HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-10-21, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1954 The ?tory In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS Mrs. Q-. Needham, of London ’Township, is spending a few days at the home of Mrs. W. J. Davis. Mr. H. W. Hodgins is slightly improved since his accident and he and Mrs. Hodgins have return­ ed to theii- homo in Lucan. They have spent the past two or three weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll. Mrs. F. Davis is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. M. Elston, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dickins were Monday evening dinner guests with Mr, and Mrs, N. Squire, Mr .and Mrs. M. McDonald and Joyce and Howard spent the past weekend in the Orillia district. Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis visited with Mr, and Mrs. F. Dickins, of Coldwater, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Smyth, of Midland, recently. Mr .and Mrs. C. Ings, of Lon­ don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Carroll over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. F. Guilfoyle and Norman, of Simcoe, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. Greenlee and Mr. and Mrs. E. Greenlee. Miss A. Davis spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Green­ lee and hoys. Mr, and Mrs. J. Barker, Joan and Gary, were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. Atkinson. The members of the W.A. met in the Parish Hall on Tuesday afternoon to quilt. First Of 55s On Display In announcing the new 1955 line of Studebaker passenger cars, Graham Arthur, of Graham Ar­ thur Motor Bales, Exeter, declar­ ed, “We are highly gratified that we can offer as our first new line of passenger cars and trucks pro­ duced by the new Studebaker- Packard Corporation, these his­ tory-making models. We are especially happy that we can launch them with a dynamic com­ petitive pricing program, The new line, the most com­ plete in Studebaker’s history, fea­ tures sharply increased horse-1 power and includes different body styles, high-lighted by medium- priced, power - packed, luxury President models. Millions of mo­ torists will recall that a luxury President series distinguished the Studebaker lines in the 1920's and '30’s until 1942, when pro­ duction was turned to national defense. Studebaker’s new line also fea­ tures the popular Champion and Commander series of sedans, sports cars and station wagons, designed to further increase Studebaker’s leadership in styling and engineering soundness and advancement. Star power performer of all is the new President series, featur­ ing a 175-horsepower “Wildcat’’ V-S power plant. Classified Directory FOR SALE FOR SALE BABY CHICKS FOR SALE HELP WANTED LOST EMPLOYMENT WANTED GOOD FEED Tt’BNIBS — 15V a bushel. Ernie Harris, phone. 33-18 Kirkton. _________21:2b* 1947 CHEV Dg ton truck, in good condition. S20G. Glenn’s Auto Wreck­ers, phone 418 Exeter. _______21:28c WHEN YOU CARE enough to burn the very best, telephone 299, Ford Fuels and Building Products, for “Blue Coal” and D & H Anthracite.28c BABY'S CRIB; also baby carriage, in good condition. Apply Mrs. Ross Jaques, phone 90-17 Kirkton.____21* CHROME KITCHEN TABLE and two ch airs. Phone 407 Exeter,____21c PORTLAND CEMENT — $1.25 a bag. Exeter District Co-Op, phone 287. 21c GET THROUGH THE MUD — put half tracks on your tractor. Made for all makes and sizes. For prices and information, see or call H. Peterson, phone 31-r-15 Dashwood. 21:28:4c COOK STOVE — Wingham Classic, white enamel, in excellent condition. Apply Arthur Cunningham, R.R. 1, Clandeboye.___________________21:28c GOLD BIRTHSTONE RING—Valued as keepsake. Reward. Finder please leave at Times-Advocate. 21c PERSONAL Largest Stock OF AUTOMOTIVE PARTS Lowest Prices Come In And See And You’ll Agree | Glenn's Auto Wreckers I PHONE 418 EXETER [ MAN’S BLUE WINTER COAT, size 38-40, in good condition. May be seen at Brady Cleaners._____________21* BOY’S GREY pic 'n pic suit, size 34, like new. May he seen at Brady’s Cleaners.