HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-11-04, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1954 Your Badge Of Remembrance Wear A Poppy This Saturday News of Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER Classified Directory supehtesT MAIN AND WELLINGTON Phone 437 — Exeter SPECIAL THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY AYLMER CATSUP NEW DUZ 11 Oz. Bottle ................ 21C DETERGENT Towel & Face Cloth Deal KLEENEX DELMAR MARGERINE Pkgs, 2 for 39C 3 Lbs...................................89c GIANT TIDE McCORMICK’S SODAS Pkg.................................. 65C , u...........................29c TULIP MARGERINE GOLD SEAL SALMON 1 Lb.....................................27c i/a-Lb. Tin ..................... 37C ALL OUR COFFEE , Lb................................$1.15 /2-Lb.................................... 60c NEW FROM Admiral MODEL T2312XZ ONLY The Saguenay ♦ Aluminized Picture Tube ♦ Optic Filter ♦ Super Cascode Chassis ♦ Removable Safety Glass ♦ ’’Slenderized’’ Cabinet Mahogany Finith FT RADU AIRB QUALITY AT TAl'R PRlCeS PHONE 27 EXETER George Wright Says: Good News For Thrifty Shoppers The motto and policy of this store is to provide my cus­ tomers with staple, well-known branded merchandise, men’s and boys’, at the lowest possible prices and each week offer you special attractions at their actual cost to keep customer traffic in my store. I have been combing the markets and suppliers for many years and this I will continue to do and price my goods at prices which welcome competition of any kind includ ing mail orders, chain stores and retailers. If the high standard of my goods and the prices they are marked are not right, your money is cheerfully refunded. Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Only 100% PURE NYLON WORK SOX Periman's First Quality 88c 34-LENGTH STROLLER COATS Quilted Wool LiningsZippered Slash Pockets Man's smart Warm Coat S8.95 SizPs 36 to 46 You will be both pleased and pleasantly surprised at all our prices in BOYS’ WEAR STATION wagon coats $11.95 SWEATERS S2.59 CQMB, UNDeRWEAB $2.69 DRfeSS fcANTS 53.69 GEORGE ZIP-IN TOPCOAT Quilted Wool, Interchangeable Lining , ' Here is a smart,Well-Tailored Coat Why Pay More? Save Yourself Money Trench Models in Black Raglan Styles in Grey 518.66 Men's AII-WOol Sleeveless PULLOVERS (Reg. $5.00) $3,98 LOOK! Wool Quilted Lined Fur Collared STATION WAGON COATS All Sizes Greys, Browns and Blues This is a good buy. (Reg. $21.95) 516.95 Weekend Only (They Won’t Last Long at This price) WRIGHT Mrs. Charles Stephen and Mrs. Ross Skinner attended a turkey banquet on Friday in Broadview United Church, Harrington. Master Ricky Reilly, of Exeter, visited Wednesday with Rale and Brenda Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and fam­ ily and Mr. and Mrs. Griffin, of Thorndale, have moved into Mr. Hubert Heywood’s house. Mr. and Mrs. James Sinclair and family, of London, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Routly. The Elimville Mission Band en­ joyed a Hallowe’en party in the hall on Friday evening with 40 children attending. Several prizes were given for Indian, cowboy, best disguise and fancy costumes. Mr. Elgin Skinner, of New To­ ronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner. Mr. and Mrs, William Routly and Mrs. Weston Horne visited on Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. L. C. White of Kintore. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hunter and Ross were guests at the Shul­ man-Pym wedding at Thames Road Church on Saturday. Mr. Ross Hunter, of Toronto, spent the weekend with his par­ ents. CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or fess 60c More Than 25 Words -~ Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS SQf Moro Thau 25 Words -r- If Per Word FOR RENT STOCK WANTED TENDERS WANTED FOR SALE FEED TURNIPS — Large quantity. No watercore, just too large for ship­pers. Available anytime. Phone Zurich 91-r-13. 4:11* GIRL’S COM BICYCLE — Practically new. — Mary Lou Fritz, phone 123 Zurich. 