HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-10-01, Page 9a I • • • • " r/U—VII V w a' 10 1°141 war.. - • - -s—s-a _ af • .# . _ 17, NOTICE to 19, AUCTION SALES r.4 22. BIRTHS .ewe onsoll , -. „3..)V1)114. iviA91):g IlED4N• \ \ \SOO.. \ \ 'Os \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ‘. • \ \ / / AUCTION BALE of the Estate of George Fairserviee, from 225 Spencer Street, Clinton, with other additions added from other estates, on Saturday, October 3rd, at 1 p.m. the following: 2 pc. chesterfield suite; 2 davenports; upholstered arm chairs; side chairs; 10 beds, complete with springs and mattresses; dressers; wash stands; coauriodes; 21 inch television; electric range; electric refrigerator; washing machine; power lawn mower; kitchen cabinet; kitchen tables; kitchen chairs; small tables; tri-lights; table lamps; antique dishes; fancy dishes; kitchen dishes; Cooking utensils; 5 coal oil lamps; glassware; garden tools; carpenter's tools; a full line of household effects, numerous other articles including a 1957 console sedan (23,000 , Terms—Cash Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. —40B a- 20. NOTICES NOTICE n, Corporation of the Township of Goderich ,Take notice that the above is a true copy of a By-law passed by the Council of the Township of Goderich on the 14th day of September, 1970, and all persons are required to take notice that any one who desires to apply to have the by-law or any part thereof 'quashed must serve notice of his application upon the Head or Clerk of this municipality within 20 days after the date of the last publication of this notice, and must make his application to the Supreme Court of Ontario within one month after the said date. This notice was first published on the 17th day of September, 1970, and the last publication will be on the 1st day of October, 1970. R. E. Thompson Clerk 38.39-40B TOWNSHIP OF GODER ICH " By-Law No. •3-1970 A 1337:-IXW-15 'raise U130,000.00 to aid in the construction of tile drains. The Council of the Township of Goderich pursuant to the Tile Drainage Act, enacts as follows. ,The Reeve may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this By-Lavit, borrow on the credit of the corporation of the Municipality, such sum, not exceeding in the whole $200,000.00, as may be determined by the Council, and may in manner hereinafter provided, issue debentures of the corporation in such sums as the council may deem proper for the amount so borrowed, with coupons attached as provided in section 4 of the Act. 2. Subject to section 10 of the Tile Drainage Act, when Council is of the opinion that the application of any person to borrow money for the purpose of constructing a tile drain should be granted in whole or in part, the Council may be resolution, direct the Reeve to issue debentures as aforesaid and to borrow a sum not exceeding the amount applied for, and may lend the same to the applicant on the completion of the drainage works. 3, A special rate shall be imposed, levied and collected over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the money is borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the principal and interest, as provided by the Act. Read a 1st and 2nd time for Jan, 5.1970 Read a 3rd time and passed, Sept. 14 -1970, E.U. McIlwain - Reeve R, E. Thompson - Clerk. 38-39-4013 21. ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs. James Lockwood, Calgary, Alberta, are pleased to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Maureen Margaret to Mr. John Mcainchey, son of Mt. and Mrs. Gordon Meelinchey, Auburn, Ontario. The wedding will take place on Saturday, October 24th, 1970, at 4 p.m, in McDougall United Church, Calgary, Alberta. Pastor Rev, Roberts will officiate, —40P START SO St LY. ,,1 ,0)1 JAMES GORDON NAYLOR James Gordon Naylor of Auburn, died suddenly Thursday, Sept. 17 at Wingham and District Hospital. He was 59. • He was a son of the late George B. Naylor and the former Elizabeth Robinson, he was born May 4, 1911 in East Wawanosh Township. He was predeceased by a daughter Kay in 1963. He was a member of Knox United Church, Auburn. Surviving