HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-04-09, Page 10THINKING APOUT BUILDING A DRIVING SHED? (or lean-to, garage or such) For a fast, dependable job at a REASONABLE PRICE Phone RAY L IBERS at 482.3305 18, 14, 15, 16b 10 Clinton News-Record, Thursday, April 9, 1970 N1111•11111111,11MIMMIlpii 6. AUTOS FOR SALE 9. HELP WANTED FEMALE 14. SERVICES 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE. ACCOMMODATION. FOR RENT. CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minianms 7$. 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE 14. SERVICES GOLDEN Falcon, Flyte travel trailers; Truck campers; Nimrod, Tag-a-long tent trailers; Chrysler outboards; Crestliner, Springbok boats; Hitches. Sales, Rentals, Service. Terms available. CAMP-OUT TRAILERS, Stratford, 393-5988. - 14.29b MATURE lady, free to relocate, VACUUM cleaners; sales and' to perform light housekeeping service for all makes. R. K. Peck, for working couple. No children, Varna, phone Hensall 262-5748 Salary, room and board. Would 2tIn. consider a couple, For information, contact Mrs. Erickson at 565-2634, -15,16b RECORD player, Mono, good condition. Phone 482-7780. 15p Chuter Plumbing _Heating & Electric 11'Prnace Installations DeLaval Milker Supplies Appliance Service 46 King Street - - - FOR SALE or rent house on 'High St., available April 1st, Consists of three bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and cupboards. Apply to Mrs, Wesley Nott 482-9481 for information, - 12tfn "Mgr How many ads do you see for 100 ,0 guaranteed used cars? Not enough. These cars are guaranteed 100%. Well repair any malor mechanical part* for 30 days or 1000 miles. (These cars have passed a safety and performance inspection. We've completely overhauled and reconditioned them.) So after you've looked through the rest of the ads, come back to this one. *engine • transmission • rear axle • front axle assemblies • brake system 1966 Falcon coach. Lic. H75999. $895. WILL DO dressmaking in my own :come, Contact Mrs. Marlene Zwaan 482-3278. - 14,15b - BROADLOOM Ph.482-7652. 13. MISCELLANEOUS MAPLE Syrup for sale. Phone Charles Brandon, '482-9275 or 482-3129. -15p r LINYON'S CELANESE CARPET CENTRE *Wr.0 to Wall Installation or Area Carpets, , *Samples shown in you home. ' *Free Estimates. *Guaranteed. Installations. There's & Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. ONE self-contained, single bedroom heated, furnished apartment. Apply to Roy Tyndall, 482-7865. - 11tfn, We do all types of JEWELLERY REPAIR * Ring Sizing * Claw Retipping * Watch Repair * Acutron Repair ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton, Seaforth and Walkerton 12tfn. 25e Extra will be added to eids iniestion _If not paid within 30days et the last insertion: 15. REAL ESTATE 15. REAL ESTATE 24" HEAVY duty electric range and cable. Phone 482-7793. - 1513 THREE-BEDROOM house in Brucefield. Available April 1. Mrs. Seldon Ross, Brucefield. Call 482-9820 after 7 p.m. -- 10tfn. NEW HOME FOR SALE 1967 HONDA 300. Good condition. Phone 482-9806. - 15,16p DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per Inch ENGAGEMENTS - 0.56 DEATHS - 5c per word Minimum $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS CARD OF THANKS 4c per word, COMING EVENTS • 5c per word DEADLINE Noon Tuosdoy DIAL 482-3443 New 3-bedroom located oh Queen Street, in nice residential section. All electric heat. Price $18,000. For further information regarding this property call MALONEY BROS. CONSTRUCTION LTD. TWO -BEDROOM modern apartment, large living room; equipped with electric stove, refrigerator, air conditioner, drapes, oil furnace. Available now. Lawson & Wise, Phone 482-9644, Clinton. 