4* PLOWING MATCH Demonstrator — New, 24 x 40 Bell Imperial Thresher. Substantial discount for immediate sale. We are also taking orders on new machines for delivery next year at a reduced price,—Robert Bell In­ dustries Ltd., Seaforth, Ont. 4c BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, steno­ grapher or typist. Lessons 50d- — Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street," Toronto. 225 SUSSEX REDS, 6 months old pul­ lets. — Phone 4-r-9 Kirkton. 4 GIRLS’ FIGURE SKATES — Size 5. Phone 372M Exeter. 4c News Budget From Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER KILL WEEVILS in stored grain with Howard Bin-Fume. Use one gallon to 350 bushels. $4.50 a gallon. — Exeter District Co-op., phone 287. 4c BEDROOM, sitting - room, kitchen, washroom, 3-piece bath with hot and cold water. Completely furnished.— Apply 357 Carling St._______ 4c APARTMENT — Bath, hot and cold water, two bedrooms, kitchen, and living room, full basement, on high­ way at Shipka. Available October 16. —Albert Gaiser, Crediton, phone 6-J.9-9tfc APARTMENT — Modern upstairs apartment, 4 rooms and bath, oil heated. Phone 7 Exeter._____ 9-9tfc FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Power lawn mowers. —Bea­ vers Hardware, Exeter. 7-ltfc DEAD, DISABLED STOCK —Seven- day week service for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, calves. —Glen Kennedy, phone collect 168-W Lucan or Exeter 235._____ ___________ 9-2tfc HORSES WANTED—Heavy or light, young or pld. Please notify Frank Taylor, 138 Exeter, Jul22;Ja5* I AM IN THE MARKET fpr all kinds of horses, any size, any age, —G, J, Dow, phone 83 Exeter, tfc TENDERS WANTED for 6 cord of dry hardwood, 12 inches long. De­ liver to School Section No. 10 Tucker- smith. Tenders should be addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer, Verne Alderdice, R.R. 2, Kippen, Ont.* 4c MISCELLANEOUS LOST 1 HEREFORD STEER — 1*5 years old, with horns; TB tag in ear; in Hay Township.—Homer Riissell, phone 36-r-15 Dashwood. 4c Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper, Ruth, Clare, Veryl and Jeanette were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Timms of Baseline, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hooper attended the Journal-Argus ban­ quet at Harrington on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin, Jimmy and. Heather Patterson were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Jas. Mossey. Mrs, Jas. Maloney of Rlyth spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson and at­ tended the funeral of Mr. Gordon Jones. Guests of Mr. and Mrs Fred Thomson on Sunday were: Mrs. Gordon Jones, Mrs Ulvada Hop­ kins, Mr. Ross Jones, Mr and Mrs. Walter Jones of Glendale, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson and family. 4 STORM WINDOWS — 34" x 80".— Apply 79 Victoria St. West, or phone 121W after 6:00 p.m.______________4c TURKEYS — Oven-ready or New York dressed. Apply Harry I-Iayter, phone 47-r-5 Dashwood.________4tfc c MAN’S OVERCOAT — Dark gery, large size, new condition, $20; man's blue overcoat, size 36, price $10; ladies’ brown tweed coat, Raglan sleeve, price $5. •— At Brady’s Clean­ ers, __________ ______________4:11* 1 LARGE NORGE oil heater; 1 small Coleman oil heater; boy’s beige sta­ tion wagon coat, size 10, in excellent condition. — Apply to Arthur Fraync or phone Exeter 300 after 6 p.m. 4c CATERPILLAR—Model BD Pletrae. with or without sergant overhead and blade. Power take-off available. This is a bargain. — Apply Lorne R. Bec­ ker, Dashwood.__________________4c 3 MEN’S SUITS — Made of good quality materials; size 38-40; very reasonable.—Apply Brady’s Cleaners. Letter From Woodham By MRS. PRESTON MORRISON Miss Lillian Smith of Byron spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rundle. Mrs. William Wynn of London called on friends in the village on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe and Grace spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roger of Kirkton. Mrs. Jack Stephens returned home from Stratford General Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wilson of Conn visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Small and Miss Thelma Small of St. Thomas visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ndrris Webb. Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler and family attended anniversary services at Metropolitan United Church, London, on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Middleton. Rev. and Mrs. John Cooke and Jack of Arkona visited on Mon­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs. •George Wheeler. The Mission Band held a Hal­ lowe’en program and bazaar in the church on Friday evening. Winners of prizes were as follows: Pre-school children-—best dressed girl and boy, Brenda Parkinson and Jackie Rundle; comic, Gary Hazelwood. School children, nine and under —-best dressed girl and boy, Ruth Miller and Donald Strachan; best dressed couple, Grant Thomson, Veryl Hooper; best dressed girl comic, Sharon Thomson, Eliza­ beth Thacker; best boy comic, Jimmy Hazelwood. School children, 10 years and over—best dressed .girl and boy, Joanne Webb and Clifford Lang­ ford; best dressed couple, Mar­ garet Knight and Orrie Thacker; best dressed comics, Janis Webb, Marion Thomson; best character costumes, Clare Hooper, Mrs. Fred Pattison; best dressed lady, Mrs. Fred Parkinson. COLEMAN OIL STOVE — Medium size; like new. Apply 230 Algonquin Drive, RCAF Centralia.___________4* GIRLS’ 3-PIECE pink snowsuit, with white fur trim, size 3. In good con­ dition. May be seen at Brady’s Clean­ers. 4* 2 COLEMAN Space Oil Heaters — In good condition; one small and one large size. Apply Clarence Reid, phone 166 I-Iensall. __________4 WESTINGHOUSE Laundromat—Used 3’4 years. Has given perfect satisfac­tion. Complete installation included in reasonable price. — Phone 7 Ex­eter._______________________ 4c CLEANED BRICKS; also baby car­ riage, ball bearing, nylon tires. Apply Mrs. Worrell or Ernie Perry, 506 Wil- liam St._________________________4c BOY’S 3-PIECE navy snowsuit with grey fur trim, size 3x—$15. May be seen at Brady’s Cleaners.________4* NEW WILLIAMS sewing machine in good working condition. Apply Mrs. Sam Bowers, S3 John. St., Exeter. 4c BEAUTIFUL SINGING canaries. Ap­ ply Mrs. Silas Stanlake, 357 Carling St,______________________________4c 13 YOUNG PIGS, 8 weeks old. Apply George Poortinga, 3 miles north of C-landeboye, Highway 4,__________4* CREAM ENAMEL Findlay Condor coal or wood range with high shelf. Phone Kirkton 25-i'-22.___________4c 1 PAIR ladles’ white tube skates, size 9. Phone 1J or apply 74 Anne St. 50 SUSSEX-X-Rhode Island Red one- year old hens — 90(1 each; also three 45-gaIlon gasoline drums; two budgie birds and cage. Phone Granton 5-r-7. 4c 13 HENS, laying about 3 months; and 1 rooster. Apply Martin Dykstra,105 Sanders Street, Exeter. 4* 2 USED TIRES, 6.70x15, practically new. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 364R Exeter.___________________28* MAN’S genuine cashmere nigger brown overcoat, size 38-40. Special .at Brady’s Cleaners.______________28:6* GET THROUGH THE MUD — put half tracks on your tractor. Made for all makes and sizes. For prices and information, see or call H. Peterson, phone 31-r-15 Dashwood. 21:28:4c BARGAIN! Piano accordion, full- size, '5 treble coupler; Al condition.Complete with case. Price $90. Apply 106 Parkdale Ave., R.C.A.F. 28:4c FEED TURNIPS — $5 a ton. Apply Elgin Rowcliffe, phone 685-r-24 Hen­sail;__________________________28:4* '52 DODGE PICKUP — Low mileage, very good condition. Apply Philip Mc­ Kenzie, R.R. 3, Kippen. 28:4* COB CORN — Will be picking soon. Place your order now. Alvin Ginger- ich, Zurich, phone 90-r-6. 28:4c WRECKING—'42 Hudson, '42 Dodge, '41 Dodge, '41 Chev, '41 Ford. Many older models. Cudmore'S Gravel, tele-- phone 171-r-3 Exeter. 7-12tfc WANTED Thanks The Kihsmcn Chib of Exeter Would like to express its appre­ ciation for the reception it re­ ceived from householders dur­ ing last week’s house-todiOusc ennvnSs for the Ontario Hurri­ cane Relief Fund. Total proceeds amount to nearly 9700, which has been Sent to Toronto headquarters. Exeter Kinsmen FIFTY to 100 Acre Farm — Near Grand Bend; with of without build­ ings. Give full description, acreage under cultivation, bush, pasture, etc, location and price.