HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-10-14, Page 4THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1954 Comments About Centralia By MRS. FRED BOWPEN Classified Directory LOST 2-YEAR-OLD ROAN steer from the ISth concession of Stephen. —Phone 34-1-27 Dashwood. RWC personal AND RECREATION By DOUG SMITH Hallowe’en Party The Exeter Lions Club is go­ ing all out in arranging a bang- up I-Iallowe’en Party for the child­ ren of Exeter and area on Sat­ urday, October 30. Jack Smith and his committee are presently finalizing the plans and a very fine gesture, I feel, is the idea of adding to the prize money for costumes. I think it will be added incentive for the parents and children to spend a little extra effort in planning and work­ ing on costumes The outmoded idea that Hal­ lowe’en is for the children can be forgotten when parents help plan and assemble a costume for their boys and girls. A lot of fun and many a happy hour can be spent in family recreation such as this. A definite opening date for the arena has not been set but depends very much on when the WOAA schedule can get under way. The grouping Exeter Mo­ hawks will be in should be de­ cided Wednesday night in Wing­ ham at the annual meeting. Notes and Comment Humours of a Monster Booster Nite coming up ■ . . Prices have been established at the arena for all league hockey — adults 50 cents, students 35 cents . . . Peter Firstbrook, newly acquired fig­ ure skating instructor, -will be available for the first Saturday afternoon that arena ice is in . . . Season tickets for public school children will be going on sale next week at the same price of $2.00 . . . Rec League hockey and broomball enthusiasts are asked to get in touch with Lloyd Cushman or yours truly con­ cerning league organizations and schedules . . . Minor hockey will be organized -within .the next two weeks . . . Don’t forget rol­ ler skating Friday night at 8. ZION YPU Zion West Young People met Monday evening at the school. Roy Dykeman, convenor of Citi­ zenship and Community Service Commission, took charge of the worship period on “Thanksgiv­ ing.” Business was conducted by Paul Dykeman. Sunday ; Rev. was the at the in the morning “What Do You Think of and in the evening his thoughts were based on the subject, “Deal­ ers In Two Be To God.” bourne the choir in the morning. In the evening, Mr. McCutch­ eon sang a solo, “It Is So Won­ derful.” The choir sang an an­ them at both services. Pianists were Mrs. Lome Hicks in the morning and Mrs. Brown of the Centralia air station in the eve­ ning. Autumn leaves, flowers, plants, fruits and vegetables made a suitable Thanksgiving decoration. Shows Pictures A pleasant evening was spent in the church on Thursday of last week when Sr. Captain Waller of the Salvation Army, London, presented a number of beautiful colored pictures which were taken by him during the six years that he was a missionary in India. Rev. Clarke presided and musical numbers on the program included a duet by Mrs. Waller and Mrs. Bowers; a piano solo by Mrs. Wellington Skinner; a duet by Mr. Cecil Skinner and Mr. Sam Skinner and a solo Mrs. Ross McFalls. Presentation And Dance A number from the village tended the dance in the in Lucan on last week for McFalls. An address was read by i Mr. C. Rowe and the presenta­ tion of a purse of money was made by Mr. Ken Fischer. Christ The Guild R. B. Services W. IL Pike of Uderton geust speaker on Thank Offering United Church. : he took as his CLASSIFIED RATES EMPLOYMENT WANTED FOUND NOTICES Now On Display At Graham Arthur Phone 210 MOTORS Exeter Showroom Open Evenings It's Hockey & Skating Time! STOCK REDUCTION SALE of CCM Skates 52 Pairs To Clear At Big Reductions Get Yours Now — Arena Opens Next Week NO,SIZES REG. PRICE SALE PRICE BOYS’165 11,13 5.95 4.45 BOYS’1276 4 5.95 4.45 BOYS’113Y 9,2 9.75 6.95 BOYS’113YX 10,13,2 7.95 4.95 BOYS’113B 3,4,5,11.50 7.95 MEN’S 119TP 9 22.95 15.95 MEN’S 110 8,91/2,11 