HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-10-22, Page 224. q10ltran News-Record, TlwrdaY, Octoli-,Or 22, [970 " NANISAVVA:, OW.4IVP ‘M, s+l .1* • ,r. Ontario Department of Lands and Forests Turtles of Ontario Map Turtle LADIES LEATHER COATS: Reg, Value $80.00 Factory . Outlet Sale Price $69.95 TENDERS FOR GRAVEL TO BE SPREAD ON BAYFIELD ROADS 7/8 CRUSHED - CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY GRAVEL CONTRACT comPLE-reb BY NOVEMBER 30 Approximately 1,200 Yards LoWest Or Any Tend& Not Necessarily Accepted TENDERS CLOSE OCTOBER 30th Village Of Bayfield G. GRAHAM, Clerk 3b THE UAW NNW WAY BEAVER iviANI)FAcrunp HOMES WIN YOUR 1970 HOME PURCHASE FREE ASK FOR YOUR FREE 1970 HOME CATALOGUE AND DETAILS TO-DAY ALL HOMES N.H.A, AND V.L.A. APPROVED CONTACT BEAVER LUMBER STORES PHONE 357-2581 WINGHAM CLIP FOR REFERENCE CLIP FOR REFERENCE - CLIP FOR REFERENCE - CLIP FOR REFERENCE - CLIP FOR REFERENCE -CLIP FOR REFERENCE - CLIP FOR IT'S IIERE... TME OLD MIL ACTORY 1111.1ET RUTH ONTARIO Telephone 519=523.4595 October 22 through December 31 (SINCE 1894) • (We're MOVING May 31, 1971) - THIS IS THE FINAL SALE AT THIS LOCATION The Old Mill started as a tiny business to promote wool and leather products in 1960 and has grown and expanded so that our present location is no longer adequate for our production and selling needs. The Old Mill is moving, along with Atlas Fur Tanning & Dyeing Ltd., May 31, 1971, to a new location on top of a hill about two miles south of Blyth on Highway 4. We will be able to provide more adequate displqy areas and many other facilities for our customers including lots of parking space. We will also be able to provide you with more of our own products. Look for our new location sign on top of the hill two miles south of Blyth on Highway 4. We are looking forward to seeing you at this our final annual Factory Outlet Sale at this location and invite you to visit us next year at our new location. Many Prices Actually Lower Than Last Year mark indicates items selling at less than 1969. SPECIAL HOURS 9:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. DAILY FRI. & SAT. TILL 9:30 P.M. ALL 'OUR SHEEPSKINS ARE NOW COMPLETELY PROCESSED IN OUR OWN PLANT throughout most of the southern part of Ontario where there is suitable habitat. It goes as far north as Parry Sound Forest District. It ,may be found in the Lake St. Clair region in the west and in the vicinity of Ottawa in the east. In spite of this wide range, many Ontario residents are not as familiar with the map turtle as they are with other species. DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY LUXURIOUSLY SOFT GENUINE SHEEPSKIN RUGS Huron 'County F. of A. sets annual meeting. date SWEATERS & SKIRTS by Come and see our new line • Of Sweaters, Skirts, Pants, Ladies' & men's sweaters Botany Wool, Lambs Wool, Shetlands, Cashmeres, Ladies - skirts and pants made by world renowned manufacturers, Welsey of England Sr Lyle cl Scott of Scotland, P.0, Sale Prices from $9.50. $0,50 Valued at $1'2.50 • $49.05. Farmers have long been frustrated in their attempts to feed phosphorus to crops because soil ties up this element in unusable forms. But now it .appears that this feature of soil-phosphorus interaction can be a bonus in our attempts to control water- pollution. Phosphorus is one of the nutrients involved in promoting plant growth in water. The International Joint Commission is persuaded that, by reducing the amount of phosphates (compounds containing phosphorus) entering our streams, rivers and lakes, we can reduce pollution. This is the reason for the federal government's move to reduce the amounts of phosphates in laundry detergents. Dr. A. J. MacLean of the Canada Agriculture Soil Research Institute at Ottawa says that, with the focus on phosphorus as the controllable element, it will be necessary to consider not only detergents, but other sources including sewage and erosion from urban and farm lands. When minor contributors are added up, the total could be significant. Dr. MacLean's search of the scientific literature indicates that soil is extremely effective in "fixing" or tying up phosphorus. In fact, one type of New Brunswick soil can tie up 88 tons of 20 per cent superphosphate fertilizer per acre - and that's only in the top six inches of the soil. Scientists have demonstrated that there is a balance between the amount of phosphorus in solution and the amount tied to soil particles. As the supply of • phosphorus in solution is depleted, it is replenished from the supplies clinging to soil. Only trace amounts of phosphorus will