HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-11-04, Page 10Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1954 Renew Now’ Hot Turkey Supper Centralia United Church Wed., Nov. 10 Hupper Served. 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Admission —- $1.50 Children Under 12 — 600 Tickets Available From Members of Stewards Board Gerald Godbolt, Chairman Ken Hodgins, Secretary Booster Club Exeter Legion Assists Patrol Exeter Legion approved chase of equipment for the lie school safety patrol at a meet­ ing last week. The branch will buy belts, rain­ coats, hats and traffic cones for the patrol which was organized recently. Police Chief Reg Taylor, who is instructing the patrol, said most of the equipment has ar­ rived. When all of the material is received, the patrol will be started, he said. At its meeting the Legion vot­ ed a $3iio donation to the Exeter Minor Athletic Association to fin- ( j anee operation of minor sports, j • Five new members were initiated I —-Howard Cbekman, -Dr. F. J. Butson, Ross Guenther, Howard! Truemner and John Gallow, pur- pub- I HOLDING TICKETS 9 o’clock at Friday, Nov. 12 NO. 83 HIGHWAY 7 Miles East Of Exeter Residence Of A. J. PEARCE Kirkton Aberdeen Hall G-,w®in' 33 Invaded By All Spirits BAKING SALE Saturday, Nov. 6 At 3:00 P.M. Usborne Township Federation Annual Meeting and Turkey Banquet FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26 at 6:30 p.m. THAMES ROAD UNITED CHURCH Basement of EXETER PUBLIC LIBRARY Guest Speaker: JIM POWERS Bruce County Fieldman ADMISSION — $1.50 Tickets Are Available From Township DirectorsSponsored by Beta Sigma Phi Lyric Theatre OYSTER old Aberdeen Hall at A. Dewin’, Mrs. E. Raton and Mrs. once again became a bowery for the second annual Kirkton Community sociation Hallowe’en party. Witches and ghosts, kings and queens, fairies and majorettes, pirates and hoboes, doctors, law­ yers and Indian chiefs all cavort­ ed to the played The Mills, iBlanshard’s reeve, John Stephens. They made the following awards: Pre-school and Grades 1 to 3— best Hallowe’en costume, Stephen Robinson, Dianne Allen; comic, John Koopman, Bernard McCor­ mack; representation, Sharon Stone, Cathie Amos; patriotic, Boyd Buddeu, Joan McNaughton; couple, Sandra and Ricky Jory, Barbara Selves and Dorothy Han­ son. Grades 4 to S — Hallowe’en, Helen Humphreys, Eileen Han­ son; comic, Henry Koopman, Lloyd Gregory; representation, Billy Marshall, Jack Roundell; patriotic, Jessica Koopman, Ron­ nie Marshall; couples, Marlene Stone and Rosemary Smith, Joan and Gerald Francis. Judges’ special prizes—-Iris Marshall, Dianne Smith, Reginald Dick and Ronald Parks. Two very complete black witches who looked as if they just rode in from stirring their brew were overlooked by the judges to the wonder of the spec­ tators. Reason? They were the judges’ children. After the treasurer, Arnold Wiseman, made the presentation of the prizes (first $1, second 50 cents), the winners were called to the front and President Ross i Marshall introduced each one and a round of applause greeted them. Mrs. George Hall, convener of the juvenile program, and her assistants passed ice cream and candy to all the children. Old and young enjoyed dancing to the music of Harburn’s Or­ chestra. One dance, “The Grape Vine Twist”, took on the aspect of “The Man on the Flying Tra­ peze”. A special feature of the eve­ ning was a square-dance by the grandmothers of the Kirkton Wo­ men’s Institute in costumes as Mr. and Mrs. 1900. The dancers were Mrs. H. Hannah and Mrs. Staid. Kirk ton witches’ A S-* march of the piano by Mrs. Harold Davis, judges were Rev. R. A. C. Rev. II, Anderson and i Phone 421 1 Previews Its Coming Attractions K------------------------------------------------- FRIDAY & SATURDAY November 5 and 6 SUPPER Under the Auspices of WOODHAM LOL 492 Friday, Nov. 5 Supper will be served from followed by a GOOD PROGRAM 5:30 Countess Bears Active In Church Mrs. Godfrey Wein died at hei’ home on Tuesday in her eighty­ fourth year. Born, in Stephen Township, she was a daughter of the late Jacob and Elizabeth and with her husband G. Hall, Mrs. M. Gregory and Mrs. N. Watson, Mrs. E, Shute i and Mrs. E. Humphreys. Mrs. Haist.Earl Watson acted as mistress of fanned for many years north of ceremonies and capably directed I Crediton, retiring to the village them through “Darling Nellie some years ago. Gray” and others. Mrs. Archie. she was a faithful member of Levy was the accompanist. | the Evangelical Church and was Three of these ladies qualified • active in the work of the wo- <>,*.. ***..