HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-12-30, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30, 1954 Celebrate Christmas Out Of Town Mr, and Mrs. Clark Fislier, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fisher, Yvonne and Glenda with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Warwick and family, of Port Huron. Mr, and Mrs. Ulric Snell with Mr. and Mrs| Cecil Laing and family at Burlington. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Doerr and daughters with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Doerr, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fraser with Mrs. Fraser's sister and hrother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wit­ mer, of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques with Mr. and Mrs. James Francis and family, Tavistock. Mr. and Mrs. William May with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon May and family, of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. John Grant with Sgt. and Mrs. Arnold Wedge, of Aylmer. By Reg Armstrong It’s no wonder car designs through the years have changed back and forth o much like women’s fashions. The on and off, new exterior colors have beenchrome has come ___ __ . , tried, the floorboards have been raised and lowered. It’s really the women, a lot of people like to say, who buy cars anyway. Everybody has their own theory, but when a family buys a car, I think it’s the husband who decides the year, make and model and the wife who picks the color of the ear and its upholstery or geat covers. That’s why used car lots, and. of course ours especially, offer such a great opportunity for shopping for a car. There’s a large selection of models to choose from in all the price ranges. And unlike women’s skirts, which may drop or rise six inches in a year (who knows?) last year’s car, or even one several years old, can still be a pretty snappy buggy. With a car these days you won’t have the resale trouble you would have had if people had accepted one of the zaniest ideas in the automobile business I’ve ever heard of. Although the Russians nowadays say they invented every­ thing, tihs car really was invented by a Russian. His name was Count Schilowsky and shortly before the First World War lie went chugging around Regent’s Park in London, England, in a two-wheeled gyrosopic car. The gyroscope kept the two-wheeled car on the level and the count believed the car would save a lot of money be­ cause it would be lighter and need a smaller engine for any given speed. The strangest part of the story is that after his demon­ stration the car was never heard of again. Twenty-five years later, just before the Second World War, workmen were exca­ vating for a car factory in Birmingham and there, on the site of a modern auto factory, they found, perfectly preserved, the count’s fabulous and abondoned old car. Because Cars are Our Line, the old legends of the business have a peculiar fascination for me. If you have a favorite old story about cars, drop in and see us anytime. We like talking shop and there’s never, of course, any high pressure to buy. Vi - ONT. . > .j ".................... " 1 - "■ ..... ..................... .. ■ When we say that SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter is a high efficiency feed, we mean that it’s a highly concentrated feed—it has more food energy packed into every pound, and every pound contains more of the food ele­ ments that chicks need to grown on, too— more protein, more vitamins and more minerals. That’s why three pounds of SITUIl-GAIN Chick Starter pro­ duce as much growth as four pounds of ordinary starter as tests at the SHUR-GAlN Demonstration Farm prove. With StlUR-GAIN, your chicks will get off to a flying start with little mortality. When it*s time to start your chicks, see us about SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter—the starter that thousands of successful poultrymen feed. Cann s Mill Ltd. EXETER WHALEN CORNERS The family of W. C. Pearce with Mr. and Mrs. A. Schwalm, of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shaw with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. E. C. Appleton with Mr. and Mrs, Percy Noels and family of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, Jean and Jeanette, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ford and Diane, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Tuckey with Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Hunkin of Belmore on Boxing Day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lam­ port, of Crediton. Mr. W. W. Taman is holiday­ ing with his son Ted and Mrs. Taman at Listowel. Miss Margaret Brown is visit­ ing with Mrs. P. A. Jacques, of London. 