—Write Box 220, Grand Bend, 4:11c SMALL CHEST of drawers or dress­ er,—Phone 372M Exeter, 4c WANTED TO RENT — For three or four weeks—garage or bam for stone sculptor.—Apply Times-Advocate. 4* WILL TARE- IN elderly lady. Bed­ room and bathroom on main floor; warm, even heat throughout.—ApplyMrs. Gordon H. Schwalm, Hensall. 4* SAW MILD LOGS and standing bush lots wanted. Fuel wood and slab wood for sale. — Robert Eagleson, Alisa Craig, phone 624-r-22 or 623-r-3 7-ltfc Wanted and for sal® — Used merchandise. Louis 15. Johnston, Sec­ond Hand Shop, corner Station and Main Streets. Phone 183 noon and evenings. 6-29tfc EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARMERS! Arrange now* for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam­ ilies. Also wanted to reht—50- to 100- acre farms. Write Henry Nyhius, R. 3, EXoter, phohe 172-r*31. 12-10tfc S. S. S. S. Stew’s Sharpening Service. 105 San­ ders Street East, or Cann’s Mill. All kinds of saws. _________ll-4tfc BEAUTY C OUNSELLOR Christmas Display — November 4 and 5 (eve­ nings).—Mrs, William Gaiser, R.R. 2 Crediton. Everyone welcome._____4c MONEY TO LOAN on farm — $2,000- $.1,000, Highway preferred. — Apply Times-Advocate._______________4:11* YOUNG CHAP, 32 years of age; Pro­testant, single, abstainer, new in locality, wishes to meet girl for com­pany. Snapshot appreciated. Write Box “C” Times-Adyocate.________4* PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKERPhone 553___________________Exeter CONTACT Philip McKenzie, R.R. 3, Rippen, for chain sawing, logs or wood. Phone 681-r-41, Hensall.______ ___ 28:4:11* REST HOME — Care for convales­ cents, semi-invalids. Tray service. Apply 109 Andrew St., phone 22M Exeter.___________________21:28:4:11c WE WILL CUSTOM KILL, eviscer­ ate and package your chicken or tur­key for your farm freezer or locker. Phone us for dates and prices. Apply Edgar Cudmore, phone 171-r-14 Ex­eter. 10-7tfc "STANDARD OF THE WOODS" — McCulloch Chain Saws! All models and complete service available at Mc­ Culloch Saw Sales. 428 Huron Street, Stratford, phone 1061-J._______9-16tfc WHITEWASHING and CLEANING— Arrangements can be made. — Bill Watson, Dashwood, telephone 35-r-19. 8-26:ll-llc SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED — Imme­ diate service. Phone 108 Lucan or 130-W Lucan. Butler Bros. 10-7:11-28 FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. Phone collect Clinton 242. 5-14alt.tfc FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AUTO TRIMMING Slip Covers—Custom made or installed HUGH WILSONPhone 56 Exeter REAL ESTATE FARM FOR SALE — 150 acres of choice loam land, with hydro through­out; a silo; a never-failing well, with pressure system in house and barn.— Sam Ropp, phone 163 Zurich, 4:11:18* HOUSE AND LOT —• In Grand Bend, with garage, small barn and garden. For full particulars, apply Ross Love, Shipka, phone 165-r-12 Dashwood. 4* SMALL, COMPACT HOUSE — 2 bed­ rooms; 3-piece bath; living room; mo­ dern kitchen; immediate possession.— Apply Mrs. Sims, Water St,, Lucan. 4c HENSALL — Frame house located on Main Street. Nicely decorated, with extra lot available. To settle esto-tG GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker R. B. Paterson, Hensall, Ontario Phone 51 4tfc 50 ACRES in McGillivray Township. About three miles from Parkhill. Small barn, 6-room frame house, gar­age, nice orchard. Price $4,600, Half cash will handle balance. Easy terms. W. B. Reid, Broker, 75 Wharncliffe Road, phone 3-8493._____ 28:4c TWO-APARTMENT house, furnished, 2 bathrooms; 4 miles south of Cen- tralia; 1 acre land. Apply Times- Advocate._____________28:4:11:18:25:2* MODERN 1-FLOOR home. This home is beautifully finished throughout and provides every convenience for com­ fortable living. Nearly new. Very low cash payment will handle. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. $600. TOTAL PRICE. 