HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-03-26, Page 17Qiiritpn News,F1.0c9r0,, Thursday,, March 20, 19:70 These small omelets contain sliced fresh mushrooms, chicken, celery and bean sprouts — similar to Eggs Foo Yung. Dropped in large spoonfuls into a buttered frying pan the omelets are cooked over medium heat. The home economists of the Canada Department of Agriculture suggest these be served at a springtime brunch. Eggs for springtime brunch Treflan the most dependable weed killer available Treflan The Multi-Crop Herbicide Whether you are growing Beans, TbrnatoeS, Sunflowers, TUrhips, Peas, Lima Beans, Carrots, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Gladioli or Ornamentals, you need effective weed control. the kind of weed control you can depend on—no matter what the weather. That's where Italian comes in. Treflan, property applied and incorporated, offers the most dependable long lasting weed Control. Treflan works In any weather, and continues Working tight up to harvest, 'finnan. the reign-crop herbicide Eland° Products Division, Eli Lilly & Company (Canada) Ltd, etsrinetrat BY SHAMROCK CHEMICALS LIMITEO P.O. kik S21 (HIGHWAY iS5 11T WELLtribION Ilene) LCNbCN, of#AMO, 41.5110 CANADIAN TRANSPORT TRANSPORT COMMISSION By its Railway Transport Coinmittee NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS In the matter of the application of: I-Canadian National Railways, to discontinue passenger-train service between: Area (Province of Ontario) Train No. Toronto —Palmerston 670, 671, 672 Palmerston—Owen Sound 670, 671, 672 Pahnerston—Southampton 656, 668, 669 Stratford —Kincardine 662, 663; 664, 665, 666, 667 Stratford —Goderich 660, 661 ; II-Canadian Pacific Railway Company, to dis- continue passenger-train service between Toronto and Owen Sound, in the ,Province of Ontario, provided by passenger trains Nos. 302, 306 and 307; III-Canadian National Railways, to discontinue that portion of their passenger-train service between Toronto and Guelph, in the Province of Ontario, provided by passenger trains Nos. 986 and 987. TAKE NOTICE that the Committee has deter- mined under its Order No. R-6313 dated August 5, 1969, that the amounts which constitute the actual losses attributable to each of the above 'described passenger-train services in each of the prescribed accounting years are as f011ows: I (C.N.) II (C.P,) Ill (C,NO $414,073 $76,640 $126,955 454,962 89,606 141,060 480,244 97,935 147,313 TAKE NOTICE ALSO that PUBLIC HEARINGS •of the above APPLICATIONS will take place commencing at the hour of 9:30 a.m. at the following places and dates: GREY COUNTY COURT HOUSE, OWEN SOUND Commencing March 31, 1970 WELLINGTON .COUNTY COURT HOUSE, GUELPH Commencing April 8, 1970. It is the Committee's intention to consider the application of Canadian National Railways shown in I above as the first order of business at the hearing in Owen Sound commencing on March 31, and then to consider the application of Cana- dian Pacific Railway Company shown in II above in Owen Sound after the cOmpletion of 1, The Committee intends to consider the application Of Canadian National RailWays shown in ill above at the hearing in Guelph commencing on April 8. However, all persons who wish to do so may present their views On the discontinuance of any passenger-train services listed above during any Of the two hearings and in either plate. Persons will) wish further information respecting any of the above described passenger-train ser- vices may write to the Secretary, llailway Trans- port Cornmittee, Canadian Transport Commission, 276 Slater Street, Ottawa 4, Ontario, baled at Ottawa, Ontario, this .8th day of February, 1970, O. W. RUMP, Sectetarv, Railway TrOnsport Conimitt0e. For 1966 For 1967 For 1968 $293.40 $176.00 Suggested retail price Special patkage price OF BARRACUDA OPTIONS FURY OPTIONS You save $117,40* $246.85 $148.00 Suggested retail price Special package price You save $98.85* at your Plymouth dealer's now! PLUS EXTRA SAVINGS OF 40% on a package of popular options Save big money now on all 1970 Plymouth hardtops and sedans, and make EXTRA SAVINGS OF 40% on a package of popular options that includes VINYL ROOF • BUMPER GUARDS • OUTSIDE REMOTE-CONTROL REARVIEW MIRROR • TINTED WINDSHIELD • DELUXE WHEEL COVERS • UNDER- COATING & HOOD PAD • ACCESSORY FLOOR MATS • REAR WINDOW DEFOGGER. For "Customer Care" service and the best in new and used cars, see your Plymouth dealer. Plymouth makes it special! 