HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-10-21, Page 5THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1954 P$g&. 5 Wanted TO PURCHASE Clover Locals Capture Prizes At Breslau Mud-Match AND Alfalfa HIGHEST PRICES GIVEN Call or Send Samples W. E. Reid Seeds and Beans DASHWOOD, PHONE 87 Duo-Therm From • Smart new "Imperial” styling, rich brown finish. Exclusive Dual Chamber Burner gives more heat from every drop of oil. 1 Money-saving Waste Stopper, Automatic Draft Minder. Fully Coordinated Controls. Power-Air Blower for forced-cir­ culation optional at extra cost. Complete line of Duo-Therm Oil Heaters for 1 to 6 rooms. Buy on terms at BEAVERS HARDWARE FARMER Elgin Hendrick, of R. R. 1, Dashwood, copped the highest prize of any district resident at the International Plowing Mud- Match a t Bresleau last week when he captured second prize in the tliree-furrow 12-inch Comments About Centralia By SffiS. FRED BOWDEN W.M.S. "The Leader’ October the church on Tuesday evening of last week with Mrs. Lloyd Hodg­ son as leader. Mrs. Clarke took charge of the study period and was assisted by Mrs. Hodgson, Mrs. E. Wilson and Miss Agnes Anderson, dress­ ed in saris, impersonating women of India. In a very interesting manner, they showed the impact made on India by Christian in­ fluences. Mrs. Lorne Hicks presided for the business, Mrs. Bowers, who is leaving for Salvation Army duty in Petrolia at the end of Octo­ ber, was presented with a cup and saucer. She expressed ap­ preciation of the gift. Lunch was served by Mrs. George McFalls, Mrs. F. Lewis and Mrs. William Isaac. The No­ vember meeting will be post­ poned to November 16 because of the turkey supper, Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McFalls, London, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McFalls. Mr. E. Carruthers, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Vercoe, of Flint, Mich., were weekend visit­ ors with Mrs. A. J-Iarlton. Mr. Fred Howe, with Miss Eleanor Mae Hod.gins as accom­ panist, was soloist at the nine­ tieth anniversary of Bethel Unit­ ed Church, near Paris, Sunday evening. Mr. Howe, who was a former member of Bethel Church, renewed former acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. William Had­ dock attended the anniversary service at the Sliipka United Church on Sunday and were visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pickering. The Young People’s meeting will be held at the home of the Bowden girls on Sunday evening, October 24. Influence of a Christian was the theme for the meeting of the W.M.S. in supertesT EXTRA MILEAGE SUPERIOR Propane Limited e. Your Distributor for Propane Gas and Appliances for Farm, Home and Industry Call Stratford 4174 Phone 86 Exeter CliEtPH • KEMPTVIUE PtrtQooAOUOH . ' RESULTS THAT COUNT EXETER DISTRICT K Station StreetPhotie 287 Collect Make Us Your Headquarters For BEATTY LITTER CARRIER REPAIRS & WATER BOWLS in the tliree-furrow class. His score puts him running for the Ford Championship. Results in the Tractor . . of this competition will be announced sometime this week. Larry Snid­ er and Sam Hendrick accompan­ ied the winner at the match. Plowing in a “sea of mud”, Lorne Ballantyne, of R. R. 3, Exeter, and John McGavin, of Walton, placed fourth in the in­ ter-county competition at Bres­ lau on Saturday, The two youths competed ag­ ainst 21 other teams in the rain- soaked fields of the International Plowing Match. Only six points separated the Huron team from the first prize winners. John McGavin took top indiv­ idual honors in the class and was awarded a trip to the 1954 Inter­ national Livestock Exposition at Chicago. Lorne Ballantyne plac­ ed two and one-half points be­ hind him. . R. Sherwood, of Exeter, who coached the Ballantyne youth, said plowing in the mud and rain "was a terror.” He felt the plow­ ing match should have been can­ celled. because it was impossible to judge the plowing accurately because of the mud. The South Huron District School team of Robert Dobson and Don Ballantyne plowed Frid­ ay during the heavy rain. The Dobson youth drew land which was under water and it was im­ possible to plow with any ac­ curacy. He had to use a logging­ chain to get his plow off the field. Besides the school class, the two SI-IDHS students plowed in an adult division which had an entry list of 54. Although they didn’t get in the money they placed well up in the top half. The high school contestants were coached by H. R. Sherwood. Field coaches were Don Hendrick and Stan Johns. Ross Jeffery, another outstand­ ing local plowman, entered comp­ etition Saturday but when he discovered the land he was al­ loted was under water, he had to withdraw. The Haig farm, flooded as badly as during any spring, will suffer over $100,000 worth of damage to its soya bean crop alone, Dr. C. L. Haigmeier, said this week. Over 