7 Bend Legion Elects Slate The Grand Bend Branch of the Legion held its annual election of officers on Monday evening. The president is Wm. Lochner; vice- presidents, Wm. Forrester, Buster Clark; secretary, Burton Green; treasurer, Edward Stephens; sgt.- at-arms, J. McIlroy. The Lions Club Feather Party on Monday night proved to be a big success. Although the crowd at first was small, it gradually increased until well over a hund­ red joined in trying to carry home their Christmas turkey. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haist and family left on Monday for a visit in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pfyle spent last weekend in Detroit attending a funeral of a relative. Christmas Visitors. Miss Barbara Cutting of the Sick Children’s Hospital, Toronto, and Mr. Emil Uhrynuk of Tor­ onto at the home of Miss Cut­ ting's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cutting. Mrs. William Patterson with her daughter Mrs. Roy Scott- in Sarnia. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Rendle with their daughter Mrs. Ted Brooks and Mr. Brooks in Toronto. Mrs. J. Mousseau with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jackson and family in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. E. Keown in Tor­ onto with relatives. OS. Barry Hamilton, Don Love and Max Tiedeman from Navy Base, Cornwallis, N.S. at their homes in the district. The C.G.I.T. held its annual Christmas party at the United Church Manse on Wednesday ev­ ening, when a most enjoyable time was spent by all the girls present. During the evening the girls were carol-singing around the village. On Sunday evening the girls of the .St. John By-the-Lake Ang­ lican Church sang at various homes in the village. On Christ­ mas evening these girls were car­ ol-singing at the homes of var­ ious sick and shut-ins in the vil­ lage. On Monday evening the Young People of the United Church held a Christmas service in the Prot­ estant Orphan’s Home in London. Make your contacts to prospects through classified ads. Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (South of Jack Smith Jeweller) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop. Phone 71-W Exeter Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards pf Thanks cost 75c, In Memoriam Notices 75c for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse; and Engagement Notices are 75c. BIRTHS CANN—In Clinton hospital on Christ­ mas day, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cann, a daughter, Mary Christine; a sister for Susie, Sylvia and Cathie.PARSONS—Mr. and Mrs. Bev Par­ sons, U.K. 3, Exeter, announce the birth of their son, David John, at South Huron Hospital, December 23, 1051 . PRYDE—Bob and Norma Pryde, of Hensall, announce the birth of a son at South Huron Hospital, De­ cember 2i8, 1954. DEATHS MESSNER—At Riverside N u r s in g Home, Mitchell, on Wednesday, De­ cember 22, 1954, Mrs. Jacob Messner, of Dashwood, in her eighty-seventh year,THOMSON—At the Heywood Rest Home, in Exeter, on Saturday, De­ cember 25, 1954, John Thomson, in his eighty-fifth year. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gill, Grand Bend, Ont,, will Be at home to their relatives and friends on Tuesday, January 4, from 2 to 1 and 7 to 9 p.m, on Hie occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary.Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Hill of Credi­ ton, Ontario, announce the marriage of their daughter, Edith Esther, to Mr. Henry Hugh Lewis Pratley, son of Dr. Philip Lewis Pratley and of the late Mrs. Pratley, of Montreal, Quebec, on Tuesday, December 28, 1954, at Crediton, 30* CARDS OF THANKS Miss Alice Claypile?, superintendant, wishes to thank Padre L. W. Mould, the superintendant and pupils of the R.C.A.F. Protestant Sunday School and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and her Sun­ day School class of James St, United Church for donating their White Gifts to South Huron Hospital and Mrs. William Mair and the pupils of Lum­ley Public School for the gift of books for the children's ward. 30cWe wish to take this opportunity to thank our many friends and neigh­ bours who so kindly remembered us witli cards and treats at tills Christ­mas time.—Mr. and Mrs. ’William Nadiger. 30c We wisli to express our sincere thanks to friends, neighbors and relatives l’or the kindness and sym- pahty shown by them during our re­ cent bereavement and for floral tri­ butes, cards and services rendered. Special thanks to Mr. Heath, Rev. Daynard, Rev. McMillan, the organ­ ist, Mrs. Harburn, and the quartet.—‘ Mrs. Frank Bruce, Mrs. David Bruce and family. 30*I would like to thank all those on R.R.3 .Exeter, who remembered me at Christmas and wish you ail a Happy and Prosperous New Year.— Mrs. Murray Scott. 