HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-09-23, Page 12Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1954 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kers- lake, Dorothy. Marion and Jim. and Miss Mary Horner, London, visited friends in Fleshing, Mich.,' over the weekend. Centennial Fair Winners EXETER MEN’S Bowling League MEETING Exeter Bowling Lanes at 8:00 p.m. 24 Anyone Interested in Bowling Is Asked to Attend . . . Picking of Captains Exeter Girl Guide MEETING . EXETER LEGION HALL Wed. Sept. 29 7:15 p.m. Domestic Mrs. William McKenzie, Exeter, six firsts, five seenwis: Mrs. Lloyd Uttsli- tnan. Exeter, three firsts, three sec­ onds: Mrs. Irene Smith, Exeter, two tirsts, two seconds; Mrs. Ward .llern, Woodham, Mrs. Bert Thomson. Kip­ pen, Mrs. Aimer Passmore, Wood­ham, Mrs. 1). Desjardine, Exeter, all with t'vo firsts and one second: Mrs. Hern, Exeter, Mrs. Edgar Darling, Grand Bend. Mrs. Irvine Anhstrong. Exeter, Mrs. G. U. Koch. Exeter, Mrs. Herb Mitchell. Crediton, all won one first each; other winners were Mrs, Harold Cudmore, Hensall, Mrs. Alvin Balter, Crediton. Mrs. Lorne Listoen, R.R. 2, Centralia.Specials, a p p 1 e p i e —Mrs, Irene Smith, Mrs. William McKenzie, Mrs. Ivy Brough: coronation cake — Mrs. William McKenzie, Mrs. Lloyd Cush­man, Attractive centrepiece —- M r s . Bert Thomson. Kippen; Mrs. Hugh Bove, Exeter.Home-Canned products Mrs. Irvine Armstrong, eight firsts, five seconds: Mrs. H. A. Fuss, Zur­ ich, four firsts, four seconds; Mrs. Bert Thomson, Kippen. three firsts; Mrs. Beg Hodgson, Centralia, two firsts, four seconds; Mrs. Harold Cud- more, Hensall, two firsts, two sec­onds: Joyce England, Dashwood, two firsts; Mrs. C. Hern, one first, one second; Mrs. Alvin Baker, Mrs. Hugh Bove, Mrs. Fred MvClymont all won one first: other winners, Mrs. Ivy Bouah, Jane Harness. Best display of home canned pro­ duets—-Mrs. Irvine Armstrong; Ursula Goodale. Exeter; Elimville Garden Club; Hurondale Institute; South Huron District High School.Honey, Maple Syrup, Candy Bight honey—Fred Howe, Centralia; maple syrup—Fred MeClymont, Joyce England; maple cream—Lloyd Cush­ man, Mrs. Harold Cudmore: choco­late fudge—-Mrs. Herb Mitchell, Mrs. Hugh Love; Divinity fudge — Mrs. Lloyd Cushman.Meats And SaladsMrs. Hugh Love, Exeter, two firsts, one second; Mrs. William McKenzie, Mrs. C. Hern, Mrs. Aimer Passmore, Mrs. Harry Strang, Mrs. Ross Krue­ ger, each won one first; other win­ ners. Mrs. Lorne Listoen, Mrs. Irene Smith.Dairy ProductsFred MeClymont, of Varna, three firsts: brown eggs—Ivan MeClymont, Harvey Hyde, Hensall; white eggs— Harvey Hyde, Mrs. Hugh Love. Fine Arts And Crafts.H. A. Fuss, Zurich, five firsts, five seconds; sheila Bailey, Exeter, and Mrs. G. C. Koch. Exeter, three firsts and one second each; Mrs. Hugh Love, two firsts, one second; M. Valentyne and Harvey Hyde, two firsts each: Mrs. Herb Mitchell, one first and two seconds: Vernon C. Green, Mrs. Edgar Darling, one first tach; other winners, Fred MeClymont, Jacob lleetler, " Mrs. Marjorie Moon, Centralia,Home Department Mrs. Edgar Darling, Grand Bend, 15 firsts, 11 seconds; Mrs. Vivian Marriage, London, eight firsts, four seconds; Mrs. H. A. Fuss, six firsts, four seconds; Joyce England, four firsts, two seconds; Miss Dorothy Davis and Mrs. Harvey Hyde, four firsts, one second each; Mrs. Norman Knox, three firsts and three seconds; Mrs. Van Wieren, Hensall, three