HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-04-23, Page 7Donna read an address of
congratulations to Joyce and
gifts were presented by Aria
Ball, Gill Wilkinson and Donna
The opened gifts were placed
by Mrs. Brian Hallam who also
made a ribbon hat and placed it
op Joyce's head,
Joyce thanked her friends and
neighbours for the gifts' and
lunch was served by neighbour
Adastral Perk news
Last Saturday, April 18, the
Women's Auxiliary of CFB
Clinton held their annual
Daffodil Tea and. Bake Sale.
Tea and an assortment of
sqaares and sandwiches were
served by the guests.
A decorated doll cake
donated by Mrs. 0. E. Warner
was offered es the prize in
draw. It was won by Mr
Mrs. Heather Fong-Jea
convened the delightful event.
This "odd couple" enlivened things ,at the Clinton Junior
Farmers' Variety Night held in Auburn, Friday. In real life
they are Alice Allen and Paul Black. — staff photo
Plintpn Nevo.liecofd, Thursday, ARrj1 23, 1970 7
_PERSONAL ITEMS If ZNORON NEWS • ckptAcirryirp 0 yo4AGE HApponomm
Correspondent: AUpREy BELI_CHAOIOR ,Phone 565-2844, HoisfIthld.
Subscriptions, classified ,Oct #i mvs, all accepted by tivi Ppyficid correspondent,
V.8, automatic transmission, 4 new whitewall tires; really
Sharp, Only
For Fast, Efficient Service
366 VICTOAIA •ilivo,« 4, S,)blv
- — ONE JUST" picin• POR ?OVA C4R
Douglas Glousher (left), David Glousher and Greg Arthur
finish their maple syrup-making project at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Harvey Arthur. Douglas and David are the sons of Mr.
and Mrs., James Glousher and Greg is the younger son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. Arthur.
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Mrs. 0. L. Paisley of
Kitchener, Mr. W., E. Tebbutt of
Goderich and Mr. Stuart
McEwen, Clinton, • visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Middleton.
Miss Wendy Shearer and Mr.
David Copp of Toronto called
on Middleton friends last
Mrs. ,Edward Wise and Mrs.
Don Middleton attended the
Diocesan annual meeting of the
ACW in St. Paul's Cathedral,
London, on Monday and
Tuesday of this week.
Trewartha. The directors were
Karen McKenzie, Alice, Allen
consisted of the play — Cupid's
and Daryk Ball.
Jamieson Ribey. He welcomed
all to the program which
County play.. The cast consisted
of Lois Merrill, Grant Jones,
Helen Good and Doug
by Grant and Ken Jones. A skit
of the Clinton Junior Farmers.
Bow, the prize winning Huron
Auburn Community Memorial
Hall sponsored by the members
annual Variety Night in the
Mucical selectiOns' were given
Master of ceremonies was
A large crowd attended the
John Fielder and Paul Black.
Patterson was done by some
members of the Tivirlabouts
direction of Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Merrill and l3renda Archambault.
Karen McKenzie, • Daryk Ball,
Stephen Haggitt, Helen Good,
demonstrated by Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Patterson, Mr. and Mrs.
Sillib and Jamieson Ribey.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rodges.
Hickey. and round dancing was
Stan McIlwain, Miss Sharon
Rieron Collins, Daryl Ball,
A sing-a-long was led by Lois
Square dancing under • the
A mock wedding was acted by
Luv In was done by'Connie
A skit, Colt 45 was played by
— If I were not a Clinton Junior Club.
Farmer, was done by Daryk Ball, Much enjoyment was had by
Brenda Ball, Marie Trewartha, the visit of the Odd Couple,
Alice Allen, Ray McClinchey, namely Alice Allen and Paul
Stephen Haggitt, Brenda Black.
Archambault, Connie • Hickey, Dancing was enjoyed to
Daryl Ball and Debbie.Gibbings. Scott's orchestra.
