HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-11-18, Page 10THE TIMES-ADVPCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1954
In Skates
Bauer’s Prohilt
Size 71/2 — Reg. $38.00
FOR $23.50
Bauer’s Specials
Sizes 11 (1); 6 (1) — Reg. $20
FOR $12.95
One Size 7, One 6 — Reg. $11.95
FOR $8.50
One Pair Size 7, Reg. $9.95
FOR $5.95
Slightly Used Skates
At Bargain Prices
Al! Sizes In Stock At All Times
(Figure or Tube)
Boys’ O’Shoes
Heavy Fleece-lines, All Rubber
Brown — $7.75 Value
FOR $6.69
Men’s Romeos
FOR $2.69
We ask you to kindly check
your footwear as we are not responsible for shoes left for
repairs over 30 days. We have several pair not called for quite
some time—men's, women’s and
children’s. It's possible you may
have forgotten you brought i them in for repair,------------------------------------J
Skate Sharpening
Lengthwise and Crosswise
Three Bowling Teams
Deadlock For Second
Spares whipped the Butchers
5-2 Monday night to take over
the lead in the men’s bowling
Butchers, Hay-Seeds and
Tradesmen are in a three-way
tie for second but the Tradesmen
have the advantage since they
have played three less games
than the others.
Seven-point winners during the
week were Maroons, Grand Bend
and Ilay-Seeds. Top team score
of 3,50 6 was posted by the Keg
lers. Bob Nicol, of the Pinpop
pers, trundeled the week’s best
triple of 779.
Spares -..... 38
Butchers ____ 31Hay Seeds 31
Tradesmen* _ 31
Strikes —- 30 Windmills* — 28
Grand Bend* _ 27
l’inpoppers — 26 Iluskers* .... 23
Maroons - 23Applejacks* . 22
is Games:
others 21 games.)
Milkmen* „„_21
Rural Rollers 21Keglers ,---------21
Big Six*___20
Kingers*___„ 20
Salsbury____ISHensall . .__IS
Jet st _____1G
Spare parts* „ 16Whizz Bangs* 14
Short Circuits 9
t—15 games; all
Wednesday, November 10
Ringers (B. I’reszcator 511) _ 29u7 fl
Maroons (G. Middleton 571) _ 3016 7
Grand Bend (K. Webb 659) 3361 7
S. Circuits (M. Brintnell 619) 3109 0
Milkmen (C. Edwards 550) 3061 5W. Bangs (G. Robinson 622) __ 3015 2
Friday, November 12
Tradesmen(B. Sanders 560)_ 3061 2
Spare Parts (Ed Conard 564) _ 3097 5
Buskers (G. Kirk 619) _____ 3334 5
Strikes (D. Hughson 598)___3187 2
Monday, November 15
Keglers (Machines 728) _____ 3506 5Jets M. McPhee 650) _______3216 2
Pinpoppers (B. Nicol 779)__ 3365 5
Rural Rollers (C. Farrow 649) 3260 2
Hensall Leg. (W. Brown 574) _ 3092 2
Strikes (1>. Hughson 578)__ 3246 5
Maroons (Nip Ball 560) ___ _ 2986 2Salsbury (B. Doak 551)____ 3234 5
Spares (L. Haugh 711) .—.— 3490 5
Butchers (H. Holtzman 605) „ 2998 2
Hay Seeds (A. Farquhar 607) 3357 7
S. Circuits (P. Durand 481) — 3030 0
Monday, November 22
17-9 —Keglers vs, Spare Parts
Big Six vs. Salsbury
Pin poppers vs. Strikes
9-11—Hensall Legion vs. Windmills
Hay Seeds vs. Spares
Rural Rollers vs. Jets
Wednesday, November 24
7-9 —Ringers vs. MilkmenGrand Bend vs. Butchers
Whizz Bangs vs. Appiepjacks
Thursday, November 25
7-9 —Buskers VS. Maroons
Short Circuits vs. Tradesmen
Four Ladies' Clubs
Win Seven Points
The four teams capturing se
ven points last week were: Busy
Bees, Merry Maids, Happy Gals
and Hot Dogs.
The Skunks and Wish Bones
each won five points.
The cup and saucer winners
for last week for hidden scores
were Pauline Brintnell (515) and
Gladys Chambers (444).
The cup and saucer winners
for this week were O. Essery with
high triple of 6 69 and N. Francois
with high single of 274.
Comments About
Data On Dashwood
Support Your Team!
