HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-10-14, Page 6Page 6 TOPS THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1954 Personalized SALE Here They Go! SANITONtJ • 1NFORMALS • NAPKINS • STATIONERY • COASTERS To make room for more inlaid linoleum, we must clean out our entire stock of printed surface floor-coverings at sacrifice prices, Brides-Elect See the "personalized Service” albums at The Times-Advocate.Feminine Facts ’n Fancies A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate* Preserves IMce-new feel and looks through cleaning after clean mg ! To look its smart best always, the popular topper needs special care in dry cleaning—gets it, too, with our Sanitone Service. Spots vanish —like-new color and texture re­ stored— even perspiration and deep-down dirt are banished. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. BRADY CLEANERS Phone 136 Dashwood Couple Wed In Ingersoll Under an arch of chrysanth­ emums, ferns and wedding bells, Ethel Ruth Bucknell, of Mrs. F. exchanged Harold H. Mrs, E. G. October 9 bride’s mother. The Rev. Char­ les C. Daniel, minister of Trin­ ity United Church, officiated. Given in marriage by her brother, Donald N. Bucknell, the bride was charming in a white taffeta gown with fingertip veil. She wore a necklace and brace­ let of rhinestones and carried a bouquet of red roses. Miss Isobel Paul of Galt was her cousin’s bridesmaid. She wore a gown of blue silk with white accessories and carried a bouquet of white shasta mums. Little Marlene Barr of London, niece of the groom, as flower girl was gowned in blue silk and carried a nosegay of mums. The groomsman was Gerd Mil­ ler of London. R. D. Paul of Oakville was usher and the pian­ ist was Miss Shirley Paul of Lon­ don who wore brown velvet with a corsage of baby mums. The bride’s mother received the guests wearing a grey dress with white accessories and a corsage of gi mother wore navy blue with mat­ ching accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses. For their wedding trip to Niag­ ara Falls the bride chose a plaid suit with black accessories and a corsage of white gardenias. Mr. and Mrs. Stire will make their Stire, who as been an employee of the Bell Telephone Company, j has accepted a similar position Exeter in Exeter. daughter Bucknell of Ingersoll, marriage vows with Stire, son of Mr. and Stire of Dashwood, on at the home of the The Rev. Gram Says The West By MARJORIE STEINER met at Dashwood this sum-There are many nice things about writing this column but the the one that gives us the greatest thrill is to receive a letter from someone we’ve never met, from a place we’ve never heard of. That’s just what happened last week when we received a friendly letter from Mrs. Willis Patton of Midale, Sask, Many of our read­ ers, especially those in the Grand Bend area, will remember her as Orva Bestard. Her folks, the Isaac Bestards, send her The Times- Advocate each week. She has used many of our recipes and now has contributed several which we will give 3 s 11 1 a 1 1 jardenias. The groom's t 5 J home in Dashwood. Mrs. II t > >■ 111 111II11111 > Itl ■ < IIIKI11111 Illi ■ t (111 III t > I III lilt t «<l 111 III tilt >111> t ■( lllf KI 11 till III 1111,111111IIIIII til ■ 11>1> llllllltl II PROPANE GAS Save With Gas! ECONOMICAL QUICK CLEAN See Our Display of Appliances GRATTON & HOTSON PHONE 156 GRAND BEND until you as the weeks go by. BANANA MUFFINS (Mrs. Willis Paton, Midale. Sask.) large bananas cup gran, sugar cups flour egg tsp. salt tsp. baking powder tsp. baking soda tb. melted shortening Beat bananas and sugar in chunks. Add egg. Sift and add dry ingredients. Add shortening last and mix. Bake in muffin tins at 350°. These muffins keep moist in a cookie tin and may be iced if desired. >K * From the western states we have a recipe from Mrs. Pearl Fournier of Everett, Wash., whom * * Sunday Teacher Tells Experiences Mrs. M. C. Fletcher was guest speaker at the October meeting of James St. Women’s Associa­ tion last Thursday. As teacher of a young people’s Sunday School class with a membership of 62 and an average attendance of 45, Mrs. Fletcher told many interest­ ing experiences she has had with her class and gave a model Sun­ day School lesson. She stressed the importance of parents a good example for the people Mrs. charge Jones period giving.” Ways and means of raising funds to furnish the new kitchen were discussed during the busi­ ness meeting conducted by Mrs. Allan Fraser, vice-president. Pro­ jects decided upon were catering to an O.E.S. banquet and serving a turkey supper. Mrs. Elmer Bell and Mrs. W. H.