firsts, two seconds; Mrs. Hugh Love, three firsts, one second; Mrs. Mar­ jorie Moon, Centralia, three firsts; Mrs. Bob Jeffery, Hensall, two firsts and two seconds; Mrs. Wm. Rohde, two firsts; Mrs. Harry Ford and Mrs. Irene Smith, one first and two sec­ onds each; Mrs. Ward Hern, Mrs. Harold Simpson, Mrs. Ross Krueger, Mrs. Haver Kamp, one first and one second each; Mrs. Tom Hern, "Wood­ ham, Mrs. Owen Atkinson, Shirley Guenther, Mrs. D. Desjardine, Mrs. C. Hern, one first each; others, Doug­ las Lightfoot, Mrs. Alvin Baker, Mrs. G. C. Koch, Mrs, Albert Etherington, Elly Bakker. Exeter, Mrs. John Hun­ kin, Mrs. Irvine Armstrong, M. Val­entyne, Fred MeClymont, Exeter 4-H Grain Club Exhibits — Norptan Hyde, R.R. 1, Hensall; Murray Keyes, R.R. 3, Ex­ eter; Thomas Hern, R.R. 1, Wood­ ham; Ronald Hern, R.R. 1, "Wood­ ham: and Don Ballantyne, R.R. 3, Exeter. ! Grain And SeedsMilton Hooper & Son, St. Marys, won 11 firsts and three seconds. Other winners were Bruce of Clandeboye, Harry and Strang, Tom Hern and Harold Half bushel corn by Field competitors, Clarence Down, liugii Love, Ross Keys. Arthur Mitchell. Alvin Cudmore, Bob Jeffery. John I’.vni, Robert Hern, Harvey Hyde. Sheaf of grain corn—Archie Ether­ ington, South Huron District High School, Ward Hern, Mrs. W. ITaugli, Tom Hern, Alvin Cudmore, Harvey Hyde, Howard Pym. Sheaf of ensilage corn—Garry Row- cliffe, Tom llern, Mrs. *” * Harvey Hyde, Archie Howard Pym. Half bushel ears — Garry Rowcliffe, Milton Hooper, Hugh Love, Howard Pym, Alvin Cudmore, John .... F. ’ Hyde, Mrs. W. Baled hay — Harvey Hyde. Archie Etherington; bushel chopped hay — Archie Etherington, Mil ton Hooper & Cornish Special,’ 10 Garry Rowcliffe, Henry. Gordon Clarke. Crop W. Haugh, Etherington, Clarence Down, Howard Pym, Alvin Cudmore, I’ym, Robert Hern, Harvey Haugh. Harvey Hyde. Archie bushel , chopped hay — Son, Harvey Hyde, Bruce Henryk Cornish Special, 10 ears corn— Rowcliffe, Tom Hern; sheaf corn—Garry Rowcliffe, Tom Hern. SCHOOL FAIR Group Projects Grades 7 and S, science project— Grade 7 Crediton (first and second): Grades 5 and 6, social studies—No. G Vsborne, Crediton;* Grades 3 and 4 wall mural—t'rediton, Helen Hen­drick, John Snell, Billy Wright; Grades 1 and 2, farm yard scene— Room 1 Grade 1 Exeter. Grade 2 Ex­eter, Room 2 Grade 1 Exeter, Room 3 Grade 1 Exeter; kindergarten and Grade 1 of 1951—Exeter. Sewing And Knitting Grade 6 and under, doll—Marjorie Dayman, Carolyn Harris, Sand r a Ness; stuffed toy—Dianne Johns, Eli Heslinga; Grade 8 and under, knit­ ting—Donna Wells, Eli Heslinga GU, Kenny Arts C, Marie Johns 7U; cro­ cheting—Barbara Moore, Mary Anne Lostell 5LT, Dorothy Heywood, Mar­ jorie Hodgert; embroidery — Shirlev Wurm, Sadie Van der Laan 1LJ, Eli Heslinga GU, Hinske Idsinga 12U, Art All girls between the ages of 101G - 15 wishing to join are asked t ■ be at first meeting. Monuments From Local Plant Used Throughout Wide Area FIRST Anniversary Christ Church Centralia Sunday, Sept. 26 2:30 p.m. Standard Time Junior Choir in Attendance Rev. Neald of Ailsa Craig, Speaker EVERYBODY WELCOME Uashmar Drive-In Theatre Clinton TUES.-WED. SEPT. 28-29 “DETECTIVE STORY” (Adult Entertainment) KIRK DOUGLAS ELEANOR PARKER Cartoon and News THURS.