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Eighty-Second Year ___________________________________THE TIMES-ADVGCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1954 Price Per Copy
BRAWL AT DASHWOOD — Although Dashwood Tigers and Orono were playing the base
ball game, it was Zurich fans and Dashwood wood players who clashed in a brawl near the
end of the second game of the OBA “D” playoffs at Dashwood on Monday. In the right
background, the players are trying to restrain Tigers Manager Mickey Webb who rushed
into the fray. Spectator is hidden. Tigers lost the game 2-1 and the final match will be staged
at Milton on Saturday.- —T-A Photo
Tigers Must Win Saturday
After Loss In Second Came
Rain Damage To Bean Crop
Exceeds One Million Dollars
Two walks spoiled Gerry Guen
ther’s two-hit pitching eEfort
against Orono Monday afternoon
•when the visitors upset the' Tig-
■ers 2-1 on the Dashwood dia
mond to deadlock the series.
Guenther’s free passes set the
stage for both Orono scores in
the early stages of the game.
Sparkling defence by the winners
including three double plays, pre
vented the Tigers from overcom
ing the lead although they outhit
their visitors.
The Thanksgiving Day game
provided a side attraction in a
late-inning brawl. The partici
pants weren’t Dashwood and Or
ono players but Zurich fans and
the Tiger management. Nobody
•got hurt in the melee but it was
hot while it lasted.
Erupts In The 'Eighth
Ill-feeling between the two
sporting centres erupted in the
eighth inning after a close deci
sion on an infield play. A Zurich
■fan, identified as Vic Edighoffer,
who had been heckling Dashwood
all afternoon, came on the playing
field to protest the decision and
marched up to Charlie Tieman,
Tiger coach at first base. Before
he got there, Rudy Ravelie, Dash
wood’s third base coach, and
Manager Mickey Webb raced
across the field to stop him and
the battle started. Other Zurich
fans and Dashwood Tigers joined
the fray before police and umpires
took control.
Third and deciding game of the
$5,000 Grant
Aids Hospital
The provincial government
’has a w a r cl e <1 an additional
grant of $5,113.33 to the South
Huron Hospital for the accomo
dation it is providing, the com
munity, Thomas Pryde, Huron
MLA, announced this week.
The grant is based on the al
location of space in the build
ing for outpatient services, in
cluding pharmacy, laboratory,
sterilizing room etc., and for
emergency rooms.
Farm Juniors
Treat Parents
October 6 was Parents Night
at the Junior Institute and Jun
ior Farmers meeting.
“How to Look Beautiful” was
the theme of the girl’s meeting.
Mrs. Ruth Thompson and Mrs.
Lois Ford, beauticians, gave a
demonstration using Mrs. Ross
Hodgert as their model. Mrs.
Arthur Rundle and Mrs. Wm.
Routley won gifts.
Expi-ession Most important
Francis Hern conducted the
Sacred Moments and Mildred Bal-
lantyne discussed the motto, “Of
all the things you wear, your ex
pression is the most important.”
Current events were reviewed
by Marilyn Marshall.
Each girl donated an apron
which was sold by Dutch auction.
A donation of $5 Was voted
to the O.N.I.B. fund.
Mrs. Orville Beavers was -the
door prize winner. Don Slinger,
of Guelph, a representative of
the United Co-Operative, spoke
to the Junior Farmers on the
diseases of chickens.
Describes Trip
For the joint meeting which
followed, Bob Allen of Bruce-
field, who with three other Ont
ario delegates spent ten weeks
touring England* gave an inter
esting resume of his trip. He
accompanied his talk with col
ored films showing England's
countryside and the farms he
visited to compare their meth
ods with those used on Ontario
farms.Music was provided by the
Nighthawks, Andrew and Wil
liam Dougall and Maurice Love.
series will be played Saturday
afternoon at Milton.
West Boys Score
Dean and Ron West, two of
the noted family which ices a
complete ’ hockey team for Orona
in the winter, scored the win
ners’ runs after receiving free
passes from Guenther. Ron West
drove his brother in for the first
Natural Gas
For Zurich?