---- named co-convenors quet. Miss Stella convenor for the committee. The Association the Presbytery W.A. and ber will attend the fall of the Presbytery at Centralia United Church on Wednesday, November 3. An invitation will be extended for the spring meet­ ing to be held in James St. Unit­ ed Church. setting young in the home. Ed Johns’ group of the program. Mrs. J. H. conducted the devotional on the theme of “Thanks- was in Pollen were for the ban- Southcott is fowl supper voted to join a num­ meeting SaTIN IMPERVO low lustre enamel made for the desciriminating home owner* This rich glareless finish is so tough and washable it’s Ideal for painting furniture, walls or woodwork. Satin Impervo colors are just as modern as the decorative finish. There Is no finer low lustre enamel at any price. LOW LUSTRE ENAMEL Benjamin paints PHONE 29 EXETER Over 50 beautiful and novel styles of personalized napkins and coasters arc now available to you at The Exeter Times-Advocate. Come in to see our new port­ folio of "Personally Yours”. Clever informals and thank- you notes—all reasonably priced and "Personally Yours”. THE TIMES-ADVOCATEHospital Aid Enjoys Social The Grand Bend members of the Ladies Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital were in charge of the social meeting of the Auxil­ iary at the hospital on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Alex Hamilton, as chair­ man, introduced Mrs. W. C. Smith, who spoke on the “Mini­ stry of Healing”. Basing her re­ marks on Dr. Leslie Weather­ head’s books, Mrs, Smith empha­ sized the close relationship be­ tween body, mind and soul, To have these three in the proper balance is a requisite, of physical well-being. Mrs. George Anderson, who came to Dashwood from Ireland a year ago, gave two readings. A cheque for $70, proceeds from a strawberry supper they sponsored, was’presented to the the Grand Bend JELLIED TUNA SALAD (Mrs. Pearl Fournier) cans tuna fish chopped hard cooked eggs cup chopped stuffed olives tb. capers tb. chopped onion envelope unflavored gelatin cup cold water cups mayonnaise Tomatoes, peeled and quartered French dressing. Combine first 5 ingredients. _ Sprinkle gelatin on cold water in Auxiliary by small 'bowl and let soften 5 min- members, utes. Set bowl over hot water till gelatin dissolves. Add it to may-1 jellies was presented to onnaise. Add to tuna mixture combining well. Turn into 10-inch ring mold until firm. Unmold and fill centre with tomato quay' Serves 6-8. (A pound can of •mon may be substituted for tuna if desired.) Mrs. James Kirkland brought us several of her favor­ ite recipes. The first one we re going to give you makes use of the large cucumbers which available at the end of the son. 2 2 & 2 1 1 2 12 6 A box of home-made jams and Miss Odd Bits By B. A. Freedom There’s a fat, sleek, white rab­ bit about these days. It has come out ahead in all encounters with boys and dogs. The hutch is only a thing of the dim past. We see it bobbing through the neighbors’ back yards on fine days where it politely takes what it needs from garden rows. It finds shelter wherever it might be when shelter is required, it minds its own business and asks only that in return. And its refreshing to see such an individual in this age of con­ formity—clinging only to civiliza­ tion for basic necessity-—a truly happy eccentric. Perhaps it won’t survive the winter so remote from the laws for rabbits under man and chic­ ken wire but it has had a season which few of its kind will ever know. Even we can muster up a bit of envy.