5-room frame house. This house is located in Kirk­ton. It is in reasonable repair. Has good roof and hydro. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. CREDITON — Two-family dwelling; modern conveniences; almost new; immediate possession; terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. MODERN 2-BEDROOM house. Good Exeter location; large living room; particularly nice kitchen and bath­ room; air conditioned oil heat; im­mediate possession; reduced price; very easy terms. C. V. Pickard, Real- tor, Exeter................... .......................... NICE DWELLING — furnace, full bath; sold with or without beauty parlour equipment and lunch busi­ ness, Crediton. William Pearce, Real­tor, Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Sales­ men. . ASBESTOS SLATE one-storey house. Living, dining rooms, kitchen, 3 bed­rooms, bathroom, oil furnace; im*- mediate possession, William Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. .............................................. FARMS—We have enquiries for acre* ages 10 to 50 acres. Also for large!' farms. If you are interested in sell­ing, let us know. — C. V, Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, 10-7tfC HOME WITH INCOME — We arc offering a Well built house that will provide a home for an average family and an income from a separate apart* ment. Each unit Is complete with separate bathroom, kitchen and en* trande. Terms. —C, V, Pickard, Real* tor, Main Street, Exeter. 9-9tfc STORE BUSINESS—Rural—Combined store and comfortable dwelling. Hy­dro. County road. Clean stock, mostly groceries. Necessary equipment. Four acres Of land, hennery and barn 40’ x 30'. Total price $7,500.00. Terms. —* C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St,, Ex* oter. _„__ _____ __________, ........9-2tfc 2-BEDROOM COTTAGE—This IsS a complete small home with modern kitchen and two-piece bath, Full basement. Immediate possession if desired. *** C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, , 6-lQtfe NEW HOUSE — 349 Edward Street. Living room, kitchen,, dining room, two fredrowiff, and bath with space' for other room on second floor. Oil furnace. Wide lot. *~R. E. Balkwill, Exeter, phone 89-J, 4-8tfc BABY CHICKS FOR SALE CHURCH SHED Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 6 p.m., November 25th for the purchase of Elimville Church shed, which measures 50 x 120 ft, 10-inch cement block wall, 8 feet high, carrying timber trusses end to end, covered with steel roof. Walls to be removed to foundation level and grounds to be left in good condition. ’<TERMS: A marked cheque for $100 to be sent with tender; balance to be paid before removal of shed. Highest or any tender not necessarily accept­ed. Building to be removed not later than March 1, 1955.JOHN RIDLEY, Secretary Trustee Board, Exeter, R. 3 28:6c BRA Y December - January pullets should be ordered now. Bray cocke­rels available after mid-November, Ask us for complete literature, price- list, etc, and then — order through agent — Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246W. 4 HELP WANTED WE NEED someone with sales ex­ perience who can meet public, foi' full-time job involving some super­ vising and machine operation. Please state age, qualifications and previous experience, in writing, to Post Office Box 18, Exeter,_________________4c FOB SURE SUCCESS — Start your own business with a permanent year- round way of making $$. Our quality products including toilet sets, food products, tonics, assure quick, easy sales. Open territories in your sur­roundings, Write for free details. — FAM1LEX, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. A„ Montreal. 