____ ___________________21c DURHAM HEIFER, due October 24. Apply Clarence Thompson, R. R. 1, Granton, phone 35-16 Kirtkon, 21* ELECTRIC STOVE, 4-burner; Cole­man oil heater, medium size; both nearly new.) Also refrigerator. Apply 230 Algonquin Drive, RCAF, Cen­tralia,_____ _____________ 211 a COAT — Wine, English wool broad­cloth, silver fox collar, size 16. Good condition. Cost $120. will sell for $20. Can be seen at Brady’s Cleaners, Exeter, or phone -S7, Lucan._____21c GIRLS’ WINTER COAT — Green trimmed with brown fur, size 8 years. Mrs. Valeria Armstrong, phone 125, Exeter.__________________21nc 50 CHOICE laying pullets. Phone 423 Exeter._______________________ 21* OIL SPACE HEATER — Fairbanks- Morse, almost new; extension dining room table and leaves; Coleman gas stove (3 burners and oven). Very reasonable. Apply to Gaspar Olah, No. •1 Highway, just north of Centralia. USED WINDOW SASH — One pair; 28x68, including glass, In A-l con­ dition. Apply N. Ogden, phone 166J Exeter. _______ 21c UNBRITCH PIANO — In very good shape, reasonable price. Appply Mrs. Gordon Block, phone 109 Zurich. 21o SUGAR BEET RACK and low-down all-steel wheel wagon ■with heavy duty tires. Apply Jim Miller, Wood­ham,_____ ________________21c STOCKER HEIFERS — 13 at 650 lbs, 16 at 550 lbs. S. D. Wein, phone 7, Exeter. ___________ __________21c BOY’S TWEED SUIT, 6-7; boy’s blue suit, size 12. 2 pair pants. Can be seen at Brady’s Cleaners, 21* BABY’S BLUE NYLON- snowsuit, white fur trim hood, size 3-9 months. May be seen at Brady’s Gleaners. 21c *44 DODGE 2-ton truck with stake body and hoist. Apply Alvin Cole. Cromarty, Ont. ________________21* FIVE HOLSTEIN HEIFERS due in October, Vaccinated and TB Tested, These heifers are out of good grade cows and unit bulls, and are bred to a good Hereford bull. Harold Taylor, phone Kirkton 39-r-8.__________21* COB CORN — Will be picking soon. Place your order now. Alvin Ginger­ich, Zurich, phone 90-r-G._____14:21^ APPLES —McIntosh, Delicious, Spy and Winesap, Apples for immediate use at very attractive prices. Bring your containers to Govenlock Fruit Farm, half mile north of Forest on No. 21 Highway.______________14:21* ’51 PHILCO REFRIGERATORS—Re­duced for quick sale! one 7 cu. ft. model; two 9 cu ft; 13 cu. ft. deep freeze; Cof field electric washer; all brand new. Lloyd Ballantyne, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone 45-r-32.______14:21c sun PULLETS, 6 months old, laying 50%. New Hamps, Rocks and Sussex. Mrs, Arthur Howald, Penfield. 21c CORN PICKER, used, one-row, Wood Bros, Phone S0-W Dashwood or 97-R Exeter (evenings).____________14:21c DEER RIFLE, .303 British, in good condition. Reasonable for cash. H. Peterson, Dashwood, phone 31-r-15.14:21:28c BRAy CHICKS, dayold, available. May be a few started. Prompt ship­ment. December dayold cockerels should ibe ordered, now. Ask us for prices and full particulars. Agent — Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 264W. NOTICES TOWN OF EXETER COURT OF REVISIONThe first sitting of the Court of Revision to consider appeals against the 1954 Assessment will be held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, November 4, 1954. C. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk.21 THE MECHANICS' LIEN ACT TAKE NOTICE that on Friday, the 29th day of October, A.D, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-four, at the hour of 2 p.m. will be offered for sale 1940 Chevrolet Coach serial 0121112>110 at the parking lot of the undersigned, Main Street, Exeter, Ontario, by Frank Taylor, auctioneer. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the said automobile is the prop­ erty of LAC William P. Bye, RCAF Station, Clinton, and that he is ow­ ing to the undersigned the sum of $282.50 for labor and materials ex­ pended upon the said automobile, for which a Hen is claimed in the above sum together with the costs of sale and advertising. DATED at Exeter this 20th day of October A.D. 1954. SNELL BROS. LIMITED BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors 21c AGGRESSIVE SALESMEN! If you have a car we have a wonderful rural areg for you. Make money by working a Familex dealership full or part time. We offer you a large var­iety of cosmetics, daily necessities and other useful products. Why not write for details? FAMILEX, Dept. 3, Montreal 24. __________ 21* FIRST CLASS PAINTERS and first class enamel spray man. Apply Wil­ liam Clark, Algonquin Drive, RCAF, Centralia. _____ 21c WELL-KNOWN CANADIAN company has opening for New Canadian