HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1970-01-01, Page 8 .,
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BY MISS MARY MPINAIN 1Qirt94eeneeZ4. rsmy Pallbearers were Eli Merrill ''4‘‘' fI'*• - •,
•''•, ,,,'
• . . .
"1r• . '•• ' ',„,'•11.wife of.the late John Parker Of Brocke .01.0e, M. C, Darville, 1„ . - ,.. -, " •, . -, ;;:,
, r .
Mr, end I.Vira• Fred Dnehaeall ..."F.00t, •Carei And . Annoy Of r', . . ,'.;•:,,•-'
4„.. '•. . •, :.-,;.' , . . ,
',...''.;-clinitMl., diel at fluronvkw Q1-1 ragi ParVille aii(1....Pbarle4 and, - 1
and farnil,Y atiPPOPO t„1.1g family , BtreetraYille Spent BOON 'PAY* . . .. ,.
,..„ ,,, ,. . ,, . .. .. „ . ,
' '4P"'.,,,- ', . ...1 _ .. . ,
".,,'r pec,25 the age, of 85 •• • ' Robert Snyder. Flowerhearers ••-•, =,;'t"'AV 0,7A:-.3 .:• , ' • „'. ,"-'- -
. , ,... ., . .. . _. .• „,. ,.. . ... , . .,
01404.011W party ,Aniti .nt Abe with Mr,And MP.YerriP Dale,, • , „ , „
., . ., .
.C•,,,..1,, • '' '' -,e':',•••,;,,_,-; . ,,,,,,:,, .,.,,,,„ ,'•,;•z' •.. SurVivors include three' Sena, were gad ,Lawatin and Rap s„.•;•,'
.herne of.Mr, and Mrs, Aiyilaer Kathy And PeYirl JeWitt Of Op,:,... •;. "; ,••,..•,3•'•i •,• •;.: ..,46,.*4 „ . William of Exeter and...ilohn.and Wendore, : " ,• -;LA:g,'•• -':','::.'"' • .:'?••)1 , .
Hart And family et rirtisSela, • Clinton are .4100014g Christmas . 414410,•••'''f1rAii'i,i.. IV. •,-; tik,41,;„tsi.Tit'• ''''' . Wilfred, bOtb .of 'Clinton; a • • - • .-
JOHN%Al,AlKENHEAD - . :•-‘0,7,1%. ,, -;-•...„,,• ••.r.mro,r vi,..,,,,,,i,....s----,,,'-•
Mr. end Mra. Reg •LaWSOil, •holidey.S.With their grarechriether, , -,'•••4144 ,4164it '',,,,t41*:.i I i(,0,4,,N,,.., :'''i-,:::::Mierif ' ; •''''''daughter, Mrs, Fred •(Prances) • • - , • -• •• • ., i„fty„....,,x,..•- .;.,.•.. ...•-,-,,,,,. '...,1:,' 14.-•e,,iy, ..4.,J.,,,'0 v ,
John and : Elizabeth held Mrs, la Jewitt,Anti boys, • ' IiiM114.41QC.', 10:Of if I, I ii10-1‘..0."01Kie : . - , Tapp, tViro.titters, Mrs'. William' ,
**'''i Iffirtlfr i'• tpe.4, , molw..1 , •.. . ., , .-• -- .. — . . - John William Aikenhead, %'•':41,4,: ,... ..-::'.-, I.,,i.,,. ,•,,,,,.,....-‘,.,. „- - 44 .
Christmas on TneaclaY with Mr, Mrs, Irene QrinieildbY la 154,00..mor..,4*-'ix., 41.ii g . , AVW"e', ' ".-9 1, -(JO.en) T,oll .of Lendon, ..an.d .1.vhne d.60th .p,,-.ec. 16 ,was. ,,,,',,.,c.,,,....,,,t,„.„,,,,,,,:....,,...47,,,,,,,;,k,;.t.„,r„.„, •,r„ ,''‘
airit. Mrs. George Tomer end Spending A few daYS With Air- • po,"„Not...•„..mini,leirov,:te, * tOr,10:'''•';' ' ' ••4,` Elizabeth .Jolinsteri of Fort - • ' " • , ••'i i-,- .," .••••....';..-••,i .•:,',,r0,•!'•••• - ' lir--
.• ...41,,..v,f,.4,44.4.44,•, '• •,,,,,,,,• • .• • .,•• • •• ,4. • , -; .- - •• • •••; ; reported m 11/irt, liedden 4 . t..'' -. :-."-,7'.',.•,•',il,:.`,•ekgi,' ' ; ' " Y '''
family Pt Tueicerarolth, And Mrs, Rttasell Flerning et pi,,,,,,A4ApIiivrA‘1.,-'• Oiril':':•.‘', ' 1,4:
William;, a brother James ; •. .
Hensall news column last week i, 1.'"-'' ;. -;.,•:•--,, "-;1,''''''i ',.. %•"., . •-',0;0"0.,',.,
Mr, and Mrs, George , Seaferth. fol, 'paw. -or ovt.,„in.t,.. .