4 c TRUCK TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for one heavy Truck equipped as follows: All lights roquired by law, directional lights, 7,10-20 14-ply tires, 5 to be • trac­ tion; heavy duty springs, front and back; reinforced frame; cast spoke wheels and front tow hooks; heater 5; direct in fifth transmission; two- speed axle; heavy duty rear axles equipped with 6-7 yard dump body; 142-148 wheelbase.1951 4-Ton Mercury Truck withdump and hoist to be traded in. In­ spection of this can be made at Crediton at any time. •Tenders must he in the hands of the Clerk not later than November 5, 1954, at 7 p.m.R, W. MOBLOCK, Clerk NOTICES GRAND BEND BY-LAW NO. 57 A by-law for submitting to the Electors of the Corporation of the Village of Grand Bend for their as­sent, a by-law for establishing- the Public Utilities Commission of the Village of Grand Bend:Whereas the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of Grand Bend deems it advisable to submit to the electors of tiie Cor­poration of the Village of Grand Bend for their assent a by-law for estab­lishing the Public Utilities Commis­ sion of the Village of Grand Bend, and entrusting to the said commis­sion the control and management of the electric and water utilities under­ taken by the Corporation; Now therefore the Municipal Coun­cil of the Corporation of the Village of Grand Bend enacts as follows: 1. That there be submitted to the electors of the Corporation for their assent By-Law No. 58 of the Cor­poration for establishing the Pub­lic Utilities Commission of the Vil­lage of Grand Bend, and entrusting to the said Commission the control and management of the *electric and water -utilities undertaken by the Corporation, and of the construction, maintenance and operation of works therewith, 2. That the votes of the said elec­tors shall be taken on the said by­law at the following time and places, and by the Deputy Returning Officer and Poll Clerk, hereafter named, that is to say: The voting shall take place on the 22nd day of November A.D., 1954, from 9 o’clock in the forenoon until 5 o’clock in the afternoon.3. A true copy of this by-law shall be published in the newspaper, The Times-Advocate, Exeter, on the days herein after mentioned, that is to say: 4. On the 15th day of November. 1954, at his office in the council chamber on Huron Street in the Village of Grand Bend at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, the Reeve will, in writ­ing signed by him, appoint two per­sons to attend the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk of the Coi-poration, and one person to attend the poling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of the passing of the said by-law; and a like number on behalf of the per­sons interested in and desirous of having the said by-law defeated.5. The 22nd day of November, 1954. at the said council chamber at 5 o’clock in the afternoon is hereby appointed as the time and place for summing up by the clerk of this Corporation of the number of votes given in the affirmative and in the negative respectively.Finally passed and enacted this 1st day of November A.D. 1954, J. H. DALTON, Reeve HERBERT WAINWRIGHT, Clerk 4:11:18 NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Caroline Christens Ballantyne late of the Village of Hensall in the County of Huron, TTAripn cod ALL PERSONS h a v i n g claims against the Estate of the late Caro­line Chirstena Ballantyne, who died on the 10th day of January, 1954, are hereby notified to send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or be­fore the 20th day of November, 1954. AFTER the last-named date the assets of the said Estate will be dis­tributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ontario, this 2nd day of November, 1954. W. G. Cochrane Solicitor for the Administratrix ar_____________________4:11:18 In the Matter of the Estate of William John Hockey of the Town of Exeter, in the County or Huron, Barber, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the late William John Hockey, jvho died oil the 12th day of October, 1954, are hereby notified to send them to the Undersigned, duly verified. On or before the Gth day of November, 1954.After the last-named date the as­ sets of the said Estate will be distri­buted among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims Of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Exeter, Ontario, this 18th day of October, A,D. 1954. W. G. Cochrane Solicitor for the Administrator. 