HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-09-17, Page 10BROADLOOM cuwrows CELANESE CARPET CENTRE *Wr.11 to Wall Installation or Area Carpets. *Samples shown in you home. '*Free Estimates. *Guaranteed Installations. There's a ,Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. Quality you can trust' From BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone-482-9505 Clinton -5tfn , Get in the Rightjackel. This Year The "IN" Jacket Is The MAZER Smart b.13. Styles in this season's new colottii $45oe ' up FOR FALL we suggest CO-ORDINATES SWEATERS JACKETS SPORT SHIRTS, ETC. FLAIR MNTS BODY SHIRTS, ETC, Pickett & Campbell Limited ;LINTON the Stop* Oro Men OOdericll 110.too.Nows-Ftocorcl, ThkoWy, OpromOor 17,1970. • 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE Acc9M.MgDATIIPN. FOR RENT 6. AUTOS FOR. SALE , CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES CASH RATE 3c Per Word 9. HELP WANTED FEMALE is. REAL ESTATE 14. sERvicgs PAPP 3+014 C4 buyers -loan service loans $50.00 to $5,000-00. Call 'Don Denornme, Trans GO-11444 Credit, 524-8349,x; 25-480 • . VAUXHALL Victor stationwagoo, under 10,000 miles. Excellent condition. May be seep Saturday or Sunday. Phone Bayfield 565-2635.--38p FARM PROPERTY FOR SAL,E 2 miles from Clinton, House aoC 'barn on 5 acres of land, I mile from Clinton, 8 roon house on Ill/2 acres of land. PtanleY Township, House anc barn on 10 acres of land, wits: broiler quota,' $600, 19500.00 5 miles from Clinton or Highway 4. 100 acres Of land, al tiled, 8`rotarn house. Barn 40 ) 60, broiler eontract 10,00( broilers. 2 miles from Clinton, 203 acres 9 room house, new barn, silo implement shed, milkhouse bulk cooler, stable-cleaner, 3f milk-cows, all the implements' Hullett Township. 160 acres, II room house, large barn, silo wit unloader, stable-cleaner milkhouse, Hullett Township. 223 acres, room house, in the large barn i room for 500 hogs, silo, an stable-cleaner, Hullett Township. 186 acres, room house, barn for beef an hogs, 25 acres maple bnsh. Th front of the farm along th Maitland River. 1/2 mile from Clinton. 23 acre, paved road, 9 room house, bar drive shed, double garage. Goderich Township. 80 acres, workable level tiled land, 7 roo house, barn; drive shed, sil milkhouse, bulk-coole stable-cleaner, 28 milkcows, heifers, all the implements, Hullett Township. 40 acres, room house, broiler barn wit quota 8160. New hog barn wit stable-cleaner and manure tank 450 hogs. Walton area. 180 acres, 9 roon brick house, dairy barn milkhouse, bulk-cooler stable-cleaner, new silo, 30 mil cows. Between Walton and Blyth. 18' acres, 10 room brick hour,e', ne dairy barn with milk-houss bulk-cooler, stable-cleaner, silos, new implement shed. Colborne Township, Maitlan Concession. 245 acres, 8 roo house, new barns, broiler quot 21000. Colborne Township, Maiden Concession. 218 acres, fram house, barn 46 x 70, new so barn, drive shed, good mapl bush; 160 rod along th Maitland River. Kingsbridge on Highway 21. 10 acres, 8 room house, barn 60 70.411o, hog and beef farria. 4 miles North,pf,Graod.Bencl o Highway 21. 169 acres, 10 too brick house, barn 42 x 66. 30 40, silo. Hullett Township. 200 acres, I room house, dairy barn wi milkhouse, bulk-coole stable-cleaner, 2 silos, seco barn room for 450 hogs. Carlow area, Colbor Township. 154 acres. 9 roo house, barn 65 x 70. 25 acr maple bush. Goderich Township. Concessi. 10. 160 acres, 10 room haus barn 40 x 60. 7 miles South of Goderich Highway 21. 7 room , hous bath, oil-furnace, 1/2 acre lo close to the lake. 68 acres of hardwood bush the 4th Concession in Goderi Township. 7 miles south of Goderich Highway 21. 134 acres, tiled, room house, barn 50 x 6 milkhouse, bulk-coole stable-cleaner, 2 silos, impleme shed. Hullett Township, I/2 mile fro Londesboro. 