion _If not paid • ,withba 30 days of tin lbet thsertion» DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per. Inch ENGAGEMENTS - $1.50 DEATHS - 5c per. word Minimum $1.00 IN MEW:IMAMS • CAR? OF THANKS 4c per word, COMING EVENTS • 5c per word DEADLINE Noon Tuosdoy DIAL 482.3443 hardtop 1968 Plymouth, 4 door V-.8 automatic 1955 Dodge, 4 door automatic, 6 _cylinder, with new tires, only 36,00(1 miles. W. H. DALRYMPLE & SON Brupefielci 482-9211 49b 1970 DAUPHIN SNOW- MOBILE, 19 h.p., Hirth engine, like new condition. Never licensed. $495.00, Trade or terms. McGee Pontiac-Buick, 1-40deriele 524-8391. -42tf TEXAS OIL COMPANY needs man over 4Q for short trips surrounding Clinton. Contact customers. We train. Write S. E. Dickerson, Pres„ Southwestern, Petroleum Corp., Ft. Worth, Texas, -49b OVEN-READY roasting roosters; 1 pair boy's good used skates size 5, Phone 482-9159, Harvey Taylor, --49p CUSTONfr-RILIJING AND PROCESSING Butcherin$ dates-Tuesday an Thursday TUESDAY - Beef and Pork Thursday ---Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILAB Merner's Abattoir 2374314 Dashwood new. SMALL cottage all conveniences, immediate possession, Phone 4n-9815- -49-50p 13ARHIE DOLL clothes, all • ' styles, 482-7833. -49tfn Broken or Cracked Windows? FOUR-BEDROOM family home, newly decorated; new gas furnace and hot water. Spacious rooms. Close to all conveniences. $90.00. Apply to 482-7893 after 6. --48tfn 1970 WORLD BOOK encyclopedia. Never removed from carton. Considerably below current price, Apply to Box 491, Clinton News-Record. -49b 11. SERVICES CHEVY II sedan, 1967, like new with only 8,000 miles. Phone 482-9246. -49le WHEEL CHAIRS 7 The C,P. & T. Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheel chairs available for loan free. Contact H. J, Steffen 482.9937 or Mrs. M. Batkin 482-3866. --49b Wood or Aluminum Sash ORCANA organ, floor .model; model 742 Remington .308 calibre with 4X scope; Health kit model 1012, 6" scope. Phone ' 482-7723. -49p We do all types of JEWELLERY REPAIR * Ring Sizing * Claw RetiPP419 * Watch Repair * Acutron Repair ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD Clinton, Seiforth and Walkerto 12tf • IN ZURICH, 2 bedroom apartment for rent. Suitable for couple. Full basement and private entrance. Phone 236-4976. -48,49b 1969 DART G.T.S. 340 with 4 barrel 2 new snowtires, winterized, rustproofed, 3-speed automatic, excellent shape. $2500.00 or best offer. Phone 482-7388 after four p.m. -49p STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Service, 32 Wellington Street, Stratford, For all airlines, steamships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaid arrangements for relatives visiting from overseas. Call 271-5710, -49b • ALL SIZES REPAIRED HERE Bag 81, Metch HOME FURNISHINGS LTD. 60 ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 4024.9405 MAN'S corduroy, orlon- pile jacket, size 42, nearly new. 482-9292. -49b RECENTLY redecorated, heated, one-bedroom apartment. Phone 482-9363 or 482-9573. -48-49b CHEVY II sedan, 1967, like new with only 8,000 miles, Phone 482-9246. -49p MATCHED McLary-Easy, deluxe automatic washer, with suds saver and meter'd air drier; in new condition. Phone 565-2145, -49b 1969 DART G.T.S. 340 with 4 barrel 2 new snowtires, winterized, rustproofed, 3-speed automatic, excellent shape. $2500,00 or best offer, Phone 482-7388 after four p.m. -49p TWO bedroom apartment and store space for rent. Phone 482-7833. -13tfn Sewing Machines Servicing All Makes New And Used Sales Satisfaction Guaranteed ALEX REED 197 Bayfield Rd., Goderich 524-8465 ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair. Our Clinton Depot is at 55 Albert Street at Amsing's Store. Henk's Shoe Repair, 62 Hamilton Street, Goderich. 