HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-11-18, Page 12Page 12 ’53 METEOR 2-DOOR Smart Color — Excellent Condition Used Cars ACTIVITIES FRIDAY, NOV. 19 STRATHROY ROCKETS VS. MOHAWKS DANCING EVERY Saturday Night LUCAN COMMUNITY CENTRE Presents Goalie With Silverware Last year’s top Cyclone group netminder, Gerry Hesse, was pre­ sented with the Gerry Smith Award at a ceremony in the local arena Friday night when Gode­ rich Samis-Pontiacs played exhibition game here. The Goderich goaltender corded the best goals per game average of the group—2.77. He beat out Forest’s Bryce Dafoe for the honor. The stellar netmind- ing of Hesse, whose home is in Stratford, helped Goderich win the WOAA Int. “A” and Grand Championships. Gerry Smith, of Exeter, who made the award, donated, the cup two years ago. It will be awarded to the top goaltender of the “A” league this year. ’51 OLDS COACH Dominion Centipede Tires., Lifeguard Tubes, Custom Radio, Many, Many Extras ’51 CHEV. SEDAN Slip Covers, Radio *51 METEOR 2-DOOR Radio, Slip Covers, White Wall Tires & THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1954 1*» FOWL BINGO Hensall Town Hall A Presentation And Dance FQR MR. AND MRS. NORMAN TRIPP Modern and Old Tyme Music BY MELODY MAKERS Dancing 9-12 Admission — 750 EXETER ARENA 10 Friday, Nov. 19 9:00 p.m. 12 Rounds Cliickens ► (Special Rounds for Turkeys Turkey Door Prize —- Admission 500 — Sponsored by Hensall Legion 468 Thursday, Nov. 25 Lucan Arena Everybody Welcome Ladies Please Bring Lunch DASHWOOD FIRE BRIGADE — With its new cement-block hall and a $10,500 fire engine, the Dashwood Fire Brigade is one of the best-equipped in the district. The volunteers- are shown here with officials of the township and police village. Back row, Bob Hayter, Albert Miller, Stuart Wolfe and Ervin Rader; middle row, Joe Merner, Mervyn Tieman (assistant chief), Emil Becker, Harry Zimmer, George Schebusch, Ed­ win Miller, V. L. Becker (chief); front row, Cliff Salmon, Harold Weber, Jim Hay ter, Jack Morrissey, Charles Stein- hagen, Earl Campbell. —T-A Photo SATURDAY, NOV. 20 Public Skating 1:30 to 3:00 - 8:30 to 10:30 Usborne Township Federation Annual Meeting and Turkey Banquet FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26 at 6:30 p.m. THAMES ROAD UNITED CHURCH BARN DANCE HARD TIMES PRIZES FQR DRESS Guest Speaker: CAMERON McTAGGART of Glencoe ADMISSION — $1.50 Tickets Are Available From Township Directors Friday, Nov. 19 No. 83 Highway, 7 Miles East Of Exeter RESIDENCE OF A. T. PEARCE LORNE ALLEN And His Old-Timers FAST RELIEF FOR Service Russ and Chuck Snell Phone 328 SUNDAY, NOV. 21 Adult Skating Club 8:45 to 10:45 ’51 FORD TRUCK %-Ton Stake ’47 FORD 2-DOOR Like New TUESDAY, NOV. 23 Rec Hockey League MONDAY, NOV. 22 Air Force Night WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24 Public Skating South End Lyric Yes Tanks Are Available! i AnnouncementsFor The Best In STOVE OR MONDAY & TUESDAY November 22 and 23 FRIDAY & SATURDAY November 19 and 20 A ... . gives real entertainment for the whole family. Previews Its Coming Attractions Half A Hero ★ Red Skelton ★ Jean Hagen • real domestic comedy that . FURNACE Theatre Phone 421 Keith Coates, of Ridgetown, and Miss Wilma Coates, London, spent the weekend with tlieir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates. Miss Louise Ralph of Florence and Jim Sturgis of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Sturgis. War Arrow ★ Jeff Chandler ★ Maureen O’Hara Photographed i n technicolor, this outdoor Western has action and suspense for everyone. Christmas Cards OIL With or Without Tanks Just Call Exeter For Every Taste! Looking for the Unusual? See “THE SIGNATURE BOX” “MR. & MRS.” Music Box Cards That Play “Rudolph” Cards at 21 for 790 boxed 32 for $1.50 boxed Single Cards from 2 for 50 to 500 each Relative Cards from 100 up Equipment R. D. Jermyn Hollow Tree Gift ^■llllllllllllllllllllllllll miiiiif llilllllltllllllliiiiiiiiuiiik^ A Wonderful Selection Of NEW DRESSES NEW SKIRTS NEW NEW NEW It's Here! What's Here? SWEATERS SLACKS HANDBAGS thousand and one otherand a items you will want to see and select for your Christmas lay­ away. The best way we can think of in describing the above is they have the quality and appearance of the new Lincoln or the new .Cadillac, but are priced away down in the low price field. May we suggest you visit Mc- Knight’s Ladies’ wear this week and every week until Christmas. Mcknights LADIES' WEAR BEST REVIEWERS RECEIVE BOOK PRIZES— Children at the Exeter Public School who composed the best reviews of their favorite books were awarded prizes by the Exeter Lib­ rary in a ceremony at the school on Friday. Rev. A. E. Holley, left, a member of the Library Board, presents one book to Robert Schroeder, the only boy winner of the five. Girls are, back row left to right, Donna Bridges and Roxanne Beavers; front row, Judy Snelgrove and Barbara McDonald. The contest was in connection wiLh Children’s Book Week. ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------£ Co-op Meeting —Continued from Page 1 on “Agriculture Tomorrow”. Al­ bert Keys introduced the speaker and Ed Hendrick expressed appre­ ciation. Ed Schenk, district co-op supervisor, and E. A. Redfern, auditor, also spoke. About 150 enjoyed the banquet served by Hurondale Women’s In­ stitute in the Legion Hall. Re-elected to office were Presi­ dent Shapton, Secretary Ray Mor- lock, and directors Howard Johns and Ed Hendrick. Ralph Weber was named to replace Oscar Mil­ ler. Other directors are R. B. Williams, Harold Rowe, Albert Keys and Harold Fahner. Musical numbers were provided by Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Miss Agnes Bray. Dundas LAC H. E. Lockie, 22, tralia RCAF. was taken station hospital for examination after his car and one driven by Donald Bell, 18, of R.R. 2, Hen- sall, collided at the intersection of the Crediton and airport roads at 11:30 Monday night. Bell escaped injury. P.C. Elmer Zim­ merman who investigated the accident, estimated the damage to each car at $300. Choice 5 of Cen­ to the TURKEYS LIVE, DRESSED OR OVEN READY Most Economical Meat Sunday Dinners or Banquets EASTON For & VYSE Phone 172-r-2 or 290W Exeter Hog Producer's Meetings I To Discuss The Operation of United Livestock Sales | — Speakers — | CLAYTON FREY, SARNIA, ZONE DIRECTOR- I OF ONTARIO HOG PRODUCERS’ ASSOC. I NORMAN McLEOD, SECRETARY OF THE I ONTARIO HOG PRODUCERS’ ASSOC. = ILDERTON COMMUNITY CENTRE * November 22 at 8.30 p.m. GLENCOE - November 23 at 8.30 p.m. Neil W. Munroe, President — Jack Rosser, Secretary of Middlesex Hog Producers’ Association FOWL BINGO Exeter Legion Hall FOUR BINGOS STARTING Friday, November 26 15 ROUNDS OF CHICKENS 10 ROUNDS OF TURKEYS BIRTHS BEDARD—Mr. and Mrs, Clair Be­dard, Zurich, announce the birth of their daughter at South Huron Hos­pital, November 16, 1954; a sister for Charlene and Mark. CLARK—Mr. and Mrs. David Clark, Huron Park, Centralia, announce the birth of their son, Russel Ber- ton, at South Huron Hospital, No­vember 17, 1954; a brother for Ron­nie and Raymond. DEATHS BRISTOW—Melvin Bristow, of Dash­wood, in his fifty-fifth year, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, Tuesday, November 9, 1954. EILBER—At Victoria Hospital, Lon­don, on Wednesday, November 1.7, 1954, Herbert K. Eilber, of Crediton, in his seventy-fourth year. Resting at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home in Dashwood until Saturday at 2 p.m. when a public service will be held in the Crediton U.B. Church followed by interment in the Crediton cemetery.FINKBEINER—At her home in Credi-- ton, on Friday, November 12, 1954, Saloma Finkbeiner, in her seven­tieth year. HILL—At her home, 110 Evelyn Cres., Toronto, on Wednesday, November 10, 1954, Laura Coburn, beloved wife of William H. Hill, formerly of Ex­eter. Interment was in Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto. CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late ...... Shaddick wish to express their cere thanks to all their friends neighbors for their kindnesses sympathy in their recent sad reavement.Mr. Coursey Brown wishes to _press his appreciation for the cards, flowers, treats and visits which he re­ceived while a patient in Stratford Hospital and since returning home.18*We wish to thank the neighbors and friends who helped to find our daughter, Rosemarie, Sunday night, —Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Weigand. 186We wish to express our sincere thanks to our many friends who so kindly remembered us in any way during our stay in hospital and at home due to our accident.