HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-12-16, Page 6P*ge 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1954 Phone 719 Exeter For McCLARY COAL & WOOD AND OIL FURNACES INTERNATIONAL AND LINCOLN OIL FURNACES Plumbing and Heating Repairs and Installations, Oil Burner Service ALF ANDRUS 403 ANDREW ST. THERE’LL BE NO "BEEFS” ABOUT THIS KIND OF BEEFMAKER Shur-Gain Swings The Scales In Your Favour Classified Directory FOR SALE FOR SALE CLASSIFIED RATES WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheu­ matic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when RUMACAPS will help you to welcome relief. Ask your Druggist.______16* BOY’S SUIT, brown gabardine, and overcoat, both 14 years; also small tricycle, suitable for child age 3. Phone 259-W. ELECTRIC TRAIN, American Flyer, and equipment. Phone Kirkton 48-r- 4.__ . 16c LADIES’ EVENING GOWN, with half slip, black, with white 'bolero, size 14. May be seen at Brady’s Cleaners. 16* BRICKS, all cleaned; baby carriage, in good condition.—Mrs, Worsen or Ernie Perry, 506 William St._____16c "SAY IT with Mink". Men! Buy her a lovely and lasting mink stole. Reasonable in price, Made from our top quality pelts. Phone Clinton 90-r- 5. Elmer Trick, R.R. 3, Clinton. 16:23c PUPS, Toy Manchester, real little beauties, born November 4, will hold for Christmas. Reasonable. Apply Mrs. Merton Sholdiee, Centralia. 16* TRAIN, American Flyer, with tracks and accessories, "S” gauge. Phone 209 Exeter.____________' 16* CORN HUSKERS, 3 Minneapolis-Mo- lines, 2-row, at $350, $550 and $650; 1 Woods Bros. 1-row, at $500; all in good condition. For information phone Chatham ,816, collect. Blake Clapp Farm Equipment, Chatham.______16c ’49 MORRIS CONVERTIBLE New Paint, Custom Upholstered $395 ‘40 FORD (Club Coupe) Very Clean ----------------- Will Finance Hugh Wilson, Phone 56, 73 Huron St. 16c CHRISTMAS TURKEYS, dressed or oven-ready. Apply Bruce Shapton, phone 599-W1, Exeter. 9:16* CHOICE TURKEYS—Please get your orders in early to Mrs. Garnet Miners, phone Kirkton 32-9 or John Miners, 32-24,________________________2:9:16* CHRISTMAS TREES. We Will be taking orders for Christmas trees. Order now. McKenzie’s Paint Store, phone 253 Exeter. 2:9:16c PUPPY, German Shepherd. Apply H. T. Miller, Dashwood, phone 57-r-7.9tfc WRECKING—*42 Hudson, ’42 Dodge, ’41 Dodge, ’41 Chev, ’41 Ford. Many older models. Cudmore’s Gravel, tele-- phone 171-r-3 Exeter. 7-12tfc 25 words or less 60c More Than 25 Words — 1J0 Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 30# Moro Than 25 Words — 1# Per Word 200 OFF if ad paid with order or by Saturday following the last insertion Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 08# per inch Subsequent Insertions 840 per inch Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon. ATTENTION READ CAREFULLY Do you want a business of your own? Serve consumers with large Rawleigh line of Home necessities in locality consisting of Townships Hay, Stephen and McGillivray, also townships Us- borne, Blddulph and Blanshard. Pleas­ ant and permanent occupation. Good profit. Real opportunity for a good man. Write: Dept. L-202-217, Raw- deigh’s, Montreal, P,Q,__________2:16c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES H. J. CORNISH & CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchell DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. V Check with -----5195 MISSES’ COATS, sizes 16 to 18, one brown flecked coat with white fur collar; 1 camel hair and wool coat ‘’natural”. May be seen at Brady’s Cleaners. 16c STOCK WANTED BABY CHICKS FOR SALE ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt and courteous service on all dead or dis­ abled farm animals. Phone collect, Ed Andrews, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Ex­ eter 235. IGtfc Opening Available Ontario Automobile Association to increased volume of business, necessary to add a salesman to staff for Exeter and District. Due it' is our ___ __ _____ ___ ___ The man we want must be aggressive and desirious of high weekly earn­ ings. Pleasant working Must have a car. For interview, state age, phone number. Write: Box 817, London, Canada. 