HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-11-26, Page 18UTDOOR-ETHICS
101111111/-14 ?'"k.',
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Bob Brewster,
Outdoor Editor
MOrOury Snow Wavle!
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1971 UNICEF Engagement Calendar
200 children participated in the Children's Festival of Mural Painting at
the XI X Olympiad in Mexico City. This calendar reproduces 54 of these
paintings by 55 children from 44 countries. Shown here is the mural by
Alain de Chantat, aged 9 of Canada. The theme of the Festival was "A
World of Friendship".
Proceeds from the sale of the calendar help UNICEF in its many pro-
I grammes to aid children world-wide.
Clintonian Club meets
Plintpn:.N9w*,,Reorc.1,..Thur5dAy, November 20,1070
Children's murals dazzling
in '71 UNICEF calendar
The Club presented a lovely
cup and saucer to the retiring
President, Mrs. Hartley
Managhan. Other club members
receiving gifts in appreciation of
their help for the past two years
were Mrs. Frank Cummings, Mrs.
Russell Colclough, Mrs. Harold
Adams and Mrs. George Glazier.
A short sing song brought an
enjoyable party to a close for
another y ear.
Members of the Goderich
Lions Club attended in a group
the funeral service of Frank
Edwin Hibbert held at Stiles
Funeral Home Saturday
afternoon. Rev. B.. L, Raymont
conducted the service, IntergrM.,
was in the Clinton Cemetery.-
Mr. Hibbert, 79, retired
Goderich dry goods merchant,
died November 18 in Alexandra
Marine and General Hospital
after an illness of two years,
Pallbearers were Reg. Carter,
Wm. Hill, Harold Johnston,
Frank Mcilwain, Charles Scott
and Harry Sturdy.
The honorary,, pallbearers
were: .David r 0. (Nip)
Whetstone, A. R. Scott, Peter
Bisset, Milton Osgoode, Ken
As many or my constituents
are aware, I have just finished
attending meetings of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization,
better known as NATO, in the
Hague in Holland. It was, a very
interesting experience to say the
least. The first three days were
spent ' on committee meetings
Witt} separate committees set 141)
for discussion on defence,
political affairs, economie
affairs, as well as social and
education affairs. About two of
our members attended each of
the committee meetings for the
three days. I was allotted to the
economics committee and found
the discussions very interesting.
Canada has redpced its
commitment in expenditure to
maintain defence troops in
Western Europe to 'counteract
any possible aggression on the
part of the Soviet Union. The
United t",tates are presently
bearing the major share of the
expenses as well as the supplying
of troops, and are desperately
endeavouring to have a larger
share of this expense taken over
by the Eastern European
countries who receive the main
benefit from the maintenance of
the defences in NATQ. 'As a
result of the meetings that were
held, it seems evident that these
Western European countries are
not prepared to supply increased
finances towards this cause, and
I surmised from the discussions
that they are reluctant to do so
because they feel secure that the
United States will continue to
supply the finances and troops
needed. The Western European
countries are reluctant to
antagonize the U.S.S.R. in any
manner that may make tensions
worse, but in the meantime
evidence shows that Russia is
strengthening her forces and
while they maintain that these
forces will only be used for
defence, I am sure there is no
one who really knows what they
may do with the strength in the
military they are building up.
Most of the partners in NATO
do not consider Canada as being
able to play a very significant
role in any confrontation that
may take place, but it seems to
me they tend to forget the
tremendous contribution-Canada
made to the European liberation
and defence during past wars.
Of very great interest to the
delegation were talks we had for
two days in Brussels, Belgium,
regarding the organization of the
European economic
communities, better known as
the common market. The
discussions centred around Great
Britain and that they might
achieve,entry in the near future
in this community. Many
Canadians, are not aware that
this community's goals are to
achieve political union es well as
economic union and are well
advanced in that regard. The six
countries involved have set up a
central Parliament in Belgium
but the representatives are
appointed by each country's
Parliament rather than elected.
