HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-08-27, Page 9Mho farewell to base commaader Mr, Fred Millar, Base Civilian Personnel Officer (right) presents Col. E. W. Ryan, Base Commander with a suitcase (on behalf of Base civilian personnel) as a Parting gift prior to his posting to National Defence College, Kingston. --Canadian Forces photo. The Civilian Staff of Base Clinton recently bid farewell to Colonel and Mrs. E. W. Ryan on their'departure from the Base. with a suitcase, Mrs. Ron was. Colonel Ryan was presented presented with flowers.! Mrs. Thelma Jones makes a floral presentation (on behalf of civilian personnel) to Mrs. E. W. Ryan, prior to her departure from CFB Clinton. --Canadian Forces photo. CELEBRATING _2$ years in business : - r ;out • TV. SERVICE: 215 VICTORIA:STREET OFFERS $100 off regular price on all Philips.Color T,V.'s $75 off regular price On stereo $150 off regul6r price on T.V. stereo combinations $50 off regular price on black and white console $25 off regular price on black arid white portables, All radios, tape recorders, record players are 10% to 20% off. Select your set now and save at our Silver Anniversary Sale. PHILIPS Philips color is fiddle-free color. So 'easy to operate, Just switch it on and let the automatic circuits do the work automatic fine tuning * automatic vertical hold * automatic horizontal hold * automatic deguassing * automatic temperature control. Philips Model T.129 25" Color TV 1 year service parts and labour warranty. 2 year picture tube guarantee. NOW $699 ev.en less with trade A practical color television for any home. Here's a 25" table model with all the automatic tuning and viewing features you could ask for. it also has a choice of three complementary bases to please any decor-conscious homemaker. Cabinet and bases are finely finished in Swedish Walnut. (BASE IS EXTRA) Philips Model T.119 '19" Color TV . 1 year service parts and labour warranty. 2 year picture tube guarantee. NOW: $599 All new chassis designed with 19" rectangular picture tube. 'Fully automatic color chassis. Handsomely styled table with Sheppard casters is an optional extra (model' B078). Cabinet is finished in Swedish walnut. ' (BASE IS EXTRA) • Merrill T.V. Service RADIO & APPLIANCES REPAIRS 21$ VICTORIA St. 482-7021 CLINTON „ , Ctiptql09WS-Record, ThirsclaY, A1494st 27 (19711 ATTENTION FARMERS! DON'T FORGET FALL WHEAT REQUIRES FERTILIZER COME IN AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR REQUIREMENTS FOR SEED and FERTILIZER . • HARRISTON FERTILIZERS DIV, of CYANAIVIIDE OF CANADA LT D Fitt Caritofru-South side of Hwy, 8 AeOrmartiately 3 Miles east Of Clinton HOWAki MCKENDFW RA LPH titLW-INdA 482.51p 482,9838 „ . TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR LOW, LOW PRICES ON GYM SHOES AND RUNNING SHOES BOTH LOW & HIGH STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM IN COMPLETE SIZE RANGES BOY'S 2.19up MEN'S 2 85 UP ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OP PANTS AND JEANS IN MEN'S ANb BOY'S SIZES AIKEN BROS. MEN'S & BOY'S FOOTWEAR & CLOTHING LUGGAGE & LEATHER GOODS CLINTONV PlioNE 482.052 BINDER SPECIAL! 1-2" 3-Ring Binder 1-100 Sheet Refill 5—Exercise Books 5—Subject Dividers 1—Coil Exercise Book Total $4.27 ALL FOR $2.25 49c 69c 25c 59c 2.77 BACK-TO-SCHOOL SAVINGS FOR ALL THE FAMILY! RIGHTS RESEMED,TO LIMITED QUANTITIES — PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NONCMINtORS AND OMISSIONS EXCEPTED, ALL PRICES SHOWN ARE MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED LIST PRICE. 525 SHEETS gligLE LINED REFILL PAPER 2.29 500 SHEETS 2-HOLE LINED REFILL PAPER 67 WITH COLORED DIVIDER AND INDEX TABS ""1 250 SHEETS 3-HOL LINED REFILL PAPER, Only 89' 3-RING BINDERS Only 77' BALL POINT PENS Only 5' ASA HEADACHE ' TABLETS 5 Grains Csi4 wo's *JP II ALL DAY/ALL NIGHT COLD CAPSULES 10's REG. $1,49 794 COTTON BALLS 300's REG. $1.19 774 THERMOMETERS REG, $1.95 1.49 FAST HOME PERMS REG. $2.29 1.27 RIGHT GUARD DEODORANT 5 oz, REG. $1.391.09 GILLETTE SUPER STAINLESS BLADES S's REG. 75 c 63 HEAD & SHOULDTtibe-Jar EtiRonS Family Size 1.44 CREST TOOTHPASTE REG. $1.29 934 SECRET DEODORANT REG, $1.29 834 SPRAY SPRAY`POLYMULSION SUPER DRY DEODORANT AEG. $159 834 32 oz. REG. $6.98 3 17 MANY MORE itEMs oN SALE TOO NUM8AbLis TO Litt Phone 482,:9511 Clinton, During the gathering of CFB civilian personnel to honour Col. and Mrs. E. W. Ryan prior to their departure from the base. Mrs. Vera Paulin and her son Richard provided organ and guitar selections. --Canadian Forces photo. Ontario.. . to. Implement. building ',code 'soon. ..