HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-12-16, Page 11FREE CHRISTMAS TURKEY FROM LAKEVIEW s Order 500 or more pullets before December 20 £or delivery i any time during the spring season, then pick up your i Christmas turkey, all done up in a neat Crybae bug, at i our office. There is Still Time to Order Chicks This Week MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL I LAKEVIEW HATCHERY LTD. ! EXETER ONTARIO THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1954 Harpley By MISS M- HODGINS Thames Road Farmer Active In Church, Fair Page 11 Purchased Your Christmas Seals Yet? Send Your Donation To Box 1OOZ Seaforth Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hutchinson and family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hodgins spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. Mansell Hodgins. Mrs. Newton Hayter is able to be around again after her illness. Miss Veronica Hayter of Cen­ tralia called at the home of Mr. Mansell Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgins, Linda and Paul, of Cedar Swamp visited on Sunday with Mr. Jos. Carruthers. in See our handsome display of over 25 beautiful silver­ ware patterns. It’s easy to choose your very own set! Men’s initial and stone ring's — a gift he’ll treasure all his lifetime. Low prices. Silver-plated and sterling cream and sugars; silver dishes and centrepieces beautiful designs. Mr. John T. Allison, one of the oldest residents of Usborne Town­ ship, passed away December 2 on the farm on the Thames Road where he was born over 92 years ago. He had been ailing only a few weeks. His father, the late John Alli­ son, a native of Scotland, was one of the early pioneers having pur­ chased the land from the 'Canada Company, Of a family of ten only one survives, Mrs, Robert Kydd, of Clinton. , Mr, J, T. Allison for 22 years wias in turn both director and president of the Usborne and Hib­ bert Mutual Fire Insurance Com­ pany. For many years he was a director of the Exeter Agricul­ ture society, being both a lover nd exhibitor of fine horses and cattle. For over forty years he was an elder of Thames Road Church, first Presbyterian, then United, the church being built on one cornei’ of the Allison farm. Mrs, Allison, whose maiden name was Jane Beverley Monteith predeceased her husband in Nov­ ember, 1952. 'Surviving are two sons, Charles and William C., of town and two daughters. Mrs. H. M. Shreiner, of Bronxville, N.Y., and Mrs. A. W. Morgan, of Us­ borne, also ten grandchildren. The funeral was held from the Dinney funeral home conducted by Rev. W. J. Moores and Rev. H. J. 'Snell. The bearers were Messrs. Allison, Beverley and Grant Morgan, Wm, Pa'ssmroe, Andrew Hamilton and Bruce Shapton. Interment was in the Exeter cemetery. Attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fletcher and Mrs. A. E. Horton, of »St. Thomas, Mrs. H. M. iShreiner, of Bronx­ ville, N.Y,, who was called home owing to the illness and death of her father, Mr. J. T. Allison, has returned to her home. Woodham Lodge Elects Officers Newly-elected officers of Agnes Watson Memorial Lodge 1167, L.O.B.A., Woodham, are: W.M., Mrs. Lloyd Hern; D.M., Mrs. Oli­ ver Jaques; R.S., Mrs. Harry Web­ ber; F.S., Mrs. John Coward; treasurer, Mrs. Jim Miller; J.D.M., Mrs. Hiram Hanna; chaplain, Mrs. Ray Morrison; guardian, Mrs. George Davis. First lecturer, Miss Florence Jameson; second lecturer, Mrs, Elmore Harness; pianist, Mrs. Heber Davis; inner guard, Mrs. Ray' Mills; outer guard, Mrs. Emerson Paton; second commit­ tee, Mrs. Frank Harburn; third committee, Mrs. Ivan Brock, Woodham Lodge accepted an invitation to install the officers of Mitchell L.Q.B.A. on December 13. Miss Florence Jameson won the mystery prize and Mr. Fred Jame­ son won a prize for dancing the best cake walk. The immediate past mistress, Mrs. Jack Smith, invited the mem­ bers of the lodge and their hus­ bands to a social evening at her home on December 29. Sailor From Grand Bend Killed On Bermuda Isle Beautiful diamond, sets for her by Bridal Bell. Low prices make it easy to buy fine quality diamonds! Exciting new Elgin watches at new, low prices! Only Elgin has the Burapower Mainspring that neve r breaks. Travelling alarm clock in genuine leather case. Smart kitchen clocks and home alarms. Jcick Smith Jeweller A QUICK ROUNU W<WIFT BUYS 1 LAd’IB 'll Westinghouse Appliances Toasters — Irons — Heating Pads Electric Kettles — Pressure Cookers China Cups and Saucers