HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-08-13, Page 144 _Clinton News-Record, . T. hursday, August 212, '197Q
.fditorial moment
Laurels to the. Mayor
Praise must go to Mayor Don Symons
for his move last Week to start the ball
rolling in the cleanup of the Bayfield
River and the acquisition of more
recreational and camping grounds in
At last week's council meeting, the
mayor noted -that all indications in the
Ontario Governments preliminary report
on, the Midwestern Ontario Region,
released a month ago, point to Clinton
being designated as a recreational area. He
Pointed out that perhaps it would be best
for the area to get ready now so it could
take best advantage of the situation. He
added that the most obvious place to start
is the Bayfield valley at the southeast side
of town.
Concern over the state of the Bayfield
watershed has been expressed from many
sides. Bayfield village council has been
worried about erosion of the lakeshore
near the mouth of the river and last week
Seaforth town council asked the minister
of energy and resources to add all of
Goderich, Stanley, Tuckersmith apd
Hibbert townships and the town of
Seaforth to the Maitland Valley
conservation area so that the whole of the
Bayfield watershed could be properly
looked after.
The concern has also been echoed by
the two major newpapers in the area, the
News-Record and the Huron Expositor.
Both Bayfield and Seaforth seem to
feel that their future lies in becoming
associated with the Maitland area. To us,
however, it would seem Mayor Symons'
proposal of amalgamation with
Tuckersmith to develop the area south
and east of Clinton, is a better
If this type of joint co-operation could
be extended throughout the whole
watershed, it would be better than
lumping the area in with the Maitland.
Although the Maitland authority has
been working since 1951, it covers such a
vast area that it has not yet solved all its
own problems. By joining this area,
municipalities along the Bayfield might
find they are helping to pay for
improvements to other areas and that it is
a long time before the authority got
around to their own problems.
By setting up a separate authority for
the Bayfield, either formally or
informally, the local governments are
assured that their own problems will be
dealt with immediately and that there will
be complete concentration on righting
faults along the Bayfield, not at Gorrie or
So far, however, everyone has been
saying what should be done, and no one
has taken action. We urge the mayor to go
ahead and fight for his proposal. Town
council should call representatives of all
municipalities along the river's route to
discuss joint action. They should consult
the provincial and federal governments to
see what assistance they can give.
Action is needed at once on this matter
and Clinton should take the initiative.
Proud to be a Canadian?
Sometimes, in one's less generous
moments, it is easy to wonder how he can
be proud to be a Canadian.
It sometimes seems that Canadians are
the most block-headed, selfish and
pernicious nationality of people on earth.
They are the kind of people who scream
about high taxes, but yell at the same
time for more medicare, grants to the arts,
subsidies to farmers, streets, sewers,
schools and a hundred and one million
other things.
The kind of people who tell the
government to get tough on inflation, but
'won't sacrifice a Thin/ dollatt'4'virdek to
help the cause. The people who rant
about government inefficiency but groan
when the government budget cutbacks
pinch them a little.
They are the same people who want to
be completely independent to the United
States, ,but not if it means that they might
have to go without their colour television
or automatic dishwasher for another year
or so.
They are the people same people who
grumble at a party about what the
younger generation is coming to while
they leave the kids to run the streets at
home. They're the people who call for a
crackdown on crime, but don't think that
taking towels home from the motel they
stayed at on their holiday is a no-no.
And they're the people who shake their
heads about the kids travelling the
country without jobs this summer and
then remember '"no§tagioly :the thirties
With its'h!arda:tijbs aernpri`'N frig the ',ails.
The ones who worry about drugs and
drown their sorrows in a half-bottle of
Yes, we're a strange people, the
Canadians, and maybe someday we will
grow up enough to deserve the beautiful
land we've been given to live in.
Dumping fill along the Bayfield
Would a conservation area stop this?
Never walk alone
Clinton, Ontario
SUNDAY, AUGUST 23, 7:30 p.m.
SPEAKER: Rev. Arthur Maybury, Goderich
All Welcome
For Air-Master AltIMintitn
boort and Windows
R. L Jervis — 68 Albert S
Clinton — 482.9390
'Pumps and Injectors Repaired
For All Popular Makes.
