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Clinton News-Record, 1970-10-01, Page 18
E VALUE YOUR BUSINESS. As you know, retail :business h changed a great deal in the Post ten yours, Today's large-scale oper- ations provide greater efficiency and a Wider variety of Products. Within the past decade, for example, our company has cut its profit margins significantly, has tripled its sales, and has increased the number of its retail branches from seven to eighteen. We have intro- duced many new products and have improved our methods of doing business. We at Conklin Lumber are most proud of our, record as a friendly, efficient company; and we intend;to maintain our high level of cour- teous service to our customers. Over 300 contractors make their pur- chases regularly through Conklin's eighteen branches. Each month; several thousand homeowners also purchase from our company. We value your business, no matter how small or large. If you are in- terested in courteous assistance and the lowest possible prices, Sincerely, why not telephone or visit the Conklin branch in your area? 147 LANSDOWNE AVENUE • KINGSVILLE, ONTARIO oo YOU 7T© Jo5 {34 IL 1 Special! 26"x36 " GARBAGE BAGS EXTRA TOUGH 25 ONLY 99 Heavy Duty 18"x20 HAND! FOR BATH BAGS KITCHEN AUTOS 15 CZ' 34' A CUT FUE L COSTSWITH Depen a e Economical LOOSE WOOL 3 Cu. Ft. WiC)Y.3 (3) Reg. $1.55 Per Bag NOW At All 18 Conklin Branches no &pH Mow fa Fgairtous OLODIM PANTS 10%oFF IODUCTORY F FE p This week and next, we're % celebrating 2 occasions our 87th Birthday Sale and the introduction of famous Glidden Paints at all our branches. To mark the event we're offering 10% off OUR COMPLETE LINE OF GLIDDEN PAINTS, PITTSBIAGN PAINTS AT OfgRATRa * Gederich, C yen Sound, West Larne, Kingsville and Amherstburg Only, EMS ol ,1111 do, INSULATION „„,„00, ( Keep Your Home COOLER in Summer and WARMER in Winter MICAFIL Reg. $2.16 INSULATION BIG 4 cu. ft. Bag • 100 SQ. FT. rolls, Reg. $2.55 • 250 SQ. FT. rolls, Reg. $4.50 • 500 SQ. FT. rolls, Reg. $8.95 36" ALUMINUM FOIL 0.30 $3.87 $7.1.17 POST FORM COUNTER TOPS The edge nosing and back-splash are molded with the counter surface to eliminate hard-to-clean corners. Top grades of Arborite, Formica and other plastic laminates are used in most attractive color com- binations, S p, 8' Length Now Only ' CAVAIOTO PLASM LAMMATE1 For Counter Tops.4'x8I only $12 '117 10' Length Now Only NEW FLOOR RESILACRETE Six bright, attractive colors. Dries and cures quickly. Gives floors a bright, glossy, colorful appearance. Tough, long-wearing - positively non-slip finish. Provides a superior surface for tile (ordinarily, paint should be removed be- fore tiling). $3.25 QTS. NOW $2.87 Reg. $10.95 Per Gallon 9.87 For Stucco, Poured Concrete or Block - "NEW WALL" Seven attractive colors. Decorates beautifully. Waterproofs any masonry wall. It even fills and smooths small holes and cracks. Ready mixed, ready to use as it comes from the can . . . INT.ERIOft,,or-EXTERIQR . . Reg. $9.00 Per Gal. SILVERLINK GALVANIZED CHAIN LINK FENCING 50-FT. ROLLS REG. 36" HIGH NOW ONLY $9.95 • FREE DELIVERY Prices in Effect While Stocks Last YEAR-END Close-out SPACEMAKER Sheds • 6'x5' Economy Model, Only $57.87 $93.87 $102.87 -vv ,A1 CHAR rr AT CONKUN'S On The Easiest Terms • 8'x5' SPACEMAKER, Only • 8'x7' SPACEMAKER, Now Standing is William D. Conklin, retiring President who now becomes Chairman of the Board, In the right foreground is the founder of the company, the late David. Conklin. The little fellow on the knee of his grandfather, the late William Conklin, is the company's new President, Dr. David