Kenneth Wilson and David in Hildebrand, Nancy Anderson,
Sheron ,Collins and Mr.*'Ge.orgw,,'in charge ofethe service,eikKnox
Collins Visited recent1S/witWVis.'4 Unite'd 13 hurch last Sunday '
Shearer Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Norman Wightman, Ray
, Mrs, •e,,W es Bradnock M I Sa.,ea eal:49,41srullY.r-R,
London. Jennifer Grange, Betty Moss,
We are sorry to report that and Shelley Grange attended the
Mr. William Rodger is a patient Teach—In on contemporary
in Clinton Hospital with a Church Music at Five Oaks
fractured leg. recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Reick of Miss Judy Arthur of Owen
Kitchener visited relatives in the Sound School of Nursing spent
village recently. the April 11 weekend with her
Pastor Patrick Ferrier was in parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry
charge of the Baptist Church Arthur, Mark and Greg.
service and was assisted by Mr., and Mrs. William S. Craig
members of the Clinton Baptist of Clinton and Mr. William J.
Church Sunday school with a Craig were guests of Mr, and
musical program with singing to Mrs, Maitland Allen recently.
guitar accompaniment. 4-H Mrs. Irwin Schmidt, Tracy
and Brenton of Strathroy spent
last week with her parents Mr. Auburn No. 2, 4—H Club
and Mrs. Ted Mills. had as their guests Auburn No I
Mr. Everett Taylor is a patient 4—H Club at the home of their
in Clinton Hospital, we wish him leader, Mrs. Donald Haines. The
a speedy recovery. president, Lynn Turner opened
Mr. George Timm, Miss Erna the meeting and welcomed the
Bethke and Mrs. Charles Koeh, visiting members.
all of Gorrie were guests on The minutes were accepted as
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. read by Barbara Chamney. After
Maitland Allen. the roll call was answered by
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard naming one way to use dried
Archambault and Marilyn and fruit, Lorraine Chamney called
Mrs. Bert Craig attended the the roll for Auburn No I.
40th Wedding anniversary of Mr. Mrs. W. Bradnock led in the
and Mrs. Ralph Williams at Port discussion and gave notes on
Huron recently. It was also Mr. salads, dessertd and baking with
William's retirement party. The fruit.
celebrations were planned by Mrs. Frank R atth by
their six daughters. demonstrated how to make a
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oswald jellied fruit salad and Mrs.
of Kitchener visited last week Thomas Haggitt showed how to
with Mr. and Mrs. William make an attractive individual
Straughan. salad plate. Mrs. Donald Haines
Mr. Wilbert Lawlor of Galt is demonstrated how to make
visiting his father, Mr. George trifle, several types of puddings
Lawlor. and strawberry shortcake.
Mr. Allan Craig and Mr. Peter Auburn No. 1 club members
McDonald left last Sunday for a brought slices of fruit bread and
two week's vacation in Florida, this was served with the desserts.
Congratulations to Mr, and
Mrs. Sam McAll of Goderich Miss Joyce Hallam was guest
who on Tuesday celebrated their of honour last Wednesday
Golden wedding anniversary. evening in the Sunday school
Mr. Elwin Anderson of room of • Knox United
Brantford visited last week with when friends and neighbours
Mr, arid Mrs. William Straughan gathered to honour her before
and other relativet, her marriage,
Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Ttornmer Mrs. Elliot Lapp was chairman
and Connie visited on Sunday for the program which began
with his mother,, Mrs. Txornmer with a ting-a-long led by Mrs.
at the Fairview Nursing Horne at Gordon Taylor with Mrs, George
Preston, Millian as pianist.
Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Mrs, A reading — Baking a Cake
Sidney Lansing, Mrs. Russel was given by Mrs, Roy Ewer, A
Grindley and Mrs. Frank hidden adjective contest was
11. a thby attended tite conducted by Mrs- Lloyd
Horticultural Society District Penfound who also had a pots
meeting held at Clinton last and pans contest.
Saturday, Miss Donna Bromley pinned
Mr. Peter Brown of Windsor corsage on the bride-to-be and
Visited last week with Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Penkoind pinned brie
Mrs. Maitland Allen and On Mra, Jade CaldWell SiSter of
attended the funeral of his' ncle the bride-to-he, They Were both
the late Mt. DaVe '.Ewen of escorted to decorated chairs on
LOndesboro, the piatforM.,
,....._ -with Lucy . ..E
. . _ . . a
a , a
R:ambi ng
. go. ,...
