HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-12-16, Page 1010 THE TiMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1954 Have You Bought Christmas Seals? $1.00 $19.50 $3.95 $2.95 $1.50 I The Candy of Excellence Gift Stationery i Gifts for Him STUART HALL SPECIAL 70 Sheets, 30 Envelopes 98^ PIGSKIN BILLFOLD Smart, Hard-Wearing $9.95 WOODEN CHEST KITTY NOTES .... 'FABLE VIEWER FOR SLIDES ...... VIEW MASTER STEREOSCOPE ... MADEMOISELLE SHANDRA New Fragrance $1.35, $2.50 LIGHT ATTACHMENT FOR VIEW MASTER . 3-REEL CHRISTMAS STORY PACKAGE .... BORDERED PASTEL NOTES .. 65$ $1.50 .. 50$ ARDENETTE Band Box ............................................. $6.00 Trusses, Surgical Supports, Elastic Hosiery PHONE 50 EXETER ELIZABEH ARDEN EVENING BAG — Compact, Lipstick, Perfume .. $15.00 SEAFORTH SHAVING LOTION .......................... $1.75 For Everyone On Your List Bluebird Diamond Rings BULOVA AND GRUEN WATCHES SHAEFFER'S SNORKEL PENS SILVERWARE Community Plate 1847 Rogers Bros. COSTUME JEWELLERY GLASSWARE Benjamin Cook Hotel Operator Benjamin Daniel Cook, 76, (resident of Centralia for the past 26 years, died at his home Mon­ day. He had been xn failing health for three years. He was born in Aldborouglx township, the son of the late James and Lydia Cook. He spent his early life in Glencoe and St. Thomas. Since coming to Cen­ tralia, he operated the hotel there. Surviving are his wife, the for­ mer Mary McKee; one son, James, of Centralia, and two daughters, Mrs. Basil Daugharty, of South- ' wold Station, and Margaret, at ! home. The body rested at the Hopper- Hockey funeral home where the Rev, C. W. Dowxx conducted the funeral service on Wednesday afternoon. Interment was in St. James’ Cemetery, Clandeboye. Pall bearers were Kenneth Hod­ gins, Ray Shoebottom, Thomas Smith,*- Glenn Robinson, Henry Stock and Gordon Boast. a CHINA Topics From Crediton By MRS. J. WOODALL S. B. Taylor “A BETTER PLACE TO SHOP” FISHER LIGHTER .... $1.98 With Engraved Design RONSON PENCIL LIGHTER $15.00 ESQUIRE MEN’S STATIONERY HAWKEYE FLAT 50’S .. ROLLERT PIPE ... (With Nylon Bit) Photographic Gifts . FLASH OUTFIT ................. $15.50 FLASH BULBS — All Sizes PHOTO ALBUMS .............................. $1.50, $2.50 NEW HOLIDAY CAMERA ....................................... $5.90 With Flashholder .. $3.60 PHILISHAVE ELECTRIC RAZOR ........................ $27.95 NEW RONSON ELECTRIC RAZOR ........................ $28.50 GILLETTE ROCKET RAZOR ............................................ $1.29 YARDLEY SHAVING BOWL $1.50 LAVENESQUE By Yardley ......... ......... $3.50, $6.50 FLAIR By Yardley .... $6.50 (2 New Yardley Perfumes) BLUE GRASS Flower Mist By Elizabeth Arden .. $2.00 CHANEL $3.50, $6.00, $12.50 CANDY Christmas Meeting The Women’s Association and Missionary Society of the United Church held the annual Christ­ mas meeting on Thursday with a large attendance of members and visitors. A short W.A. business meeting was conducted by Mrs. N. Lamport when a donation of $50 to the Missionary and Main­ tenance Fund was approved by the meeting. Mrs, W. Mack was in charge of W.M.S, business. Mrs. Robt. Reid presided fox' the following program — scripture reading by E. Lawson; piano solo by Ray King; vocal solos by J. Bishop and Marlene King readings by Mrs. W. Mack, N. Lamport, Mrs. J. Gal­ loway and Mrs. H. Lightfoot. A social time was enjoyed, gifts were exchanged and lunch served by the committee in charge, Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. F. Haberer of Zurich visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fahrner spent several days last week in [ Mrs. Ervin Rader- London. ‘ Mr. Herbert Schenk returned from St. Joseph’s Hospital on Saturday, to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo .Schenk, injured four weeks ago accident, he is making ory improvements. Mrs. W. Sisson and of Montreal are spending time with Mr. and Mrs. England. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mr. Glen Clark' and Miss Lou Holcroft of Detroit, weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F, W, Clark. Mrs. Pauline Ness, of Kitchen­ er spent the weekend with hei' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Faist. Seriously in at^ar satisfact- daughter g some Lloyd Clark, Mary were Typewriter THE TIMES-ADVOCATE Dashwood Bandsmen Hear Martin Boundy Fifty-six members and friends. with his mother, Mrs. Alma Hop- o£ the Dashwood Citizens* Band I croft, and brother, Russel, while enjoyed a turkey banquet servedjen route home after by Dashwood Women's Institute in the E.U.B. church basement on Friday evening. President Jack Gaiser welconx- er the guests. Leader Harry Hoff­ man thanked all for their co­ operation. Rev. Higenell and Rev. W. Krotz spoke briefly on the good a band can do in a commun­ ity. Rev. Krotz proposed a toast to the Queen. Mr. Martin Boundy, well- known bandmaster and musician, of London, spoke of his exper­ iences here and in Europe as a bandsman and invited the Dash­ wood band to be a part of Lon­ don’s centennial by parading and taking part in the band tatoo, Mr, A. V. Tieman spoke of the band serenading him and his wife on their return from their honey­ moon 31 years ago. Maurice Klumpp, Sid Baker and Harry Hoffman, who are still members, were there. Other speakers were Howard Klumpp, Stuart Wolfe and Lloyd Eagleson. One minute’s silence was ob­ served in memory of Wesley Wolfe. All enjoyed bowling at Exeter. Winners were Ervin Hader, high, and Mrs. Sid Baker, low. Ground Observer Corps The Air Force is seeking to establish a Ground Observer Corps base in Dashwood and F/O George Moll, of Centralia, met with the firemen here last week and outlined the work and show­ ed films explaining the work ob­ servers are doing. Deer Injured While returning from Exeter Friday night, a deer ran into Sid Baker’s car, breaking its two legs. The game warden was called and the deer was destroyed. The car was slightly damaged. Ladies’ Aid Annual Meeting The Ladies’ Aid of Zion Luthe­ ran Church held their annual election of officers and Christmas party last Wednesday. Most of the officers were re­ elected as follows: president, Mrs. Milfred Merner; vice-president, ; secretary, Mrs. Ernest Koehler; treasurer, Mrs. Effie Klienstiver; card secretary, Mrs. Herb Wien; treasurei' of treat and flower fund, Mrs. Al­ bert Miller; librarians, Mrs. Aaron Restemayer and Mrs. Clifford Sal­ mon; pianist, Mrs. Edgar Reste­ mayer; reporter, Mrs. Ervin Ra­ der; auditors, Mrs. Reinhold Miller and Mrs. Addison Tieman. It was decided to order flowers for the altai’ fox* Christmas and pack Christmas boxes for shut-ins. The treasury showed a balance of $775.70. It was voted to give $500 towards plumbing being installed in the church. Mrs. Lome was in charge Contests were by Bunco. Mrs. J. Schroeder and Mrs. William' Haugh were prize winners. Santa appeared with gifts for all. Personal Items Mr. Fred Hopcroft, C.P.O., of Halifax, N.S., spent a few days taking a ; special course in the United !States. | Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Rader and .1 family attended the twenty-fifth I wedding celebration of Mr. and I Mrs. Wellwood Gill, of Grand Bend, Saturday evening. Miss Barbara Becker, Water­ loo, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Beckei’ and at­ tended the band banquet. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wieburg were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wieburg and Mr. and Mrs. Victoi* Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. Melton Walpei’ and girls, of Ingersoll, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold. Miss Ellen Gilbert, Stratford, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Courtney Burmeister. Santa Claus will be on hand Thursday,” December 23, with packages and treats for all the children. Boxing Day will be observed on Monday, December 27. News of Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER The Winchelsea School concert will be held Friday evening in the Elimville church. A colored film, “Santa Claus Parade,” will be shown and St. Nicholas himself will visit the church at the close of the program with treats for the children. Baptismal Service A special baptismal service was held in Elimville Church Sunday morning. Five children received the rite of baptism; Douglas Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Miners; Barbara Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson; Kathryn Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Sinclair, and Joan Patricia and James Harvey, twins, child­ ren of Mr. and Mrs, Elson Lynn. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. James Sinclair and family, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. liani Routly. The Christmas held on Sunday, with a combined a,in. At 8 p.m. on Sunday evening, the Elimville Young People will present a cantata, “Silent Night,” in the Elimville church. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Carol Ann visited Sunday with Mi', and Mrs. Norman Jaques, of Zion. The Elimville Mission Band will hold its December meeting Saturday at the home of Miss Di­ anne Johns. There will be an ex­ change of gifts. and Mrs. Wil- service will be December 19, service at 10 Genttner’s group of the program, enjoyed followed ITave you purchased your Christinas Seals yet? Send your donation to Box 100, Seaforth, t WUERTH'S Christmas Special ON ALL SKATES Main Street Class Sponsors Party The Kumjoinus Class of Main Street United Church sponsored a Christmas party for ths Sunday School pupils and their parents at the church Monday night. Au, orchestra, made up of Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall, Tom Walker and. Percy Merkley, sup­ plied the music and A. J. Sweit- zex* led the carol singing. William McKenzie was chair­ man for the program. Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer told, the children a Christmas story. Musical num­ bers were given by Paul Wilson, Frank Wildfong, Bob Russell and Sterling Ipce and the Sunday School pupils sang “Away In A Manger.” The arrival of Santa Claus with treats for the children was the highlight of the evening for them. Have you pure h a s e d your Christmas Seals yet? Send your donation to Box'100, Seaforth. BACKACHE MaybeWarninq Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired-out and heavy-headed feeling may soon follow. That’s the time to take Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Dodd’s stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dpdd’s Kidney Pills now 4% ON SAVINGS THE PREMIER TRUST COMPANY 428 Richmond Street, London, Ontario Telephone 4-2716 THESE PRICES ORANGES, 252’s, 2 Dozen ............................... GRAPES, 2 Lbs.................................................... MIXED NUTS, 2 Lbs.......................................... — Cold Meats — BACON, Per Lb. .............................. WEINERS, Per Lb...................................................... BOLOGNA, Per Lb............................ ........................ Serve Your Guests Silverwood’s Ice Cream For Christmas 1/2 Gal........................................................ ' Electrical Appliances and Your Motorola Television Dealer $1.00 750 250 750 370 380 280 Wright's General Store KITTED LEATHER CASE With Brushes, Mirror, Man- aul Implements, Etc. $39.95 CANT STOP EM LAYING WHEN they're on co-op feeds That’s Right! I For Results that Count CO-OP LAY MASH Mix Your Own Grain With CO-OP EGGMAKER CONCENTRATE $5.20 Per Hundred Exeter District PHONE 287 Collect New and Used Children’s, Misses’, Boys’, Ladies’ and Men’s SEE OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING BAUER SPECIAL Reg. $19,50 For $13.95 Very Special $12.00 Value — $8.95 Ankle Supports, Skate Guards, Etc. Skate Sharpening — Lengthwise or Crosswise BOYS’ GALOSHES Lamb's Wool Lining Reg. $7.15 For $6.50 Other Lines for Boys — Sizes 1 to 5 $4.95 and Up Children’s arid $3.85 and Up Misses' MEN’S FLIGHT BOOTS $5.95 to $7.95 3 Lb. ALL-WOOL SOX Nylon Toes and Heels Special 79$ ALL-WOOL SOX 2 Pair For 96$ PHONE 127 KIRKTON, ONT. B-A Gas and Oil Choose Furniture From Dinney's You Are Welcome To Browse Around Dinney Furniture EXETERMain Street SouthPHONE 20-W O o Colorful Wall Plaques Fancy Cushions Comfortable Hassocks Beautiful Pictures Pin-Up Lamps Smart Smoker Sets Home Ornaments Tricycles Play Wagons Girls’ Doll Buggies Table and Chair Sets Children’s Rockers Nursery Lamps Pretty Doll Cradles Boys* Scooters Modern Table Lamps Magazine Racks Lovely End Tables Air-Foam Pillows Scatter Mats Practical Hampers Mirrors Hostess Chairs La-Z-Boy Chairs Colorful Chrome Suites Floor Lamps Coffee Tables Desks and Bookcases Sturdy Bridge Sets Corner Cabinets Gifts for the Home are the Best Gifts of All! Come in to see the many excellent gifts we have on display — a wonderful variety of home furnishings and accessories at prices to suit every budget. Gifts For Children ?.F7:;F7?.r7?.?j7?j7?.fr?j7?. Gifts Up To $10.00 Family Gifts • “ • — - EXETER B^ZFai fillwlDfAL Wrl W-i! p HURRY! KI LLSIi ^alk-drive r ONTARIO DEPARTMENT ol HIGHWAYS ■ Geo. H. Doucett, Minister