Hot Dogs — 41 Wee Hopes_24
Merry Maids _ 32 Pin Popettes _ 23
Happy Gals „ 32 Luelcy Strikes 21
Alley Cats_31 U. & Downs _ 19•Mighty Mice _ 30 Jolly Six___18
Hi Lights-----3d Buttercups__17
Jolly Jills___26 Blowettes____16
Wish Bones _ 26 Skunks_____15
Busy Bees — 25 Be Bops___15
Skunks (D. Prance 494) ____ 292G 5
Wee Hopes (N. Snell 466)__2G84 2
Busy Bees (H. Cutting 493) _ 2824 7
Buttercups (B. Dow 514____ 2740 0
Merry Maids (N. Francois 694) 3048 7
Lucky Strikes (B. Gifford 445) 2G76 0
Jolly Jills (A. Preszcator 499) 2812 4
Be Bops (G. Simpson 470)__ 2958 3
Happy Gals (O. Essery 6G9) 3189 7
Jolly Six (G. Skinner 533)__28G4 0
Hot Dogs (P. Brintnell 573)_ 2935 0
Blowettes (A. Ford 455)____ 2590 0
Alley Cats (E. Foley 520)___ 2852 4 '
Mighty Mice (D. Bird 559)__ 2905 3
Hi Lights (E. Glaah 528)___ 2922 4
U. & Downs (F. Webb 5S4)__ 29G2 3
Wish Bones (J, Borland 519) _ 2931 5
Pin Popettes (A. Simpson 470) 2815 2
Hear Guest Speakers
Mr. Benson Sutter, of Clinton,
was guest speaker at the church
service on Sunday morning.
Mrs. Ewan Ross of the Huron
County Children’s Aid Society
outlined her work in the Society
at the Sunday School service on
Sunday morning and was present
ed with a sum of money from the
primary class. The money was the
proceeds from a cookie and candy
sale sponsored by the teachers
and members of the class.
Solos were sung by Bobby Lam-
mie and George Godbolt; a duet
by the Essery twins, Jean and
Joan; a piano solo by Kay Hodg
son. Mr. Ray Lammie was super
intendent for the service.
Personal Items
Mi*. Harvey Sparling, a student
minister at U.W.O., will be guest
speaker at the Young People's
service on Sunday evening.
Special music will be provided
by a Young People’s choir. Ser
vice will be at 7:30 pan.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hodgson
were weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Earl I-Iodgson in Ridge-
Ro wn.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Simpson
and family, of Ailsa Craig, were
Sunday visitors with Mrs. P.
Mrs. E. Faulder, of Crediton,
visited over ■ the weekend with
Mrs. Clara Abbott.
Mrs. E. Knight left Thursday
of last week to spend the winter
months with her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and’- Mrs. C.
Brokenshire, in Detroit.
Miss Marie Brown is convales
cing at the home of her parents
following, an opeartion for ap
pendicitis in St. Joseph’s Hospit
al, London.
Miss Donna Bowden was a weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. j
Gordon Swan in Sarnia. i
A number of ladies from this !
community attended the bazaar I
at the Whalen church on Friday evening. * I
Mrs. Clara Abbott left Tuesday ,
to spend the winter with her j sister-in-law, Mrs, F. J. Fairhall, I
at South Laguna Beach, Calif.
For The Children
China, Figurines,
Hammered Aluminum,
Sewing Baskets,
Electrical Appliances
For The Ladies
For Men and Boys
For The Whole Family!
iPhone 86 Exeter
Boost Exeter Mohawks
W.C.T.U. Meets
'■ The Exeter-Heusall branch of
the WCTU held its November
meeting at the home of Mrs. W.
Pybus. The worship service was
given by Mrs. C. W. Down, Mrs.
W. C. Pearce and Mrs. H. Powe.
A clip sheet on what is being
done for the problem drinker
was read and discussed by the
members. Two subscriptions to
“The Tidings’’ were received;
also a donation to the Union.
Message From
The W.A. of the United Church
will hold a bazaar in the Corbett
School on Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Whiting
of Toronto spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Whiting.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks
spent the weekend with relatives
in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pollock and
Jim, of Bothwell, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eagleson, of
Detroit, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lightfoot
of St. Marys visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Albert Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hicks and
family visited recently with Mr.
and Mrs. William Hicks of Luck
Imperial Oil Limited
The Story In
Mount Carmel
| County Convention
Members of Dashwood W.I.
attended the county convention
at Blyth last Tuesday.,
Ladies Aid
At the Ladies Aid meeting of
Zion Lutheran Church Rev. Ilige-
nell discussed the topic, “Over
come Evil With Gospel”.