leach out (wash away) to lower levels of soil, Water samples taken at the mouth of tiles draining fields indicate that very little phosphorus leaves farm fields, Phosphorus does, however, enter streams and rivers when there is soil erosion. In some cases, soil erosion can move considerable amounts of phosphorus into waterways. "But soil erosion is not strictly a farm problem," says Dr, MacLean. "In fact, new construction sites, unprotected roadsides and streambanks can be Serious sources of soil erosion." Most of the phosphorus will remain "fixed" to the soil, but program a. year ago but today still had pray 5,000 memliers across Ontario. Huron, he Said, is better off than some counties' in the ISM program because it has sold enough memberships to send two representatives to the OFA annual convention in Toronto from November 30 to December 2 (each delegate represents 250 ISMs). The division line for the two regions in Huron is the county Road running from Dunlop through Blyth and Walton. President John Stafford of Wroxeter and Mason Bailey of Blyth reported on their meeting with Huron County Council over the CFA's plea for reform of the school tax system. Mr. Stafford said he felt some of the councillors were sympathetic to their cause while others were not. He felt many were torn between their own feelings and their responsibility as municipal officials. It was also reported that the Huron Federation's new constitution will be dealt with at next month's meeting so that it may be in effect for the annual meeting on December 9. as the amount of phosphorus in solution is depleted, the soil will release additional phosphorus. As eroded soil is carried away, sand tends to be left behind and clay and silt accumulate in lakes. Many different things could happen to phosphorus entering our lakes, depending on factors such as changes in the water itself and in the mixture of other ingredients it is carrying. The sediments tend to • be enriched in organic matter and total phosphorus as compared with watershed soils. In addition, phosphorus compounds may change from aluminum and iron phosphates to calcium phosphates. Phosphorus can also be released from sediments which have settled to the bottom of rivers and lakes. "Again, the amount will depend on the equilibrium between the phosphorus in solution "'and in 'fixed' form," says Dr. MacLean. "When the concentration in solution is low, phosphorus will tend to be released from the sediments and when it is high, phosphorus will tend to be adsorbed by the sediments. "The release or adsorption of phosphorus will depend on the properties of the sediment and of the lake water. "One researcher says that, when lake conditions favor Oxidation, sediments will take up phosphorus; but, when anaerobic conditions develop at the place where water and sediment meet, phosphorus will be released, - "Another researcher says that sediment near the edge of a lake is quite different from sediment near the center. At the center, the lake was enriched in clay and total phosphorus. "And he found there was more calcium phosphate in shallow water than in deep water, The amount of organic phosphorus didn't change with depth. • "Phosphorus is one of the major essential elements in adequate supply in most agricultural soils. For this reason, and to meet apiculturel requirements, there has been considerable research on the reactions of phosphorus in soils and its release to plants. "This knowledge now finds its application in certain aspects of the pollution problem," says Dr. MacLean. "But more questions than answers remain on the contribution of phosphorus relative to other factors that promote growth of aquatic plants and pollution of waters.' Fifth in a series. This turtle is named for the markings on its shell which are similar to the lines on a contour map. The female is much larger than the weaker and more timid male. An adult female's carapace may exceed 10 inches in length, while the male's may be little more than five and a half inches. The carapace is low, with a single longitudinal keel down the centre. The rear edge is roughly serrated. The yellow or green map-like markings on the olive or brown carapace are quite vivid in young specimens but may be obscure in older ones. The plastron is usually plain but where the plates join there may be some yellow, gray or brown coloration. The head, neck and limbs are' a dark, olive green with longitudinal yellow lines. A yellow spot, somewhat in the shape of a triangle is behind each eye. The head, "especially that of the female, is large. The flat, broad-jaws are very strong