HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-03-26, Page 12TENDERS WANTED
1, Specifications and tender
forms are available at the office
of the Maitland Valley
Conservation Authority in
Wroxeter or by writing Box 760,
Listowel, Ontario.
2, Sealed tenders clearly marked
as to contents will be received
by the Secretary-Treasurer,
Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority, Box 760, Listowel,
until 5:00 PAL, Tuesday, April
7, 1970,
3, Lowest or any other tender
not necessarily accepted.
Box 760, Telephone:
Listowel, Ontario. 335-3557.
ALL persons having claims
against the Estate of the
above-named who died on the
25th day of January, A,D. 1970,
are required to file full
particulars thereof with the
undersigned on or before the
30th day of March, A.D. 1970,
after which date the assets will
be distributed, having regard
only to the claims of which the
undersigned shall then have
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, thi:
6th day of March, A.D. 1970.
Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said Estate,
of Farm and Farm Implements
of the estate of Thomas C.
Turner at lot 21 (H,R.S.)
Goderich Township, 1/2 mile west
of Clinton on No. 8 Highway on
Saturday, April 4, 1970
at 2:00 o'clock p.m.
FARM: The farm consists of
approximately 110 acres of rich
clay loam soil; well drained and
all land level and workable.
On this property is a 11/2 storey
fraine house, full insulated, and
,,,coveretlywith, aluminum, siding, a
,trtroderhAitehen, alisumporcb, a
nearly new oil-fired `furnace;and
a' pressure system serving both
house and barn.
On this property is also a bank
barn, 74' x 56', in good
condition. This is a desirable
property with choice land, and
well located.
IMPLEMENTS: M.H. 22 tractor;
rubber tire wagon with flat rack;
set of McKee Harvester Blower
pipes; 1963 Studebaker Lark
automatic, 4-door sedan, low
Terms: On implements and
Terms: On Farm-10% down on
date of sale and balance in 60
•, days, with the farm sold subject
'• to reserve bid.
Donnelly & Murphy
Solicitors for the Estate
Edward W. Elliott
be closed Monday, March 30 foi
renovations. — 13p
JOHNSTON: To Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Johnston, Bayfield, in
Clinton Public Hospital, on
Wednesday, March 18, 1970, a
daughter, Donna Christine, sister
for Rick.
THIESSEN: To Capt, and Mrs.
Gerald Thiessen, Mastral Park,
in Clinton Public Hospital, a
daughter oh Wednesday, March
18, 1970.
BUSH: To Mr. and Mrs, William
Bush, Clinton, in Clinton Public
Hospital," t a daughter on
Thursday, March 19, 1970,
DeRINTER: To Mr. and Mrs,
John DeRuyter, Bayfield, in
Clinton Public Hospital, a son on
Friday, March 20, 1970.
SCOTT: Passed away at home
On Tuesday, March 10, 1970,
Beulah Marie Scott, of
Mississauga, beloved wife of
Ronald Scott, in her 43rd year;
dear mother of Bernie, Greg,
Walt, Kurt and Blaine, Dear
sister of Margaret (Mrs, C.
Stoddart) Welland; Elizabeth,
(Mrs, Wm: IVInClure)
Lenora ' (Mrs. it, Cook)
°detach; brothers Lloyd
Sehoenhals, Goderich; Stewart
Seheenhalai Saskatoon and
Retold beadle, Cita, Manitoba.
The funeral Was held in the
chapel of plenty Funeral Horne,
Mississauga on Friday, March 18,
1970 With interment itr 8t.
Johns Cemetery,
citillt4 had been made by the
ladies since January. Mrs, Jack
larinthell, Mrs. Alvin Cole, Mrs.
R. Taylor, and' Mrs. T. BrIntnell
rendered a quartette. A motion
was passed to buy Easter billies
for the church.
Ten dollars was donated to
the Bunny Bundle at C,F.P.L.
• A crib quilt will be made for
the fall bazaar, Mrs. Harold
Currie gave the study. Mrs,• Ed
Dick was presented with a Life
Membership and Pin from the
U.C.W. and Mrs. Gerald Glenn
was also presented with a Life
Membership and Pin donated by
Mrs. John M, Glenn of Exeter.
Mrs. Harold Parker, Mrs.
Taylor was in charge of the
presentations, Mrs. Taylor gave
a poem and Mrs. Knight of
Edmonton, wife of a former
Hensall minister spoke on the
"Crash Pad", pertaining to the
Drug Traffic. Mrs. Boyce closed
with prayer.