besides his wife, the former Jessie Moss whom he married June 9, 1939 are two daughters Mrs. Alex (Jean) Macinnis, RR 1, Belgrave; Doris at home; three sons George of Toronto, Bill and Glen at home; also seven grandchildren. Funeral service was Saturday, Sept.. 19 at Arthur's Funeral Home, Auburn with Pastor Alfred Fry officiating. Interment in 'Wingham Cemetery. Pallbearers were Ted Mills, Gordon Miller, Andy Plunkett, William Hardy, Ernest Snowden and Jim Finleon. FRANK-TYNDALL Funeral services were held on September 24 for Mr. Frank Tyndall who passed away in Clinton Public Hospital in his 81st year. Born in 1890, the eldest soh of the late Mr, and Mrs. Lodi Tyndall, he had farmed the greater part of his life in Hullett Township. His wife, the former Emilia Pickett predeceased him in 29, BUSINESS OPP, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EARN MONEY IN SPARE TIME Men or Women to re-stock and collect money froth New Type high quality coirebperated dispensers in your area, No, selling. To qualify, must have cat, references, $750, to $3,000. cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly Can net excellent 'income, Mote full time. We invest with you — and establish your "route, For personal interview write: B. V, Distributors,Litnited, 2486 Teouniseli Road East, Windsor 10, Ontario, Itielude phone number, —40P It's our 1St "THE ENTIRE FAMILY" CLINTON ONTARIO A GOOD SELECTION OF LADIES', MEN'S & CHILDREN'S SHOES AT VERY LARGE DISCOUNTS (THESE ARE DISCONTINUED STYLES AND LINES) OCTOBER 1, 2 & 3 ONLY ALL SALES CASH — NO REFUNDS — NO RETURNS BRING IN THIS COUPON FOR YOUR ENTRY IN OUR FREE DRAW PRIZES: 1 Pr. LADIES' DRESS SHOES 1 Pr. MEN'S DRESS SHOES 1 Pr. CHILDREN'S DRESS SHOES NAME ADDR ESS PHONE HOLLAND SHOES DRAW OCTOBER 9th, 1970 SALE WILL CONTINUE OCT. 5 to 10 WITH 10% OFF ALL OUR PRESENT STOCK 'TO MAKE WAY FOR WINTER LINES HOLLAND'S 474 SHOES Clintfe $1345 1966 PONTIAC Paritienne 4 door sedan, V-8 automatic, power steering, and brakes, radio, whitewall tires and Wheel disc* License J65505. $1345 1966 CHEN/. 2 Door hardtop, V-8, radio, whitewalls, and wheel discs. License 4964, T. MURPHY LTD. -and ChryAer /kiwi up the actionlIN ary SEE ALL DON'T MISS THIS "ALL INDOOR SHOW" FREE COFFEE AND DONUTS OCT. 6 & 7 We're open These Evenings 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. USED CAR FEATURES ON DISPLAY 1969 CHRYSLER Newport 4 door , • sedan, V.8 Automatic, power, steering, brakes, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs. Licente 719431 $2795 in the Estate of GEORGE. WILSON, late of the Township Of Stanley in. the PoniatY of. Huron, Retired Farmer, 'Deceased All Persons haying claims against the Estate of the above-named, who died on the 11th August 1970, are reggired to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of October 1970, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 24th day of September, 1970, E. B. MENZIES, 9.C, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. —40,41,42B 19. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Household Effects from the Blyth Arena, Blyth on .Saturday, October 10th, at 1 p.m. the following: 3 piece velour chesterfield suite; 21 inch television; rugs; scatter mats; oak round pedestal table; cabinet radio; dining room table; sideboard; cabinet gramophone; piano stool; oak desk secretary; telephone gossip table; walnut serving cabinet; numerous small .tables; 2 platform rockers; rocking chair; 3 wicker chairs; 2, ' small' rocking chairs; childs rocking chair; glass front kitchen cabinet; 2 kitchen tables; numerous kitchen chairs; 2 studio couches; davenport; day bed; brass bed complete; spooled cherry bed complete; 2 wooden antique beds complete; vanity , dresser and bench; other dressers; wash • stands; 3 wardrobes; large cherry chest of drawers; small cherry chest of drawers; hail rack"; draftsman's desk; fernery; metal clothes rack; electric fireplace; firescreen `and brass fireside equipment; 3 electric floor heaters; hall tree; sewing machine;, smoking stand; electrical equipment includes washing machine, refrigerator, range, vacuum. cleaner and