HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-10-22, Page 66A Clinthh News*fiecOrd, Thursday! adt0er 22, 1970 oose Canadian- Cheeses with European sounding names such as Camembert, Gouda, Parmesan, Swiss, Mozzarella have been produced in Canadian dairies for many years. The home economists of Canada Department of Agriculture suggest that consumers look for these and other Canadian-made cheeses at your favorite dairy counter. stop Parn9for cheques Each of Ow customers is Allowed 12 free cheques each quarterly period on regular, interest-bearing savings accounts, Minimum quarterly balances of $300 are accorded '30 cheques free in that period. There is no charge at all for cheques when a minimum balance of $1,000 is maintained, Save money today at Victoria and Grey, TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSINITH Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voter's List NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied With section 9 of the Vtiters' List Act and that I have posted up at my Office at TtickersMith on the 15th day of October, 1910, the list of all persons entitled to vote in Said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate Oroceedihgs to have any errors or ornmiSsions Corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the nth day Of October, WO, bated this 15th day of betober,19/0. Jaines I. NIOIntosti, Clerk, Twp. cif Tuckerarnith, 42, 438 made cheeses There are cheeses to Suit all occasions and every person., Many of the Egropean-type cheeses are now Successfully Made in Canada, order that consumers may become aware of those cheeses, the home economists of Canade Agriculture have provided information on some of the more popular °pea. The following chart gives the types which belong on a cheese tray with or without fruit, those that are best in Main dishes or suitable to include in salads. It also gives an indication of the various flavors.and textures. If you find that some are not available at your usual dairy counter make enquiries at the store and you may find them there next time you shop! Broaden your taste in chews and try those which are made in Canada. They have the same name as the imported varieties. BLUE, creamy-white, blue-veined, semi-firm, crumbly, Piquant, peppery flavor; serve on cheese tray, with fruit and in salads, salad dressings and canapes, BRIE, creamy-yellow with tan surface, soft, smooth, elastic. Mild to pungent; serve on cheese tray with fruit. CAMEMBERT, creamy-white with grey-white mold surface, creamy consistency, depending on ripeness. Mellow to pungent; serve on cheese tray and with fruit. CHEDDAR, creamy-white to deep orange, smooth, firm to crumbly depending on age. Mild, medium or nippy flavor, depending on age; serve on cheese tray, in canapes, sauces, soups, Main dishes and salads. GOUDA, PreeMY-Yellow, coated with red wa4, firm, Prnootil, almost rubbery, Mild, nutty, kslightly acid; sere with fruit and crackers and in salads, sandwiches and satices. GRUYERE, light yellow, small holes, firm, smooth, I. ittty, salty flavor similar to Swiss but sharper; serve on cheese tray as dessert and in fondue. ' MOZZARELLA (also known as Pizza cheese), creamy-white, Semi-firm, plastic texture, -unripened. Very mild; use in Main dishes such as pizza or lasagna and in sandwiches and snacks. PARMESAN, pale yellow with dark brown surface, very hard, granular, usually grated. Sharp, pungent; use grated on spaghettis vegetables and casseroles. OKA AND ANFROM, creamy-yellow with thick russet surface, semi-firm. Full rich flavor; serve on cheese tray with crackers and fruit. SWISS (Emmenthaler), creamy-yellow, large holes, firm, smooth, hard. Nutty, sweet, mild; use in sandwiches, salads, sauces and fondues. You may obtain additional information on cheese, including the manufacture, inspection, grading, buying as well as many novel recipes by writing for a copy of publication 1396 entitled "Cheese". It is available free of charge from Information Division, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. TO DAYS CHILD BY'HELEN ALLEN 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1, Torontocrelegram Syndicate This young fellow with the winning smile is Peter, two years old, of English, German, Scottish and Irish descent. You can see what a handsome child he is, with big blue eyes, blonde curly hair and fair skin. Though Peter was born prematurely, he is a sturdy, healthy boy, developing normally. There is epilepsy in his backgrotmd, but it was attributed to a birth injury and is not considered hereditary. He is an alert, happy, sociable child who can amuse himself well but who loves to be with people. He enjoys children and likes to "help" his foster parents with what- ever they are doing. Dear little Peter needs loving parents who will not worry over limited information on his background. To inquire about adopting Peter please write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For general adoption Information ask your Children's Aid Society, bo 139/ pkg POTATO 11-oz 64? CHIPS Drumsticks 59? NECKS & BACKS lb 15c CHICKEN LIVERS lb 49( WINGS & GIBLETS lb 3 9c IENERS ROCK GA CORNISH