HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-06-18, Page 5There is no need to go out for Chinese food when Yen can Prepare it at dome With this easy to make recipe for Pork Chop Suey, PORK CHOP SUEY 4 tablespoons vegetable oil '/2 cup blanched whole almonds pound lean boneless pork shoulder, cut in thin strips Salt and pepper 1/2 cup coarsely chopped onion 1 cup frozen green peas 1 chicken bouillon cube 1 cup boiling water 1 cup celery, cut in 1/2-inch slices 1 (19-ounce) can bean sprouts, drained 1 (5-ounce) can sliced mushrooms 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 tablespoon cold water 1 tablespoon soya sauce Heat vegetable oil in a heavy frying pan; add almonds and rown nicely, stirring arto Coruct frequently. Remove and set aside until needed. Add meat strips to frying pan and brown them nicely on all sides; season with salt and pepper. Then add the onion and saute for 2 or 3 minutes. Add peas and chicken bouillon cube dissolved in boiling water; cover pan and simmer gently for about minutes. Then add celery, bean sprouts, and mushrooms with their iquid; cover and simmer for another 5 minutes or until celery is just tender crisp, Combine cornstarch, cold water and soya sauce until free of lumps. Add to chop SileY along with the browned almonds, Cook and stir until mixture boils and is thickened. Serve at once with hot fried or fluffy rice and a Chinese vegetable. For Pork Chow Mein, serve chop suey mixture over about 4 ounces of dried chow mein noodles. Makes about 4 servings. toughness of the product," says Mr. Voisey, The new equipment has already been compared with several existing and expensive instruments and the results for a wide range of foods agree. "We're continuing these• comparative tests," says Mr. Voisey, "to gain more complete information. "The principle advantages of the new equipment are its low cost, ease of cleaning and minimum replacement costs for worn or damaged critical parts. And the test cell can be tailored to test specific products." The press is driven by a one-quarter horsepower electric motor, hooked to a vertical screw driven by a 50:1 ratio gearbox. That gives a simple press capable of exerting forces of up to 1,000 pounds. Cost of the cell is $150; cost of amplifying and recording equipment can vary from $700 to $6,500 depending on the application. The equipment was displayed for the first time at the Canadian .,Institute of Food Technology r-CC.nference,, eJune • 8, to 10 at Windsor. Frozen food facts Should prepared dishes like casseroles be thawed before heating? Generally, it is safer to heat these dishes without thawing, even though they will take longer to reheat, Home economists, Macdonald Institute, University of Guelph, suggest that when precooking casseroles for freezing, slightly undercook them, so when reheating there is less tendency to overcook top or sides. If the casserole dish cannot withstand sudden temperature changes from freezer to oven, do not preheat oven before putting the dish in oven. Ham and and egg rarebit :Clinton NPvv4,19pcPrd.,. Thor§c1.4y, June 18, 1.97p. Roast Pork Oven Baked Potatoes .ASPereene and Preartlect Pnions .Rhubarb Refrigerator Cake This Rhubarb. Refrigerator Cake wipe from the Ontario 'Food Council, Ontario Department ,of Agrtonitnre and Food, is one that will make good use of plentiful supplies of local field rhubarb today and which willalso freeze well. for use during the bpsy days of summer ahead, Ontario-grown asparagus and fresh pork products are also worthy of consideration this week. Rhubarb Refrigerator Cake 1 lb rhubarb 11/2 cups water 2 3,oz pkg strawberry-flavored gelatin 2/3 cup sugar 2 cups miniature marshmallows -1/2 pint whipping cream, whipped 3 slices lemon-filled jelly roll or pound cake Dice rhubarb into 1/2-ineh cubes, add to water, bring to boil, lower heat and simmer until tender. ;Add gelatin and sugar, stir to dissolve completely. Addmarshmallows to mixture stirring well. Chill