' .,.-. you ..en.1.0.1w:i,o,.. ..,..4.;y1"11,44.0%-fgoti.„..4,1 Joh.nst..91.1 Of Lond,on, , 1, 2,• , 1 1,. . , ••••,•7',•,,,..,. , •'"e• , ,,k
t......400.,....,., •,,o.,,!*fr..;,,,,o,. . .,f.• 444 kt' A44,014.;le„1,,.. Was a native and lifelong. I,. ..:.•••.' . -• ' :••-•.;,•.:',4,0e4:-...‘,..:;,••...;"..; . • ,,,-;i-Ott,•iVy
• - McIlwain, LYnn and Steveri of Mr. and Mrs.George McIlwain kk,14 ktAr. 14.,44, 11*, ii g r a d c hildren an 0 • 19 •-• - - • ; ' -•• '' • ••• -.•-•••"' s.,- .. •;'.".-1.":,,1-:';';:. Ar-- .••;'-'''.-?'""'wt
",,,,,,,,, t„,1„.„,.. ..._,.1/4„.„,. .„.,• 4,, ,,,.,,,,,,„, -,....."..,,,,,I ,__.,p. - . .. . resident of Stanley•Tnwnstup. ').,, -•, ; • • .-!-.4-4,•+,,:04)-.00•4f;010 iii•••'..,1, '•••••I ; :
. Stratford visited on the Past Yialted en S,unday W1th Mr. and . .,,e4, -.4,„.s.,„,01.140-44,1,11„i•,olg• - ..•74i•A4,4-„Uat..,$,Ipl...tai.,1$,•*. . i i. ,greg-granchildren. • -; •••••..-,';:'''''.'1''.",3'Y'Aq''; ' -,',.. :
Sunday with Mr, end. Mrs, Mra, Welter icingswell Of ri•-•*.Irkg,,•.dorri4„1,04,-'• •00 ;"1 r?Mgel 1,09.k4•444 ••• k. ' 1 • He vvas,born Feb, 22,1.897,a '-..•'.',.--• .', •• :.- •-.4'.4,-: •- • ••'-•MA,P•; .-•,;
Wit sgb,-,4100,Piivt4!:-•,,.•:, ,•:;_ii?i, ,11,-••:..ltidt-it,.*U.2,42044,464,:,• . ' 1-mera 4ervIees were held ' son of the late Mr. and Mrs ''';'"'!" ' --- '''''' ''''"'-• ' . '' ' ':''''' • ; • • •:; ; • - ;
George 1VIellwain„ Mary and Huronview. , .,1 v-444,,,,11,01,414/. . ..4144‘,$•;!, 11t44•!.11 . ..„'Pee'271: '474Q11•_d,•°„13-Wit-P tril,,,e„R",.fev,„; Will.lad) Aikenhead.-He' .died ei •pMrrSos,e0-5ts.11ir::etya4Urti.:9roj 9'7 g:st-:liZoz,1:11/17bmzi:sliti:trupxnivIiiaeryw :
Sandra. Mist •Gisela Dorrance of Galt elii Allit.A.AIMMIK '.'''t.'.1:'' ''.'r,i' ''' '''' _South Huron
left, and• .mrs, . David is spending the.holidays vvith her 10..40trivritrotowor,.41 „,.„.,"..„.4.... .„1„,..„4„otN,ki„poii,,,,A, Street Bap ti s t • Church • ..• . • .. ' . ., .„.' administrator., 06139 an atonnUal Visit'0 the mu ntY hen)!fer •
,,..41 wi wor&4,:ni,ote 4:-..vw ',A;•"444.0041i1Plftw:1, •', ' .' . • . ' . District Hospital Exeter, of
.Preszcator, Christine and Lisa pupas, iv.k. Imo .1‘,11. . .Fil ,,41,,i, ,. Aii•A••••••4;'..•.„•:,•,,.017.1,,•,:;• . . ",4..A.A:k.:44,44,,,,,,,,,..„,,,Ae,. .pfficiating, Burial was in Moent • -••• •
' and.Mr.and mrs.Jim Preszcator, Dorrance. ' ; . ; Pleasant-Cemetery.
'ellIMPhr.YseAnlikti..head attended No, Alsothe gaeede accepted eksd a beill3Merrs.°AnrrIcehl labnadlddoenpebnedheaniftsopfrtihg.the:tllresidentsChristmaswa; •
• Billy end Debbie celebrated , Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson CIA Austin -Shea. left of Glenwood, Nfld. was recently .„ • '
• cnristrnas on snoopy with Mr, And family spent Christmas Day . awarded the Canadian Forces Decoration in reeegnitiOn Of -IR • ' RICHARD T. MeCABE 10,School, Stanley Twp., and
. • a wheelchair presented by Sgt Eric Schatte of the Warrant ;
, and Mrs, Keil Preszeator, Linda, with Mr. and Mrs.. Terrence • years meritorious •serVice. Corporal 'Shea •enlisted in the, ., . was .married in Bayfield to the . .. .. ... . .
former Rota Harrison on April Officers' and.Sergeants' Mess, Entertainment was provided by
_Dianne and Nancy, Hunter or Colborne Township•• Canadian Army (Regular) in October 1956 and transferred to ' .. Richard Thomas McCabe died .... ..- . •
r I rv23. the combined choirs of the Roman Catholic and Protestant
/vIrs, Irene Brinicildby spent Linda and Sandra Hunter' the Royal Canadian Air Force in 0erober 1967.. He is on Dec. 19. He wa.s 66 years of .' • .