Passion Sunday was observed
in St. Penis Anglican Church,
Rev. G. A. Anderson conducted
the service. The thenie of the
service was "The Fact of
Flowers in the church were in
loving memory of .the late
William J. Otterbein, placed !by
his son Oeorge„
• Flowers in the United Church
.Sanctuary Sunda morning-were
in loving. --mernher -of Mr. To
Snerritt , placed -by his, wife.
Amber Rebekah Lodge
observed their 21st birthday
party Wednesday March 1S.,
entertaining guests from
Goclerich, Clinton And. Exeter
Final plans were made for
dessert euchre March 25, District
Deputy President, Mrs. Margaret
Bowra of .Goderich who was a
guest speaker at the birthday
party will make her official
spring visit to this lodge in April,
Past Grands were reminded of
the district meeting to be held in
_Goderich in April.
Court Whist was played. The
prize for the birthday nearest to
birthday party date went to Mrs.
Gladys Coleman. In a draw for
first prize an African' violet, was
won by Mrs. Annie Reid, Second
prize, an Easter egg, went to
Mrs. J. E. MeEwen,
Sued?), March 22 was Shut-in
Day sponsored by the Hensall
Kinette club when 50 lovely
Easter plants were delivered to
patients in Victoria Hoapital,
Joseph's Hospital, London,
594th Huron Hospital, Exeter,
Blue Water Rest Horne, Zurich,
Huronview, Queensway Nursing
Home and shut-ina in the village
of *pall,. This is an annual
project of the eInb,
Mrs, Janet MacKinnon is a
patient in South Huron HOSpitAl,
Miss Ann Mielde, who is
attending Althouse College,
London is spending her vacation
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Laird Miekle,
Mrs, Albert Shirray who was a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, where she underwent
surgery, returned home on
Charles Mickle, Hamilton, left
Sunday by plane for Jamaica
where he will spend three days
and then fly to the Grand
Cayman, Cayman Islands, British
West Indies to spend the
remainder of his holiday. He will
fly back to Canada on the
Monday. •
Mrs. Ken McLean is A patient
in Victoria Hospital, London.
Sunday, March 15 on County
Road 12 south of No, 3 County
Road, Larry Alvin Home, 57
West William _Street, Seaforth
Was involved in single -ear
accident resulting in, extensive
damage to the vehicle. Home
received injuries,
Sunday, March 15 on Let 26,
Cen. 2, Hullett Township west
of Highway 4, a vehicle parked
by David Copper, Dinsley Street,
BlYtb, rolled forward and struck
a building resulting in minor
darnage to the vehicle,
Wednesday, March 18 on a
parking lot at C.F,B. Clinton, a
parked vehicle owned by James Bondy, C.F.B, Clinton was
struck by an unknown vehicle
resulting in minor damage to the
Thursday, March 19 on
Hullett Township sideroad 5-6
south of County Road 25, David
Charles Bean, RR 3, Walton was
involved in a single car accident
resulting in minor damage to his
Saturday, March 21 on
Highway 86, west of Lucknow,
Warren Grant, 316 Mill Street,
Port Elgin and Bradley Candy,
56 King Street, Waterloo were
involved in a two car accident
resulting in extensive damage to
The vehicles. Vera Catherine
Grant, 316 Mill. Street, -Port
Elgin was fatally '1 0400
driver WarrPn. Grant received
:Motorists! Know what to do
if a tire blows while you're
travelling .at Highway .§poocr
The Ontario Driver's
Handbook says Don't jam on
the brakes. Instead, fai0 ypur
feel off the accelerator .„.
_eoricentrate .on steering and let
your car roll to safe stop,
Remember, jamming on the
brakes when a tire blows could
cause your car to overtnro.
well attended
The progressive Euchre party
held in the Orange Hall in
Clinton on March 19 was well
attended, the prizes going to the
following: ladies' high, Mrs.
Scott; ladies' lone hand, Mrs.
Frank Cummings; ladies' low,
Mrs. S. Gorland; men's high,
Chas. Cunningham; men's lone
hand, Frank Thompson; men's
low, Bruce Norman.
The draw was won by Mrs.
Tom Leppington. Watch the
News-Record for the date of the
next party.