4gtfn BRAND NEW Leigh mailbox. Cost $14.95. Best offer takes it. Call 482-3115 after 3 p.m. - 14b. Quality you can trust' From LET US REPAIR AND MAKE yotir rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured - don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W. N. C -tfn 345.2964 DUBLIN BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone-482.9505 Clinton -Ufa TWO complete beds and one extra spring. Phone 482-9695. Price $15.00. -14tfn. (We also have a good selection of homes in the Seaforth, Mitchell and Exeter areas). - 9tfn. TWO-BEDROOM apartment. Stove and frig. supplied if desired. Free use of washer and dryer. Adults only. Apply Mackay apartments, Apt. 1, 201 King St. or phone 482-9227. - 3tfn, 1967 Volkswagen Deluxe, completely reconditioned $1395. Lic. E58001. 1970 DELUXE line of Parkwood and Pyramid Mobile Homes. ALSO Corsair, Shamrock, Pyramid and Rocket travel trailers at Morgan's Mobile Home Park, Clinton 482-7066 or Ashton's Motel and Park, Port Elgin, 832-2467. - 13-16b. LARGE, attractive house in Clinton. Excellent location. Five bedrooms; 11/2 baths; fireplace; hardwood floors; 2-car garage. Large lot qualified under V.L.A. Phone 482-3868. 15b 14. SERVICES 5. WANTED 1965 Volkswagen Stationwagon, reconditioned, whitewall tires, $1095.00. REGISTERED Electrologist. To remove unwanted hair permanently. For free consultation, information or appointment. Phone Goderich 524-7695. -15,16,17,18p BRUCEFIELD AREA highway farm, 390 acres of highly produttive corn and bean land, 320 acres systematically drained. Equipped with modern grain storage facilities. Stately 4 bedroom brick home with all conveniences. Phone for an appointment to inspect this productive farm. EVERYONE LIKES a bargain and we have it in this 4 bedroom red brick house, located on a large highway lot just south of Hensall. Spacious kitchen, dining area, living room plus bath., down, 4-piece bath up, room for the kids to play in the full basement. Just 5 years old and open for your inspection. CASH in on buried treasure. We buy old gold and estate jewellery. N. T. Ormandy Jewellery, 94 The Square, Goderich. - 6tf UNFURNISHED One-bedroom apartment, All utilities paid. Reasonable rent. Phone 482-9689 after 5. - 51tfn. 1967 Oldsmobile 4-door sedan. Power steering and brakes; radio. Priced to sell at $1995.00. Two 1969 demonstrators in stock. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 19. AUCTION SALES ADDING MACHINES for sale. Anstett Jewellers Ltd., Clinton. Phone 482-9525. - 9tfn. ESTATE AUCTION SALE of property and household effects in the Village of Brucefield on Saturday, April 11th at 1 p,m, 1963 Chevrolet II, car bought new, 22,500 miles, six cylinder; Westinghouse frig. with deep freeze (like new); Finlay cook stove (good); 2-piece glass cupboard; extension dining table; kitchen chairs; metal utility table; full line electrical appliances, portable mixer, toaster, fry pan, iron; small radio; oak side board; studio couch and chair; mirrors; lamps (table and floor); wall clock in A-1 condition; hall tree; chesterfield and chair (like new); glass china cabinet; four TV tables; platform rocker; number of small tables; 2 walnut coffee tables; 2 antique small tables; six cane bottom chairs; rocking chairs; foot stools; leaded glass :cabinet; clothes horse; Electrolux vacuum cleaner with attachments; card tables; picnic folding table; drop-head Singer sewing machine; chest of drawers (like new); bathroom scales; 23 inch television (like new); Simplicity washing machine; R.C.A. deep freeze, large size; Beach electric range; record cabinet; child's high chair; storage chest; hammock; bedroom china; mantel clock; antique cherry chest of drawers; electric blanket; picture frames; jardinieres; beds; chest of drawers; springs; mattresses; wash stands; bedding; linens; par& chairs; antique dishes and china; Old Colony silverware (set 12); Lady Hamilton silverware (set 12); tea set for six; set dishes (12); mops; brooms; copper boiler; lawn mower; Roto-tiller; wheel barrow; child's wagon (like new); step ladder; 1/2 extension ladder; garden tools; carpenter tools; large collection antique whiskey bottles. PROPERTY: 9 room house, asphalt siding, oil furnace, bath, new Cascade 40 water heater; two large lots; small barn; Terms-Chattels-Cash. Property 10% down, balance 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. Estate of late John William Aikenhead. Auctioneer Clerk Harold Jackson Mel Graham For further particulars apply to Stewart Broadfoot, Brucefield. 