attachments, floor polisher and small appliances; carpet sweeper; electric cloak; mantel clock; electric door bell; 2 doors ,(coloured glass panels); 2 carpenter's presses; 8 inch bench 'saw (like new); 2 wooden hand washing machines; wooden ice box; crock churn , ' apple peeler; step ladder; ' clothes horse; thinks, suitcases; jardinieres faney and antique dishes and glassware; quantity of sealers; books including old school books; flat irons;- numerous antiquea. Terms—Cash Earl Lawson EdWard W. Ellett 'Raymond Neill Auctioneer .proprietors •-'-40,41B SNELL: To Mr, and Firs. Ronald Snell, Myth, in Clinton Public Hospital on Wedneaday, September 23, • 197Q, a Pap, Daniel Gordon. HUMMEL; To Mr, and Mrs. Peter Hummel, RR 2, Bayfield, in Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, September 25, 1970, a son, David James. YOUNG: To Mr. and Mrs, Don Young, Blyth, in Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, September 25,1970, a son, MOFFAT: To Mr. and Mrs. John Moffat, RR 1, Brucefield, in Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, September 25, 197Q, a daughter, Janice Louise. 23. DEATHS PEPPER: Passed away at Thunder Bay Hospital on Tuesday, September 22, 1970, Randal H. Pepper of Thunder Bay, formerly of Brucefield, in his 53rd year. The funeral, service was held at Ball Funeral Home on Saturday, September 26, with interment in Baird's Cemetery, Stanley Township. MARSHALL: Passed away in Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, September 26, 1970, David Franklin Marshall of Blyth in his 88th year, The funeral service Was • held at Tasker Memorial Chapel, Blyth on Tuesday, September 29 with interment in Blyth Union Cemetery. 25. CARDS OF THANKS TYNDALL: The family of the late Frank Tyndall wish to express their sincere thanks to their many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy expressed to them during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Beattie Funeral Home, Rev. H. Wonfor, the pallbearers and the U.C.W. of Ontario Street Church. Harold and Donna, Keith and Phyllis. —40B KINGSWELL: The family of the late Mrs. Walter Kingswell express their. sincere appreciation to relatives, neighbours and friends-for all their kindness and for tributes, cards and donations to the Heart Fund during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to the Reverend Raymont, McCallum Funeral Home and those who helped in ,any way. Your kindness will always be remembered. Walter Kingswell and Family. -'40B CARTER: Sincere thanks to my friends who sent cards and treats while I was a. patient in the Clinton Hospital, to the nurses on the first floor, Dr. Newland and also to the Baptist Church Minister. John O. Carter. —40B WHITE: I would like to thank my friends, neighbours and relatives for cards, flowers and gifts while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Newland and nursing staff on second floor. It was very much appreciated. Sharon and Baby Chris White. —40p JOHNSTON: We would like to thank our family, relatives, and friends for the lovely party, gifts and cards we received for our 50th anniversary, Alf and Florence Johnston. —40B MANN; I wish to thank relatives, friends and neighbors for cards and flowers sent to me while I was a patient in the Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Harrett, Dr. Walden and the nurses on the first floor. John Mann. —40P 26. IN MEMORIAM KNIGHTS: In loving memory of George Knights; who passed away October 1, 1957. Ever remembered by wife and family. —40P KNIGHTS: In loving memory of a dear father, George A. Knights, who passed away October 1st, 1967, Though his smile is gone forever, And his hand we cannot touch, Still we hava_so many memories, Of the one we loved so Much. Ever remembered by Ken and Ruthann, —40b McCLINCHEY: In memory of Ernest McClinchey Who passed away three years ago, September 30, 1067. "Memories are like threads of gold, They never tarnish Or grow old, No longer in our life to share, But in our hearts he's always there." Ever remembered by wife Ida and family. —401Y REMEMBER YOUR liOss TO HELP '1!CW meets The General IViepting of the VOW with