HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-11-26, Page 23To the Ratepayers: Of Bayfield, Stanley, Seaforth and Tuekersmith. Having had the opportunity during the initial term of the Huron County School Board to become familiar with some of the problems in providing equal educational opportunity to all children. of Huron, I feel I can make a particular contribution during the coming term and thus solicit your support in the election on Monday. JOHN BROADFOOT diummovaiimmamommummi PinIpa .newp,RopPrO, Thursday, ;PPPentOr 3,197Q To The ELECTORS of CLINTON, HuLLETtr OLYTH, 414. McKILLQP VOTE Norman Counter to represent you on Huron County BOARD OF EDUCATION Seven years experience on Central Huron Secondary School Board and now completing his second year on the County Advisory Vocational Committee. He stands for efficiency and economy. The tax rate must be held For transportation to polls phone 4.82-9649. Ten tough questions to ask the salesman before you invest in Color TV. A Color TV is a major purchase. Choosing one can be a pretty confusing experience. There are makes and models at all kinds of prices, What are the things you should look for? Why do some sets cost more than others? That's what this is all about. You're going to live with your choice for many years. And the thing to remember is there is no magic way to build a good color set cheaply; you get what you pay for,. This information can save you years of regret, Take it with you when you shop. Start at your Philip's dealer. That's where you'll see the best Color TV, Even if you end up buying something else, at least you'll know what you're missing. 1. Can you make the face look natural? Flesh tones are the most subtle and sensitive combination of colors that a TV can reproduce. That's why if the faces don't look right, nothing else will. Note the face on the left. It's all wrong. People don't have blue-tinted faces. People should look like people, like the girl on the right. Philips has solved the problem of making flesh-tones come through naturally, Having done that, everything else looks natural, 2. Does the set have Automatic Color Temperature Control? The girl's eyes are blue. But that doesn't mean the whites have to be blue also. That blue tinge you see on many color sets is hard to live with, All Philips sets have an Automatic Color Temperature Control which gives true and natural colors, 3. Can the set show you a natural-looking mouth? Look at the one in the left-hand picture, colors streaking out from the mouthline, We call this color bleeding. • Notice it too at the jawline, the edge of the cheek. Picture definition has gone mushy. This is not only hard on your eyes. wait until you see wnat it does to your disposition after a year or two. Philips has eliminated this problem. It simply does not happen on a Philips set. 4. Will the set tune in sharp detail? Here's what to look for. Notice how in the left hand picture, detail has gone fuzzy. Compare it with the girl on the right. Check the eyebrows, the eyelashes, the flower, the highlights on the eyes. See how the actual texture of the hair comes through. , 5. Is there a noise cancelling circuit? it eliminates what you see at 5 on the left, Something we call picture 'tear'. Picture 'tear' is caused most often by other appliances— an electric drill, a vacuum cleaner, an electric kitchen utensil. Plug one in and it causes pulses on the power line, actually tearing chunks out of the picture. (Ask the salesman to plug in a vacuum.cleaner and see which set acts up.) Philips has a noise cancelling cirduit that makes our sets exceptionally stable. 6. Is it a 'direct vision' picture tube? Most sets have an extra layer of light-absorbing glass in front of the picture tube. This produces annoying reflections and haze. Philips sets don't have this problem. No glass. No reflection. NO haze. We call it a direct vision tube, and we invented it. It's coated with 'rare earth', a material that gives added brilliance to colors, extra sharpness to the picture. 7. Does the set have Automatic Fine Tuning? If you're looking at deluxe models of most makes, the answer will probably be yes. But Philips invented Automatic Fine Tuning and has put it in every set we've ever made. It made us famous as the "fiddle-free" Color TV. Colors stay fine tuned when you come back to the same channel later, Philips AFT delivers the optimum color tuning point and keeps it from drifting, 8. Does the set have Automatic Vertical and Horizontal Hold? Picture 'flop' and horizontal distortion have always been the most frustrating problems in television viewing. And they're still problems with many color Sets, Philips sets have exclusive vertical and horizontal hold circuits that lock your picture in automatically, No fiddling in the middle of your favorite program, And remember, this feature Is exclusive with Philips; no-one else has it. 9. Is there a pin-cushion correction circuit? Many television sets have trouble drawing a straight line. this kind of picture distortion was tolerated in black end white television. But you shouldn't put up with it in color. It took PhilipS to eliminate those curved lines on the Screen with what IS called a 'pin-cushion' correetion circuit, It really works. Straight lineS stay straight. And they'll continue to do So, Thanks to Philips pin-cushion correction circuit. 10. IS there an automatic voltage regulator? You've seen pictures 'bloom' and 'shrink' on your black and white sets. It still happens on many color sets. It's caused by normal- voltage OhatIges in your home, Only Philips sets have a voltage regulator which automatically Senses voltwge changes in house current and corrects shrinking and blooming before it happens. It also protects' expensive color components from the damaging effects of power surges, • • MRRILL E TV SERVICE CLINTOR, OW. 4824621 To The ELECTORS OF STANLEY TOWNSHIP r. VOTE JACK SCOTCHMER Having allowed my name to go ,before you as a candidate for S9A.Ir,01,19rf041:0rIPOPr' te,11;1( would appreciate your influence and support at the polls on December 7th. If elected I will serve everyone to the best of my ability, Seeking Your Support For Re-Election VOTE `CAW PROCTOR For Councillor It Has Been My Pleasure To Serve You For The Past Six Years. RE-ELECT JOHN WISE FOR CLINTON' PUC * 5 YEARS OF SERVICE. * 5 YEARS AS COMMISSION SECTY. YOUR VOTE AND YOUR INFLUENCE WILL BE APPRECIATED MON., DEC. 7 CLINTON ELECTORS VOTE GORDOI11 LAWSON For Deputy Reeve Having had three years council' and three years Deputy—Reeve eXperience would appreciate your support. For Transportation Phone 482.9043 VOTE FOR GORDON LAWSON. POLLS OPEN 9 A.11/1, to 6 P.M. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS FOR THE BUSY SHOPPER Cosmetic Sets by Chantilly from $6.00 up, . Gift sets by Faberge from $5.00 up Gift sets by Chanel from $7.50 to $12.50 Gift sets by Du Barry from $2.50 Colognes—soaps—perfumes $1.00 to $15.00 Bath Mitts Bath Salts Bath Powder— bath Oil Electric Razors from $16.95 Pen sets 3's $3.90 lnstamatic Cameras from $5.99 Polaroid Cameras — $34.95 Polaroid film — $2.65 to $6.45 Laura Secord Chocolates—Christmas Wrapped $1.10 to $6.35 CHRISTMAS CARDS — Boxed and Single GIFT WRAP — TAGS — SEALS — TREE DECORATIONS CI nton, Ontario P ono 482- PRESCRIPTiONS We have a wonderful selection Of just about every type of chair you might want including LA.Z-BOY and recliners. All priced to suit your Chrittmas budget. i 1 ,BEATTIE .FURNITURE CLINtON , PHONE 4824521 ./6tYitwftt wtztravatvtivistaArwtat.4 i 1 LAUWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY GORDON .LAWSON Deputy-reeve. BILL CRAWFORD POLICE: I don't know exactly what the problem with the police is. I do know if you want good police.protection you have to be willing to pay for it. Council tried to cut corners on the last contract and it ended up costing more. If a man is doing a good job he should be paid well, if not he should be gotten rid of. BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AREA: I'm not too familiar with the situation but if joining a conservation area means having the river cleaned up and having conservation areas then I think we should try to get into one as soon as possible, PLAN: My suggestion was that we should have bought 2,000 copies of the paper with the plan in it and sent it to every industry we have contact with. Industrialists interested in settling in the area would probably be interested in learning more about it. SPECIAL INTEREST: Industry. And the sooner the better. We should try to make Clinton independent. For too long we've depended on the base. It was a good thing for the community but we should have had some industry of our,own,so,:we have to depend prig Urn. 4oneerneei aboUt the number of young people leaving town. We have a good education system that's costing us money but we're paying to educate people who go off to run the cities. My motto is "If you cut down the forest and don't replant, You'll end up with barren land." MEL STEEP POLICE: I feel the police are understaffed. I feel the new council should budget for another constable. BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AREA: It would be good to be able 'to join the Maitland but if we can't I think we'll have to play the long shot and go for a conservation authority of our own. The river has to be developed. PLAN: It was a good article and I feel long range planning must be our goal. I also liked the follow-up letter to the editor from Clarence Denornme. SPECIAL INTEREST: We must attract industry to the town. It seems a shame we educate our young people for someone else. CAMERON PROCTOR POLICE: I'm not happy with the situation. don't think the chief should be living in Bayfield. BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AREA: I haven't given the situation that much thought. We're already paying into the Maitland so it would be most convenient to join it. There are advantages to belonging to an established authority. But we've also got to clean up our own town. PLAN: I haven't bad enough time to study the proposal for me to comment on it. SPECIAL INTER S.17; Jute to see the town go .ahead and expand the prepolt sewage treatment plant which is overloaded and is a source of pollution. A study has been done on the problem but no action taken. I think we should press on. NORMAN LIVERMORE POLICE: I think the police forece needs to be reorganized. BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AREA: Unless it's going to involve a lot of people it's going to cost Clinton ratepayers too much. PLAN: It isn't planned enough. It would take more planning. SPECIAL INTEREST: The Kinsmen sort of stole my special interest, the fixing up of the park. I'd also like to see some of the vacant lots in town cleaned up. Some of them are just a disgrace. JOE ATKINSON POLICE: I don't know enough about it in order to make a statement. BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AREA: I feel we should develop the river basin. It can do nothing but benefit the area. PLAN: When do we start? SPECIAL INTEREST: Industrial development and enthusiasm. To have a good enthusiastic-council we have to have enthusiastic voters to support them. FRANK„ COOK POLICE: The' POlice ilf t liave to prove their need for an extra man to me. BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AREA: I'm certainly in favoor of developing the Hayfield area. I think the Maitland authority would have been the best one for us but if we can't get it one or the other, I think we should go for one of our own, PLAN: all in favouir of the Project. SPECIAL INTEREST: I think we should have someone to guard the school crossings. I think the chief himself should be able to do some of this work, I also don't know what they are doing in the county council and would like to go up there to find out what really goes on. I'm very concerned about this subdivision too (Huron Pines Relity). The town has a lot of money tied up in a pumping station to serve the project, but nothing seems to be getting done. FRANK COOK Candklate for DeOuty-Reeve GORDON LAWSON POLICE; There is too much street talk involved. I don't have a word to say against any member of the police force. I do think that pensions should be lowered to 60 years of age to ensure new blood. BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AREA: I was disappointed that Hayfield didn't vote to join the (see Page Twelve) The candidates and the issues Tfig QUESTIONS What do you, think about the pglice situation in Clinton?, What are yoor feelings on a conservation Project for the Bayfield River? What do Yon think of the Rlao for development PrDPOsed in the News-Record recently. What sepcial interests will you porsue on council.