Mrs, Merner read a report of
the convention held in Toronto
in October as the Dashwood
ladies had been unable to attend
due to floods.
The following projects were se
lected for the Ontario Missionary
Leagues: (1) Our Saviour Mis
sion Chapel, Ottawa, $1,000; (2)
j Parsonage for St, Catharines Mis
sion congregation, $1,000; (3)
i Parsonage for Kirkland Lake,
$1,000; (4) Chapel for West
I Lome, $1,000.
Twenty-five dollars was voted
for flood relief and $10 for a
Christmas gift for a hospitalized
member of the congregation. The
I next meeting will be the Christ
mas party with a gift exchange,
Group 4, with Mrs, A. V. Tie
man in charge, served lunch.
Couple. Honored
About 70 neighbors and rela
tives of Mr. and MrSj. Courtney
Burmeister, newlyweds, gathered
at their home Tuesday evening
to give them a rousing chivari.
A mock wedding was staged with
Mrs. C. Fleet as groom, Edwin
Miller as bride, and Mr. Ed Stire
the minister.
Hold Successful Bazaar
Approximately $22 0 was real
ized by the Ladies Aid and W.S.-
W.S. of the E.U.B. Church on
Saturday at their tea, bake sale
and bazaar.
Ladies attended from Grand
Bend,"Zurich and Shipka as well
as Dashwood. A short program
was enjoyed consisting of read
ings by Mrs. George Anderson;
piano solo by Bonnie McCrae;
trombone solo, Donna Eagleson;
accordion selections, Shirley
Guenther; organ selection, Mrs.
Ken McCrae; and a trio consist
ing of Mrs. M. Tieman, Mrs. Mc
Crae and Mrs. Pfaff.
The W-S.W.S. has already con
tributed $15 to CARE, $1'0' for
milk for babies in Japan, $5 for
blind, $5 for Woodeden, and $5
for the War Memorial Hospital,
i London.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Morrissey on the arri
val of their daughter.
Master Randy Quesnel is visit
ing Mrs. Gerald O’Brien.
The Mt. Carmel bowling teams
met again at the Exeter bowling
alleys on Tuesday evening.
The C.W-L. sponsored a dance
and cards in the parish hall Fri
day evening, November 12-. Prizes
were won by Miss Elizabeth Mil
ler and Mr. John Moser, The
C.W.L. are also sponsoring a
turkey bingo on December 6 in
the parish hall.
Rev. Father A. Scalisi left on
Saturday evening for a hunting
trip to Manitouliri Island.
Mr. Alex Voisin Sr. left Satur
day evening for a hunting trip
to Melton Bay.
Miss Madeline Houlahan spent
the weekend at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boland
have returned home from their
wedding trip.
Elimville Institute
Donates Grants
Elimville Women’s Institute
voted $15 to the Exeter Agri
cultural Board and $10' to the
C.N.I.B. fund at their November
meeting. A Christmas box will
be sent to Keith Heywood, who
is in Germany.
Mrs. William Thomson, who
was in charge of the program,
introduced the guest speaker,
Mrs. Earl McLeod, of London,
who spoke on her collection of
buttons which were worn be
tween the years 1700 and 1900.
Musical numbers were provid
ed by Mrs. Jack Coates. Mrs.
Gilbert Johns spoke on the motto
—“No woman is a slave to house
work, but rather to the way she
does it”.
Mrs. William Johns gave an
interesting report on the area
convention in London.
A euchre party in Exeter later
in November will be sponsored
by the Elimville W.I.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and
Carol Ann were Sunday guests
with Dr. and Mrs. Robert Reilly,
Miss Shirley Jaques and Miss
Dawn Thwaites of Zion visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Willis of Exeter and
attended James Street Church
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogan and
Sharon of St. Georges visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
The Huron County Library
books change on Tuesday, No
vember 23. for Elimville Insti
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper and
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parsons
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Pym of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns of
Sarnia sent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns.
Dale and Douglas Ratcliffe
and Miss Barbara Ratcliffe of
Anderson visited on Tuesday
with Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Johns.
Mrs, Howard Pym held a plas
tic demonstration at her home
on Thursday evening,
Melvin Bristow
A resident of Dashwood for 12
years, Melvin Bristow died in St.
Joseph’s Hospital, London, He
was born in Guelph and came to
London 32 years ago.
He was a civil servant five
years before his death.