until partially set, then gently stir in whipped cream. Arrange cake slices in bottom of long,, JIMMY mold, Put in gelatin '.1244tPre, until firm or freeze Mgt needed, U.tr04011 allow „i& minutes to thaw slightly, ptherwl$e unmold and serve, :Servep. Food hints Home Economists at Macdonald Institute, University of Guelph, recommend the hot water method of hard-cooking eggs in the shell. Slip each egg from a spoon into bailing Water, Cover. Reduce heat so water barely simmers. Let stand 20 to 25 minutes, then chill immediately to keep eggs from darkening. pEvu_Er) EGGS 6 shelled hard-cooked eggs 1/4 cup mayonnaise 1/4 teaspoon salt ' dash pepper dash Worcestershire sauce 1/4 teaspoon prepared mustard 1 teaspoon minced onion 1 teaspoon finely chopped celery 1/3 cup grated cheddar cheese Cut shelled eggs into lengthwise halves; carefully reneove yolks to small bowl. Mash yolks until fine And crumbly, then blend in rest of ingredients, Generously refill hollows, then garnish with a sprinkle of paprika or a slice of pickle.• --Untor* Memotial Shop T. MOPE and SON' • CI„INTON ..$0,AF01110 ,Phone 402,7111 Open Every Afternoon Loco, .1telirssiotstlyo W, frop 482-000 DRAINAGE by tile IMPROVE LAND wORKAEOLITY! IMPROVES CROP YIELD! SERVES YOU YEAR AFTER YEAR! DRAINAGE TILE YOUR EXTRA LAND! FOR YOUR TILE NEEDS Call BRUCE BRICK & TILE CO. MFRS. CLAY DRAINAGE TILE P.O. Box 30 — Teeswater, Ont. 392-6929 25b enu of the week • HAM AND EGG RAREBIT 2 tablespoons butter or margarine' 3 tablespoons flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard 2 cups milk 1 (5-ounce) can sliced mushrooms 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 2 cups shredded process cheese '/4 cup diced pimiento 3 hard-cooked eggs, sliced 3/4 to 1 pound baked or boiled barn cut into thih slices Melt butter or margarine. Blend in flour, salt and dry mustard. Stir in milk, undrained mushrooms and Worcestershire sauce. Cook over moderate heat, stirring constantly until thickened, Add cheese and blend STUDIO Specializing in ... * Weddings * Children Single or Group Portraits and Passports 524-8787 118 St. David Goderich • 12c 20c 10c 10c Ann Page 53c' A&P t3hand $1.29, A&P Brand 79c Ann Page 47c Pero. or Drip Grind Reg, Pr cc $1.Dg -- SAVE 10o 100(yo COLOMBIAN A&P COFFEE 1-161099ii 16.0Z JAR York Peanut Butter 65c 3-LB PKG INSTANT Carnation Powdered Milk $1.49 11-OZ JAR Coffee M ate Coffee Creamer 89c 5.6t BTL Heinz Ketchup Sic LOOK FOR THESE SAVE SIGNS WHEN YOU SHOP THESE SIGNS CAN SAVE YOU MANY DOLLARS NONE FINER SAVE UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED 7-LB PKG Robin Hood Flour All Purpose 93c Cracker 1 POUND Barrel Old Cheese $1.05 64.0Z PLASTIC JUG Javex Laundry Bleach 55c KING SIZE BOX Cheer Powder Detergent $2.13 Gilt Edge 74c A&P Brand 89c A&P Brand 47c Sail $1•29 EVERYDAY LOW PRICE TEA & COFFEE PRODUCTS SAVE' 10.0Z JAR Instant Coffee 2-OZ JAR FREEZE DRIED Instant Coffee ONE POUND BAG Ground Coffee 60 IN PKG ORANGE PEKOE Tea Bags 4-OZ JAR COFFEE Decaffeinated Maxwell House $2•19 Maxim '75c Chase & Sanborn $1.09 Red Rose 89c Sanka $1.29 A&P Brand $1.49 A&P Brand 69c A&P Brand BOKAR 99c A&P Nectar 73c A&P Brand 99c 70c 6c 10c 16c 30c EVERYDAY LOW PRICE MORE MONEY-SAVERS SAVE SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, SMOKED, SLICED, RINDLESS SIDE BACON pael<79 Jane Parker., Daily Dated Reg. Pride 59c — SAVE 14.: PEACH . PIE SPECIAL BLEND TEA BAGS 60's 49$i Pantry Shelf, from Concentrate ink in APPLE JUICE )5i 6 Varieties, Macaroni or Reg.AVESa, 49e BUY Z, 8AV 9e LANCIA SPAGHETTI 2 2-16 boxes 8911( Beef, frith or Meat Ball Reg, Price 65e SAVE 6c PURITAN STEWS 244fl.oz tin 5 9,ZI White be Coloured ieee. Price 6.a 39e BUY 3, SAVE 17e DELSEY TOILET TISSUE 3 t5kgs of 2 roiis 1.00 FULL 8-INCH 24-OZ SIZE Packed Under Ace.Pe Own Label Virginia, NeW Crop, Tender, Stringless GREEN BEANS lb CANADA GRADE "A" Eviscerated, Frozen CHICKENS 3-4 lb avg, Vacuum Pack 39 LB BURNS PORK & BEEF SAUSAGE lb. 59 