„. 'Municipal Affant Minister Darcy MeKePng11 has armAkmced that the 00440 Government will implement uniform building standards in the Province "as B414.4 as possible." Be said "the efficiencies implicit in a system of uniform building and fire safety standards should alleviate some Of the serious housing problems that we have been facing." "WO know that it does not preset the only solution to the 11017lng crisis, but it is another dec'sive step in the right di ction," Mr. McKeough told t e annual convention of the ntario Municipal Association here. The Government has decided to place the responsibility for organizing and operating Uniform building standards with the Department of Labour. Labour Minister Dalton Bales told the convention that his Department will appoint two review committees to work out the practicalities of implementing uniform building standards. "One committee will be responsible for drafting appropriate legislation. It will examine existing legislation in Ontario and resolve any 'differen.ees that exist between municipal' building by-laws, proviriCial standards, The National Building Code and The National Fire Code. "The second committee will advise on the necessary organization for effective inspection of building standards, aPPrjval procedures, uniform interpretation and enforcement, and developing staff, training and education programs." Mr. Bales added that a great deal of detailed work has to be done before uniform standards can be introduced "and we will proceed with this as rapidly as possible. "We will need to test and discuss the programs these committees develop on both the public and private sectors to ensure that all possible difficulties are adequately resolved before legislation is implemented." Mr. McKeough said the idea of a universal system of building standards has strong appeal and "would result in substantial efficiencies in the planning, &Sign administration and construction orbilildings as Well as in the processing and stocking of building materials." Jim Snow, MPP for Halton East and a general contractor, first urged the Ontario Legislature to adopt uniform building standards in March 1968. In September, 1968, Mr. McKeough set up an advisory committee under the chairmanship of Mr. C. D. Carruthers, an engineering consultant, to explore the whole subject area. The Committee reported back on January 9th, 1970. Among its recommendations were: —Adoption of the National Building Code of Canada 1970 and .the National Fire Code ..of C4n444.197.9i • • _. Th0 development" of an. :Budding Code during the trarisitionary..stage to .,include. necessary .• standards not now i0cotporated • to the national A 'review of present legislation 4.04.- the'. development of new. legiSlation where necessary; The appointment of two interim ;Kim committees; • The establishment of bnilding - inspeetiOn . training and eertification. McKeough said that .after lengthy study of the Carruthers Committee report by both the private- and public Sectors, the Gov.ernment decided to implement 'its recommendations, McKeough. told the audience of municipal leaders that "the Carruthers. Committee recommended . and the Government subscribes to the view- that building and safety inspection are -properly • local government responsibilities — perhaps administered at the county or regiOnal level. "The role of the Province will be more in the nature of, training and 'education •- programs for • building; and Safety. inspectors and for the. - development of province-wide standartig." 1-°1'" " Mr.- McKeough''44041_40,A among . the beriefits, • resulfing from the adopting of tinifortn building ' standards . should he that our technology will be more capable 'of producing buildings of architectural, and Wile tonal • . • • ()Jo quality in mass volurrieLf i h „, "It . should • aLsO industry will be able to reduce and streamline our present system -of • complex, multi-purpose - investoriesand expand its •- techniques for manufacturing buildings that are portable, demountable and increasingly adaptable." STUDIO Specializing in ... * Weddings * Children Single or Group Portraits and Passports 524-8787 - .118 St. David Goderich