.f1Y. WO''X'WQP.,04:
_ E
Talk 01)Q14.1: ,orpens of gloonit did you ever see a ?pow of starlings
sitting* on a line in a snowstorm? That is what Lucy witnessed on
April .2.;
About O MOW on the clothesline with their backs to the north
and their heeds hanging down as the wet. snow ,swirled 40140. them,
Where they went later, Lucy ,doesn't know, but It was obvious they
weren't enjoying return, of winter,'
And the robins, poor things, .One of them, most haVp hidden his
head under his' wing too long, for Carl found a wing in the barn.
Either Sandi the cat, or visiting felines had taken advantage of his
supposed, stupor in the cold and had a feast, Perheps he was the mate
of a female robin .which has been sitting around lately with her wings
drooping as if -despair.
A week ago there were still the remains of snow banks in the
garden. As they receded, the robins .were at the very edge pelting out
nice fat worms. And one bright sunny day when the melting snow'
ran into the car tracks in front of the- .driyeahed, there were four
starlings and a robin enjoying a bath. together, It made Lucy think of
the bird bath stored in the barn, but with frost at night is a hit too.
early to put it in the garden. At the same time a house sparrow was
endeavoring to give himself a sand bath at the top of .one of the rose
In Easter week a flock of 14 whistling swans was spotted. They
follow the Great Lakes -shore in their migration, to their Arctic
nesting grounds,
Last week Mrs. J, Hutchings reported a pair of Great Blue Herons
at the river. Carl glimpsed a blue-grey Gnatcatcher in the garden one
day and Lucy saw a Chipping Sparrow.
The cardinals are busy hunting the syringe seeds• which the red
polls missed when they fell into the, snow.
The chickadees have gone off to the bush in search of a nesting
spot, and the Red Polls and Juncos have also vacated the scene to
raise their brOods farther north. Usually migrations of white
throated and white crowned sparrows and various warblers put down
to feed at "The Hut" en route, but at time of writing only a few
robins,- sparrows, blackbirds and starlings and of course our, pair of
cardinals come to the feeders.
Apart from the ground hog and other signs of an early spring, this
year has ,proved the exception. But if the flowers in the garden are
late, Lucy has had a dainty table centre for over two weeks anyway,
first of snowdrops and pussy willows from a friend; then of crocus in
varied colors, single snowdrops, blue and pink hyacinths, blue
chionodoxia, Snowflakes (Leucojum). And several twigs of yellow,
bell put in for effect are now coming into bloom,
Just as the last bloom on a gorgeous Easter lily (which had graced
Trinity Church) faded, a pot of narcissi burst into bloom,
This was amorytlis year at "The Hut," There were 24 blooms on
five pots — one was a cluster of three dark red blooms known as
Granny's bulb. It never fails to bloom and never multiplies like its
more spectacular hybrid relatives. Lucy's grandniother brought it
with her to Bayfield in 1917. How old the bulb was then she does
not know. Ohe thing about amoryllis,'the moles never touch them
while resting in the cellar during the winter, Last year they feasted
on the tuberous rooted begonias and gloxinias. They only missed
one red begonia. This year Lucy hopes to have a few pots again in a
shaded spot,
Mr. and Mrs, 'Fred :Fraser were
joined on Sunday by their
grandson and family, Dr, and
Mrs. Fraser Fellows and
Mrs,. R. G. Hunter and Mrs.
Charles Rogers of Toronto,.
spent Wednesday until Sunday
at their village home, Dr. Hunter
joined them for the weekend,
Phil Turner and Mike O'Brian
participated in the - Bunny
Bundle Canoe race in aid of the
Crippled Children fund held in
London on Sunday, They had
completed 19 miles, when 'at
Fanshaw Lake the race was
cancelled due to adverse
conditions. Both Phil and Mike
were able to reach the shore
without a ducking in the
turbulent water.