and are equipped with sharp cutting edges. The feet are broadly webbed; the tail is quite short. The map turtle is extremely aquatic and inhabits large bodies of water such as lakes and rivers. It is fond of basking in the sun but always selects rocks or logs where it can see danger easily and can drop immediately into the water at the least sign of it. Any unaccustomed movement or sound, even several hundred feet away, will cause this turtle to disappear. It is alert, difficult to approach, and fortunately for the survival of the species, even more difficult to capture. These turtles often ,do their sunbathing piled one on top of another, forming several layers. If one becomes frightened, all topple into the water. The map turtle is so wary that the sound of even, one individual splashing into the water is a signal to all others within sight or earshot, to do likewise. When the turtles finally surface, they are often a good distance from where they first hit the water. The map turtle feeds with the head submerged, chiefly on crustaceans and aquatic plants. It relishes snails, crayfish and clams. The adult is more inclined to be herbivorous, but the young feed on all kinds of aquatic animals including larval insects and worms. This species usually does not make a good pet, perhaps because of its nervous disposition and rather specialized diet of mollusks. The map turtle lays its eggs in June. They hatch in late August or early September, or in the case of late laying, hatching may be postponed until the following spring, There are usually 10 to 16 eggs in a clutch, but as many as 20 have been recorded. They are white, elliptical in shape, and have a soft, flexible shell. They are Often laid at a considerable distance from the water in a flask-shaped hole. The eggs are deposited in the hole in two layers and are covered with earth. The map turtle is found Broiler marketing powers extended The Ontario Farm Products 1\10keting 13qmi. on September apPtoYect.annencnents to the Ontario Broiler Chicken Producers' Marketing Plan, which will enable the Broiler Chicken Producers' Marketing 139,ard t(I-P.9409.1. .44.0 .regulate the marketing broiler .chickens in Ontario, including the .eviscerated product originating outside the province. This .action. was necessary because of the chaotic condition of the market for broiler chicken due to overproduction outside the province. The result has been an undermining of the Ontario motet at distress prices, which has placed the whole industry in .0011ardy, In making the announcement, Mighton, Chairman, indicated that this action will assist the, Broiler Board in restoring stability in the market, not only for producers but for the industry as a whole. At the same time, the program will assure adequate supplies of broiler chickens for all Ontario markets. Sales of eviscerated and cut-tip broiler chicken from live chickens produced outside of Ontario will require a marketing permit from the Ontario Broiler Chicken Producers' Marketing Board. Genuine LEATHER MOCASSINS An excellent gift item available in 12 styles, Sale Price $1.35 to $7.95 Genuine SHEARLING' SLIPPERS Habitant Brand Made in Canada, completely lined with shearling. Men's $8.99 Ladies' $8.49 MORLANDS SLIPPERS The finest sheepskin sheathing slippers by Morlands of England for ladies and men. $12.00, $13,00 & $14.00 pr. SHEARLING WASH MITTS For washing cars and ' Windows, excellent for dusting furniture. Only $1.25 A New Line Of WESTERN RIDING BOOTS Several Styles And Colors At Factory Outlet Prices. DRESS SOCKS The popular Wolsey band name. Sizes 10.14, All colours, Regular length $1.69 Or Extra long knee length $2.29 pr. Don't- Miss this eXceOtional THE FASHION CHOICE FOR '70 et '71 ,The Old Mill is THE Leather Coat Specialist and Our Sale '70 offers the most fantastic collection yet! Our manufacturers are tops in quality and style. We have a complete line of all types of leathers and suedes, superbly coloured to accent your favourite fashion look, For a shopping experience you won't want to miss, visit us during our F.O. Sale. Priced from 99 .9. 