-P1MPn. News-figc9I.0, Tinggioy., March 1'p7o 11
Opf' reports
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McMURRAY: Passed away at
home on Thursday, .Mareh 19,
1970, Adam. James MeMurray,
Clinton. in his 93rd year. He is
survived by his wife and one
.sister, Mrs. Ethel Dufresne,
.Ferndale, Mich, The funeral was
held at Ball Funeral Home on.
Saturday, March 21, with
interment in Clinton Cemetery,
ROOTH: We wish to thank our
friends and neighbors for the
beautiful flowers, sympathy
cards and many acts of kindness
shown to us during our recent
bereavement. Our thanks also to
Rev. J. S. Sharpies and the
Royal Canadian Legion, Branch
140, — Muriel F. Booth and
family. — 13b.
WHYTE: I wish to thank
everyone who sent cards, letters,
flowers and treats during my
stay in Stratford General
Hospital, it was all very much
appreciated. — Joan Whyte, —
MIDDLETON:, We, Stewart and
Grace Middleton, wish to
express our appreciation for all
the kindnesses shown us during
our recent enforced winter
holidays at the Clinton Hospital
and the Thameswood Lodge,
London, respectively. Our
special thanks to the many
friends ; *relatives and
organizations for cards, flowers,
visits etc., also to Dr. Newland,
Miss,Elliott and the ground floor
nurses, to Dr. Banerjee, the Rev.
E. J. B. Harrison, the Rev. R. U.
MacLean and the Rev. J. Ure
Stewart and Mr,. and Mrs. Arthur
Tolchard who kept Triple A
Farms in A-1 shape.
RILEY: I sincerely wish to
thank all who sent cards, letters,
gifts and treats, also Rev.
Heckendorn, doctors and nurses
of fourth floor and all who
visited or helped at home while I
was a patient in Victoria
Hospital. — Ora Riley. — 13b.
ROWLAND: I would like to
thank everyone for cards, treats
,and • visits, also Rev.,,. Father
1"Kellk, Dr. Harrett and,nursekon
first" floor of new wing of
Clinton Public Hospital. Special
thanks to Harvey McClure for
taking me to and from hospital.
Their kindness will long be
remembered. - Norman
Rowland, —13p.
HILL: We wish to thank our
family, relatives, neighbors and
friends who helped make our
twenty-fifth wedding
anniversary such a happy and
memorable occasion. — Gordon
and Ruby Hill. — 13p.
RIDDELL: Words are inadequate
to express our gratitude and
thanks to each and everyone,
who helped us through the
sudden death of a dear husband
and father. Many thanks to
friends, neighbors and relatives
for their many acts of kindness.
Special thanks to Dr_ J. W.
Wallace, Rev. Andrew Mowatt,
Rev. Donald Beck, the Beattie
Funeral Home, the Clinton
Masonic Lodge No. 84, and the
Royal Canadian Legion Branch
No. 140. — Letitia Riddell, Jim
and Bryan. — 12.
Sweet chesnuts
making comeback
Sweet chestnut stuffing with
the turkey is a seasonal favorite.
Some Ontarians may remember
the blight in the 1920's that
wiped out most of the sweet
chestnut trees in Canada and has
been prevalent ever since. Until
recently, Canada has maintained
supplies by importing sweet
chestnuts, but now several
varieties, immune or resistant to
blight, are being grown here.
Mr. R, A. Fleming, research
scientist with the Horticultural
Research Institute of Ontario,
says that over the past fifteen
years, sweet chestnut seedlings
have been developed from
hybrids, using tree; from the
United States, China, and Japan. '
Not only are they disease
resistant; but indications are that
nut yield is good and that some
are suitable as forest trees. Sweet
chestnut trees are also quite
suitable for shade trees.
The 'Uniting chestniat tree IS
the size and shape of the apple
tree, while the forest tree is
broad and single-stemmed. The
nuts are carried in thick spiny
husks that Split by /hid-October,
The hybrids, developed in
British Colinnbia and the United
States; are grown under todi
Manoka, Skioka, Layeroka,
Crane,- and Orrin are the names
a some Varieties, These varieties
are now tbriamerciaily available,
and are supplied to nurseries by
the Horticultural Institute of
Hensall. Women's InstitUte
met Wednesday evening March
11 in the Legion Hall for their
Agriculture and Canadian
Industries meeting with
president KIM Clarenee Reid
Presiding. The annual fee of
$25.00 for the Mentally
Retarded Association was
donated, as was $30,00 to the
Hensall Breech 468 of the
Canadian Legion. Mrs. T, J.