'based on manufacturof's suggested retail price. For a limited time only, at partq',oilt,nq Plymouth deal, CP.N-7 70 Suggested retail pride Special paokage price You Save Suggested retail price $26210 Special package price $157.00 You save $105.10* 40% SAVINGS ON SATELLITE, &tit f h AND ROAD RUNNER TOO! SPRING IS HERE $9 floy9 -144 BR IPHIN your 'living-r99ni with a tila neiIRng or Panall0 Walla OR Bef4.1cf up your lcitcheri with a new counter-top or do over your existing cupboards with ribhpn,stripecl. mahogany veneer. — THEY'LL t...Q01c BRAND NEW — OR FRESHEN your bathroom with smart vanity or ceramic tile. — IT'S A CINCH TO CLEAN Ken Mchlairn 482-7676 walls 91 The Latest In SPRING FASHIONS ARE TO BE FOUND AT THE Using skim milk powder makes quick and economical desserts containers,. Makes 5 cups mix. . To prepare pPdding ^ To 1 cup basin mix add 11/2 cups Water. Cook in double boiler, stirringconstantly until thickened (about 10 minutes). Stir in 2 tablespoons butter, Cool slightly and add 11/2 teaspoons vanilla. 3 servings. Chocolate Pudding — Add 3 tablespoons cocoa to each cup basic mix. COCONUT PIE 1 cup Basic Pudding Mix 1/4 cup coconut 11/2 cups water 2 egg yolks 2 tablespoons butter 11/2 teaspoons vanilla 1 baked 9-inch pie shell Combine Basic Mix, coconut and water. Cook in double-boiler, stirring constantly until thickened (about 10 minutes). Add a little hot mixture to beaten egg yolks. Return to remaining hot mixture in pan and cook 1 to 2 minutes. Although non-stick cookware has been in common use for a number of years, women still have questions about its use and care. One of the questions most often asked concerns the color of a non-stick finish such as Teflon, Women wonder about the relative merits of the various colors. Actually, the plastic non-stick finish is colorless and the color is added for appearance and practicality. A colored lining in a utensil looks more attractive. Many of the newer pots and pans have gaily colored porcelain exteriors so a deep brown or black lining is used to complement this color, From the practical standpoint, the darker colors show less staining. Regardless of color, all finishes have the same properties but it may be easier to retain an attractive appearance when the non-stick lining is a darker color. Probably the question most often asked is what to do about discoloration on non-stick finishes. Utensils with non-stick Remove from heat and add butter. Cool slightly, add vanilla and pour 1149 baked pie shell- Top with meringue and bake at 425 deg. F until lightly browned (3 to 5 minutes).. 6 servings. MERINGUE 2 egg whites 1/4 cup sugar Beat egg whites until soft peaks form; add sugar .gradually and continue beating until stiff and _glossy. WHIPPED TOPPING cup cold water 'h tablespoon lemon juice 1/3 cup skim milk powder few grains salt 2 tablespoons sugar 118 teaspoon vanilla Measure water and lemon juice into a deep mixing bowl. Add skim milk powder and salt and blend well, Beat until mixture stands in firm peaks (about 5 minutes). Gradually beat in sugar and then vanilla. Chill. Makes about 11/2 cups. finishes should be thoroughly washed with detergent or soap after each use, The pan may not look as if it needs it but unless it is thoroughly cleaned it will lose its non-stick qualities. For a special clean-up job, mix two tablespoons of baking soda with half a cup of liquid chlorine bleach and one cup of water and boil this solution in the stained utensil for