An application to supply natur
al gas to Zurich is being consider
ed by the police trustees of the
village and the Hay township
The application is from F. E.
Shaw Ltd., of Sarnia, who wish to
lay a pipe into the village from
the well which was drilled this
summer to the northwest of Zur
ich. The well is said to have a
sufficent supply of gas for the
To Investigate
Earl Campbell, reeve of the
township, said his council was
considering the application along
with the trustees but since the
natural gas program is new to the
township they intend to investi
gate it thoroughly before making
any commitment.
Reeve Campbell said that be
fore the pipes could be construct
ed approval would have to be
given by the ratepayers through
a municipal vote.
If natuural gas was supplied to
Zurich it would be the first muni
cipality in this district to have
this type of utility.
Hay township council has been
.having numerous special meetings
during the past two months over
drains. These special meetings
were called during September.
Assessment Cancelled
At the regular October session,
council received a written re
quest from Ivan Yungblut to have
the tiled branch of the Schwalm
drain, west from the main drain
through south half of Lot 22,
cleaned out.
Due to an error in entering Eg
bert Heideman as owner of Con.
10, NB of W1 of lot 2 2 on the
1954 assessment roll of the town
ship, this assessment for $850
was cancelled since the Henry
Yungblut estate owns the proper
ty and is assessed for it.
Hockey Club
Plans Rally
With installation of ice at the
arena set for October 27, Exeter
Mohawks Booster Club plans an
early start on its intermediate
hockey team.
.Practices will begin as soon as
ice is ready and the first exhib
ition game has been tentatively
scheduled for November 5.
Optimistic Report
Colle Bowman, playing-coach
of the Mohawks, presented an op
timistic report to the club at a
meeting Tuesday night. He ex
pects a number of top prospects
will try out for the team and
that, with an excellent nucleus
of local talent, the club will be
the strongest ever iced here.
The executive, under Presi
dent W. G. Cochrane, plans a
meeting of Booster Club mem
bers on Tuesday, November 2,
for a “pep rally”. Outlook for the
team, which will have had three
practices by that time, wilt be
discussed along with methods of
raising funds.
Exeter Ninettes will be ifi
charge of providing programs for
the local .games. The Organization,
plans a larger and more inform
ative booklet which will include
player’s pictures, league stand
ings and other statistics.
run of the game in the second
inning and scored himself in the
fifth after two were out when
Charlie Armstrong drove a long
ball into centrefield.
Dashwood’s lone run came in
the third when Jimmy Hayter
doubled and scored on two wild
The Tigers threatened in each
of the last three innings but the
Orono defence spoiled the attack.
In the second Centrefielder D.
West made a running stab of
Lome Kleinstiver’s long ball for
the best catch of the game. Rob
bie and Karl Wein ’got on in the
same inning but were left on the
sacks. ’
Costly Blooper
Jim Hayter started the eighth
off with a promising single and
Louis Corriveau sacrificed him
to scoring position at second. The
rally failed when Shortstop Ray
West m'ade a nice catch of Bob
Hayter’s blooper and caught bro
ther Jim off the bag.
Robbie Wein and Carl Wein
were left on bases in the ninth.
Keith West, who was charged
with the loss in the first game,
gave up nine hits in his winning
effort Monday. His well-controll
ed drop fooled Dashwood batters.
Jim Hayter and Lome Klein-
stiver were top .Tiger hitters with
two bingles each. Carmen Corn
ish and Ron West hit Orono’s
Youngest Area Champ
Plows At International
Lome Ballantyne captured
fourth prize in tractor class for
boys and girls under 18 on
Wednesday at the Internation
al. Other local winners were
Clare Paton, Clandeboye, who
placed twelfth in the same
class; and Lome Passmore, Ex
eter, who won eleventh prize in
tractors, tricycle only.* * * Hi
South Huron’s youngest plow
ing champion, 17-year-old Lome
Ballantyne, will be peeling sod at
the International this week as a
member of the county team for
the third year in a row.