16c NOTICES conditions, confidential experience, Riverside Poultry Co. . . . to make sure you are receiving TOP PRICES for your live poultry before selling by phoning: COLLECT London 7-1230 or Hensall 680-r-2 s Many of the most cost-conscious feeders find that it pays to use SHTR-CtAIN Beefmaker—because a small amount of SHUR- GAIN does such a BIG job of beef production. The reason is simple — beef cattle need a balanced ration to make beef just as dairy cows need a balanced ration to make milk. SHUR-GAIN contains what grain lacks — the nutrients needed to produce beef quickly and cheaply. Try feeding Beef­ maker to your steers — mixed one to seven with grain. You will find the extra finish means extra profits. Call In And Let Us Discuss Your Beef Feeding Program LADIES' FUR COAT, excellent con­dition, very reasonable. Can be seen at Brady's Cleaners._____________16c NEW BEATTY APPLIANCES—Auto­matic washer, reg. $379, Special $310; Deluxe Ironer, reg. $279, special $225; small oil burner, reg. $114, special $85; large oil burner, reg. $149, spec­ ial $100; portable ironer, reg. $99.50, special $80. Ron Westman, phone 211, Exeter._________________________16c CHRISTMAS TURKEYS, broad- breasted bronze. Order now for Christmas or New Year's. Phone Hen­ sall 670-r-3 or write Ed Roberts, R.R. 2, Kippen._________________16:23:30* USED PIANO, walnut finish; medium size; plain case; $69. New piano benches, walnut, $15.—W. Martin, Ex­ eter south. 16* DEAD, DISABLED STOCK—Seven- day week service for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, calves. —Glen Kennedy, phone collect 168-W Lucan or Exeter 235,__________________________9-2tfc HORSES WANTED—Heavy or light, young or old. Please notify Frank Taylor, 138 Exeter.________Jul22:Ja5* I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc CHICKS! Bray chicks for January delivery; pullets; broiler chicks. Get pricelist, we’ll go over it with you, take your order. Bray has breeds and crosses to produce on any market­eggs, weight, Let us hear from you. —Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246- W. TENDERS WANTED WANTED Tenders will be received by the Trustees of the Village of Crediton up until Friday noon, December 24. for the purpose of garbage collection once a week, starting January 1, 1955. Tenders to be submitted to Mr. Lome Hodge, Crediton. „ ,,-■■Trustees of the Village of Credi­ ton. 16c Molasses Mixer Christmas Presents Make Use of Our Molasses Mixing Service MIXING FREE Your Cost — Only 350 Gal. or 250 per Lb, Why Mess Around with Cold Molasses? Let us Mix it for you. BUY YOUR MOLASSES AT Give Hankerchiefs This Year Men’s From 250 Up Ladies’ and Kiddies’ — 190 and Up Cann's Mill Ltd. EXETER WHALEN CORNERS Mrs. Kay Anderson IRISH LINEN STORE DASHWOOD %A ‘tA\A'*A \A\A MfteA MftA >A\A s ^A^A^A'A^.^A <?A ^A^A^A '-A -A ^A ZA *A ZA <A •w TO / w SS $ & <• 8% & Clothes from Waiper's Mens Wear He knows that if his gift is from Wal- per’s. he’s getting QUALITY merchan­ dise — famous, nationally-advertised names such as Arrow, Stetson, Tip Top Tailors, MacGregor, Holeproof and many more! See our entire Christmas stock . . . Featuring A SENSATIONAL CHOICE OF MEN’S Sport Shirts and Dressing Gowns At Real Quality Gift Prices Ties — Belts — Gloves Sweaters — Sox — Jackets Cuff Links — Dress Shirts Parkas — Station Wagon Coats SPECIAL FOR BOYS! New Ohe-Piece P,D,Q( Underwear Comfortable, Snug, Easy-Dressing Walpers Mens Wear PHONE 81 OK GIVE A GIF® CERTIFICATE EXETER JACK RABBITS—Apply Glenn Webb, phone 34-r-3 Dashwood.______9:16:23* SAW MILL LOGS and standing bush lots. Fuel wood and slab wood for sale. Apply Ailsa Craig Saw Mill, phone 623-r-3 or Robert Eagleson, phone 624-r-22; Gordon McAlpine, phone 623-r-13.__________________tfc CATTLE TO FEED—Apply A. Tim­ merman, Kippen, phone 657-r-13, Sea­forth. 16* Tenders invited for Grocery Store and Meat Market at RCAF Station Centralia. Store is approximately 28x 165 feet. Interior construction is built to provide modern self-service. An­ nual rental charge is 51.80 per square foot; heat, light and water provided. Floor space may be reduced to ap­ proximately 28x140 feet to suit re­quirement. Population approximately 55(i families. Tenders close January 5, 1955. For further particulars, con­ tact Commanding Officer, RCAF Sta­ tion Centralia, or Chief Administra­ tive Officer. 