HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-09-03, Page 4RUSTED RAILS
The poor losers
Pastor: REV. H. W, WONFC)R,
fi•SC.• B.Com„ B.D,
LCHS•OR ASBY .01 /4 •Itre,7i24
II;00 4411,7 Morning Worship.
Sermon. Topic:
263 Princess Avenue
Pastor: Alvin Beukema, B.A., B.D.
Services: 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
(On 2nd , and •ith Sunday. 9:30 a.m.)
The Church of the Back to God Hour
every Sunday 12:30 p.m., CHLO
— Everyone Welcome —
Interim Moderator Rev. G. L. Royal
We mourn the passing of Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A.
Church and Sunday School discontinued until
Sunday, September 13.
Wesley-Willis — Holtrewille United Churches
REV. A.L.MOINATT, 13.A.; B.D., pm, Minister
M. Lome DOTTERER, Organist and Choir Director
9:45 a7m. -- Sunday School.
11:00 a.m. — ILlorning Worship and Junior Congregation
Trumpet Soloist: ERNEST McMILLAN
9:45 a.m. — Morning Worship. •
(Sunday School will meet in the church for
its opening)
A trip around our backyard
Sunday School: 10:00 a.rri.
Morning Worship: 11 .:00 a.m.
Evening Gospel Service: 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. — Prayer meeting.
11:30 a.m. — Matins and Sermon.
Guild meets at Mrs. Morley Counter, Tuesday
Sept. 8, 2:45 p.m.
166 Victoria Street
Pastor: Donald Forrest
Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.i
Evangelistic Service: 7:00 p.m.
4 eljOtOR Nqws-necorel, Thursday, ,$epternber,, J979 •
,,iditOr10 ;00100
Mayhem Corner
Maybe we're just tired of nearly getting
run off the road, but it seems to us that
something should be done about the
intersection of Highways 4 and 8 in -front
`010e Bank of Montreal,
It is irritating for a driver who is
obeying the law by being in the proper
'lane, to have to constantly bey wthe
lookout for drivers who take the wrong
lane and try to crowd the law-abiding
driver off the road.
The corner has a turn lane for drivers
turning right to Highway 8 and another
lane for drivers turning left or going
straight through the intersection. The
problem is that many drivers going
straight through the corner use the
turning lane, then try to outgun the driver
on their left so they can get across the
intersection first end squeeze left again
into the stream of traffic,
It isn't just an occasional occurrence.
Anyone who stands on the corner for five
minutes •is assured of seeing it happen at
, least once.
If it was the reckless driving of young
hellions it would be one thing, but the
fact that young and old, male and female
are all guilty means something has to be
done. Anyone who obeys the law and
sticks to the through lane has to be very
careful or tell lose his front fender to a
crowding car,
Perhaps the lanes should be marked
more clearly, though heaven knows the
white arrows on the street seem to be
clear enough that any young child could
understand. Maybe a sign is needed or
perhaps our police force should do a little
enforcing at the corner. Even a few
minutes a day would do a lot to enforce
the law and put some money in the town
coffers through traffic fines.
Whatever the action, something must
be done soon. It's ridiculous that
law-abiding drivers should constantly have
to take the risks while law-breakers act as
if they own the road.
Pass the buck
It's hard not to be amused when one
goes to a meeting and hear's Provincial
Treasurer Charles MacNaughton or one of
his government colleagues try to blame all
the problems of finance on the 'federal
government's refusal to hand over more
Mr. MacNaughton was at it again
Monday night at a meeting of angry
farmers at the .high school who were
demanding that education taxes be
removed from land taxation and raised by
other methods,
Mr. IVIacNaughton . dragged out the
same tired old argument to try to fend off
the farmers wrath. The government would
gladly take education costs off property
taxation, he pointed out, but it just didn't
have the funds to do it. Now if the federal
government would just loosen the purse
strings and come through with a little
more cash than the present 28 per cent of
income tax funds which they are handing
back to. the province, then the
government would be able to undertake a
complete revamping of its tax structure.
Mr. MacNaughton ...even accused the
Ontario Federating' At:Ariculture, who
are supporting VILAIlive against the
education tax', of lift the goirernthent
down by not helping put the pressure on
Ottawa to give up more money.