their pleats from. .Kippen e and Goshen Churches WO chaired by, Mrs, James McAllister. Musical selections. by Barbara and Nancy McCurdy on the piano in 000 were given, Qathy Cook's group singing to guitars included Joan Goddard, Cathy Simmons, who • took a solo part in one number and Debbie Wooden, and Susan Wooden. Mrs, Fuss acted as Accompanist for the evening. Mrs. Eric Luther gave a very inspiring devotional. Her topic was /Prayer," During. this part of the meeting hymns were sung. The text was taken from Genesis 28 verse 10. Offering Was received by Mrs. Rowe and Mrs, E. Chipchase and dedicated by Mrs. McAllister with prayer. A skit entitled "Encounter" was portrayed by Carmen Currie and Jill Drysdale following which Carmen read a poem "Heroin." A very lively topic op Drug Addiction was very ably considered by the guest speaker, Dr, Charles Moyo of Seaforth. The address was followed by a group discussion. Dr. Moyo was thanked by Mrs, McAllister, The business part of the meeting was chaired by Mrs. Vern • Aiderdiee. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Walter Spencer, It was decided to buy two memberships in Avel for film strips, to take charge of the church service on October 25 and to do the crafts at the Queensway Nursing Home in November. President, Mrs. Alderdice read a poem "Just For Today." Unit 4 served lunch. The Kinette Club of Hensall met at the home of Mrs. Robert Caldwell with the vice-president, Mrs. Caldwell in the chair. Mrs. Jim Hyde was one of the guests for the evening, and other three guests, Mrs. Jack Bettke, Mrs. Roy Bell and Mrs. Bevin Bonthrona were presented with the club by-laws and Kinette. pins. It was decided to hold a Fall Rummage Sale Friday,. October 30. Several Xinetteg received ratrfOrligIfiagriri•MMnce last yar. Set up committees for ability fund (March of Dimes are General Chairman, Mrs. John Rom; Recruiting :Mrs, „Harold. Knight; Supply Chairman, .30/10 lieker1 Finance Chairman, 'Mrs, Ron Wareing,. Mrs, Alvin Pyrp, . Exeter, showed Slides On her trip to Clarence Parke of Hensall, passed away Sunday -27 in $t„ Joseph's Hospital, London where he had been a patient for nine weeks, He was in his 70th Year, / Surviving are his wife, the former Mabel Haugh; one son, Kenneth, RR 1., • Varna; one daughter (Betty) Mrs. Mel Graham, RR, 1, Brucefield; five grandchildren, three step daughters, two step SOPS, and three step grandsons. Public funeral services for the late Mr. Parke were held Tuesday from the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, conducted by Rev. Harold Currie. Interment in Bayfield cemetery. Pallbearers: Clarence Park, Henry Penning, Russell Manson, Roy McBride, Jim Dinsmore, ,Melvin Elliott, John Skea. HOnoitrary pallbearers; John Consitt, Edward Lamport, Ed Hendrick, Cecil, Desjardine, Leonard Erb, Reinhold Miller, Arnold McCann, ' Jack Scotchmer, Ted Steinbach, Max Turnbull, Mel Webster. Hensall Womens' Institute captured' first prize in the South , Huron Womens Institute Competition display, carrying out a Thanksgiving Theme at Exeter Fall Fair. Five articles required in the display were, a fancy table cloth, hand made; table arrangement; a dinner place setting complete; a pumpkin pie suitably displayed,. and one loaf home made bread.. Hensall Women's Institute also took first prize for same exhibit at Zurich Fall Fair; Miss Florence Stone and Mrs. Wesley MacLaren of Toronto, spent Thursday last with Mr. and Mrs. John Soldan, and called on their cousins Rev. and Mrs. Harold Currie. Mrs. George Walker is a patient inSouth Huron Hospital. Mr. Garfield Broderick is a patient in South Huron Hospital. Mrs. Alma Hess spent the Weekend• .with her .daughter.and tSiiii-hqaW—Mr, and • -Mrs; J.r• L. Mc,Cloy and family at. Don Mills. - • Taking the Jet Flight by Wardair to England September 1962. He was a member of Ontario St. United Church, Clinton. He is survived by two sons, Harold and Keith, both of Clinton, one sister, Mrs. Bert (Mary) Gibbings, Clinton, three brothers, Roy and Norman of Clinton and Clifford, Toronto. Seven grandchildren and one great grandchild. The service was conducted at Beatty Funeral Home by Rev. Wonfor with burial in Clinton cemetery. Pallbearers were six nephews, Weldon and Lorne Tyndall, Kenneth Pickett, Clark Ball, Fred Vodden and Ross Trewartha. Flowerbearers were four granddaughters, Cheryl, Karen, • Susan and Wendy Tyndall. , . '29 to OctO4r. 10 are; from Hensall, Mrs, reeri .