HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-07-09, Page 12IMPORTANT NOTICE SUBDIVISION OF LAND All personsconsidering the sale or purchase ' of land in Ontario are urged to acquaint themselves with The Planning Amendment Act 1970 which became effective June 27th., A major feature of the Amendment ex- tends subdivision control and part-lot control over all lands in Ontario. This measure is designed to encourage the orderly'use of lands and to help our communities meet land-use requirements for education, housing, pollution and other purposes. Copies of The Planning Amendment Act 1970 are available on request from THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT BOOK STORE 880 BAY STREET TORONTO THE PLANNING AMENDMENT ACT 1970 THE DEPARTMENT, OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS Hon. Darcy McKeough, SO3V1140 PLINTQN AMR 131STRICT SINPE 1945 Gordan GrpGrigg Fuels Call Our Auent ROSS ,JEWITT for Al FARM IL HEATING PETROLEUM NEEDS No Waiting on leanouts Pick Your Date Now! . For your safety our delivery trucks narry fuel nil only FOR FREE BURNER SERVICE NIGHT OR DAY CALL 482-9411 tt r IIIIIII MEI IBM I malftrits,. _WILL 3 St II I Water 00 Eldon 0 • .4. ,d''Agrocurturt ."%, 1. Park South a , Si, I 0-4 k t Ao n Mme. HOLMES styled the same as that of the maid of honour but with white lace over pink taffeta. Their flowers were white mums tinted pink. Connie Roderique of Rodney, flowergirl, was gowned like the maid of honour and carried an identical bouquet but on a smaller scale. The groomsman was Yvon Begin of Rodney, brother of the groom, and Charles Begin of Rodney and Darryl Stacey of London were the ushers, The bride's little brother, Bradley Holmes, was ringbearer. Following the wedding ceremony the guests were entertained at dinner served in the Church Parlours with a reception later at Elm Haven Motor Hotel. The bride's mother wore a blue lace, empire-style dress with matching coat, white accessories and a corsage of pink sweetheart roses. The mother of the groom chose a pale pink brocaded dress and coat ensemble with white accessories and a corsage of white sweetheart roses. After a honeymoon trip to Montreal and Quebec City, Mr. and Mrs. Begin returned to London where they are residing. Before her wedding, the bride was entertained at a tmiscellaneotis 'shower' giVen by Mrs. Archie Robinson, Clinton. I'm one of those women who will bawl at the drop of a bat If there is a tender love story on the television, I weep buckets. If there is a sentimental happening at home I cry instantaneously. If a total stranger is touched by something or other and begins to wipe his or her eyes, I blubber too in sympathy. I'm the Most watery-eyed female you ever knew of . and yet I On be hard as nails when I want to be, Take the other morning for example, It was the first day of July—, Dominion Day — and a holiday, My darling husband woke at his usual hour — 6:15 am and proceeded to stretch and to yawn in a way that seems to say, "So when are you going to wake up, wife?" I tried to ignore him. After • all, who gets up at the crack of dawn on a holiday? It wasn't too long before our youngest son began to stir, In just a minute or two, he tip-toed' down the hall and into our bedroom. "Morning daddy," offered the lad. "Good morning," whispered by husband, "Sh-sh-sh! Mommy's trying to sleep." Our son crawled up on the bed. He snuggled down beside his dad and then made his feet go as though he was pumping a paddleboat on the Avon River. "Keep, still," admonished hubby. "Mommy's still sleeping. We don't want to wake her up!" Then our son hoisted himself up on top of his father's stomach. He began to giggle and to laugh as he teased his father into covering first his eyes and then his chest and then his mouth. "Don't do that," warned my spouse. "Mammy won't get much rest if you don't lay quietly." Our son prostrated himself on the side of the bed. Only the smacking of lips against a thumb could be heard. Then father began to tickle son . . . just gently at first but gradually increasing the pressure until our son was in convulsive laughter and kicking. 'In every direction. It was now about 6:40 atn- "Why don't you two go into another bed?" I asked in my sweetest first-thing-in-the- morning voice. "Oh good morning honey," piped my husband. "Morning mommy," shouted our son, forcing himself over to my side of the bed and pushing his face close to mine. "I'm tired," I cried. "It is a holiday. Why don't you two get out of this bed and go into another one where you won't bother anyone," No response. Instead, my husband began to rub my back, probably a vain effort to soothe ruffled feathers. Our son kept picking at the both of us. "Why won't you please get out of bed and let me sleep," I whined, the irritation I felt showing ever more clearly in my voice. No answer, Still the efforts to rouse me continued. Finally, in desperation, I crawled out of the bed and moved down the hall into other quarters. "You can have this bed," ranted my husband, obviously angered by my departure. "I'm, A three-day field event — the first of its kind — will be held at • the Elora Research Station, July 14, 15, and 16, 1970, All visitors are welcOme. Each day the program will feature a tour of the new Elora Dairy Cattle Research Centre. In addition there will be talks on forages, cereals, soybeans, corn, the value of manure, and the use of organic acids for crop preservation. Each day will offer a different program, and there will be concurrent sessions in progress on any given day, This will allow , visitors an opportunity to select the day and the sessions of most value to them. Dr. R. B. Hunter, Department of Crop Science, University of Guelph; 'satd` "that prOceedings each day would run from 10 a.m. going to get up and make breakfast for the two of OS. I listened as husband and son made their way down the stairs. I closed my eyes and rested. heard water poured into the teakettle, I noted the shower. It wasn't long before I was aware that My husband and our son were having a disagreement over something or other. Was it my