HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-10-14, Page 7You Still Have Time to Donate to the C.N.I.B.Topics From Remember The Dates October 13, 14, 15, 16 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1954 Creditor! By MRS. J. WOODALL School Pupils Entertain In Hensall Fair Contest Topics From Ry MISS JAW DYKEMAN Page 3 EII REXALL One-Cent Sale Watch daily papers for big savings on the usual drug store needs, beauty aids, stationery, hospital needs, brushes, combs, boxed Christinas cards, sundries and Christmas gifts. See Our Large Display - No Handbills for This Sale e Coles' Drug Store Shop Early and Get A1I Your Needs PHONE 65 EXETER ^.MIIIlUllUKIKUKIIIlllIIlllUIIUItlllllllllllllKlUinilltltllUUlIlKIIKIltllllKKtllllllUUllltlllKKUltUtlUUtlttKtUKUIK^ K Bad Weather You don’t have to harvest your crops to be money in pocket by shopping this week and next week at Irwin's In Hensail Check these lists of specials even you can’t afford to miss S All Weather Coats Assorted Sizes and Colors ,— Fitted Styles C All Reduced One-Third = E E E it i t t u u i i i i i i i n i n t i n n n t i i i n t i t t i i t i t i i i i i r t i i n t i i t i t i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i t i t i n i n i i i r i i i i i n i i i i n i i i i i i t u i i n i Keep Your Eye On This Good Buy: You Can t Go Wrong On This One TURNBULL’S WINTER Underwear All Sizes TO CLEAR AT ONE-THIRD OFF HOLEPROOF NYLON Hosiery 51-60 Gauge — 15 Denier A REAL BUY AT ONLY 98cA PAIR . W.S.W.S. Miss Nqla Faist was chairlady fo rthe W-S.W.'S. meeting held ip the Evangelical Sunday School rooms Thursday evening. Mrs. E. N, Mohr conducted the fellowship of prayer and Mrs. O. N. Braup read the scripture. Miss Doris Schwartz and Mrs, Mohr sapg a duet and Miss Clara Gaiser read a poem on Thanksgiving. Rev. Fred Faist of Kitchener was present and gave a very in­ teresting talk and showed pictures taken on his recent trip to Cali­ fornia. Mrs. E. Wenzel conducted a short business meeting, when the members voted a $10 donation to C.N.I.B. and voted to invite mem­ bers of the United Church W.A, to be their guests at the Novem­ ber Thank Offering meeting. Personal Items Rev. E. N. and Mrs. Mohr are spending this week at Golden Lake, where Rev. Mohr conduct­ ed anniversary services on Sun­ day and special services during this week. Sunday morning ser­ vice here was conducted by Mr. Calvin Fahrner and in the eve­ ning by Rev. W. C. Parrott. On Sunday, October 17, Rev. and Mrs. W. M- Sippell of Water­ loo will be guests in town, when Rev. Sippell will conduct both morning and evening services in the Evangelical Church. Mrs. A. Charlton of Toronto is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenson. \ Mrs. Russell Clark and son Glenn and Miss Mary Lou Hol- croft of Detroit visited last week with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark. Glenn re­ cently returned from Germany where he spent the past one and a half years with the United States Army stationed there. Mr. Fred Beaver of New York is visiting with relatives and friends here. Mrs, Hugo Schenk is spending some time in Toronto. Mrs. Mary Parker of London spent the holiday weekend with her father and brother, Messrs. Robert and Harold Gower. Crediton Women’s Institute will hold their October meeting in the Community Centre Thurs­ day evening, October 21. Mr. Gordon Haviland and son Elliott of Toronto visited with the former's mother, Mrs. William Haviland, over the weekend. Mr. Robert Wade and Miss Blanchard of London spent weekend at the home of Mr. Mrs. J. Wade. Mrs. Spieran returned to the home of Mr. Mrs. Wade after spending several weeks in London. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Faist and sons of St. Thomas visited Sun­ day with Mrs. M. Faist. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fahrner and family of London were week­ end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Fahrner. Visitors with relatives in town on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. E, Oestricher and Miss Mary Young of Windsor and Mrs. Harry Lan­ kin of Lucan. Mrs. Pauline Ness of and Miss Nola Faist weekend in Detroit. Rev. and Mrs. Fred family of Kitchener spent Mon­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Faist. Mr. Ira Brown of Toronto visit­ ed in town on Sunday and attend­ ed the service in the Evangelical Church. Several flowers adorned the rostrum the United Church on Sunday memory of the late Mrs. Davey. Mr. Fred Amy of Toronto visit­ ed over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Schwartz. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ferguson and family of Toronto were week­ end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. John Morton and daughter of Tupperville visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Her­ bert Mitchell and Elaine. Mr. and Mrs. George Vincent, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leary and Miss Agnes Lamport, all of Detroit, spent the weekend with Mrs. Samuel Lamport and joined in celebrating her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist spent the weekend in Detroit and visited with Mrs. Annie Haist and found her seriously ill at the home of her son Lloyd. Miss Lulu Morlock, Windsor, visited over the holiday weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morlock. Ida the and has and WOMEN’S & MISSES’ DRESSES Tlcatinas — Wools — Rayons — Sizes 12 to 22./z Assorted Colors Values to $19.95ONLY Brassieres Assorted Makes - All Sizes Values to $1.75 69c EACH Crepe Slips Sizes 32 to 42 Values to $4.50 Each SPECIAL at $2.59 Kitchener spent the Faist and WOMEN’S MISSES FALL & WINTER SKIRTS Wools — Rayons — Taffetas — Values to $9.95 TO CLEAR Exceptional Values For School or Business CALDWELL Towels Regular $1.19 and 75c SPECIAL 79c and 59c Plastic Curtains And Draperies Values to $2.95 a Pair TO CLEAR at $1.00 baskets of beautiful in in R. YARDACE FOR dresses■ AND SKIRTS Rayons and Woolens — Assorted Plains and Plaids All Reduced One-Third IRWINS IN HENSALL iiiii* The concert, in conjunction with the Hensall Community School Fair, was held in the town hall Friday night. Reeve A. W. Kerslake introduced the chair­ man of the evening, Mr. J. G. Gardiner, P. S- Inspector, from Goderich. A splendid concert was presented by the pupils from Hensall P.S., S.S. 10 “ ----- and 2 Tuckersmith, bert. The following winners: Recitations, first, Naughton; second, Linda Noakes; third, Margie Elgie. Vocal solos, under 10, Cathe­ rine Rozelle, Patsy Fletcher, Mar- .garet Hoggarth. ■Girls Norma clair, Boys, Robert ton. Boys, Nelson McClinchey, Howard Ran- nie. Piano solos, under 10, Robert Munn, Ten obey, clair. Piano trio, first, Charles Mic­ kle, Jane Horton, Gwen Spencer. Piano duet, second, June and Joyce Munn; third, Marion Pep­ per and Marion Bell. Violin solo, Keith Andersson, first; Marie Sinclair, second. . Church Honors Rev. J. B. Fox The Rev. and Mrs, .J. B. of Carmel Presbyterian Church were honored at a presentation at the church on Monday eve­ ning. Rev. Fox is leaving Wed­ nesday to take charge of Paulin Memorial Church near Windsor. Melvin Glenville, chairman of the board of managers, present­ ed ,the minister with a platform rocker. The address was read by Glenn Bell, clerk of the session, Mrs. A. W. Kerslake presided over the program. Carol Brown and Marion Bell contributed pi­ ano solos. Accepts Call The Rev. J. Presbyterian has accepted Memorial Church in West. Mr, Fox, who was born in Bangalore, South India, received his early education there. He was grauated from Knox College in 1944 and that year was ordained in the Presbytery of Regina. He came to Hensall from Brandon in 1952. Conducts Farewell Service Rev. John B. Fox conducted his farewell service at Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, on Thanksgiving Sunday, October 10. The musical numbers includ­ ed a solo by Miss Jean Hender­ son. Mr. Fox’s theme was, “Los­ ing and Gaining.” The sacrament of baptism was ■administered to the following children: Robert Michael Sang- ster, Richard Stewart Bedard, Mary Elizabeth Thomson, James William Harkness, William John Cameron. Mr. and Mrs, Fox and family expect to be taking up residence in Sandwich West the latter part of the week, where Mr. Fox has accepted an appointment to the new Paulin Memorial Church. Hay, S.S, 1 S.S. 7 Hib- were prize Robert Mc- 10 and over, Ruth Howe, Passmore, Marie Sin- 10 and under, Reg Dick, Munn, Robert McNaugh- 10 and over, Leslie Riley, Brenda Smillie. and over, Nelson McClin- Marion Bell, Marie Sin- B. Fox Church, a call ft Fox of Carmel Hensail, to Paulin Sandwich By authority of our appointment by Bank of Canada as an official sales agent for the Ninth Series of Canada Savings Bonds Midland Securities Limited Has Appointed BELL AND LAUGHTON EXETER fl As Ah Official 5ub-Agent For 3 Canada Savings Bonds We Recommend Changing Your Victory Bonds Now Selling at Premiuni to 3l/4% Ninth Series Canada Savings Bonds Which Ai*e Guaranteed Redeemable at Par at Any Time Murray Gibson Stanley Native Murray Gibson, 80, of Bruce­ field, passed away in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Born in Stan­ ley township, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Gib­ son. He retired to Brucefield 10 years ago. He was a field United I.O.O.F. and and A.M., Hensall. Surviving are two sisters, Miss Mary