five or ten minutes. It would be necessary to increase this quantity to clean stains from the sides of a larger pot. Some people worry about scratches. Small scratches will not affect the efficiency of the finish. The use of plastic, rubber or wood tools for stirring and lifting is a safeguard against excessive scratching. On some of the newer and tougher finishes, with a little extra care you may safely use metal tools. Although non-stick cookware ' costs considerably more than the plain type, many, homemakers consider it well worth it because of the easy dishwashing. Fruit Cocktail Quick Easter Omelet , Assorted Cold Meats Hot Cross Buns Eggs serve you when you serve eggs: few other foodstuffs are as perfect nutritionally, or as versatile, quick and easy to prepare, low in calories, and appetite-appealing. The Ontario Food Council, Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, suggests an egg omelet 5with your choice of Aucked inside for a delightful Easter brunch. Quick Easter Omelet 6 large eggs 2 tbsp, water or milk 1/2 tsp. salt dash pepper 11/2-2 tbsp. butter Suggested Fillings: 1. Ontario Cheddar, grated or sliced thinly 2. Precooked potatoes, sauteed in butter 3. Sliced and sauteed mushrooms 4. Jams or jellies, mashed, canned fruit, or drained, frozen berries. Heat frypan until drop of water dances around instead of ,burstingInto_steam. Meanwhile, break eggs into bowl; add liquid and seasonings. Beat with a whisk or fork until well mixed, with a very slight froth on top. Coat bottom and sides of prepared park with butter, Add egg mixture all at once and reduce heat slightly. As the mixture thickens at the edges, draw these portions toward the centre so , that the uncooked portions flow to the bottom. Tilt or shake pan to hasten flow of uncooked eggs and keep omelet sliding freely. When eggs are set and surface is still moist, increase heat to brown bottom quickly. Place filling across upper half of egg. Tilt pan gradually, fold omelet in half, then turn onto warm serving platter. Divide into serving portions. Serves 3 or 4. 'Milk puddings area favorite dessert In most households and among all age groups. When the meal plaimex uses skim milk in, the dessert it becomes an economical one. She may. incorporate the milk into the pudding in either of two ways, She May reconstitute instant powder into liquid .skim milk .or- put the dry milk into the. pudding mix then add the water in place of the fluid milk. Although the usual proportion is one-third cup skim milk powder to .one cup water' she may increase the amount of skim milk powder to • one-half cup for extra food value, for those families who make milk puddings often, the home economists of the Canada Department of Agriculture have developed ,a "Basic Pudding Mix" using skim milk powder, The mix needs only to have water added before the cooking, A small amount of butter improves the smoothness. The flavoring is added last. In addition to being economical, it is convenient because it can be stored in a covered container on a kitchen shelf. The mix doesn't always have to appear on the table in the same form. The mother or daughter who makes the vanilla pudding may garnish it with fresh, frozen or canned fruit. She may make both vanilla and chocolate flavored puddings, place alternate layers in glass parfait dishes and have a party-type dessert. She may achieve a different flavor appeal, by adding a dash or two of peppermint extract to the chocolate pudding. If she is not aware that skim milk powder can be whipped she may wish to try it and use it in place of the vanilla pudding for the layered effect. She may even use the mix to make a pie. Indeed the canister of the skim milk powder pudding mix may turn out to be the cook's "bag of tricks." BASIC PUDDING MIX 2/3 cup cornstarch 1 cup sugar 3/4 teaspoon salt 4 cups skim milk powder Mix all ingredients and sift 3 times. 'Store in tightly covered Non-stick cookware proving popular in attractive colors