HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-12-02, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1954 i r WATCH Reder's Ad for CHRISTMAS FLOWERS Sunday Teachers Discuss Building The officers and teachers of James Street Sunday school held their annual meeting at the church on Friday night. During a discussion of the new addition to the Sunday school the teachers and officers voted to re­ commend to the Session that the primary department occupy the addition for a trial period of three months. At the end of that time the teachers and officers will discuss the results. It was also recommended that the Session form a teachers’ com­ mittee to deal with the need for additional teachers. Superintendant Carfrey Cann reported an average attendance of 280 in the Sunday school. Per­ fect attendance certificates will be presented to 111 pupils. All contributions, both local and mis­ sionary, showed a substantial in­ crease. The following slate of officers was accepted: superintendant, Carfrey Cann; primary superin­ tendant, Miss May Jones; assist­ ant and temperance superinten­ dant, Garnet I-Iicks; missionary superintendant , Leonard Mc- Kniglit; secretary. Donald, Tay­ lor; treasurer, Richard McFalls; envelope treasurer, Hugh Love. Return Dashwood Men As Trustees Of Village Stores Open Wednesdays All Day Until Christmas at j 4 <1 V For A Herd Sire We Have Them All Ages $25.00 up Sandy Elliot Phone 476 Exeter A. W. MORGAN Representative, Hensail WUERTH'S Watch Our Show Window For Specials Men’s Heavy-Fleeced, Brown RUBBER O’SHOES $5.95 Special! Just Arrived! Men’s BROWN OXFORDS $6.95 Slightly Used SKATES $1.95 and $2.95 Men’s $3.95 and $4.95 New Skates For The Whole Family Rubber Footwear for the Men, Boys and Children Just a Few Left— Boys’ 4-Eylet RUBBERS $1.59 Skate Sharpening See Wuerth’s Specials Before You Buy Smith's Ice Chips —Continued from Page 3 group in action than they will from many hours of discussion. After spending an evening with the oldsters they will return home inspired, and if the need presents itself, will put the or­ ganization of a group such as this at the top of their priority list. Mr. Ed Lindenfield is chair­ man of the December social and Beta Sigma Phi will assist with the catering. Looks like a ter­ rific evening. Minor Bowling Minor bowling has developed into a program for girls. They are very independent as well—set­ ting up their own pins and taking care of their scoring. Four teams make up this group of trundlers and they bowl every Saturday morning from 10 a.m. to 12. Minor Bowling Standings Captain Team Pts. Shirley Wurm, TIi Flies........... 20 S. Walper, Be Bop Juniors .... 18 C. McKerral, Lucky Spares .... 7 Audrey Beavers, Jolly Jills .... 7 Puppetry By the time this goes to press we’ll have made a puppetry de­ monstration at the public school through the kind co-operation of Mr. Idle and the School Board. Also a meeting to organize a pup­ petry group in the area. Mr. D. Merten, famed throughout Canada for his wonderful manipulation of puppets, will conduct the de­ monstration. Did you know that. IN THE HANDS OF A GOOD SAILOR, AN ICE BOAT CAN TRAVEL UP TO 4 TIMES AS FAST AS THE WIND THAT IS BLOWING IT. IN 1908 ONE HELD THE WORLD'S SPEED RECORD OF I4OMPH,THE FASTEST THAT MAN HAD EVER TRAVELLED. Hit And Miss Figure skating membership is close to 80. Peter Firstbrook is doing a wonderful job. Saturday public skating crowds are very good, averaging 200 each night. See by the paper Durham bad­ minton club is using their district high school for their headquar­ ters. Mrs. G. Whilsmith reports a very successful session on drama at Wingham. Hope to have a dra­ ma reorganization meeting in the near future. A program of activities is lined up for the children for each morning of the Chirstmas holi­ days—films, hockey and bowling. Films are sponsored by the Home and School Association. Membership of 31 in adult skating class—room for more, Hats off to Chief Reg Taylor for organizing a bee-bee gun club. Children nowadays can take re­ sponsibility. What better way than a safety patrol? If you are interested in the best in hockey, follow the Mo­ hawks. Have made contact with St. Catherines ornamental ’ swimming group. Hope to work out details for such a group here next sum­ mer. Senior Citizens have, received a request