Surviving are two ions, James chapels at the base and by the Pickin Strings led by Sgt Doug ;
Christmas Day with Mr,and Mrs. retnrned home with Thompaon's •
employed as a metals technician in base workshops at CFB -age. ' •
of RR 1,Brucefield and Bill who Bowser. The auxiliary served Itinch. --Canadian Forces Photo. '
JohnMannof.Goderich. for a feW daYS. Clinton. He lives with his wife and four children at.13R:5, 4 Mr. McCabe was born in
"„County Cork, Ireland, Sept. 6, arls Isnt:dti°nfeerdeeiriGefrompran,YdZigt=e, rimaaaanuannuamaninoianinaiiiiiiiiniamilimilakiliinillininalliallliallialliallaillillfillillit'
. Miss Bonnie Dowsonof Varna' The eommunity wishes•Mrs. Clinton. Col. E.W. Ryan is seen above presenting the medal.-
spent a few days the past week " Rus.sell. Fleming a very speedy - .. ' • • • • .• ' 11903 but spent•most of his life
, . ..• • • Mrs. Stanley (Elizabeth) Collins -a• • • -d
. With her grandmOther, Mrs. Ella recovery. She is a patient. in 1.;..anacnan forces Photo,,
' ' • • ' • .1 in Huron COunty, , I =
Jewitt,.and boys. Seaforth Commimity Hospital, • • , . ; .• He enlisted in the Royal (Amy) Hunt, London* Mrs. a LL tf:
chriStrilas visitors With Mr, Jini'Thompson is spending the Maitland, 16th coi7imdcr.: Christmas on
,iviQunr-rys.4.vto'.orrdbaeys:, NEWS F HE S
(.31 o YCCiej n)tWcmi 11 e rMt rosf IRIB•• 2S,• ; - • • • • • ' ' =
and Mrs, Frank;Riley were Mr. Christmas holiday,s with his ' ' 4..servedCdiaciVersea:Zmvia1r9n14:13-7.1411a5ds. HQ.fat:
Hensall; Mrs. -Stewart (Olive) a 13' MRS. MAVDE HEDDEN
and Mrs.Douglas Riley,Kim arid grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. BY MRS.BILL LOBB.. He farmed for 46 years in the ; =••
RrOadfoot of Brucefield; tvvo -1'
Greg of Winthrop;Mr. and Mrs. - Terrence Hunter of Colborne December, 27th for the-JOIN, is ''',beforeBrueelleld sis ers, Mrs, Gregor (Elizabeth)
Bob Woods, Debbie and Michele • Township. . The December meeting of the
. . movinagndto Clinton three McGregor, Brucerield and Mrs. DRAW WINNERS piano was enjoyed. Christmas
of Gananorpre; Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. George Hoggart S.S. No,,4 Community Club was.. family. ,
spent.„ years. ago. He was a member of Max (Lorna) Tully of
Ernie Ellwood and Mr. and Mrs, spent Christmas Day with Mr. held at the home of Verna Lobb, The Cliff •Ashton.'s
.. • Brucefteld•United Church.
Christmas night at the home cii. - .
• ' 'h Peterbormigh• 33 grandchildren greetings were read from all
Winners in draws in ,various branches, Ten dollars was'
Tom Riley,all of Clinton, . and Mrs. Paul'McMaster, Carol The president, Phyllis. . . . _ . .
Thompson opened the meeting Don and Marilyn Forbes. M . McCabe, who ..never
e and two gred-grand-children. stores were: . donated to the anniversary fund'
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van der and Mark of London. marned, is survived by two .
Molan,Paul, Mark and Margie of 'Sunday visitors with Mr, and with the Creed and The Lord's . Mr. and Mrs,Orville Workman
andfamily spent Dec. . with. Sisters, 'Mist Annie•McCabe of Funeral services were held at Al's Supersave - first, at McDonald College. '
Bontliron Funeral Home, hindquarter of beef, M. Musical numbers were given
Oakville and Miss Margie Whyte Mrs. George Hoggart and Harvey. Prayer., ,The minutes. .of ,the ' t D 25th •
Cork, Ireland, and liars. Mary . Hensan,
of Guelph are spending the ; were Mr: and Mrs. Paul Dedrick, ' November meeting were read by the R. E.Thompson't; ' '
Griffith's in England. • on Dec. 19'with the Vandyke, Mill St., Hensall, (a by the pre-school children,solos
the secretaryMarilyn .
Maril n Forbes and Don Alison Lobb and boya*
The funeral was held Dec. 22 Rev. Donald E. Stewart bachelor); second, side of pork, by Randy Ford, Melanie Lovell
Christmas holidays with Mrs. W. JefferY, and Jim of Simcoe; Mr.
t' TorontoDecember.. officiating, Interment was in Mrs, Joe Denoinme, Zurich and and her little brother, and
L. Whyte, Tom and Bill.Mr.and . and Mrs. Paul Mc,Master, Carol Verna Lobb read the treasurer's went. o on . -
26 • ' with M ' d Mrs,.. from the Beattie Funeral Home C t S I
13aird's erne ery, an ey third, smoked ham, Mrs. Betty reading by Bill Kinsmen, Santa
Mrs. Nick Whyte and David were and Mark of London; Mr. and. report • • -26th to visit. r. an
with burial in Clinton Cet•-•,tery.
Christmas Day visitors at the Mrs. Bill Hoggart and Tammy of Ten members answered .
red roll Gerald 'de and also
Allen at Leeti
The Rev. R. U. ivicf..ean • Township. • . Sangster Hensall. Tickets were arrived with gifts for everyone. .
Whyte home also. . - Mitchell, Miss Betty Hoggart of to Oshawa to visit with Alf and call With "What I would like for . . , , . . ,.., , officiated. P allbea J ' '
rers were ames drawn by Reeve Oliver Jaques. Mrs. Harry Caldwell gave
Dennis and Blame Pfaff of London; Mr. and, Mrs. John ' Christmas!' ,
Mane Plumber family. ,• • • Collins, RR 3 Clinton. Bruce
, Irwin's Ladies Wear, '$25 courtesy remarks. Lunch was
Pallbearers were Edward
. ' A Christmas gift of a food The• Mervyn Lobb family • Collins of Clinton, Richardserved and members exchanged
Crediton are spending. ' the Hogged, Larry and Connie;Mr. g , Elliott, Richard Dixon, William . Campbell of
voucher,Mrs.Bessie .