wo­ man interested in pleasant, profitable business of her own. Highest com­mission paid. No canvassing. For apppointment write Box “T’’, Exeter Tinies-Advocate. _______7*.14:21:28c Wonderful Opportunity ONTARIO AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION Immediate requirement for sales rep­ resentative for Exeter and District. Above average earnings earned by diligent salesman. Protected territor­ ies. Car an asset. This is a wonder­ful opportunity for a man desiring a career in the sales field with a future and security. For confidential inter­ view, state particulars, selling exper­ ience, phone number and write: Box 817, London, Canada HUSBANDS! WIVES! WANT PEP, VIM? Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new vitality, today, "Get-acquainted” Size only 60^. All druggists. 14.:21q YOUNG MAN desires work on farm. Apply Ken Barr, c/o Lorne Hodgins. R.R. 1, Lucan. ___________ 21* FARMERS! Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam­ilies. Also wanted to rent—50- tp 10Q- acre farms. Write Henry Nyhjus, R. 3, Exeter^ phone 172-r-31. 12-10tfc MaXe your contacts to pros­ pects through Classified Ads. THAT iEM FOR RENT NOTICES TO CREDITORS Locker News Is Sharp Freezing Important Or Necessary? Quoted from pages 2-4 Frozen Foods Bulletin No. 504 June 19 54, issued by Ontario Depart­ ment of Agriculture. " Overloading a freezer with warm food will result in very slow freezing of the product. Under such conditions, the qual­ ity will suffer and in some cir­ cumstances spoilage may occur before product is frozen. Also, the frozen products already in the freezer may partially thaw, a condition that is very undesir­ able. As a guide, most freezers can freeze 2 to 4 pounds per cubic foot in 24 hours. If you have a large quantity of food to freeze at one time by all means have it sharp frozen at your Locker Plant and then place it in your freezer. * * * * We believe this valuable bulle­ tin has been distributed at many Institute meetings. It will he sent free on application to the De­ partment at either Guelph or To­ ronto. * * * * The Ontario Department of Health requires all Locker Opera­ tors who have a proper license to install expensive fast freezing equipment. Those who do not have this equipment operate under a temporary permit we be­ lieve. We are renting lockers to many home freezer owners. Our ser­ vices are available to anyone in this district. We will not rent storage space by the month to anyone who has not a locker al­ ready in use. We will slaughter cattle, hogs, lambs, ect., cut, wrap and quick freeze meat for anyone on re­ quest. Make This Your Frozen Food Centre Exeter Frozen Foods PHONE 70 MAIN ST. ............................................ Admiral Have YOU Seen I The "Triumph"? | This Is The New TV That Stunned Canada! This is the set that’s rocking the nation! It's super- | giant 21” TV (up to 50 square inches more than other | makes J with aluminized picture tube., 13-lube “Robot” | chassis, AC Power Transformer and other Admiral De- | luxe features combined in a table model set that is selling | for the fantastically low price of $249.95. You’ve never | seen it SO BIG , , , you've never seen it SO GOOD , f } j you’ve never paid SO IJ.TTLE I j Super Giant 21” For Only $249.95 CANADIAN CEMENT at Centralia Farmers' Supply. ____________21c BRICKS, cleaned; also baby carriage, ball bearing nylon tires. Apply Mrs. Worrell or Ernie Perry, 506, William St.____________________________ 21c HOLSTEIN HEIFERS — Bred to Waterloo Artificial Unit. Apply Leon­ ard Harris, phone 33-18 Kirkton.21:28* 2 REGISTERED HEREFORD fulls, for quick sale. Apply Clarence Parke, phone 9G-r-9 Zurich. _______14:21* 6 YOUNG BULLS, ranging from year and a half to 10 months old, reds and roans, Yearling females. Herd is accredited. Heifers vaccinat­ed. Apply Edgar Monteith, phone 45G-r-2 Exeter,______________7:14:21* TURKEYS—Oven-ready or New York dressed. Apply Harry Hayter, phone 47-r-5 Dashwood. 7:14c STILL SELLING off my collection! —Simon Sweitzer, phone 448 Exeter.21* This Week In Whalen By MILS. F. SQUIRE 500 SUSSEX RED ready to lay pul­ lets. Phone 57-r-7 Dashwood. —H. T. Miller. 10-7tfc NEW HOPE For Sinus, Hay Fever, Head Cold sufferers by using NAMELESS Cold Remedy. Convincing trial $1.00. Ad- dress: Purity Co., Exeter.