• Mr. and Mrs. Bryan King of
London were weekend visitors
with Mrs. King's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Turner.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Charles
Monteith and Rick, of Lambeth,
spent Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. G. N. Rivers.
The Teen Club is planning a
dance for adults. The dance is to
be in May and wilt be held at the
Town Hall., '
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss,
Janice and Charlie, and Glen
Pruss, London spent the
weekend at their cottage.
Mrs. Muriel Althoff, London,
and Mr. Glen Young, Oakville
wer,e weekend visitors at the
Albion Hotel.
At their Bayfield homes for
the weekend were: Dr. and Mrs.
W. Tillmann and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Brown, Vicki and
Mary Beth, all of London, and
Mr. and , Mrs. George Cantrick
and sons of Birmingham,
Mr. and Mrs. William Gineiner
Sr., Grosse Pointe, Mich. spent
followed with interest the splaandown,
Then, with parachutes .stilt in the air,
Switched over .to Grand Central Station
To pep a big mob standing there.
Or the Splicer that did AltIbe splicing
On the Sob Osawa show,
The Japanese scene changed so fast on the screen
That it gave me a headache I know.
If they give out an Emmy for splicing,
It really should go to this guy,
He must have made ten, thousand splices
But for goodness sake, please tell me why,
the weekend at their cottage in president; Mike Beck,
;the Jowett Cottage area. 'vice-president; Debbie Turner,
Mr, and Mrs, Geoge Durham, secretary; and Judy Cox,'
Jim and Bon of Clarksonoisited treasurer. There are 16 members,
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. and last Saturday, their
Carl E, Diehl, and Mrs, Morris "Rent-a-Slave" day was a
Durham and friends in .Clinton. decided success. The group
Sunday night's gale-force voluateered to do a spring
wind twisted a few T.V, aerials clean-up and were Available for
and littered a number of lawns jobs ranging from window
with fallen branches in the cleaning to cutting bush. Debbie
village, however, a barn on the reports that approximately $60
farm owned by Main Flowers, was raised with some more to
of R.R.3 Bayfield, suffered quite come in — The money will be
heavy damage, and two antique used for Youth Work at the
buggies were lost. Churph.
Mr. and Mrs.. Spencer Ervine This spring a completely new
spent the weekend in Arkwright building will be added to
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Strong, existing businesses on Maio
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Street. Mr. and MK. George
Scotchmer and Robert returned Kalanzis will shortly - open their
to Chatham Sunday evening, "Totality Shop" which is now
after spending the weekend with taking shape between Arnold
his. parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Makin's and the Bunn residence.
Scotchmer. Another innovation for
George Lindsay, University of Bayfield is the Drug and
Waterloo, is spending this week Discount Variety store to be
at the home of , his parents, Mr. '• located in the Village Market,
and Mrs. John Lindsay. operated • by Keith and Audrey
Trinity Guild held its April Bunn, and Paul West is again
meeting in the Parish Hall on making changes at the Cluster,
Tuesday last. Eight members and Coffee Shop by adding a Pizza
Sunday, May W
524-9371 or 524-9264
I think there's a man ..call a Switche
On .all of the TV live shows,
His job, I expert's to switch cameras,
To follow the play as it goes,
Then there must be a man, called a. splicer,
His job must be splicing film clips,
He puts in the good and takes out the bad,
And ,elirelOotes,oll of the slips.
I don't say these men are not needed,
But they sometimes get carried away,
Like the one with his hand on the button
As I Watched the Apollo today.
one guest were in attendance.
The treasurer's report given by
Mrs. Lorna Merner showed a
substantial balance on hand. Mrs.
Ruby Fitzsimmons, card
secretary also gave a report. The
members approved the purchase
of six card tables and additional MOTHER'S DAY cream and sugar sets. Lunch was
served by Mr. Lloyd Scotchmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Mansfield, Syracuse, N.Y., were
weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Turner.
"A People", a recently
formed youth group meet every
Tuesday night in the Sunday
school room of St. Andrews
United Church. Officers of the
group are: Brian Makins,