The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-12-16, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1954 Page 7 Kinettes Donate Toys, Clothing Exeter Kinnettes brought dona­ tions of children's clothing and toys to their Christmas meeting Monday night. Their contributions will be distributed by public health nurses in the district. Mrs. Ray Wuerth reported that hockey programs have been well received by fans at the two games at which they had been sold. Two Kinnettes will be on hand at each home game this season to sell the books. Persons holding programs con­ taining lucky numbers drawn will receive two free passes to the next game in Exeter. Winnei* of the prize at the meeting was Mrs. Sheldon Wein. The meeting met at the home of Mrs, Don Southcott and Mrs. H. Preszcator assisted with the lunch Have you purchased your Christmas Seals yet? Send your donation to Box 100, Seaforth. Buy Hardware Gifts at CO-OP CATTLE MINERAL . All Ingredients Advocated . By O.A.C. $4.95 Cwt. Why Pay More? Exeter District CO-OP PHONE 287 COLLECT Thames Road Starts Socials The first community night of the season was held on Friday evening in Thames Road School with a fair crowd in attendance. Mr, and Mrs. 'Mac Hodgert and Mr. and Mrs. William Snow were in charge of the evening. Prizes for euchre were awarded to Mrs. Ray Cottle, Mrs. Aimer Passmore, Lee Webber and Charles Borland. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Cottle and Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson will be in charge of the next Commun­ ity Night to be held after New Year’s. Baptismal Service At the Sunday morning church service the following children were baptized; Judith Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann; Joan Dianne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allen; Linda Diane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd . Hackney; Carolyn Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Harris and Velma Ruby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Patzer. Y.P.U. To Present Play The Young People’s Union of Elimville will dramatize the cen­ tury-old Christmas carol “Silent Night, Holy Night,” Sunday eve­ ning, December 19, in the church auditorium of Elimville Church. A silver collection will be taken. The worship service will begin at 8:15, followed by the play. To Present Cantata The choir of Thames Road will put on a cantata on Sunday night December 2G at 8 p.m., entitled “Prepare Him Room,” The Y.P.U. will entertain the choir and the members of the 3M's group in the Sunday School room after the service. Mission Circle Tlxe Mission Circle meeting, held at the manse Friday evening, was conducted by Miss Doris El­ ford. The girls voted to send an­ other $10 to the “Gifts for Build­ ing Advance” to the Presbyterial Treasurer. Mrs. Moores gave a Christmas meditation interspersed with Christmas carols. The missionary story dealt with medical work in India. Gift exchange was enjoyed. Next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Labelle Coward on January 21. Young People Meet The Thames Road Young People’s group were entertained at the manse on Sunday evening. President Murray Dawson con­ ducted the business meeting and Lome Ballantyne was in charge of the topic. Slides on the “An­ nunciation of Mary” were shown —Please Turn to Page 12 Groups Throughout District Elect Officers For New Year Centralia WA The Christmas meeting of the W. A. was held Wednesday, Dec­ ember 1. There were 29 members and four visitors present. Mrs. K. Greb presided. The program was .conducted by Mrs. Hirtzel. Mrs. L. Morgan read the scripture. A candle-light cer­ emony was conducted by Mrs. Clarke and dime bags were pre­ sented, A reading was given by Mrs. Isaac. Mrs. Smith led in prayer. Mrs. L. Hodgson and Mrs. R. Hodgson sang a duet. Officers elected for 1955 were: President, Mrs. L. Hodgson; vice- presidents, Mrs. W. Essery, Mrs. L. Hirtzel; secretary, Mrs. R. Lightfoot; assistant, Mrs. J. Es­ sery; treasurer, Mrs. R. Hodgson; pianist, Mrs. A. Essery; assistant Mrs. C. McCurdy; press reporter, Mrs, C. McCurdy. Christmas