Willert, RR 2 H II' Rich d
ensa , ar gifts with th •
gi wi their sunshine pals.
Exeter and $15 voucher,Tammy
Christmas holidays with Mr.and. and Mrs. Gordon Hoggart arid voucher was sent to the Pickett• spent a quiet Christmas with the
familygatheringt their h Ross Wilmer Kelly Walter Baird Hunt
.a home , , . of London; Jack
Mrs.Ken Preszcator and girls, family and Miss Yvonne Pry.ce of• family. and Clarence Neilans. Baker of Hensali.
Christmas Eve and at Don Aikenhead• Jr and Charles 100F LODGE
Gordon Buchanan of Ladner, • Winthrop. .... Since everyone had such aFlowerbearers were D • Beaton's Bakery, candy land
Don Broad foot of Brucefield.
B.C., is visiting with his family Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thompson, d time at the skating Lobb'S in.the evening,Christmas
goo . . party .„ , Switzer, Alex MeBeath, William house, Mrs. Chester Baarda of
•and friends in the community. ,Joan and Jim. and Miss Brenda last spring all .
were in favor of Day. Flowerbearers were Debbie
He all 1 0 0 F Lodgeheld
ns . . .F. a
of -McLachlan and Don Matthews. Exeter and Christmas cake, Mrs.
Mrs. Ella Jewitt and boys Kerslake of Staffa spent inviting the Sunamerhill,Clu. to
Club The Mallongh family Aikenheact of Brucerield; Diane draw in the lodge hall Dec. 18
Hey of Zurich.
Goderich. gathered at the Jack . Collins of RR 3 Clinton •and , for ,a transistor radio. The
• spent Christmas Day with Mr. Christmas Eve with Mr.and Mrs. . another afternoon of Skating'and
Tebbutt house for Christmas Darlene Willed or RR 2 Hensel Holiday guests with Mr. winner was Robert Glenn of
and Mrs. John Jewitt, Carol Art McMichael and Rhonda of hockey in •. the Christmas Day. EDWARD WENDGRF
Anne,•.Judy, Danny and Billy.' Seaforth. - . . holidays. • , • - . , and Mrs. Alfred Smith were Mr. Exeter. Ed •Munn of Hensel'
Mr: and Mrs..John Merrill and, • LLOYD C. DOWSON . and Mrs. Richard Tipping and drew the winning ticket.
• Mr. and Mrs.Bert HaverKamp "Sunday past visitors With Mr:- be
The. January,meeting will ,, . Edward Wendorf of 131
familyt ChristmasD t
spent ay a•
at the home of Harriett
held, , • Paul, London; Mr. and Mrs
and family, Martin Douma of and Mrs. Ben Riley and familythe Roy Tyndall home and, Rattenbury St. East died in Lloyd C. Dowson, 80, of , PER
Klazinga on January 7th. Roll- G S 1 * ' *
eorge mi h and family,
Clinton Public Hosptial, Dec. 22
.Sarnia and Miss Agnes were •Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Boxing D t M d M R
g ay a r.an Mrs. Ross ea or , or many years a
S f th f London; Mrs, Glen Tedball and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chipchase
. HaverKamp of Stratford 'spent Bedard and family of Goderich; call will be your membership
Merrill' h ' B t ld • •'
s home in ay ie .. g the age of 79. resident of Stanley Township, Joe Ann Thedford Mr and M .
Boxing Day with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. •and Mrs. Jerry Beth' and fee. ' -• • He was born on Nov. 30, , . Mrs. have returned to Roanoke,
The meeting was closed with Mrs.
M Fred Lobb spent died Friday, Dec. 19, 1969, in Hi '
chard McKellar, and children
Art Moorbrook and family Of family of Huron Park; Miss1890 to William and Mary , Virginia, after spending the
. . theNizpah Benediction.' Ch ' t D t the
. ns mat ay a e ,William Seaforth Community Hospital Thedford. '.
Brantford. Marilyn Riley of Don Mills;Ron Wendorf in Hanover, Ontario. .holidays with respective families.
Lobb's. after a short illness. .. .
Christmas Day visitors with Goodfellow of Brampton; Miss Pot-luck lunch .was enjoyed
Bill and.. .Millie . . •,..an
B'llLobb d He married Gertrude Bruegeman ' A:son of George Dowson and Miss Wendy Moir, of London, Guests over the weekend with
h all and then everyone •
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dale *and Doreen Riley of Stratford; -Y . . family• t t K' e d.
wen o . in ar me :or! on Oct 18, 1921 in Chesley. She Ellen McKinley,he was born and formerly of Hensel!,left London Harry Snell were
Mr. and Mrs. Ha
received a small Christmas .ift•
Cheryl 'were Mr., and Mrs. Linda, • Debbie and Wendy , • predeeeased him. • ' .