30*Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hedden wish to thank the relatives, friends and neighbors for the cards and telegrams of congratulations received and for the gifts and good wishes extended to them on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. 30* I wish to thank everyone who was so kind as to send cards, treats and flowers while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Also for visits and calls after returning home.—Mrs. Ray Mason. 30*Mr. Jacob Messner and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for the many kind expres­ sions of sympathy shown during their sad bereavement; many thanks for floral tributes, for the sympathy cards; many thanks to those who do- mated at the church and to the Ladies' Aid, E.U.B. Church, who served the meal; special thanks to Rev. Krotz and to Rev. Gross for their message and assistance; to the organist and soloist. We wish to say thanks to ail of you. 30* By MRS. J. WOODALL Many shut-ins were cheered on Thursday evening by the voices of the carol singers, composed of young people from the two local churches and their ministers, Rev. E. N. Mohr and Rev. W. Parrott. Among the manj' visitors who returned to Crediton for the holi­ days were: P/O and Mrs. Earl Smith (Mar­ garet Ratz), of Moose Jaw, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz. Miss Lulu Morlock, Windsor, with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Edward Morlock. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Robinson, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Beisel, of Elmira, with Rev. and Mrs. E. N. Mohr. Mr. and Mrs. George Leslie and son, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mack. Rev. and Mrs. Fred Faist and family and Mrs. Pauline Ness, of Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Faist. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Robertson and daughter Ann, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Beaver. Mr. Wesley Finkbeiner, Penn­ sylvania, Miss Gertrude Beaver, of Detroit, and Howard Beaver, of Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Beaver. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wolfe and family and Mrs. L. EaglesOn, of Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc­ Innis and Mr. A. Morlock with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ryall, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swartz. Mr. and Mrs. William Woodall and daughters, of Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woodall, Mr, and Mrs. George Vincent, Mr. and Mrs. William Benninger and Gayle and Miss Agnes Lam­ port, all of Detroit, with Mrs. Samuel Lamport ahd Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lamport, Mt. and Mrs. Austin Fahrner, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ lace Fahrner and family, of Lon­ don, with Mr. and. Mrs. E. K. Fahrner. Mr, and Mrs. E-d Schenk and daughters, of Anbaster, with Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schenk.Mr. Calvin Fahrner, of Toron­ to, with his patents, Mr; and Mrs. E. M. Fahrnef, Mr. arid Mrs. Chris Haist, of Zurich, with Miss Lillian Haist; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wein, of London, with Mrs, Wein’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Renney and Morris, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wein and also With Mrs, J. Jlirtael, who Is still a patient in South Huron Hosjiit- al. Mr, J, R. Wolfe, of Detrbit, Pupils Stage Kippen Show Rev. Norman McLeod was the chairman for the Sunday School Christinas concert on Wednesday evening. Three local schools con­ tributed a number to the program, S.s. No. 7 Stanley, with their teacher, Mrs. Orland Reichert; S. S. No. 2 Tuckersmith, with their teacher, Miss Dorothy Turner, and S.S. No. 10 Tuckersmith, with their teacher, Miss Jean McAllis­ ter.Numbers by Kippen children in­ cluded greetings by Judy Young; recitations by Douglas Hyde, Sharon McBride, Alec Hyde; songs by the tiny tots; piano solos, Nel­ son McClincliey and Eileen Mc­ Lean; a pantomime, "From The Manger To The Cross,” by junior, girls, with vocals by Ann and Marie Sinclair; duet by Grant and Kenneth Jones. Pantomime, girls 9-12, with solo parts by Miss Greta Benin­ dyk,• fire drill, boys 9-12; solo, Joan Sinclair; dialogue, "Safety Badge,” S.S. No. 7 Stanley; Star Drill, S.S. No. 2 Tuckersmith; dio- logue, intermediate boys; piano duet, Misses Anne and Marie Sin­ clair; young men’s quartet, Hank Benindyk, Edison McLean, Keith Love and Don Kyle, accompanied by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot; Christ­ mas pantomime, S.S. No. 10 Tuc­ kersmith; recitation, Ross Mc- Beath, of S.S. No. 14 Stanley; chorus, "Christmas In Killarney,” with solo by Brom Benindyk. 