1,200 acres of the beans --described as the best crop in the farm’s history—have been un­ der water since Friday. Five hundred acres of corn and a sim­ ilar acreage of fall wheat are also upder water. Dr. Haigmeier said it was the first flood in the fall he had seen since he purchased the land 17 years ago. The flood was as bad as any spring flood, he said. The doctor shot a verbal blast at the Ausable Valley Conserv­ ation Authority for not taking steps to alleviate of his land. “The Authority anything but talk, ca.n, the doctor said. "The Ausable was the second authority to , be est­ ablished in Canada and it has done the least. The Thames Auth­ ority, established five of 10 years later, has accomplished much more.” Dr. Haigmeier, who entered a lawsuit against the area for flood damage in 1947 but which has been held in abeyance, sai.d "I certainly intend to activate the lawsuit—somebody’s got to pay for the damage that has been done to my property.” Dr. Haigmeier contends that the water being carried away by municipal ditches to the Ausable has flooded his lands in the spring and created extensive dam­ age. Although adamant that he would activate his lawsuit again­ st the neighboring townships, he declined to say when he tends to start action. the flooding hasn’t done talk, talk,” in- Owner To Drain Sporting Lake Lake Smith, the sportsmen’s paradise near the Pinery, will be drained soon, Dr. L. C. Haig­ meier told the this week. Dr. Haigmeier, land around the was having too much trouble with poachers and trespassers. The doctor has maintained the lake for years as a private fish­ ing and hunting grounds but many sportsmen of the area fre­ quent the place. It is one of the best known spots in the district for duck hunting. Times-Advocate who owns the lake, said he Huron Farm Federation To Banquet In Zurich Huron County Federation of Agriculture will hold its annual social banquet in Zurich Com­ munity Centre on Monday, Octo­ ber 25, directors decided at a meeting in Clinton last Thurs­ day. Rev, George Goth, Metropolitan United Church, London, will be the guest speaker, The annual meeting Federation will be held _____T desboro on November 25. It will take the form of a noon luncheon when all township federation di­ rectors will be guests, Backed a survey ship, the quest the conduct a Saving Time. The Federation made an at­ tempt this spring to have centres in the county abandon daylight time but the move did not start early enough. A survey taken this fall in Stanley township showed that over 90 percent of the farm­ ers there favored remaining on Standard Time for the summer. Back llowick Motion A resolution which the I-Iow- ick Township, Federation submit­ ted, dealt with requesting the On­ tario Federation of Agriculture to investigate the possibility of far­ mers being granted some exemp­ tion for income tax purposes as owners and managers of the farm business. The meeting endorsed the re­ resolution asking that the On- warded to the Ontario Federation of Agriculture for study. The meeting endorsed a second resoultion asking that the On­ tario Federation set up a depart­ ment of public relations. This re­ solution was submitted to the Huron County directors from the Perth County Federation. The newly appointed Women’s Committee of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture, which also met Tuesday night, submit- of the in Lon- by favorable results of made in Stanley town­ directors decided to re­ Ontario government to referendum on Daylight FIGHTER COPY­ WRITER Be It plowing fields, knocking ouf opponents or writing ’’deathless prose”, the mqn who has trained the longest, worked the hardest and learned the most will do the better job. ted a resolution to the directors and executive meeting. The resolution related to rep­ resentation from the Ontario Farm Forum Council on the Wo­ men’s Committee of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. The resolution was tabled for future study after some further information is available. Reports were given on the Farm Forum zone meeting and the Farm Forum semi-annual meeting which were held don in early October, by Greig. Phone: Office 24 Res. 16 2-J Your insurance agent has also trained, worked and learned to become an expert in his business ,, . insurance. He then is completely qualified to advise you where, what and when to buy insurance. Be sure your insurance is up-to-date and that you have complete coverage. IV. Herman Hodgson •‘The Insurance Man” farther in Lon- Gordon Your dollars will go when you shop the WANT AD way! QQW COMFORT!' arc selling 10 eighty poundWe cans of milk every day from our 20 Pure bred Holstein Cows Buy A Bull Calf From One of these good cows $25 and up VtMBlE GRACE* motoramic Chevrolet for 1955 will be on display here soon Snell Bros. Ltd PHONE 100 By D. I. HOOPER FREE GIFTS!WIN THESE OCT. 