•„«» ...... men’s organizations. Recalling the ___ __ ______-davs when Crediton fowl suppers Mrs. Archie Dewar and "Mrs^Nei- hvere famous and patronized by over 1.00 people, Mrs. successfully takings. Mr. Wein Surviving ley, Aaron, Edwin and Lloyd, all of Crediton, Lawrence of Exeter and Melvin Of Flint, Mich.; three daughters —Mrs. Roy Goulding of London, Mrs. S. Wuerth and Miss Maleeta Wein of Crediton; 18 grandchild­ ren and eight great-grandchildren for prizes for the oldest persons ’ in costume—Mrs. Milton Gregory, j Mrs, Archie liewar and Mrs, Nel- ’ son Watson. I Adult awards—Hallowe’en cos- ‘ tume, Evelyn Johns, Mrs. Ernest! Selves; comic, M”“ 1 Janet Colquhoun; tunie, Mrs. Nora Hoskin; couple, Mrs, Hirani Hannah and Mrs. Archie Dewar (Mr. and Mrs. 19 00), Betty Selves and Fern Sawyer. > comic, Mrs. Coddiugton, patriotic cos- Clarence Hawkins, convened died five Wein very the under- years ago. are eight sous—Wes- Emerson, Leonard, Town Topics End TW Month Exeter District Items of Social and Personal Interest Jn and Around Exeter The £xefer Times-Advocate Is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 770. CO-OP Pat Tuckey, Leo Witmer and Main Street-James attended the fall Huron Presbytery Union of the Unit- was held in Charge At Feather River ★ Guy Madison ★ Helen Westcott Photographed in color, the tion is fast and tense all the way through. Woodham Hall —> Admission — Adults $1,25 Children ac- Five Yorkshires By MARILYN MARSHALL BIRTH: The Agriculture : partment of South Huron District High School wishes to announce the birth of .five baby pigs to Meadowbrook Countess on Octo­ber 31. Mr. Dixon doesn’t know whe­ ther to blame the witches or royal blood for the size of the litter. The sow was obtained in Sep­ tember by the Agriculture Depart­ ment from Bill Turnbull, Brus­ sels. She placed second in a class of nine at the local fair. Meadowbrook Countess is a gistered Yorkshire sow. out advanced registry bloodline_ both sides. The pigs will be taken home by the Grade 9 boys as breeding stock. De- re- of on MON., TUES., & WED. November 8, 9 and 10 On our Wide Screen, in Cinemascope Hell And High Water Richard Widmark ★ Bella Darvi Twentieth Century Fox pre­ Bents a rugged and highly enter­ taining adventure thriller. Supper James Street United Church Wed.', Noy. 17 Sponsored By Women’s Association Letter From Harpley By MISS M. HODGINS COMING Garden Of Evil ★ Gary Cooper ★ Susan Hayward (In Cinemascope) Amission — $1.50 Children Under 12 — 750 By Ticket Only Supper Served at 5:30^-6:30—7:30 Mr. and Mrs. Russel Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. Langford Ridley of Parkhill visited at the home of Mr. Jack Ridley last weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Oliver of Northern Michigan and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stewardson of Grand Bend spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Verne Ridley and Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter and Linda visited on Sunday in Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs.' Glen Hayter. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Ridley and Jean attended a birthday celebra­ tion at the home of Mr. Gerald Snider on Sunday, it being Mr. Snider’s and Miss Jean Ridley’s birthday. Remembrance Day SERVICE Thursday, November 11 11 F. ML Trivitt Memorial Church LEGION AND AUXILIARY MEMBERS : Assemble at the Legion Hall at 10:30 p.m. Dress: Berets and Mpdals. COMING EVENTS------ - . .... RECEPTION & DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cunningham, Lucan Memorial Centre, Friday, Nov, 5. Nite Ryders Orchestra. Everybody welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. 