25tli Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Alderdice entertained members of Mrs. Al­ derdice’s family in honor of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cald­ well, last Thursday evening, in honor of their twenty-fifth wed­ ding anniversary. A fowl dinner was enjoyed and Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell were the recipients of many useful gifts of silver. Their family consists of Mrs. Alderdice (Mona), Miss Isa­ belle, of London, and one son, Jack, at home. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crossman and Jo-Ann, of Vancouver, B.C., are visiting Mrs. Crossman’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Shultz. Mr. Edward Gackstetter, of Zurich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Christmas Visitors Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane with the former’s sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walk­ er, of Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. A. Parsons and family with 'Mrs. Parsons’ par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linden, at Denfield. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Alderdice and Garry with the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alderdice, at Redwing. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and family, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wren and baby, of Mt. Forrest, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle and Jim with relatives near Varna. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wahl and Allan, of Listowel; Mr. and Mrs. John Dickert and family, of Clif­ ford; Mr. and Mrs. Anson Wolfe and family, of Melborne, and Mrs. Gerald Hubbard, of Harriston, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dic­ kert. Gail and Lynn Gackstetter with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney, in Exeter. Mr. Bob Love, of the Univerisity of Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cudmore with their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cud- more, London. Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair and family and Miss Margaret Sin­ clair with Mrs. Sinclair’s mother, Mrs. Watson, at Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Little, in Hensall. Mr. Robert Thomson with his daughter and soiirin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Schneider, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dawson and Mrs. William Windor with the former’s sister and brother, Miss Ella and Mr. Lloyd Dawson, of near Varna. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burke and Mrs. Gibson, all of Wroxter, with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Meilis. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones, Grant and Kenneth with Mrs. P. Love, .near Varna. Mrs. McClymont is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alice Cook, in London. A carol service was held in St. Andrew’s United Church on Sun­ day evening. A Watch Night ser­ vice will be held on Friday night and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wolfe and family, of Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Roeszler and Carmen Roeszler, of London, visited with Mrs, William Roesz­ ler. Mrs. W. H. Farrow, of Col- borne, and daughter, Mrs. M. Hayes, of Grand Rapids, with the former’s sister, Mrs. Matthews, at the home of Dr. W. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Insley and Mrs. Allah, of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Insley, on Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Clark and Glen, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dald and sons, of Bramp­ ton, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Clark.Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fahrner Spent Christmas in London. Mrs. M. Faist visited over the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Faist in St. Thomas. Mr. arid Mi’s. Ray King ahd family visited With Mr, and Mrs. J. Goodboye in Tbrbnto over the holiday, Mfs. R. Molitor is spending this waek in Strathroy,Mr. and Mrs, Joe Caswell of London, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Faul- haver of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogan and Sharon of Molo- sworth, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Cun- nington of Elim Ville and Mr. Al­ lan Becker of Dashwood spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. wm, Bender and family. Classified Directory 4 4 •< r FOR SALE SPACE HEATER, Norge, large size; in good condition. May be seen at 27 Huron St., West, opposite the hos­ pital.