____9-16tfc W.A. And W.M.S. The October meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Bert Duffield with 15 members and three visitors present. Mrs. William Morley, Jr., was in charge of the W.A. The theme was “Giving Thanks’’. Mrs. Morley, Mrs. Roy Hodgson and Mrs. Ray Parkinson conducted the worship period. An invitation was received from Centralia to attend their bazaar on October 27. Plans for a bazaar on the evening of Novem­ ber 12 were made. Mrs. Alton Neil gave a reading, “Little Things”. A plant sale was held after the meeting. Mrs. Klahre presided over the W.M.S. meeting. The theme was “The Influence of a Christian Leader.” Mrs. Ronald Squire gave the story on India. Mrs. Klahre reviewed a chapter from the study book on India. Mrs. Bert Duffield and Mrs. Cecil Squire were appointed as delegates to attend the W.M.S. convention at Greenway on Octo­ ber 20. A bale will be packed at the next meeting. Betty Duffield favored with a piano solo. A special W.M.S. ser­ vice is to be held on November 28 with Rev. Clarke as the speaker. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Lome Grose and Sharon, of Devizes, visited Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Par­ kinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire attended anniversary services at Thames Road on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Cann. ' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins and family were Friday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don Meyers, London. Mr. and Mrs, Grafton Squire and Sue Ann and Mr. and Mrs, George Squire were Monday visit­ ors with Mr .and Mrs. Nelson Squire, of Thames Road. Miss Marion Rodd, R.N., has returned to Edmonton by plane after a three-week vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rodd, Mrs. Frank Parkinson visited in Thorndale last week with Mrs. Stevenson. Miss Dorothy Brown, London, was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil, Mr .and Mrs. Fred Tomlinson and Lois, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mi’s. Wil­ liam French. David and Dale Johnson, Lou­ don, spent a few days recently with thelp grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. William Morley, Sr., and Elva, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Morley, Jr., and Janice at­ tended Wesley anniversary ser­ vice and visited with Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Dann. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, E. Ferguson were Mr, and Mrs. A. Slood, Beachville; Mr. and Mrs, James McLaughlin, of Sarnia; Mr .and Mrs, Cliff Wil­ cox and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don McLaughlin and Jack, of Ottawa. Mr, and Mrs, E, M. Fitzgerald, London, visited this week With Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire, WRECKING—’42 Hudson, ’42 Dodge, ’41 Dodge, '41 Chev, ’41 Ford. Many older models. Cudmore’s Gravel, tele­ phone 171-r-3 Exeter. 7-12tfc TENDERS WANTED G-ROOM HOUSE on No, 8 Highway, Village of Hensail. Apply Ivan L. Kalhl’leisch, Zurich, phone 69. 21c3-ROOM upstairs apartment, 2-piece bath, Main St., I-Iensall. Apply White Rose service station, phone 105. 21* MODERN 2-BEDROOM HOUSE for rent in Exeter. Large garage. Apply Martin Laub, 58 East Huron, phone 579R._______________________ 21* 7-ROOM HOUSE in Elimville, or large farm house with barn. Both have hot and cold running water, decorated, bathroom, furnace, garden, Apply Hubert Heywood, Exeter, R.R, 3, Ontario, phone 32-14, Kirkton. 21^ FURNISHED APARTMENT — up­stairs, private entrance, 3 rooms. 27S Huron St, West, or phone 110, 21* SELF-CONTAINED, heated apart­ment «— 4 rooms and bath, unfurnish­ ed. Apply 411 William St., phone 113W,__________________________21c LARGE, COMFORTABLE furnshed room. Gentleman preferred. Abstain­ er. Board if desired. Apply Times- Advocate._______________________21* LARGE, COMFORTABLE bed - sit­ ting room; elderly lady preferred; laundry facilities; unfurnished. Apply Times-Advocate,_________________21* 2 FURNISHED APARTMENTS. $40 and $35 a month. Apply Mr. Warner, 81 Andrew St.