Huron Fuel injection
Bayfield Rd,, Clinton--'-482-7971
Established 1865 1924 established 1881 '
Clinton News-Record
A reernber of the Canadian weekly Newspaper Association,
Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association and the Audit Bureau
of Circulation (ABC)
second class mail
registration Mieribee ee 0011
SUeStRIPTION RATES: (in advance)
Canada, 56.00 per year; U.S.A., $7,50
i(EitH W, 14OULSTON -.- Editor
"HOWArib AttkEN" General Manager
Published every Thursday at
the heart Of Huron county
Clinton, Ontario
Population 3,475
the noke
Evil omens casting a
This summer I feel distinctly
that some malicious witch or
warlock has put a curse on me,
Don't ask me why, I ain't done
nothin' to nobody.
There's been nothing serious
or tragic. Just a lot of little
things that seem to wind up
spelling hex.
Why, for example, should
there be a huge wasp's nest in
the middle of my hedge, when
the filthy little brutes have never
built there before?
Why should I trip over a rock,
take a chunk the size of a silver
dollar out of my shin, and sprain
my thumb trying to save myself?
Why should my waist-line
suddenly leap from 31 to a snug
32? Why should my daughter
fall in love with a guy of whom
she says, "I wouldn't marry him
if he were the last man in the
But it's not just what hap-
pened to the, I seem to .be
carrying the spell around with
me, and am beginning to feel
like a Jonah.
Went to a delightful party.
Everyone was pleasant. Except
that a couple of 200-pounders
Wound up 10 a state of deep
umbrage. That's a sort of purple.
One had told the other, during a
discussion of exercise, jogging
and waistlines, that he was "just
a big, fat pig." Not nice. But
why was # the only male left to
keep them from Coming to
carnage? All 140 pounds of me.
Went sailing with friends on a
perfect summer day. Why did a
terrific storm come out of
nowhere? Because I was on
board. I'm sure of it;
Last Sunday, went out as
crew with a friend who races his
sailboat. He didn't figure on
winning, with a crewman who
doesn't know a lull from a
larboard, But he also didn't
figure on winding up two miles
behind every other boat, includ-
ing one he beats regularly. We
hit every patch of dead calm in
the bay, while the other boats
invariably caught a breeze which
would vanish by the time we got
there. Why?
Another friend invited me for
a day's fishing. Came the day,
ideal for fishing. Came also a
phone call saying he'd put a rod
through his crankshaft, or some-
thing equally horrible, and his
motor was ruined. You think
that was just coincidence?
The other night I did go
fishing with my brother-in-law.
Good boat, good motor, lots of
worms and minnows, perfect
time of evening, arid a hot spot
where he'd picked up some nice
bass the day before. I don't have
to tell you what we caught,
About four pounds of weeds,
While a chap in the next boat
hauled in a hunker,
Last night we went out to
visit another brother-in-law.
They'd taken a cottage to get
away from the tetrible heat of
the city for a week. That brief
visit fixed him. Today it's
sweaters and long pants weather,
with a howling wind and the
temperature down about forty
degrees. They'll have a miserable
week, thanks to me.
These are just a few incidents
from a catalogue as long as your
leg. But I'm beginning to think
that whom the gods would
destroy they first make mad,
And I'm getting mad.
I can put up with my normal
stupidity. Like a dunner from
the revenue people for a $65
line. Or going out to put our
suitcases in the trunk of the car
and finding it full of elm blocks
for the fireplace which my
father-in-law had given me last
Spring, and having to unload
them in the heat and my brand
new sport shirt. Or having the
cat claw me about the head and
shoulders on three separate oc-
casions, because she doesn't like
driving in a car. That was my
wife's stupidity.
But f can't help feeling that
there's something sinister, some
kind of a trend, in all the other
little "accidents." Somebody
out there is trying to get me.
Today I'm convinced of it.
Woke up With violent stomach
cramps that turn me into A
white, sweating wretch about
every twenty minutes. Ate and
drank tine seine things last night
As the others in the hOuse. Why
should I be the only one to wind
up with dire rear? Why?
The doctor friend who
inspired the recent notes here on
the subject of loneliness has now
sent me two reports of
experiments which seem to
demonstrate that mental
isolation can, indeed, cause
medical problems grave enough
to account for suicide.