14,15b. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, heated, furnished or unfurnished. Large living room, kitchen and bath. Available May 1st. Contact Lloyd Batkin, 482-7057. --- 15tfn Call Bill Fink for fast service. Estimates for new installations and remodelling. Fink Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Wiring; 84 Wellington St., Clinton, Phone 482-7682. - 2tfn, FURNISHED, heated bedroom apartment, unfurnished, heated bedroom apartment with and stove. Contact C. Damme 482-6685. - 10tfn. one also one frig Van WALNUT bowls and other hand-turned articles. Make nice gifts. Atjear of 84 Albert Streeto Clinton, John Plumtree, phone 482-9695. - 2tfn. OLDER FURNITURE, crocks, art glass, lamps, plus odds and ends. Phone 482-7878 evenings. - 2tfn 'AT Don Taylor Motors Limited; Main Street - Exeter DIAL 235-1100 CARS TIMBER WANTED, immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes of all kinds. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, giving location and telephone number, or phone 232-4450 before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. - 15tfn SMALL ground floor apartment, heated, unfurnished. Contact L. G. Winter, 200 High St., 482-6692. - 15tfn TWO-BEDROOM downstairs apartment, unfurnished and heated. Phone 482-9689 after 5 p.m. - 7tfn. EAVESTROUGHING on house or barn. Metal flashing. Roofs repaired. CHIMNEYS built. Free estimates Morrison Bros , Luc know, Ontario. Phone 528-2546. - 2tfn SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 482-3320 - 2tfn. 1964 STUDEBAKER, V-8, in good shape. Will sell reasonably. Phone 482-7497. -15b TWO one-bedroom, furnished apartments; one on ground floor. Heated by oil furnace. Phone 482-7855 or 482-9479. - ONE-BEDROOM, uptown apartment for rent. Kitchen, living room and bath. Gas heated. Available now. Phone 482-6694. 2tfn. BARBIE DOLL clothes for sale; bride dolls; 1 double laundry tub, fibreglas. Phone 482-7833. 44tfn NEW --- USED CARS & TRUCKS WANTED - A flat top guitar in good condition. Phone 482-9454. - 15p OLDER HOME with 4 bedrooms, 1 bedroom and 3-piece bath down, kitchen and living room. Treed lot. 14tfn TRI-TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE INCOME TAX Complete record preparation and maintenancee. LAWRENCE BEANE BRUCEFIELD 482-9260. 51tfn. AVAILABLE May 1st - 3 bedroom house, rent based on income. Contact Clinton Housing Authority, Mr. John Livermore 482-9545. - 14tfn 2. ACCOMMODATION WANTED YOU can be one of 3 winners each week by joining our FREE WASH CLUB. Come in and ask for a ballot at Irene's Laundromat, 15 Rattenbury St. E. Clinton, Ont. - 2tfn. WILL BUY household effects of older home. Call for appraisal any time. 527-1920. - 2tfn A good selection of houses available in Town. WANTED - One or two-bedroom heated your transportation headquarters Huron Automotive & Supply 263 Huron Rd, Goderich, Ont., Phone 524-627 Clinton Representative GEO. CUTLER 482-9782 DUPLEX in Clinton, 2 bedrooms, gas furnace, nice basement ,„ with„„ laupdry, garage. Clean, self-contained. Nice place to live, not far from post office. Phone 524-9158. - 14,15b unfurnished apartment by May 1 for one adult. Phone 482-9462 .aften 6,p.m. INA'S .FLOWERS, Mums and ,CROCKERY: Brass or fancy iron beds; pictures; rockers; old - jewellery; old bottles and sealers; old light fixtures, etc. Check HENSALL - Handyman's opportunity., $5,000.