49b . _ MARCONI PORTABLE single play record player, $10.00 or will exchange for good pair of skis, 51/2 ft. Phone 565-2659. -49p VISIT the McAdam Home Hardware at Clinton for complete selection of ski equipment for the whole family from $8.95-$69.95. Large selection of harness, Repair service. Phone 482-7023. -49b 4o1411140,418•• ONE-BEDROOM unfurnished modern apartment. Available immediately. Contact 482-9644. -38tfn SEE THE COMPLETE LINE. OF 1971 Dal-suns 1200's - 1600's -PICKUPS and Starting As Low . As $1975 DATSUN: THE MORE' FOR YOUR MONEY CAR GERALD'S SUPERTEST 7 Main St. N., Seaforth 527-1010 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE PLASTERING - all types of plastering repairs - new or old work. All work guaranteed. Phone 482-3107. L. Montague, Varna. -49-50B ALL sizes of complete sets car wheels, 13", 14", 15", could be used for snow tires. Complete sets all sizes snow' and regular tires for older and late model cars. 2~ setsnew car chains. Window frame lane to cool bedroom; 15" amplifier for band; 3-burner gas stove; 1 towbar hitch for towing cars anywhere; one vaporizer, brand new; desk light; electric waffle iron, new; 100 I.p. records, good - condition. Apply to 213 Victoria St., Clinton. -49b A comprehensive line of PET SUPPLIES as well as houseplant specialties, bulbs and fall gardening requirements; wild . bird feed and feeders, available at Clinton Farm Centre, 482.9333, 12 Isaac Street, Clinton, -43tfn DOWNSTAIRS, furnished, heated apartment now available. Phone Cyril Van Damme 482-6685. -46tfn BLACK Persian Lamb coat size 18-20. Price $30,00. Phone 482-3850. -49b 2. ARTICLES FOR RENT DON'S TV RADIO TV APPLIANCES Colour Specialist Licenced Technician 56 Gibbings St,, 482-97 Clinton -45tfn SCREENED TOP SOIL CEMENT GRAVEL Lyle Montgomery 482-7644 evenings or 482.7661 THREE-BEDROOM house $65.00 per month. Centrally located: nossession immediately. Phone 482-9363. -48-49b FORMAL RENTALS for men' and boys. Contact Herman's Men's Wear, 482-9351. -22trn SCOTCH pine Christmas Trees, $1.00. Contact Mrs. Elizabeth Medd, 482-9836. -49b YOU can be one of 3 winners each week by joining our FREE, WASH CLUB, Come in and ask for a ballot at Irene's Laundromat, 15 Rattenbury St. E. Clinton, Ont. - 2tfn. FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd. Clinton and Goderich, -7tfn. • I7tfn JUST arrived from Paris! Real French Perfume! 10 different fragrances in a breathtaking gift chest. Hurry, while stocks last, only $4.95, plus 25c tax. Write Box 356 Kincardine or call 396-3283. -49p JACK'S FURNITURE REPAI AND WOOD-TURNER Furniture repairec wood-turning a specialt Hand-turned gift articles walnut, cherry etc, for sale workshop at rear of 84 Albe St., Clinton, John Plumtre phone 482-9695. -47 tfn FOR RENT . , Chuter Plumbing Heating & Electric Furnace Installations , DeLaval Milker Supplies • Appliance Service 46 King Street Ph.482-7652 _ _ CONSTRUCTION equipment] for rent. Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and' wedges. Form ties stocked. Phone 236-4954 evenings or Saturdays. - 2tfn SNOMOBILE Trailers Single and Double units, tilting platforms- , for loading and unloading, clearance and signal lights equipped. Tom Penhale 565-2476. -47 tfn APPLES for sale, Spy, Talrnan Sweets, Snows, etc. Free delivery in Clinton. Phone 482-9141. Fred McClymont, Varna. -48.49-50p Applications for the rental of three-bedroom homes at $95.00 per month, by persons with children, whose gross family income does not exceed $570,00 per month, are available at th4 41Signai-Star pffice, West Street. J. H. Aitken Sect. Manager Goderich Housing Authority 49 PREGNANT? Visit the Stork Shoppe in Grand Bend for an exciting line of fall and winter maternity wear. Open daily. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m_ After hours- phone 238-2111 or 237-3375. REGISTERED electrologist for permanent hair removal. For appointment, free consultation, call 524-7695. -46,47,48,49p USED pool table with Boston and Snooker balls, complete with cues, $50.00. Phone 482-7054. -49 3. ARTICLES WANTED IS your winter coat torn? Need new zipper? Have it 'repaired Ray's Shoe Repair, 35 Huro SteeClinton. -48-49b TYPEWRITERS and Adding Maehines for sale. Anstett Jewellers Ltd., Clinton.e Phone 482-9525, ee9 gra.. WANTED: Between 50e and',. 100,000 of wit;,., firing , quota. COntact Box 490, qiiiton News-Record, -49p fN 41 HOSIERY WHITE 30 denier seamless, 25c pr. - WHITE 30 denier seamed cotton foot, 25c pr. - Slim leg, 30 denier seamless, 10c and 20e pr. - Small quantity of heavy stretch - PAR-KNIT HOSIERY 9-11:30 a.m., 1-4:30 p, m. -49b REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone ' 482-7676, Ken McNairn. 2tfn. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN, Johnston Electric. Custom wiring also eavestroughing, Bayfield, 565-2838. -42tfn POTTED AND CUT FLOWERS Mums e- $2.50 and up Mixed pots - $3.00 and up Gloxinias and Cyclamins $3.00 and up Tax included INA'S FLOWERS 123 Erie St. Clinton. Phone 482-9937 -49,51b How rrany ads do you see for 100,4 guaranteed used cars? Not enough. These cars are guaranteed 100%, We'll repair any major mechanical part* for 30 clays or 1000 miles. (These cars have passed a safety and performance inspecticn. We've completely overhauled and reconditioned them.) So after you've looked through tthheis one. *engine the ads, come back to *engine • transmission • rear axle • front axle assemblies • brake system 1969 Volks;Tge7F-3tb-a-ck-, one owner, low mueage, fuel injection, radio, $1995.00. Lie. E81271., 1969 Deluxe Volkswagen, one J58187. owner, radio, $1695.00. Lie 1969 stickshift automatic Bug. Radio; one owner; low mileage, white with red interior, $1795.00 Lie. J57849. 1969 squareback station wagen radio and automatic, $2,195.00. Lie. K13763. All these cars are one owner cars with low mileage, SKATES SHARPENED. Figu skates a specialty, 133 Ragl St., Phone 482-9556. -48-4 TIMBER WANTED, immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes of all kinds, Write Robert .Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, giving location and telephone number, or phone 232-4450 before 8 aen, or after ,6 ra,m. - 1 5tfn J BROADLOOM CELANESE CARPET CENTRE *WF.11 to Wall Installation or Area Carpets. *Samples shown in you home. '*Free Estimates. *Guaranteed Installations. There's a • Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. RUG And FURNITURE ' CLEANING By 6. REAL ESTATE ATTENTION FARMERS! SINTE teLeet• LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured - don't take chances. Expert work 'done reasonably to yotit satisfaction. Watch repairs, and. pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. Clinton, Ontario. -tfn. THE RESPONSIBLE SYSTEM ' ServicemAsTER Albert Street Office 482.3821 VENDOR.ANXIOUS Has purchased home in the city and must sell her well-located 3-bedroom frame home on Rattenbury St, E. Attached garage, paved drive, asking $9,500.00. Please call our office for more information. Quality you can trust' From Call LAKE CITY HOME CENTRE LTD. ' Dial 524.6126 For Free Estimates A. FOR SALE A„ FOR SALE BALL& MUTCH LTD, HOME FURNISHINGS Pitons- 482-9505 Clinton -5tfn VACUUM cleaners; sales and service for all makes, R. K. Peck, Varna, phone Hensall 262-5748 -2tfn. FARROWING crates with mounted feeders. Completely collaspible crate for easy handling, Phone 482-9167,4eire LITTLE pigs for sale. Phone Lloyd Lounsbury. 524-7080. eee."