Clinton News-Record, 1970-09-03, Page 153/ Pain - Fxeler mural es igitt flje Xineet Meat:ling cikrrattgettiettla ppeittimthl Pletie X35.260 !ettg Xrette4 $tilEMir Arthritis is called "everybody's disease" because nearly everyone suffers from it sooner or later. According to Dr. William E. Reynolds, medical director of The Arthritis Foundation, 50 million Americans have some form of arthritis. "Those who have complaints. ;sufficient to bring them to "medical attention," Dr. Reynolds explained, "today number about 17 million." In that group, five million suffer from rheumatOid arthritis, which can cripple and disable its victims. 'Mature women are particularly prone to rheumatoid arthritis. "It tends to come on in women more frequently than in men, perhaps three,-to-one. Its onset is most common in women in their forties and fifties," said Dr. Reynolds. He pointed out, however, that it can also occur in children of pre-school age. The word arthritis literally means inflammation of a joint. But it is used to cover 100 different conditions which cause aches and pains in both joints and connective tissues throughout the body, not all of them necessarily involving inflammation. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease. Everyone who lives long enough gets a touch of it sooner or later. "We are dealing here with changes that are, in part, simply due to wear and tear as one gets older," said Dr. Reynolds. But one fOrm of osteoarthritis is more commonly found in women over forty. It is characterized by bony enlargements , of the joints of the fingers and sod etimes the toes. MEN AND ARTHRITIS , Two forms of arthritis attack men more often than women. These are gouty arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, a disease of the spine that occurs ten times More frequently in men than women. "Gout is a disease of long interest in history and often associated with what can be called high living and fatty NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS and CATS Prevention of Rabies The Health of Animals Branch of the Canada ' Department of Agriculture in co-operation with the Huron County Health Unit will hold a FREE RABIES CLINIC Clinton Rabies Clinic, Community Centre, Tuesday Sept. 8, 1:00.8:00 p.m. Brucefield Babies Clink, Fire Hall, Thursday, Sept 10, 9:00 -12.:00 noon Bayfield Rabies Clinic, town Hall, Thursday, Sept.10,180 4:80 p.m. Vaccination against rabies will be provided for dogs and cats three nionths of age and over. Owners who require certificates of vaccination for export or other purposes t uft 'should con private veterinary, No certificates will be issued at then s Help prevent huMait exposure to rabies, take advantage of this opportunity to have your pets inliriuttUed. A booster shot each year is recommended. fi r. • • fif,. SAVE 304 • COLGATE •r l "ift,c1;;,,-Y • . „ WI•,,4:••••••••••••••••••..•...../..••••• Pill-Giffiillig .19 Spec. 97 c Reg. Pricegard 1 Discount • • • 0~XfsiZtee.ext.ei?.;•., Arr:CIASS11.1:11:5.. PEOPLE ARE IMPORTANT AT PRICEGARD Be sure to take advantage of our many nanuadvertised specials ALL SPECIALS EFFECTIVE SEPT. 2 'TO SEPT. 12 SMALL Reg. Pricegard • 97 c Discount SPEC. • • OR TABLETS 24's Reg. Pricegard Discount SPEC. C CIGARETTES COMPACT $ 4 39 REGULAR $ 4 49 CTN, CTN. KING CTN. '4 '9 LUXURY $A89 CTN —111" ELESCO PENCIL CRAYONS 12 COLORS i: L49 , . . SPEC.rAl 69c PAPERMATE BALL POINT PENS ASS'r'D. 