Party Mrs. G. Godbolt and Miss Hel­ en McFalls, assisted by the girls of their Sunday school class, en­ joyed a Christmas dinner party at the home of Mrs. G. Godbolt on Sunday. Guild Meeting Christ Church Guild met Dec. 13 at the home of Mrs. K. Hod­ gins. Three new members were present. Musical numbers enjoyed were: a piano solo by 'Sheila Elston; a duet by Mrs. Norman Tripp and Eleanor Mae Hodgins and an or­ gan duet by Mrs. K. I-Iodgins and Eleanor" Mae. A Christmas read­ ing was given by Mrs. R. Gates. iSheila Elston and Judy Astley acted as Santa Claus for an ex­ change of gifts. A travelling apron was brought in and found to yield $17.00 in donations. The apron was won by Mrs. Frank iSmith. Roger As­ tley picked the winning ticket. On .Sunday, Dec. 12, Dr. Ohlir, lecturer at Huron College, preach­ ed in Christ Church. The ladies of the W. A. held a quilting on Wednesday of week in the schoolroom of church. Mrs. George Godbolt has turned to the home of Mr. Mrs. Gerald Godbolt after .spend­ ing a month with Mr. and Mrs. H. Godbolt of Mitchell. Fairfield school will present its Christmas concert Friday, Decem­ ber 17 at 8.15 p.m. (Intended for last week) Mr. K. Hodgins was in Toronto attending the convention of the Ontario Dairymen’s Association. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hicks were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. O. Brown in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. L. Morgan visited relatives in Ridgetown over the week-end. last the re- and ■--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle REV. K. R. NORCROSS — MINISTER Christmas Sunday GREAT EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Sunday — 7:30 p.m. — Night Subject — “No Vacancy” Special Music and Singing 9:45 a.m. — Sunday School Hour The Gospel Presented in Action and Song 11:00 a.m. — Morning Worship Subject — “Putting Christ Back Into Christmas” (“COMING EVENTS’” December 20, 8:00 p.m.—Christmas Concert December 31, 9:30 p.m.—Watchnight Service With Joey Bocheneck “The Musical Wizard” “A Hearty Welcome Awaits You” ---------- ---------------------------------------------A Greenway Ladies The December meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Milton Pollock. The worship service, in charge of Mrs. man Woodburn, opened Christmas carols. Mrs. Fred lock read the scripture and Car- with Bui- Mrs. Woodburn gave a reading, “The Christmas Message,” and took for her topic, “Let’s Keep Christ­ mas.” Mrs. Bryden Taylor, the retir­ ing W.A. president, took charge of the business session and thank­ ed everyone for their co-operation during her terxn of office. Mrs. Albert Pollock read an article on “Citizenshiix and Temperance, a Challenge to Huron County.” Mrs. Herb Harlton read a lettei" stating oui" donation for relief bale for 1955 would be clothing for a 13-year-old boy. The roll call was answered by 15 mem­ bers. Mrs. Smith closed the meet­ ing with prayer for our Mission­ ary, Miss Harris. A slate of officers tor 1955 was brought in by the nominating committee, Mrs. Jim Geromette and Mrs. Arthur Brophey. Mrs. Smith took charge of the W.A. election as follows: hon. presi­ dent, Mrs. John Brown; president, Mrs. Harold Brophey; vice-presi­ dents, Mrs. Donald McGregor and Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Eagleson; Brown; Curts, assistant; Curts. Packing boxes for the sick, Mrs. Fred Hicks and Mrs. Willis Steeper; kitchen committee, Mrs. Bryden Tayloi’ and Mrs. Law­ rence Curts; group leaders, north of Greenway, Mrs. William Hicks and Mrs. William Eagleson; south, Mrs. Jack Hutchinson; west, Mrs. Lloyd Brophey; east, Mrs. Carman Woodburn. . For the W.M.S.: honorary president, Mrs. Charles Curts; president, Mrs. Elton Curts; first vice-president, Mrs. Harry Isaac; secretary, Mrs. Milton Pollock; treasurer, Mrs. Joe Horner; Christian Stewardship, Mrs. Roy Whiting; Christian Citizenship, Mrs. Albert Pollock; Community Friendship, Mrs. Bryden Taylor; literature, Mrs. Milton Pollock; supply, Mrs. Herb Harlton; Mis­ sionary Monthly, Mrs. Joe Horner; press, Mrs. Carman