HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-11-12, Page 5Bayfield Sea Spouts and Rangers take part in Remembrance ceremonies, ..ko•••••••••... TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH NOMINATION MEETING A Nomination Meeting will be held in the Township Hall, Holmesville, on Nov. 23, 1970, between the hours of 8 p.m, and 9 p.m., when nominations will be accepted from the Townships of Goderich and Colborne for properly qualified persons elegible for election to the Huron County School Board. At the same time and place, nominations will be received for the positions of a reeve, a deputy reeve, three animators for the Township of Goderich for a two-year term. If an election shall be necessary for any of the above-named offices it will be held on December 7th, 1970, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., at the following places and with the following deputy returning officers and following poll clerks: Ward Place beputv Returning Offider Poll Clerk N. Fuller 2. A. Sturdy 3. — A. Schilbe 4. — George Wise E. C. Tebbutt 6. — Township Office M. Mel lwain Isobel Sturdy Charles Wallis Frank Thempten D. Lobb Reg Miller C. l eckett H. IVICCabe Wm, McIlwain Ed Wise C. Ellis G. Stock. 46, 4 IO ASSESSMENT COURT ONTARIO Assessment Act 1968 - 69 TAKE NOTICE that the -first sitting of the Assessment Review Court far the year 1970 for the Municipality of the VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD In The County/District of Huron-Perth Region Will be held at MUNICIPAL HALL COMMENCING AT THE HOUR OF 10:00 A.M. NOVEMBER 27th .1970 Dated at Goderich Nelson H. Kahle, M.1,11/1,A., this 5th day of Nov., 1970 . Regional Registrar (Acting), for Assessment Region No. 24. ATTENTION: FARMERS WE WANT YOUR CORN (Storage Facilities Available At The Present Time Please Enquire) FIVE UNLOADING PITS GUARANTEE YOU FAST SERVICE HIGHEST PRICES PAID G. THOMPSON AND SONS LIMITED Phone 262-2527 Henson Clinton News Record, INrsOay. tOyernOern, J970 O. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Parker over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. W. Parker Charlie and Kim of London. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Phinney of Huntington Woods and Mr. and Mrs, Cameron Hemenway of Rexdale were recent guest of Mrs. John MacKenzie. The St. Andrews United Chureh Women of Unit one met in the sunday school room of the church Thursday November 5. Fourteen members were in attendance, A responsive devotional neriod was led by Mrs. D. Beck and Mrs. J. Lindsay, prayer by Mrs. T. Penhale. A report from Presbyterial held at Londesboro October 2 was given by Mrs. T. Penhale. PERMS Reg. $10.50 — NOW Reg. $12.50 — NOW Reg, $15.00 — NOW The business portion of the meeting was conducted by Mrs. B. Greer. Mm, L.B, Smith read an interesting article from the Huron Expositor by Susan McLean Wnite of her travels in Morocco "By Bus and By Thumb" Lunch was provided by Mrs. R. Scotchmer and Mrs. B. Dunn assisted by Mrs. B. Greer. The first meeting of the Bayfield Brownies was held Tuesday evening in the municipal building. Nineteen girls were in attendance which gave the new leaders Brown Owl Carol Penhale and Tawny Owl Donelda Sturgeon a real boost. The meetings will be held every Tuesday evening 7 to 8:15 in the east room of the 8.50 10.50 12.50 municipal building. Any :girl between 7 and 11 years of age is invited to join. The Bayfield Rangers and Sea Scouts met Wednesday evening, November 4 in the municipal building. Remembrance Day was discussed and volunteers were asked to sell poppies on Saturday. The meeting was closed and both groups went to the arena for parade practice for the Parade on Sunday. The Bayfield Rangers are to be patterned after the Sea Scouts. Their aim is to learn such things as water and road safety, all aspects of seamanship and camping. The major project for the winter will be the study of Pollution-where-why and the solution. New group formed A new group of High School aged people was formed last week. The People" met Tuesday night in the basement of the United Church. Two interesting films were shown. Slave day was discussed and the date set for Saturday November 14. On the same day a car wash is to be operating at the B.P. Garage, price one dollar per car. All members met on Monday night to make posters and decide oil- two delegates, to send to qoc-alphd, a, young =peoples conference to be held at Niagara Falls. On Monday evening the A People group met and voted to send Barbara Graham and Robbie MacVean to the Toe-alpha conference. 