HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-07-16, Page 102A Clinton News-Record, Thursday, JOY 16,1970
• Pollution problem solved
Two new systems of handling liquid manure at the Canada Department of Agriculture's Greenbelt
Farm in Ottawa. In the top photo, liquid is spread on the ground, with the spray directed
downward to keep air exposure at a minimum. A four-bottom plow follows behind to turn the
manure under within seconds. In the bottom photo, liquid manure is pumped from a tanker
through hoses directly underground,
Poultry in abundant supply
Mr, Jack Hale (left) new General Manager of The Ontario
Federation of Agriculture, seen discussing the Task Force
Report with OFA president, Gordon Hill.
OFA top post filled by Jack Hale
Don't miss these stargilied
nights at the CNE.
‘1,,r ,
131g names in entertainment
are coming to the CNE
Grandstand this year-and Each advance evening Grandstand ticket entitles
four whole evenings are given over to the the holder to free admission to the grounds on the
largest circus ever stogedl day of the performance (vehicle not included),
Check the line-up!
August 20 , .Football, Toronto vs Edmonton $6.50, $5.50, $4.00, and $2.50
August 21 „ , Bobby Sherman , „ ,, .$4.00 and $3,50
August 22 The Temptations ' , $5,00 and $4,00
August 23.-- , ,, Italian Festival $7.00, $&00, and $5,00
August 24, 25 ................Johnny Cash ...... . . .... .. ..... . .. . . ,$6.00, $5,00, and $4,00
August Po „ ...... . ...... „„„., Brenda Lee., $5,00 and $4,00
August 27 Red Skelton .... ..... . ,,„ ........ 0,„ „..,..,$6,00, $5.00 and $4.00
August 28, 29, 30, 31„.,, Circus '70tnternational Naltprice for chltdren 12 ond ut1clo
September 1 Ray Charles/AI Hirt $5,00 and $4,00
September 2„„„,„ ..... ... Bobby Goldsboro „ $5.00 and $4.00
September 3-„..-„,„„„ Charley Pride , „ . .. . , „ .$5,00 and $4,00
September 4....„, .. . „„„,. 5th Dimension, . . „ ..... . . „,,..,,,,,,„..„$6,00, $5,00 and $4.00
September 5,,,,.„.,,, ........ Drum and BO& Competition $4,00 and $150
September ...................Military Band Tattoo. .. . ...... . . $4,00 and $150
September 7 $2,00 and $1,00
Canadian National Exhibition
August 20 to Sept 7 Sundays from 1:30
Mail Order Of fite is opet4 until August loth, For' . I n,orrnat,On Or tickets write:
Grandstand ttox Office, Conottion tgationot Exhibition,
Exhibition Park, Toronto 28, OntariO,
Free Admission! JULY SPECIAL
19" Portable Black and White Television
Merrill 'IV Service
qAblO APFLIA1`140,5 z Et'AIR5
vidolita cLItitoN 4S14tit
We Are Buying .
Wheat, Barley,
Oats, corn, Flax
.and Mixed Grain
We are equipped for
fast unloading service.
-Our automatic grain
handling facilities elim-
inate waiting, when you
bring your grain to
The Elevators will be open 6 days of the
week and will be open at nights if good
Harvesting Weather
i'hhone 527-1910 Seaforth
loft MEW 40110' 111110-
May to August 1970, compared
to a year. ago.
Total poUltry meat supplies
to June 20th were about 348
million pounds compared to 322
million last year for the same
period. At June 1st, poultry
stocks totalled 42.2 million
pounds, only slightly above last
year's 41.0 million.
r siorramommorwmaumemirwaiiimororrompkogemors
The Canada Department of
Agriculture has buried a wimp
air pollution problem arising
from the development of
inteasive livestock production
The problem involves liquid
manure from cattle, sheep,
chickens and geese.
Farmers normally store this
manure in underground concrete
pits for six months of the year,
then pump it into tankers and
spread it on the land during
warm weather.
When this happens close to
urban areas, the animal stench
can touch off some even bigger
stinks, these ones political in
nature. In several urban areas -
and even rural areas - of
Canada, the outraged cries of
residents have reverberated
through local, provincial and
federal levels of government.
A possible solution came this
spring when researchers from the
Engineering Research Service of
the CDA's Research Branch
teamed up with the staff of, the
Animal Research Institute.
Their approach to the
problem is to literally bury the
stink by either injecting the
liquid manure into the soil or
plowing it under seconds after it
is spread.
Once the liquid manure goes
underground, there is no more
And there's an added bonus;
it's likely that the liquid manure
Will retain more value as
fertilizer because it is
immediately submerged where
air , and sunlight can no longer
rob it of valuable nutrients.
Although the air pollution
problem is solved, the research
staff is not entirely satisfied with
data they have gathered to date.
There are a number of problems
they believe they can solve for
the entire agricultural industry
by pursuing their research.
As Canadian livestock
producers continue a shift
towards more intensive
production, they are increasing
their use of liquid manure
handling systems.
Instead of dumping manure
*pn :piles, they are developing
iparnS where manure will fall
through slatted floors or into
gutters, run off in liquid form
and gather in an underground
storage tank.
These systems of handling
manure reduce the costs of both
labor and livestock bedding
(straw or wood shavings) and
keep the animals cleaner.
Farmers normally dispose of
'manure from storage tanks by
mixing it thoroughly, then
pumping it into tankers.
Most Canadian-used tinkers
spread the liquid manure in a
spray form, which exposes it to
air and creates air pollution
problems over a wide area.