Woodburn. Mission Band, Miss Jean Lu- thei’ and Mrs. Jim Eagleson; Baby Band, Mrs. Dean Brown; pianists, Miss Evelyn Curts and Mrs. Lawrence Curts; C.G.I.T., Mrs. Carman Woodburn; finance, Mrs. Elton Curts, Mrs. Milton Pol­ lock, Mrs. Joe Hornei" and Mrs. Bryden Taylor; associate mem­ bers. Mrs. Lloyd Brophey, Mrs. Dean Brown, Mrs. Roy Whiting and Mrs. Eldon Steeper; auditors, Mrs. Elton Curts and Mrs. Law­ rence Curts. *- White Gift service will be held next Sunday in the United Church during the Christmas service, when gifts will be received for the Salvation Army in London. Personal Items Mrs. Charles Curts died last Friday evening. Mrs. Fred McLinchey visited last week with relatives in De­ troit. •’Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson, of Arkona, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ lard Forbes, of Forest, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rus­ sell Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Dean, Brown. A presentation and social eve­ ning was held in Corbett School last Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rock, who were recently married. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gillies and sons, of Detroit, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks. Girls Sing Carols At SH Hospital The C.G.I.T. of James Street United Church visited .South Hu­ ron Hospital on Tuesday night and sang carols for the patients. They were accompanied by their leaders, Miss Helen Anthony, Miss Helen Hardy and Mrs. Snell and all were in full uniform, . 'Christmas favors for the pa­ tient’s trays and picture books made by the girls for the child­ ren’s ward, were presented to Miss Alice Claypole, superinten­ dent. < Returning to the church the girls were entertained by their leaders at a Christmas party. Christmas Trees $1.00 Potted Plants from 75c to $5. Cut Flowers and Corsages Come In And Browse Around | Maint St., Exeter. Bailey s Florists Phone 256 Jim Geromette; secretary, Jack Hutchinson, assistant, Bruce Romphf; treasurer, Carman Woodburn; auditors, Jim Eagleson and Mrs. Bruce flowers, pianist, Mrs. Dean Miss Evelyn Mrs. Lawrence Bend WA, WMS The annual meeting of Wr.M. S. and W.A. of Grand Bend Unit­ ed Church was held in the church schoolroom. Mrs. W. Gill presid­ ed for the W.M.S. The program included readings by the presi­ dent, Mrs. E. Desjardine and Mrs. D, Gill, representing India and Canada. Prayers were offer­ ed by Mrs. Pfile and Mrs. W. Gill. A greeting card was read from oui’ missionary for prayer in Ja­ pan, Miss Gertrude Hamilton. The treasurer reported the allocation for this year had been exceeded. The Supply committee report­ ed four large cartons of clothing, including nine quilts, had been packed in November. C.G.I.T. girls under the lead­ ership of Mrs. Wally Becker, are each to have a “mystery mother" for 195 5. A film on India was shown by Mrs. D. Gill. Mrs. Smith conducted the elec­ tion of officers for the W.M.S.: President, Mrs. Wellwood Gill; vice-presidents, Mrs. Earl Birr, and Mrs. D. Gill; secretary, Mrs. Alex Hamilton; treasurer, Mrs. Allan Miller; associate members' secretary, Mrs. Max Turnbull; Helpers, Mrs. M. Luther, Mrs. J. Gill; Baby Band supt., Mrs. A. Miller; assistant, Mrs. L. Mason; Community Friendship, Mrs. W. Smith, Mrs. Elgin Webb, Mrs. M. Thompson and Mrs. J. H. McGre­ gor. Mission Band supt., Mrs. H. Pfile; assistants, Mrs. Earl Birr and Mrs. Allan Miller; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. Henry Devine, Mrs. M. Mason; Literature secy., Mrs. Willis Gill; Press secy., Mrs. C. Love; Supply, Mrs. W. Gill and Mrs. J. H. McGregor; Citizenship and Temperance, Mrs. M. Thomp­ son; pianists Mrs. M. Mason and Mrs. Charles Reeves; auditors, Mrs. Elgin Hendrick, Mrs. Lloyd Walper . W. A. Officers President, Mrs. Raymond lead­ ing; vice-presidents Mrs. Willis Gill and Mrs. Henry Devine ;_sec- retary-treas., Mrs.Don Hen­ drick; assistant, Mrs. Wm. iSweit- zer; card convenor, Mrs. H. Pfile; visiting minister’s committee, Mrs. Garnet Patterson, Mrs. W. Love and Mrs. M. Thompson; manse committee, Mrs. Wm. Love and Mrs. Clarence Green; Junior group presidents, Mrs. Earl Birr and Mrs. D. Gill; auditors, Mrs. Russell Webb and Mrs. Stewart Webb. Store Open Evenings Dec. 22, 23 and 24 Until 10 O’Clock Pre-Christmas Sale OP LADIES’ AND MISSES’ WINTER Coats and Suits Off We still have a nice range of garments to choose from. An excellent Christinas gift at great savings in price — 25% Off Regular Prices. 