HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-10-15, Page 22Ip clintpal\teltit-Fipcord, Thuray,'QctOef ?2.,1979 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE. 9. HELP WANTED FEMALE 14, URVICES 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE 3, ARTICLES FOR RENT 4, ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES 15, TENDERS IL MO BE Ho u m xe 2' e, 1969 Pyramid Windsor del 1 x bedroom, reasonable, 00', a Phone 482-7197. -743b Sewing Machines • TENDERS COMPANION-Hoesekeeper for elderly lady. Live in; light housekeeping. Apply to 482-3877, —43p 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED _FORMAL RENTALS for men and boys. Contact Herman's Men'e, Weer, -482-9851, --,22tfP- THREE new-Style Brownie uniforms for sale, sizes 6 to 8, hats, scarfs, belts, purses etc. included. '482-9960. —43p ANNOPNCINO the PlealerPhlp for 8unkeMper .($lcar4P.0) folding hArtiteip campers and truck mount campers. End of season prices on used tag,e-long And Woods tent-trailers, kitchen shelter and utility trailer and 15' 1968. Golden Falcon travel trailer, Phone Gordon .Steepe 482-3364, —42,43b..1 For SNOW Rg114QVAl, Plainly marked sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned pp to twelve o'clock noon, Friday, October 30, 1,97(), fox the removal of snow at Clinton. Public School, Hoimesville Public School and Hullett Central Public School. §pecifications and tender forms may be obtained at the offices of Huron County Board of Education, 97 Shipley Street, Clinton, Ontario, - - Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mr. R. B, Dunlop, Superintendent of Business Affairs Huron County Board of Education. 43b FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Pickett $44 Campbell Ltd, Clinton and Goderich. —7tf4. FOUR-burner gas stove, Apartment size. Good condition. Phone 482-2843. ;_43p CASH RATE 3c Per Word Tk 25c Extra will be added to sub lasectloa it not pald within 30 at the last inmettlosi. days Servicing All. Makes New And used Sates Satisfaction Guaranteed ALEX Rut? ' 197 Bayfield. Rd„ Goderich 5. WANTED WANTED to buy — Automatic washer and dryer. Phone 527-1794 anytime after 4 p.m. —42,43,44b TADY'S coats, Parka, party dresses, like new. Size 16. Call 482-7374 evenings. —43b PREGNANT? Visit the Stork Shoppe in Grand Bend for an exciting line of fall and winter maternity wear. Open 'daily. After hours phone 238-2298. —41eow. CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent. Power trowel, small miter, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges, Form ties stocked. Phone 236-49$4 evenings or Saturdays. 2tfn MAN and his wife would like to clean houses, cottages, offices or large building. Will do painting and wallpapering, Phone Bayfield 565-2444, —41.44p HALLOWE'EN SPECIAL while they last, Free pumpkin with every bushel of apples. Juicy red McIntosh, Courtier*, Kings, Spies, Snows and Red Delicious, also fresh apple cider. Art Bell Fruit Farm, follow Hwy. $ to Hoimesville turn towards store, follow signs. Phone 524-8037. --42tfn 5244465 DEER Hunters to go on the 7th November to hunt in Dokis Indian Reserve in the French River area, Contaet Rowcliffe Motors, Seeforth or phone 482-7308. —43p RUG And FURNITURE CLEANING 12. LOST AND FOUND 4, ARTICLES FOR SALE DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per Inch ENGAGEMENTS — $1.50 DEATHS — 5c per word Minimum $1.00 IN MEM9RIAMS CARD OF THANKS 4c per word, COMING EVENTS 5c per word DEADLINE Neon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 ................/ I. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT CATTLE beast strayed to farm of Harold Penhale. Owner may have same by proving ownership and paying expenses. Phone Harold Penhale 565-527.9. —43,44,45b PAIR boy's skates, size 6. Phone 565-2726. —43b fee PLAY PEN in good condition. 'Phone 482-7246. —43b YOU can be one of 3 winners each week by joining our FREE WASH CLUB. Come in and ask for a ballot at Irene's Laundromat, 15 Rattenbury St. E. Clinton, Ont, 2tfn. By THE RESPONSURE SYSTEM 2 SHOWCASES $5.00 each. 6 chairs. 