HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-10-07, Page 10Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 7, 1954 Help The Blind To Help Themselves NOTICE Hensail Calf Club 90 Hereford Calves Arriving October 20 In Hensail Are Open to Any Boy or Girl Up to 21 Years of Age Plea^t Contact Your Township Director: TUCKERSMITH HIBBERT ........... USBORNE ......... STEPHEN ......... HAY .................... STANLEY ......... Jack Kinsman, Pres.James McGregor, Sec. Instructs Board Collect Accounts —^Continued from Page 1 munity Centres Board and the service clubs in town. If so, he suggested that the organizations work together to present a money-making program at the arena in an attempt to lower the amount of tax money which would have to be used to pay off the. debts. Declare Full Holiday Nov’ember 11 was declared a civic holiday by council at the re­ quest of Canadian Legion ling said extensive Deputy-Reeve William McKen­ zie reported the sleuce gates at the dam were in bad repair and warned that the entire cement abuttment on the north side might give out if the situation was not remedied. It was agreed to call in the Ausable Authority engineer, C. I’. Corbett, of Lucan. A proposal to construct a drain along the Thames Road to service the property of Gordon Baynham was turned down when it was realized that the drain committee had already exceeded its budget. i the local branch of the Legion. President Andrew Bier- the branch planned an program for the day. For Thanksgiving Weekend Pic-Nic Hams lb. SCHNEIDER’S Cottage Rolls ....................... Dinner Hams (boneless) .. Dry Cured Bacon ............... .... 430 .... 650 .... 850 39C % lb. lb. lb.' Our own EXETER SAUSAGE (very lean)650 lb. Baby Beef Heart, Liver, Tongue (it sells quickly) . We always buy the best beef we can find right in this district. We think this week’s EXETER BEEF is the tops. We have '12 quarters. Come in and choose one for yourself ■ Exeter Beef Mr. and Mrs, L. B. Hodgson and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hodg­ son are attending the Ontario Insurance Agents Association con­ vention in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Murdoch have returned from a motor trip to South Dakota. They visited in Rabbitt City a couple of days. On their return they spent a few days with their parents in Exeter and Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davis of Fort Erie and Miss Mabelle Mc­ Naughton of Winnipeg, Man., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Ryckman during the past week. Dr. and Mrs. John Beswick of Quebec City and Mrs. J. M. Bes- wiek of Toronto visited on Sun­ day with Miss Vera Rowe. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fraser were Miss M. Hope and Miss G. Tayloi* of Lon­ don, England; Miss Amy Lind, Hamilton; Mrs. W. Gard and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fear of Toronto. COMING EVENTS Exeter Frozen Foods 1 PHONE 70 MAIN ST. SPECIAL DANCE Friday, Octo­ ber 8, Seaforth Community Cen­ tre. Music by the Nite Ryders. Admission 50£. 7c PORK & BEAN SUPPER — On Tuesday, Oct. 26. Supper served from 5:30 p.m. Sponsored by the W.A. of Trivitt Memorial Church. HALLOWE’EN FAIR and Bazaar —Exeter Public Library, Satur­ day, Oct. 30. Sponsored by the W.A. of Main St. United Church. Further announcement later. c SALE HANOVER RACES — On Mon­ day, Oct. 11, at 1:30 p.m. Card includes Free-For-All, 2.IS and 2.24 pace for $300 each; a pace for non-winners of $500 and a 2.30 pace for $200 each. Better horses in Western Ontario. All classes filled. Track ideal. Betting privileges. 7c BAKING SALE, Produce, etc.— Hensall United Church, Saturday, Oct, 16, 3:00 p.m. Sponsored by Chiselhurst Women’s Association. Town Topics Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Exeter Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested In you and your friends. Phone 770. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates, Wilma and Keith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doh­ erty, Mt. Clemens. Mrs. Coates remained for a week’s visit. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Bosnell of Toronto visited last Wednes­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kestle spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hodgert of Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Ward Fritz of Zurich and Miss Ella Link at­ tended the celebration of the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eilber, Ubly, Michigan which was held at the Verona Hills Golf Club on Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stacey, Valerie and Robert of Hamilton were weekend guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Read. Mrs. C. A. Anderson of New­ castle N.B. is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren May and family. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Blatchford of Fort William and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Frost of Belleville were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Wood and other re­ latives. ' I I Announcements BIRTHS ALLEN—Mr. and Mrs. William Allen, R.R. 1, Woodham, are happy to announce the birth of their second daughter, Joan Dianne, on October 2, 1954, at South Huron Hospital; a sister for Susan.GIBSON—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson, Crediton, announce the birth of their twin sons, Larry John and Garry Thomas, on September 29, 1954; twin brothers for David. KINSMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kins­ man, Cromarty, wish to announce the birth of a son in Scott Mem­orial Hospital, Seaforth, on October 1, 1954. Miss Doris Crawford, Wind­ sor’s 1954 “Miss Centennial” and Miss Connie Doidge of Chrysler Corp, of Canada, Ltd. Windsor visited at the home of Mrs. May­ bee last weekend, Miss Helen Hardy attended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. C. E. Bowman, the former Grace Har­ dy, in Southampton on Monday. Gary McDonald has been trans­ ferred to Petrolia from the local branch Scotia. Mrs. visited Mount suffering from attack. Her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brady, visited her on Friday. Fifteen new members joined Janies Street United Church on Sunday at the World Communion service. Twelve London and district Free Press carrier boys, chosen as typical newspaper boys, were guests of the London Free Press last Saturday for a tour of the city and a variety of entertain­ ment. Attending from this area were Jim Scott of Exeter and Marlin Ilildebrant, Hensall. of the Bank of Nova Catherine Brady, who in town recently, is in Carmel Hospital, Detroit, a slight heart Mrs. M. Davey Dies In London Services for Mrs. Mary Davey 77, who died at Talbot Health Haven, London were conducted Monday afternoon by Rev. W. Parrott in the Hoffman funeral home, Dashwood. Interment was in Exeter cemetery. Her husband, Ruehen Davey died in 1950. She was the former Mary Blair and she and her husband farmed for many years on the Goshen Line, Stephen Township. Surviving- are two daughters, Mrs. Harold Higgins Exeter and Mrs. Clifford Kenney, Crediton, and two brothers, William Blair, Centralia and John of Calgary, Mr. H. Devries, of Huron St. won a quantity of paint in a special draw made at Exeter Fall Fair. The lucky ticket was drawn by A. J. Sweitzer, of Huron Lum­ ber Co. Ltd., and the paint was given away by the Heaman Paint Co. of London. Mrs. Bessie Taylor, Nelson St., spent Tuesday in London, the guest of Mrs. Alex Reeder. Mr. George Rether, Sr., under­ went an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital on Monday. Mrs. Ella Hunkin’s family found her condition improved when they visited her in Victoria Hospital recently. Phone 421 1 FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 8 and 9 Previews Its Coming Attractions Grant Case, of Zurich, whose car struck a parked car on the main street of Hensall, damaging it to the sum of $370, was fined $5 and costs by Magistrate Dud­ ley Holmes on Tuesday. DANCE Sponsored by South Huron Junior Farmers River Of No Return ★ Marilyn Monroe ★ Robert Mitchum ROLLER SKATING 8:30 Friday, October 8 EXETER LEGION HALL Desjardine’s Orchestra On our wide screen in glorious Cinemascope, the feature shot in Jasper and Banff National Parks in the Canadian Rockies is vastly exciting entertainment plus the spectacular scenic background makes it nothing short of breath­ taking. Dancing 9 :30 to 1:00 Draw foi* calf to be macle during' dance MONDAY & TUESDAY October 11 and 12 Everybody Welcome Kiss Me Kate 4 Rolls Only 3 YARDS WIDE ARMSTRONG’S “QUAKER” Reg. value $3.95, clearing at Only $2.95 Running 4 Rolls Only 2 YARDS WIDE ARMSTRONG’S “QUAKER” Reg. value $2.65, clearing at Only $1.90 Running 2 Rolls Only 4 YARDS WIDE CONGOLEUM Reg. value $5.25, clearing at Only $3.95 Running To make room for more inlaid linoleum, we must clean out our entire stock of printed surface floor-coverings at sacrifice prices. 