Novelties Kitchen Utensils Outstanding Varieties of Wife-Saving Gadgets OS Ronald Colin Green was killed when he accidentally fell from the top of a cliff at near­ by Ireland Island, Bermuda. Ronald was born in Grand ■Bend, and joined the Navy in January, Prior to his enlistment he worked for a time in Strat­ ford. He was serving on I-IMCS Buckingham, which is one of several Canadian ships taking part in naval exercises off Ber­ muda, The funeral services were held at the Royal Naval Cemetery, Ireland Island, A firing party was at the graveside. Commodore D. H. Connell - Fuller, commanding HMS Superb, represented Vice- Admiral J. G. Stvens, commander­ in-chief of the American Indies station. The Royal Marines Band and a contingent from both the Superb and Buckingham were also present. A private funeral service was held at his home in Grand Bend on Sunday. Surviving Ronald are his mo­ ther, Mrs. Leslie Hutchinson, of Grand Bend; three sisters, Mrs. Robert Davidson, of Stratford; Patricia, of London; Frances, at home, and three brothers, How­ ard, of Erieau; Clifford, London, and David at home. His father, the late Ivan Green, predeceased him some years ago. Personal Items Mrs. Ellen Desjardine had the misfortune to fall last week and has been confined to her bed. The C.'G.I.T. held a candle­ light service Sunday evening in the United Church, conducted by Mrs. Wally Becker and Mrs. Ed­ ward Gill. Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Mason left Monday to spend the winter in Tampa, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mr. Scott’s grandmother, Mrs. William Patterson. Mrs. Geromette received word Monday morning of the birth of a great-great-grandson born to Mr. and Mrs. John Riddoch, Sarnia. The baby is a great-grandson of Mrs. Mae Holt. Miss Shelia Finan, of London, spent the weekend at her home. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ramsden, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Ramsden’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gill and family. Mrs. Russell Webb and Mrs. Lawrence Mason each won a case of coke for scoring over 300 in bowling last week. Mrs. Webb bowled 310 on Wednesday night and Mrs. Mason 310 on Monday night. Weekend guests with Mrs. John Gill were her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. T. Charlton, of London, and her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gill and family, Bramp­ ton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott, of Sarnia, are spending a few days this week with Mrs. Scott's mo­ ther, Mrs, William Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McMurray, of Toronto, spent a couple of days with Mrs. McMurray's sister, Mrs. E. Keown, and Mr. Keown. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mousseau and son James, of .St. Catharines, were recent visitors with Mrs. J. Mousseau. Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Collez and family left this week for a two-month trip to Holland. Mrs. Nelson Baker, Crediton, is spending a few weeks at the home of her son, Mr. Wellington Baker. Mrs. Wellington Baker is confined to her bed through ill­ ness. VILA. Elects Officers The annual election of officers of St. John By-tlie-Lake Women’s Auxiliary was held Tuesday eve­ ning, when the following were elected for the coming year: pres­ ident, Mrs. Morris Tiedeman; vice-president, Mrs. George An.- derson, Dashwood; secretary, Mrs. J. L. Hood; treasurer, Mrs. Fred Newton; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. T. Hopcroft, Dashwood. The Grand Bend branch of the Legion is holding a Christmas party for all the children of the district on Thursday, December 23 at 2 p.m. A film will be shown with treats and presents for the kiddies. This Week In Winchelsea By MRS. F. HORNE Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pettibone and Mary Gay of Port Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker of Wellburn were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner of St. Pauls were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn and attended the christening of their twin grandchildren at Elim- ville United church, Master Gerald Prance was hurt with the litter carrier at his home on Friday and was taken to South Huron Hospital. Buy Television | THE PERFECT FAMILY GIFT J I Five Famous Makes To Choose From. | i Have Yours Installed Before Christmas I |Next WeeklS; Don't Forget To Bring The Children To See Santa Claus! He's