Sherritt and Mrs. Robert Elgie
Were appointed a sick committee
for April, and Mrs. John Skea,
Mrs. Pearl Koehler, and Mrs,
Elizabeth. Riley a nominating
committee. Mrs. R, Simpson
spoke briefly on the meeting she
attended of the Mentally
Retarded Association held in
Exeter recently.
Mrs. Wilbert Dilling chaired
the program which consisted of
lovely solos by. Mrs. Eric Luther,
accompanied on the piano by
her husband who contributed a
pleasing piano selection. Mrs.
Robert Simpson gave a very
interesting motto "The Poetry
of Life". A humorous reading
was given by Miss M. Ellis. Mrs.
Don Travers gave a short
SEWELL; Sincere thanks to my commentary on the 4-H club friends and neighbors for and introduced Alma Oud who
flowers, cards and treats sent to commented on the display of
me in Victoria Hospital, London needlepoint by the 4-H girls
and also while at home -club,
recuperating. — Lit Sewell. — • Coutesy remarks were given
13b. by Mrs. R. Elgie. An auction sale
with Mrs. James McAllister as
auctioneer, assisted by Mrs.
Dilling netted S30.00. Program
conveners were Mrs. W. Dilling
and Mrs. Maude Hedden;
hostesses were Mrs. Gladys
Coleman and Mrs. Len Purdy.
Lunch was served.
A rink skipped by Bob Bell
president of the Hensall Curling
Club won the Hiram Walker
Trophy at the Thedford Curling
Club, winning high over-all 3
games plus 7,. Other members on
his team were Marlene Bell, vice
skip, John Anderson 2nd, and
Helen Anderson, lead.
Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Jackson
and family leave Hensall next
week to take up residence in
Windsor, Mr. Jackson is
Controller - for the Welles
Corporation in Windsor.
Unit 1 of Hensall U.C.W. met
Thursday afternoon March 12
with Mrs. Lorne Hay presiding.
Minutes of the previous meeting
was read and -12 members
answered the roll call. ,Unit 1 is
Tespinieible :riut4V and
flowers' in April ahcb eVergone ,
was reminded of the April Fools
supper in the church.
Mrs. Albert Shirray continued
with the study on "Indians in
the Far North" and gave
interesting highlights of their
trip to Moosenee last fall which
she and her husband took. A
contest by Mrs. Jack Consitt.,
lunch served.
Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Jackson
were honored by their
neighbours on Saturday with a
surprise going away party and
gift, Mrs. John Baker read the
address and did the honors of
•Mrs. Percy.. Bartlett of
Thamesford and Mrs. Jim
Barber, London, visited last
week with Mr. Stewart McQueen
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell.
Mr. Herb Jones was taken by
ambulance Monday to South
Huron Hospital.
Charles Mickle, Hamilton,
spent a few, days recently with
his parents Mr. and Mrs. Laird
Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby,
Stewart and Jane Knights of
Blenheim, spent the week end
with. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Snell.
Mr. Stewart McQueen returned
home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mickle,
London, spent Sunday with the
former's parents Mr. and Mrs.
Laird Mickle.
The Easter Thank-Offering of
the Women's Misslionary Society
was held on Thursday in Carmel
Presbyterian Church. President
Mrs. R. A. Orr welcomed guests
from C roma rty, Exeter,
Seaforth, and Home Helper and
Arnold Circle from this church.
Mrs. Percy Campbell gave the
devotional, Rev. W. Jarvis guest
speaker gave a very interesting
and important Old Easter
message of Jesus Christ, Mrs. EriC
Luther was guest soloist and
gave the story of the Hymn and
sang "The Unveiled Christ",
with her husband at the pianos
Mrs. Harvey Hyde thanked the
guest speaker, soloist and
Ushers were Mrs. R. Madge,
Mrs. H. Snell. A social afternoon
was enjoyed with tea and lunch
with Mrs. Hyde, Mrs. Orr and
Mrs. C. Volland lunth
A pot luck dinner and
quilting preceeded the meeting
of Chiselhurst tt,G,W,_ opening
with the theme song and prayer
by president Mrs, Russell Brock
Who chaired the meeting. The
Worship on Easter was given by
Mrs, 11.- Boyce' and rnernberS
answered the roll call with a
religious etiatelri. Minutes read
and approved. It was announced
that 11 large 006" and two crib