'COLORS WOG. RETAIL 98* „ SPEC. 79c GAGE TONG LOK COVERS ASSI'D. COLORS SUGO. RETAIL 20' , „ v SPEC.17c ••••:4 S C OTCHT P Retail 49c „ SPEC. 29 1/2 " X 1010" roll FREE DRAW' WIN A NEW SCHOOL DESK RETAIL VALUE $59.95 NO PURCHASE REQUIRED ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE At ALL PRICEGARD STORES STOCK UP NOW AND SAVE! First Quality Nationally Advertised Merchandise at Everyday Low Discount Prices CURTPR NeVv4"RecPrd, ThursclaYt SPrOITIDQr 3, 1970 Appro,ciMately ,000,00i) Canadian children will attend kindergarten and, grade school classes September. Most will he refreshed and prepared for The coining academic year. But what about you, mother? In the process of getting the children ready for school — buying and asseMbling clothing, pencils, pens, books and other ach001 equipment, and psychologically preparing little ones for the great adventure of classes and classroom for the first time you have probably not had much time toprepare yourself for other urgent problems that may arise during the school year. Such Preparations, says the Prepare for unexpected before ii SAVE 12r ... . , CUMAC) • SAVE 40c SAVE 20c hike Perry Como, I get letters, Some -of them are very flattering, Others of them are not quite so pleasing. Apparently one of my regular readers was ready to "bring up" when he learned that I condoned the idea of transplanting the fetus from the womb of the natural mother into the womb of convenient human incubator (another woman) to permit the infant ,of one family to be delivered via Another family.. Well, my friend, I think it is about time that I let you in on the secret most columnists hate to divulge. , Believe it or not, I don't always agree with all the garbage I put in this colurnn. Does that surprise you? I get an idea — maybe even a far-out idea — and mull it over in kind of .an open way, Actually I share with you the thoughts which twirl around in my brain and none of them are to be taken too seriously, • This "Window", thing I write is mainly for fun. It is supposed to be lighthearted and easy-going — never too deep or cultural. In the matter of the ,fetus transplant, I hesitate to believe that. I gave the impression that I was,whole-heartedly in favor of the process. At least I had no intentions to do so.'I was merely indicating the possibilities in a kind of tongue-in-cheek fashion. I still believe that it could be accomplished someday. And I'm further convinced that there are those who would welcome the opportunity to have their family the trouble-free, painless way, Just liko some people can afford to let someone else do all the drudgery for their offspring, so there are those who will cotton to the possibility of childbirth by proxy. As for me, personally, now that we are getting down to Specifics, I prefer to do things by the old-fashioned, tried and proven methods. I'm really not too progressive in this regard, In fact, I'm really not very progressive at all, I guess, Everywhere in Canada, women are screaming for more lenient abortion laws. If I could really speak my own mind and impose my own will on the masses, I'd fight tooth and nail to have abortion outlawed completely, But this is a democracy and the will of the majority still rules. If the abortion laws are widened to permit doctors to perform abortions for almost any reason at all, so be it. That doesn't make it necessary for me to go out and seek an abortion the next time I find myself pregnant — nor does it become impossible for me to cling to my own beliefs. It just serves the majority,.which is after all what democracy is all about. The same thing is true of another very controversial subject — homosexuality. My own conscience dictates that this is wrong, but I have no right and no oPPPrtunity at all to shape , the whole population to the mould which sults me best, I may prophesy doom for the nation that permits legal homosexuality, but can I really expect, all Mankind to be in agreement .with me? If homosexuality is to be legally recognized aspermissable, I don't have to change' my viewpoint. I simply have to learn to tolerate the desires and actions of other people. So if this column irritates you at times, chalk it up to democracy. It is a free country where free men may freely express all sorts of opinions. You are not bound to agree. Not in a •free society. You are not even bound to read or to hear, You are not even pledged to be