HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-03-19, Page 1126. IN MEMORIAM CLARK: In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, William J. Clark, who passed away one year ago, March 19, 1969. "Loving memories never die, As years roll on and days pass by, In our hearts memories are kept Of the one we loved and will never forget." Lovingly remembered by his wife, family and grandchildren. — 12p. STURGEON: In loving memory of a-dear father, Joseph. Edward, who passed away 2 years ago, March 21, 1968. "Through all our troubles he helped us along. If we live like him we will never go wrong. ' On earth he was loved in heaven he rests God Bless you Dad you were one of the best." Always remembered and sadly missed by daughter Helen, son-in-law Dennis and wife Maude. — 12p. HOGGART: In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Wm. Hoggart, who passed away March 19, 1965. "Loving memories never die As years roll on and days pass by, In our hearts a memory is kept Of one we loved and never forget." Ever remembered by husband and family. —12p. 28. ROOM and BOARD ROOM AND BOARD — Apply. Mrs, James Cog, 127 Princess W. Clinton. 482-7003. 11,12b. 29. BUSINESS OFF. SPARE TIME INCOME Refilling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high-quality coin.operated dispensers in your area. No selling. To quality you must have ear, references, $600 to $2900 oath. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly income. More full time, For personal interview Write CANAPENN DISTRIBUTING. LTD., DEPT, A, 166 bay St., Suite 205, Toronto 1, Ontario. %elude phone number, 12p. Auburn Qiiriton Thursday, March 19, 1970 11 d an Distric Mli,,Yslg5-gfiAQNQciC ,,r-.Porrrespontlent,,-,Ptinne•.0;6e7W. Segnrth, when five .countless took INtrt, She was,chosen MPS Huron Junior Farmer at their annual ,meeting and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Bali. Miss Oarolyn Riddell of RR 1, Dundalk was chosen Queen over the tournament. Princess was Miss Susan Whitaker, Miss Minto Junior Farmer of RR 3, Palmerston. Over 50Q attended the day long event and the dance that followed, FAREWELL PARTY Over 60 neighbors gathered at the old third line school last Saturday evening for a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs, Harold Carter and Miss Barbara Carter. The party was convened by Mrs. Emmerson Rodgers and cards were played followed by dancing to McClinchey's orchestra. An address was read by Robert Armstrong and a reclining armchair was presented ' by Ernmerson Rodger and John Armstrong. Mrs. Ron Beecroft presented Miss Barbara with a sterling silver necklace and earring set. Mr, and Mrs. Carter and Miss Barbara thanked their neighbors and lunch was served by the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carter have sold their farm and will move to their new home in Goderich soon. There's no excuse for poor pasture land these days Pasture renovation with Birdsfoot Trefoil and Dalapon herbicide is now economically feasible on over one million acres of rough, hilly pasture land in Ontario. The renovation of rough land pastures has become practical with the development of techniques to fertilize, control weeds and to establish a productive crop without normal tillage. The best results have been obtained with • the introduction of the hardy legume, Birdsfoot Trefoil mixed with granular Dalapon and fertilizer. The result is increased grazing capacity for larger herds of beef cattle at relatively low cost. The renovation process is aimed at suppressing the natural grasses with Dalapon, broadcasting Birdsfoot Trefoil on the soil surface and applying adequate fertilizer to establish the crop. It can be done in one easy step. The granular Dalapon is mixed with the Trefoil seed and fertilizer and applied as a mixture in April. Recommended mixture per acre is 32 to 45 lbs. Dalapon 12.5% Granular, - 10 lbs. Trefoil seed and 100 lbs. 0-46.0 fertilizer. Application can be made with any type of hand or power equipment including air-operated broadcasting craft. Check • with your local Niagara dealer or, your Niagara man Eric Christensen, Guelph, and he will tell you how to change rough land pastures into choice grazing area. — NIAGARA CHEMICALS, Burlington, Ontario. ‘S:11:41•CA.I.No feed service now available at WEITIALIFFER'S FEED MILL 35 MARY ST. CLINTON 4824792 16, -TENDERS TENDERS WANTED For HALF-TON TRUCK 1. Specifications and tender farms are available at the of floe of the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority in Wroxeter or by .Writing Box -760, Listowel, Ontario. 2. Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the Secretary-Treasurer, Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, Box 760, Listowel until 5;00 P.M„ Tuesday, April 7, 19'70. 3. Lowest or any other tender not necessarily accepted. , MAITLAND VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Box 760, Telephone: Listowel, Ontario. 335-3557 12,13b. 17. NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EDWARD JOHNSON WELSH, LATE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, RURAL MAILMAN, DECEASED. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 13th day of February, A.D. 1970, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 6th day of April, A,D. 1970, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 10th day of March, A.D. 1970. E. B. MENZIES, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 12,13,14b. IN THE ESTATE OF KATHERINE McGREGOR, LATE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, RETIRED SCHOOL TEACHER, DECEASED. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named, who died on the 23rd day of January 1970, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 25th day of March 1970, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which „the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario this 2nd day of March, A.D. 1970.*-i ' r, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 10,11,12b. IN THE ESTATE OF MARTHA ELIZABETH LOCKHART, LATE OF_THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, WIDOW, DECEASED. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named, who died on the 20th day of January, A.D. 1970, are required to file full particulars thereof with the •undersigned on or before the 23rd day of March, A.D. 1970, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 26th day of February, A.D. 1970. E. B. MENZIES, Q.C., • Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 10,11,12b, IN THE ESTATE OF ERNEST ALBERT VANDERBURGH, LATE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, RETIRED SALESMAN, DECEASED. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 25th day of January, A.D. 1970, are required to file• full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 30th day of March, A.D. 1970, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice: DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 6th day of March, A.D. 1970, E. B. MENZIES, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 11,12,13b. IN THE ESTATE OF METHA ELMA 11,/lacPHERSON, LATE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, RETIRED SCHOOL TEACHER, DECEASED. ' ALL persons having clainis against the Estate of the above-earhed, Who died on 14th day of January, A.D. 1970, are required to file full particulars thereof With the undersigned brt or before the 23rd day of March, A.D. 1970, after which date the assets Will be distributed, having regard only to the claim of ,Vehieh the undersigned s gned shall then have notice. DAT8i3 at Clinton,'Ontario; this 25th day of February, A.D. 10,70; t. )3. MtNZItS, Clinton, Ontarie, Solicitor for the said Estate, 10,11,12h, PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bennett of A m h e rs t burg visited last Saturday with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan, Kenneth Sproul, Bob Hickey, Jim Hickey and Marinus Baker spent a weekend recently at Nashville to attend the Grand Old Opry there. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rathwell, Michael and Janice of Chatham spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Gordon Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Robinson 25. CARDS OF THANKS • of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. DALE: Our heartfelt thanks to Ross Robinson. all who have helped in any -way H, Odbert of Stratford spent in the building of our barn. The a few days last week with his giving of your time, the money daughter, Mrs. Elmer Trommer, and materials donated are deepl?, Mr. Trommer and Connie. appreciated. — Norman anck Dianne Dale. -12b, Miss Diane Kirkconnell of „„Annipeg, 1p,,visiting her parents, ANDR,EWS.: ,,My sincere thanks to my relatives and many friends for gifts, flowers and carITS"— received while a patient in. Clinton Hospital. Thanks also to; Dr. Harrett, Dr. Mowatt and the nurses and staff on second floor. Also I want to say thanks to my many friends who remembered me when I was transferred to. Victoria Hospital in London and since my return. — Mrs. Frank Andrews. — 12p, KNQX 'WOO The .Easter Thankeffering service of Knox Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society was held last week at the hew of Mrs. DellaidliairieS, The meeting was in charge -of the president, Mrs, Wilfred Sanderson and she opened it with A call to worship and Prayer, The devotional was in charge of Mrs, R, U, MacLean who brought an inspiring Easter message and challenged all to live on the right side of Easter, Mrs, Haines played an organ, solo' i three - favorite Easter hymns. The guest speaker of the Afternoon was Mrs. John Pollock of Goderich, Httron Presbyterial President. She chose for her -theme "No. Changes in a Changing World," She commenced by relating, the changes in styles as to dress stating that the mini, the midi and the maxi were not new, as We had those styles all back in the early 20's and during the_ First World War when women in the army wore long, ankle-length. coats. She spoke of the great advancement in science like man's trip to the moon. • She asked all to Itaket air inventory on how we worked for the church and the W,M.S. She challenged all to have faith and trust and to believe in Christ. She said true success will then be accomplished in our lives. , * Mrs. Roy Daer thanked 11/1r. Pollock for her message and presented her with a gift. The benediction pronounced by Mrs. Sanderson. Lunch was served by Mrs. Haines, assisted by Miss Frances Houston, Mrs. W. Sanderson and Mrs. W. Bradnock. AUBURN PRINCESS Congratulations aft extended- to Miss Brenda Ball, RR 1, Auburn on being chosen princess at the Junior Farmer broomball tournament held recently 'at 5, REAL ESTATE FARM PROPERTIES QDERICII TOWNSHR, 11.20 ores, 9-room house with bath mi. oil ftirnace, dairy barn, table gleaner, milkhouse, hulk ogler, 2 silos, silo unloader, 28 Ik cows, 27 heifers, good line f implements. ODERICH TOWNSHIP. 10 res, 9-room house, bath, mace, barn 45 1.c. 55, plernerit .shed, henhouse. Price 14,090. TANLEY TOWNSHIP., highway farm, 200 acres, 1-room •brick house, bath, oil Mace, barns 90 x 75 — 50 x 0, implement shed 72 x 36, eel tiled land, new henhouse 80 x 40, room for 10,000 hens cages. ODERICH TOWNSHIP. 68 res of bush, 70% hardwood. UNGANNON AREA. 100 ree, 9-room frame house, bath, ii furnace, barn 64 x 40 — 20 x 0. EAFORTH AREA, 100 acres, -room house, bath and furnace, ew barn, tie-up for 42 cows, ilkhouse, bulk cooler. HREE-BED ROOM school ouse, 3-piece bath, oil furnace. rucefield area, ODERICH TOWNSHIP. 160 res, 9-room house, bath, oil unlace, barn 40 x 60, ODERICH TOWNSHIP, 200 ores, new 3-bedroom house, ath, oil furnace, barns 32 x 60 40 x 50, new henhouse with ages for 5,000 hens, new implement shed, 2 silos, TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP. 100 acres, 9-room stone house with bath and furnace, barn 40 x 80, 32 x 75. HULLETT TOWNSHIP. 200 acres, 9-room brick house, bath, oil furnace, new barn, stable cleaner, milkhouse, bulk.cooler, new silo, good implement shed, 36 milk cows, all the implements. HULLETT TOWNSHIP. 214 acres, 8-room house, barn 36 x 72 — 50 x 30, drilled well, cattle, implements, feed. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. 80 acres, 9-room house, bath, oil furnace, garage, barn rebuilt for .6,000 .laying hens, hatchery contract. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. 80 acres, 60 acres in pasture, 20, acres plowed. HULLETT TOWNSHIP. 223 acres, 9-room house, bath, oil furnace, barns 80 x 50 — 60 x 40, room for 600 hogs, silo. HULLETT TOWNSHIP. 186 acres, 8-room house, furnace, barns 56 x 34 — 30 x 50, 130 acres workable, 25 acres hardwood, front of farm along the Maitland River. STANELY TOWNSHIP. 163 acres, 9-room house, oil furnace, good barn, with cattle and implements. McKILLOP TOWNSHIP. 