Super-Right Quality Smoked, Cooked PORK SHOULDERS Style 595// 4-6 lbs Picnic LB (SLICED LB 630) 4•1•Insommr GREAT ON A GRILL FRESH CHICKEN WHOLE LEGS OR lb EASTS or split Corn growers: WE HAVE SHELL KORNOIL acid Kornoil to Atrazine sprays for better weed control in corn. COME IN 91t CALL WILLIAMS FUELS LTD. 4824633 CLINTON DistribUtor for all SHELL Oil Products Shell Chemicals Food texture meter is a perfect entree If you are planning a simple buffet, ham and egg rarebit with bacon biscuits is the perfect entree. Here is food that is handsome, yet easy on the budget. Great for a family meal, too. Make the rarebit with favourite go-together foods — ham, eggs and cheese — and add just a touch of seasoning to give the sauce real zip. With crisp bacon and a packaged biscuit mix, you can create bacon biscuits in minutes that are practically failure-proof, yet with a real homemade flavour. Prepare the biscuits as directed on the package, adding 1/2 cup diced cooked bacon to the mix before adding the liquid. until it melts. Fold in pimiento. Pour over sliced eggs and ham. Serye.with hot bacon biscuits. Makes about 6 servings. Engineers at the Canada epartment of Agriculture have eveloped a new machine to easure the texture of foods, It is the first inexpensive, eneral purpose instrument apable of handling a wide range f textural measurements in ndustrial quality control. For example, it can measure he tenderness of peas and meat, ardness of baked beans, the rispness of celery and lettuce, the spreadability of butter and the firmness of fruits, Besides its obvious value as a quality control instrument, it is a useful research tool, helping scientists to evaluate the textural quality factors in breeding new varieties, developing new mechanical harvesting techniques, new food products and food processing systems. The equipment was developed by scientists at the Engineering Research Service of the CDA's Research Branch. Peter W. Voisey of the research service section was in charge of the project. "The Engineering Research Ser*ice—„has.edeveloped_a_wide vaerety of instriemenesi.-ea *OA) spkific textural measurement problems encountered by scientists in the Research Branch," says Mr. Voisey, "but we recognized a need for a general purpose, inexpensive instrument to handle a wide range of textural measurements in both industrial and scientific areas. "We already have developed such specialized equipment as instruments ' to measure the strength of tomato skin, tenderness of corn, eggshell strength, potato quality and several others to evaluate the baking quality of bread dough. "The key to our new system is two new texture test cell designs," says Mr. Voisey. These cells are containers, installed in a crude, but rugged, press. Food is put into the container and the press forces it through either a wire grid or a perforated plate covering the bottom of the container. "We meas'lre the compressive force electronically and, by analyzing ' the records, we can determine the firmness and Make sure what you leave ends up where you want it! The safest way to ensure that your heirs will get every- thing you intend for each of them is to appoint Victoria and Grey Trust to administer your estate. WCIOR.111.,C1i'Elt TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1850, W. R. Curry, Maly get Elgin and Kingston Street Goderich si4,1181, A eeeeeereenieereeetWee Do You Know The Secret of Getting The Best Food Values? Who Pay More? A&P offers a significant way to cut food costs without sacrificing quality. We offer famous National Brands at prices we believe will save you money and A&P Brand products at prices we know will save you money. The savings are here . . the choice is yours.- WEST ST., GODERICH we care All prices in this ad guaranteed effec- tive through Saturday, June 20, 1970. 16c 8c 84c 19( Produce Best Buys Florida, Firm, Red, No. 1 Gr. Tomatoes SERVING HOT DOGS THIS WEEKEND? SX BRAND, VACUUM PACK WIENERS 1 LB PKG 59fe