- -Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Eagleson.The family of the late Mrs, God­frey Wein wishes to extend heart­felt thanks and appreciation to friends, neighbors and relatives for the acts of kindness shown their mo­ther during her illness. They also thank those who sent messages of sympathy anti beautiful floral tri­butes at the time of their sad be­reavement. Special thanks to Rev. Mohr, Rev. Parrot, Dr. Fletcher, the double trio and W.A, of the Crediton Evangelical U.B. Church. Thomas sin- and and be- 18* ex­ CARDS OF THANKS Mr. Lloycl Johns wishes to express his appreciation for the greetings and treats which he received while a pa­tient in hospital and for the calls since returning home. 18* Mrs. Lex McDonald wishes to thank the friends who remembered her with cards, flowers and treats while she was a patient in Victoria Hospital. We wish to thank oui- friends at Canadian Canners for the many kind­nesses shown Mrs. Webster prior to her trip to England.—Mr. and Mrs. John Webster. 18c I wish to thank the neighbors and friends who so kindly sent cards, let­ters, flowers, fruit and gifts to me while a patient in South Huron Hos­pital, Exeter, and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Goddard and nursing staff at the hospital.— Thomas Kyle. 18*Mr. Edwin Coward, Jean and Edna wish to thank those who extended kindnesses to them during their re­cent recovery from injuries of their re­cent accident: special thanks to their neighbors and friends who assisted them in any way. 18*I wish to thank the neighbors and friends who sent cards and treats while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since I returned home. —Charles Waghorn IN MEMORIAM EVELAND—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, William .John Eveland, who passed away five years ago, November 21, 1949.This day we do remember A loving thought we give,To one no longer With Us,But in our hearts still lives. —Ever remembered by his wife and family. 18c WALP.ER—In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Caroline Walper, who passed atvay seven years ago, November 21, 1947.Dear Mother you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more.Still in memory you are with US, As you always were before.—Ever remembered by her family, Linda, Theodore. 18 Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lamond, London, Mr. and Mrs. Oecil Squire and Douglas, of Whalen, and Mrs. A. E. Delbridge were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Squire on Sunday and attended James Street church auniversary. Mr. W. C. Pearce has received word of the death of his brother- in-law, John Orchard, of Shed- den. COMING EVENTS OAVEN CHRISTMAS FAIR — Saturday, Dec. 4, at 3:00 p.m. in W. G. Simmons show rooms. 4:11:18c Huron County Health Unit Immunization Clinic The second in a, series of pre-school immunization clinics for Exeter and district will bft held in the basement of the South Huron Hospital-Branch Office—entrance off Anne Street, on Tuesday, November 23, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. „ w .The third date of this series has been set for December 14.Children four months of age to school age may bo brought to these clinics to receive initial immunization or reinforcing InddUiatidfig fdf Diph­theria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Smallpox. WED., THURS., FBI. & SAT. November 24, 25, 26 and 27 — Turkey Door Prize — ROCKETS vs EXETERShows MOHAWKS EXETER ARENA TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY November 23 and. 2-i Two Complete At 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. guns . . . SUBJECTS ★ Humphrey Bogart ★ Van Johnston This technicolor film from Her­ man Wouk’s best selling novel is a top dramatic achievement. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY November 19 and 20 ★ Randolph Scott “THE BOUNTY HUNTER” (Warnercolor) ★ Delores Dorn ★ Marie Windsor The saga of a two-fisted man hunter who staked his life against the greed of lawless SELECTED SHORT “THREE HOURS TO. KILL” (Technicolor) ★ Dana Andrews ★ Donna Redd •k Dianne Foster came back for vengeanceHe . and for her . .* .The man with a rope scar on his neck . . . NEWSREEL AND ADDITIONAL SHORT SUBJECTS Ono Shown Only at 8:00 p.m. COMING November 25, 26 and 27 The first motion picture In CINEMASCOPE . . . ■, “THE ROBE” Opening Game Of The Season STRATH ROY Friday, November 19 8:30 P.M. Mohawk Fans Buy your Booster Club Holding Tickets and Season Seats Tickets now* at Snell Bros. Limited. j <