14 Rolls Only 2 YARDS WIDE CONGOLEUM Reg. value $1.80, clearing at Only $1.35 Running iSW9 Rolls Only 3 YARDS WIDE CONGOLEUM Reg. value $2.75. clearing at Only $1,98 Running fj Come Early — Get Your Choice S With each purchase a ticket will be given on a LUCKY DRAW for a beautiful ARMSTRONG’S “QUAKER RUG”! Sale Starts Sat., Oct. 9 at 9 a.m. T. and T. Flooring Sales and Service Linoleum Tile and Floor-Sanding PHONE 240 ZURICH pjjjwrr IT WILL PAY YOU t<> drive to Zurich for your Floor-Covering Needs! LADIES AUXILIARY to South Huron Hospital regular and so­ cial meeting Tuesday, Oct. 12, at 2:30 p.m. 7c EUCHRE PARTY Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton Friday, October 8 8:30 p.m. ADMISSION 350 Ladies Please Bring Lunch REMEMBER! Hospital Auxiliary Rummage SALE Sat. Oct. 16 in Auxiliary Room South Huron Hospital • Save Everything Saleable to Help Your Hospital Presentation And Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. ROSS McFALLS Lucan Community Centre Friday, October 8 Everybody Welcome Ladies Please Bring Lunch DEATHS DAVEY — At Talbot Health Haven Rest Home, London, on Friday, October 1, 1954, Mary Blair, widow of the late Reuben Davey, in her eighty-eightli year, ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs. Clifford F. Blanchard, Exeter, wish to announce the engage­ ment of their daughter, Margaret Delores, to Mr. Donald Frederick Smart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Smart, London. The wedding will take place on Saturday, October Hi, at 2 p.m. in the Exeter Pentecostal Church. '■’* Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Pym to announce the engagement of daughter, Nona Mary, to Mr. tonio (Tony) Shulman, son of Shulman, of Embro, and the Alec Shulman, the marriage to place Saturday, October 30, o’clock at Thames Road United Church. "* The engagement is announced oi Beatrice DeVries, daughter of Mrs, Y. DeVries and the late Mr, Y, De­ Vries, Holland, to Mr. Lowell Dyk­stra, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dykstra, Exeter, Ont, The marriage will take place in Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter, on October 10. 7nc CARDS OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins wish to express their appreciation to their many friends and neighbours while Mr. Hodgins was a patient in Vic­toria Hospital and to their old neigh­ bours since returning to the home of Mr. and Mrs. I-Iarry Carroll, Spe­ cial thanks to Dr. C. H. George and Dr. Gibson and to the nurses and staff of Ward 12 Victoria Hospital, cJames Eagleson and family wish to express their appreciation for the flowers, cards, treats, linking and other tokens of kindness and sym­ pathy shown during the illness and recent passing of the late Mrs. Eliza Eagleson. Special thanks to the Sis­ ters of St. Joseph’s Hospital, espe­cially Sister Mary Gregory, all the doctors and nurses in attendance, the neighbours, especially Mrs. Willa Hodgins, the Rev. Mr. Smith, Miss Evelyn Curtis, Morley Pollock, Harry Hoffman and Lawrence Box. 7*We wish to express our sincere appreciation for the kind and effi­ cient care given us at all times while patients in South Huron Hospital. To Miss Claypole and her entire staff we wish to pay tribute. Their kind­ness at all times made many happy memories in a very painful time to us. The people of South Huron may well be proud of their hospital and staff. To Dr. Gulens we also ex­ tend our sincere thanks for care given us after our accident. —Mrs. L. E. Churchill and Mrs. A. Gaffney, Mitchell. Ont. 7*I wish to extend my sincerest thanks to my many friends and rela­ tives for remembering me with cards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital and since returning home. —Mrs. Lawrence Schwartz. 