$440diek, Mr!, cordon Schwalm, Mrs,. Fred ,Bee; Mrs. _Kay •Screhttilk, Mrs, James MeAlli§ter.? Mr; acrd IVira,114037 flOt01.104/%. and William Soldan; Pearl Eyre; Kippers, Mrs, 4ohn Anderson, Mr. and Mrs.. Alex MeMnrtrie„ One hundred and, eighty-three are taking the trip with other passengers .coming form .Zurich, Exeter, Paanwood. areas, .o rgn lzora were Herb Tnricheim and Oerniti Qingericb of Zurich. Mr, and Mrs. R,'A, Orr visited with Mrs. Lena Glover at Arhone. and • attended Anniversary Services in • Arltoria United Chureh, The, Presbyterian ladies will go to Queensway Nursing Home Monday, October 5, for Crafts:._ Mr. arid Mrs. pill Shupe and family, Champaign, Ill„ visited over the weekend with Mrs, Bertha Jinks, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jinks and, family, and Susan Jinks, London. • . A total of 50 calves were sold for S10/237,28 as the Blyth. Agricultural Society Feeder Calf Club held AS ,annual sale recently. • Buyers were present from Toronte, Kitchener, DrAsSe15, Carlow, Blyth, Clinton, Belgrave, Londesborch, Zurich, Untonvale and the surrounding district, The Grand Champion Steer was shown by Larry Howatt and Was sold to Canada Packers for 40 cents a mind. Reserve Champion steer was . shown by Karen Tyndall and also sold for 40 cents to Verne Bean of Carlow who PurchaSed the animal for R.F.A. Karen also had top gain on her animal of 825 pounds in 300 days, an average of two and three-quarter pounds a day, • Karen also came to the fore in the showmanship event as she walked off with champion showrhanship honors. Harvey Black was reserve showman, Top junior showman was won by Cheryl Flynn, and intermediate showmanship honors went to Susan Tyndall. Jim Flynn topped the field for having the heat trained anima The celVes Were purchased for the AgricultUral ,Society in November of last year by Wilmer 1-10Watt. The Society is planning another club Or next year and anyone interested in procuring A,. tall should have their names in immediately, Thirty young People have arreadY expressed a desire to join the club and calves, will be purchased in the not too distant future. A complete list of entrants and winners of the Calf Club Show Will appear in next week's issue of the Standard. glintOrl N@W.S-fiecorcI, QOPORrj, 56 itabiet sold at Blyth sale. ESTATE AUCTION SALE of property and household effects at 40 Huron Street in the town of Seaforth on Saturday, Oct. 10 at 1 p.m. 9 piece modern dining room suite, table, buffet, china cabinet, 6 chairs. Sea breeze record player, Westinghouse radio, modern kitchen set, 4 chairs, rocking chairs. occasional chairs, roll away cot, drop head sewing machine, small tables, coffee table, walnut end tables, smoker, wall mirror, chest of drawers, dresser, beds. Hall tree, trunk, 3 brown' iron beds, --_springs, matttesses, and dresser • :(new). General Electric frigidaire ' with deep freeze, automatic Jlefrost, Westinghouse 24 inch electric stove, electric clock, sandwich grill, electric tea kettle, :Inglis washing machine, trilight lamp, table lamp, medicine • cabinet, dishes, china, ornaments,- drapes, bedding, table linen, ironing board, `electric heater, aluminum chairs, antique dishes, garden tools. General Electric mixer. Steam ' Iron.' • Chattels cash. 'Property will be offered for sale if not previouslysold. Subject to '1'0% down balance ';',,cileAra0.''Srucco 8 room house, 4 44droatias, 3 piece bath, full basement Gas heaters, wall to Wall broadloom in living room. Not responsible for accidents on property day of sale. 'Estate of late Mrs. Teresa 'Maloney, Auctioneer Harold Jackson, Clerk Mel Grahani. '-40,41b THiNKING ABOUT, BUILDING A MILKHOUSE • DRIVING SHED? (or 1tiart•toi garage or such) ,, For a fast, dependable jot; at a AlEASONABLS PRICE . Phial* RAY CAMBERS 4814305 tfn., Local Obituaries