1 gas heater with fan and temperature control. See Ray's Shoe Repair, 35 Huron St., Clinton, -43b BEATTY electric ironer, 482-7631. —43b TWO used skidoo suits fc)r children, sizes 8 and 10, in good condition. Please call 527-1059. —43b PINTO horses for sale. Brood mares and colts at side. One tandem horse trailer. Phone 482-3177. —43,446 Serviceln 'b. it a STRAYED from Lot 3, Concession 6, Hullett, 2 heifers — one Hereford, other red with white band. Any information contact W. C. Millson, 527-1167. —43b 17. NOTICE to CREDITORS APPLES for sale. Early apples fresh daily at Del-Mac Fruit and Variety Clinton or Del-Mac Orchards, Bayfield. Phone orchard 482-7289 or store, Clinton 482-7635. —33tfn TIMBER WANTED, immediate payment for good standing 'timber and bushes of all kinds. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, giving location. and telephone number, or phone 232-4450 before 8 a.m, or after 6 p.m, — 15tfri Cal I MOBILE HOMES for rent. Laundromat facilities available. Morgans Mobile Homes, Phone 482-7066. —43-44b In the Estate of MYRTLE OLIVE COOK, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of above-named, who died on the 3rd October 1970, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of November 1970, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 15th day of October, 1970. E. B. MENZIES, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate —43,44,45b LAKE CITY A comprehensive line of PET SUPPLIES as well as houseplant specialties, bulbs and fall gardening requirements; wild bird feed and feeders, available at Clinton Farm Centre, 482.9333, 22 Isaac Street, Clinton. —43tfn HOME CENTRE LTD. Dial 524-6126 For Free Estimates 38tf 13. MISCELLANEOUS 1963 — 10' x 52' PYRAMID 2-bedroom mobile home with porch. Good condition, reasonable. 482-3821, —43b WALLA UT nowis and other hand-turned articles. Make nice gifts. At rear of 84 Albert Street,, Clinton:. John Plumtree, phone 482-9695. — 2tfn. FREE ELECTRIC GUITAR after 10 lessons to guitar students, Instruments for sale and rent to students. Phone H. Pulsifer, 482-7166. —39tfn 6. AUTOS FOR SALE REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying,- expertly done. All odd . jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken MeNairn. — 2tfn. 1968 HOLIDAY 22-ft. tandem, fully equipped cabana, new condition. 482-7838. —43b • WHITE electric sewing machine, $20.00 482-3469. —43b ADDING MACHINES for sale. Anstett Jewellers Ltd., Clinton. Phone 482-9525. — 9tfn. 14. SERVICES APPLES: Spy, Tolman Sweets, King, Snows etc. Also cider apples. Free delivery in Clinton. Phone 482-3214, Fred McClymont, Varna. —43,44p .41*Atimit,,,,,..$0,746 44eaffy ca...,?v•vdt E IP 11* Si Rainbows and coho are on the move. For the ardent fisherman we have Mepps, lures, 85c to $1.50 X4 & X5 flatfish each $2.00 Cockatush (spinner fly) ea. 95c Thompson spoons No. 00 ea. 45c — No. 0 ea. 50c EGB assorted ea. $1.35 Willowleaf lures ea. 90c Also see our assortment of rods, reels, lines, etc. at ELLWOOD EPPS SPORTING GOODS LTD., 80 King St., Clinton, Ont. Phone 482-9622 42 ONE-BEDROOM unfurnished modern apartment, Available immediately, Contact 482-9644. —38tfn CUSTOM.' KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY — Beef and. Pork Thursday — Beef Only 'PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner'S Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood SKIL and Pioneer Chain Saws, two of Canada's leading chain saws. Most models on display, Complete parts and service — Robert Glen Saws. Phone 4 8 2 - 9 2 9 2 Clinton. —41,42,43,44p 15. REAL ESTATE How irony ads do you see for 100,0 guaranteed used cars? TWO bedroom apartment and store space for rent, Phone 482-7833. —13tfri TWO oil burners; electric stove and refrigerator, phone 482-3177. —43b MODERN 2-bedroom insul-brick house in Brucefield, 482-7174. —43b ONE bedroom furnished, heated apartment, now available. Phone C. Van Demme, 108 Ontario Street, 482-6685. —32tfn Not enough. These cars are guaranteed 100%, We'll repair any major mechanical part* for 30 days or 1000 Miles, (These cars have passed a safety and performance