Each of these investigations
was intended to study human
behaviour under the stress of
what's technically known as
"sensory deprivation."
They bear very directly on the
sort of person who, having some
particular cause for unhappiness,
withdraws into himself. Such
detachment, it appears, almost
always leads to despair.
The Lancet, the British
medical journal, summarized the
conclusions of these tests in this
way: "Continual sensory
bombardment is necessary to the
maintenance of consciousness,
awareness of one's relationship
to the environment, and
intelligent adaptive behaviours."
In other words, a man must
maintain his interests, his broad
and varied involvements in
society, his wholeness, or he's
inviting the blues and the
heebie-jeebies in their most
grotesque form.
At the New York University
School of Education 14
freshmen, chosen for intellect
and stability, were closeted in
sound-proof rooms for eight
hours. They wore earphones
through which was fed what is
known as a "white" sound —
AUGUST 21, 1895
Bicycle Collision
Fortunately it was not a case of
the irresistible meeting the
immovable. In the early twilight
of Monday evening Mr. Whitely,
of Princess St., was on his way in
a low two-wheeled trap to bring
home Mrs. W. from another part
of town. His bicycle was
propelled by quadrupedal
When on Mary St. midway
between Orange and Issac, baker
Castle, with bicycle propelled by
bipedal' power, attempted to
climb over the dashboard of Mr.
Whitely's trap. He succeeded
only partially. He landed on the
dashboard bending its iron
supports so that it came in
contact with Mr. Whitely's
knees, then he rebounded with
the lightness of a setting of hie
own sponge: and his nekt
situation was prone on the earth
and his untamable bike ditto,
-Maher of them at all injured,
The damage to Mt. Whitley"s
trap will not exceed $20 which
Mr. 0. will be called upon to
In answer to boc, Blaekwell
Castle said the collision waS not
intentional on his part, but
arose ftotti his 'looking on the
greyOtirie. On lookers declare
that lie is a match for
gitrimerrnati in speed and could
take a five-harred gate with all
one, that is, which obscures all
recognizable noises. Translucent
plastic eye-cups blotted out all
recognizable forms,
In the English experiment the
20 volunteers were nurses and
hospital workers also selected
for their alertness and emotional
stamina. They were asked to
remain in solitary confinement
as long as they could, permitted
,to walk about in' the isolation
'.'chamber, beet° have no.eontact
with the outside.
Here was loneliness enforced
and concentrated. And it was
All 14 of the American
freshmen found the experience
frustrating and three gave up
after less than three hours. One
who went through the eight
hours said, "Boy, you couldn't
get me to stay any longer unless
you held a gun over me!"
They found they were unable
to think normally, that their
minds went as "white" as the
sound in their ears, that they
were disorganized, unstable and
The English volunteers,
though some quit after just five
hours and others lasted 92
hours, shared the agony. Their
thinking quickly became
disorganized and disordered, the
power of concentration slipped
away, and, in each case, there
were attacks of anxiety, tension
or panic that caused them to
give up the test.
It is my doctor friend's belief
that these results, though the
the ease of the most practiced
Irish hunter.
AUGUST 19, 1915
Gordon Cunningham, express
driver, was badly shaken' up and
painfully injured on Wednesday
when he was thrown from his rig
by a collision with an
The Doherty Piano factory
starts on eight hours a day next
The addition to C. C. I. is
almost completed and will open
when school opens on.
September 7.
The fire brigade had a run
Monday when the chicken coop
of Thomas Cook was discovered
on fire. The building was
practically destroyed,
AUGUSt 14, 1930
The 6.08 train came in on
Saturday for the last trip. It Will
hot be missed as much during
the surnmer, but it will be
missed in the whiter,
The Rural Hydro people, who
failed to collie to terms with S.
S. Cooper in regard to taking
over his premises on Itattenbury
Street, have taken B. Langford's
garage Mid it is expected will
stabil take possession.
The staff at A, 'P. Cooper's
store held their picnic at
Bayfield yesterday.
AUGUST 113, 1946
Miss Clete Potter has accepted
tests were not designed
specifically for the purpose,
dramatize the plight of many
would-be suicides since they
demonstrate that mental
isolation can lead only to
irrational behavior.