16:23:30c EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARMERS! Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam­ilies. Also wanted to rent—50- to 100- acre farms. Write Henry Nyhius, R. 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-31. 12-10tfc STRAYED STRAYED — 2 - year - old Hereford heifer, on Lot 17, Con. 8, Stephen Township. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply Roy Swartz, Crediton, phone 21-r-2. 9tfc TENDERS WANTED RE TRUCK DRIVER The Township of Hay is calling for sealed applications for a truck driver to plow snow for the winter months 1954-55. Applicants to state experience and salary expected. Ap­ plications to be in the hands of the clerk by 6:00 p.m. Saturday, Decem­ ber 18, 1954.The lowest or any application not necessarily accepted. Truck and snow­plough to be supplied by Hay Town­ ship. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk9:16% TOWNSHIP OF USBORNEI Public notice is hereby given that NOMINATION AND ELECTION a meeting of the electors of the Town­ ship of Usborne will be held in Township Hall, Elimville, on Monday, December 27, 1954, for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for the offices of Reeve, 4 Councillors and 3 Trustees for the Township Area School Board.And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular office than required to be elected, the proceedings will be ad­journed until Monday, January 3, 1955, when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the under­ mentioned officers in charge and fixed by township by-law viz:Poll ” ----- Eden; Ford,Poll _ Stewart; ______ _____ _ Lloyd Ballantyne, Poll Clerk. Poll No. “ ”I-Iurondale; ............Harry Jeffery, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 4: Public Hall, Farquhar; Leonard Harris, D.R.O.; Roy Ballan­tyne, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 5: Township Hall, Elim­ ville; Lloyd Johns, D.R.O.; Laverne Skinner, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 6: Residence of Ross Hern; Ross Hern, D.R.O.; Norman Brock, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 7: Residence of Russell Morrison; Cecil Camm, D.R.O,; Ira Marshall, Poll Clerk. Should an election for Township School Board ensue, voters in Blan­ shard and Biddulph will vote at Poll­ing Sub-Division No, 6.And all electors are hereby re­ quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. H. H. G. STRANG, Clerk R.R. 1, Hensall, December 15, 1954. No. 1: School House No. 4,J. G. Hunter, D.R.O.; Fred Poll Clerk. No. 2: Residence of Lloyd Charles Jeffery,, D.R.O.; 3:" School House No. 1, William_ Sims, D.R.O.; FOR RENT 4-ROOM APARTMENT, furnished, newly-decorated; 3-piece bath. Apply 357 Carling Street.______________16c APARTMENT, unfurnished, private entrance. Apply Leslie Thomson, 169 William St., phone 400-W Exeter. 16* STORE, opposite the' Post Office, Main St., Exeter, Available first of the year. Apply Exeter Times-Advo- cate._____________________________* IN LUCAN, 7-room house with 3 bed­ rooms, bath and oil furnace. Avail- able January 15. Phone 204 Lucan. 16c COTTAGE, 2- bedrooms, furnished or unfurnished. Apply 448 Albert St. 16* 4-ROOM APARTMENT, unfurnished, wired for heavy-duty stove. Available near the end of December. John Ward, phone 348 Exeter.________16* APARTMENT, steam heated, avail­ able Dec. 15. Elliot Apts., phone 476 or 533-M Exeter.______________9:16c APARTMENT — Bath, hot and cold water, two bedrooms, kitchen and living room, full basement, on high­way at Shipka.—Albert Gaiser, Credi- ton, phone 6-J.______________9-9tfc APARTMENT — Modern upstairs apartment, 4 rooms and bath, oil heated, phone 7 Exeter._______9-9tfc FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Power lawn mowers. —Bea­ vers Hardware, Exeter. 