The one system being
developed at Ottawa pumps the
liquid manure from the tanker
through hoses directly
underground. This machine was
developed in Sweden,• but
extensive modifications were
carried out by the Canadian
The other system involves
spreading the liquid manure on
the ground, but air exposure is
kept to a minimum by keeping
the spray directed downward. A
four-bottom plow follows close
behind to turn the manure under
within seconds.
There are several facets of
this operation which the
engineers wish to study further;.
For example, because the
Manure must be submerged or
plowed down quickly, spreading
can only take place when the
ground is not frozen or too Wet
to till. This means the Canadian
farmer must build storage for up
to six months' production,
which is costly.
But there is a bonus because
it prevents water pollution
through spring run-off.
Because spreading must take
place in warm weather, farmers
will still face the problem of
either summerfallowing land so
they can dispose of manure
during the entire summer season,
or purchasing enough equipment
to carry out disposal before
spring planting and after fall
The plow-down system
requires at least two tractor
operators, one for the tractor
pulling the tank, the other for
the tractor plowing it under.
Another possibility would be to
design an integrated unit with
both the tank and the plow
pulled by one tractor.
"We're definitely pleased
with the two systems developed
here," says Gordon Matthews,
resources manager for the
Animal Research Institute. "We
think we have systems that
could be adopted by any large
livestock operation using liquid
manure handling and storage
"I would guess that 'these
systems have increased our
efficiency by about 50 per cent.
The savings result from
combining the plowing and
manure disposal operations,
from using several tankers
shuttling between the storage
pits and the field to keep one
plow operating continuously and
from spreading the manure over
a much smaller area than
Dr. RI S. Gowe, director of
the ARI, is delighted that the
systems have virtually eliminated
air Pollution coMplaints. -
But the engineers are more
reserved in their praise because
they want more information,
particularly on such factors as
the capital investment and
operating costs for several
The t two engineers most
directly involved are Mottie
Feldman, who designs the
equipment, and F. R. Hore, an
expert in liquid manure research.
To hide the foundation of a
new home and add color to the
grounds, annual flowers can be
used most effectively, say
horticulturalists of the Ontario
Department of Agriculture and
When perennial shrubbery is
planted, sufficient space should
be allowed to permit proper
Annual flowers can then be
planted in these spaces for a
number of years until the
shrubbery has grown enough to
fill the spaces.
Most people closely
associated, with any segment of
the red meat industry are usually
quite interested in what's
happening in the poultry
industry. •
A look through the last few
issues of the Poultry Market
Report published weekly by the
Canada Department of
Agriculture reveals some
significant facts about the
poultry industry. Up to June 20,
broiler chicken marketings
totalled 251 million pounds
compared to 222 million pounds
a year ago. Considerable
expansion is occurring ,in the
chicken broiler industry with the
greatest volume increases being
in Quebec and Ontario.
In 1969, apparent domestic
disappearance in the first few
months rose sharply over year
earlier levels, however, in the
first few months of 1970, this
has not happened.
type windshield Newwindshield
y years ahead
of its time
Britain's car designers are to
experiment with a new type of
ultra sonic windscreen cleaning
device that will keep rain off
windscreens with high speed
Instead of conventional wiper
arms going back and forth in
arcs across the windshield the
ultra sonic device makes the
glass vibrate at a super high
frequency. - so that rain and dirt
are thrown off.
The new type windshield has
been unveiled - in model form
- on the peep-into-the-future
British Leyland Triumph XL90,
a space-age family saloon
described as "25 years ahead of
its time."
Ideas for the XL90, still
experimental, include a sealed
for life engine, automatic
transmission that may be of the
belt-driven variable ratio
variety, a self-guidance system
and an automatic speed control
The car also is envisaged as
having: Pneumatic controls, light
sensitive windows that tint
automatically as sunlight gets
brighter, ultra-sonic windshield
cleaning, and four aircraft style
bucket seats.
The Ontario Federation of
Agriculture has a new General
Manager and Secretary-
Treasurer. Gordon Hill has
announced that Mr. Jack Hale
will be taking over this new OFA
top staff post immediately.
"We are very fortunate to
have a man of his ability and
experience working for farmers.
The Federation is making some
important changes as we move
ahead in our new Individual
Service Membership
programme", said Mr. Hill.
"I am joining the Federation
of Agriculture in order to serve
the farmers of Ontario in
building a strong and effective
organization, so their voice will
be clearly heard in the
community", Mr. Hale
Mr. Hale was born in
Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1920. He
has had extensive experience in
the purchasing and marketing of
livestock, both for industry and
the farmer, Most recently, he has
held senior management
responsibilities in the
construction industry. He now
returns to the agricultural field
and to the service of farmers.
Mr, Hale serves on The
Metropolitan Toronto School
Board, representing the Separate
School Ratepayers and is,
therefore, very familiar with the
present problems of financing
"The OFA is right. It is time
to take a stared on "education
taxes. I will be right in there
pitching for farmers in this and
other areas where they need the
help of an effective
organization", said Mr. Hale.
Wedding Pictures `ill
Phone 482-7006
Twilight crop
'Foram is planned
The Huron County Soil and
CreP Improvement Association
is sponsoring a Twilight Crops
Program at John liazlitt's farm
13/4 miles east of Benminer on
ncossion. II Colborne
Township. It will commence at
1;00 p.m. on Thursday, July
A number of agronomists
will be on hand to explain the
various cereal and field crop
Up to June 20 broiler turkey
betpet was running below a year
ago by about 3.5 million
pounds, In the first four months
of 1970 broiler turkey poult
placements were 25% above the
similar period of 1969 and a
recent forecast calls for a 22%
increase in broiler turkey
marketings in the four months,
Clinton Memorial Shop
Phone 482-7211
Open Every Afternoon
Local Rogirooisotativa
A. W. STEEP - 482-6642 •