30 veterans parade More than 30 veterans of the two world wars joined with the Brownies. Cubs, Rangers and Sea Scouts for a church parade to , Trinity Anglican Church on Sun day. Canon F.H. Paull took the service at the church as Rev. Harrison was taking the morning service at Middleton Church: After the service all paraded to the cairn in Clan Gregor Square for a short service shared by Rev. E.J.B. Harrison, Rev. Don Beck, Rev, Larry Bigelow and Rev. Canon Paull. The Roll Call for the two. world wars was read by Eric Earl followed by the placing of the wreaths around the Cairn. Wreaths placed were: Provinee of Ontario by Mrs, G. Hopson; Village of Bayfield by Reeve E,W. Oddleifson; Legion Branch 140 by Zone Commander, Wm. Chambers; Loyal Orange Lodge No, 24 by Jack Hammond; Bayfield Lion's Club by Past President F.E. McFadden; Trinity Anglican Church 'by' Harry Baker; Bayfield Baptist Church by Mrs. R. Kerr; Bayfield Presbyterian Church by Mrs. C., Heard; Bayfield United Church by John Campbell; 1st Bayfield Sea Scouts and Cubs by John Graham and Steve Telfor; and 1st Barfield Rangers and Brownies by Katherine Westlake and Tracy Mitchell. After two minutes silence and God Save The Queen the parade moved off and was dismissed in front of the Albion Hotel. Joe Mayman was in charge of the parade and Roy Fitzsimons and son Kelso looked after details. Veterans'attending the parade from out of town were: Mr. Bill McGee of Lambeth: Wm. Chambers; Zone Commander C 1; Canadian Legion; J.D. Thomdike; Provincial Poppy Committee Chairman; Clinton; and John Deeves; Member of Clinton legion executive, alsi3 from Clinton. • .Thirty • jnembqks, ot Bayfield Historical Society opened their regular meeting at the municipal building on Monday evening with Mrs. A. §. Morton presiding. Following the secretary's report by Mrs. M. Watson and the treasurers report by Mrs. J. Mayman, the group made their way to Jack Merner's Garage where the small steam engine which had originally supplied power for Bayfield's first electric street lights back in the early 1900's was seen in operation. The engine had been donated by Mr. Ernest Pollock of Varna and had been refitted and restored by Merton Merrier. The members then returned to the municipal building where refreshments were served by Mrs. F. H. Paull, Mrs. M. Smith and Mrs. F, Wallis. President Mrs. Vic Stan presided for the November meeting of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary held Tuesday evening, November 3, and announced that Legion Zone Auxiliary card party will be held in Kincardine November 18. The group will cater to two banquets in November. A money doll draw will be held with proceeds to go to free skating for the children in the community. A Christmas party for the children of members of the Legion and Auxiliary will be held in December. The W.A. will cater for the. Legion men's dinner November 11 in the Legion Hall. The president gave a report of the Convention held at Niagara Falls. Sports Officer Mrs. Clarence Reid submitted her report of the $50.00 bill draw a very successful project. Two teams participated in i bowling tournament at Exeter recently. Mrs. E, Munn won the mystery prize and Mrs. Mary Taylor the guessing prize. Bingo was played and lunch served. The regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge . held Wednesday November 4 opened with. Noble Grand, Mrs. Elgin Thompson presiding. District Deputy President, Mrs. Gerald McFalls of Exeter was introduced and welcomed by the members 'of 4heeLodge, ',Sheywas Rresentedrikith atieersage after Which thefinstallilig; staff of District 23 Exeter were received