150 acres, 9 roo frame house, large bar implement shed. 40 acres pasture on Concessio 9, Goderich Township. 2 miles South of Clinton o Highway 4. 200 acres, 10 roo brick house, large barn for be and dairy,.new implement she milkhouse, btilk-coole stable-cleaner. New henhous 180 x 40. 10,000 hens in cage. C. BURUMA R.R. 2 Clinton 482.3287 Saletman for K. W. Colquhoun Limited - Clinton.. RPMGDEbLINO, renovations, roofing and floor leYingr expertly done, All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen' cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken MeNairn. 2tfn. PICKLING CUCIMPERS and canning tomatoes, Phone 262-5326 --37-084 SARAH COVENTRY nationally, advertised jewellery announces expansion program in the Clinton area. Immediate opportunities for full or part-time no investments. Call 2913083 LiatoWel. -38P HOVSE. for rent in Beyfield, phone 1.416-225.7I48. -38.1i FOR SALE LADIES' PRESSES Sizes 7 to 52 mow 4.98 to 2Z95 To Clear 1/2 PRICE KEITH'S FAMILY CLOTIIING, Clinton, Ont. Ph.; 4827735 LOT in Egmoridville, 80' fully serviced. "Apply 130X .380, Clinton News Record, '-'38P SELF-CONTAINED, unfurnished four roomed, apartment with refrigerator and stove, Hardwood floors, large bedroom, gas . heat, Phone 482-9090, -$8x= INTEFIIOR AND EXTER 1013 PAINTING ALSO Boats repaired and refinished. The Bos'n Shop Hwy 4, 482-7222, -36,37,38,39p EXPERIENCED hairdresser, single girl. Apply in person 108 or 120 Lighthouse St,, Goderich. -38b WOULD like to sell baby buggy, bassinet, baby set; all in excellent condition, Phone 482-'7710, -38P miniemit 25e Exile will bit *dried to nods , tomtit* -If nit paid **In 30 dos If the 1rieertIest. DUPLEX in t.,iintori, 2 bedrooms, gas furnace, nice basement with laundry tubs, garage, self-cootained, riot far from Post Office. Reliable tenants desired, no pets. Phone 524-9158. -38”39P ONE Magnus chord organ with stool and books, 482-7604. 7-38}3 10, EMPLOYMENT WANTED MAN with 1/2 ton trUccw- ill clean basements, garages, etc„ of waste materials; also will do small moving jobs or cartage. Phone 482-3331. -36tfn. APPLIANCE repairs and services, refrigerators, air-conditioners washers, dryers and stoves. E, J. Lawrence, 482-3838. - 35,36,37,38p 1970 MOTO-SKI, 21 h.p. like new, Phone 482-7245. -38B DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS 41.40 Per Inch -ENGAGEMENTS - $1,50 DEATHS - 5c per word Minimum $1.00 IN MEM9AIAMS cARr.? OF THANKS 4c per word, COMING EVENTS 5c per word DEADLINE Noon Townley DIAL 482-3443 Here's the first place to look for your second car. RETIRED Man would like odd jobs, such as carpentry, light gardening, etc. Phone 482-7633. -38p LARGE unfurnished heated apartment in Bayfield; Phone days 565-2677, nights 565-2473. -38b 38b TWIN beds in good condition, priced reasonably. Phone 482-9206. -38B OIL furnace, 93,000 BTU. Used I season, Reasonable for cash. Phone 482-9244 evenings or weekends, -38b MAN available to do odd jobs around home and gardens. Phone 482-9627. -38p STOVE and fire-place wood. Phone 482-3842 Clinton. -38tfn These used cars have passed a safety and performance inspec- tion. We guarantee 100% the re- pair of all major mechanical parts* for 10 days or 1000. miles. So if you need a second• car, why not look at a 100% guaran- teed one first? *engine * transmission • rear axle • front axle assemblies • brake system YEAR END MODEL CLEAR OUT 1969 Carman Ghia Coupe, 1600 miles. Balance new car warranty. Lie. J57055, $2195. 1969 Stick shift automatic, radio, 19,000 miles, white with red vinyl interior, Lie. J57849, $1895. 197 0 Volkswagen Deluxe demonstrator, 6000 miles, diamond blue with black vinyl interior, Lie. 50188, List price $2250 - model clearance $2100, 3. ARTICLES FOR RENT .-...- Chuter Plumbing Heating & Electric Furnace Installations DeLaval Milker Supplies - Appliance Service .