, _ ' • Boxing Day,to spend the day educated in Stanley Township. Airport for a holiday with her Mr. Stewart McQueen, Mr. and
Murray , •Scotr, Melanie. i.,and.,,... Horton::of Clinton and'Robert , .. ,
,I,,,,c IvAvi‘ A so, w ' itt;tIle qpylei familyi.- •: • -
, •,,,,.. He moved • t'o, •••Clinton A farmer, he had been retired sister and brother-in-law Mr.and, 11/1 ' -1.10. ir li • d M - 'd
• • -- •• •- - • -..-- . .4,1•' '• Mrs on ig y, ,an r. .ae ,
Meribeth-,of.,r:Ograye;.Mr: and : gaddi4 or LOndeabore. 1 .
'z • !SeVerat-lam— ,...........e...' ...e..• • w..,,,,, ..,. ii ., ..,.. ..•,..• 1W11,.1.1- f,,,,n,!••1,- '71.7,-1 A. 1,//1,- .1 1,1•••••(1 ,
owing his ,marnage ana . , , ,
• ' Mr and M s Jim Lobb a d. `"" for 15 years and moved to Mrs. D. E: Bond and boys in• Mri. Bill Knights, Stewart and
Mi. Wayne Hoegy of Clinton; Mr., and Mii.'Art McMichael celebrations earl • • ..• a r •, .••• . • p •,
Christmas ce Y operated a restaurant and
-• fa 1 t Ch t D • th
mi y spen ris mas ay wi , . Seaforth in1960.. Denver Colo U.S.A.
, . 1 Jane, Blenheim, Mr. and Mrs.
The Irvine Tebbutt famirygot confectionery for 20 years. He
Mk. and Mrs. Harvey Snell and and RhOncia of Seaforth spent f - • • Mr. and Mrs. Hutchhisi., in Mr. Dowson was not married. Terry North, Teresa and Tammy
Shane and Mt: and Mrs. Don Christmas Day with Mr.and Mrs. together on the 21st for their , . so operated a Scto$1.00 store
Goderich. ' • He is survived by a niece'and of Fingal, Mr. Don McArthur of
. . Glousher, Billy and Karen,all of Ken Thompson, Jim and Joan. Christmas dinner since Mr., and,
Mr. an s. azinga . - .
M d Mr Mel. KI' ' in Blyth for 19 years. He ., nephews. • KIPPEN EAST WI
Newton Robinson.
Blyth. ' ' MM. Tebbutt and Marilyn were
Christmas visitors with Mr. . . . belonged to Ontario Street .
and family spent Christmas Day . Th .
e body was at the R. S. . '
.il in to Calgaryon Dec 24th'• My.••and Mrs. Reg Lawson, and. Mrs. John Hoggart, Connie Y g Dec. United Church. • Mrs. William Bell was hostess Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bozatto and
to visit with Mr. and Mts. with Mel's sister and family in Box Funeral Home where
John and Elizabeth spent. and Larry were Mr. and Mrs. Camlachie and Boxing Day with He is survived by one services 'were held Dec. 22 by at her home Dec. 17 for the Dana of Port Colborne, were
• Christmas Day with Earl Lawson Hrend Bakker, Jake Bakker and Gordon Tebbutt and son: They daughter, Coronna, Mrs. M. .Q. annual Christmas meeting of holiday guests with Mr.and Mrs.
Harriett's parents at Goderich. Rev. Murdock Morrison • of
. of Clinton. Miss Connie Watters, all of are returning for New Years Day
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator, Monkton. at the home of Mr. and Mrs
F • '
Four teenagers. had their Darville of Ottawa, •and four Goshen United Church. KiPPen East Women's Institute, William T.Kyle.
, :
Christmas a little early this year grandchildren, Janis, Paul, Jed Burial was in Bayfield with pre-school children special
Mrs.M Gordon Schwalm
Gerald Tebbutt in St
Billy and Debbie; Mr. and Mrs. Miss Doreen Riley of • . • - • when they were able to go to and Kim,all of Ottawa. Cemetery. pallbearers were guests. Mrs. Dave Triebner was
attended a children's party at
Catharines. , -.
David Preszcator, Christine and Stratford-spent• Christmas Day Also surviving are two Frank. McClinchey, Wilmer'' co-hostess.
Ottawa on the Honor- Student the C.O.C. and Explorers
,, . The Murray Biggin family brotheit, Oscar of Hanover and McClinchey, Elgin McKinley,
Lisa and Mr. and• Mrs. Ken' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . Tri Congratulations' t 'S
Trip. o 'Susan President, Mrs. Ken McKay Mission group in Knox
were at the home of W. L. Biggin .. Eimer of North Carolina.
Preszcator, Linda, Dianne and Ben Riley and family: . Lobb, Tom Lobb, Ivan Merrill, Campbell McKinley, Bernard was in charge and members Presbyterian Church, Goderich.
'n London on 0 and spent
Nancy. attended the family The COF Euchre was held on 1 . ,Dec.• ,.,„ _..' and Elizabeth Thompson. ' ; The funeral took place Dec. 'Keys and ' James .Keys. answered the roll call -with a Mrs. Jack Consitt and Mrs. R.A.
dinner held on Christmas Day in December 19.with the following Christmas Day with'Mr.and Mrs. 24 from the Beattie .Funeral Flowerbearers were Douglas and
George Thompson is away' Christmas verse. Mrs. B.W. Eyan Orr of Hensall, and Mrs. Ken -
Sam Feat of 13lyth. •
the Crediton Coinmunity winners: ladies' most games, this week to the Toc-Alpha in Home with the Rev. H. W. . Steven Keys. of CFB Clinton gave a Breakey, Zurich, accompanied
Lew and Babs•-Tebbutt and .
