HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-10-21, Page 2Page 2 THE TIMES-ADVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, J954 This Journal shall always fight for progress, reform and public welfare, never be afraid to attack wrong, never belong to any political party, never be satisfied wjth merely print­ inn news, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1954 ______________ i Time To Stop Let s Put An End Jo Community Brawls Middlesex Treat Folks in Middlesex have a treat in start* for them — X-rav clinics for tuberculosis. Some people won’t look upon it us a treat, but it is. If you find your chest clear, you’ll be rid of a certain little nagging feeling which made you think you should have checked your chest long ago. If you find you have TB, you’ll always be grateful that you found out as soon as you did. Middlesex residents would be foolish indeed, to pass up the opportunity of the clinics. Incidentally, the Middlesex Junior Farmers deserve commendation for the work they’ve done in this extensive “Check Your Chest" campaign. And so do all those who have canvassed and helped in other ways. Let’s put a stop to this foolish rivalry between neighboring centres that breaks out into disgraceful brawls in public places. It’s time our communities grew out of this childish stage. Rivalry’s a good thing when it’s dis­ played in its proper spirit, but when it be­ comes belligerent and blind hatred, fired by unfounded and ridiculous rumours and deliberate misrepresentations, it’s no longer sensible, The outbreak at the Dashwood Ball Park on Thanksgiving Day, displayed poor sportsmanship in front of a team which had driven hundreds of miles to play in this dis­ trict, The spirit of neighborliness is lost when spectators from a nearby town come to* heckle a team which is seeking to bring pro­ vincial honors to the district. We’ve had these community squabbles before in this district — some of them have ended up in court. None of them has ever achieved any good. “I’ll Bring You Back Some Canada Savings Bonds.” Jottings By J.M.S. Cold Storage Cellar Essential As the "TIMES" Go By uiniiiriiiiifiniiiiHiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiniiiiiiiHHiiiinniiiHiuiiiiiiifiiittHii Showdown ft looks to our eye, untrained in such matters as it is, that the Ford strike is the showdown battle of the decade in the labor­ management arena. One of the giants in this wrestle is going to take a mighty hard fall. It will cost the winner a big toll but he’s going to get a big prize It appears that labor is out to show to one of the biggest companies of the country, that it can still wield its big stick even when times aren't booming. It's trying to prove that no matter what condition the rest of the country is in, no matter what public opinion is, no matter how much damage and suffering is created, the union is all-powerful. Ford management has guts enough to fight them. It’s going to cost the company irreparable damage at a lime when the buyers’ market is at its highest peak and competition is toughest, but Ford is apparent­ ly going to sacrifice in an effort to beat the stranglehold of labor. We’re not a champion of big business — management has its faults — but we’re cer­ tainly on their side in this dispute. We think it’s time the dictatorial back of unions is broken. Continual and unceasing demands of the union have been forcing prices up and up too long. The little guys, like us in the small towns and rural areas have been suffering at the expense of the “no-hour week” and the “all benefits free’’ attitude of labor, Cana­ dian goods are too expensive for foreign markets and the economy is feeling this pinch. Yet labor continues to barge ahead — drunk to the ears with the satanical power it wields over politicians and governments. Go ahead Ford ■— break the union’s back. Give it an extra twist for us rural guys, too. Apologies I-Iang our heads in shame ! Our apologies to you, Tom Easton. We didn’t know you’d won the beef cattle judg­ ing competition for junior farmers at the Canadian National Exhibition until this week. We read it in the “Junior Farmer News.” We wish we’d known about it sooner because we would have liked to tell the folks around here how well you did. We should have told them that the class you won, was the largest of the competition. You judged better than 20 other seniors from the province. As the community’s newspaper, we like to boast about the achievements of the people who live in it. We wish somebody had told us about this