30 — 5 GALS. ANTI-FREEZE NOV. 6 — CHILD’S TRICYCLE out I G. Arthur Pipes Heavy Fuse is well fortified mineral and Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evenings throughout the week: NOV. 13 HOCKEY GLOVES, STICK & PUCK DEC. 11 — BONDED BRAKE JOB NOV. 27 — HART BATTERY (17-PIate Heavy Duty) good Tn- for Tax Sandy Elliot Phone <476 Exeter Down to Earth Lucrative? Luxury? Today the farmer’s whole life centres around the flow of elec­ trons in a conductor. When the hydro power fails pandemonium reigns and the local P.U.C. office is deluged with phone calls. “What’s wrong?” "How long will it be off?” etc. etc. There you have it. Hydro power is such an accepted neces­ sity of modern living that many people no longer can clearly re­ member exactly how they lived without it. It lights the way with the first tingle of the electric alarm clock in the pre-dawn dusk; or was it the sound of music of that clock radio, to the late news and wea­ ther forecasts on the television a farmer just naturally plugs in the cord and turns on the switch. The farmer’s wife no longer battles with a blaky monstrosity called "the kitchen range”. Smart enamel electric stoves with auto­ matic oven controls have done much to lighten kitchen chores along with running water, vac­ uum cleaners, electric polishers. Refrigerators and deep freezes along with electric washing ma­ chines and clothes driers help to make tile necessary jobs of living so much different. Along with these basic units go the appliances — toasters, mix-masters, juicers, which are the equivavlent to little handy gadgets in the farmer’s workshop. Down at the more uses of the dairy farm runs the milk milk house and kills flies. (Yes, there is now an electrified screen to kill flies.) In the hogpen it supplies water to automatic heat­ ed drinking fountains, heat lamps warm the new-born. In the hen house an electric clock turns on the lights even before the farm­ er’s alarm rings. The hens are busy eating feed that was brought to them on an automatic feeder. A moving belt brings the eggs from the roll-away nests to ft central cool room to be garded and packed in a free moment. At the feodlot an overhead auger feeds the fattening cattle their rations of grain and silage put out of the silo by a silo un­ loader. The automatic feed mill had mixed, ground and delivered various grains of the mixture at a predetermined rate to the auger which mixed it with the silage. To one side of the lot the cattle are unloading the barn-dried hay with great relish. No, this isn’t our farm and we doubt if it applies to yours either. barn you see many hydro power. On it milks the cows, cooler, heats the But it could. Hydro is a cheap, economical source of power. With the modern controls manufactur­ ed today, it is uncanny. It can practically think. It can open doors, control temperatures, grade fruits, vegetables, eggs, and do a host of other jobs much quicker and more satisfactorily than human hands. Heavy indus­ try and manufacturing have ad­ vanced more rapidly in the use of electricity than agriculture. Up to date we believe that more farmers are working for hydro instead of hydro working for them. To get the full use we must do more essential jobs with electricity. Every puchase of elec­ trical equipment should be part of a plan which eventually will add to our farm income by reducing the cost of production and as the income increases more and more appliances can be purchased to raise the standard of farm living. DID YOU KNOW? Antibiotics are of little value if fed to cows during pregnacy, if their ration with proteins, mins. THIS WEEK Turnips Sugar Beets Clean Stove Replace that Correct Size A good time to dig Plugged Ditch. Sew more Fertilizer, vestment, Deductable Purposes. vita- Sell your surplus farm produce with an ad in these columns. Evening Service GARAGE We're Playing SANTA CLAUS fcjj TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS NOV. 20 — SARAN SEAT COVERS (Complete Set Installed) DEC. 24 To Win! For every dollar purchase hiadc from now until Cliirst- mas in our store, you’ll re­ ceive a free chance on these w o n <1 e r f u I prizes. That’s all there, is to it! . When you buy a; dollar’s worth, we’ll give you the ticket to write on your name and address and drop iii our draw box. DEC. 4 — */4” ZEPHYR DRIIL KIT COMPLETE DEC. 18 — SIGNAL LIGHTS (Directional Kit Installed) SUPER WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS DELUXE BICYCLE No Hidden Gimmicks! No Strings Attached! Absolutely Free! y Your Gifts Early Get your iiitinc in early so that you’ll be elibiglo to Win every prize. Buy your sports and auto gifts and equip­ ment now to got in on all these gifts as they arc drawn for on the dates in­ dicated! P.S.—-You can ex­ change any prize for other merchandise of equal value. RON WESTMAN’S Exeter's Original Sports &Supply