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bal
lantyne, of R.R. 3 Exeter, Lome
will plow with John McGavin, of
Walton, the NOrth Huron champ
ion, in the inter-county competi
tion. The two young prize-win
ners are rated among the best in
the class.
Lome will also compete in jun
ior classes at the big match. He
will plow Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday.
Besides copping the South Hu
ron match championship on Fri
day, Lome has won the under-21
class at Middlesex competition
and the under-18 class at North
Huron match this fall.
This will be his third year aS a
member of the Huron County
team. He won the junior class at
the South Huron match the first
time he plowed in competition n
1952 and was Selected with Bob
Wildfong to represent the county
that year, in 1953 he and John
Fagan, of Goderich, placed ninth
in a class of 26 teams.
.Believed Youngest
The Ballantyne youth is believ
ed to be the youngest ever to wifi
the South Huron championship.
In Friday’s match near Dashwood*
he plowed the best finish of the
day against 23 other competitors,
many of them his senior. He won
the under-18 class, the best finish
award, and the Esso Special. His
•prize money totalled $30.
Lorne succeeds another local
plow jockey, Lome I’assmore, al
so of R.R,. 3, Eketbr, as the area
champ. Lome Passmore hag won
the title for a number of years.
He placed second this year in the
open class.
Stage Benefit Concert,
Centennial Loss $1,000
With the help of community
organizations, Exeter Agriculture
Society will stage a benefit var
iety show early in November to
try to pay off a $1,000 debt in
curred by the Centennial Fall
Plans for the concert, tagged
the “Save-The-Fair Show” were
made at a meeting of directors
Wednesday night after it was
announced that the Centennial
Fair not only wiped out the sur
plus which the society had accu
mulated but also put the board
$1,000 in debt.
Unless the deficit can be raised
by the concert or some othei’
means, the 18 directors of the
Society will have to dig into their
own pockets to meet the debt, it
was learned at the meeting. Un
like a municipal or school board,
the Agriculture Society cannot
turn the debt over to a council
or other public body. The pro
vincial legislation under which
the society operates provides that
the directors themselves are per
sonally responsible.
Owen S. Atkinson
New Noble Grand
District Deputy Norman Jones
and his staff of Hensail Lodge
233, I.O.O.F. visited Exeter Lodge
67 on Tuesday Imd installed the
newly elected officers.
O. S. Atkinson was installed
as Noble Grand succeeding W.
J. Chambers who became Junior
Past Grand.
Others installed were Vice
Grand, William Webster; Record
ing Secretary, Ed. Howald; Fin
ancial Secretary, W. G. Fish.er,
and Treasurer W. C. Allison.
The appointed officers who
were installed included War., R.
E. Belling; Con., Aubrey Tennant;
O. G., L. E. Day; I. G. Gerald
Campbell; R.B.N.G., G. A. Mc-
Falls; L. S. N. G., A. G. Hicks;
RS.V.G., Tom Yellow; L.S.V.G.,
Stuart R. Dick; R. S .S., Ray
Jones; L.S.S., Ross Coates; Chap
lain, Roy Hunter.
Members of the installing staff
included Norman Jones, Alex Mc-
Beath, W. R. Dougall, George
Glenn, Sid McArthur, P. L. Mc
Naughton and Stan Love.
Entries were down for the
match because of the good wea
ther which kept many would-be
competitors home to do work the
rains have postponed for several
weeks. Those who did attend the
match had a profitable day. Over
$250 in prizes were distributed
among the 24 competitors.
Second to Lorne Ballantyne in
the under-1 S class, largest of the
match, was Robert Dobson, of R.
R. 1, Kirkton, who is top man on
the South Huron District High
School team. Don Tremeer, of R.
R. 2, Kippen, placed fourth.
Maurice Love, of R.R. 3, Ex
eter, won the utility class, defeat
ing last year’s winner Merton
Keys, of Seaforth.
Stanley Johns, of Woodham,
captured the under-18 mounted
plow class. Other class winners
were Ross Jeffery, Exeter; John
Mathers, Ailsa Craig.; Jim Clark,
—Please Turn to Page 12
Major Changes At Centralia
Won t Cut Down Personnel
Although major changes are
taking place at RCAF Station
Centralia no decrease in person
nel strength is expected, officials
said this week.