hnagination or was my husband becoming more and more upset. It was no use. At 7:15 I rose for the day. Thus it was that I began my holiday in much the same manner as any other day, only very disappointed because I'd been denied a special privilege to sleep in. There was no sign of emotion in me. Like a martyr, I did the wifely and motherly thing. Stone-faced and quiet I completed my chores and complied with my husband's every wish, By evening he was subdued and sorry. I was triumphant once more. I hadn't shed a single tear — though it had crossed my mind — but cold, hard strength seemed the wiser course. It had worked remarkably well. to 3 p.m. Among the many features on the program will be discussions on continuous wheat, heat modification of soybeans, roughland renovations in forages, zero tillage of corn, silage quality, and the ratio of roughage to concentrate feeding in dairy cattle. More details of the field day can be obtained by writing Dr. •Hunter, Department of Crop Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario. SHARES The amount of shares held by Canadians in the Bell company is 95.4%. Only 2.1% of Bell shares is held by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T), the gigantic communications corporation in' the U.S. BEGIN — White chrysanthemums decorated Ontario Street United Church on Saturday, June 6, 1970, for the marriage of Wendy Jean Holmes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray J, Holmes, Clinton, and Gregoire J. Begin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbrod Begin of Rodney, Ontario. The double-ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. H. Wonfor and the Rev. Father Bernard of Watford. Miss Lois Gr a sb y , organist, played traditional wedding music. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was charming in a gown of white lace over satin. Fashioned in a style reminiscent of bygone years, the dress had an empire waist, high neckline and long lace sleeves. The veil, of heirloom lace, was three-quarter length and her flowers were an umbrella-shaped bouquet of red roses and white stephanotis. Assisting her sister as maid of honour was Miss Beverley Holmes, whose gown was of white lace over blue taffeta. It had an empire waist, white lace bell sleeves and a headdress fashioned from a blue bow. She carried an umbrella-shaped bouquet of white mums tinted blue. The bridesmaids, Miss Marilyn Holmes, sister of the bifde, and Mr's. Christine Grant", sister of the groom, wore dresses OM against itniportiog powder The Ontario Federation of Agrioult4e is supporting the Ontario Milk Marketing Board and, the Farmers' Union jn the campaign to prevent the importation pf whole milk powder. "The Ontario Milk Marketing Board have made presentations to government some time ago and the government took no action. Now the Farmers' Union has brought into the open a glaring failure of the Canadian government and the Canadian Dairy Commission to prevent the importation of dairy products in the face of our present milk surpluses. The government and the milk producers are putting large sums of money into the support of the industry. The government should have prevented this importation and must move immediately to stop further imports," the OFA president said. There may be a limited need for whole milk powder for northern parts of the country, but importing it for making ice cream is totally unwarranted. There has been some suggestion that unnecessary violence and destruction of property took place. While the OFA might be critical of such action, the economic violence to producers by government negligence or incompetence is to blame. Farmers are bound to ask themselves why it takes this kind of action to get results. When the government was told of the importation, why did they not move immediately to cut the imports and restrict the use of this product to areas where there was no locally produced milk? All importations of all milk products should require an import licence and, only when there is no locally produced alternative, should a licence be issued. JAW RATE Although Canadians lost their "gabbiest telephoners" title to the U.S. in 1969 (a record they had held for 17 consecutive years), they still managed to jaw away at the rate of something like 693 phone calls per person last year. That's just a few less than our gosSiping U.S. neighbours. Clinton4A NiqWS:11000rq, Thursday, 414IY 9, 197P 0117— , Orem NAy Window MI bawl at the drop of a hat Shirley Keller 3-day field event to be held at Elora station 'OPEN HOUSE TImE erstraow" NMIllattelmormr, emu. 11.1111111=1.10Wwi. ANib. NNON* Allow IMMIL 4611.e. 4.11.11b einIEN0 owillMis 4/Nso. anno. .N•eirmolINO 40•1•"' "1"lial !OW left 1111111* OOP 0106 41111... 1.01 IOW 01111114.0 U Win* 1.1111 mii. III* 4011101' IMP MOM alli.11111111M 40„ *NW 4111111111mak OVER TO "GLENMARK ESTATES" GODERICH, THIS WEEKEND, JULY 10, 11, 12, 1970 OPEN HOUSE HOURS: LOCATION: FRIDAY, JULY 10-7:00 - 9:00 P.M. SATURDAY,JULY 11-72:00 - 9:00 P.M. SUNDAY, JULY 12-2:00 - 5:00 P.M. THIS EXCITING NEW MEDALLION ALL-ELECTRIC HOME AT 126 SUNSET DRIVE, LOT NO. 18 "GLENMARK ESTATES" GODERICH SOME HOME FEATURES TO LOOK FOR —Clean, comfortable electric baseboard heating with individual room-by-room temperature contrOlS. —Full housepbwer wiring, including 200 ampere underground service with whole receptacles throughout. —3 bedroom, separate dining room, living room fully carpeted throughout (Harding Shag). —Avocado colour C.G.E. major appliances in kitchen, Ms of cupboard space, —A Superfast Cascade "40" electric water heater for all your hot water needs. —Special planned lighting features include, a chandelier in dining room, vanity lighting in bathroom, recessed shower light, outside soffit lighting for your safety and protection. —This all electric home was conStrueted to meet rigid Medallion All-Electric Standards. • —Interior Decorationt by: illackstane l urniture, Goderich. mine Name of the Game is AU-Eleatic Living. GLINMARK HOMES DIVISION "KEN HUTCHINS" CONSTRUCTION LTD. 152 ORANGE St. GODERICH, ONTARIO TELEPHONE 5244026