earlier so we could have done it properly. Anyway, congratulations Tom. 50 YEARS AGO The manse was the scene of a very pleasant gathering in hoiior of Miss Mary Brown, on the eve of her departure for the West where she will, on arrival, join hands in marriage with Mr. Fred Knight, of Yorkton, Assa.., form­ erly of this place, and son of our esteemed townsman, Mr, Charles Knight. A large number of people from town and the surrounding coun­ try were present at the Exeter station on the arrival of the northbound train to have a look and to listen to a five-minute speech from Sir Wilfred Laurier. What might have resulted in a serious accident, occurred to Mr. Herbert Eilber. He was exercis­ ing his father’s horse which had been injured while at Lamport’s sale, when it reared and struck him a heavy blow in the face, rendering him unconscious. Harvey Dignan, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dignan, died in Toronto General Hospital of typhoid fever. 10 YEARS AGO Win, H. Golding, Seaforth, was again nominated to contest the riding in the interests of the Liberal party at an enhusiastic meeting in Hensali. Marlene Jean Lippert, 8, of Stephen Township, lost her life when a .22-calibre rifle, in the hands of her father, accidentally discharged. Flt./Lt. Clifford W. Hicks, formerly listed as missing, is now reported killed in action, accord­ ing to word received by his mother, Mrs. Byron E. Hicks. Fine weather has prevailed for the past week and the harvesting of root crops and sugar beets is well under way. A change was made in the ad­ ministration of the local Bell Telehone office this week. In­ stead of an agency office, which it has been for many years, it is now a company-operated office. Mrs. W. J. Chambers is now in charge of the office.' Mr. G. W. Lawson will continue as night operator. One of the first essentials in the raising of a large family, is a good storage cellar and about the best place that a good storage cellar can be found is on the farm. The electric refrigerator ox* the deep freeze cabinet that Is con­ sidered today almost indispens­ able, was unknown when large families were the order of the day before the beginning of the century. '‘Take no thought of tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of ’itself” may be alright for those who live only from day to day, but the head of a family with a half dozen or more children fifty years ago, had to make ample provision in the fall to see that there were plenty of provisions on hand to provide ample nourishment during the winter months when cash returns were at a low ebb. Nearly every farm had a few apple trees if not a fair-sized orchard. Apples were packed in barrels and inspectors were ap­ pointed to see that the right quality was packed. The law had to be amended before apples could be marketed in the now- popular bushel hamper. Dried Apples Apples that were not up to standard for shipping or storing were peeled, quartered and dried. In many a home a container with a. screened bottom hung above the stove laden with the apples for drying. Sometimes a netting covered the apples to protect them from the flies but it was the exception, not the rule. Tons and tons of dried apples were shipped from this district each season. It was customary in the fall to kill a pig or two, render the fat into lard and salt or smoke the hams. The pigs’ feet were pre­ served and the head made into headcheese.. Lard and butter were stored away in crocks. There was little creamery butter in the early days, and margarine was unheard of. Chickens 25c Each For week-ends or when desired there was plenty of fowl. 25 cents was considered a fair price for a fine chicken. Egg produc­ tion fell off in the winter but the thrifty housewife was seldom without a goodly supply of eggs carefully preserved in 'the fall in salt, or some special solution. Tea and coffee peddlers made their regular trips through the country, and as they- were con­ sidered luxuries, the price was xnucli in line with what they are today. No cellar was complete with­ out a goodly supply of potatoes, carrots, beets and parsnips. For turnips there was always a lib­ eral supply in the roothouse. A good turnip pie, baked with plenty of beef or pork, with seasoning and covered with pastry was tasty as well as eco­ nomical. Waxed rutabagas are comparatively a new innovation. Canning and preserving has always played an important part in every rural home, and today is being largely replaced especially in towns and cities, with frozen fruits and vegetables. Where