CHICKEN Thighs & LD CUTS OKED HAM C SX Brand Family Pack 16-oz 79 pkg Burns Sliced 6-oz Vacuuk ac P m 59 Cracker Barrel Canadian Cheddar Old Coloured (5c Off Deal) KRAFT 10: 8 Varieties STEWS PURITAN Am 4 8-fi-oz tens 89 //I Hostess „_, White and Colours TOILET 'P1 SUE 417°Ilcfs 64? TS 4,044;*4010" Tomato or Vegetable 1041-oz tin Jane Parker, Daily Dated LEMO PIE full 8" 24-ox size Ontario Grown, No. '1 Grade White Table Stock otatoes Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade Crisp and Juicy McINTOSH AP ''L ROMI MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI 10-lb bag 5-lb cello bag ALL PRICES IN THIS Ab GUARANTEED EFFE6TIVE THROUGH SAT., OCT. 24, 1070 FRESH CHICKS WEST ST., GODERICH Vacuum 55 Pack 1-lb Canada Grade "A" 99 Eviscerated, Frozen 18-oz Minimum, Each Swift Premium TRY A&P% LOW PRICES SHEFFIELD HEIRLOOM QUALITY CHINA ocaturc, of the Week! With Every $3 Pur6haso DESSERT DISH- "°' CLARKS 4'4;61 .99? ' 4 NABISCO CEREALS Cream of Wheat 28-oz., Shredded Wheat 14-oz. CHEESE STORAGE All cheeses require refrigeration to maintain top quality. The soft, unripened cheeses, such as cottage and cream, are quite perishable and should be used within a few days. Ripened cheeses keep well under refrigeration,, but must be wrapped tightly in the original wrapper or aluminum foil to protect them from drying out and picking up off-flavors from other food. Any surface mold does not harm cheese and can be scraped or cut from the cheese. Scraps of cheese which have become dry and hard can be grated and stored in a covered jar in the refrigerator. Ripened cheese is best when served at room temperature. It should be removed from the refrigerator an hour or two before serving. If cheese is to be kept for several weeks it. can be frozen. Some soft , cheeses like Camembert or strong-flavored cheeses like Limburger or Parmesan will keep successfully for about 1 month at 0 degrees F. Firm cheeSes like Cheddar, Mozzarella, Swiss or Gouda will keep up to 6 months. Cream and cottage cheeses do not freeze well. To freeze cheese, home economists, Macdonald Institute, University of Guelph, recommend that it be cut in • small pieces (under one pound) and cut only one inch thick. Large pieces take too long to freeze and tend to crumble when thawed. Cheese should be wrapped very tightly in aluminum foil or a plastic material. The cheese should be thawed in the refrigerator since thawing at room temperature produces moisture and changes in texture. Food hints Good cooking means good technique, and a part of good technique, say home economists, Macdonald Institute, University of Guelph, is accurate measuring. So, measure up your technique with these standards. HOW TO MEASURE: FLOUR: Measure flours (except whole wheat and bran) after they have been sifted once. Lift the sifted flour with a spoon until the cup is heaped full. Do not shake the cup, but gently level off with a spatula or knife with a straightedge. SALT, BAKING POWDER, SODA, ETC: Measure by first shaking container to insure uniform packing. Fill cup or spoon; level off with a . straightedge. SUGAR; Measure sugar by lifting lightly into cup, leveling off with a straightedge. Pack brown sugar firMly into cup. level off, FAT; Pat in pound bricks is easily measured: each half pound represents one cup. Pat , can also be measured by displacing water. If one third cup fat is needed, fill a cup two thirds full of water, then submerge fat until the water reaches the one cup mark,. POur off the Water and remove the fat. Eat does not change in volume when Melted. When melted fat is used 4 It may be simpler to melt fat and then measu re it. LIQUID:- To Measure liquids, the cup should be on a level surface. Read the Markings at eye level to obtain an accurate ineaSure. MIglipl of the'wook :•• Cinnamon-Honey Glazed Chicken Scalloped Potatoes Harvard Beets Waldorf Salad Fruited 411Y Dessert The Ontario Food council, Ontario Departinent of Agriculture and. Food, recommends you, honey-sweeten your cooking and baking recipes for very special flavor and aroma. When substituting honey for sugar in a recipe, remember that the sweetening power of honey and sugar is equal, but the moisture content of honey is considerably higher. Therefore, for every cup of honey used, reduce, the liquid by IA cup. Best results will be obtained from recipes specifically developed for using honey, cINNAMON-HQNEY GI-AZEP CHICKEN* 1/2 cup butter 4 tsp, cinnamon 1 tap. curry powder 14 tsp. garlic powder 1 broiler-fryer, cat up 1 large onion, alieed '4 cup honey Cook butter, cinnamon, curry powder, garlic powder and onion. Wash chicken pieces, pat dry. Place in a single layer in a large shallow pan; brush with Part of the cinnamon-butter mixture. Bake at .325 degrees F. for 30 minutes, brushing several times with sauce; turn; baste again, bake for an additional 30 minutes. Canada has one tenth of the world's forests. STORAGE AVAILABLE BOATS — MOTORS — CAMPERS TRAILERS, ETC. Reasonable Rates THE BOS'N SHOP. BRUCEFIELD 482-7222 43b TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Lealand HIV, Manager 'Elgin and Kingat011 Btyifetai poded01 .524488,11): WCTORIAand GREY