4c HAT SHOW —- Presented by Mrs. Humphrey’s of London at Lucan Memorial Centre, Nov. 10, 8:30 p.m,, sponsored by the W.A. of Clandeboye United Church. Tea will be served. Admission 350, c BAZAAR & TEA — Sponsored by W.A. of Crediton United Churcll in Church Basement on Saturday, November 13, 2:30 p.m, 4:11c S c2a All Citizens Invited EXETER HOME & SCHOOL As­ sociation will meet on Tuesday, Nov, 9, 8:15 p.m. There will be a Panel Discussion on “What Makes A Good Home”, Everybody welcome, 4 c £ s E e I £Hurondale Service Sunday, November 7 2:30 P.M. LADIES AUXILIARY to South Huron Hospital regular meeting Tuesday, Nov. 9, at 2:30 p.m. 4c HAVEN CHRISTMAS FAIR — Saturday, Dec, 4, at 3:00 p.m. In W. G. Sitnmons show rooms. 4:11:18c LEGION MEMBERS: Assemble at Legion Hall at 2 Dress : Berets and Medals. p.m DANCE to the music of the Ser- enaders at the Town Hall, Hen- Ball, Thursday, Nov. 4. Draw will be made for floor polisher, deep fryer, electric coffee pot, spon­ sored by Fink’s softball team, Ad­ mission 15^ 4e Samson McFalls Former Teacher Samson McFalls, 73, a native of Biddulph township and a resi­ dent of this community foi* 28 years, died suddenly from a heart attack on Tuesday morning at his home on Huron Street. He was born in Biddulph town­ ship and was the youngest of a family of nine children of the late Elizabeth Brown and Alex­ ander McFalls. After graduating from Lucan High School, Mr. McFalls trained for a teaching career at Clinton Model School. He taught for three years in Biddulph, then went to the west, where he held teaching positions in Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan. In 1914 he took up a home­ stead in Saskatchewan and that year was married to the former Ethel McLeod of Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. McFalls moved from the west to an Usborne township farm in 1926 they lived until retiring to six years ago. He was a member Street United Church. Surviving with his one son, Gerald, on farm; r ’ ‘_ Gerald Glenn), Exeter; a brother, William McFalls, Lucan; and a sister, Mrs, Richard Atkinson, of London. The body is resting at his home where the Rev. H. J. Snell will conduct the funeral service on Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Rhoda Shapton and Mrs. Percy McFalls will sing a duet. Pallbearers will be N Fisher, R, E. Pooley, E. S, ner, Frank Taylor, W. G. mons and Cyril Blommaert. of III ’ and a brother,“Mr. Samuel Haist, of Pigeon, Mich. A daughter, Clara, died in 1922. A private service will be held at her late residence on Friday, followed by a public service in the Evangelical Church, conduct­ ed by Rev. E. N. Mohr, when her eight sons will be active pall­ bearers. Interment will be in Crediton Cemetery. The Dinney Funeral Home, Exeter, is in charge arrangements. of where Exeter James wife are the home a daughter, Ardys (Mrs. Charles Stei- Sim- Padre In Crash Squadron Leader B. G._ Stib- bard, a former padre of R.C.A.F. Station, Centralia, and a mem­ ber of the local chapter of the Eastern Star, has been presumed dead in an aircraft crash on Van­ couver Island on October 10. S/L Stibbard was stationed at Centralia from August, 1950 to September, 1951 and he and his wife joined the Eastern Star. He went from Centralia to Rivers, Manitoba. May Cancel Classes Only eight new Canadians_ rolled for the English and Citiz­ enship classes at SHDHS Tuesday night. This is not enough to war­ rant continuance of the instruct­ ion. Principal H. L. Sturgis said that unless a larger number ap­ pears at next Tuesday’s session, the classes will be cancelled. The Ontario Department of Education sponsors this instruction. en- Mohawks Win —Continued from Page 1 Stew Storey and Lome Taylor. The Irish took a 2-0 lead in the first half of the opening stanza but Mohawks rapped in four before the bell to take the lead. Both teams scored once in the middle frame. Mohawks out- scored Lucan 3-2 in the third. Return game of the series will be played in Lucan Friday night. MOHAWKS—Goal, George; de­ fence, Needham, Bowman; centre, Loader; wings, Wilberforce, J. Anderson; alternates, R e s t e 1 i, Gravette, T r e n d e 11, Rousseau, Musser, Forrester, Doak, Ellis, Fritzley. LUCAN — Goal, Stanley; de­ fence, Valiquette, Yelle; centre, F. Revington; wings, G. Taylor, S. Storey; alternates, McAlpine, Gallagher, G. Revington, Stretton, Hodgins, L. Revington, Bond, Watson. Booster Club Basis of the “Share The Wealth” plan under which the Mohawks will play this season was outlined at the Booster Club meeting Tuesday night. Gate will be split 60 percent to the team and 40 percent to the arena after referees are paid. Of