tolerant — but it is usually the best course of action. Amendment to Consumer Protection Act New legislation on unsolicited credit cards and goods was announced recently by Honorable Bert Lawrence, Minister of Financial and Commercial Affairs. The new legislation, an amendment to the Consumer Protection Act, will mean that unsolicited goods may be treated as gifts, and that receipt of an unsolicited credit card will carry no obligation for the recipient unless the credit arrangement is accepted in writing or the card is used. Unsolicited goods are defined as "personal property furnished to a person who did 'not request it." It does not include personal property that the recipient knows or ought to know is intended for another person, and a request shall not be implied by inaction or the passing of time alone, No action may be brought against those' who' • 'receive' unsolicited goods for payment, despite their use, misuse, loss, damage or theft. And, unless the recipient agrees in writing to accept the credit arrangement provided by the unsolicited credit card, or uses the card, he has no legal obligation in respect of their use or disposal. The amendments are to come into force when proclaimed by the Lieutenant Governor. Mr. Lawrence said the new legislation is designed to eliminate a great source of worry and nuisance to the people of Ontario. "It is a practice which preys particularly upon the uninformed. The senders are often firms promoting the sale of books and encyclopedias with the purpose of making the recipient pay if the article is not returned," he said. "This legislation is not designed to prohibit unsolicited credit cards, However, it is anticipated that the obvious risks to any firm sending them out indiscriminately and unsolicited will soon put an end to this practice," said Mr. Lawrence. drug industry's Connell, on Family health in Canada, have an important influence PP the health AO safety of the entire family. The council, Pon-Profit public service organization working to encourage family health and safety in the home, suggests you find time to prepare in advance to meet sonic of the emergencies and , unexpected demands thatmay arise in the school year, Make a list of nearby relatives, friends and baby sitters. When Picking up School children in bad Weather or because of illness, you should have names, addresses and telephone numbers •of responsible adults to take ,Care of must you ngsters you leave at home. Keep your list near your telephone, Dn. .4 special card. you should. attach to Your telephone, list the names and telephone numbers of your doctor, pharmacist .and nearest hospital.. Also list your o wn' name And address, A baby Sitter will find it easier to tell your doctor where to. come - if your name and address are at eye level. Attach a bulletin board. or black board to the kitchen wall. .List daily chores so you can,plan ahead to call sitters. and to pick up or deliver school age children. Check family immunization records. It is important for school o pre-Schoolers to he protected against diseases which they may contract ,. and it is especially important for school age children to be immunized through vaccines now available so they do not bring diseases from School to the rest of the family. Prepare the family Medicine cabinet for the school year. Give it a thorough cleaning, Discard old medicines, Talk to your doctor for further ideas on equipping your medicine chest properly. Remember, school time means rugged weather time, with its attendant sniffles, coughs, runny noses, headaches, muscle and joint pains. Arrange storage space for ens toys, sports equipment, games, school supplies, foul weather wear such As hoots and overshoes. Many a serious fall' has beep caused:because these Pi** were left in hallways or on the floor. If there are cabinets, boxes and shelves specified for storage, children will use them. Plan ' for leisure time for yourself at some point during, the day. Safety 4tUdies Show that when ...Mother is harried fatigued and anxious .