In Our Toytown Basement Every Saturday Afternoon beavers Hardware PHONE 86 MAIN STREET EXETER ^MIKIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllltlllllllHIKIIIIIllllllllllllllltltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUltlllllllll^ | Can We Save You I I $10 — $20 — $30 — $40 — $50 $60 — $70 J j On Your Automobile Insurance? j I We Have for others ... why not you: j c g | Check These Facts Now: | = • No Extra Premium For Pickup or Panel Trucks Used For Trans- 3 = pOration arid Pleasure Purposes (Electricians, Plumbers, Carpenters, s 3 Painters, Tinsmiths, Etc.) = | State Farm Is Different. j = finjoy premiums payable every six months--a convenience many people s s appreciate v S s Enjoy Sound protection at a low premium cost, Over 3000,000 auto = 3 insurance policyholders 33 Enjoy personalized Claims Service, we wish to keep you a well* 3 s satisfied customer 53 Enjoy the many benefits offered by state Farm = | State Farm Mutual Automobile i Insurance Company | KEN ETUE AGENT | 3 Auto, Life arid Fire Insurance i I PHONE 78R13 ZURICH, ONT. I “AUTO-HOME” AC 95 SHAVER ZO*00 The "Remington" plugs into cigar­ ette lighter outlet of car as well as ordinary electric outlets. Com­ plete with de luxe pack-away gift case. ALL-WOOL E OR TARTAN ROBE Authentic rich-coloured Scottish Tartans — attractive and warmly comfortable. Closely woven 100% all-wool. Approx. 54" x 66". CUSTOM 4 1Q AUTO MAT I Engraved with car name on Jet Jblack ribbed rubber —- Buick, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, Mercury, Meteor, Oldsmobile, Ply­ mouth and Pontiac, SUPERTONE EA.95 AUTO RADIO Worth S80—Powerful 6-tu.be latest big 6" Custom mount. WINDSHIELD 7 60 WASHER ‘ I. Genuine "Trico" — washes windshield, automatically — you drive. Same as original de luxe equipment. Easy to install. DIRECTIONAL £J 98 SIGNAL KIT O CHEV. 1953-54 Approved Conversion Signalsuperheterodyne circuit, Alnico Magnet speaker, styled handsome underdash Fits any car. 9.65 your while~.r,___' Z______.... 2L _1 Kits are easy to install and easy to use. Eliminate hand signals. Universal TROUBLE into cigar Plenty of HEADLIGHT VISORS Handsome translucent plastic—red, green, blue or amber, with polished WHEEL SPINNER AND GEAR SHIFT KNOB COMBINATION — Hand sculptured design gives 3 - D effect. Lucite, chrome base. EMERGENCY LAMP — Plugs lighter outlet, light for roadside repairs. 12-ft. rubber * cord and plug . BODY MOUNTING MIR­ ROR — De luxe hooded type with built-in rain, snow —J — ”!—’ triple 4 >/2 ’ ' mirror and sun visor; chrome plated, d i a m "39 MIRROR - SPOTLAMP Clamps on to door. This dual-duty unit is smartly styled in high lustre chrome. Extra value .................. " WHEEL COVERS—Stain­ less steel, buffed io high lustre. Permanently beau­ tiful — fit all 15" wheels. Sot of &.95 4, only ____ __ qJJ) Beautifully chromed in smart shallow style. Sends a flood of light behind car. Uni- <9 7q versal mount __ LIGHT — Illuminates sparo tiro, luggage, etc., no more fumbling in the dark. With bulb 4.69 and wire ------ | J DOOR MIRROR — lowest priced model It's good-looking and ef­ ficient, with 4" mirror. Chrome and stainless steel. Only >| 29 HAND SPOTLAMP Powerful 4” sealed beam unit. Lights up to 1500 it. Plugs into cigar light­ er. With 10-ft. 59 rubber cord __ VISORED HEADLIGHT RIMS — In sparkling chrome, give modern re­ cessed headlamp ' " like the new 1955 cars. PAIR . Smooth grain cowhide leather; 6 key-hooks and identification hoi d er, — Popular custom-styled long straight tube 4ype in flashing chrome plate. A real •f .49 beauty _______ I styling "AUTO - SERV" Kleenex ■Dispenser — Fits under glove compar tment; chrome plated face. Very neat. Tissues in- eluded ________ 9" "Exceptional 4.35 value ________ | " SNOW DEFLECTOR — Supersize model in fluo­ rescent red plastic with polished stainless steel in­ sert Fits any 4.10 car. A beauty I AUTO COMPASS—Avia­ tion-type. Dial revolves in stabilizing fluid on jewelled mount, with compensator. Ac- A 90 curate ................ £ DASH FENCE — some "fire-glow" with s u c t i o n cups. Dash mount Hand- plastic .29 MAGNETIZED MOTOR­ ING KIT—Includes Memo Pad, Pencil and Dash Tray — all powerfully mn g no tizo d, 0.29 Complete £ DRAFT DEFLECTORS — Fit no-draft windows; scoop ini fresh air—keep out wind and rain, Heavy plastic, chrome JJ» trim. Pair____ Chrome Fence ... .89 CURB SIGNALS — Save Tenders, warn when car is too close io curb. Pair . ____ a Others 1.29 and 1.39