___________________________30c POULTRY TIME SWITCH, takes 20 minutes to shut lights off, $14.95; heat bulbs, 250 watt, $1.10, $1,70 and $2,70. Animal clipper sharpening ser- vice, 75N Exeter District Co-op. 30c '51 OLDSMOBILE COACH—88 Roc­ ket, Centipede tires, radio, Saran seat covers, extra special; private sale; can be seen at South End Service (owner moved to U.S.A.)________30c 9 LITTLE PIGS'. Apply 357 Carling Street, Exeter.__________________30c OIL FURNACE BURNER, used, never used since conversion to 60 cycle; with or without tanks. Apply H. Peterson, Dashwood, phone 31-r-15.30:G;13* SPACE HEATER, Fairbanks Morse, large size, with a 100-gallon tank; in good condition; priced reasonably. Apply to Borden Smyth, Centralia 30:6* 2 COWS, young, fresh, Holstein, reg­ istered and accredited! $250 each and really worth the money. Apply Sandy Elliot, phone 476 Exeter,________30c SUFFERING FROM Backaches, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is over if you let RUMACAPS help you to relief. Ask your druggist. 30* 4 SHORTHORN BULLS, pure-bred, 10 to 1G months old; priced for quick sale. Apply to George Reid, Varna, Ont.__________________________23:30* MUSKRAT COAT, ladies’, in good condition; size 42; for short person. $25, Apply Tinies-Advocate. 23:30* NUMBER OF HOLSTEIN cows, due to calve first part of January. Phone 84-r-3 Zurich or apply Sol Gingerich, R.R. 3 Zurich._______________23:30:6* COB CORN, $25 a ton. Apply G. Ham- ilton, Hensall, phone 673-12, 23:30:6* COWS—Several good Durhams due early in January, the others in Feb­ ruary. Apply to John Miners, R.R. 3 Exeter, phone Kirkton 32-24. 23:30* SPACE I-IEATER, Coleman, like new. Phone 239 Exeter._______________30c CHRISTMAS TURKEYS, broad­ breasted bronze. Order now for Christmas or New Year’s. Phone Hen­ sall G70-r-3 or write Ed Roberts, R.R. 2, Kippen.__________________16:23:30* PUPPY, German Shepherd. Apply H. T. Miller, Dashwood, phone 57-r-7. 9 tfc WRECKING—'42 Hudson, ’42 Dodge, '41 Dodge, '41 Chev, ’41 Ford. Many older models. Cudmore’s Gravel, tele­phone 171-r-3 Exeter. 7-12tfc HELP WANTED WOMAN for household duties at South Huron Hospital. Phone Miss Alice Claypole, superintendant, be-tween G and 7 p.m.___________30c WAITRESS WANTED—Call Kether’s Coffee Shop.____________________30c PART-TIME care for child; prefer­ ably close to school. Phone evenings, 152-M Exeter. 30c Guild Elects At Saintsbury The annual meeting of the Guild of St. Patrick’s Church was held at the home of Mrs. Maurice McDonald on December 22. Mrs. R. Greenlee was in charge of the meeting and Mrs. J. Turner read the scripture lesson. Rev. Mills presided for the elec­ tion of officers. Mrs. T. Kooy was elected president for a two-year term; Mrs. D. Gibson, treasurer; Mrs. H. Carroll, Secretary. The other officers were all re-elected. In the evening the members of the congregation gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McDonald for the Sunday School Christmas tree. The children entertained with readings, songs and carol singing. Santa distributed gifts and the children received treats. A draw for a doll was won by Mr. Nobel Greenlee, of Brinsley. Mr, and Mrs. Wylie Brwyn, of Kinsella, Alta., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M. Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis. They were joined by their son, David, who is stationed at the R.C..A.F. Station, Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins at­ tended a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire, Prospect Hill, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Maguire and boys were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. Maguire, London. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett and family, of Denfield, visited Mr. and Mrs. Maguire. Mr. and Mrs. F. Guilfoyle and Norman, of Simcoe, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Greenlee and boys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Greenlee. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barker and family entertained Mr. and Mrs. O. Dale, of London, on Christmas eve and were dinner guests With Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis were Sunday evening guests with Mrs. F. Coates, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Kooy, on Tuesday. Christinas Visitors Mr. and Mrs. R. Greenlee with Mrs. A. Greenlee and family, of Brinsley. Mr. and Mrs. H. Atkinson and family With Mr. and Mrs. R. Car­ roll, Woodham. Mr. F. Dobbs with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dobbs, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ings, Mr. and Mrs. A. Carroll, of London, and Mr. Hugh Carroll with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll and boys. Mr. and Mrs. C. Abbott with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Abbott, Lon­ don. Mrs. W. J. Davis With Mr, and Mrs. M. Abbott and family. » Mrs. F. Davis With Mr, and Mrs. M. H, Elston, Mr. ahd Mrs. Hugh Davis and Heather with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and Mr, and Mrs. Gborge MeFalls. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Davis With. Mr, and Mrs. J. burner. Mr. ahd Mi’S. M. McDonald and >—Please turn to Page 5 WANTED SAW MILL LOGS and standing bush lots. Fuel wood and slab wood for sale. Apply Ailsa Craig Saw Mill, phone 623-r-3 or Robert Eagleson, phone 624-r-22; Gordon McAlpine, phone G23-r-13, tfc EMPLOYMENT WANTED DUTCH GIRL wants housework, by the month.—Post Office Box 83, Ex­ eter. 30* WOULD LIKE work trimming tur­ nips. Also haul by own truck. Apply S. Koning, R.R. 1 Hensall, phone 692-r-23, 23:30* FARMERS! Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland tam- ilies. Also wanted to rent—50- to 100- acre farms. Write Henry Nyhius. K. 3, Exeter, phone 17z-r-31. 12-10tfc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED: Reliable man as Dealer in Townships, I-Iay, Stephen and Mc- Gillivary, also Townships Usborne, Biddulph and Blanshard. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigli Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh’s Dept. L- 202-163, Montreal, P.Q. 9:23:30 STOCK WANTED ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt and courteous service on all dead or dis­abled farm animals. Phone collect, Ed Andrews, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Ex­ eter 235. IGtfc DEAD, DISABLED STOCK — Seven- day week service for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, calves. —Glen Kennedy, phone collect 168-W Lucan or Exeter 235. 9-2tfc HORSES WANTED—Heavy or light, young or old. Please notify Frank Taylor, 138 Exeter. jul22:Ja5* I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc TENDERS WANTED Tenders invited for Grocery Store and Meat Market at RCAF Station Centralia, Store is approximately 28x 165 feet. Interior construction is built to provide modern self-service. An­ nual rental charge is $l.S0 per square foot; heat, light and -water provided. Floor space may be reduced to ap­ proximately 28x140 feet to suit re­ quirement. Population approximately 550 families. Tenders close January 5, 1955. For further particulars, con­ tact Commanding Officer, RCAF Sta­ tion Centralia, or Chief Administra­tive Officer. 16:23:30c MISCELLANEOUS FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. Phone . collect Clinton 242. 5-14alt.tfc CARPENTRY — Cupboards, remodel­ ing, repairing, inside or outside work. Apply Abe Schout, 32 Victoria St-., phone 410-W Exeter. 30tfc S. S. S. S. Why bother with dull tools. Let us recondition your saws, knives, scis­ sors, garden tools, etc., etc. All ma­ chine sharpened. Stew’s Sharpening Service, Sanders St. East, phone 454. 2tfc "STANDARD OF TI-IE WOODS” — McCulloch Chain Saws! All models and complete service available at Mc­ Culloch Saw Sales, 428 Huron Street, Stratford, phone 1061-J. 9-16tfc FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AUTO TRIMMING Slip Covers—Custom made or installed HUGH WILSON Phone 56 Exeter FOR RENT APARTMENT, downstairs, unfurnish­ed; 4 rooms and bath; low rental; im­ mediate possession; Main St., South. Phone 599-AVI. 30c FURNISHED APARTMENT, private entrance, newly decorated. Not heat­ ed, but stove provided. Apply 569 Wil­ liam or phone 400-W Exeter. 30* COTTAGE, small, 1-bedhoom, fuliy furnished, oil heated, in Ceilralia. Apply Ken Hodgins, phone 880-J3 Ex­eter.____________________________30c 5-ROOM APARTMENT, nice, newly decorated, steam heated; available now. Elliot Apartments, phone 476 or 533-M Exeter. _____________ .“Oifc APARTMENT in Centralia; ground floor, -partly furnished, private ent­ rance, 3-piece bath, one large bed­room, hot and cold running water. Apply Ken Hodgins, Centralia, phone 880-J3 Exeter.___________________30c 2- BEDROOM COTTAGE, 3-piece bath, cupboards, tile floors in kitchen and bathroom; also 3-room cabin, stoves furnished for heating only. Apply M. Neil, phone 10-M Crediton. 30tfn c 4-R00M APARTMENT—Hot and cold water, bath. Ward Hodgins, Clande- boye._________________________23:30c 3- ROOM APARTMENT, furnished, heated; for light housekeeping—Jan. 1. P.O. Box 214 of phone 435 Exeter, 23 tfc One 2-I3EDROOM apartment, unfur­ nished; one 1-bedroom apartment, un­furnished; also bed-sitting room, fur­ nished. Apply John ward, phone 348.____________________ 23*:30c STORE, opposite the Post Office, Main St., Exeter. Available first of the year. Apply Exeter Times-Advo- cate. * APARTMENT —- Bath, hot and cold water, two bedrooms, kitchen and living room, full basement, on high­ way at Shipka.