________________14:21c APARTMENT Unfurnished, Immediate Possesion, Hot and Cold Water, Fresh, Clean, Recently Painted and Papered. Central — On East Side of Town Close to Schools ' Phone 143 Exeter 14:21c In the Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM JOHN HOCKEY, of the Town of Exeter, in the County or Huron, Barber, Deceased, All persons having claims agghist the Estate of the late William John Hockey, who died on the 12th day of October, 1954, are hereby notified to send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 6th day of November, 1954.After the last-named date the as­ sets of the said Estate will be distri­buted among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Exeter, Ontario, this 18th day of October, A.D. 1954. W. G. COCHRANE, Solicitor for the Administrator. ___________________________ 21:2'8:1 *In the Estate of William Edward Foster deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of William Edward Foster, late of the Village of Hensail, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about September 25, 1954, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solici­tors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 23rd day of October next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Estate, Exeter, Ont. 7:14:21c motoramic Chevrolet for 1955 will be on display here soon Snell Bros. Ltd. PHONE 100 EXETER WalpersMensWear Give You FREE PANTS WITH EVERY SUIT IN OUR GREAT W. R. Johnston “Approved Clothes” Made-To-Measure AUCTION SALES EXETER MEMORIAL ARENA SNACK BAR The undersigned will accept Ten­ ders until Thursday, October 28, at 6:00 p.m. for the operation of the snack bar at the arena, for the period of November 2, 1954, to about April 1, 1955. Either a cash tender or a profit division plan will be considered. The snack bar to operate six days and evenings each week. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars call Exeter 136.Exeter Community Centres Board ED BRADY, CHAIRMAN 21:28 BEDROOM, sitting-room, kitchen, use of bath, side entrance. All furnished. 357 Carling St._________________21c APARTMENT — Bath, hot and cold water, two bedrooms, kitchen and living room, full basement, on high­way at Shipka. Available October 16. —Albert Gaiser, Crediton, phone 6-J.9-9tfc APARTMENT — Modern upstairs apartment, 4 rooms and bath, oil heated, phone 7 Exeter._____ 9-9tfc FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Power lawn mowers. —Bea­ vers Hardware, Exeter. 7-ltfc WANTED REAL ESTATE 10 FAIR-SIZED CATTLE to winter. Bob Wildfong, 38-r-4 Dashwood. 21* STANDING TIMBER — Hard and soft maple, passwood and elm. By the thousand or bush lots.—Kenneth Ver­non, Thedford, R.R.4, phone Sylvan 13-1-32,_______________________21:28* SAW MILL LOGS and standing bush­ lots wanted. Fu6! wood and slab wood for sale. — Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, phone 624-r-22 or 623-r-3 7-ltfc WANTED AND FOR SALE — Used merchandise. Louis E. Johnston, Sec­ ond Hand Shop, corner Station and Main Streets. Phone 183 noon and evenings. 6-29tfc HOUSE, a acres land, barn, hen­ house, garage; or will rent 5-room, unfurnished, redecorated apartment in same house. Partly heated if desired. Apply 169 William St., phone 400W. MODERN 1-FL00R home. This home is beautifully finished throughout and provides every convenience for com­ fortable living. Nearly new. Very low cash payment will handle. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. $G00. TOTAL PRICE. 5-room frame house. This house is located in Kirk­ton. It is in reasonable repair. Has good roof and hydro. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture, Some Implements For The Estate Of MRS. ALBERT MORGAN Lot 13, Con. 9, McGillivray Twp.1 mile east of Brinsley, % mile north 1 mile N. of Clandeboye, 2^ miles W. onMONDAY, OCTOBER 25Antique dishes, bedroom suite, drop leaf table, dresser, sideboard, glass cupboard, victrola, single bed and springs, 2 small tables, rocking chairs, coal oil stove, book stand, Good Cheer heater, bureau, cabinet, cupboard. 2 stoves, dining room table, 3 wash stands, 2 beds, quantity of dishes, organ, kitchen utensils.M.H. hay loader, tractor discs. 