25</o Off All Children's Snow Suits CHOOSE YOUR Christmas Gifts FROM OUR LARGE STOCK — A Few Suggestions — FOR LADIES—nylon hosiery, lingerie, scarves, hand bags, parasols, nightgowns, pyjamas, slips, dressing" gowns, blouses, sweaters boxed, hand­ kerchiefs, bed jackets, etc. FOR THE HOME—fancy linens, table cloths, spreads, blankets, bed throws, towels, bath sets, scatter rugs, etc. bed mat Special English ’Axminster scatter rugs, 27”x51”, patterns—a smart Christmas gift at $6.95 each. new For Men and Suits, topcoats, jackets, tie racks, sport and dress shirts, ties, socks, boxed handkerchiefs, hockey sweaters and stockings, dressing gowns, belts, neck scarves, sweaters, cuff links, tie bars and sets, pyjamas, etc. See The New Tony Day Sweaters for men in lamb’s wool and botanies, in pullover and coat styles. Gift Certificates For men’s hats—Stetson, Brock, Van Kirk—$5.95 to $8.95. You get a minia­ ture hat and gift certifi­ cate and the receiver chooses the hat he wants later. We Wish You All A Happy Yuletide Season Church CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, December 19, 1954 10:00 a.m.—“The Christmas Mir­ acle”. Christmas Anthems. 11:05 a.m.—-Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.—The Christmas Pro­ gram. Recitations, Songs and Carols, Plays. ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON E. N. Mohr, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Christmas Worship Service. Subject: “A Page From Bethle­ hem’s Register”. 11:00 a.m.—Bible School. 7:30 p.m.—Christmas Program. Miscellaneous Program and Cantata - Pageant, “The Day Star Ariseth”. A Merry Christmas To All The new UP SIDE DOWN .ii 4..,, REFRIGERATOR New Admiral is a family-size freezer and refrigerator-all in one! MODEL 12D1 3 Co/ fo Admiral All new ’54 features, too! Handy Roll-Out Shelves • Alum­ inum Crispers • Removable Cheeso and Butter Keepers Ultra-Violet Liimjp That Prevents Food Odour Transfer. ,-------------------- NEVER NEEDS DEFROSTING—Come see it to-day! auguryPHONE 27 - -EXE IE* CHURCH OF ENGLAND Rev. N. D. Knox, ILA., Rector Trivitt Memorial, Exeter 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer. 3:00 p.m.—Bible Class. 8:30 p.m.—Special Candle Mass. A service of Carols and Read­ ings on the birth of Jesus Christ. St. Paul’s, Hensall 10:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. Mens Bowling —Continued from Page 3 Jets (McPhee 651) -------------- Ringers (C. Snell 677) --------- Thursday, December 9 Spares (J. Fuller 628) -------- Milkmen (C. Edwards 509) _ Huskers (E. Sims 552) ------- Applejacks (C. Parsons 647) _ Monday, December 13 Hay Seeds (P. McKenzie 539) S. Parts (E. H-Duvar Sr. 591) Keglers (J. Preston 663) ----- Milkmen (R. Smith 573) ------ Windmills (A. Previl 618)---- Applejacks (C. Parsons 550) - Pinpoppers (J. Ross 666)---- Spares (B. Simpson 771) ---- Jets (Link 674) —-------——Strikes (Bowling Thursday) Grand Bend (R. Ravelle 712) 3326 Hensall Leg. (W. Brown 710) 1872 SCHEDULE Monday, December 20 7- 9—Windmills vs. Jets Keglers vs. Whizz Bangs Pinpoppers vs. Spare Parts 9-11—Grand Bend vs. Salsburys Hay Seeds vs. Huskers Hensall Leg. vs. Milkmen Wednesday, December 22 7- 9—Ringers vs. Tradesmen Butchers vs. Applejacks Maroons vs. Short Circuits 9-11—Rural Rollers vs. Strikes Spares vs. Big Six 3253 3183 3357 3016 3366 3146 3243 2970 3386 3524 3440 1872 0 7 7 0 3 4 7 0 5 2 7 0 2 5 7 0 4> F. A. MAY & SON Phone 190 EXETER Phone 190 Men’s Wear — Ladies’, Children’s and Babies’ Wear Dry Goods — Floor-Coverings, etc. SUPERIOR FOOD STORE //More For Your Money"Check Every Item Low Every-Day Prices—Special Weekend Values Prices Effective December 16, 17 and 18 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Rev. Louis Higenell, Pastor 10:30 a.m.