HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-09-30, Page 12THE TIMES-APVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1954 I H. J. CORNISH & CO. | | CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS * j | H. JL Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchell | | 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. j I Check with ] Riverside Poultry Co. | ... to make sure you are receiving TOP PRICES for | | your live poultry before selling by phoning; f | COLLECT [ f London or Hensall | I 7-1230 GSO-r-2 , I 4-H CALF CLUB WINNERS — Three majorettes of the Sarnia Lionettes Band were on hand lo congratulate the winners of the 4-H calf club competition at .Exeter l?air. The boys are, left to right, Hugh Rundle with champion steer, Keith Coates, the champion showman, and Harry Towle with the champion dairy calf. Girls are Adrienne Mitchell, Susette Barnes and Lvnne Date. —T-A Photo aw th VICTORY LOAN BONDS have been CALLED FOR PAYMENT OCTOBER 1st IF YOU HOLD Fourth Victory Loan 3% ponds (issued May, 1943 to mature May, 1957) they should be presented for payment on or after October 1st through any branch bank in Canada. AFTER THIS DATE NO FURTHER INTEREST WILL BE PAID. Interest coupons due November 1st, 1954 and all coupons dated later than this must be attached to the bonds when they are presented for payment. Payment will be $101.26 for a $100 bond (and for other denominations accordingly). This payment includes $1.26 which is interest at 3% from May 1st to October 1st the period since the last couppn became payable. Government of Canada 54-BC-4 By: BANK OF CANADA, Fiscal Agent Every dcHar you invest NOW in a Canadian Government Former Resident Annuitymeans a Guaranteed Income during your retirement years An Annuity can be purchased to come due at 50, 60, 65 or other ages, Here’s a typical example: NOW—Supposing you are a man of 28 and wish to secure an Annuity of §100 per month commencing at 65. Your monthly premium would he only §16.44. AT AGE 65—The Government will begin paying you $100 per month. These payments will continue as long as you live! Furthermore, in the event that von die within 10 years after the age of 65, the monthly payments will continue to your heirs for the balance of that 16 years. In other words, you will have paid §7,299-36 to receive a minimum return of §12,000, which will be even greater if you live past 751 IF YOU DIE BEFORE AGE 65—-The Government will pay your heirs the total sum paid up to the date of your death, phis compound interest. CANADA department OF LABOUR The example given above is one of many Government Annuity plans available to meet your particular requirements. Any resident of Canada between ages 5 and 85 is eligible to buy a Government Annuity. Consult your DISTRICT ANNUITIES REPRESENTATIVE (who will be pleased to call at a time convenient to you), or mail the coupon below POSTAGE FREE. MAIL COUPON FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ] To t Director, Canadian Government Annuities,! Department of Labour, Ottawa. (POSTAGE FREE) DPA ! Please send Information showing how a Canadian Government Annuity can bring ma retirement Income J at low cost. ! My name Is.........,,, ! (Mr./MrsUMiss) ! ! live st ........... . I J -----------------.Daft ofbirth. ! Ajw vhen Annuity to start............................„ Telephone..........................„............................................. 1 / understand that information given will be held strictly confidential, Pul ,-xn end to unnecessary work and waste caused by old-fashioned or worn-out heating. An old furnace often is incapable of getting all the heat out of your fuel—result­ ing in less heat, higher fuel bills with more ashes and work. Come in today and see. our complete line of Anthes- Imperial home heating equipment. Let us show you how clean, how easy and how dependable home, heating can really be with the fully automatic, Antbes-Iniperial Oil Queen. And remember you can depend on Anthe.s-.Tmpc.rial! Lindenfields Limited RHONE 131 Receives $1000 Delores Jeanette Parker, daughter• of Mr. aud Mrs. Rich- ardard G. Parker, formerly of Centralia, has won one thousand dollars in scholarship and burs­ ary awards this year. She has been an outstanding academic pupil and has been active in athletics. Delores, who is a granddaugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Lee of Lucan, has enrolled in an Honor Course at the University of "Western Ontario. Report On Grand Bend By MRS, E. KEOWN Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence John­ son and Neva spent last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Dodd in Buffalo, also visiting in j Hamilton and Stratford as they returned home. • Mr. Stan Bannister from Cali­ fornia, former proprietor of Bend rink, visited in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Baker and Miss Doreen Baker visited in Brussels last week. Mr, Jerry "Webb, of Toronto, spent the weekend with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton and son, Bradley, have returned from a trip up the St. Lawrence .