6 ft. Deering binder, F. AV. Mower, 5 ft., riding plough, wagon and rack, buggy, double harness, single harness, quant­ity of lumber, 3 pieces Sx4xl6; wooden shingles, 3 trowels, forks, shovels, sledges, crow bar, brace and bit, fence pullers, iron wedges, chain, axes, vise; planes, hand saws, cross cut saw, pile of Iron, wooden fence posts, roll of wire, steel posts, quantity of wood and coal, wrenches, other articles.TERMS: CASHSale at 1 p.m. MRS. MELVIN ALLISON, Executrix J. R. McLEAN, Auctioneer R.R. 2, ParkhlB, Phone G12-r-5 21c SUIT SALE Now . . . get “extra mileage” in a suit that is made tc your exact measure. We give you extra trousers in this amazing two pant suit sale FRFE. That means you can get extra long suit life without paying the extra price. The fabrics are luxurious British and Domestic cloths . . » many 100% virgin woollens in exclusive new shades and weaves — created especially for W. R. Johnston and Royal York Clothes . . . nationally famous from coast to coast. Come in now, select your own style and pick the fabric and shade of your choice. We have all the wanted new Charcoal shades for Fall. Made-To-Your-Measure 3-Piece Including Extra Trousers-$57.50 STOCK WANTED dead; DISABLED STOCK — Seven- day week service for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, calves. —Glen Kennedy, phone collect 168-W Lucan or Exeter 235.__________________________9-2tfc HORSES WANTED—Heavy or light, young or old. Please notify Frank Taylor, 138 Exeter._____ Jul22;Ja5* I AM IN THE MARKET for al! kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc CREDITON — Two-family dwelling; modern conveniences; almost new; immediate possession; terms. C. V. Pichard, Realtor, Exeter. MODERN 2-BEDROOM house. Good Exeter location; large living room; particularly nice kitchen and bath­ room; air conditioned oil heat; im­ mediate possession; reduced price; very easy terms. C. V. Pickard, Real- tor, Exeter........................... ................... MISCELLANEOUS NICE DWELLING — furnace, full bath; sold with or without beauty parlour equipment and lunch busi­ness, Creditor:. William Pearce, Real­ tor, Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Sales­ men. REST HOME — Care for convales­cents, semi-invalids. Tray service, Apply 199 Andrew St., phone 22M Exeter. _________________21:28: Rile, GENERAL TRUCKING, loading and bulldozzing: gravel fill and top fill. Apply Lome R. Becker, Dashwood, phone 118,__________________ 14: 21 * WE WILL CUSTOM KILD, eviscer­ ate and package yotlr chicken or tur­key for your farm freezer or locker. Phone us for dates and prices. Apply Edgar Cttdmore, phone 171-r-ll Ex­ eter._______ ___ 10-7(fc CtLSTOM COMBINING, bean pulling. Apply Tom Dobbs, R.R. 1, Centralia, phone IH-r-7 Kirkton. 7:14* "STANDARD OF THE WOODS" — McCulloch Chain Saws! All models and complete service available at Mc­ Culloch Saw Sales, 428 Huron Street, Stratford, phone 1061-J. 9-lfitfc WHITEWASHING and CLEANING— Arrangements can be made. — Bill Watson, Dashwood, telephone 35-r-19. 8-2'6:11-110 STEW’S SHARPENING SERVICE — Files and sets your saws better than news! Apply 152 Lake Road. 8-2Gtfc SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED —Imme­ diate service. Phone 108 Lucan or 130-W Tutcan. Butler Bros. 10-7:11-28 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AUTO TRIMMING snp Covers—custom made or installed u HUGH WILSONPhone 56 Exeter ASBESTOS SLATE one-storey house. Living, dining rooms, kitchen, 3 bed­ rooms, bathroom, oil furnace; im­ mediate possession. William Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. MODERN 2-BEDROOM brick cot­tage, on No. 4 Highway, north of Ex­ eter; oil-heated. Property includes 3 acres of land, small barn and garage. Contact G, E. Walker, R.R. 1, JTon- sail, phone 689-r-2, Hensail. 2tc FARMS—We have enquiries for acre­ages 10 to 50 acres. Also for larger farms. If you are interested in sell­ing, let its know. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 70-7tfc HOME WITH INCOME — We are offering a well built house that will provide a home for an average family and ah income from a separate apart­ment. Each unit Is complete with separate bathroom, kitchen and en­trance. Terms. —C, V. Pickard, Real­ tor, Main Street, Exeter. 9-Otfc STORE BUSINESS—Rural—Combined store and comfortable dwelling:. Hy­ dro, County road. Clean Stock, mostly groceries. Necessary equipment. Four acres of land, hennery and barn 40’ x SO’, Total price $7,500,00. Terms. — C, V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Ex- etcr. 9-2tfc 2-BEDROOM COTTAGE —This is a complete small home with modern kitchen and two-piece hath, Full basement, immediate possession if desired. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, 6-10tfc NEW HOUSE — S40 Edward Street. Living room, kitchen, diuifig room, two bedrooms, And bath With space for other room on second floor, Oil furnace. Wide lot. —R. E. Balkwill, Exeter, phone 89-J» 4»8tfc HEREFORD SALE BERE, GILMORE, O’NEIL THIRD ANNUALTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1954 at 1:30 p.m. AT ERNIE O’NEIL’S FARM, 11 miles north of London or 2 miles south of Elginfield, %-mile east of No. 4 Highway Watch for sign. 50 Head of Registered Hereford.? —• All fully accredited. All eligible for U.S. Registration. All heifers vaccin­ated. All cattle guaranteed breeders. 19 Cows and Calves — 1G open heifers, 7 bulls, many foundation fe­ males and herd bull prospects in field condition. Sale Under CoverLunch By The Birr Guild Ernie O'Neil, Denfield, Ont.Sales ManagerEmerson Marling, W.C.H, Ohio, , __________Auctioneer____________ AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate And Household Effects The undersigned auctioneer has re­ ceived instruction to sell by public auction onSATURDAY. OCTOBER 30 at 1:30 o'clock at 309 ANDREW ST. IV., EXETER, the following:REAL ESTATE, being Lot No. 98 and part of Lot No. 99, Plan 20, for the Town of Exeter and being known as No. 309 on the west side of An­drew Street and composed of a brick residence, a frame garage ami ad­joining lands. ..CHATTELS: One chesterfield stlile; living room rug; occasional chairs; end tables; dining room table and six chairs; buffet; couch; rocking chairs; hods; spring-filled matresses; dross- ors; wash stands and sets; chest of drawers: wardrobe; chests; stools; hall rack and mirror: radio; vacuum cleaner: dishes and glassware; large assortment of antiques; what-not; ironing board; mats; rugs; sewing machine; two kitchon tables; lawn mower; step ladder; hose, reel; shov­els; sealers; crocks; boiler: pails; clothes-horse, and many other ar­ticlesTerms of Chattels: Cash Terms of Real Estate: U)^ on day Of sale and the. balance within 30 days. CELTA THOMPSON. Executor ELI CHRISTIE, Executor FRANK TAYLOR, Atiollonoor Cleaving AUCTION SALE On The Fremises LOT 17, CON. 15, STEPHEN TWP. 1% miles west, of Dashwood and 2 miles south on .....WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Rale edhsisU of cattle, tractor, im­ plements, hay, grain and household effects. Full list in next week’s issue. MRS. MRYTT/B TETREAU, Prop. ALVIN WAT^PER, Auctioneer Sic Walper s Men's Wear PHONE 81 EXETER Who’s brightening your future these 4 ways? 1 Some people are helping to bring your com­ munity a new shopping centre, highway, school, power plant or other useful projects. Who are they? Life insurance policyholders! Money- from the premiums they pay is invested for them in ways that help finance improvements like these, 2 A longer, healthier life may be yours, thanks in part to life insurance policyholders. Life in­ surance companies contribute funds to medical! research studies designed to free Canadians from the threat of many dread diseases. 3 Everybody shares in the prosperity which expanding industries bring to a community. Sonic industry in your community may have built a new plant and employed more workers because life insurance companies invested money in it on behalf of their policyholders. 4 Some day—perhaps soon—you may want a new home. If so, you may find yourself living happily in one of the thousands of new houses which have been built from coast to Coast with, the aid of money invested for policyholders by life insurance companies. So, if you are a life insurance policyholder, remember4 •~- while you’re providing security for your family and youfself, you re also helping to make Canada a better laftd to live in I AS. Frcm your life insurance man • ’’Invested life insurance dollars earn interest that makes it possible for you and your family to enjoy the benefits of life insurance at such low Post. If you have any questions about how to make life insurance fit your owb special needs, give me a call. I’ll be glad to help you!” THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA Comprising more Ihdh 50 Canadian, Brilkh and United States Companies. ‘it 1$ G&bd Citix&hship to owrt Lite Insurance*11 L-564&