Flight Lieutenant Ross Row
lands, public relations officer at
the station, said rumors of a
large reduction in personnel were
not true, “Our overall strength
will not be decreased,” he stat
Distorted and exaggerated re
ports in circulation here last week
indicated that strength would
be reduced so drastically that
many of the houses at the per
manent married quarters would
be left empty,
Fit. Lt. Rowlands told the
Times-Adv.ocate that the changes
would result in a reduction in
Flying Training School person
nel but that the influx in the
new Pre-Flight, School, being mov-.
ed to Centralia from London*
would bring the strength up to
Fair President II. II. G. Strang 1
and other officials agreed that'
unless the deficit is wiped out
there is danger that the fair
might not be continued. “We
could not afford,” said President
.Strang, “to put on another fair
with a $1,000 deficit facing us.
If that fair failed because of rain
or some other misfortune, we’d
be sunk.”
Ask To Contribute
The concert will be held on
Friday, November 5, and major
organizations in the town will be
asked to contribute towards the
program. Society officials hoped
that with a special effort the com
munity show might turn into an
exceptional concert. Tentative
program calls' for comical skits
and acts by prominent local citi
zens, popular musical artists and
other entertainers.
Mayor W. G. Cochrane has con
sented to be master of ceremon
ies and Mrs. Alice Sturgis, dir
ectress of the Huronia Male
Chorus operettas and producer of
the Lions Minstrel Show several
years ago, will assist in the pro
The organizations in the town
will be asked to put on 10 to 15
minutes of program—the type of
entertainment to be of their own
choice. A dress rehearsal of the
the show will be staged Wednes
day night, November 3.
To Arrange Concert
Members of the committee who
have been named by the Society
to arrange the concert are A. J.
Sweitzer, a-former president; Ted
Pooley, Dalton Finkbeiner, Gar
net Hicks, another past president
and Don Southcott.
Secretary-Treasurer Clark Fish
er, who announced the $1,0'00
deficit, said increased prize mon
ey paid out for Centennial fea
tures as well as special attrac
tions incurred the debt. Although
the crowd was one of the largest
ever seen at the fair, gate receipts
were not increased because a re
cord number entered the grounds
free in the huge parade. In ad
dition a cold damp night caused
a loss on the vaudeville show
which was forced inside the high
school at the last moment.
Over $4,000 In Prizes
Secretary Fisher said there
would be more money paid out
in prizes this year than ever
in the history of the fair. The to
tal ’amount will be well over
Outside of the deficit, directors
of the Society were happy about
the Centennial Fair. Public opin
ion indicated the show was ap
preciated and that the crowd was
more than satisfied. Only com
plaint was that there was too
much going on at once and the
spectators couldn’t watch it all.
Buried For Year,
Watch Still Runs
Buried for a year in an open
field, a watch that was plowed
up last week still runs.
The wrist watch, owned by
Bennett Fisher, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clark Fisher, R.R. 1, Ex
eter, was found Friday when
Mr. Fisher’s plow turned it up.
It had been lost one year ago
to the week.
When tested, the w a t c h
operated smoothly. Minor re
pairs will have to be made but
otherwise it appears in good
Formerly called the Officers
School at London, the new Pre
Flight School has a small stud
ent' population at the moment but
this will steadily increase until
maximum strength of 320 cadets
is reached in about three months.
The school, which was formerly
of six months duration, will be
extended to 12 months to include
a larger amount Of ground in
struction. This will reduce the
number of hours which trainees
will spend at flying schools.
While the Pre-Flight School at
Centralia is for Canadian reeruits
only, the flying training school
will now train only foreign pilots
under the NATO plan. All Can
adian trainees will go to fly-
dng schools in the west.
Reason for the segregation of
Canadian and foreign students
under the flying training pro
gram is the difference in basic
training which is received. Re-
cruits from Europe receive a more
extensive ground training before
enrolling in the course than do
Officials say the segregation
Will result in “bettor efficiency
in the NATO training program.”