14.95 10.50 MEN’S 119 10 19.50 14.75 MEN’S 161 6,8 11.95 8.95 MEN’S 1351 10 8.95 5.95 MEN’S 118 9 22.00 16.95 LADIES’171 5,51/2,7 9.95 7.50 LADIES’158 5 9.95 7.50 LADIES’141 5,6,7 12.75 8.95 LADIES’171G 2 8.95 5.95 figure:276 5,71/2 14.95 10.75 FIGURE 1543 6,8 14.95 9.95 FIGURE 2278 7,9 14.95 9.95 aiswry at ta/R p*1^**^^FHONE 27 EXETER, Sunday services In the subject, Jesus?” Purple”, very fine God.” and were sung of Kerwood, who assisted solos, “Thanks “The Love Of by Mr. Lam- by at- presentation and Community Centre Friday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Church Guild Meeting ladies of Christ Church met at the home of Mrs. Gates for their October meeting. Plans were completed for the bazaar and tea to be held in Centralia Library on October 15. This is the first bazaar to be held by the ladies of the Guild. “Home To Home” Sale The boys and girls of the Primary Sunday School Class are sponsoring a ’’Home to Home” cookie and candy sale Saturday afternoon of this week. Dona­ tions of candy and cookies -will be accepted and may be left at the home of Mrs. Ralph Light­ foot. Proceeds are for Christmas treats for the children of the Huron County Children’s Aid Society. Choir practice will the church on Friday S p.m. Mission Band day morning at Personal eitems Mr .and Mrs. of London were with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. A. Smale, Belle­ ville, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson and Mrs. T. Boyes visited with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wilson in Strathroy on Sunday. Miss Evelyn Wright, R.N., of London, was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wright. Mr. and Mrs. O. Pollock and Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sider- ius and baby of Ripley were Sun­ day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks. . Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham visited with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baynham. in Detroit over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McFalls and Miss Helen McFalls were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Glenn in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Pedwell, of Owen Sound. Mrs. Elmer Pickering and Grace of Shipka visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Haddock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hodgson were in Highgate on Saturday attending the Centennial Fair. Mrs. Hodgson, who was a resi­ dent of Highgate prior to her marriage, had the pleasure of re­ newing friendships with many who returned to the home town for the fair. F/O and Mrs. J. Andrew, Georgia and Philip of Donws- view spent the weekend with Mrs. Andrew’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs. W. lines, was a her parents, Hepburn. Sunday guests with Mr. Mrs. Reg Hodgson- were Mr. Mrs. A. Smale of Belleville, and Mrs. Hugh Love, Arlene Maurice of Exeter and Mr. Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson. Mr. Cecil McLeod was a Thanksgiving with his sister and law, Mr. and Mrs. Falls. be held in evening at meet Sun- Bryce Dinsmore Sunday visitors Hicks. Palmer, weekend Mr. and St. Catha- vistior with Mrs. George and and Mr. and and of Aurora Day visitor broth er-in- Arthur MC- Hensall Bingo Winners The major winner in th sail Home Bingo ed on Saturday, Mrs. B. Johnson, won the bingo in Other winners Legate, Mrs. Maude Hedden, Car­ ol Brown, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. Robert McLean, Miss Grace McLeod, Hensall; Mrs. G. Phil­ lips, Toronto; Mrs, McDonald, of Goderich; Mrs. L. Ross, Grand Bend; Mrs. Holmes, John Song­ ster, Clinton. The bingo was sponsored by TIensall Legion, e Hen- Which conclud- October 9, was of London, who 50 calls, were Mrs.L. 25 words or less 60c More Than 25 Words —- 1J0 Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 300 More Than 25 Words — 1.0 Per Word 200 OFF if ad paid with order or by Saturday following the last insertion Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 980 per inch Subsequent Insertions 840 per inch Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon. WANT A BABY SITTER! Phone 2tix-,1 Exeter,___________________14c FARMERS! Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam­ ilies. Also wanted to rent—50- to 1Q0- aere farms. Write Henry Nyhius, R. 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-31. 12-10tfc RED AND WHIT® heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply J. P. DeJong, R.R, 1, Crediton. 7:14* WOULD THE LADY who bought a •banana- cake at Exeter Fair please return the plate at once to Sanders’ Grocery Store as it is needed nc. FOR SALE GIRL’S 3-PIECE winter coat set, royal blue, imitation Leopard trim, size G. Apply Mrs. -Harvey Hyde, phone 177-1-42 Exeter. 14* LARGE WELL PUMP, with pump jack attached. Apply Gordon Ratz, phone lfil-r-." Dashwood. 14c '44 DODGE 2-ton truck with stake body and hoist. Apply Alvin Cole, Cromarty, Ont. 14* 15 LITTLE PIGS, 6 weeks old. Apply Grant Ford, one-half mile north of Elimville. 14* PULLETS ready to lay. Red Sussex, $1.70. Several hundred Leghorns, lay­ing 70%, $1.85. Apply K. Gebel, R.R. Clandeboye. 14* LADY’S BLACK COAT, size 42-44. In good condition. May be seen at Brady's Cleaners.________________14c TWO PAIR GIRLS’ white tube skates, sizes 1 and 2. Apply Mrs. W. G. Appleton, Huron St., or phone 3G1-W. 14* FIVE HOLSTEIN HEIFERS due in October. Vaccinated and TH Tested. These heifers are out of good grade cows and unit bulls, and are bred to a good Hereford bull. Harold Taylor, phone Kirkton 39-r-8. 14c COB CORN — Will be picking soon. Place your order now. Alvin Ginger­ich, Zurich, phone 90-r-G. 14:21^4 2 LADIES’ COATS—Fine wool coat, wine, size IS, $15.00; grey tweed fitted coat, size IG, $10,00. May be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners. 14c LADIES’ WARM WINTER COAT, black, size 42. Apply Times-Advocate. 14* OIL BURNER, Quaker, large size. Apply Reg Armstrong- Motors. 14c APPLES — McIntosh, Delicious. Spy and Winesap. Apples for immediate use at very attractive prices. Bring your containers to Govenlock Fruit Farm, half mile north of Forest on No. 21 Highway. 14:21* 600 PULLETS. R.I.R, Light Sussex, started to lay. Apply Joseph Fergu­ son, phone G80-r-2 Hensall. 14* KITCHEN RANGE—Coal and wood, white enamel, in good condition. onJv two years old. Morley Cooper, phone Hensall G79-r-5. il“ ’54 PHILCO REFRIGERATORS—Ile- duced for quick sale! one 7 eu. ft. model; two 9 cu ft; 13 cu. ft. df-ep freeze; Coffield electric washer: all brand new. Lloyd Ballantyne, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone 45-r-32. 11:21c 300 PULLETS, 6 months old, laying 50%, New Hamps, Rocks and Su.-m-x. Mrs. Arthur Howald, Denfield. 11c NEWLY POTTED deep purple Afri­can Violets, 500 each; man’s heavy brown overcoat, size 3S, $8,011. Phone 15 or apply 33 I-Iuron St. East. 11* CORN PICKER, used, one-row, Wood Bros. Phone 80-1V Dashwood or 97-R Exeter (evenings). 11:21c WHITE ENAMEL kitchen cupboards, white enamel sink with fixtures, in good condition. Apply Times-Advo­ cate. 14c DEER RIFLE, .303 British, in good condition. Reasonable for cash. H. Peterson, Dashwood, phone 31-r-15.11:21:28c ■53 MAYFAIR DODGE with Hy- Drive. Low mileage, two-tone. Phone 558-R Exeter after 6 p.m. 11c CHILD’S BUNTING BAG. With feet and hands in, pink with white fur trim. Suitable for twins, or will sell separate. Phone 265-J2 Exeter. He 2 REGISTERED HEREFORD fulls, for quick sale. Apply Clarence Parke, phone 9G-r-9 Zurich. 14:21* UNDERWOOD PORTABLE type­writer. Not the newest model but in perfect condition. Used very little. Will be sacrificed for $50.Hi). Can be seen at The Times-Advocate. 10-7tfc G YOUNG BULLS, ranging from year and a half to 10 months old, reds and roans. Yearling females. Herd is accredited. Heifer's vaccinat­ ed. Apply Edgar Monteith, phone 456-r-2 Exeter. 