`,OW Blowers - drive or back 'lough snow. George Troyer, !email, 262-5282. -48-3(71)b 38tf - • - - SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 482-3320 2tfn 4, ATTENTION FARMERS Springs, all sizes; steel tables and cupboards; wooden tables and cupboards; oil burners - 220 and 550 motors; 1 complete cooling unit for rnilkhouse, PAR-KNIT HOSIERY 8:00 - 5:00 p.m. 61111•11.11V/AXMIN, DUPLEX PROPERTY Two-storey brick construction; each unit 3 bedrooms plus bath up, kitchen plus large • living rooni. down. Full basement, gas F. A. heating, modern throughout, just 2 years young. $3,000.00 down, 83/2% on the balance. .'ARM SERVICES iderVeif011149041141; Vailirigrehe FO t l2 Cc. es due with second calf. First year's production over 10,000 lbs. Four heifers, One serviceable registered Holstein bull. 4P" ' sill Gerrits, RR 1, Clinic liSIMMICVOCNIC ...0.04.•0400.0%•,0000..\\%. `AT , Don Taylor Motors Limiter FARROWING crates with or without mounted feeding or water, all steel construction. George Troyer, Hensel!, Phone 262-5282. -47tfn DON'T FORGET Three large bedrooms, 2 baths, cheery bright kitchen, spacious living area, brick construction, large well-located lot, all for $17,000.00. Take a long look at this one. FARM lee NS - $50.00 to $5,000.00. Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit, for special farm repayment terms. Phone 524-8349. - 25-48b COY Mein' Street - Exeter L'DIAL 235.1100 F:011E411.416,11..., • FARM hardware water bowls and feeders. Milking machine parts, cleaners and disinfectants. Animal health aids and Purina livestock feeds. All available at , Clinton Farm Centre, 22 Isaac St,, 482-9333. -40tfn. WANTED Dead and disabled cattle and horses, highest prevailing prices paid. 24 hour service - 7 days a week Fast, Efficient Service Call Collect Brussels 887-9334 BRUSSELS PET FOOD Supplies 11/2 miles south of Brussels Lie. No. 273-0-70 40 tfn Jew* We Have A Delicious Assortment Of P. HELP WANTED ESTATE SALE Hensall, beautiful lot with garage, 11/2-storey, rug brick construction, bath and a half, 3 bedrooms, many extras included. Must be sold, open to your offer. The Huron County Board Of Education FRUIT CAKE CHRISTMAS PUDDING SHORTBREAD • CHRISTMAS COOKIES 4‘' MINCE PIE 'I MINCE TARTS PUMPKIN PIE DINNER ROLLS DUTCH FRUIT BREAD CREAM SLICES DUTCH TARTS D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE EXETER Three-bedroom, 1 floor briek cottage, clean and neat, bright family sized kitchen, spacious living area. P.A, oil heating, well-located, close to schools. Value' for your dollars, 71/2% mortgage, make' n offer. Several of the better farms listed close to town,. 25-acre beef feed lot, moderh all the way, CLARKE ZINN 124 Ontario Street Clinton Phone 4824838 PHOTO LISTING SERVICE invites application for the position of ATTENDANCE COUNCILLOR Duties to commence immediately. This will be a part-time position. The successful applicant must be available by telephone each morning of the School year to investigate attendance problems on a per call, per mile basis. Written applications should include educational backgtotind, and availability for interview and be addressed to D. J. Cochrane, Diretter of Ethibation, Huron County Beard of Education, 91 Shipley Street, Clinton, Ontario, 48;,49 TWO-YEAR-OLD Holstein heifer due to freshen within one week. Bred polled Hereford. Jim Lobb, 4823342. -ab HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Chocolates by SMILES 'N CHUCKLES OLIN BROWN Mc IRS CLINTON Clinton Conutunitv Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON 1:30 p.m. Due to the decrease in meat prides, we are unable to pay for any farm stoop, We offer fast, efficient, courteous, same day service, 461100r Service-' bays a Week Call Collect 482480 License Ho. 237-070 -41tfn Bartliffs Bakery Limited 4824127 flaker'y ond Restouront `CLINTON TERMSt CASI4 lot eeRty Sales Manager ‘100,10.004.11•1\‘‘\‘‘N\NN\ \\N" 1s.004"•‘%1 7 I