the team’s share, 10 percent will go to the booster club, 90 percent to the players’ fund. Club lias agreed to pay coach’s salary and equipment. Players must purchase sticks, advertising and transportation from their fund. Shares will be declared in the middle of December, February and end of the season. Tickets for Booster Club hold­ ing seats will go on sale next Saturday, November 13. Booster Club President W. G. Cochrane was in charge of the meeting. Secretary-Treasurer Har­ vey Pollen reported club showed a small deficit of $28. Charles Acheson reported on equipment; J. W.,Weber conducted raffles on turkeys donated by liis farm. Mary McKpight, Maurice Love, Doug May of Street Y.P.U. convention of Young Peoples ed Church which Wingham. Mr. E. Lindenfield has pur­ chased the residence of the late Eli Coultis, Andrew Street, which was offered for sale by public auction Saturday, The price paid was $5,300. No damage has been reported to town police from Hallowe’en pranks, Constable John Cowen said Wednesday. Conduct of the children over the weekend was “exceptionally good”, he said. Book Week Young Canada Book Week will be observed at the local library from November 15-22, Mrs. Hilt­ on Laing, librarian announced this week. Pupils in grades five to eight of the public school will compete for prizes by writing on the sub­ ject “My Favorite. Book.” Apple Day Nets $125.92 Scouts and Cubs grossed the sum of $125.92 on Apple Day, Saturday. Scoutmaster Roger Van der Neut and Akela, Mrs. R.H. Brea­ ult were in charge of the drive. Prizes for the Cubs with the largest collection went to Dale Turvey and Fred Sanders. Doug Penhale and Tom Ellerington ICinettes To Sell Programs The special project of the Kin- ettes this year is to sell official programs at this winter’s hockey games. At their nieetini day night, at the Ray Frayne, the charge reported would be ready in Mrs. prize for the evening. Lines Down Heavy snow ove rthe weekend was too much for telephone lines in the area and many went down. Saturday night and Sunday lines from Exeter ' to Kirkton, Clinton, Grand Bend and Dash­ wood were out. Repairment worked on lines throughout the district all day Sunday and most of Monday. Mrs. Percy Stone, of R.R. 3, Exeter, won the watch given away Saturday at Jack Smith Jeweller’s. The draw was made by Mrs. Hugh Davis. Mr. William Parker returned home on Sunday from London hospital. Mrs, J, S. Harvey, of Mitchell, returned last week by plane after spending the past two at Olds, Alta, with her J. Maurice Harvey. Dr. accompanied his mother onto where he spent several days attending a class reunion and a refresher course. ■Mr. James Cann, Guelph and Mr. Gordon Cann, Newmarket visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ostler over the week­ end. ANNUAL MEETING And Banquet Report From Whalen months son Dr, Harvey to Tor- Friday, Nov. 12 LEGION HALL TURKEY DINNER $1.50 Per Plate Guest Speaker REV. W, A. YOUNG Chaplain, O.A.C. For Opening Dance Saturday, November 6 Lucan Community Centre MUSIC BY MELODY MAKERS Gents 750Dancing 9-12 g on Mon­ home of Mrs. committee in the programs a month. • Cliff Ersnian won the Huron Canning Crop Growers ANNUAL MEETING Town Hall, Exeter Tuesday, November 9 8:30 P.M. All Growers are Urged to be Present EXETER ARENA ACTIVITIES Thursday, November 4 8:30 p.m. — Public Skating Friday, November 5 8:30 p.m. — Public Skating Saturday, November 6 1:30 - 3:00 — Public Skating 3:30- 7:30 — Figure Skating 8:30 p.m. — Public Skating Sunday, November 7 8:45 — Adult Skating Club Membership Available At Arena H,H. G. STRANG Secretary R. E. POOLEY Chairman Proclamation WHEREAS the Government of Canada has by statute designated Thursday, November II, as Remembrance Day Need More Room —'Continued from Page 1 on the bus since they are the first on in the morning and the last off at night. The board has investigated the problem on previous occasions but has not found a solution which does not increase transportation costs above that allowed by the department. Approve Grant Members of the board approved a grant to the Exeter Agricul­ ture Society equivalent to the rent of the auditorium for .two nights, September 22 and November 5. The first night was for the vau­ deville show of the Centennial Fair and the second is for the