Centre. • Hattie Dale; lone hands, Mrs. Niagara. . demonstration of her beautifully Mrs. Schvvalm.
family'spent Boxing Da and the •
Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Scott of Londesboro; low, y sP - g y Anyone who was misted in • -created Christmas decorations,
following day at the home 'of . . Godertch stores give prizes
. Elva Sanders and family on their Marjorie Anderton; men's most the Christmas rush of company with a draw for the decorations. Holiday visitors with Mr. and
bb tt
Mr. and Mrs. .Carman Te ii . .
recent bereavement. • games, Ian Hulley; lone hands, • and m apologies.Please.
who spent Christmas Da with parties, 3' Mrs. Bell was the lucky winner. Mrs. rt.A. Orr were Mr.and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crozier; Gary • McClure; l"' Eric w; . y let me have your news. ••• - Winners in the Goderich Anderson's Book Store; Mrs. . A sing-song of carols with Jim Orr, Barbara and Kathryn of
Mrs. i re Biggin and .
,Mr and
Brian, Paul, Kevin and Lori of Anderson. The nexteuchre is on
Listowel visited on Christmas January9,,, ' . . Mrs. W. L. Biggin.
It- is nice to have our latest• Merchants' W in-a-prize Cliff-Epps, Clinton, one pair of Mrs. Ross Broadfoot at the Crediton.
.. ' .
t •hospital victims Gordon• Lobb .promotion and their-prizes are as .Mukluks,Squire Gifts. ,
•evening with Mr. and Mrs. Mt. and Mrs. Ralph Glew of Christmas Day visitors a the arid Lulu Merrill home f follows: Helen 0 Lanaway, 283 Prize winners re asked t
or • • , a o
• ; Lorne Tyndall home were.
George McIlwgri, Mary -•and Dorchester spent the Christmas • • - christnuts, This year has been a Huron Road, dinner for four, take a copy of this news story Of • '
ficials tour CFB Clinton
Harriett's relatives the 'Wise .
Sandra. ‘•• holidays with Mrs. Elma Jewitt, ' bad one for illness as almost Club Grill; Sharon Anstay, 130 and suitable identification to the .
family, ,
' Mr, and Mrs. Fred Michanan Bev and Brian'and Mrs. Leitch, -• -
every family has had ohe if not.2 Quebec Street, two $10 gift stores presenting prizes as soon
The -Forbes family held Officials of'the Ontario Dept. E. W. Ryan, base commander,
and family and Mr. and Mrs. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mitchell of . patients in Clinton or London certificates, Ross Shoe Shop; at possible. ,
Christmas on Wednesday the of Education's applied arts and was cut short because a number
- . Don Buchanan and family Glielph; Miss Nancy Buchanan • , - h 'tat I r Mrs G Caldwell, 58 Market
ospi s. am su e everyone • • . •
24th with Merray's,•Don's and technology branch toured of the officials were flying back
I visited on Christmas Day with, of Brampton and Paul Buchanan - • hopesfor better health in the Street, .$10 flower arrangement,
Joyce's gathering at the home of • Tuckersmith Twp. Canadian Forces Base Clinton th Toronto and weather was
t ' Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cook' and of Waterloo spent the Christmas • • . community in 1970. ' ' Flower Fashions; Mrs. Belly bad.
1 . Mr:and Mrs.Walter Forbes. With an official of Conestoga, family of Clinton. holidays with their parents, Mr. • Reid; RR 4, Goderich, $25 toiincil meets College on Dec, 18,according to
Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt, and Mrs. Don Buchanan and. ' ••-• 4, me • Nikilommil.1•06001111~
, worth of dry cleaning, Bluevrater -
John G, Berry, Huron County
• 'Carol Anne, Judy, Danny and family.and Christmas Day with Kippen district news - . .. Cleaners; 114, Pirmigan,.20 Elgin •
Tuckersmith Townshi PUC uses
P• elerk,treasurer and
, Tzliny; NIL, and Mrs; Dennis Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Cook •-•.id Avenue,$2p gift certificate, Don council received the approval of •
. .
Jewitt; Kathy and David; 1VIr. farnily of Clinton. • • • Jeweller; es Walsh
MacRae Agnes , the Ontario Municipal Board to . Education Minister William G. e
and Mrs. Rest-Jewitt of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan BY MRS.NORMAN LONG c ... . 262,5180. ,
ORRESPONDENT 17 Waterloo Street, $20'gift ' •issue $50,000 in debentures for Davis and other prOvineial new bills
. ...
. Mr. and Mrs. Bill DowsOn, and family visited on Sunday • . certificate; Garland Children's the Tuckersmith Telephone fr 'els vi ited the Clinton base
Brenda, Bonnie and John of with Mr. arid mrs, H, coraforth The annual Chrittrnas coneert . and family, Mr. arid Mrs. Rost Wog; Mrs., J. C. Sthith, 26 System. This money will cover 0 ICI $
iaSt Septern , .
ber about a month - • • Public Utilities
The Clinton
Varna and Mr. and lVirs. Jim ot Cooksville: Miss Nancy of St. Ahdrew's United Church Carter of Essex, returned horne Raglan'Street, $25 worth of dry the cost of additional cable d
ari after dNclosure of plaris to phase . i • • f several in
Pretzcater, Billy and Debbie Buchanan returned back to Was held Dec, 16 with Hank Saturday from a vacation spent . cleaning; Goderich French Dry switching'fatilities. Comm ssiori is one o
, out Military operations by the Ontariosharing the
Vent Boxing Day with Mrs.Ella 'Brampton. • Bihnendyk acting as emcee. in Florida and Essex. • CI a• ra M A H b 1 165
e ne ,. Mrs. A. a e, Councillor Cleave Coombs fan of igon,
Jewitt and boys. , Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jewitt; Mr. The program Was opened by a • Pieton Street West 25 gift - • • •
, $ g. reported to council at its regular • ' electronic data
London PUC's
Mm. Elva Sanders anent and Mrs: Gary Jewitt arid Miss welcome number performed by 'Mi. and Mrs.