* ■ters. sal- the has are sea- CUCUMBER LUNCH (Mrs. James Kirkland) large cucumbers peeled sliced large’ onions sliced Sprinkle with salt and let stand over night. In the morning drain and add: 1 3 1 3 1 J and pint vinegar cups brown sugar tsp. celery seed tsp. mustard seed tsp. tumeric powder tsp. cayenne pepper A few mixed spices in a „ Boil all ingredients for 20 min­ utes. Remove spice bag and thicken pickle slightly with flour. Seal in sterilized jars. P.S.: We are sure Mrs. would like to see some from her friends in the Bend district. bag Patton recipes Grand Claypole. Miss Claypole, on behalf hospital staff, thanked the iary for the television set has been installed for their use. During the business meeting, conducted by the president, Mrs. Kenneth Johns, reports of stand­ ing committees were heard and final ‘ plans were made for the rummage sale on October 16. Lunch was served by the Grand Bend ladies. of the Auxil- which Rebekah Officer To Install Slate District Deputy President Mrs. Ann Henderson of Seaforth will install the newly elected officers of Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge at their next regular meeting, October 20. Members of the in­ stalling team of Eidelweiss Lodge of Seaforth will accompany her. N.G. Mrs. Ruby Beaver, who is completing her term in office, gave a resume of the year’s work. A donation of $25 was voted to the C.N.I.B. fund. Mrs. Otto Brown is in charge of arrangements for a bus trip to Toronto to see the Ice Capades on November 24 if enough mem­ bers are interested. Cancer Danger Signals address-' meeting Associa- Mr. J’ohn Stratton, president of the Huron-Perth branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, ed over 100 women at a of the Home and School tion on Tuesday night. He stressed the necessity of early diagnosis of cancer and the importance of knowing the dan­ ger signals and having an annual physical check-up. He showed films on the subject. Mr. Stratton and Mrs. M. C. Fletcher answered questions from the audience. A challenge for the H. and S. Association to sponsor a branch of the Cancer Society in Exeter was presented by Mr. Stratton. Mrs. Harold Kelson moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Stratton arid Mrs. Fletcher. Mrs. D. Mooney presided the business meeting. She an­ nounced the theme of the vember meeting would (be “Par­ ent Education”. Mrs. Vera Stew­ art of London, Federation Con­ venor of Parent Education, will be the guest speaker. A cash award of $2 was made to Mrs. Hughson’s class for hav­ ing the most parents present at the meeting. Mrs. A. E. Holley played seve­ ral piano selections. for No- * * * This is the season when the wind blows the leaves out from under the trees and around the houses of those who haven’t trees of their own.* * * * One Bell The one a.m. bell—a quiet murmur as the town turns in its sleep towards the waking hour— an ally to sleeplessness and a con­ fidant to purpose. The one a.m. bell—a small note, almost sad, almost content, which casts a spell on the mom­ ent, sretching it into the dark­ ness and meditation — a spell which stays unbroken ’till the two bell rings. The Story In Shipka By MRS. HARRY SHEPPARD W.A. Meets The regular meeting of the W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Verne Sharpe. Plans were made for the bazaar to be held on Saturday, October 23. Personal Items Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sweitzer were Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sharpe and family, Sweitzer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sweitzer and Sandra; with Mr. and Mrs. Baumgarten were Miss Verna Baumgarten, R.N., and friend, of Windsor; with Mrs. Lamport, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lam­ port, of Toronto. Mrs., Bullock and Mrs. Mason, of Winnipeg, have returned home after visiting with their sister, Mrs. Baumgarten. A reception was held for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scholes (nee Ida Sweitzer), of London, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz. Anniversary Services Anniversary services Shipka United Church held on Sunday, October services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The guest speaker at both