inspection. We've completely overhauled' and reconditioned them.) So after you've looked through the rest of the ads, come back to this one. *engine • transmission • rear axle • front axle assemblies • brake system , TEN Speed CCM racing bicycle 49-96 year range, very little use. Racing spikes size 7 in new condition. Motor cycle helmet like new. Phone 482-9556 or call 133 Raglan St. Clinoton. —41,42 p Broken or Cracked Windows? NEW 2 bedroom brick veneer house, 4-piece bath, rugs and cushion floor throughout. Electrically heated, $16,500.00 Phone Goderich, 524-7014. —42,43b In the Estate of GEORGE WILLIAM SHIPLEY, late of the Township of Hullett in the County of Huron, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named, who died on October 3, 1970, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of November 1970, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the ;undersigned shall then haVe- notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 9th day of October 1970. E. B. Menzies, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, • Solicitor for the said Estate. —42,43,44b QUICK cash to pay bills or make a purchase. Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit, 524-8349, — 25.48b ONE bedroom, self-contained, furnished, heated apartment. Roy Tyndall, 482-7865. —31tfn Wood or Aluminum Sash NEW mink capes. Also wood for stove and fireplace. Phone 482-3842. —40tfn Large building in Goderich on Hamilton Street now occupied by Canadian Tire Service Centre available for rent October 15. Suitable for garage, workshop or small manufacturing. Parking. For information phone 524-7255. —40tf PRIVATE Sale in Blyth — One year old red brick bungalow. Three bedrooms, large family size kitchen, close to churchs and schools. Call Myth 523-9286. —42,43b WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts, Our work assures yon satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest EstablisheC Jewellery Store,.. Clinton, Ontario. —tfb. 1970 DAUPHIN SNOW- MOBILE, 19 h.p., Hirth engine, like new condition, Never licensed. $495.00. Trade or ALL SIZES REPAIRED HERE Ball_$•MtOtchtt HOME FURNISHINGS LTD. 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9622 80 King Street f .5"ka of .0/a4. A; '`'.."' . ---teriiise*$ McGee ,ePontiac-Buick, .,' e eS l,°1,w.-ree,e“L”,. •.,-- ee•..,' ..4 ] 0 Goderich. 524-8391. —42 1969 Volkswagen Fastback, one Owner, low, mileage,' fuel injection, radio, $1995.00. Lie. E81271. 1969 Deluxe Volkswagen, one owner, radio, $1695.00. Lic J58187. 1966 Volkeswagen deluxe, one owner, only 47,000 miles, radio. $945. Lic. A35637. 1965 Deluxe, blue, matching interior, low mileage, very sharp. Lie. 95052N $845.00, o Owners have given me orders to 11111111111111111111111111.11M11111111=1111.111 sell. '-jACkk rrilircatair F urniture repaired, wood turning a specialty. At rear of 84 Albert Street, Clinton. Phone 2182-9695. — 2tfn. and E 11° PS ONTAR 1 0` Owned and Operated by V. E. COLLINS and P. 8. GEMEINHARDT TWO bedroom' heated apartment, furnished.' Phone 482-7607 after 5 p.m. —39tfn. OPEN FOR OFFERS. Summer cottage in Bayfield Village. Summer cottage. Private subdivision. Close to lake. , Lakefront cottage, north of 3ayfield. Brick cottage in A-1 shape for retirement people. Lauckner Real Estate. Call — Adam Flowers — 565.2813 Bayfield, Ontario. —33tfn Phone 4824505 BROADLOOM -1 CLINTON'S CELANESE CARPET CENTRE *Will to Wall Installation or Area Carpet& *Samples shown in you home. *Free Estimated. *Guaranteed Installations. There's a,Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. SMALL apartments, furnished and unfurnished, heated. Phone 482-6692, —40tfn VACUUM cleaners; sales and service for all makes, R. K. Peck,' Varna, phone Hensel! 