-Full Price. Ideal, . ,for„, duplexing, 10 rooms With kitchen and bath up and down. Brick with modern forced air oil furnace plus extra lot. Immediate possession. CLINTON owner says sell, all offers considered on this remodelled 4 bedroom family sized home. This attractive well located frame home features a spacious modern kitchen, bedroom and bath on first floor. Economical F.A. gas heating adds to the comfort of the home. Give us a call today to inspect this_inviting home. SCENIC RIVER ACREAGE - 28 acres of rolling hills with over 1400' of river frontage winding through approximately 20 acres of hardwood and cedar bush, balance open hills for summer or winter sport. Your opportunity to own for privacy or development. FOR ALL YOUR SIDING NEEDS Contact D. E. GIBSON London - 434-0370 Middlesex Aluminum Products 71 Richmond St. Strathroy. Potted Flowers for all occasions .3. ARTICLES FOR RENT '123 Erie Street, Clinton: with us before you dump. Call , 482-9937. - 2tfn. 482-7358. - 3tfn. FORMAL RENTALS for men and boys. Contact: Herman's Men's Wear, 482-9351. - 22tfn ONE-BEDROOM apartment, furnished; also three-bedroom apartment and store space for rent. Phone 482-7833. - 13tfn ATTENTION FARMERS! 7. PET STOCK WANTED - A white rabbit, male. Phone 482-9454. -15p FORMAL RENTALS for all ' occasions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd. Clinton and Goderich. STORE FOR RENT, 57 Albert St., Clinton. Interior recently decorated, new gas furnace and roof. Excellent condition, gavelled parking lot in rear with good access. Reasonable. Apply Mrs. P. Atkinson, 454 Crumbin Sideroad, London 36, Ont. Phone 455-2298. - 13tf. CHIHUAHUA pups for sale. Phone 236-4397. - 15b 13tfn. CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent. Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges. Form ties stocked. Phone 236-4954 evenings or Saturdays. - 2tfn A. FOR SALE A. FOR SALE 8A. HELP WANTED JACK'S Furniture Repair - .Furniture repaired, wood turning a specialty. At rear of 84 Albert Street, Clinton. Phone 482-9695. - 2tfn. Now is the time to order your Pittsburgh discs and plows; also a good line of cultivators or any other line of farm equipment. Phone Lloyd Lounsbury, farm dealer, 524-7080. - 15tf STORMONT seed oats for sale, cleaned and treated. Phone Charles Brandon, 482-9275 or 482-3129. - 15p WANTED!!! Aggressive, independent people interested in selling real estate. Genuine action yet free of unnecessary tensions. Compensation for previous experience. Office, leads and secretarial service supplied. Contact S. H. Boersma, Real Estate Broker, 643 Murphy Road, Sarnia, or call 344-2433. - 15b FOUR ROOM unfurnished apartment with 3-piece bath; modern kitchen; , large living room; two bedrooms; storage room; gas heat. Phone 482-9649. - 12tfn. 4. ARTICLES FOR SALE CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates-Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY - Beef and Pork Thursday - Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood FARROWING crates with or without mounted feeding or water, all steel construction. George Troyer, Hensall, phone 262-5282. - ltfn. - INTERNATIONAL No. 10 Seed Drill, 16-run on rubber. Cockshutt 503 Swather. Also International 105 Combine. All in excellent running order. Harry Bakker, phone 523-9284. - 15,16b EASY washing machine, $20. 482-9593. - 15b Swing Into Spring DONALD COLBERT 215 MARY ST. 482-7725 CLARKE ZINN 324 Ontario Street Clinton Phone 482-7838- COB CORN and mixed grain, also Springer Holstein cows. Contact Lorne Tyndall 482.7152 Clinton. - 4tfn. B. HELP WANTED MALE STRAW for sale. Lyle Montgomery, phone 482-7644. - 15b EXPERIENCED or inexperienced real estate agents for Exeter, Clinton, Grand Bend and Goderich areas. Commission basis. Must be of legal age; have auto. Call or write Art Pond with personal details. Gibson-Willoughby Ltd., Realtor, 437 Adelaide St. N., London 14 or call collect 519-433-9730 anytime. - 13,14,15,16b. SPORT SHIRTS AND KNITS REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs - mound the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn. - 2tfn. APPROXIMATELY 185 lbs, fine mixture alfalfa, Vernal, Saranac, Timothy and Ladino; approximately 35 lbs. Orchard and Brome. 523-9202. -15,16p FOR RENT Albert St. Office - 482-3821 Short Sleeves This Season's Newest Pattern Styles LAND TO RENT, 60 acres of good farm land available, 482-9847.. - 15p PHOTO LISTING SERVICE RODNEY seed oats, grown from registered seed. Cleaned and treated. Contact Alvin Betties 482-9901. 