Pardon us if we don't fall for that old
argument Mr. MacNaughton. You see we
don't think the federal government is just
taxing us for the fun of it and shoving all
the money away in some bank vault to
gather mould.
'We think the federal government needs'
most of the money it's now getting and if
it ,becomes generous and gives you more,
it will then need more money for itself
and so will have to raise taxes again.
We realize that it's far better politically
for you if you can get 'money without
having to make people angry by raising
taxes yourself, but we this* that if you're
spending the money, on ihpuld be the.
one who has to find is airey to spend.
Moreover, we've see* illtent1y that the
federal government has been, trying to cut
back on its spending and even if the pinch
does hurt a little it certainly is a little
better than the province is doing with
soaring costs in education, highways,
welfare and just about every other
provincial responsibility. We don't want
to slay any sacred cows. We realize that all
these are important areas, but anyone
*who has been around any of these areas•
will say the waste is enough to choke a
healthy gift horse. ,
It seems every time the provincial
government introduces something to
"improve" things, everytime a more
efficient system is set up, it ends up
sending our taxes up like a rocket racing
for the moon. If the provincial
government can't cut back on its expenses
a little more then it always has the right
to levy it's own income tax. The problem
with that is that it might make the voters
- angry and that is one thing the
Conservative government would do just
about anything to avoid right now with an
election not too far away and the natives
becoming extremely restless.
Good fences make good neigh-
bors. That's what poet Robert
Frost told us in The Mending
Wall. From our experience this
summer, I agree with all my
heart, though perhaps not in the
way that Frost intended it. '
We had two of the worst
fences in town. One, at the back,
was ours, leaning at a 45-degree.
angle over our neighbors' vege-
table garden, and killing it ruth-'
lessly, year after year.
They, understandably an-
noyed, suggested a new fence. I,
was loath, after pricing fencing.
But we agreed to split the cost
of a mutual fence, And here's
the kicker: He's a builder, I
couldn't nail two boards together
without mutilating myself. So I
jumped at it.
It was arranged that I would
help him. You know: Hold the
boards; fetch nails, provide en-
couragement: As it turned out,
he built the whole thing, single-
handed. I always seemed to be
busy when he had time to work
on it. Didn't fetch a single nail.
t felt rather sheepish, but
not unduly so, I've been getting
away with this for years. Some
time when he want's me to write
a nasty letter to his creditors,
I'll ' be glad to do it for him,
and we'll be even.
Then there was a. big con-,
ferenee about the color of the
stain we'd p'ut on it, Our wives
did most. IN the conferring. Jim
said, and I agreed, "I don't give
a damn if you paint it purple."
Painting began. My wife paint-
ed one panel of our side. We
were away for a few days. When
we returned, the whole fence
was finished. His wife said, "I
hope you don't mind that we
went ahead and painted your
side." I assured her we were de-
lighted. My wife hid, in shame,
for two days.
Now he's going to use his
power saw to cut up all my old
dry cedar fence, and we'll have
enough kindling for the fire-
place for two *years, and the
finest fence in town. How's that
for neighbors? At least on one
side of the fence.
The second fence, along the
side, is an atrocity, erected
about the lime of the War 'of
1812. it leans, lurches, and looks
like a gap-toothed wino. Un-
fortunately, it isn't ours, and
the bird who owns it has no
other interest in his property
than collecting the rent from the
series of unfortunates who move
into his house, a new family
about every six months, I have
toyed with the idea of arson,
but there are those numerous
small children to consider,
But it's not only good fences
that make good neighbors. There
are other things. This week, our
neighbors on the third side
showed what they are made of.
Their son, a university stu-
dent, works for the summer at a
mental institution. On a fine
summer day, he brought home
two carloads of patients for a
barbecue in their back yard.
How would you like a dozen
nuts dumped in your back yard
fora three-hour picnic? I'd prob-
ablyo hide in the bathroom.
Yet his parents were out there,
talking to them, humoring them,
feeding them, and simply being
sympathetic and decent,
Can you imagine what it
means to those poor devils — the
patients, that is? Some of them
had probably not been in a
house in 30 years, but they
were given the run of the house,
as well as the back lawn,
One of them said not a word
all afternoon, but when it was
over, he shook hands with his
hostess and murmered: "Good-
bye. Thank you." It was a great
achievement for him, according
to those who knew him.