-216 King Street Ph.482-7652 2tfn.-- WILL baby sit in my own home Mondays through Friday. Phone 482-6662. -38B TWO teenagers winter coats. Size 14, $4.00 each. One reversible all-weather coat, size 14, $3.00. Phone 482-9780. -38b FORMAL RENTALS for men and boys. Contact Herman's Men's Wear, 482-9351. -22tfn BEDROOM suite, bookcase; dog house. 482-7739. Call after 5. -38P 12, LOST AND FOUND FORMAL RENTALS all occasions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd. Clinton and Goderich, -7tfo. STOLEN Sunday, September 6, from Paul Runyan Cimp, Bayfield, a Philips Transitor Radio, black in colour, battery and electric operated. Initialled inside case G.A.Y, Phone 482-9627. -37-38p - _ We do all types of JEWELLERY REPAIR * Ring Sizing * Claw Retipping * Watch Repair * Acutron Repair ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton, Seaforth and Walkerton 12tfe. Broken or Cracked Windows? CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent. Power trowel, small , mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges. Form ties stocked. 'Phone 236-4954 evenings or ' Saturdays. - 2tfn 1. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT Wood or Aluminum Sash LOST: Strayed 'from Lot 10, Con. 4, Hullett Township a one year old Brown Swiss Heifer, tattooed A2B in one ear. Anyone knowing of her whereabouts, please phone 482-9966. ,--38p MOBILE homes for rent, fully furnished, laundromat facilities available. Morgan's Trailer Court, 343 Victoria St., Clinton 482-7066. -38-39B 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE ALL SIZES REPAIRED HERE Bali & Mulch HOME FURNISHINGS LTD, 69 AiRERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 BULLDOZING. Call Chas. Bruinsma, RR 2, Goderich, 524-9804, 2 miles east on Highway 8. -37tfn. ONE-BEDROOM unfurnished modern apartment. Available immediately. Contact 482-9644. -38tfn FOR SALE MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS • 14 LOST: Pencil case with dark rim glasses from car Friday. Reward if glasses returned intact. Phone Linda Workman 262-5404. -38-39b .4.ps Don Taylor Motors edt Main Street - Exeter ORTHOPEDIC and general. Shoe Repair. Our Clinton Depot is at 55 Albert Street at Amsing's Store. Henk's Shoe Repair, 62 Hamilton Street, Goderich. -38eow. SMALL ground floor apartment, heated. L. G. Winters, 200 High St., 482-6692, -34tfn Sizes 7 to 12 Extra Special •- • DIAL 235-1100 ' calls . - I NEW USED CARS & TRUCKS 14. SERVICES STANDARD TYPEWRITERS for sale or rent. ONLY $6.00 per month rental, We also repair and service typewriters. SMITH'S OFFICE SUPPLIES & GIFTS. Phone 482-9766 Clinton. -36-39b 2.98 ONE-BEDRO OM furnished apartment; 2-bedroom unfurnished apartment; store space for rent. Phone 482-7833. -13tfn pair BULLDOZING ' Chas. Bruinsma RR 2, Goderich 524-9804 Two miles east on Hwy. 8. 38tf CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates-Tuesday and KEITH'S FAMILY CLOTHING 5. WANTED Thursday TUESDAY - Beef and Pork Thursday - Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237.3314 Dashwood r r , 1,4,yr Yh (Yr , ONE bedroom furnished, heated apartment, now available. Phone C. Van Demme, 108 Ontario Street, 482-6685. -32tfn WANTED TO BUY: LOTS: well located in Clinton, serviced. Apply Box 327 Listowel. -38P MERCURY • your transportation headquarters • • J-,Hurorp,Autamotive & Supply ,„ 263,Huron Rd. Goderich, Ont., Phone 524-6271 ,e Clinton Representative GEO. CUTLER 482-9782 Clinton, Ont. YOU can be one of 3 winners each week by joining our FREE Ph.; 482-7735 , WASH CLUB. Come in and ask 38b • for a ballot at Irene's 65. Laundromat, 15 Rattenbury' St. - WALNUT bowls and other E. Clinton, Ont. - 2tfn. hand-turned articles. Make nice gifts. At rear of 84 Albert Street,, Clinton: John Plumtree, phone 