262-5748 —2tfn. ATTENTION FARRIERS! ON ALBERT Street, six-room duplex, on one floor. Gas heated. Available November 1. Apply to Milton Wiltse, 482-9427. —41tfn 21. ENGAGEMENTS LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured don't take' chances. Expert work 'done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. Clinton, Ontario. —tfn. AT Don Taylor Motors Limited. Main Street — Exeter DIAL 235.1100 Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Webster, RR 3, Lucknow, are happy to announce the engagement of their only daughter' Edith Viola Jean to Atlee Wise III, son of Mr. and Mrs. Atlee Wise Jr. of Akron, Ohio, U.S.A. The marriage will take place in the Pine River United Church, Saturday, November 14, 1970 at 5:00 p.m. —43b TWO-BEDROOM apartment, completely redecorated. No pets or children. $65.00. Goderich 524-7014. —42,43b E. FARM SERVICES A. FOR SALE FARM hardware water bowis. and feeders. Milking machine parts, cleaners and disinfectants. Animal health aids and Purina livestock feeds. All available at Clinton Farm Centre, 22 Isaac — 482-9333. —40tfn. ARCHER'S FOUR—BEDROOM house for rent, $100 immediate occupancy: Call 482-7893 after 6. —43tfn Quality you can trust' From 1966 PLYMOUTH Stationwagon, automatic, power equipped. In excellent condition. 482-7514. Reasonable. —43p FARM SALES & SERVICE Agent for: Equipment Ralco Stable Cleaners with the swing elevator "built like a bridge'." We are manufacturing hog pen panelling. TEL. 482-9167 267 VICTORIA ST. Hwy. No. 4 South For all your pressure system equipment and service, see Russ Archer for experienced service. FARM LOANS — $50.00 to, $5,000.00. Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit, for special farm repayment terms. Phone 524-8349. — 25-48b SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAPORT"-, PHONE 482-3320 — 2tfn BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Pitons-4824505 Clinton —5tfn DOWNSTAIRS bachelor apartment, furnished and heated now available. $55.00 month. C. Van Damme 482-6685. —tfn-b 22. BIRTHS Albert Street Office 482-3821 5 years young, 4 bedroom home, modern two storey construction, 1'/s baths, electric heating, cheery kitchen with lots of cupboards, dining area plus carpeted living room. Heated basement and partially finished rec room add to the value. 1963 CHEVY II, automatic, radio, reasonable. Please phone after 6 p,m. 482-3221. —43b 1,000 bales of hay, 10 can milk cooler. Phone 482-3206, —42,43p eth FOSTER: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foster (nee Bonnie Boyes) announce the arrival of their young son, Glenn Andrew, on Monday, September 28, 1970 in Lion's Gate Hospital, North Vancouver, B.C., a grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boyes. BULLDOZING. Call Chas. Bruinsma, RR 2, Goderich, 524-9804, 2 miles east on Highway 8. —37tfn. 1962 PONTIAC 4-door sedan, automatic transmission, good running condition. Selling price $450.00 or best offer. Can be seen at 239 Maple St., Clinton, Ont. —43p B. CUSTOM WORK Seasonal Coverage... AVAILABLE for Custom Plowing. Edward Szusqz, 523-9307. —43,44p Chuter Plumbing Heating & Electric Furnace Installations DeLaval Milker Supplies Appliance Service 46 King Street Ph.482-7652 2tfn. FALL BLANCHARD: To Cpl. and Mrs. James Blanchard, Adastral Park, in Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, October 14, 1970, a daughter. FAST 2-hour car buyers loan service — loans $50,00 to $5,000.00. Call Don Denomme„ Trans Canada Credit, 524-8349. — 25-48b AVAILABLE for Custom Plowing. Edward Szusz, 523-9397. —43,44p Downtown area, convenient to shopping and post office, we invite you to see the possibilities in this stately red brick home solid as a rock, suitable for duplexing or for the large family. F.A. oil heating, asking only $8,5 0 0,00, private mortgage available. _ _ Truly a lovely home, 11/2 storeys, rug brick; choice location, well treed property. Your opportunity to own one of the finer homes in Hensall. Call now for more information. IS IN THE AIR WARM I COMFORTABLE ' CAR COATS AND CASUAL JACKETS LEATHERS SUEDES MELTONS — NYLONS, Etc. Pile or Quilted Linings Some Zip Out Liners from — 19.95 up D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE MACAULAY: To Mr. and Mrs. Doug Macaulay, Clinton, in Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, October 19, 1970, a daughter, Lisa Marie. 