7-ltfc MISCELLANEOUS CARPENTRY — Cupboards, remodel­ ing, repairing, inside or outside work. Apply Abe Sellout, 32 Victoria St., phone 270-J Exeter._____________16* FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. Phone collect Clinton 242, 5-14alt.tfc FARMERS! Animal Clipper Sharpen­ ing service 750 Beatty, Dominion, Pedlar and Otaco Water Bowl parts. Exeter Co-op, phone 287._______ 9:1 fle s. s, s. s. Why bother with dull tools. Let us recondition your saws, knives, scis­ sors, garden tools, etc., etc. All ma­ chines sharpened. Stew’s Sharpening Service, Sanders St. East, phone 451, 2tfc "STANDARD OF THE WOODS" — McCulloch Chain Saws! All models and complete service available at Mc­ Culloch Saw Sales, 428 Huron Street, Stratford, phone 1061-J. 9-16tfc FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AUTO TRIMMING Slip Covers—Custom made or Installed HUGH WILSON Phone 56 Exeter REAL ESTATE LUCAN—52,000 down, $27 per month, buys your own home; four rooms. Ap­ ply Ron Westman, Exeter, phone 211,____________________________16c FARM FOR SALE—100 acres, 12 miles from Exeter, spring creek, good build­ ings, silo, hydro throughout, excellent sugar beet and wheat land. Mrs. Eve- lyn Mills._____________________9:16c FARM—134 acres, Lot 14, Con. 15, Us­borne Township, 100 acres workable, 12 acres bush, 4 acres gravelpit, 60 acres fall plowed, S acres wheat, balance seeded. Good buildings. Apply on premises to Cooper Forest, R.R. 1, Kirkton. 9:16:23* 100 ACRES clay loam, suitable for sugar beets; cheap enough for pas­ ture, Stephen. William Fearce, Real­ tor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Sales­ men. 2tfc NEW ASBESTOS SHINGLE 1-flOor house, full basement, automatic air conditioned oil furnace, 2 or 3 bed­ rooms, modern kitchen, colored bath­ room fixtures.—William Pearce, Real­ tor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Sales­ men. 25tfc HENSALL — Frame house located on Main Street. Nicely decorated, with extra lot available. To settle GStcLtO GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker R. B, Paterson, Hensall, Ontario Phone 51 4tfc MODERN 1-FLOOR home. This home is beautifully finished throughout and provides every convenience for com­fortable living. Nearly new. Very low cash payment will handle. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St,, Exeter. CREDITON — Two-family dwelling; modern conveniences; almost new; immediate possession; terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. MODERN 2-BEDROOM house. Good Exeter location; large living room; particularly nice kitchen and bath­ room; air conditioned oil heat; im­mediate possession; reduced price; very easy terms. C. V. Pickard, Real­ tor, Exeter. ASBESTOS SLATE one-storey house. Living, dining rooms, kitchen, 3 bed­rooms, bathroom, oil furnace; im­ mediate possession. William Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen., FARMS—We have enquiries for acre­ages 10 to 50 acres. Also for larger farms. If you are interested in sell­ing, let us know. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 10-7tfc HOME WITH INCOME — We are offering a well built house that Will provide a home for an average family and an Income from a separate apart­ment. Each unit is complete with separate bathroom, kitchen and en­ trance, Terms, —C. V. Pickard, Real­tor, Main Street, Exeter.______9-9tfC 2-BEDROOM COTTAGE — This is a complete small home with modern kitchen and two-piece bath. Full basement. Immediate possession If desired. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 6-10tfc Green Silver FREE DELIVERY CHARLES COWEN North find Supertest Station W. G. Thompson And Sons Ltd WILL CLOSE SATURDAY AFTERNOONS Beginning December 18 PHONE 32 HENSALL Your Dollar Talks At George Wrights Big Pre-Christmas Clearance Sale! WOOL 10070 Cardigans S3.39$1.00 83c ALL-WOOL Cardigans PENMAN’S TOP GRADE $4.95 Combinations Fleeced Combs $2.77 SELF-BELTED DACRON Pants Stroller Coats AND Work Sox 19 .66 STILL A GOOD SELECTION OF / We've Grouped About 30 %-Length Fur-Trimmed and Plain STILL A LEADER Reg. $49.00 $27.50 HURRY! These Are Going Fast MEN’S AND BOYS’ Fur-Trimmed, Quilt-Lined Ski Caps Values Up To $23.95 $9.95 WITH BELTED, 0 MATCHING Grey Flannels $35.00 COMPLETE The Blazer Alone Is True $39.00 Value As Sizes, Colours, and Styles Become Broken Further Reductions Are Made To Insure Quick Clearance Nylon Gabs $5.66 2 pr. $1 .00 Gloves Two-Pant Suits Serge Blazers Bomber Jackets Ties Belts Beautifully-Tailored TOWNE HALL Sport Coats $39.00 Values $17.50 Top Coats $17.99 Every Item Is Priced Ridiculously Low—Get On the Gravy Train NOW Before It Is Too Late To Save A Dollar Is Like Earning An Extra Dollar. Good Quality Goods At Deep Cut Prices George Wright