Gibson, Brucefield, and Mrs. John McMurtrie, Hensall. Funeral services were held from the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McMurtrie, Hensall, on Sat­ urday, conducted by Rev. E. A. Stanway, London. Interment was in Baird’s Cemetery. Thomas D. Wren Former Clerk Thomas D. Wren, clerk of Hib­ bert township for the past 16 years, died sudertly at his home in Hibbert Saturday afternoon in his sixty-third year. He was born in Hibbert town­ ship where he farmed for many years. He also conducted a har­ ness shop, grocery store ahd Ogg grading station id Hensall before retiring to his farm. At seven years of age he was stricken with infantile paralysis and had been crippled eVer since and got around with the aid of crutches and later a wheel chair. He was a member and treasurer of Chiselhurst United Church and secretary-treasurer of Me* taggart’s Cemetery. Surviving are his widow, the fOrmdr Grace Chalmets, to whom he was married in February li)53; two brothers, Gordon and Bert ,of Heiisall. 'fhe body rested at the family residence in Hibbert township where public funeral services Were Conducted On Monday by Rev. W. J. Rogers. Buriat was in McTaggart’s Cemetery, Mrs. E. R. Shaddick epeiit a few days in Toronto this week. member of Bruce- Church, Brucefield Huron Lodge A.F. Instruments, Marion Bell, Mar­ ion Pepper, Geraldine Parker, Catherine Damm, >S.S. 1, Tucker­ smith. Vocal duets, Ruth Howe, Mild­ red Howe; Betty Bell, Gwen Chapman; Catherine Damm and Marion Bell. Unison chorus, S.S. 7 Hibbert, S.S- 2 Tuckersmith, S.S. 1 Tucker­ smith, S.S. 2 Tuckersmith, S.S. 1 Tuckersmith, S.S. 7 Hibbert. Double trio, first, S.S. 1 Tuc* kersmith. Public speaking, Patricia Rowe, Norma Passmore, Leslie Riley. Senior public speaking, Gwen Chapman. Mr. Gardiner conducted the spelling match. Jane Horton was the winner, Beth Goddard second- judges were Mr. H. L. Sturgis, Miss Ellen Love and Mr, Ron Heimrlch. Hensall Bride Wed In London Elmwood Avenue Presbyterian ' Church, London, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, October 9. when Margaret Elaine ’ Sangster, daughter of Mrs. Sang- ster, Hensall, and the late Wil­ liam Sangster, became the bride of John Scotland MacFarlane, of Forest, son MacFarlane, late Hugh gladioli and setting for Rev. John Fleck officiated. Mrs. H. Mc.Gilton played the music and Miss Eunice , aid was soloist. Given in marriage by ther, Douglas Sangster, the bride chose a floor-length gown of ’ rose-point lace and nylon tulle over satin. The fitted bodice was of softly pleated uylon tulle. Over the bodice was worn a short ; lace bolero fashioned with Peter ’ Pan collar, lily-point sleeves and ; tiny lace buttons from collai- to waist. The long full skirt was ■ of layers of nylon tulle over sat- : in with a deep lace polonnaise i scalloped around the edges, Her • fingertip illusion veil was held by a half-hat of nylon pleated tulle edged with pearls and she carried a. cascade bouquet of ■ gardenias, centred with heather, • sent from Scotland by the bride’s 1 aunt. Mrs. Douglas Sangster, Lon­ don, the bride’s attendant/ chose l a floor-length strapless gown of I blue crystalette with matching i stole and hat. She carried a cas- l cade of Queen Elizabeth roses, i Jack Watson was groomsman s and the bride’s brother, Robert . Sangster, of Hensall, wa.s usher. The reception was held at Braemar Lodge, where the bride’s mother received in a gown of [■ midnight blue tricotine with lace ■ trim and matching blue velour ■ hat, navy accessories and a cor­ sage of Golden Emblem roses. The groom’s mother wore plum ’ crepe with black accessories and ' a corsage of Mrs. Roosevelt roses. The couple will live in Forest after a wedding trip to Montreal and the Laurentians. For travel­ ing, the bride wore a three-piece suit of black bronze imported Scottish tweed, with 'hat to match, black calf accessories and a corsage of tawny gold roses. Nears Ninety-Second Birthday Mrs. Eliza Cole, who makes her home with her son and daugh­ ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Cole, Hensall, will on October 15 celebrate her ninety-second birth­ day. Born and raised on the Bound­ ary, Mrs. Cole was educated at Cromarty School and has such a keen memory she can recall her school days and relate many in­ teresting experiences. Mrs. Cole loves to crochet and patch quilts and until quite re­ cently was able to help her daughter-in-law with some ligth household tasks. She has one son, William, Hensall; one grandson, Alvin Cole, Cromarty, and two great grandchildren. Rebekah Lodge Installs Officers District Deputy prseident, Mrs. Ann Henderson, of Seaforth Edel­ weiss Lodge and her installing team attended the regular meet­ ing of