1970 MUSTANG Fastback, automatic, P.S., P,B., console, warranty. Best offer. Call after 5 p.m. 524-7677. —42,43b SCREENED TOP SOIL CEMENT GRAVEL Lyle Montgomery 482-7644 evenings or 482.7661 17tfn TEN young sheep. Lance Saddler, RR 2, Clinton. —43p WANTED Dead and disabled cattle and horses, highest prevailing prices paid. 24 hour service — 7 days a week Fast, Efficient Service Call Collect Brussels 887-9334 BRUSSELS PET FOOD Supplies 11/2 miles south of Brussels Lie. No. 273-C-70 4 FALCON Spring Shorthorns, 2 bulls, 2 females, sells at Stratford Shorthorn Sale Thursday Oct. 19th, 1 p.m. 1 bull, 1 female sells at Erin Sale on Saturday Oct. 31. Frank Falconer, RR 5, Clinton. — 43p 7. PET STOCK RAIDT: To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Raidt, RR 1, Clinton, in Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, October 19, 1970, a daughter, Wendy Eleanor. SIAMESE kittens. Phone 482-3252, —43 BACKHOE WORK Escavating, Trenching, Etc. GRAVEL AND FILL LOADER WORK Light Dozing, Loading And Backfilling Lyle Montgomery 482.7644 evenings or 482-7661 EXETER 3 bedroom I floor brick cottage, clean and neat, bright family sized kitchen, spacious living area, F.A. oil heating, well located, close to schools. Excellent value at $11,500.00. C LI NTON 3 bedroom frame construction, right downtown close to shopping area, room for the children to play. Many desirable feateres. Please call for further information. We have many excellent properties listed at our office. Farms, homes, businesses. Peel free to drop in and talk Over your requirements.. REMEMBER OUR SLOGAN Whether buying bY selling, the man to See is McIntee, 8. HELP WANTED MALE DUPEE: To Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dupee, Clinton. in Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, October 20, 1970, a daughter, Tammy Lynn, SPRING Holstein heifers due October and November. Lot 5, Concession 13, Stanley Township. E. Gingerich, 236-4676. —43,44b SELL REAL ESTATE Join Ontario's most progressive Real Estate Broker, experience not hecessary, Excellent supervision and commission arrangements. High advertising quota, call or write, Len Girard, Manager, H. Keith Limited, 924 Dundas Street. London,, 672.3333.-42,43,44b 40tfn HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL 17tfn 23. DEATHS We do of types JEWELLERY REPAIR * king Siting * Clew RetipPing * Watch Repair TEt*AT w eu JtEronElLepEanir ANS s LTD.. Clinton, Seaforth and Walkerton 12tfn, _EBNIMiNIMNBNANrmoimiwas LICENSED ELECTRIC/AN, Johnston Electric. Custom Wiring also eavestroughing, Bayfield, 566-838, —42tfn MAN' with 1/2 tori truck will clean basements, garages, ete., of waste materials; also Will do email moving jobs or cartage. Phone 482-3331. —Mtn, MURRAY: Pasted away at St, Mary's Hospital, Kitchener on Monday, October 19, 1970, Beatrice Rose Murray in her 57th year, following a brief illnee,s. Born in Harriston, Mrs. Murray was a resident of Waterloo for the patt ten years, Surviving besides her husband, Elmer are one daughter, Mrs. John (Gayle) Wise, Clinton, one sister Mrs. Eldon (Eileen) Demerling, Harriston and two grandchildren. MrS. Murray, the former Beatrice Rose Warden, was a member of lcnox Presbyterian Church, Waterloo. The funeralservice was held at Ratz-Bechtel Funeral" me Kitchener on Wednesday, October 21, 1970, with interment in Memory Ciarderis. FOR FALL ALL WEATHER COATS TOPCOATS ,SUITS CO-ORDINATES 9. HELP WANTED FEMALE CLINTON AVON CALLTiNIGI For you to join the thousands Of housewiVeS who are enjoying good earnings and meeting interesting People. Call coiled evenings, Mrs. Milleore Lemdoh, 451-0541. —39,41,43b We pay highest prevailing pried for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 001.111d6. Smaller animals picked up as 6 service to you. 24-Hour Service-7 Day's A Week Call Collect 482-9811 License No, 237-0-70 —41ten Clinton Community Auction 5alet EVERY FRIDAY EVENING 7:30 p.m, TERMS: CASh JOE COREY Sales Manager CLARKE ZINN 324 ()Marie Street Clinton Phone 482-7838 PHOTO LISTING SERVICE Pickett & Campbell wig Baby sitter in my OWn honie to Care for 2 school-age children and do light housekeeping. ,M.9686,