- Steven Pine.of certifieate, Scheefers Ladies meeting that the Seaforth Fire tors 'of ' Startin
The board of direc processing equipment g
ChristaiaS With Mrs. Ken Reid, Betty Snell of Londesboro spent the prirhary class. Other iteins in.. Ottawa ppent a re* holidayt Mrs Cathern A, Young, Area to - - t hadcompleted
rnmit eeConestoga College Of Applied this month, Clinton residents
, • . . •tter' parents,• . M" • ,Tear; •.
with the la s r.and. . Arts. and Technology _in win receive a single punch-card
David, Paul and Jane Of London, Christmas Day With Mrs. time the program Were:- 211 East Street, $i•g5 gift the proposed agreerneht with the
• Christmas Day visitors with Jewitt; Bev and 13rian.and Mrs, . A recitation was given by IVIrs. Edgar McBride, eertifieate Fashion Shoppe;Paul t f S f th T k •th
, . own o ea or , uc ersmi , Kitchener (the community bill in place of the separate green
Mr. and MM. John Warniriet arid Annie Leitch. Dennis; McBride, Grant and ' Cooper elan ,
The . La.ssanne. 204 Strang Court,$25
,_. College serving Huron Perth (h•clro) and white (Sewer and
Hullett, Hibbert, d McKillop ' ' ' Y
an . •
. family were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mr.and Mrs. Carinen sorrow, Kenneth Jones favored with a • at •
congregated the home of Mr. gift certifitate Lodge Furniture; townships. The agreement will ' ton •water)bills • '
Waterton and . Welling with the handwritten
Sanders and Jennifer of Brussels; Jim and John of Sarnia visited selection On the.accordion and and Mrs. Robert Dalrymple, ,
Mrs. Cora Oke, 69 Britannia he studied by the Tuckeramith " ' - the base and•
Counties) met at . data.
Mr. and •Mrs. 'Mares Bos and on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. electric guitar. A pageant was Brucefield On -Sunday for a Road West, Axminster Ng, councillors before the next alto impeded the facilities iil
Steven and Miss Nellie De Jen of Ken Thompson, Jim- and Joan. PreSerited by the:Junior class. dinner party.
• McArthur & itenly; rs.- H. meeting of Council oh Jan. 6. September. - The billing date will be on or
Lambeth. The Intermediate Class - Duke- 148 Britan 'a Road East, Before the fire • •
, . , Mr. and Mrs Ed Little of ; k niagreement .
Touring the bate prior tO about the fifth of the month
Mr. and Mrs. Bob"Storey and Mut h ' ht s— '
c nig ervrce • .
perforined then Santa arrived and ,.. . • •
, • .. . •nensall spent the holidays in i,, i--, ,-
tWo$10 gift certificaret Sprotile with II sell ' finalized,' Christmas were N. A. Sisco, instead of the first and diseounts
, ._ wi en is . . . , . 4 . . .. . . .
Alvin spent Chrigines Day With gave out gifts and candy to the Windsor. Shoes; mks. r farm HaWkins,178 ft,.' iP i & director or tne applied arts and will be allowed on payments
.i.aen.ertmita councillors hope to
Mr. and M . Alex Riley and gilt li - ••.'li excited children, . . XeayS Street' oil change filter, it t with the . liensall technology .. .. o
branch f B.,. li• until the 15th of each Month
family, at wesiey Willis PERSONALg. , ' ,, Steep, , / 7 ee
Mr. and Mrs: John '
London Visited Mks. Lend on the , . . . .
Kerridge. administrator of the instead Of the 10th. Half the
lobe job, Lionel% Sullied); ., _. _ _ . . . . . ,
'' bouncillort-to cheek Over details
.Mr. and. Mrs, Prank Riley ; - ' Mrt DaVid Triebrier hOliclay.
Mr. and . ,, - La' e Ell- RR 1 Port e t i Ontario manpower Retraining PUO residential cuStomers are •
=elm ls, , - b the agreernon ,ii the area ,... • , ,., ,
, .. sley-Willis and Ontar ti'
We - • ' - • .1 ,,,
Spent Chriatinas bilY With Mr. - .....• • , - ..., attenaed the Ferguson- _ , . , . , . fiii-trt, track & Decker 'WI ooneetuing the ijayineut ot Program, D. vv. Shaver, tern& billed
each Month to Scribe
Street United Chanties are
and Mn,. Toin Riley'of Clinton. • • • '. . • . , • ti, . ..1 8OVeral bus drivers from the r de drill, Gower's Industrial kp nen b of,• k ... -•th t • administrator of the applied arts Clinton homeowners and tenant§ •
-Mr, and Mrs:Andy McParlene ennibining this New Yeat's Eve- Dalrymple wedding in ensal , , , y ue ersrm o . . b - h -d•
d technology tanc an will hot see the new bills until
-United Clitirch, • ' community attended the a,.... Garden Centre; Gordon ii
nensall towards the test of a all
and tardily of Toronto were to provide a Corninimity Aubrey W„ Hagar, director of Pebruary, Customers will
Christmas' ' • - - 1 - , • ivt Niurphy Bros Christmas party at Knitting,. Goderich, $25 gift new tir-o-,erigiho.