Another, a pschizophrenic, ex-
amined all the rooms in the
house, verbally re-arranged all
the furniture; dabbled himself
with any perfume or lotion avail-.
able, and drew a portrait of the
hostess, including a heart above
her head, and a swastika in a
basket. She wonders if he saw
her as a benevolent dictator.
It takes all kinds of neighbors,
but I think we're pretty lucky.
Luckier than our neighbors are,
perhaps. They have only us.
The. Huron News-Record
September 4, 1895
Robt. Holmes of McIallop,
has sold his farm to John Clarke,
receiving for it the sum of
Mr. Louis Wild, of Bayfield,
has secured a situation as
bookkeeper in St. Louis.,
Warden MacPherson was in
town last Monday. Reeve
Kennedy drove him down to the
House of Refuge and he
scrutinized the work, apparently
well pleased with what he had
S. S. *Cooper has been
awarded the contract for Reeve
Burn's new brick residence at
Hayfield. The structure will cod
about $3,000.
The Clinton Nevva-Record
September 2,1915
Will Pitunsteel and family are
getting settled in the frame
Wise of Thomas Gibbings,
Princess St. Roy Pituristeel and
bride will retitle in the cottage
Vacated by his brother when
they 'return front their
honeymoon trip.
George MeTaggart, second
son of Mr. and Mrs, G.
*Taggart, left on Saturday
afternoon for Montreal to join
25 other eitnadiariS Who leave to
This naturally leads him to
diet and nothing on earth is
quite as melancholy as a fat man
before a plate of lettuce and a
scoop of cottage cheese.
There was a case in London,
England, just the other day
which dramatically
demonstrated this new outlook.
The headmistress of a public
school was hailed into court by
the father of one of the students
''who claimed that she had
repeatedly referred to the boy as
"a great fat• idiot" and "a big fat
ass." The father was suing
because the lady, he claimed,
had held up his son to ridicule
by her frequent references to his
weight, He didn't seem to mind
that she'd called him an idiot.
If there is such a thing as a
natural-born fat man, as opposed
to a natural-born worrier, he
must accept the fact that
whatever course he takes is going
to put him in the loser's circle of
As my friend put it, the fat
man is practically public
property. At almost any
gathering his gross tonnage may
become a subject for speculation
and light banter.
A man like myself whom
nature has endowed with an
enormous nose may go through
life without ever' hearing it
openly discussed. His friends,
indeed, will delicately avoid any
mention of the phenomenon,
suspecting that the poor fellow
is sensitive about his great beak
and that, since nothing short of
surgery can cure it, it is better to
pretend that it isn't there.
join the Imperial Services.
Sam Appleby, George Carter
and Charles Carter left for the
west on Saturday norming.
Miss Hazel O'Neil will re-open
her kindergarten room on
September 7.
The Clinton News-Record
August 28, 1930
School opens on Tuesday and
the CCI has almost a new staff.
Only E. A. Fines and P. C.
Coombs were on the staff last
term. Miss Mary E. Depew, Miss
Ricker, Miss Frances Brydone
and Mr. Allen are new. The
public school has the same staff
namely, G. H. Jefferson,
principal; Miss M. Armstrong,
Miss V. Frater,• Mrs. A. Farnham,
Miss H. Courtice, Miss M. Wiltse,
Miss Pepper and Miss Dougherty.
' Miss Margaret McLaren
carried off nine firsts in the
recent , tipper School
Eenneth Carter, who took Ms
matriculation course at home
received dais results last week. He
Won five firsts and a second. ken
has been engaged thit summer in
the Gunn, Iiangloit Company,
The Clinton- NeWs4tecord
August 30, 1046
Sunday afternoon the OW
But if a man is cursed by
corpulence he is never without a
reminder of it. Let him but enter
a roomful of people and
instantly the conversation will
concern calories or "the
perfectly wonderful diet" that
took 90 pounds off so-and-so
(he died, unhappily, on the day
he gave it up) and the case
histories of everyone present
"iviib ever Ida% poUnd.