15p WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures you. satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Establishec.. Jewellery Store. E. FARM SERVICES 16. TENDERS 20. NOTICES $500 TO $90 0 AUCTIONEER and appraiser. Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sales. Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield. Phone 482-3384. - 9tfn. Huron-Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board Requires An ASSESSMENT OFFICER This position includes municipal assessments, formation of school zones, and co-ordination of plant maintenance. Some knowledge of the trades and/or former school board experience desirable but not essential. Applications giving details of qualifications and experience should be sent to: J. J. LANE Business, Administrator P.O. Box 718 Seaforth, Ontario K. A. Culliton, J. Vintar, Chairman. Superintendent. 1513 9. HELP WANTED FEMALE -tfb COMET EQUIPMENT SMITH - ROLES LTD. Welders - Compressors Grinders - Post Hole Augers Drill Fill Augers-Swath Savers Power Bin Cleaners Spiral Coil Packers ' Soil Samplers Buy Canadian Buy COMET! for free demonstration contact Murray Reid Londesboro, 523-4527. 10-17b EFFECTIVE April 8th Stedman's will be closed all day Wednesdays. - 15b BENNY BJERG General Contracting 154 High St. Clinton. Phone 482-9372 21. ENGAGEMENTS 2tfn. POURED CONCRETE SILOS 14'-30' diameter also LIQUID MANURE TANKS and silo roofs installed REGAN SILOS LIMITED R.R. 5, Mitchell 347-2793 Mrs. M. Gerrits wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter, Gerry, to Robert Neutel, RR 4, Woodstock. The wedding will take place •Friday, April 17, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. in the Christian Reformed Church, Clinton. - 15b WASH PANTS STRIPES PLAINS CHECKS ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair. Our Clinton Depot is at 55 Albert Street at Amsing's Store. Henk's Shoe Repair, 62 Hamilton Street, Goderich. - 38eow. 9-16p Tenders will be received by the undersigned to April 30, 1970, for a new police cruiser. Specifications may be obtained at the clerk's office at 23 Albert Street, Clinton. John Livermore, Clerk, Town of Clinton. 15b REDECORATING a room? planning a new home? or searching for fresh ideas for an older home? an IN-THE-HOME CONSULTANT with interior designer Anne Fairservice may be the answer. Call 523-4454 for an appointment. - 14,15p. CATTLE SHIPPED on Tuesday to Dunn and Levack y Toronto Stockyards. Bruce Keys, Varna, .262-5360. 14eow. D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chiasson, Ottawa, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan G. Kelly, Clinton, to Brian L. McAsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. William McAsh, Varna. The marriage will take place on Saturday, May 2, 1970, in Victoria Street United Church, Goderich, at three o'clock, 15p DE LAVAL Sales and Service SIMON BRAND RR 1, Exeter 234-6383. SLIMS STOVES FLAIRS $9 95 TO 9500 13-16b. Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON AVON CALLING She Who Hesitates.,, is losing an opportunity to make $$$.serving friend's and neighbors with superb AVON COSMETICS and TOILETRIES. Own Territory, Own hours. Contact: Mrs, M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave, London 451.0541 14-i. 8b Mr, and Mrs. James McMichael wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Elaine Beatrice, to William Lee Estabrooks, son of Sgt. and Mrs.. Russell Es t abrooks, Ottawa, The wedding Will take place on Friday, April 24, 1070, in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, - 15p ATTENTION FARMERS!! I will be shipping cattle to Dunn and Levack, Toronto Union Stock Yards every Monday. For further particulars or pick-up contact `CAMPBELL McKIKILEY RR 1, Zurich 262-5430 18-16p. :Pickett 8t*Campbejl. Limited GDDERIeFI 1:30 PAL TERMS: CASH JOE COREY SaleS Maniger dILINTON