HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-11-04, Page 9TO OUR PATRONS Dashwood Locker Service Largest Stock OF AUTOMOTIVE PARTS Lowest Prices Come In And See And You’ll Agree Walper’s PRESENT ^I.UIIIllUllllllllllllllllllllllllKItllllllllllllll Our Processing Department WILL BE CLOSED FROM NOVEMBER 13-19 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 19S4 Minister Praises Home Staff, Council right of the fireplace in the new reception throughout the rooms is in blonde wood and WRINKLE-RESISTANT VENETIAN I GABARDINES LOWER EGG PRODUCTION costs INSPECTS NEW ADDITION—Miss Jennie Parkinson, for­ merly of Exeter and a resident of Huron County Home for over 30 years, inspects the new addition to the Home. Standing behind her wheel chair is Dick Jacob, manager of the Home. Mrs. Martha Jacob, matron, and Harvey Johnston, secretary, are seen on room. Furniture the interior decoration is dinstinctively modern. The official opening of the addition was held Friday at 2:30 p.m. T-A PhotoR. JOHNSTON )£ A smooth lustrous _ yarn dyed all wool cloth J Glenn's Auto Wreckers 1 PHONE 418 EXETER >1 < 11 ■ 1111111 > >r i ■ r > 11111 < 1111111 ■ 111 charcoal shades Tailored to your measure ruOTKES Matchless Value $69.50 JOHNSTON APPROVED CLOTHES86 yean nf niloring achievement Watch For Big Sale - NEXT WEEK - Walper s Men s Wear By Reg Armstrong When quiz shows were the big rage on the radio, one of the best was In­ formation Please. It set the pattern lot of the “panel” programs that came along later. I’mfor a not sure whether it’s still on the air or not, but when I used to listen ■States on questions I _______ ____ that was blamed on Information Please. It was a minor accident, a man went through a red light and struck another car. When it got to court, he ex­ plained it this way: “Your Honor, I was listening1 to Information Please on the car radio and after a lot of difficult questions they asked the four experts to suddenly close their eyes and tell what color of necktie they were wearing. “Franklin P. Adams and John Kiernan and the others closed their eyes and they couldn’t remember what tie they had on. “I was playing along1 with them trying to answer the questions and I closed my eyes just as got to tl/e corner. And, you know, I didn’t know what tie I was wearing either.’’ He lost the court case, too. Radios, I guess, can be a distraction when you’re driv­ ing, some people refuse to have them on. I like the radio on for long drives. I think it helps keep you alert. I’m not one to it they had four of the brainiest people in the the show every week to answer the most -difficult people could send in. remember there was an automobile accident once for long drives. I think it helps keep you alert. I’m not to close my eyes as I reach an intersection, anyway. When you’re shopping for a used car, the fact some cars are already equipped with radio can be a big sideration. When you’re looking them over at our place, that con- ____ take the car of your choice out for a test drive first, and try the radio, too. WAIT FOR THE MASTERPIECE OF THE YEAR Coming Soon '55 PLYMOUTH a defected Of <WAPA/Vr££Z> CAZS w vyttkr - ONT. a AfrfecU&K. Of ff(MZAA/r££l> USfDCAZS ' A/' ’ ■ ' -IP" ■A V Smash Up? We II Take It From There; Make Car Like New Crash goes your car! But don’t despair .... just call us. We’re WREX- PERTS! No matter how serious the damage, we have “what it takes’’ to put your car back in tip­ top shape again. Any­ thing from a dented fen­ der to a complete smash- up is all in the day’s work to us! Just Tell Us Where and We’ll Be There! Hunter-Duvar Phone 38 & SONS- LTD. LAYING MASH The Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, Minister of Public Welfare, who officially opened the $467,000 ad­ dition to the Huron County Home on Friday afternoon, paid tribute to the county council and to Mrs. Martha Jacob, matron, and her staff for whom the day represent­ ed the fulfilment of a dream. “We owe a debt of gratitude to oui1 oldei* citizens, who have reached the eventide of life, for the contribution they have made to their community,” Mr. Good­ fellow declared. He bespoke the cooperation of individuals, churches and service clubs to bring an outside, personal inter­ est to the residents of the Home, for it means more than the mech­ anical aid any give. Seated on the new auditorium Mr. Goodfellow Pryde, M.P.P., him; James Bond, deputy mini­ ster of welfare; L. E. Ludlow, supervisor of Homes for the Ag­ ed; Rev. J. E. Ostram, Clinton, padre of the Home, who read the scripture and made the prayer of dedication and John I-Ianna, M.L.A. Home Committee Chairman, Roy