Although the number of in
structors and students in the fly
ing training school will bo reduc
ed, Centralia will add to its train-'
ing syllabus a refresher flying
course which has been moved
from Trenton. This course is for
officer pilots whose duties have
not permitted them to practice
theit flying.
After the changes have been
completed Centralia will still op
erate four schools in the RCAF
program —- a Flying Training
School, Pre-Flight School, instftt-
ment Flying School and the
School if Flying Control (which
operates at Grand Bond), strength
of the station remains classified
trict High School captured the tri-school track and field meet
title for the second year in a row on Friday, outscoring Mit
chell and St. Marys schools by 50 points. Three local athletes
copped individual titles. Doug Wein, top left, won the junior
boys championship and Ted Smith won the intermediate
honors. Allison. Clarke, bottom left, tied for junior girls title
and Ruth Soldan was runner-up in the senior girls’ class.
South Huron Athletes
Cop Tri-School Crown
South Huron High School ath
letes piled up a 5 0-point lead
over their rivals from St. Marys
and Mitchell on Friday to capture
their second successive tri-school
track and field championship.
The local school compiled a
total of 157 points to win hand
ily over St. Marys with 108 and
Mitchell with 107.
SHDHS also captured three in
dividual championships and two
runner-up awards. Ted Smith con-
ped the intermediate boys’ title
10,000 Eggs
A load of 10,000 eggs was
scrambled near Zurich Thursday
when the rear dual wheels of a
produce truck fell off while the
vehicle was travelling along a
township road.
Only about 200 of some SOO
dozen eggs were salvaged after
the truck veered into the ditch
and rolled over.
The driver, Earl Horner, of R.
R. 2, Zurich, was taken to South
Huron Hospital for observation,
but was released later. Damage
to the truck, owned by O’Brien
Produce, Zurich, was estimated at
Potholes destroyed an old Mo
del A Tuesday on a township road
one-half mile west of Exeter.
Mervin Des jar dine, of R.R. 2,
Crediton, said that after his car
hit the holes it jumped off the
road and rolled over.
A Fullarton man damaged his
car $150 when he drove into a
post as he was driving out of a
garage at Hensall on Sunday.
Driving rain hampered the visibil
ity of Frank Morris, the driver.
and Doug Wein won the junior
honors. Allison Clarke tied with
Lois Ann McEwan, St. Marys,
for the junior girls’ award.
Ruth Soldan was runner-up in
■the senior girls’ division and
Barry Glover and Don MacLaren,
both of. South Huron, tied for
the reserve championship in jun
ior boys.
This year’s annual tri-school
field meet .was held in St. Marys
on Friday Octobei- 8.
The school spirit was good as
most of our pupils attended. Six
buses from Exeter Coach Lines
provided the transportation.
The results of the meet were:
Girls—junior, Exeter, 28, Mit
chell 18, St. Marys 17; intermed
iate, Exeter 20, Mitchell, 24, St.
Marys 19; seniors, Exeter 2S,
Mitchell 28, St. Marys 6.
Boys: Junior, Exeter 30, Mit
chell 8* St. Marys 13; intermed
iate, Exeter 31, Mitchell 13, St.
Marys 19; senior, Exeter 20, Mit
chell 16, St. Marys 34.
The champions and runners-up
with their points were:
Boys: junior, Doug Wein, 9,
South Huron, Barry Glover 5, Don
McLaren 5 (tie), South Huron;
intermediate, Ted Smith 12, South
Huron, Harold Bergen 9, St.
Marys; senior, Tom Sawyer 9,
Mitchell, Bill Price 8, Glen Mar
tin 8, St. Marys.
Girls; Junior, Allison Clarke 6,
South Huron, and Lois Ann Mc
Ewan 6, St. Marys (tie), Shirley
•—Please Turn to Page 12
Reports Indicate
Council Changes
Rumours that several members
of Exeter council will resign at
the end of this year are circul
ating in town. One official said
he expected to see a “considerable
change” at the next election.
Mayor W. G. Cochrane said
Wednesday he would ask mem
bers to state whether they intend
to run or not at the next coun
cil meeting, Monday, October 18.