Save The Fair concert. C. S. MacNaughton, vice-chair­ man of the board, was in charge of the meeting in the absence of Dr. H. H. Cowen, The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee and hoys and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and Heather were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl' Atkinson. Mr, and Mrs. Heber Davis attended Thanksgiving service at Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, on Sunday and were guests with Mrs. L. Hodgins. Mr, and Mrs. H. Carroll and boys, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Abbott and Rowena spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Hodgins, Lucan. Mr* Hodgins celebrated a birthday oh Monday, November 1. Mrs. F. Davis Called Oh him, also Mrs. C, Ings of London and Mrs. H, Carroll from this community, Mr, ahd Mrs, C* Ings of Londoh spent Monday at the home of Mr. Hugh OarrolL Mrs. Finkbeiner, Listowel, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Finkbeiner and family for a few­ days. Mrs. Roy Hodgson played an accordion solo at the Centralia ■bazaar on Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Klahre and Catherine were in London Sun­ day visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R, Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Froats, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Arksey. Mrs. Melville Gunning visited her sister. Mrs. William Smith, at the home of the latter’s daughter, Mrs. Harold Noyes, at Nilestown on Wednesday. Mrs. Smith, who had been a patient at St. Joseph’s Hospital, is im­ proving. The Middlesex residents are being X-rayed' at the mobile clinic at Lucan on Tuesday, November 2.Mr. and Mrs. Austin Gowan and Murray of London Township were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ferguson. Mrs. Ross Tufts, a teacher of Whalen school, had a Hallowe'en party oh Friday for her pupils and the pre-school children. Mrs. Wynne, London, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield and family. Miss Blva Morley and her guest, Mrs. Warren BrOck, of Zion, attended the Journal Argus banquet at. Brdadview United; Church, Harrington, on Friday noon.Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire and Mr. and Mrs, Grafton Squire ■and Sue Ann were guests at a birthday celebration at the home of Mr. and Mtrs. C. Millson, Pros­ pect, Saturday evening, honoring Mrs. ,T. Dickins, Lucan. Anniversary services were well attended on Sunday at the tlhited Church. Rev. Clark, the pastor, was the speaker for the morning and evening service. The choir with Mrs. Bert Duf­ field at the piano favored with several anthems. Beautiful flow­ ers adorned the pulpit, also basket of mums in memory of the late Melville Hern. Monday, November 8 Minor Hockey And Airforce Tuesday, November 9 Air Force Hockey Wednesday, November 10 8:30 — Public Skating ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY November 5 and 6 “THE SILVER LODE” (Technicolor) ★ John Payne ★ Lizabetli Scott ★ Dan Duryea Four desperate men on a cruel errand of greed and violence un­ leash a reign of terror in “The Silver Lode”. OARTOON, NEWSREEL & ADDITIONAL SHORT MON., TUES. & WED. November 8, 9 and 10 “THE GLENN MILLER STORY” ★ James SteWart ★ Jnne Allyson (TeebnicOlof) The true, tender, compelling screen biography of the greatest band of all time . . . packed with top tunes, loaded with romance. PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL We Arc Installing a NEW WIDE SCREEN and Cinemascope Watch for Opening Date AND WHEREAS it is desirable, in view of the trying times through which we are passing and. the necessity for remembering those who fought and. sacrificed in World Wars I and II, that we should observe Remem­ brance Day on Thursday, November’ 11; THEREFORE, by the authority vested in me by the Council of the Town of Exeter, I hereby call upon all the citizens of Exeter to duly observe Remembrance Day, November 11, 1954, as a day dedicated to those men and women who so nobly paid the supreme sacrifice that we might be free. W. G. Cochrane, Mayor ................................................................. . "SAVE THE FAIR n Variety SHOW Friday, November 5 SHDHS Auditorium featuring the 5 Entertainers Of The Community All Proceeds to Pay Off Centennial Fair Deficit 2