161 acres, 8-room house, bath, 2 barns. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP. 110 acres, bush along the Maitland River. BENMILLER. 98 acres of bush between Benmiller and Goderich. RR 2, Clinton 482-3287 C. BURUMA Agent for K. W. COLQUHOUN LTD. Clinton. 16. TENDERS TENDERS WANTED For FLAIL TYPE MOWER 1. Specifications and tender forms are available at the office of the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority in Wroxeter or by writing Box 760, Listowel, Ontario. 2, Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the Secretary-Treasurer, Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, Box '760, Listowel, until 5:00 P.M., Tuesday, April 7, 1970. 3. Lowest or any other tender not necessarily accepted. MAITLAND VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Box 760, Telephone: Listowel, Ontario. 335-357. 12,13b, REMEMBER TO HELP 19, AKTIQN: -SAk.E5 APPTIPN -.S.A‘g =of 107 beef cattle including 22 Hereford ce10, all with .calf by side; 42 closed springer cows and .heifers; 14 stocker 'heifers and steers; 2 purebred polled,. Hereford CharoiaiS bull; willbe held for Cliff and Harvey Livingston, .Concession .Ashfield Township (former Zinn. farm) a corners south, 4 -corners west of Lucknow or 3 corners East of Hwy,. 21, 94 Huron County Road 20 on Thursday, March 19, at 2 p.m. Terms—Cash Allan Maehitere, Lucknow, Auctioneer. 11,12b, AUCTION• SALE Stock Reduction Sale of Farm Machinery for R, J, Bauer Farm Equipment Thursday, March 26 at 12:30 o'clock in the village of Brussels, O flaring includes:—Tractors: Massey-Ferguson 65 diesel; Massey-Harris 33 standard; Massey-Harris 30 standard with loader; Massey-Harris 31 standard; John. Deere AR standard; Cockshutt 60. Balers: Massey-Ferguson No. 10; Massey-Ferguson No. 9; New Holland No. 66. Combines: Allis-Chalmers 66 PTO; 6 ft. IHC pull type with motor; 2 row Corn Head for M-F 300 combine. Manure Spreaders: 120 bus. Case PTO; 110 • bus, Farm Eze PTO; 110 bus. Case PTO; 100 bus. John Deere PTO; 95 bus. New Idea PTO; 95 bus. Case; 95 bus. Cockshutt. Plows: 3 furrow 14 in. bottom M-F mounted; 2-3 furrow 1,2 in. bottom M-F' mounted; 2 furrow Case mounted; several trail type plows including IHC, John Deere and Massey-Harris. Mowers: 7 ft. New Idea trail; 7 ft. Case trail; 7 ft. Dearborn mounted; 11 ft. Cockshutt trail cultivator; 91/2 ft. IHC trail cultivator; IHC 15 run seed drill; Oliver 16 run seed drill; McKee harvester and wagon; Ebersol bale shredder; 30 ft. pipe type bale elevator; mounted weed sprayer with 21' boom. Terms—Cash. Positively no reserve. This list is subject to additions or withdrawals with no reserve. Everything offered will be sold. R. J. Bauer Farm Equipment, Proprietor R. G. Gethke, Auctioneer. 12b. 22. BIRTHS ST. LOUIS: To Mr. and Mrs. Doug St. Louis, Clinton, in Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, March 14, 1970, a daughter.' BUFFINGA: To Mr, and Mrs. Albert Buffinga, Londesboro, in Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday March 14, 1970, a son. 23. DEATHS ROOTH: Passed away in Clinton Public Hospital on Friday March 13, 1970, Frank L. Rooth of RR 5, Clinton, in his 76th year. The funeral service was held at St. Paul's Anglican Church on Monday, March 16, 1970, with interment in Colborne Cemetery. REHN: Passed away in Goderich Alexandra and Marine Hospital on Saturday, March 14, 1970, Ernest J. Rehn of Bayfield in his 66th year. The funeral service was held at the Ball Funeral Home, Clinton, on March 16, 1970 with interment in Bayfield Cemetery. 25. CARDS OF THANKS COLCLOUGH: 'I wish to take this opportunity to thank all those who sent me cards, flowers and treats while a patient in Stratford Hospital. Special thanks to Clintonian Club, Women's Institute and all those who were so kind to my wife during my absence. — Wilfred Colciough. — 12p. BUTLER: Thanks to everyone who sent me cards and gifts while I was in Clinton Hospital and also to Dr. Newland, Dr. Harrett and hospital staff. — Brenda Butler. 