Most of the officials seem to feel
quite sure that Britain will be a
member of the common market
in about three years' time. The
system that they operate under
with regard to agriculture
products is extremely
detrimental to Canada's export
p ossibilities in agriculture
products. Prices for all
commodities are set by the
community which guarantee a
reasonable return to the
producer and any importer in
the community that imports
agriculture products from
another country is reqpired to
pay the price they can be
purchased at in that other
country as well as a levy that can
be as high as 50% on top of the
purchase price. The levy is paid
by the importer to a levy fund
maintained by the common
market, and this levy fund is
then in turn used to subsidize
exports of agricultural products,
whenever they are in surplus. As
you can see, this not only allows
them to buy our products at the
world-free market price but
when they use this additional
fund to subsidize exports to
other countries they can in
effect drive the world-free
market prices down and set the
price that we can receive for our
products from other countries as
well as themselves. In the
meantime, the United States and
Canada are expected to allow
free access for their
manufactured products into our
country and this is a tremendous
hardship on our manufacturing
firms and productive workers,
and is one very visible cause for
our present rate of
unemployment. The rate of
wages paid by manufacturers in
these European .eountries
including England,' is
considerably lower than the rate
our manufacturers are expected
to pay, so their cost of
production is lower and they can
easily compete with our
products. In this way, they
achieve the best of both worlds
and insure very nearly full
employment. If our country is
ever to achieve status as a great
manufacturing nation where we
can manufacture many of the
products now imported, often
out of our original raw materials,
it seems to me that some
consideration must be given to
the setting of import quotas of
many manufactured products,
especially textiles. Some
effective retaliation as what I
have suggested would seem
necessary, especially if Britain
should, become a member of this
European economic community.
Although water in its natural
state is never absolutely pure,
manmade pollution is modern
society's most serious water
The Clintonian Club
celebrated their 19th
Anniversary as a club with a
Turkey Dinner and Social
evening on Thursday, November
19 in the Orange Hall.
The ladies of the Orange
Lodge catered, serving a
delicious dinner, after which the
Club members went up stairs
and enjoyed an evening of games
and music with Mr. Charles
Cunningham at the piano.
The winners at Euchre were
Mrs. R. Mulholland high, Mrs. H.
Adams low, Mrs. C. Murrell most
lone hands, and travelling prizes
t baal 0%,47-4111, 1,
-going to Mrs. V. Lawman and
Mrs, C. Murrell. Other prizes
went to Mrs. Cunningham and
Mrs. Mayme Glazier.
A Moonlight Ride
While racing may be the most
exciting part of snowmobiling
for many enthusiasts, and the
aspect receiving the most pub-
licity, this old adult has most
fond memories of a much more
sentimental endeavor.
Not that it was romantic by
usual • standards, but it was —
nevertheless — A Moonlight
It began in a mundane way,
as a "family test" of the new
Mercury snowmobiles for 1971.
Conducted, late last winter thru
a delightful woods in the Wis-
consin hitherlands near that
Brunswick division's Fond du
Lac headquarters, it also
seemed an ideal time to intro-
duce wives of the staff to the
fun of snowmobiling.
It WIRS .an unexpected plea-
• „ cool clear moonlight ca-
ressing the recently fallen top
cover on the still-deep snow.
a mixture of personalities;
from the desk-bound and so-
phisticated to hard-nosed tech-
nicians and rugged outdoors-
men and women — all equally
enchanted by the majestic gran•
deur of white birch frosted by
fresh snow in the stark blue-
'white of the winter nite,
Following thorough technical
checks of the prototype ma-
chines, then an hour's smooth
ride thru the woods, there was
a simple—but delightful—camp-
fire supper in the woods.
Then, after lingering coals
had died btu, each not so young
couple took the longer way
home, one machine behind the
whet; cruising for two hours in
the frosty, tient, moonlight.
Even if 'you are streng-wRIed
enough to put aside the new
UNICEF Art ,Engegernent
Calendar until January, you may
find it difficult, once the year
begins, to ration its delights.
There is a new picture for
every week of the year; but what
begins as a casual inspection may
take you well into October or so
before you realize you have been
peeking ahead.