3 to $89.95 Valued from $30,00 to $110.00 Priced from $69.95 to 5 300.00 Valued tram $79.95 to $350.00 ALL AT OUTSTANDING F.O. SAVINGS, For your convenience, we have an alteration department to take cart of shortening and minor alterations and repairs. The Huron County Federation of Agriculture set its annual meeting date as it met in Central Huron.Secondary School On Thursday, October 1. The group voted to hold this year's meeting at CJ-LS.S. at 8 p.m. and has asked Federal Agricultural Minister Bud Olson to be guest speaker. He has not yet answered the invitation. The site is a change from the past when meetings took the form of a banquet at the Hullett Township Hall at Londesboro. Members however felt that with the switch to Individual Service Memberships that hall would be too small and a banquet would be too large a project considering the number of persons expected to attend. Ontario Federation ' of Agriculture Fieldman Jerry Carey spoke to the group about commitment and abdication of responsibility. He said that there had been a lot of talk in the past in the Federation but very little commitment. He said that talking was not nearly enough, that commitment was needed. He said, "commitment doesn't mean just going along with the show". He said that the OFA had committed itself to the ISM Phosphates - a bonus in control of pollution Our Specialty - and manufactured on the premises, - We offer our own cleaning service for Sheepskins - A NATURAL GIFT - sure to please everyone, combines the ruggedness of leather with the beauty and softness of wool. LINCOLN LINE - Giant Whites. Valued at $29.95. Sale Price $14.50 ea. LEICESTER FLAIR - fashions newest decorating colours in Sheepskins - Tangerine, Mod Purple, Peacock Blue, Rhodamine Pink, Gold and many other. Valued at $29.95, Sale Price $14.50 ea. A SPECIAL LINE OF COLOURS PRODUCED ONLY for this Sale. Valued at $22.95. Sale Price $10.50 ea. DORSET LINE - smaller whites, Valued to $22,95. Sale Price $5,50, $7.50, $9.50, $12.50 ea. AREA RUGS Can be made to your specifications, WASHABLE _MEDICAL SHEARLINGS - valued in alleviating and preventing of bed sores (decubitis ulcers). Also for providing relief for those with Arthritis and Rheumatism. $10.00 ea. CAR SEATS - the most comfortable protection from cold or hot. Choose at any price or colour, Genuine Calfskin Rugs - for a decorating highlight. Valued to $35.00. Sale Price $12.50 - $18.00 GENUINE SHEEPSKIN & BUNNY FUR HELMETS, HOODS & MITTS Sheepskin hoods. Value $11.95, Sale Price $9.50 Sheepskin mitts. Value $11.9 5. Sale Price $9.50 Rabbit helmets and hoods. Value $12.50. Sale Price $9.95 'Rabbit mitts, ladies, Value $12,50. Sale Price $9.95 Rabbit mitts, children's, Value $6.95. Sale Price $4.95 LADIES WOOL SQUARES & SILK SCARVES & SASHES Priced from $1.19 to $4.50 THE WARMEST, SNOW BOOT Shearling Lined Boots Ladies & Men's By Morlands Of England Priced From $29.95 to $39.95 All Sizes MEN'S JACKETS COATS' THE OLD MILL features complete line Of Cabrettas, Suedes, Pig Suedes, Wild Suedes end Sheatlings tailored and smartly styled fringes and safaris. Prices from 19.95 to 5i99.95 Visit The Old Mill and choose froth this outstanding collection, IVIany Values lower than last year, LEATHER HATS & HANDBAGS To match your leather coat or to highlight a wool ensemble. Colourful or subdued, Suedes and Leather. Berets, turbans, toreadors, other popular styles. Priced from $10.75 to $29.95 Leather drawstring bags, fringe bags and pigskin handbags. Sale Price $7.95 to $23,95 SPORT SOCKS Coloured:- Botany wool and nylon, shrink resistant, fits Site 10.13, Red, gold, black, green, blue, sage: oboro:$11, $1.1 b 5 pr. White: wool and nylon, in stretch 2nds q u ality. a,u1 isizes,y. 79c pr. Youth's jean socks.. G'olou 7,:d pr, WOOL WORK SOCKS 100% pure virgin wool, 414. Value $2.50 pr. „,*,,, Sale price $1,50 pr. 90% pure virgin wool, blended with 10% nylon ; 31/2 lbs. Buy the dozen and save, Value $1,75 pr. Sale Price 1 pr, 2 pr. $1.40 1 dot., $8.00 SHEARLING VESTS A sure winner for the person who works outdoors or 1OVes to hunt. SALE PRICES White $9.50 - Brown $10.50 Brown-4" longer $12.50 also sheepskie key chains and flowers, REFERENCE CLIP FOR REFERENCE-cur> PC01 TOYS A delight to every child! ;Soft, 'cuddly, genuine sheepskin toys-All hand. made=-Veriotts sizes. ' TEDDY BEARS froth $7.95 to $29.95 DOGS from $3,50 to $14.95 RABBITS from $3.95 to $9.95 LAMBS 0,96 I'XIAM tAtt8 front 99c.to 0.25, CHAMOIS Excellent stocking stuffer, used for washing and wiping: cars and windows, dusting furniture, cleaning blackboards. Priced from $1.00 to $5.00 (depending on size) IDEAL FOR GIFTS -by Donegal Design. Fashion says MOHAIR SCARVES & BERETS are IN Imported Mohair from Ireland, Exciting new shades of orange, yellow, pink, brown, mauve, black, green. Scarves from $5.95 ea, to $8.95 ea, Tams from $6.95 ea, to $10.25 ea, ALSO MOHAIR, SUITS, SKIRTS & COATS, STOLES ALSO: MOHAIR THROWS A beautiful selection - the newest in colours. Size 72 x 58 $24,95 ea. Size 90 x 65 $45.00 ea, CLIP FOR R EFERENCE POR REFERENCE FOR ktEtiltalC5 FOR REFERENCE CLIP FOR