12b. FLYNN: I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for their kindness when I was in Clinton Hospital. A special thanks to Father Kelly, Dr. Newland and hospital staff. — Frank Flynn. — 12p. REDDLE: Worth are inadequate to express our gratitude and thanks to each and everyone Who helped us through the sudden death of a dear husband and father. Many thanks to friends, neighbors and relatives for their many acts of kindness, Special thanks to Dr. J, W. Wallace, Rev. Andrew Mowatt, Rev, Donald Beek, the Beattie Funeral Home, the Clinton. Masonic Lodge No. 84, and the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 140, — Letitia Reddle,- Jim and Bryan. — 12. LAYTON: I sincerely wish to thank ail who sent Me cards, letterS, gifts and treats,- also Rev, IL W. Wonfor, Dr, Newland, 2fid foot horses; .kittheri staff, and all who visited me and helped at home while I Was a Patient in Clinton Public Hospital. — Dorothy Laytdri, 12b. • Mr. and. MP- Andrew Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blake, Misses Faye And Maryanne of 13russeis visited her Parents on Sunday, Miss Judy Arthur of Owen Sound School of Ntlrsing spent laSt' Tuesday and Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. HWY Arthur and family, George Lawlor returned to Galt with his son, Wilbert, after he had been here with him fora couple of weeks. Mrs, Lawlor is still a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Harry Armstrong is convalescing at her home, Mr, and Mrs, John Arthur of London and Ronald Arthur of Toronto spent the weekend with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Keith Arthur, Wayne and Philip. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson visited last Sunday with her sister, Mrs, Fred Youngblut, Mr. Youngblut and family at Woodstock. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys of Palmerston visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton. ACW The March meeting of St. Mark's Anglican Church Women was held at the home of Mrs. Keith Stokes, Blyth. Mrs. George Schneider read the scripture lesson from St. John. Prayers were led by Mrs. James Schneider. Mrs. Donald Cartwright chose as her topic, "The Cry of the Ages" by Everald H. Storm. A solo was sung by Mrs. Gordon Taylor accompanied by Mrs. Keith Stokes. Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell Lead as her mission theme, "Easter, It's Message," A letter to Mrs. G. Taylor from Mrs. Lobb at Fort George was read. President, Mrs. Donald Cartwright presided for the business portion of the meeting. The minutes were adopted as read by the secretary, Mrs. John Daer and the financial statement was accepted as given by the treasurer, Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell. Holiday envelopes were passed out for the year. The roll call was answered by each member,giving a Bible verse with,. the word Tent -init. The travelling apron received ,penny for each letter in celebration of the Lord's Siipper, Lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs- Keith Stokes, RALPH J. ..NIPPtiff. Funeral -WOO WS held -at the Arthur Funeral Home for Ralph J. Melltee on Thursday, March IA Pastor Alfred. Fry conducted the service. Mr, McPhee was horn in ColhOrte Township, son of the late .John McPhee and, Ellen Meihvain and was in his 70th year, .He passed away in Victoria Hospital, London after an illness of 27 years, • He is survived. by one sister, Mrs, John (Laura) Jackson, Woodstock; and two brothers; Clifford of RR 3, Auburn and David of Vermillion, Alberta. Burial took place in Colborne Township Cemetery. Pallbearers were Harold Jackson, Orval McPhee, Harvey McPhee, James. McPhee, Dan McPhee and Bob McPhee, Knox United .Chuicitt Auburn, is planning special Holy Week services beginning March 23rd to March 27; The Tschedulo is; Monday, March 23, Rey, Wray Mather, speaker; Tuesday, March '24, Andrcw Mowatt.;. Wednesday, March 25, .,U„C,w, Thankoffering with Mrs. Bert Alton .as §pe4q; Thursday, Rev, Leonard. Warr; Friday at 311,m., Holy Communion, Rev, .klecicendorn, spoalcer. Monday until Thursday, services will be at 8 p.m, The .minister, Pastor Alfred Fry will conduct all .services and there, will be a soloist at each service. A cordial invitation is extended to members of the sister churches in the community to join in remembering Our Lord and His Sacrificial death upon the Cross, The central theme will be "The Cross of Calvary." An invitation to attend the weekly prayer meetingi is also extended to all. ANNOUNCING