He points out that the
statistics on suicide show that
more men than women' destroy
themselves and, sure enough, in
;these particular ,tests the women
Voliinteers were able to survive
in better shape and for longer
periods than the men.
' It was established, too, that it
tended to be the placid and calm
person with an intelligence level
at or somewhat below average
who was best able to deal with
this kind of sensory deprivation.
Again, the suicide studies
indicate that it is the more
intellectual, sensitive and
imaginative types who are most
liable to exaggerate and intensify
their problems in solitude.
The tests, in fact, might offer
guidance for anyone who
wrestles with guilt or anxiety,
the reminder that those
problems which cannot be
solved frontally may be
side-stepped and put in their
proper perspective by living life
fully and with the infinite
variety it can offer.
These clinical findings of the
perils of isolation, in short,
demonstrate that the only
"cure" is to re-join society
rather than to elect the lonelier
a position in Churchill's shoe
Reg. Cudmore who recently
received his honorable discharge
from the R. C. A. F. has joined
the staff of the Clinton Post
Robert S. Reid, Varna, has
purchased the brick cottage on
Ontario Street from Lloyd
Miss Jean Morgan left
for Toronto last week to resume
her studies in physio-therapy at
the University Of Toronto.
AUGUST '18, 1955
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stirling
and Mr, and Mrs. Keith Miller
left on Sunday to spend a few
days along the St. Lawrence
Orrin and Gerald Baird are
visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Grant Love, Caro
Miele., this week.
Mrs. Harry Williams again
placed first among the ladies in
the haixed bowling jitney 011
Monday night at the local
Miss Jean Houston M. A.
Toronto, is holidaying with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
1.Icittston, Auburn,
AUGUST 18, 1960
Alt Albino Groundhog is a
fairly rare itenl...but the folk at
tine Jack Taylor farm,
Concesaion. 2,• Stanley Township,
"THE F.I irritn.Y.
Pastor; REV. H. W. WONFOR,
B.Sc., B.Com., B.D,
Organist: MISS J..015 PRASBV, ,A.R.C.T.
Wesley-Willis -- Holmesville United Churches
REV. A. J. MOWATT, 13.4, D.D., Minister
MR. LORNE DOTTERER, Organist and Choir Director
11:00 a.m. — Morning Worship and Junior Congregation.
(Ontario St. Church will worship with Wesley,Willis
Church during August).
Rev. H, W, Wonfor, preacher,
Organ Solo: Mr, Lorne Dotterer
263 Princess Avenue
Pastor: Alvin Beukema, B.A., B.D.
Services: 10:00 a.m. and 3:Q0 p.m.
(On 2nd and 4th Sunday, 9;30 a.m.)
The Church of the Back to God Hour
every Sunday 12:30 p.m., CHLO
— Everyone Welcome —
Interim Moderator Rev. G. L. Royal
We mourn the passing of Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A.
Church and Sunday School discontinued for the
month of August.
Sunday School: 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship: 11.:00 a.m.
Evening Gospel Service: 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. — Prayer meeting.
Holy Communion and Sermon.
The Rev. Canon F. H. Paull
166 Victoria Street
Pastor: Donald Forrest
Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Evangelistic Service: 7:00 p.m.
\ •••,. \ \N. \ \ %Ns. \ N.\ \ \ • \
Business and Professional
Mondays and Wednesdays
For Appointment Phone
Thursday Evenings
by appointment
The Square, GODER ICH
SO. \ \AN S. N, •
dug One out mid had him in Ronald Seotchiner recei
captivity a that time, liis Otteert's Scout Badge at
The first swim Meet to be anniversary service in
held in the Clinton Swimming Andrew's United Chu
Pool was held yesterday with Bayfield, last Sunday. It w
dozens of children taking part, special occasion in another
Sunny, hot Weather set the as Well for the Rev.
stage, arid Corporal Douglas Renner, Teeswater was bac
R. C. A. Station the village to preach
Clinton Wae ehlef starter. Ann iversery eery ice.
The congregatipn will worship at the Wesley-Willis
Church during the month of August with Rev, H,
W. Wonfor preaching.
Phones: Office 482-9747
Res. 482-7804
Phone 482-6693
Office: 482-9644
J. T. Wise, Res.: 482-7