• accidents are More likely to happen. Use the leisure time to rest maybe to indulge in a relaxing hobby or even for just plain snoozing while the little ones take a nap. ' BEAUTY HAIR SPRAY 16 oz, Reg, H. to H., Unscented Reg. Pricegard Discount ..... „ SPEC. 8 7c RAPID SHAVE KING SIZE Lime, reg. and menthol mint Reg'. Pricegard 09 Discount From My Window Free society Shirley Keller Arthritis hits more women than men foods," said Dr. Reynolds. The connection exists but it is not quite so direct. "Gout is due to a derangement of our ability to digest and handle certain types of fatty foods," said Dr. Reynolds. Ankylosing spondylitis, which often begins in the productive years of the thirties, frequently starts_with_a. pain in the lower back and legs as an early symptom. This arthritis of the spine, Dr. Reynolds explained, can also involve the hips and shoulders and, less often, the hands and feet. Dr, Reynolds said that a warm, dry climate does offer relief for many patients suffering ' from arthritis. "On the other hand, other patients find little or no difference by simply changing their climatic surroundings, Most physicians would not urge a patient to go to unusual expense or inconvenience to make that change." He suggests that arthritis patients seek early medical treatment, before irreversible damage to joints takes place, For one thing, a medical diagnosis can pinpoint the form of arthritis. If it is gout, for exarnple, it can be effectively controlled with treatment. If it is rheumatoid arthritis, medication and a combination of ' rest and exercise — and occasionally surgery — will help to restore function and prevent progressive deformity. C orse*..t .is`t.i'*••••:At:01..›V3:30.itaggicOtt,it:3.3t4'?$. ...)-4 . ...t1.--t...-;;Wzif,....*.s*,..4.-,,:v4s.,,,e,r.t.t.t.v.v.!:!.e.a• ,,,....t SAVE 20c Reg. 35' SPEC, 29 1.09 SPEC. 87c CLEARASIL SOAP CLEARASIL SKIN CREAM Reg. Pricegard Discount COLGATE DENTAL CREAM N.:4/ 40 }4;; Discount .... , 99- c Reg, Pricegard . a, Family.--10' off .;• of .114. SPEC. 69 gensongtvowsige.Rnfaso::, • FACELLE SAVE 12c ROYALE BATHROOM p TISSUE 4 ROLL PACK k•V Reg. Pricegarci 71 Discount SAVE 26 „ SPEC. 5 9c SAVE 8c r MODERNE ,tiiiititil?..•,:itilititit.itit•WAitOtt•A•t;t::;tkt;;;??,•%;t4•:,.V..41:•':•?,;•.:1=••••:4•K•'••••`'4`4•A SAVE 38c CURADS FACIAL TISSUE 360's osstd, colors 'Reg. Pricegcird 35 c Discount SPEC, 2 7 c . ... • . Reg, Pricegard 87, Discount SPEC. 69 c ttsssstisz.tsssssitstittsstisstissfstsstist:;StitAtis%sss.Szisst„?.ilitstit;tz:Stog::?' FOR BRUNETTES 0NLYc rat Reg. Pricegard 2 . 1 9 Discount SPEC. .79 a:: voittommers. SAVE 30c SECRET SPRAY DEODORANT oz, 20' off Oreistottriitee°, r. 111 *V6157 SPEC. 7 , 100 6-oz. size Reg. Pricegard 69 Discount TOOTHPASTE FAMILY SIZE 14' OFF LYSOL We reserve the right to limit quaotities. SAVES 'YOU MO MOUREMMUMNAMMOMMEMS BACK TO SCHOOL FEATURE SPECIAL SAVE MC SAVE 22c HILROY 250 SHEET LOOSE LEAF REFILL SUGGESTED RETAIL $1.55 Reg. Pricegard Discount 11 SAVE 12` SUDDEN :?:EiigNINIIINISMKRUVERNi j SiiNg SPEC. SAVE 22c NOXZE SPRAY . DEODORANT 30' off 10 oz. tin ULTRA BRITEk • SAVE 49' SUAVE HAIR SPRAY! & SHAMPOO MIX & MATCH *f, Reg. Pricegard Discount 79c SPEC.SPEC.' . .211.9 gifk:t.,04::::;;;;;;;;;;;c:,;,:,;;;;;;;;?&:tt;;;;;A; ttOs gig SAVE 32c DRISTAN. DISINFECTANT SPRAY NASAL SPRAY •:$ ADHESIVE TAPE 44 1/2" x 5 45c SPEC. 3 " C agnalgEMENSUM SAVE 18' ISPRAY DEODORANT at° TONSCHOOL FEATURE ARRID j,ONDoNt- 110 ouNDAS, 133 kiNth 41$ RICHMOND, 226 DUNbAs, 632 DUNDAS1 Mat 1283 COMMISSIONERS CLINtoNt 2 HURON ST, )IA7ORTN; I MAIN St, ploOttOWN:, 4 MAIN ST, &jig 13$, N. CHRISTINA 1T, alba 16 tAttiot ST, ST t HQMASI 471 MOT st, ORAYNROY: 7 $RON7 At, ST. MARTA: 107 CONN ST AateartattUitorditarltiataati.. ECONOMY 60's Reg. Disc.137 c SPEC. 49c CUR1TY ' ' :