7:14:21* TURKEYS—Oven-ready or New York dressed. Apply Harry Hayter, phone 47-r-5 Dashwood. 7:14c TYPEWRITER BARGAIN—Used only a very short time. Repossessed. For $83.5H! —The Times-Advocate. 7nc STILL SELLING off my collection! —Simon Sweitzer, phone 448 Exeter. 11* 5'i0 SUSSEX RED ready to lay pul­ lets. Phone 57-r-7 Dashwood, —H. T. Miller. 10-7tfc USED STAINLESS STEEL milker units, in good condition. DC Laval, Woods, Chore-Boy, Universal, Hin­ man, Riteway, McCormick. Contact Lovell McGuire, Surge Dealer, Wing­ ham, Phone 593. 30:7:14c NEW CORN PICKERS, only $750.00. Also some used equipment. H, Peter­ son, Dashwood, ph. 31-r-15. 30:7:14c NEW HOPE For Sinus, Hay Fever, Head Cold sufferers by using NAMELESS Cold Remedy. Convincing trial $1.00. Ad­dress: Purity Co., Exeter. 9-lGt.fc WRECKING—'42 Hudson, '42 Dodge* ’41 Dodge, '41 Chev, '41 Ford. Many older models. Cudmore's Gravel, tele­phone 171-r-3 Exeter. 7-12tfc BABY CHICKS FOR SALE BRAY HATCHERY has dayold chicks. Prompt shipment. A few started alsru Your cockerels for mid November should be ordered now also. Ask us for current pricelist and other data. Agent—Erie Carscadden, Exeter, tele­phone 24G-W., 14c GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dalton and family spent the Thanksgiving weekend in Toronto with: their son Jim and Mrs. Dal ton'a par­ ents Mr. and Mrs, Coughlin. FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED APARTMENTS, $40 and $35 a month. Apply Mr. Warner, 81 Andrew St,________________14:21c ATTRACTIVE 4 ■ R O O M furnished apartment; heated, everything like new. Apply Rollie’s Television, Grand B e i id,___________________________14c APARTMENT Unfurnished, Immediate Possesion, Hot and Cold Water, Fresh, Clean, Recently Painted and Papered. Central — On East Side of Town Close to Schools Phone 143 Exeter 14:21c BEDROOM, sitting-room, kitchen, use of bath, side entrance. All furnished. 357 Carling -St.__________________14c tl-ROOM APARTMENT — apply 59 Huron St. West, phone 257-W Exeter. TWO-BEDROOM COTTAGE, shower, winterized, fully furnished, Grand Bend. Telephone 139.__________7;14* APARTMENT — Bath, hot and cold water, two bedrooms, kitchen and living room, full basement, on high­ way at Shipka. Available October 16. —Albert Gaiser, Crediton, phone G-J. 9-9tfc APARTMENT — Modern upstairs apartment, 4 rooms and bath, oil heated. Phone 7 Exeter. 9-9tfc FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Power lawn mowers. —Bea­ vers Hardware, Exeter. 7-ltfc HELP WANTED WOMAN OR GIRL—Full time job. Store work in afternoons. Apply May- fair Bakery or phone 52.________14c BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Earn money the first day with a profitable agency consisting of 250 products, including cosmetics, tonics, food p r o d u ct s , household necessities. Wonderful ter­ritory in your area. Write immediate­ly for free details. FAMILEX, Dept. 2, Montreal 24,__________________14c Bookeeping-Typist Excellent opportunity for a female bookkeeper-typist in Exeter office. Hospital Benefits Modern Equipment Apply in writing, stating qualifications, to: BOX AB, THE TIMES-ADVOCATE WELL-KNOWN CANADIAN company has opening for New Canadian wo­man interested in pleasant, profitable business of her own. Highest com­ mission paid. No canvassing. For apppointment write Box “T”, Exeter Times-Advocate. ________7:14:21:28c HOUSEKEEPER to take full charge of country home; 3 adults; modern conveniences. Apply Box “H”, Times- Advocate.______________________7:14* USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANYApplications will be received up to October IG, 1954, for the position of Agent for this company In the Town­ ships of Hibbert and district, Blan- sliard and part of Logan. Applicants should be representatives of no other fire insurance company.Applications should be mailed to the Secretary-Treasurer, Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Exeter, Ont.A. FRASER,Secretary-Treasurer 7:14c REAL ESTATE MODERN 2-BEDROOM, almost new home with large lot, nicely land­ scaped grounds. Large garage, Terms. Call 579-R Exeter._____________7:14c FARMS—We 'have enquiries for acre­ ages 10 to 50 acres. Also for larger farms. If you are interested in sell­ ing, let us know. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 10-7tfc MODERN 2-BEDROOM house. Good Exeter location. Large living room. Particularly nice kitchen and bath­ room. Air conditioned oil heat. Im­mediate possession and very easy terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter.________________9-9tfc HOME WITH INCOME — We are offering a well built house that will provide a home for an average family and an income from a separate apart­ ment. Each unit is complete with separate bathroom, kitchen and en­ trance. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Real­ tor, Main Street, Exeter. 9-9tfc GOOD 100 ACRES, 10 bush, balance arable, L barn, good stabling, brick house, electricity, water throughout. Price $10,500 half cash. Wm. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen,_____________________9-9tfc STORE BUSINESS—Rural—-Combined store and comfortable dwelling. Hy­ dro. County road. Clean stock, mostly groceries. Necessary equipment. Four acres of land, hennery and barn 40’ x 36’. Total price $7,500.00. Terms. — C. V, Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Ex­ eter,_________________________9-2tfc MODERN 1 - FLOOR HOME — This home is beautifully finished through­ out and provides every convenience for comfortable living. Nearly new. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter.________________9-2tfc BRICK HOUSE, in excellent condi­ tion, full cellar, furnace. Bedroom, 3- piece bath main floor, 3 bedrooms up­ stairs. Double garage, henhouse, ex­ tra lot. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. '7-15tfc HENSALL —-3- or 4-bedroom house with living room, dining room and modern kitchen and bathroom. Nice­ly located With good lot and small barn. Price $3,650.00. Terms, — C. V. Pickard, 'Realtor, Main St., Exeter.6-10tfc 2-STOREY 2-FAMILY brick house in fine location. Forced air oil-burning furnace. Two 3-piece baths, extra lot, garage, garden. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 6-10tfc 2-BEDROOM COTTAGE — This is a complete small home with modern kitchen and two-piece bath. Full basement. Immediate possession if desired. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, 6-10tfc $2,500.00 OR $3,000.00 CASH will give you possession of one of Exeter’s finer brick homes. Nicely arranged rooms. Hardwood floors throughout. New oil-burning furnace. Garage, Good location. Total price reduced. Quick possession. C. V. Pickard, 394 Main St., Exeter.______ 5-6tfc NEW HOUSES — 340 Edward Street, Living room, kitchen, dining room, two bedrooms, arid bath with space for other room on second floor. Oil furnace. Wide lot. —R. E» BalkWIll, Exeter, phone 89-J. 4-8 tfc MISCELLANEOUS WANTED GENERAL TRUCKING, loading and bulldozzing; gravel fill and top fill. Apply Lome R. Becker, Dashwood, phone 11S.________._______ 14:21* FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AUTO TRIMMING >’Covers—Custom made or installed HUGH WILSON Phone 56_________________- Exeter FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on .Sundays, Phone collect Clinton 242, 5-14alt.tfc CUSTOM COMBINING, bean pulling. Apply Tom Dobbs, R.R. 1, Centralia. phone 91-r-7 Kirkton.__________7:14* WE WILL CUSTOM KILL, eviscer­ ate and package your chicken or tur­ key for your farm freezer or locker, Phone us for dates and prices. Apply Edgar Cudmore, phone 171-r-14 Ex­ eter. ___________10-7tfc Slip* TO BUY—-Used playpen. Phone 1-J after 6 p.m, _______________14* RED CLOVER SEED. Good price given. W. E. Reid, Dashwood, phone 87._____________________________14 c SAW MILL LOGS and standing busli lots wanted. Fuel wood and slab wood for sale. — Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, phone G24-r-22 or G23-r-3 7-ltfc WANTED AND FOR SALE — Used merchandise. Louis E. Johnston, Sec­ond Hand Shop, corner Station and Main Streets. Phone 183 noon and evenings. 