from an Old Age Home in Sussex, England, to form a cor­ respondence group from their membership. ’Nuff said. * Typewriter Paper THE TIMES-ADVOCATE J JIMMY HAYTER . —.r DAY 91 ' PHONE N|GHT 84 DASHWOOD, ONT. GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE At a meeting of ratepayers held Monday the three village trustees James Hayter, Clifford Salmon and Harold Weber were returned to office ]jy acclamation. They were congratulated on the fine work done during the year; the building of a new fire hall, the purchase of a new fire engine and for the work on the drains. Business Men's Club At a recent meeting the Busi­ ness Men’s Club donated $35.00 towards a banquet for the Pee Wee and Bantam ball teams. The Pee Wees won the WOAA “D” championship and the Bantams the WOAA Bantam "D” cham­ pionship. Officers elected for the coming season are: president, W. Haugh; 1st vice-president, James Hay ter; 2nd vice-, Mervin Tieman; 3rd vice.,, Aaron Restemayer; secre­ tary- treas., Harry Hay ter; at­ tendance and membership com­ mittee, Aaron Restemayer, Otto Comments About Cromarty By MBS. K. MpKELLAR Mr. William Patrick, Wyom­ ing, visited last week with friends in this district. Mr. and Mrs. J. Beckler and Harry Zurich visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp and Audrey and Mr. and Mrs. La­ verne Rose and little son, of Mit­ chell, spent Thursday evening with Mrs. M. Houghton. Mr. Oswald Walker is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McLach­ lan. Boharm, Sask., are visiting with their relatives and old ac­ quaintances here. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and boys spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. I-Iugli Moore and family at Lindsay. Mrs. W. E. Moore re­ turned with them to visit with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton were treated to a rousing chivari Wednesday night. A reception for the newly-weds will be held in Staffa Hall on Wednesday eve­ ning tihs week. WiUert and Ken McRae; finance committee, Albert Miller, M. Mer- ner and T. JI. Hoffman; press re­ porter, Ervin Rader; program and entertainment committee, C. Snell, Reinhold Millpr, Harold Kellerman, Ervin Schade and Al­ vin Walper. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reste- meyex’ and family and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and family spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader. Miss Ellen Gilbert, of Strat­ ford, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Courtney Bur- miester. Mrs. James Patterson, of Grand Bend, spent Saturday afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. Ervin Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Restema­ yer and girls from London, spent the week-end with Donald’s fath­ er, Mr. Otto Restemayer. The books were changed in the Dashwood Puplic Library Monday Mrs. Emma Dietrich is now able to be in her own home. James St. CGIT Begin Yule Events ■Christmas activities began for the C.G.I.T, Tuesday night when Mrs. R, D. Jermyn spoke to the girls on the real meaning of gift-giving She suggested that the dearest gifts they can give theii’ parents are love and understanding. She illustrated her talk with O. Hen­ ry's story "The Gift of the Magi.” The worship period -was con­ ducted by Heather MacNaughton, Marlene McBride, Marnie Sand­ ers and Pam MacMillan. Over 150 church calendars have been sold by the girls to finance theii' various projects. Marilyn Bissett, top salesman, received a prize. The vesper and candle-lighting service will be held in the church on December 17. On December 14 the C.G.I.T. and their leaders will visit South Huron hospital to sing carols. They will present picture books they have made to the children’s ward and favors for the patient's trays to Miss Claypole, super­ intendant of the hospital. Woodham Pair Mark Wedding A surprise party was held the home of Mi” .and Mrs. Ray Mills on Friday, November 19, to i celebrate their wedding annivers­ ary. The evening was spent with games, singing and colored pic­ tures. Those present were Mr. William Mills, Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe and Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mc­ Curdy and. Reg, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Pres­ ton Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine, Don and Marilyn, Mrs. M. Copeland, Jean and Glenn’, Mr. Norris Webb, Miss Verla Wheel­ er. The group presented Mr. and Mrs. Mills with a gift, Personal Items Mrs. R. Kirk spent the past week with Mrs. T. Tufts, London. Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson and family, of Thames Road visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern. Miss Lorna Kirk spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs, Bryce Skinner, of Monro. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe and Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy, Roy, Ross and Reg, Miss Betty Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morrison and Mr .and Mrs. Fred Roger and Shirley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Morrison, Kirkton, on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe and David Wheeler attended the Kirk­ ton Agrieulure Society banquet at Anderson United Church on Tues­ day evening. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Brine and Mr. and Mrs. James Miller and Bobby spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hern and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hern, Toronto. Miss Marion McNaughton of the Base Line, spent the weekend with Miss Marilyn Brine. Complete Showing Of Christmas Only three weeks until Christmas. We have on display a large stock suitable for giffs for ladies, men, children and babies. Pre Christmas Orient Nylon HOSIERY SALE 600 Off Every 2 Pair You Buy Our sale of this popular brand of ladies’ nylons ends this Saturday, December 4. Many have taken advantage of this wonderful saving. New fall shades in service and sheei* weights—60$ off every 2 pair purchased. See our fine display of ladies’ lingerie, pyjam­ as, night gowns, foundation garments, scarves, flower handkerchiefs, gloves, etc. Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear —• New dresses, coats, suits, blouses, dressing gowns, etc. for the holi­ day season. Grandniere Sweaters for ladies and misses in all the latest shades, pullovers and buttoned styles, at $5.95 and $7.95. Church 1 Bed Spreads our special Spreads at Satin-bound as low as Ask to see Chenille Bed $7.95 each, bed throws $7.50 each, t s Boys' Wear All the newst styles in jackets, topcoats,, suits, ties, shirts, belts, socks, gloves, etc. at lower prices. <>■ TONY DAY Sweaters In pullovers and coat styles. All wool worsteds and lambs wool — one of the most popular gifts for men. CHURCH OF GOD Grand Bend Friday, Dec. 10, 8:00 p.m. — Mortgage Burning Service Speaker; Rev. Herbert Streeter, Royal Oak, Michigan Soloist: Rev. Douglas Oldham, Royal Oak, Michigan JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sermon Subject: "The Disturb­ ing Gospel”. Anthem by the choir. Solo; Mrs. Clare Green. 7:00 p.m.—The Young People’s Class under the direction of Mrs. M. C. Fletcher, will take charge of the service and pre­ sent a bible quizz. Soloists: Marilyn Bissett and BrUce Cudmore. Pianist: Michael Farrow. Quartette; Don Welsh, Don Tay­ lor, Bruce Cudmore and Bob Pooley. Orchestra; Maurice Love, Bill and Andrew Dougall. A Warm Welcome Is Extended To All CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. 3. G. Cochrane, Organist The Busy Bees Mission Band will hold their regular meeting, on Monday afternoon, Decembei’ 6, at 4:15 in the. Sunday School room. Caven Congregational Circle will meet on Tuesday evening, De­ cember 7 at the home of Mrs. Fred Simmons, at 8 p.m. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, December 5, 1954 10:00 a.m.—Good Stewards 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—Faith Crowned Fri., Dec. 3, 6:30 p.m—Ladies Aid Supper ■ THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. Carl Schroeder, Minister 2:30 p.m. — Dutch Service Everyone welcome. CHURCH OF ENGLAND Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector Trivitt Memorial, Exeter 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 3:00 p.m.—Bible School. Support the Restoration St. Paul’s, Hensall 10:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. The United Church of Canada MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist Sunday, December 5 11:00 a.m.—Third in Pre-Christ- mas addresses: “God’s Unspeakable Gift” 10::00 a.m.