Amber Rebekah Lodge 349, Hensall, to install the new officers. ' Miss Grand, Parker Noble Gregor _ Other officers are secretary, Mrs. ancial secretary, land; chase nie; < well; Ewan O.G., Mrs. Leona Parke; L.S.N.G., Mrs Beatrice Richardson. Mrs. Mary Jacobi; L.S.V.G. Hazel McEwan; musician, Edith Bell; assistant, Mrs iyn McBeath; color bearer Henrietta ;BroWn, assistant Margaret Ingram. tD.D.P. Mrs. Henderson present­ ed the Junior Past Noble Grand Jewel to Mrs. Dorothy Parker. Mrs. JeSsie Dougall presented a gift to Mrs. Henderson On behalf of Amber Rebekah Lodge. ’ Visitors were present from Sea­ forth, Exbter and Clinton lodges. The president of the Rebekah Assembly, Mrs. Meta Priestly, of Toronto, will Visit Amber lodge ht their tegular meeting Novem­ ber 3, Mrs. TCtrdau Of Zurich visited recently with Mrs. Edna Mac- Arthur and family. of Mrs. Margaret Riverside, and the MacFarlane. White mums formed the the ceremony. The wedding MacDon- her bro- Mabel Whiteman is Noble succeeding Mrs. Dorothy Who becomes Junior Past Grand. Mrs. Bertha Me­ is Vice-Grand. _ __ recording Myrtle Orr; fin- Aldeen Vol* Olga Chip* Ilene Ran- Edna Cald- Inez Me Mfs. EVa Parker R.-S.N.G. treasurer! i; Warden, conductor, chaplain, ! RG., 7 Mrs. Ruby Bell R.S.V.G. Mrs Mrs. Mrs. Wesley Jaques, of Exeter, has been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock and family were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl. Jane Dykeman, who is in train­ ing at South Huron Hospital, Ex­ eter, spent the holiday weekend at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Range, of Crediton, and Mr. Her,b_ Anderson and Lloyd, of Sunday guests Ross Jaques. Miss Marion a number of her friends Monday evening at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brock visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. Lynn, of Clandeboye, on Sunday. Misses Dorothy and Pauline Lynn spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brock, Catherine and Peter Rowcliffe, London, visited over the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cushman, Exeter, visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock attended the silver wedding anni­ versary of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Pincombe on Friday evening and the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hunter, Eden, on Saturday evening. W.M.S. Zion West W.M.S. held their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Wellington Brock Thursday evening. Mrs. Norman Jaques and Mrs. Everard Miller had charge of the program with Thanksgiv­ ing as the theme. a good buy/’ said Ted Shaw Exeter branch, ‘’hut Just ibe will miss the best buy of the to the new issue of Canada /! Science Hill, were with Mr, and Mrs, Brock entertained “Most people have an eye for manager of the Bank of Montreal's same, there are probably some who year." He was referring, of course, Savings Bonds, now op. sale at his office. Once in a while a man will make a poor buy it happens tn us all,” Mr, Shaw continued, “but you ean't go wrong on a Saving# Bond. Not only do the bonds carry a good rate of interest — 3$ per cent in fact — but the government guarantees to redeem them for the holder at any time, at full face value, without loss -- plus interest to the end of the previous calendar month. “You just can’t ask for anything fairer than that,” Mr. Shaw said. “Furthermore, the bonds can he purchased by instalments if you haven’t the ready cash. Only $2,50 down for a $50 bond, $5 for a $100, and the balance in easy instalments over a year." If you want to end up next year with a nice little “nest-egg”, this is a safe and sure way of achieving it. Mr. Shaw invites you to drop in and arrange for yours at any time. But don’t leave it until too late -— you can’t afford to miss out on such a good thing. BUTCHER BAKER CANDLE­ STICK MAKER Phone: Office 24 Res. 162-J Th© day of the candlejflck maker f» almost completely gone. But that's not true of the butcher and the baker. They, because of their training and ability, are important to your every day living. Another specialist who Is important to-you Is your insurance agent. He has the specialized training and knowledge to assist you with your Insurance problems. Whether you only wish to review your present insurance or to purchase new insurance, get to know your Insurance agent. IV. Herman Hodgson “The Insurance Man” MMMMMMMMM Mr. Farmer... Better Production From Better Feeds G. THOMPSON AND SONS LTD. Are Pleased To Announce The Exclusive Dealership For / MASTER FEEDS In The Hensail District Come In With Your Problems And Let Us Discuss Them Line Of Master Feeds Always W. G. THOMPSON AND SONS LIMITED Phone 32 Hensall, Ont /