6-29tfc STOCK WANTED HUSBANDS! WIVES! WANT PED. VIM? Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets lor new vitality, today. “Get-acquainted” size only GOd. All druggists. 14:3Jc Immediate service” DEAD, DISABLED STOCK — Seven- day week service for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, calves. —Glen Kennedy, phone collect 168-W Lucan or Exeter 235,__________________________ 9-2tfc HORSES WANTED—Heavy or light, young or old. Please notify Frank Taylor, 138 Exeter. Jul22:Ja5* IN YOUR LOCALITY FOR Estate Planning and Wills “STANDARD OF THE WOODS" — McCulloch Chain Saws! All models and complete service available at Mc­ Culloch Saw Sales, 428 Huron Street, Stratford, phone 1061-J._______9-16tfc WHITEWASHING and CLEANING— Arrangements can be made. — Bill Watson, Dashwood, telephone 35-r-19.8-26:ll-llc STEW’S SHARPENING SERVICE — Files and sets your saws better than news! Apply 152 Lake Road. 8-26tfc SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED — Imme­diate service. Phone 108 Lucan or 130-W Lucan. Butler Bros. 10-7:11-28 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture The undersigned auctioneer has re­ ceived instructions to sell by public auction in CENTRALTAon SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 at 2 o’clock sharpe the following: Dining room table, G chairs; kit­ chen cabinet; buffet; china corner cabinet; rug; Thor oil space heater; Moffat electric range: refrigerator; coal or wood range; Quebec heater; washing machine; small tables; bed, with springs and mattress; chest of drawers; wardrobe; two 45-gallon oil drums; 2 cistern pumps; crowbar; 32- inch circular saw; ladder; funnels; hoes, rake; 2 daybeds; dishes, pots, pans; Coleman lamp; Aladdin lamp; rocking chair; coal oil lamp; New Williams sewing machine; milk strainer; portable oil heater; sprink­ ling can; ice cream freezer; quilting frames; mat frames; cupboard; jars; tea kettle; crocks; wash tubs; boiler: glass washboard; iron kettle; small sink; quilts; drapes; quantity of wood; lawn mower; step ladder; toaster; quantity of chestnut coal; quantity of coke; quantity of pre­served fruit; quantity of lumber; forks, shovels, tools, pick, grindstone and other articles. Three-piece bedroom suite; spring- filled mattress; chest of drawers; mirror; drop-leaf table; 3 trunks; lawn chair; dishes; silverware: elec­tric razor; bedding; pillows; towels; electric iron; motor rug.TERMS: Cash. MRS. GEORGE GODBOLT, PROP. GERALD GODBOLT, CLERK FRANK TAYLOR, AUCTIONEER CATTLE AUCTION Strathroy SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 100 Mixed Stockers A. G. McAlpine, Auct, AUCTION SALE 35 Registered Herefords TB Tested and Vaccinated on MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1:00 P.M. AT FARM mile west of Greenway on 81 Highway, 8 miles north of Parkhill 5 miles south of Grand Bendor ___ __ ____ ____ ____ LISTING: 13 bulls, cows with calves by side, bred and open heifers.Sale under cover. TERMS: Cash. G. BRUCE EAGLESON, PROP. W. S. O’NEIL, AUCTIONEER Lunch served on grounds by Green­ way United Church W.A. 30:7:14c GIVING UP FARMING! Clearing AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements, Tractor, Threshing Machine and Furniture J. Varley and C. Wein have instruct­ ed auctioneer Wm. I-I. Smith to sell by public auction at the farm, situated 1 MILE NORTH OF CREDITON on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21 at 1 o’clock sharp the following: CATTLE: Six good grade cows, milking 9 calves.IMPLEMENTS’: John Deere tractor (J)), like new, new rubber; 3-furrow tractor plow; 12-plate one-way disc; double disc; stiff-tooth cultivator; 3- section lever harrows: bob sleigh with bunks; rubber tired wagon and wood rack; manure spreader, Massey Har­ ris; 2 horse collars, 21-inch: new stone boat; Model