-River, the Thousand Islands. They stopped off at Gananoque and Ottawa. Mrs. Mary Ravelie, Miss Doris Ravelie and Mrs. Hurley Shaw attended the Culton-Cassidy wed­ ding in Cargill on Saturday. Mrs. F. Clark, of Windsor, visited with her sister, Mrs. Mary Ravelie, and also relatives in Zurich last week. Sunday visitors -with Mr. and Mrs. E. Keown were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Couling and Mrs. Maudena Johnston of London. Mr .aud Mrs. Alfred Miller, of Detroit, visited with Mrs. Miller’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Whiteford, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Desjar- dine, of London,« visited with relatives here over the weekend. Mr. Clifford Quance, of Exeter, visited with Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Beer over the weekend. Mr. and Mr§. Albert Morenz attended the wedding of their nephew, Ross Corbett, at Hen­ sall on Thursday. Last Sunday was Rally Day at the United Church Sunday School at which a large number of mem­ bers attended and took part in a very impressive service. Next Sunday will be Promotion Sun­ day in the Sunday School. Communion will be administer­ ed in the morning service in the church, being World-Wide Com­ munion Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mason and Mr. and Mrs. C. Carlson, of Du­ luth, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson are spending the week with Mr. Carlson’s sis­ ter, Mrs. Roy Mason and Mr. Mason. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Statton, of Sarnia, spent Sunday with Mrs. William Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Truscott, also Mrs. Truscott, Sr., of De­ troit, spent the weekend at their cottage in Beach 0’ Pines. Mr. Harry Trick, who has been undergoing treatment in Vic­ toria Hospital, is reported to be doing fine now and is expected home during the week. Mr. and Mrs. William Rath have taken up residence in Eve­ rett Desjardine’s house on the I highway. { Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Mason visited their son, Junior, and Mrs. Mason in Hensall on Sun­ day. Dr. Godsell, of Pontiac, Mich., spent the weekend at his cottage in Beach O’ Pines, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence John­ son and daughter Neva spent Saturday visiting their niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Rid* dock, Mrs. Harold Skipper and daughter, who have been staying at their residence on the highway for the summer months, have re­ turned to their home in Brant­ ford, EXETER If you lend a friend five dol­ lars and you never see him again, it was worth It, THIS SEAL MEANS (\ \\ ’ * USED CARS and TRUCKS must MEASURE UR I» Next-ro-new appearance 2e Mechanically reconditioned 3e Safety-checked for performance 4» Guaranteed by your dealer Se Finest value for your money THAT’S WHY SAFE BUY IS YOUR BEST BUY! ■IMSAFE BUY SOLD ONLY BY YOUR AUTHORIZED MERCURY-LINCOLN- METEOR DEALER BEST SELECTIONS • LATEST MODELS • FAIREST PRICES *51 Lincoln Club Coupe (all extras) *51 Studebaker 2-Door *51 Ford 2-Doors (2) *50 Hudson 4-Door (radid, etc.) *50 Meteor 2-Door (radio, etc.) ’50 Prefect 4-Door *50 Plymouth 4-Door (perfect) ’50 Plymouth 2-Door ’49 Mercury 4*Door (all extras) You Can Depend On These Late-Model Beauties Traded In For Meteors & Mercurys We Stand ’49 Ford 4-Door ’49 Ford 2-Door (excellent) ’47 Dodge Custom Club Coupe (radio) ’47 Ford 2-Door (a beauty) ’46 Pontiac Torpedo (radio, w’walls, etc.) ’39 Ford 2-Door ’39 Hudson 4-Door ’39 Hudson “112” 4-Door ’38 Terraplane 2-Door (beautiful) • TERMS TO SUIT YOU ’37 Plymouth 4-Door ’35 Chevrolet 4*Dodr ’31 Chevrolet 4-Door ’30 Ford 4-Door ’28 Ford 2-Door ’51 Ford y^-Ton Pickup *49 Mercury %-Ton Pickup *47 Studebaker 3-Ton (hoist, 2-speed) *47 International i/g-Ton Panel BOB COOK MOTOR SALES Hensall, Ont.Across From CNR Tracks — Mike Quinlan (Salesman) OPEN FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. DAILY Phone 178