21:28:4 In the Matter of the Estate of Josiah Oliver late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Retired, Deceased.All persons having claims against the Estate of the late Josiah Oliver, who died on or about the 17th day of October, 1954, are hereby notified to send them to the Undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 13th day of November, 1954,After the last-named date the as­sets of the said Estate will be dis­tributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice.. Dated at Exeter. Ontario, this 25th day of October, 1954,W, (L Cochrane, Solicitor for the Execution 28:4:11 AUCTION SALES DISPERSAL SALE Of Registered. Hereford Cattle on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1954 at 1:00 o’clock AT THE SANDERS’ FARM, 3 miles west of St. Thomas, on Talbot Road,’s-mile north of .Middlemarch, or 3 miles west of Talbotviile, and 1 mile south, Watch for signs. 43 Bulls, including the four-year- old proven herd bull. F. T. Proud Prince 13th: many cows and calves; 12 open heifers. JOHN M, SANDERS, Owner St, Thomas, Ontario Auctioneers: DUNCAN BROWN, ERNIE O’NEIL PERCYr WRIGHT MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a mortgage dated 31st January, 1947, there will be offered for sale by public auction on the premises at the Village of Grand Bend, on Friday, the 19th day of No­vember, at the hour of 2 p.m., the following valuable property:In the Township of Bosanquet m the County of Lambton and Province of Ontario and being composed of a portion of Lot No. Twenty-six (26) on the west side of Ontario Street in the Village of Brewster as laid out on a certain plan of Lot No. One (1) in the Lake Road West Concession of the said Township, dated April 6th A. D., 1877, made by Alfred Wilson, P.L.S. for John Dalziel and duly reg­istered as No. Eight, and which por­tion may be more particularly de­scribed as follows, that is to say:"Commencing on the easterly limit and at the north-east angle of said Lot No. Twenty-six (26); thence westerly along- the northerly limit of said lot, a distance of forty-six feet feet to an angle; thence southerly parallel with the easterly limit of said lot. a disance of forty-six feet to an angle; thence easterly parallel with the northerly limit of said lot, a distance of eighty-seven feet to an angle arriving at the easterly limit of the said lot; thence northerly along the easterly limit of said lot, a distance of forty-six feet, arriving at the place of beginning, the above plan being now Plan 1 for the Village of Grand Bend, upon which lands are situated a comfortable dwelling." TERMS: 10% down on the day .of sale, balance in 30 days.Property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. SARAH HAMILTON, Mortgagee ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 4:11:18 Morning Noon or Tuesday for PROMPT, DRIPLESS DELIVERY OF Champion Triple Filtered FUEL OIL CALL 508 Exeter Farm Equipment R. D, Jermyn its tne one gin ior those who mean the most that only you can give. May we make your appointment today? Ifs easy to order your CANADA SAVINGS BONDS from us! Just write or telephone and? say what you wish to buy*, and an application form with complete details will be- mailed to you immediately., CANADA SAVINGS BONDS are the safest investment you; can buy; they're always worth. 100 cents on the dollar: and. you can get your money back anytime you need iu Wood, Gundy & Company Limited 36 King Street West Toronto 1 Telephone EMpire 4-4321 was used in a Peruvian high- voltage power line, installed at altitudes of from 13,000 to- 15,000 feet—the world's highest. Canada supplied not only the- cable but also the technical assistance required on this record job. We imagine that alulninurh’s light weight was particularly appreciated by the llamas or whatever other beasts of burden were used to get the table to the top. Ih the rugged mountaiii country of British Columbia where Alcan's own huge Kititnat developrrierit is going on, the aluihinuna transhiission lines used represent another record: they Are the largcst-diamcter overhead power lines ih the World, Aluminum Company Of Canada, Lid. (Alcan).