W, Conklin, Ph.D. Dr. Conklin received his undergraduate education at The University of Toronto, his Ph.D. in Economics at The Massachusetts Institute of TePbOology. He has done research and consulting work for The Royal Commission of Farm Machinery, The Ontario Treasury Department and The Canadian International Development Agency. In addition to several articles, he has published a book, "An Evaluation of Soviet Profit Reforms," During the three years, prior to his becoming President of his family's company, he taught in the Economics Department of The University of Western Ontario. .0NKL.IN'S: A 1.;Alli111.Y. .131,1$INE$$ R FOLIF1 ,051\1:5RATION8 lected ith in Pr t eh-Aka& 'he, om cony C • ELM WITH MAKORE INLAY, 3/16" Our Reg. Price. was $10.45, You Pay Only AMERICAN BLACK WALNUT, 1/4 " BM Prefinishedl Reg. $19.95, You Pay Only • BOOK MATCHED EURASIAN TEAK, 1/4 -14 87 . Our Reg, Price was $19.95, You Pay Only AMERICAN BLACK WALNUT, 3/16" 1187 Our Reg, Price wan $13.95, You Pay Only . TEAK, 3/16" - 4'x8' 11.87 Our Reg. Price was $13.95, You Pay Only ELM PAINTED GROOVE, 3 /1 6" Our Reg, Price was $8.95, You Pay Only Save Too On Look At How Much You Save On Our 4'x8' Cavalier Line of GOLD LABEL PLYWOODS, CALCUTTA WALNUT or CALCUTTA TEAK 4'x8' NOW CAVA1 Ff" PR Pecan Tritone CAPRI V-Grooved PLYWOOD 41 x81 4017 Now Only 1111 nymiteutuvim wand *I U/Kialla frall PECAN-WALNUT AVOCADO OAK 4'x7' '5 0 87 4'x8' '6.87 Save Over $2.00 Per Sheet On 3 /1 6"-IN A CHOICE OF SUNSET ASH OR ANTIQUE ASH r? /7 Reg. 8.95 4'x8' Panel MAC-PLY Random Grooved HARDWOOD PLYWOOD 7.87 14.87 NEW! 3/16" COLONIAL PLANK RED BIRCH, AVOCADO BIRCH OAK OR ELM ow Onl 4'x 8' PANEL 1/4 " SOLID, SHEATHING, 4' x 8' 11111111111•11=111111111111•11111111•1 HOW'S THIS FOR OUTSTANDING VALUE The Waterproof Panel With The Textured Surface! ASPENITE INDOOR-OUTDOOR PANELS NOW 18 CONKLIN YARDS KINGSVILLE 733-2341 TO SERVE YOU . . • AMHERSTBURG 736-2151 LA SALLE 734-7868 BELLE RIVER 24 RIDGETOWN 674-5465 111MMTrilliirMMIN COMBER 687-2401 oTTAM 839-4777 WOODSLEE 16 ' HARROW 738-2221 EXETER 235-1422 GODERICH 524-8321 RAND BEND 238-2374 THEDFORD .- • 991 OWEN SOUND 376-3181 KINCARDINE 396.2703 SOUTHAMPTON 797-3245 !I411cTlAVASinE 733;2341 INCLUDING OWEN SOUND, KINCARDINE, SOUTHAMPTON ASPENITE FOR PATIOS & FENCES, REC. ROOMS, COTTAGES, FARM BUILDINGS, GARAGES Decorative wood flake pattern with weatherproof resin bond. Strong, warp resistant. Takes paint or stain beautifully! 14" SANDED ONE SIDE, 4' x 8' VINYLIN K El...'144:11:4111"blAN.1/711 ,11.1 11,11111/1 IMMO RUM WM • Now Only 69.95 VINYL COATED CHAIN LINK FENCE GUARANTEED 12 YEARS REGULAR $16.95 50-Ft. Rolls - 36" High 5.26 GW's Government Approved "Vinylink" never rusts; a tough, smooth vinyl jacket over hot- dipped galvanized steel wire gives ultimate protection for years and years! A PERSON f?k,FaTr Esfl10?1 PFT-n4eIsnWT111M ITtr V - !lean 1Novics Tit Eliminate Conorete Dust!" * Q-TUBE CAULKING COMPOUND - Each Now Only 35c * IKO SELF-SEALING 210-113. SHINGLES - Cash & Carry Per Sq.. .. $8.87 * OLYMPIC STAIN Now Only * fk a/ wr-‘j . Per Quart Only $7,47 Per Gal. * 3/8" K3 PARTICLE BOARD, 4' x 8' Sheets Now Only $4.50 *'/2" K3 PARTICLE BOARD, 4' x 8' Sheets Now Only * P.V.C. CORRUGATED P2, A 6 145, 10 F. $2.8 ELSt -So1id9Vinyl in White,' Green or Yellow .80 26" x 8 Ft. $2.29 . 26" x 12 Ft. $3.49 Barry One-Piece 8' x 7' STEEL GARAGE DOORS Easily installed. Perfectly engineered. Glides on nylon rollers - its face and frame are made of durable Satincoat Steel that is corrosion resistant and weatherproof. Fully guaranteed for 5 years. Includes hardware.