—Albert Gaiser, Credi- ton, phone 6-J, ____________9-9tfc APARTMENT — Modern upstairs apartment, 4 rooms and bath, oil heated, phone 7 Exeter, 9-9tfc FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Power lawn mowers. —Bea­ vers Hardware, Exeter, 7-ltfc H. J. CORNISH & CO. I CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS I H. J»- Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D* Mitchell a 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. j FOUND BABY’S SHAWL, in Exeter, on An­ drew Street between. John and James- Streets. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for ad­ vertisement. Phone 231-W Exeter. 30c LOST WOULD THE PARTY who picked up a man’s grey gabardine topcoat by mistake In James St. United Church: on Sunday, December 19, please re­ turn. Phone 172-r-43 Exeter. 30*" NOTICES APPLICATIONS in writing for the position of clerk of McGillivray Town­ ship will be received by the under­ signed up to and including January 8, 1955. Applicants must be residents of the township. Salary will be set by council. W. S. PATTERSON, Treasurer, Township of McGillivray Parkhill, R.R, 8 30e TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Applications in writing will be re­ ceived by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, January 10, 1955, for the position of grader opera­ tor for the Townshin of Usborne. Please state experience, if any, and wage expected,Duties to commence on or about January 17, 1955, if convenient.No application necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply to: W. J. ROUTLY, Road Superintendent, ' R.R. 3, Exeter, Ont. 30 REAL ESTATE 2-STOREY HOUSE, nice kitchen, 3- piece bath, almost new furnace, air conditioner, garage, conveniently lo­ cated for churches, schools and shop­ping. AV. Pearce, realtor; Ear) Par­ sons, Fred Cole, salesmen. 30tfc. LUCAN—7-room brick house; furnace, bath, hard and soft water, garage; quick possession. William Pearce real­ tor, Exeter; Earl Parsons, Fred Coir, salesmen. 30c- 100 ACRES clay loam, suitable for sugar beets; cheap enough for pas­ ture, Stephen. William Pearce, Real­ tor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Sales­ men.___________________________2tfc NEW ASBESTOS SHINGLE 1-floor .house, full basement, automatic air conditioned oil furnace, 2 or 3 bed­ rooms, modern kitchen, colored bath­ room fixtures.—William Pearce, Real­ tor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Sales- men,_________________________25 tfc HENSALL — Frame house located) on Main Street. Nicely decorated, with extra lot available. To settle estate. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker R. B. Paterson, Hensall, Ontario Phone 51 4tfe MODERN 1-FLOOR home. This home is beautifully finished throughout and provides every convenience for com­ fortable living.' Nearly new, Very low cash, payment will handle. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. CREDITON — Two-family dwelling; modern conveniences; almost new; immediate possession; terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. MODERN 2-BEDROOM house. Good Exeter location; large living room; particularly nice kitchen and bath­ room; air conditioned oil heat; im­mediate possession; reduced price; very easy terms. C. V. Pickard, Real- tor, Exeter. ASJ3ESTOS SLATE one-storey house. Living, dining rooms, kitchen, 3 bed­ rooms, bathroom, oil furnace; im­ mediate possession. William Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. FARMS—We have enquiries for acre­ages 10 to 50 acres. Also for larger farms. If you are interested in sell­ing, let us know. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 10-7tfg HOME WITH INCOME — We are offering a we’l built house that will provide a horn's for an average family and an income from a separate apart­ ment. Each unit is complete with separate bathroom, kitchen and en­ trance. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Real- tor, Main Street, Exeter.______9-9tfc 2-BEDROOM COTTAGE — This is a complete small home with modern kitchen and two-piece bath. Full basement. Immediate possession if desired. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 6-10tfc LSMFT '54 FORD SEDAN ......... $1,895 ’53 FORD SEDAN, Radio 1,695 '52 STUDE SEDAN Radio ................................. 1,250 '51 FORD SEDAN ........... 995 '50 PONTIAC SEDAN, O.K......................................... 950 '52 AUSTIN SEDAN Good ......................... 850 '49 PONTIAC COACH ... 695 '47 CHEV SEDAN .......... 550 '50 AUSTIN SEDAN .... 495 '49 AUSTIN SEDAN .... 450 TRUCKS '52 FORD 1-Ton Express . 850 '52 MERC. 3-Ton .............. 850 '50 GMC 4-Ton Dump ... 850 '50 DODGE 3-Ton ............ 495 TRACTORS '49 FORD .... 550 '50 CASE "S" ........... 500 ’47 FORD .......................... 425 Standard Loader ......... 250 Ferguson Plough .... 135 Front Snow Blade ....... 150 Soil Scoop ......... 60 Larry Snider MOTORS LTD. Phone 624 Exeter