—Sunday School in all Departments. Mon., Dec. 6—The Evening Aux­ iliary will meet in the Sunday School room at 8:15 p.m., Mrs. R. Tuckey’s group in charge. Mrs. A. E. Holley will speak. Beta Sigma Phi Hears Minister The Rev. A. E. Holley was the guest speaker at the meeting of Beta Sigma Phi sorority at the home of Mrs. Art Gaiser, Shipka on Tuesday night. Summarizing the study book on "I-Iappiness” lie described hap­ piness as elusive, evasive and fragmentary. It cannot ibe ach­ ieved but is a by-product of a deep and abiding sense of well­ being, Unhappiness is not merely negative and therefore cannot be cured by psychoanalysis. “True happiness is a spiritual quality and is given to us by God in the measure in which we reflect Him in our lives” Holley concluded. Miss Jean Taylor, who Mrs. Jack Doerr arranged program , thanked the speaker and presented him with a gift. Plans were made for the Christ­ mas party to be held December 15.Lunch was served by Mrs. Mel­ vin Gaiser and Mrs. Gerald St. Pierre assisted by the hostess. truly Rev. with the Town Topics Mrs. Richard Dickins returned Sunday from a three week visit in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. William Hodgert Bryan and Brenda, of Seaforth visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kestle. Jackie Darling, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Darling is a patient in South Huron Hos­ pital. Christmas Special GURNEY 4-BURNER APT.-SIZE RANGE Thermostaticoven Completely Installed With Gas (Average 6. Months Supply) Cash $169 or $19.00 Down and $7.41 Monthly, Incl. Ins. (j ’ SUPERIOR PROPANE LIMITED The Ideal Fuel for Home-Heating, Water Heating and Cooking Call Stratford 4174 19 Market Place F. A. MAY & SON Phone 190 Phone 190 Men’s Wear Dry EXETER — Ladies’, Children’s and Babies’ Wear Goods — Floor-Coverings, etc. SUPERIOR Featuring Special Week End Values Low Every Day Prices Study These Interesting Values PRICES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 2, 3 AND 4 ROSE SWEET MIXED PICKLES 16 oz. Jars, Each ............................. WESTON’S SALTINES Large 16 oz. Pkgs, Each .... MAPLE LEAF SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye, 7% oz. Tins, Each ,. ROBIN HOOD ANGEL CAKE MIX Per Pkg................................. INSTANT MILKO, NEW Large 3 Lb. Pkg............................. VELVET FLOUR Fancy Pastry, 5 Lb. Bag CRISCO Special Coupon On Every Tin S1.083 Lb, Tin 29c 29c 39c 50c 98c 29c rHENLEY TOMATOES g ^Choice Quality, 20 oz. Tins ...... “ for AYLMER ^SAUERKRAUT g Fancy Silvershred, 28 oz. Tins .. “for [AYLMER PEACHES g r Choice Quality, 20 oz. Tins .... “for ^GARDEN PATCH | GOLDEN WAX BEANS {.Choice Quality, 15 oz. Tins ... 37c 47e . .31 c F AYLMER | DICED CARROTS g (choice Quality, 20 oz. Tins .... “ for Fflusho Per Tin ♦ Fab and Palmolive SOAP Special Bath-Size Pamolive Soap FREE Inside Package 77cGiant Package .. FAB Banded Offer Reg. Pkgs. ... 27c Do you ever think you would like to remember someone with a box of treats .such as fruit or candy, or an assortment? Our staff will assemble a very attractive pack­ age and .deliver to to the hospital or elsewhere. Prices $1.00 up. Please allow several hours for assembling and delivery. phones73522 J. H. Jones Groceries Phones 32 752 By Roe Farms Service Dept. /WWWWW ZXTM £66 PMMSffiE ROE DATS LATER. YOU HANDLE MY BIROS LIKE CHILDREN, EH. DOC ? W RADICALLY DIFFERENT SNOW-ICE TIRE, The SUBURBANITE BY GOODYEAR,HAS 1856 BITING, GRIPPING EDGES TO PROVIDE FASTER STARTS, SAFER STOPS. IF YOUR DRIVING IS OVER PACKED SNOW AND KE.YOU NEED THE SUBURBANITE BY GOODYEAR.CALL IN RIGHT AWAY' EGG MASH H. Kellermaas, Dashwood Peter Molnafr, Mooresville Lome Eiier, Hen^aW 501 KILLING C»M ATWOOB THERE ARE WAYS TO HELP STOP IT BUT PREVENTION IS YOUR FIRST STEP. HERE'S HOWTO CONTROL PICKING: FIRST-REMOVE ANY BIRDS THAT SHOW SI6N5 OF INJURY OR WEAKNESS. SECOND - DARKEN PEN SO FLOCK CAN BARELY SEE FEED HOPPERS AND WATER FOUNTAINS. THIRD ~ AOD I TABLESPOON OF COMMON SALT TO EACH SALLON OF DRINKIN6 WATERS FOR ONE MORN I NG ONLY REPEATTHREE FOURTH- USE SPECKS OR DE-BEAK YOUR BIRDS. ^THAT'S RI6HT,FRANK- JUST LIKE 1 KIDS YOU MUST KEEPTHEM BUSY TO STOP MISCHIEF-YOU FEED THEM VITA-LAY SO THEY ARE NOTCRANKY- YOU TAKE AWAY SMALL ONES SO OTHERS DON'T PICK ON THEM" YOU MAKE IT EASY TO FEED, DRINK AND LAY, SO THEY DON’T BECOME IMPATIENT. J