7* I wish to thank my friends and relatives for cards and visits while a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Special thanks to Miss Clay- poie and staff, Dr. Fletcher and Rev. Slade, —Mrs. Lawrence Mills. ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch wish to thank everyone who sent cards, gifts and flowers while Mrs. Murch Whs in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. 7* We wish to express our apprecia­ tion to all those who sent flowers or helped in any other way during our recent bereavement. (Special thanks to Mrs. Louise Harmon, Dr. Goddard, Mr. Harold Bonthron and the nurses of St. Joseph's Hospital, —The relatives of the late William Foster. 7* The family of the late Nelson Stanlake wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the expressions of sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement. 7c Ben Cook and family wish to thank all those who worked so efficiently to extinguish the fire Sunday mor­ ning at our home. Special thanks '~ Mr. Ray Shoebottom. IN MEMORIAM HEWITT—In fond and loving mem­ ory of a dear husband and father, Mr. W, J. Hewitt, who passed away October 4, 1948. Resting where ho shadows fall, In perfect peace, he 'Waits us all; Loved dearly in life, and living yet In the hearts of those who will never forget.—Sadly missed and ever remembered by his wife, Mrs. W. ,j Hewitt, and daughter, Mrs, L, V. Hogarth and family. 7* MILLER—In loving memory of a kind father and grandfather, who died one year ago, October 12, 1953,-^Fondly remembered by son, Charles W. Miller, wife and family. 7* STMS—In loving memory of a dear mother, Elizabeth .Tean Sims, who passed away four years ago, Octo­ber 8, 1950,Dear Mother, you aro not forgotton Though oft earth you are no more, Still In memory you are with Us As you always were before, “-Her loving daughter and son-in- law, Doris and Jim Edwards, 7* 7* wish their to 7c Wm. Baumgarten Western Farmer The death occurred on Sunday, September 26, in Portage Gen­ eral Hospital of William JBaum- garten, son of the late and Mrs. Baumgarten, eightieth year. 1-Ie was known and respected Creek farmer. Surviving in the family are a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Joyce Baumgarten, a son-in-law, Mr. John Hollander, of Poplar Paint, Manitoba, one brother, Christian, of Stephen Township, and five sisters, Mrs. (Anna) Frank, of Detroit, Mrs. Harry (Augusta) Goodrich, of Cattle Creek, Mrs. Glen (Sara) Riker, Flint, Mich., and Mrs. (Lydia) Schleramer, of Detroit. His wife, the former Maria Lamport, and three sons, Wilmer, Wray and Eddie, and a daughter, Mildred (Mrs. John Hollander), pre-deceased him. Funeral services were held from McKillop Funeral Home and burial in Hillside Cemetery. Mr. Chris Baumgarten flew to Winni- to attend the funeral. Exeter Arena Presentation And Dance ★ Kathryn Grayson ★ Howard Keel Matinee Monday at 2:30 An excellent musical comedy in technicolor from the Broadway play of the same name. Presentation Charlie in his a well- Portage And Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. LORNE PRESZCATOR (nee Joyce Chambers) WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY October 13 and 14 FOR MR. AND MRS ROSS CORBETT Hensall Town Hall Exeter Legion Hall Friday, Oct. 15 DUCHARME’S ORCH. Miss Robinson Crusoe Wed., Oct. 13 Everybody Welcome ★ Amanda Blake ★ George Nader An interesting melodrama of a shipwrecked girl on an uncharted island. Everybody Welcome Ladies Please Bring Lunch Music by Desjardine’s Orch, Anniversary Services Blanshard Mrs. Lillian McFalls and Mr. Cyril Bloomart were Sunday visi­ tors with Mr. and Mrs. George McFalls. Miss Carol McCurdy spent Sun­ day with Miss Joyce McFalls. Miss Barbara Lewis of London spent the weekend with her mo­ ther, Mrs. Jessie Lewis. Mrs. Fred Davis is spending some time .at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. H. Elston. Mr. and Mrs. M. I-I. Elston have returned home after a trip through the Eastern States and while at Baltimore visited with Mrs. Elston’s cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart LeCompte (nee Annie Washburn). Mr. and Mrs. C. Fischer, Kenon and Joyce were Sunday visitors with Mr. London.' Recent Mrs. John liam Fallon and sons, daughter, Miss Geraldine Ann, of St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. John Gregus, London; Mr. Frank Gre- gus, Kitchener; Mr. August Gre­ gus, Exeter, and Mrs. John kins and family of Aylmer. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fischer and family of London spent Saturday evening with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fischer. Mrs. Charles Atkinson was be­ reaved by the death of her ther, and Mrs. Bert Black, guests with Mr. and Spacek were Mrs. Wil- i, and her Mrs. James Eagleson. Fal- mo- Centralia Mr. and Mrs. K. Greb Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodg­ son and Kay were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfile in Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Culbert of Niagara Falls were visitors last week with the former’s 'bro­ ther, Mr. Clarence Culbert. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson spent a few days last week with relatives in Listowel. Miss Wilda Pollock, R.N., of Kitchener, was a weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Smyth were in Toronto on Friday Mr. Frank Osborne and family arrived in the village the first of the week to take possession and open up business in the store recently vacated by the Honsberger family. Mr. Burton Morgan, Mrs. Lome Hicks and Miss Donna Bowden Were in London on Friday attend­ ing the teachers’ convention in the Beal Technical School. Mr. Larry Cronyn has been off duty for several days owing’to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson are attending the Insurance Agents’ Convention at the Royal York in Toronto this week, The Intermediate girls’ Sunday School class will hold a baking sale in the school room of the church on Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. Proceeds are in aid of the C.N.I.B. Mrs. Leda Robinson struck it rich on Friday evening when she was co-wlnner of a car at the bingo In Exeter, Misses Donna, Maxine and Mar­ ina Bowden spent the weekend in Detroit. and Woodham United Church Sunday, Oct. 10 at 11 A.M. and" 7 P.M. Conducted by REV. J. H. SLADE, B.A., Pastor FIGURE SKATING Boys and Girls Youths and Adults ENROL NOW! Memberslup applications at Mrs. Stan Wade, 411 Albert St. Ersman’s Bakery Exeter Arena Cpl. D. McBride, RCAF Centralia ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY Si SATURDAY October 8 and 9 Shows at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. “JESSE JAMES VS. THE DALTONS” Technicolor ★ Brett King ★ Barbara Lawrence ON THE SAME PROGRAM A Travel Drama in Technicolor ‘‘BELOW THE SAHARA” •fr Armand Denis ★ Michacla Denis and a Native Cast TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY October 12 and 13 It Ono Show Only at 8:00 p.in. will live in your heart forever: Walt Disney’s “PETER PAN” Technicolor A that Never Land Of Captain Hook’s pirates, fabulous Mermaids and Indian Braves . , » new movie going experience sweeps you away to the NIGHT CLASSES FOR STATIONARY ENGINEERS will be held in CLINTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Commencing Tuesday, Oct. 12 at 8:00 P.M. ' For All Grades of Engineers’ Certificates The Instructor will be a Stationary Engineer holding First Class Stationary Engineers’ Certificate for the Province of Ontario ■« CAVEN ANNIVERSARY TURKEY SUPPER SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOM Tuesday, October 19 Supper Will Be Served at 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30 Advance Tickets, may be obtained at the office of W. G. Cochrane Adults $1.50 Children under 12 .75 Home & School Ass n MEETING Tuesday, October 12 at 8:15 p.m. MR. JOHN STRATTON of the Perth-Huron Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society­ will lecture and show films of interest to women ................................................................■<»iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiitiiiilil|ill„l|l||lilllllllllllllllltl||)||I||||<> ..................................................................................................................................................................................... OBA 'D' Finals Monday, October 11 2:00 p.m< DASHWOOD BALL PARK Orono vs Dashwood Tigers Second Game of Best-of-Three Series for OBA “D” Title