Fiis wife predeceased him. He
is survived by one daughter, El
sie (Mrs. Clare Munro), and one
son, Frank, both of London;
three brothers, Charles, of Fer
gus, Floyd, of Bridgeport, and
Arnold, of Woodstock. His father,
Frank Bristow, of Elmira also
The funeral was held Friday,
2 p.m., from the Evans funeral
home, London. Interment was
made in Woodland Cemetery.
Georgo Coughlin
Largely attended services were
held Friday, November 12, at the
Church of Our Lady, Mt. Carmel,
for George Coughlin, of Mt. Car
mel. The celebrant of the mass
was his brother, .Rev. Daniel
Coughlin, C.'S.B., Toronto; Dea
con Rev. W. H. Murray, C.S.B.,
Toronto, an uncle; Sub-Deacon
Rev. L. J. Coughlin, Windsor, a
cousin, assisted by Rev. A. F.
Scalesi, Mt. Carmel.
In the sanctuary were Rev. H.
P. Coughlin, C.S.B., Toronto;
Rev. Robert Scollard, C.S.B., Tor
onto; Rev. G. McAlpine, C.'S.B.,
Toronto; Rev. Paul Milne, Wind
sor, a cousin; Rev. B. Floukes,
Dublin; Rev. R. Glavin, Strat
ford; and Rev. O. Sheahan,
O.M.I., Kingston. Tiwo nephews,
Napoleon and Jerry Geromette,
were altar boys. Paul Dietrich
was organist. The school children
attended in a body.
The deceased was a member
of the Holy Name Society, Pro-
pogation of the Faith and Con
fraternity of the Blessed Sacra
Topics From
Thames Road
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Denney and
family, of Atwood, were guests
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Miller.
Among those who attended
James Street anniversary and
spent Sunday with friends .were:
Mr. and Mrs. LlOyd Ballantyne
and Larry with Mrs. Clara Hack
ney; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jef
fery with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bis
sett; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert
with Mr. and Mrs. Hedley May;
Mr. Glenn Jeffery with Mr. and
Mrs. William Thoms'on.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde,
Douglas and Glenn were guests
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
William Thomson, of Exeter.
The annual iSunday School
meeting was held on Tuesday
evening at the manse.
On Sunday morning the annual
W.M.S. church service was held
with Mrs. W> J. Moores as the
speaker. The service was in
charge of Mrs. Melvin Gardiner.
Mrs. William Cann sang a solo.
Mrs. Glen Stewart and Mrs. Ar
chie Morgan: took up the collec
The Mission Band meeting will
be held on Sunday morning dur
ing the church service.
Mr. John Allison Is ill at his
Personuj Items
Mr. Clayton Pfile is confined
to his home by sickness.
Mr?. Berthg Hayter, Mr. and
Mrs. James Hayter and family
spent the weekend in Brantford
with Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder.
On Saturday they took in the
Santa Claus .parade at Toronto.
Mr. Chester Gaiser was at
Westminster Hospital, London,
for a check-up.
Mr. Orby Kestle, of Detroit,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Snell.
Mrs. Fred Weiberg and Mrs.
Adolph Keller spent a week at
Brantford with the latter’s
daughter, Mrs. Earl Telfer and
Mr. and Mrs. William 'Haugh,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. M.
McDougall, of Chatham, visited
at Buffalo and Toronto recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Becker
and Roy and Mrs. Henry Becker
Jr. spent Sunday and Monday
With relatives in Kitchener and
Mr. and Mrs. R. Eckstein and
Roy, of Kitchener, spent Sunday
with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Burmeister were
presented with a lovely chair and
a sum of money,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hutchin
son and Alva, of Blair, spent the
weekend with Mrs. Lydia Rinker
and other relatives.
Mr, and Mrs. Wendell Gamble
and Gary, of London, spent .Sa
turday with Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Miss Anna Messner, of London,
spent the weekend with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Messner.
Miss Barbara Becker, of Kit
chener, spent the weekend with
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. V. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Melton Walper
and girls, of Ingersoll, and Mrs.
Nelda Routlege, of London, were
weekend visitors with Mi’, and
Mrs. Philip Fassold.
Mrs George Merner, Mrs. A.
V. Tieman and Charles spent Sa
turday in Kitchener with Mr. and
Mrs. Elgin Merner and family.
Mrs. M. Peifer returned home
Sunday after spending a week in
London with relatives.
Miss Anne Taylor, of London,
spent the weekend with her mo
ther, Mrs. Letta Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yausi and
son, of London, spent the week
end with Mrs. Henry Becker Sr.
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395 Colborne Street, London
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Get Up To 45 Miles To The Gallon
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