Vim era with r, . • _ . ., ..
CluistrtaiS visitors with Mk. and WatChmg
" ' ht Service at Wesley. ' • ' 'continuing - ' ; ' • -' 'd •
-4.••-•. Li_ .-... . 4,„,.-..„-... innovative and tootame to be bine every twin
• d M- 'R• • 111 13 th the Shillelagh Motel LuCati on certifitate il-It Robinson Floor
an es, oat .McBeath ., ,, . , , . , .. -, . . _.,,,‘ ,., iwnneun ivioere, rigmoncivine, • . . , - .. ,
;Mrs. Herbert Dren, ' Willis Church. education at Conestoga C.011ege, months.
. - d,_ • . - ,• . . • • . - 'baturoay,.December 20 wheel a Coverings; David Bird,, Kit ri, was granted a rebate on his
Lorne botterer Will give au ihtitia6 *
Mr, and Mts. Nick Whyte and . .., , , ., „.„ m • .t It .k, m d turkey dinner was served to over Clinton, $25 gift certifitate, ' dr et lightingt for 1060 M' Clinton Mayor Donald
, - - • . , . Organ recital starting'. at 10:6U . rS.Margate un in, r.an . , _ ., , . .,., , ,, Centre,, , . ,„‘ e ax , r. . . , .; ,
David spent •Boxing Day with ii. . arid the ,,- ,. _ ., . - • ,-• - ' ••-family, two hundred. .. undenth %hiding -m Syinons accompanied group
d the - Although '• hew' -b"-- ' b
the illg Will 6
Mis. Wilfred litinkin and Mr' Moore told eniiiiell that the
service will
her parentt, Mr.- and Mit. Fred 't-th' .. . •.• A. Van blepen Ril a..OodeY16. - - .-i. f light t - b--a as did Den Southecitt, exetittiVe Mailed directly from London,
. Cethinetice at li p.M. II I E' t '' 'M • Alberta II rd • -
a b xe er is., o i ay guests -with Mr. and . • - , , , , closests reeo i
MeClyfrielit of Varna, . , . , , . .,.. .. . , 25 gift Certificate,. 131aCksthito bynne-rtl was 300 feat sw v•-, assistant to Pre-vincial Tteattiret part-leas will Still be Made at
A group: of young peopto ,*teak 110184 Mr, and Mtg. Mts. Wilfred Miller were Mr,Ada ••• - -•• ' • lc ----- .7 -: - - -- A' ti: ' . ' M ' . 11 ' ' ' ' ' '
John Tilriler of Tiitkertriiith froth the drama -club will give bouglas Mettath, Walkerton', 'Mit. Johti Gibson arid fanlily Purniture;_,Lloyd Drindley, 11, -ere-
.i iie engineer% report on imo Charles acNaughton, tiron the Clinton office, The new
spent Bolting Day with /At,and readings- and the othvide will Mt and Mrs,Hugh Hendrick and and MM, .Robcrt Gibson, all ot • .8, Goderich, 60- gallons gas, (lager drain-, “8,, broth, .%,„as Warden. James Hayter; Roy- V. Syttein is.egpected to rechite
• Mit. Reg• Lawstiri, 3rihri and conclude with 'a brief fainily Kippen1,114r,13111 Tpidall, Wroxeter; Mr„ Mid Mrs:. Johil '
.,., , Baird Meitert;Mrs,trib MeLeatio appreved•hy tonna. The.work Pattisoni ..chairmant ,r,tvpie bookkeeping oats for Clinton,
. . . ... '1,28 Bavfield Road 20 ilia -, • .4— E63 t • - • - - drain County development committee'. Ineersoll is One of the
Elizabeth, otntritintott teivia, 1 ' ulihro,n, and Mr.. arid WS, AlOX Ballard, Ailsa Craig;us's Daisy , .. . , $. . . • illohlues w ,Loot of Opel? .. , 44: . •. . . ..,•' - • . . , ,. . . . ,
! • Mr, and MM.- Murray bale, • The' kat t.L. w, wonfor Nirm Mci3eatli, diudii.„ waiegool mt. and itti,, • 'certificate, Pincher's Sl It gt . , . b. U. nani de tit connt nitinici alities Usin the London
atid brie eiliVert, Th6 estiinated Y, P, Y, Y t. ,,. g , .
Debbie- bonne arid Chrit Of give the addreSS. All °Windt'il
. . , Nit, and MM. Nelson 'Hood,
. a i e , • v - w•• • —
auniert;u menu ihd tatidis;7i . Of& Shop; ,,,Orirlan ”ightirian; too lg. •$ ,050„ r'
- --- b ''' ' • e ' i,.. •••" 'et riA mr• err - Se 'I - ri ' . &kat ' . VViii Start
valkt 01.tetfistiOit ler.treaSUr a ...- . 13 Y rtf ce ow, key
. . ,„ ..
. KR 2, Auburn,$20:attache CaSe,, on the drain will be Peb,-4. The 'Court conducted by Cal, -Sean, •
• LondAit and Mt, and Mrs„ trik •to attend this SerVite4 • their ton4n4aW anti 'daughter inkstarf Mich.. .
. , 7
• .. . .
• . „..... ...„..,.....„....„... ,. . „,,,,„
„„, ,..,„,,,„„,,,,,. ..„,...„• ,., ,„, , , ,„.,,,,....,•,..,,,, ,,,,,........ .... , , ...,-•- •• ,•. ,,-,,-,- . „.„.,..„,....„ ..,,,,..........,„, ............... „..„ , . •„. . ..,,,