-—Service, “Why Wor­ ry?” 2:00 p.m.—Sunday School. 1:30 p.m. Saturday—Christmas Practice for Children. The United Church of Canada’ MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—“The Drama of Christ­ mas”. Anthems: “Unto Us A Child Is Born”, “Come and Adore”. p.m.—Christmas Candle Light Service. Anthems: “There’s A Song In The Air”, “First. Christmas Song” and “Bethlehem”. Male Quartette: “O Holy Night” Trio: Braithwaite Children. The Mission Circle Girls will Assist in the Service. Christmas is God’s Gift To us. Let us Come and Worship. 7 JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School., 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Christmas Communion. Sermon Subject: “Born To King”. The Baptism of Infants. Reception of New Members. Anthem by the Choir. 00 p.m.—Eveniiig Worship. Joyous Carol Singing. The girls ot the Women’s Fede­ ration will present a Christmas drama, “The Perfect Gift’* A Junior Girls’ Chorus Sing. A Warm Welcome IS Extended To All 7 Be Will THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. Carl Schroeder, Minister 2:30 p.m. — Dutch Service Everyone welcome. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D., Minister J. G. Cochrane, Organist a.m.—Sunday School. a.m.—Morning Worship. Christmas Music and Message, White Gift Service. Sunday School scholars place their gifts under the during the service. Sacrament of Baptism. Friday, Dec. 17, 8 p.m—Christ­ mas Concert. Top Lady Bowler Scores 320 Single By K. Hay Five teams in the ladies’ league I won seven points each—Alley [ Cats, Be Bops, High Lights, Mer­ ry Maids and Blowettes. The Hot Dogs, Pin Poppettes and Busy Bees each won points. Free soft drink winners Ruth Durand with 3 20 and lyn Lindenfield, 289. Cup and saucer winners this week were Dot Bird for her high triple of 681 and Ruth Dur­ and who howled the top single of 320. Last week’s hidden score ners were Dot Pfaff Helen Marriage (408) STANDINGS P 60 51 49 49 46 40 39 39 39 Hei LIBBY’S TOMATO JUICE Fancy Quality, 20 oz. Tins ... QUICK QUAKER OATS Large 3 Lb. Boxes .................. Rev. Mrs. 10:00 11:00 Will tree five were Ver- for win- aixd 2■" for 25c 37c Featuring Heinz Products TOMATO KETCHUP 11 oz. Bottle ................. 15 oz. Bottle 27c 33c VELVET FLOUR For Cakes or Pastry, 5 Lb, Bag .. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1 Lb. Bags, Each ............ CRISCO (Pure Vegetable Shortening) 36c .08 1 Lb, Pkgs, Each 3 Lb. Pkgs., Each . PREPARED MUSTARD g 6 Oz. Jars .................................... COOKED SPAGHETTI 15 oz. Tins .............. .............. NEW CUCUMBER PICKLES 16 oz. Jars, Each ............................. . HAMBURGER RELISH 12 oz. Jars .............. ........ ... for 25c 37c TOMATO OR VEGETABLE SOUP 10 oz. Tins ......................... ST. WILLIAM’S CHERRY PIE READY 20 oz. This, Each ................ p . 39 . 37 . 37 . 36 I 32 . 39 . 29 . 22 . 19 >2 7 >8 0 ... >7 2767 3047 2686 3223 3008 3023 2928 2999 2862 2776 4 2978 3 2905 6 asoo- 2 _ 2990 7 - 2742 0 Pin Popettes .. Jolly Six ___ De Bops .. It. & Downs .. Ducky Strikes .Tolly .Tills Blowettes . Skunks —. Buttercups 584) . Sadler 568) Hot Dogs__. Happy Gals Alley Cats __Merry Maids „ Hi Lights Wish Bones Mighty Mice -Wee Hopes _ Busy Bees .... Alley Cats (M. Buttercups (H. Bo Bops (N. Koller 519) Lucky Strikes '* ” Hi Lights (R. .Tolly Jills (P. Hot Dogs (D. (I. Ross 441) — Durand 622) „ Case 509) — .... Brady 641) — Happy Gals (D. Hall 672) — M, Maids (N. Francois 666) „ Mighty Mice (I). Bird 681)---- Pin Popottos (P. Haugh 541) Ups & Downs (E. Becker 475) .Tolly Six (G. Skinner 510) Wee Hopes (N. Snell 601) . Busy Bees (II. Cutting 484) Wish Bonos (J, Waite 553) Blowotte.s (A. Ford 550) Skunks (M. Walters 503) 31f 27.' 301 7 0 7 0 5 2 7 0 s O 2,or 27c Full Assortment of Heinz Strained Baby Foods, Junior Foods and Strained Meats NEW ROBIN HOOD FRUIT CAKE MIX 65cBig 30 oz. Pkg. Phones 32 STUART HOUSE FOIL WRAP PAPER 29c25’ x 12” Pkg. SPECIAL! WESTON’S ASS’T, CHOCOLATES $2.193 Lb. Pkg. 752 J. H. Janes Groceries Phones 32 752 II