482-9695. - 2tfn. ADDING MACHINES for sale. Anstett Jewellers Ltd., Clinton. Phone 482-9525. -- 9tfn. TIMBER WANTED, immediate payment for good, Standing, timber and bushes of all. ki'n'ds. Write Robert Eagleson,,' Ailsa Craig, giving location and telephone number, or phone 232-4450 before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. - 15tfn APARTMENT suitable for couple. Furnished and hehreir Apply to side door, 93 Huron Street. - 20tfn Do You Know that- fanious LAURA SECORD CANDIES are now available at NEWCOIVIBE'S DRUG STORE Clinton QUICK cash to pay bilTs or make a purchase. Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit, 524-8349. 25.48b 4upttuti 701 -4thei e 'LINTON ' • e.04 E r rs1 Black and yellow sports jackets with hood - $19.95. Hunting coats - $23.75. Cooey Model 710 - 308 cal. Reg. $115.00, Sale price $99.95. Bring or send your firearms to Epps for expert repairs and service. Prompt service gua ranteed. Phone 482-9622 80 King Street Segdinft /Mt , a?attag ood F N T.. P-S ON TA $110 Owned and Operated by W. E, COLLINS and P. B. GEMEINHARDT ONE bedroom, self-contained, furnished, heated apartment. Roy Tyndall, 482-7865. -31tfn WATCH REPAIR is a 'job for experts. Our work assures you' satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store, Clinton, Ontario. -tfb. . . JACK'S Furniture Repair Furniture repaired, wood turning a specialty. At rear of 84 Albert Street, Clinton. Phone 182-9695. 2tfn. • - 3-bedroom house, rent based on income. Contact Clinton Housing Authority, Mr. John Livermore, 482-9545. -36tfra WANTED: 7. PET STOCK Allis Chalmers also one for (shields, etc.). 519.527-0138, one mile east of Roto Hay Baler, parts, or parts Phone collect: Alan J. Haugh, Brucefield. APPLES for sale. Early apples fresh daily at Del-Mac Fruit and Variety Clinton or Del-Mac Orchards, Bayfield. Phone orchard • 482-7289 or store, Clinton 482-7635. -33tfn FOR SALE-. Part Spaniel puppies, mother good as watch-dog and childrens pet. Phone 523-4377 after 12 noon. -38.$9P Paul • Bunyan Apartments, modern, well furnished, one bedroom units, suitable for school teachers. $75.00 per month, all utilities paid. Cotitact Bayfield 565-2422. -36,3'',38B RUG And FURNITURE CLEANING BA. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE 6. AUTOS FOR SALE FOR SALE BOYS' and MEN'S FALL JACKETS GERALD'S SUPERTEST SEAFORTH for DATSUN TWO- BEDROOM apartment, hot water heating with, own thermostat. Available October I. Phone 262-5047. -37tfn MAN O; couple to have use of two bedroom furnished, winterized housekeeping cottage in exchange for half days of odd jobs. Hazelwood's Cabins, 482-9911. -36tIn Sewing Machine PROBLEMS? Servicing All Makes Free Estimates New & Used Sales By THE RESPONSIBLE SYSTEM All Sizes 30% DISCOUNT KEITH'S FAMILY CLOTHING Clinton, Ont. Ph.: 482-7735 TWO-BEDROOM furnished or partly furnished heated apartment. Self-contained, central location. 72 Rattenbury West, 482-9005. -37tfn, ' Service MASTER Alex Reed 3,, HELP WANTED MALE Call LAKE CITY HOME CENTRE LTD. Dial 524-6126 For Free Estimates ATTENTION FARMERS! 197 Bayfield Rd., Goderich 524.8465 33tf :FOUR ROOM unfurnished apartment vAth 3-piece bath; modern kitchen; large living room; two bedrooms; storage room; gas heat. Phone 482-9649. •--- 12tfn. TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 482-3320 - 2tfn LARGE Canadian company in - agricultural field has openings in this area for men with farming A. FOR SALE experience to act as representatives. 38b 38tf A. FOR SALE 15. REAL ESTATE - - OPEN and bred heifers, some ' Apply in confidence, giving due soon. Phone Dykstra full particulars, to Box 381, Brothers, 482-7811. -37.38p Clinton News-Record. -38-39B - . MASSEY-HARRIS Pony tractor with plow and cultivator, Ideal for gardening. 