a large family was involved, the rows of fruits and pickles to be found in the cellar* was a sight to behold. AH things combined there was little to perturb the housewife when company called on week­ ends as a trip to the cellar would usually produce enough to send the visitors away on a full and satisfied stomach. Syrup qn<l Cream In springtime, there was the sugar-bush which contributed a plentiful supply of delicious maple syrup, and in many a farm home maple syrup made a daily appearance on .the family table. It served for sugar on many occasions. Pancakes and maple syrup. Yum! Yum! And then for an extra special treat, there was scald cream, better known as Devonshire cream, in winter, and not. so special either in the early days, as cream wasn’t so easily dis­ posed of then as it is today, and scald cream became part of the daily menu. Imagine a delicious apple pie with scald cream topped off with a little maple syrup. It’s a gourmand’s dream. 1. Y First With The 55s! LOWER PRICES, HIGHER POWER, STYLING FEATURE 1955 STUDEBAKERS . Now On Display At Graham Arthur Phone 210 MOTORS Exeter Showroom Open Evenings Might This Be It? (Ridge town Dominion) The constant demands of labour union executives (and enquiries tend to confirm the belief that these demands originate with the executives, not the membership) keep the whole economic setup in a turmoil. One union puts through a drive for higher rake-off that puts it a jump ahead of other unions. The others follow suit and the price structures throughout are in a constant state of review, first one industry and then in another, with no all-over rest, period at any time. Years ago it was said that the sun never set on a British warship on active duty, To­ day that might be applied to strike pickets. Now comes an announcement that the government of Holland has ordered a nation­ wide equal raise in the wages of all workers in Holland. All are benefited simultaneously, and only one all-ovei* readjustment is necessary. Perhaps the Dutch have something! Speakers Lament Working on the program committee of a local club, we’re finding out that speakers are getting up on their hind legs and crying “Uncle!” 'They are mad about maltreatment. The man we contacted last week, a vet­ eran after-dinner orator, really set us back on our heels. .Although we knew him to be an outspoken codger, we were still surprised when he ordered us to treat him right. “Don’t keep me waiting when I’m sup­ posed to be speaking,” he yelled ovex* the blower. “If you want me to start talking at 8.15, then let me start at 8.15 — don’t put me off for an hour while you have some silly music or something. I’ve been kicked around too often at these meetings,” he bellowed, “I’m too old and too tired to be kicked around any more.” Brother! What do you say to a guy like that ? He’s probably the honorary president of the SPPADSSCOC — Society for the Pre­ servation of After-Dinner Speakers and Service Club Orators in Canada. Stimulating Hens (Windsor Daily Star) Now that an Australian poultry raiser* has claimed his liens laid more eggs aftei* being exposed to broadcasts of parliamentary debates, scientific research has a new and intriguing field opened for it. If the hens really responded to that barrage of talk, why did .they do it? Was the increased laying a nervous reaction, or simply a competitive response? That competitive response angle invites closci’ examination. There is something of cackling in too many political speeches, and to a hen’s ear there may be elements of it in all of them. Cackling of hens is, of course, a form of boasting. And it could be that the tumult of cackling being piped into then* hen-houses seemed like the unrestrained boasting of super-hens off in the distance. Thn®s Established 1873 Amalgamated 1024 Advocate Established 1881 Published Each Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ontario An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the interests of the Town of Exeter and District Authorized As Second Claims Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Member of the Ontario Division Of the OWNA Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations 1053 All-Canada Insurance Federation National Safety Award 1953 Ontario Safety League Award 1954 Winner of the E. F, Stephenson Memorial Trophy for Best Front Page Among Ontario Weekly Newspapers Paid-in-Advance Circulation aS uf April 1, 1954 2,547 SUBSCRIPTION BATES Canada (in advance) $3.00 per year —» U.S.A. (In advance) $4.00 per year Published by The Exeter