and introduced. In business it was reported that a generous donation was given to the C.N.I.B. All officers were present at this meeting. The commission of the D.D.P. was read by Mrs. Elaine Skinner of Exeter, after which officers were installed with Deputy Marshall Mrs. Mary Fisher of Exeter in charge. Installed as officers of Amber Rebekah Lodge 349, who are as follows: Past Noble Grand, Mrs. Elgin Thompson; Noble Grand, Mrs. Jack Taylor, Brucefield; Vice-Grand, Mrs. Elizabeth Riley; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Leona Parke; Financial Secretary Mrs. Bertha MacGregor; Treasurer, Mrs. Ed Corbett; Chaplain, Mrs. Ray Consitt; Conductor, Mrs. Clarence isrucefield Mr,. and MO, RPy and. 'family 'were guests of Mr% .and .JzigicApp. over the. weekend.. 13r4Cefiekl and PPInliWnity were shocked to learn of •the sudden death .0 Mr, Malcolm. Davidson. The sympathy .pf - ftipmip goea out to the Mr, James 1r1340f9Qtt Toronto spent the weekend with. his ,pgroptg Mr, and MP, J. Rroacifgpt, Mr, and Mrs. carry Lyndon visited on the weekend with Mrs. W. Haugh. and Christine McNalighten, Mrs, Wm, Pepper is a patient Clintonin. Hospital. Mr. Victor ..Hargreaves had the misfortune to get kicked by. beast , the .40 barn is cow/mewing at his home. Volland; Warden, Mrs. Estelle Jackson. Brucefield; Musician, Mrs. Alex McBeath; Color Bearer, Mrs. Howard Lemmon, Varna; R.S.N.G, Mrs. Pearl Eyre, Brucefield; L.S,N.G., Mrs. Earl Campbell; R.S.V.G., Mrs. Margaret Ingram; L.S,V.G., Mrs. Stewart BlackWell; Aikenhead, Brucefield; and O.G. Mrs. ErneSt Chipchase. Soloist for the evening was Mrs. E. Skinner of Exeter. Mrs. McFalls was presented with a gift. A number of members spoke briefly. A delicious lunch was served. WMS meet The WMS of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their meeting on Monday evening, November 2, and had as their guests the home helpers of the church. President Mrs. R. A. Orr was in charge. Study and devotional were given by Mrs. Robert Madge and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. Those appointed for the nominating committee for the 1971 officers by the next meeting are Mrs. George Walz and Mrs. Robert Madge. Life membership certificates were presented to the two valuable home helpers, Mrs. Melvin Glanville and Mrs. A. L. Next "cr ,ineeting be,l-teld on, • 7 Deceinner "with each' member contributing their own program for the evening of a story, prayer, scripture and singing. A roll call to be answered with a favourite Christmas Carol. Souvenirs, post cards and maps from England, Wales and Scotland were shown by Mrs. Gordon Schwalm who recently came back from a 17-day conducted tour of the British Isles with the groups sponsored by the Zurich Ontario Committees, A surprise tea was served by Mrs. Orr, Mrs. H. Snell and Mrs. Schwalm. ERIC EARL 565-2805 — 565.2607 SHAMPOO & SET Reg..$2.50 . NOW....,2 00 WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO SERVING YOU . . MARY ELIZABETH " BEAUTY SALON 143 QUEEN STREET — 482.6675 46-47 OPENING SPECIAL NOV. 17 to NOV. 27 15th ANNIVERSARY APPRECIATION SALE 10% Discount OFF Of ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS MEDICATIONS VETERINARY SUPPLIES DAIRY SANITATION PRODUCTS WATER BOWLS Mb FEEDERS EolooDErlt - LAMPS AND BULBS FARM HARDWARE, ETC. ThiS Sale Will Be In Effect Until NOVEMBER 30th FEE DRAWS ON PEED H. F. WETTIAUFER 482.9/9 CLINtON News of 'tenon BY MRS. MAUDE HEDDEN ORCANA ELECTRIC ORGANS from $40,09 to $600,00 Sok! by ERIC EARL BAYFIELO 565-2805 NOMINATION NOTICE Notice is 'hereby given to the Public School Electors of the Town of Clinton, the Village of Blyth, and the Townships of Hullett and McKillop, that .Nominations for fit and proper persons (2 to be' elected) be 'Members on the Huron County Board of Education, will be received at the Londesboro Community Hall between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m., on Monday, November 23rd, 1970. Following the close of Nominations a general Meeting will be held to hear candidates and such other business as may arise. Clare Vincent Returning Officer 46,47b