And what of the fat man who
does make the supreme sacrifice
in the interests of a sylph-like
I know a couple of them who
have made . that journey
successfully and there's
something doleful about them.
It's hard to put your finger on,
but there's something intangible
missing besides flesh. They
accept the congratulations with
a distant air, as if they didn't
quite hear you.
What is it that's missing?
The answer to that was
expressed the other day by a
friend, a medium-pudgy type,
who used the occasion of his
40th birthday to begin a serious
reducing program. He put it
rather graphically, I thought,
when he reported that wherever
he goes — at work, in theatres,
driving the car — he's
accompanied by the bitter-sweet
fragrance of ham and eggs and
hash-brown potatoes.
This, of course, could drive a
man crazy or, at the very least,
sharply intensify the anxiety
,that caused him to over-eat in
the first place.
That way lies chaos.
Bugle band and a large number
of patriotic citizens gathered at
Reg. Ball's Service Station to
greet Gordon Hearn on his
arrival in Clinton.
Effective Aug. 31, small arms
ammunition is no longer
rationed in Canada.
Two other members of the
"silent" service arrived home
unannounced a few weeks ago,
M. J. SchoehnalS and his son
Robert "Bud"; they will receive
their discharge Soon. It . is
expected that "Mellie" Will
resume his duties as customs
officer in Clinton.
Frank Muteh won 'the first
prize, a washing machine, at the
Red Cross frolic sponsored by
the Liens Club.
The 'Clinton News-Record
September 1, 1955
Two datighters of Mr. and
Mrs. Harley Johnston, Blythe
chalked up high Marks In
competition at the C.N.E.
playing the alto horn. Miss basis
Johnston placed first in the open
class with 95 marks arid received
a gold Medal. Miss Joan
Johnston placed Second In the
Under 17 class, With 84 marks.
John Mtilholitind has just
returned from an extended trip
to the Western Provinces
Mondays and Wednesdays
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Pumps' and Injectors Repaired
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A Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper AsSociation,
Ontario Weekly Newspaper Astiociation and the Audit Bureau
Of CircUlation (ABC),
Canada, $6.00 per year; U.S.A., $7.50
Established 1865 1924 Established 1881 '
Clinton NevngraiRecord
Published every Thurtday at
the heart of Huron County
Clinton, ontarld
Population 3,475
• These are difficult times for
dreamers, idealists, rugged
individualists and fat men.
I never thought much about
the fat men, to tell the truth,
until the other evening when one
of them sobbed out his troubles
to me. It was a sad story and we
will deal with it today.
This fellow comes from a,
long line of fatties. Both his
father and inOthei Were
heaVyWeightt and their ratifiers;`
and mothers were heavyweights,
"We have a tradition of
avoirdupois," my friend related
wistfully. "Our family tree
groans with the great weight of
my forebears. But in their day
fat was never a subject for scorn.
They were known as hearty,
jolly citizens. Everybody loved
the fat man. It was a mark of '
affluence, good living and a
happy outlook,"'
Not any more. The
psychiatrists, of course, ruined
the legend by establishing the
fact — if it is a fact —that most
fat men are secret worriers. The
worry leads them to over-eat.
Their refrigerators are their
"white psychiatrists." The
paunch and the jowl then
become the manifestation of
anxiety. The medical profession ,
then added its little bit by
warning that the fatty has a
shorter life expectancy than the
normal or thin person.
So the jolly fat man is no
longer with us. How can a man
be jolly when the•whole world
knows of his neuroses and his
gloomy position as low man in
the mortality statistics?
An estimated 200 invited
guests, with their wives attended
the chinge of command at
`OAF Station elintoii—Paratli't.:
square last Friday afternoon
when Group Captain K.
Cameron, Mtig CR, officially
turned over the command of the
he visited with F/0 and Mrs.' *Station Gioup
John Brydone, and also Roy_Mathieson, MBE, CD.
Pickard, formerIy of , The Rev. J. W. McKim
liolmesville, preached hit farewell sermon at
Wesley-Willis and Holinesville
10 YEARS AGO United Churches on Sunday.
The Clinton News4teeord 4
September 1,1960
etipudn G.