Times-Advocate Limited 25 YEARS AGO Elizabeth Ann Lewis, widow of Silas Handford, one of the oldest residents of Exeter, died in her S9th year.Mrs. William Dew, the former j Ann Downie, died at the home of her daughter, M-rs. John Hunter, in her 97th year. Thomas Hatter celebrated his 92nd birthday at a family gather­ ing at his home in Exeter North. The bQdies of James Flynn, 69, of Stephen, and his son, Francis, 3 2, of Crediton, were found at the bottom of a well they were drilling on the farm of Mr. Sidney Snell, near Whalen. They had been overcome by fumes. It is thought the son died in an attempt to rescue his father, who had descended the 36-foot deep well to repair the drill. The 5 2nd annual convention of West Huron teachers, was held in Main St. United Church for two days last week. 15 YEARS AGO A Boy Scout troop is being re­ organized under the sponsorship of the Exeter Lions Club. Mr. C. Aylen, of the Bank of Montreal, will be the new Scoutmaster. He will be assisted by Robert Din- ney. Dr. H. H. Cowen and H. L. Sturgis will be leaders of a Wolf Cub pack. A military officer from Lon­ don was in town looking over the Exeter arena. A rumor has been in circulation that the arena may be used as a training centre. The Afternoon Auxiliary of James St. Church, entertained auxiliaries from Thames Road, Zion, Crediton and Centralia. Each group contributed to the program. Mr. and Mrs. John Applebeck, of Bayfield, have rented the store and apartment from Mr, E. C. Harvey, and are opening up a grocery and home bakery. Smiles . . . . An infantry private beseeched liis Lieutenant for a three-day pass. Asked for his reason, the private explained his wife was in the WAC and had just been made a sergeant. “That’s fine, aftd I can under­ stand lrow proud you are,’1' com­ mented the Lieutenant, "but why should that get a three-day pass for you?" "Lieutenant,” the GI answered, "I want to do something that every private has dreamed of do­ ing for the past hundred years!" A very particular housekeeper was having her bedroom- paint­ ed. Wishing to learn what prog­ ress the painter was making, she crept to the bottom of the stairs and listened. Not a soiind reach­ ed her ears. She: "Fainter, are you work­ ing?” Painter: "Yes, Ma’am." She: “I can’t hear yott mak­ ing a sotmd,” Painter: "Perhaps not, ma*am. I ain't putting the paint oii with a hammer." Nothing to forget, or "put off until tomorrow". You can elect to have payments for your Canada Savings Bonds deducted automatically on the Monthly Savings Plan at your bank, or on the Payroll Savings Plan where you work. so convenient v.-> • . .-*- Canada Savings Bonds come in sizes to suit everyone — $50, $100, $500, $1000 and $5000. You can also buy the $500, $1000 and $5000 sizes in fully registered form and your interest will be paid by cheque. Canada Savings Bonds pay a high rate of interest for such a safe, instantly cashable investment... d full 314 per cent per year from the moment they're yours until the month end before you cdsh them. Your money works for you, pays a good return as long as you hold your Canada Savings Bonds. And, whenever you wish, you can turn them into'cash at full face value— plus earned interest —at any time, at any bank. 1 these and other features make Canada Savings Bonds a prime investment!m I The Ninth Series of Canada Savings Bonds will go on sale October 18th. The bonds will be dated November 1st, 1954 and will mature 12 years later dn November 1st, 1966, They will pay a full 314% interest per year to maturity and will carry 12. annual interest coupons. They will be offered for sale at 100% up to November 15, 1954 in denominations df $50, $100, $500, $1600 and $5000, They must be registered in an individual's name either adult or,minor. This registrafion gives protection against the bonds being lost, Stolen dr destroyed. In addition to coupon-type registered bonds, Canada Savings Bonds dre again being made available in fully registered form in denominations of $500, $1000 and $5000. Coupon and fully registered bonds will be interchangeable at any time. Any one person is limited to $5000 of this issue but every member of your family is entitled toehold this amount in his or her owrt name. See your bank, investment dealer or trust or loan edmpany and make your arrangements now to buy the Ninth Series Canada Savings Bonds for cash or on convenient Instalments or sign up on the Payroll Savings Plan where you wdrk. Everyone has something to save lor ............. ................. .................• /. ■ z"’