A Ford, 1930; 30- inch circular saw blade block and tackle; binder, M.IT.; cutter; buggy; 2 sets harrows; wagon: riding plow; 2 ladders; set of harness; single har­ ness; disc; hay rake; bean scuffler and puller; 2 sleighs: wagon box; drill; steel wagon; roller; 2 mowers; fanning mill; driving shed, 38x17; barrels; extension ladder; hay loader; scales; forks; barn jack; neckyokes; doubletrees; cider press; grinder; me&t crinclcr pressj tie; 2 wheelbarrows; Watei er, steel, 28x40; all kinds ter tools and saws. FURNITURE “ table; kitchen china cabinet; chairs, ... stove; 2 couches dusting mop ding; f tains; plcturei machin forks; lamps; guns; chairs,’ ... sideboard records; Cradle; ir. 'Oftber •loo th of cai 5: Sideboard chairs; bed;; gramaphon I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc NOTICES TO CREDITORS Investment Management and Advisory Service Guaranteed. Investments f. In the Estate of William Edward Foster deceased, All persons having claims a gainstthe estate of William E Iward I"•oster, late of the Village of Hensall,in the County of Huron, Gei ltleman who died on or about Septeinber 25 1954, are required to file larticul:rs of same with Bel] & L au ghton,Solici- tors, of Exeter, Onta ’io by th e 23rd day of October next, aft pr whic 1 date the estate will be di buted lavingregard only to those cl a inis of which notice has been recei ved. Bell & Laught on Solicitors for the. Estate, Exeter, Ont. 7:14:21c In the Matter of the Estate of LESLIE HUNTER ROBINSON, of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Retired, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the late Leslie Hunter Robinson, who died on the 13th day of September, 1954, are hereby noti­ fied to send them to either of the undersigned, duly verified, on or be­fore the 16th day of October, A.D. 1954. After the last-named date, the assets of the said Estate will be dis­ tributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Exeter, this 27th day of September, A.D. 1954, SHERWOOD BROCK, Administrator W. G. COCHRANE, Solicitor for the Estate 30:7:14 c ket* resh- 'Pen- siOl; extei...... 2 dressers; _____, _________ie; rocking small tables; bureau; parlor large tapestry rug; . ._____’ fne; bed­ lies; cur- tea set; washing lives and icst; tea rd table;..____. table; 6 3 beds with springs; radio; gramaphbne; _____ dresser; vases; ig board; coal oil heater; m; clock; candle sticks ___ butchering block; lawn congoleum rug, 9x12; some " ’ many other items.;! Farm sold. Every- ' ‘r.l.L’L:This 'Calling for bids sewing rnaclif ' fancy dish mats; crocks; ’ kn ch car fancywork, .... 2 toilet sots is; ___ ; clock; ledicine Churn; mirror s; cushion lc; sealers trunk; n pillows; lanterns; rug, 9x12; .. J; couch; curtains_____, iroi.l... carpet sweepe: and holders; 1 mower; .......... antique dishes: NO RESERVE. ................... _thing goos to the highest bidder, is a large sale CLT: sharp, at 1 o’clock.TERMS; Cash. j. VARLEY. G. WEIN. PROPS. H. SMITH, CLERKWM, IL SMITH, AUCTIONEER Phono 77-W Crediton 7:14c 2% % on savings — deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services For prompt attention call RAYE B. PATERSON 7/iist Officer Hensail, Ontario, Phone 51 or any office of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA • MONTREAL • WINDSOR TORONTO OTTAWA NIAGARA FALLS • SUDBURY SAULT STE. MARIE CALGARY • VANCOUVER Here's Something NEW IN TELEVISION HALOLIGHT With HALOLIGHT a frame of soft light surrounds the entire picture screen. The picture appears sharp­ er, larger, brighter, clearer . . . and viewing is kinder on the eyes. It’s the most important eye-comfort fea­ ture in television today! See the New Sylvania Made for Northern Electric BEAVERS HARDWARE PHONE 86 EXETER CLOVER SEED We Are Paying TOP MARKET PRICES — FOR — RED CLOVER - AND SEED SAVE THESE IMPORTANT CASH CROPS It Will Pay You to Contact Us Before Selling Jones MacNaughton Seeds Ltd. EXETER and CREDITON, Ontario r: a a