482-7245. -38b 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured - don't take chances. Expert work 'done reasonably to your satisfaction, Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. Clinton, Ontario. -tin. E. FARM SERVICES Well located at 370 Victoria Street, Clinton. New Aluminum siding, new bathroom and new gas furnace, nice back yard and in tip-top 'shape. Low taxes. $8,500. WILLIAM M. HART FOR SALE: Seed wheat most varieties, R. N. Alexander, Londesborough, Phone Blyth 523-4399 or 482-7475. -38-39b FAAA4 LOANS - $50.00 to $5,000.00. Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit, for special farm repayment terms. Phone 524-8349. *48b 8YOOPSIUTMUANNI T Y GRADE 12 GRAD. TO TRAIN AS FORESTER APPLY TO: ONTARIO HYDRO 63 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 16. TENDERS FUEL OIL TENDER Tenders are invited for t supply of No, 2 Fuel Oil for period September 30th, 1970, August 30th, 1971, to following schools: St, Columba Separate School, RR 2, Dubll =five rooms; Our Lady of Moul Carmel, RR 3, Dashwood, rig rooms and gym; Ste. Ma Separate School, RR 2, Zurie four rooms; St. Patrick Separa School, Dublin, three roo Precious Blood Separate Echo Exeter, two rooms; St. Jam Separate School, Seaforth, s rooms; Holy Name Separa School, 161 Peel Street, Marys, six rooms; Sacred He.. Separate School, Wingham, fo rooms and gym; St. Mar Separate School, RR Listowel, four rooms and gy Bonifate Separate Scho Zurich, six rooms and gym; Mary's Separate School, Bennett Street, Goderich, n rooms and gym. Closing date tenders September 25, 1970, Huron-Perth COu Separate 801601 80A BOX 7 Seaforth, Onto SCREENED TOP SOIL CEMENT GRAVEL Lyle Montgomery 482.7644 evenings or 482.7661 17tfn C. WANTED SALESMAN - SEAFORTH Daytime 527-0870 Evenings 565-2855 or 527-1972 GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER 38B 80 ACRE FARM' Lot 36, Concession 11, Goderich Township. Good clay loam all Workable. Phone 482.7110, -37.38p DEAD STOCK WANTED .Brussels Pet Food Supplies is paying highest prevailing cash prices for dead or disabled farkn stock over 500 pounds, Smaller animals picked up free of eharge, 24 HOUR SERVICE 7 DAYS A WEEK Phone Collect 887-9334 brussels Govt, Lie, 273-3-70. 26tfn SERVICEABLE aged Hereford Bull. Phone 482-7811. -37-38p D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE . VACUUM cleaners; tales and service for all makes. R. K, Peck; Varna, phone Hensel! 262.5748 -2tfn. BACKHOE WORK Escavating, Trenching, Etc. GRAVEL AND PILL LOADER WORK Light Dozing, Loading And Backfilling Lyle Mentgornery 482-7644 evenings or 4824661 17tfti ARCHER'S Owners have given me Orders to sell, FARM SALES & SERVICE Agent for: Equipment Ralco Stable Cleaners with the'swing elevator "built like a bridge." We are Manufacturing hog pen parielli4 TEL 482-9167 OPEN POR OFFERS. Summer cottage in Bayfield Village. Summer cottage. Private subdivision. Close to lake. Lakefront cottage, north of Bayfield. Stick cottage in. A-1 shape for retirement people, LatIekeer Real Estate, Call - Adam Flowers - 565.2813 Bayfield i Ontario, -88tfri -88B 9. HELP WANTED FEMALE CliritonCominunity Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY EVENING 7:30 pall. TERMS: CASA Joe aoiltsfr Salley Manager CHRISTMAS IS A TIME OF JOY AND HI LLS Accentuate the joys, eliminate the bills by beeOreing an AVON . Representative in your neighborhood, Areas available now in 1-tutLETT, STANLEY and TUOKERSIVIITII. Write or call Collect evenings. Mrs, M. Miltson, 1't Hi WkesbntY Ave., LOtidon 451-0541, -'-;88.40-42B EVUILD AND REPAIR FARM BUILDINGS ROOFING AND CARPENTRY WORK PHONE P, BURUMA R. KAPTEIN 482-8287 • 482.8,361, Temporarily located at 166 Beedh Street, Clinton. Far all your, pressure tysterh equipment and servile, tee Rtal Archer for okkriobeed aertid.e, 36.0115.