ser­ vices will be the Rev. David W. Williams, B.A., of Victoria Street United Church, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart of the will be 17 with 14 Rolls Only 2 YARDS WIDE CONGOLEUM Reg. value $1.80, clearing at Only $1.35 Running Yard 9 Rolls Only 3 YARDS WIDE CONGOLEUM Reg. value $2.75, clearing at Only $1.98 Running 4 Rolls Only 2 YARDS WIDE ARMSTRONG’S “QUAKER” Reg. value $2.65, clearing at Only $1.90 Running 4 Rolls Only 3 YARDS WIDE ARMSTRONG’S “QUAKER” Reg. value $3.96, clearing at Only $2.95 Running 2 Rolls Only 4 YARDS WIDE CONGOLEUM Reg value $5.25, clearing at Only $3.95 Running Yard Yard Come Early — Get Your Choice With each purchase a ticket will be given on a LUCKY DRAW for a beautiful ARMSTRONG’S “QUAKER RUG”! Yard Sale Continues Another Week T. and T. Flooring Sales and Service Linoleum Tile and Floor-Sanding PHONE 240 ZURICH IT WILL PAY YOU . , . to drive to Zurich for your Floor-Covering Needs! • Our Store Will Remain Open Evenings Until 9 p.m. During Sale ................................................................................................................................... Surprise Couple Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Stone surprised them at their home last Thursday evening in honor of their thirty-fifth wed­ ding anniversary, on October 8. Couples Celebrate Silver Weddings Forty friends, relatives and neighbors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Pincombe on Fri­ day night and surprised them and Mr .and Mrs. Harold Hunter. Both couples were celebrating their twenty-fifth wedding anni­ versary. After an evening of cards, a mock wedding was staged by Mrs. Walter McBride, Mrs. Bill Ford, Mrs. Harold Taylor, Mrs. Verne Smith, Mrs. Lloyd Parsons, Mrs. Allen Westcott, Mrs. William Thomson and Mrs. Harry Coates. Both Mr .and Mrs. Pincombe and Mr. and Mrs. Hunter were presented with a sliver relish dish. Main St. Group To Donate Bale The October meeting of Main St, United Church W.A. and W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. George Hawkins last Thurs­ day afternoon. The W.M.S. made plans for sending a hale away later this month. Mrs. Emily Carter, assisted by Mrs, W. ” “ Holley, period, chapter "The Church In India”. Plans were made for annivers­ ary services on Sunday, October 31, during the W.A. meeting. The W.A. will sponsor a bazaar and tea in the Library .basement on October 30. Martin and Mrs, A, E. conducted the worship Mrs. Carter reviewed a from" the study book, Forty Relatives Fete Newlyweds Forty relatives met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz, Shipka, for a reception and din- nei- in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Scholes (nee Ida Sweit­ zer), of London, who were recent­ ly married. A three - tier wedding cake centred the head table. Simon Sweitzer, uncle of the bride, pro­ posed a toast to the couple. Mr. Scholes responded. •Gifts were presented to the guests of honor by relatives from Exeter, London, Parkhill, Grand Bend and Crediton. Crediton East Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson and daughters, of London, spent the weekend with the former’s father, Mr. Charles Anderson. Mr. Mark Mitchell of Exeter is visiting with his nephew, Mr. Charles Anderson. Mr. Murray Neil and daughter Beverley and Mr. William Year- ley spent the weekend in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Stewart and family of London spent the week­ end with the former’s mother, Mrs. Sam Sims, and step-father, Mr, Sam Sims. Mrs. Russel Clarke returned home Friday after being ill in South Huron Hospital a few days. Sorority Meets At Bend Mrs. Ross Tuckey was hostess for Beta Sigma Phi sorority meeting on Tuesday night at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Benson Tuckey, Grand Bend, Mrs. Howard Klumpp showed films she had taken at Exeter fall fair, Mrs. Van Laughton, Mrs. Bob Dinney and Miss Aline Kartush- yne assisted the hostess, I YOUR FRIENDLY LADIES WEAR STORE PHONE 474 EXETER 2 for 1c Sale Genuine Ever Fresh Brand $3.99 Rack of Fall DRESSES VALUES UP TO $20.00 ill i®Variety of Fabrics and Styles