For these are no ordinary
calendar illustrations. They are
brilliantly coloured
reproductions of 8 x 8 foot
murals painted by children in
Mexico City for the XIX
Olympiad in 1968.
How children from Canada and,
48 other countries all over the
world came to be painting 8 x
foot murals in the middle of
Chapultepec Park is a fascinating
story of an international
experiment that grew out of one
woman's vision. Determined that
children should have some part
in shaping the society in which
they live, Senora Susana
Esponda saw, as a logical starting
point, their inclusion in the
cultural events planned for the
Following her suggestion, the
Organizing Committee of the
Games of the XIX Olympiad
extended invitations to 123
governments to send up to four
young artists — aged 6 to 15 —
to be the guests of the Olympiad
for almost a month. Forty-nine
countries responded and, after
national contests and other
methods of selection, dispatched
188 youngsters to participate in
A "Festival of Mural Painting for
Children". These were joined by
children selected from the host
A boarding school was
converted into a' Children's
Village to house them. Young
people were enlisted to act as
chaperons and interpreters.
Cultural activities, sports, field
trips, and attendance at Olympic
events were arranged, And, after
a few practice sessions, the
children went to work.
Eight-foot-square aluminum
panels had been hinged into
cubes which stood like giant
building blocks in pleasant,
grassy Chapultepec Park. Each
child was assigned one side of a
cube, provided with brushes,
pails, and pots of paint, and
assisted in gathering their
taififfrinat Mgt' brartistS whb
also served as interpreters. Their
only restriction was that their
paintings reflect some facet of
the established theme, '`A 'WOO
of Friendship",
TurtietilOPSe to elevelep their
gigantic. "canvases,'" the young
artists set -to with a will, the,
littler ones sometimes standing
On a double or triple. tier of
tables to reach the upper areas,
By the end of the fourth
morning, .chapuitepee Park had
blossomed into a fantastic maze
of flowers and landscapes and
mountains and .harbourS — and
the forms and faces of lively
young people. For more than a
month, the murals remained on
4iepiay along the Paseo de la
Reforma, and were hailed by
critics as the highlight of the
Cultural Olympics. The children
have long since returned to their
homelands, their lives
immeasurably enriched by their
remarkable experience,
But some of their paintings
remain to enrich every week of
the coming year for those who
choose the UNICEF calendar for
their 1971 engagement book.
Including the covers — a mere
hint pf the treats in store the
book contains fifty-four
full-colour mural reproductions,
accompanied by bilingual
li terary quotations. (The
paintings are printed back to
back, permitting removal of the
calendar pages at year's end to
'create a permanent art book),
The larger format, proven so.
successful last year, provides
abundant writing space on 6-1/2 x
8-3/4 inch pages. The calendar
normally comes in a bilingual
English /French version but
English/ 8 v. n
gnglish./.8-cart-din.a 044 1.
Fng.lislq.portugue,se and
-Dutch/french, versions are also
t:Chillilre.ni'tteAtivP4 aspect
of Mural. Painting is that, at the
time, it seemed to be an end in
itself. Yet the magnificent
murals of g relatively small band
-of children are abeut to embark
ir own, As
help to raise funds for
on ACcareer
countries — programmes that
can bring the first -glimmer of
hope to the hungry, the sick, the
illiterate, the displaced. —to
untold thousands of the young
The year ahead will be
brighter for everyone who buys,
for himself or for gifts, this
unusual art calendar, and if you
succumb to the urge to look
ahead in the calendar, you're
excused. Because by buying it,
you have helped a child look
ahead without dreading the
picture he might see.
NOTE: 1970/71 UNICEF
cards and calendars are now
available for examination and
sale all over Canada. Brochures
and the addresses of local outlets
can be obtained by writing: The
Canadian UNICEF Committee,
737 Church Street, Toronto 5,
Ontario, or by calling (416)
McKinley :Offends NATO
meeting in Holland
Leaves Wednesday, December 23, 1970
Returns Sunday, January 3, 1971
From $149.00
Habkirk Transit Service
Seaforth, for Brochure
PHONE 527-1222