B. Cousins, reeve of Brussels, and the other members of the Huron County Home Committee, Daniel Beuer- man, W. J. Dale, warden; Earl Campbell, W. H. Morritt, A. I-I. Eskine and Harold Gowdy and Mrs. Martha Jacob, matron, were also seated on the platform. Mr. Cousins paid tribute to Mrs. Jacobs, matron for over 30- years, to Mr. Irwin Jacob, man­ ager, and to Dr. J. W. Shaw, who has served the Home for ovei1 50 years. Mr. ’Ludlow, who met with the county council in 1951 to make plans for the addition, stated that they were the spark plugs who got the action started. He paid tribute to Mrs. Jacob ‘who wants the building to be a home, not an institution’. Thomas Pryde, in paying tri­ bute to Mrs. Jacob, said the beautiful building would mean nothing without her human under­ standing. Thanks Department Warden Dale welcomed visit­ ing wardens and expressed the thanks of county council to the welfare department for assuming one half of the cost of the new building. Following the program, the government can platform of the with the Hon. were Thomas who introduced Topics From Zion By MISS JANE DYKEMAN Personal Items Zion West Sunday School will be held at 2 p.m. and church at 3 p.m. on Sunday, November 7. George King and Peter Dyke­ man, R.C.A.F. Camp Borden, and Martin Van Erb, of Galt, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaques and John were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and family, of Hensail. Helen Herdman, Jane Dyke­ man and Paul Dykeman attended the Huron Presbytery Young People's Fall Rally at Wingham last Tuesday evening. Friday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaques were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Range and Wayne, of Crediton, and Mr. and Mrs. George Kellet, of Thames Road. The teacher, Mrs. Hawken, and the pupils of Zion School enter­ tained the mothers and pre-school age children at a Hallowe’en party Friday afternoon. After judging of costumes and a pro­ gram, lunch was served by the pupils. Mrs. Jim Knox, of Stratford, spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jaques. Mr. Daniel Hicks and Mr. and Mrs. Ross’ Jaques and John were Monday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wlielihan. Mr. and Mrs. Warten Brock attended Metropolitan Church an­ niversary in London on Sunday „.A ,.Al. —J Mrs.and visited with Mr. and Charles Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hern ed Sunday With Mr. and Lynn, Clandeboye. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock were Sunday visitors with and Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt, forth. visit- Mrs. of Mr. Sea- “Are you saving any since you started your system?” “Sure, By the time I__ straightened out every evening, it’s too late to go anywhere.” money budget get it Class Of United Church Honors Crediton Couple Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chamb­ ers were pleasantly surprised on Friday evening when about 40 guests gathered at their home ■to spend a social evening. The occasion was the honored coup­ le’s silver wedding anniversary and the guests were the members of the Young Married Couples’ Class of the United Church Sun­ day School, of which Mr. Chamb­ ers has been teacher since, its for­ mation. Rev. and Mrs. Parrott were also present. An address was read by Mrs. 'Howard Lightfoot and Mrs. Earl Neil, on behalf of those present, made the presentation of a beaut­ iful gift of silver. Mr. and Mrs. 'Chambers received gifts from their family, including 25 silver dollars and many congratulatory messages. A family dinner was served on Saturday evening at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Preszcator. and Mrs.Lorne Personal Items 'Members of the Evangelical W.S.W.S. will meet on Thurtf- day evening for the annual Thank Offering meeting and will have as their guests, members of the ’Crediton United Church W. A. Miss Ella Link, of Exeter, will be the guest speaker. Miss Marie Symon, of Toronto, was a weekend guest with Mrs. A. Molitor. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ryall, of London, spent the weekend with and•Mrs. Byall's parents, Mr, Mrs. Roy Swartz. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dale •sons, of Brampton, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark, who returned to Brampton with them where they will spend the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Faist and sons, of St. Thomas, were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M. Faist. and on The Voice Of Temperance LIQUOR, FIREWATER, GUNPOWDER Liquor, (“firewater”) and gun­ powder were closely linked in pioneer days in Ontario. We speak today of alcohol being a certain percent “proof”. Before there were official standards men wanted to be sure that their liquoi’ had not been diluted. They disliked paying for water. So they would wet gunpowder with the liquor and if it would light and burn, the liquor was “proof”. To­ day, by law, proof spirits, or 100 per cent proof, contain one-lialf their volume of alcohol. This property of burnjng gave rise to the hame “firewater”’. This liquid that burns and that is used as a fuel to run motor cars sure­ ly is a dangerous drug to put in a beverage. It inevitably ontets the blood stream and eventually gets to the brain,—-Advt. P/O Earl Whalen, a member of the Graduating Class at Cen­ tralia Station on Thursday, and Mrs. Whalen (nee Eunice left on Friday for Gimli where P/-0 Whalen lias posted. Mrs. A. Ewing, of Owen is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Green. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fali- rner are sending a few weeks in Toronto and Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sunstrum and Mrs. Richards, of Monroe, Mich,, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Young. Mrs. L. V. Washburn, of Kitchener, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Young. Mr. Martin Morlock, of Galt, spent a few days last week with his father, Mr. A. Morlock. Services in the United Church on Sunday next will commence one half hour later than usual. Sunday School at 10.30 a.m. and church service at 11.30 a.m. building was inspected by large number who attended official opening. The new 65-bed addition eludes sitting rooms for men women, sewing rooms, shop and beauty parlor, board room and large reception room. The downstairs assembly room, complete with stage, will accomo­ date 300 people. Mr. and Mrs. William Kechnie, who are occupying one of the two-room apartments for married couples, received the congratula­ tions of many visitors in their comfortable living room. Mrs. Kechnie, the former Mrs. Ida May Stockley, met her husband years ago when they both residents of the Home. They married recently at Blyth. Tea was served to the visitors in the reception room. in- and barber two were were Any poultry operator wants to produce eggs at the lowest possible cost. This means having a good type of bird and using good management methods. It also means feeding a good ration because the cost of feed represents a large part of the costs of- egg production. That is why many poultry operators are swinging to SHUR-GAINT Super Laying Mash for their flocks this season. Since this new type ration is a “high efficiency” feed it takes less to produce a dozen eggs than on ordinary laying ration. Drop in soon and ask about SHUR-GAIN Super Laying Mash for your flock. CANN'S MILL LTD. WHALEN CORNERS King) Man. been Sound This Week In Winchelsea By MRS. F. HORNE Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. George Harrah, St. Marys, also Mr. and Mrs. Player, of London, visited Sun­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. Mrs. Ivan Brock was hostess to a number of friends and neigh­ bors'for a plastic demonstration on Monday evening. Miss Shirley Armstrong, of Ex­ eter, is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Danny, accompanied by Miss­ es Jean and Edna Coward, of Farquhar, visited Sunday with Mr. Corsey Brown, who is a pa­ tient in Stratford Hospital due to injuries received accident. Mrs. Freeman guest at the St. Marys Journal- Argus banquet at Harrington on Friday. Hallowe’en passed off very quietly in this vicinity, no dam­ age being reported. The school children had a soc­ ial time at the school on Friday afternoon, and a jolly time was enjoyed at Blimville Hall in the evening for the members of the Mission Band. in a motor car Horne was a .. . So don’t put off the purchase of that Christmas engagement set. The Christmas engagement is a popu­ lar trend, so see your Jeweller now. His selection of sparkling Bridal Bell Diamond Rings is complete, and among them you'll find the perfect gift for the one you love. You can’t make a finer choice and your Jeweller's Christmas Club Plan makes payment easy. EXETER ^tiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiniiitiiiiii...............................................................................................................ih'iiitiiitiiiiiihimiiiiiiittli<iiniiiniinifiiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniifttiiiitimiiiriiiiiikiiimi>£ JOIN YOUR JEWELLER'S CHRISTMAS CLUB NOWI I I Poppy Phone 510 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 6 JACK SMITH JEWELLER Exeter FRANCHISED BRIDAL BELL JEWJEDLBR