Have A Right To Know
“I think citizens have a right
to know in advance the intent
ions of council members,” the
mayor said, “so that they can
make preparations accordingly.”
Nominations will be held early
in November.
Electric Welder
Stolen Sunday
About $275 worth of equip
ment, including tin electric weld
er, electric drill and paint spray
er, was stolen from Exeter Prod
uce and storage Co. over the
The tools were discovered mis
sing on Monday morning. It is
believed that the thieves entered
the warehouse by a turnip chute
sometime Saturday or Sunday.
Police Chief Reg Taylor is in
Rain damage to the white bean
crop in this district is now esti
mated at over one million dollars.
Elevator operators at Hensall
agreed that the situation is “dis
astrous”. Beans that have been
pulled are “not even good feed.”
Some of the crop which is still
standing may “not be tqo bad”
but the quality is extremely
The crop was valued at over
one and one-half million dollars
earlier this summer but |,lie cen
sus indicates that the district will
be fortunate if the crop sells for
over a quarter of a million.
Drying Beans
One elevator at Hensall has
been drying all the beans which
have been brought in and even
with this processing the beans
were in “poor shape”.
Rains over the weekend and on
Thursday wrought the worst dam
age. Towards the end of last week
the weather cleared up and the
situation was hopeful but down
pours on Saturday and Sunday
spelled doom.
The ground and crops are so
wet that it will take at least a
week or 10 days of good weather
before the standing crop can be
Only Three Days Without Rain
Almost five inches of rain have
fallen in the first two weeks of
October, the met section at RCAF
Station Centralia reported Thurs
day. Only three days of the month
have been without rain.
During the past week 1.12
inches of rain has dropped.
Pastures are suffering from the
moisture as cattle are tramping
the grass into the mud.
The wet weather has produced
too much growth for the local
turnip crop. Officials at Exeter
Produce and Storage Co. Ltd. said
the turnips were growing too
large and can’t be harvested be
cause the fields are so soggy.
Large turnips can ‘only be used
for soup purposes and this mar
ket is not strong, the firm said?
To Expropriate Land
Stephen township council de
cided to expropriate land from
Mrs. O. TI. Becker for road allow
ance at a recent meeting.
The petition for drainage of
Harold Peterson was passed for
survey, plan and report by Engin
eer James A. Howes.
Will Organize
Safety Patrol
Town officials, teachers and
parents are expected to attend
the Safety Patrol meeting at
the Public School auditorium
on Tuesday, October 19.
Main speaker will be Don S.
Mackay, representative of the
Ontario Safety League who is
an expert on safety patrol pro
Tlie meeting, sponsored by
the Home and School Associa
tion, will start at 8 p.m. and is
open to all citizens.
Start Experiment
On Poultry Pens
Grade nine students under the
supervision of Mr. Andrew Dixon
have undertaken as part of the
agricultural course an experimen
tal poultry project to ascertain
the feed cost per dozen eggs.
Three separate pens of White.
Rock hens have been established
and these are classified as a
caged pen, a dark pen and a
common pen.
They differ in that the caged
pen consists of hens caged in in
dividual hanging wire compart
ments. They are separated from
one another by wire screening
and have individual feed and
water troughs. This leaves them
with no roosts or dropping boards
except the wire eage bottom. The
advantage of the cages are clean
eggs, thO elimination of non-lay-
Only Artificial Light
The dark pen consists of a
pen lighted only by artificial light
for 24 hours a day. The advan
tages of this dark pen is that it
eliminates draught since there
are no windows. Since the lights
are always on, It eliminates the
cost of roosts and dropping
boards. These are also roomier
In the common pens, there are
roosts, nests and dropping boards.
The hens are fed all together.
In the caged and common pena
the lights are automatically turn
ed on at four o’clock each morn
ing. These two pens are also
lighted with two windows. All
pens are fed a 100 per cent
tnhsh feed without scratch feed.
This is one of the many agri
cultural projects of the grade
nine students. Nor the result of
this experiment, watch for future
Hi Lights column.