-FRI. SEPT. 30-OCT. 1 “RETURN TO PARADISE” (Colour) Adult Entertainment GARY COOPER ROBERTA HAYNES Cartoon and News Lyric Theatre Phone 421 Previews It3 Coming Attractions s--------------------------------------2 FRIDAY & SATURDAY September 24 and 25 Eddie Cantor Story tV Keefe Brasselle ★ Marilyn -Erskine Eddie Cantor has entertained millions of people on radio and television. The story of this famed entertainer is endowed with ingredients that leave you thoroughly entertained. MONDAY & TUESDAY September 27 and 28 Torch Song «Ar Joan Crawford ★ Michael Wilding A strong romantic drama with music, photographed in techni­ color. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY September 29 and 30 Blueprint For Murder ★ Joseph Cotton > Jean Peters ADULT ENTERTAINMENT A good murder mystery melo­ drama . » . —Continued from Page 1 earned has spread throughout a wide area. The firm offers an exception­ ally large range of memorials for families to choose from and it keeps on hand one of the most varied selections of stones avail­ able. Now over 75 years old, this monument shop was first estab­ lished by the late Weekes Bro­ thers, James and William. In 1917 it was purchased by Walter Cunningham, now retired, and Mr. Pryde. To this day it has re­ mained in the same location al- though extensive renovations have been effected to the build­ ing. Trend Has Changed Since the days of the Weekes brothers, the trend in monuments has undergone a considerable change. In those days, the most popular memorials were marble headstones which were cut, shap­ ed and lettered by hand in the local building. Now family monu­ ments of granite are in vogue with markers for individual graves. These granite stones are shap­ ed and polished in Sweden, Fin­ land, United States and Quebec. The lettering and decoration is done at the Exeter plant. Although the hand sculptoring of monuments has been replaced by faster and more efficient me­ thods of cutting the stone, there still remains a skilled art in the process. A stencil of letters and ornamentation is cut out of a rubber coating over the stone by free hand with a knife. This is done at T. Pryde and Son by a veteran letter-cutter, Frank Whil- smith. Blasting Cuts Stone When the stencil is cut, the stone is placed in a closed cabi­ net where a blasting machine, powered by a 20 horsepower motor and operated at 100 pounds pressure, fires a stream of ab- rassive through a hose and nozzle against the exposed parts of the stone. This sand-blasting process etches deep lines in the stone. A strong suction system in­ side the blasting chamber draws off the dust which is created by the pellets of abrasive hitting the stone. Although the operator of the blaster is protected by a fine screen, he also wears a mask and goggles to prevent being injured by the flying abrasive. Bob Wilds operates the blaster. This process of cutting stone is much different from that used when Tom Pryde entered the monument business 51 years ago. He apprenticed to a sculptor in Scotland for five years with, a starting wage of 60 cents a week. All the cutting of the stone was done by mallet and chisel. Mr. Pryde came to Canada in 1910 and worked at various places around the province. In 1913 he moved to London and remained there until 1915 when he joined the Middlesex Battalion and went overseas. Returning home, Mr. Pryde and Walter Cunningham purchased the Weekes business and it was oper­ ated under the name of Cunning­ ham and Pryde. In 1927 the firm installed one of the first sand­ blasters in Western Ontario. Renovated Building Tom Pryde became sole owner of the business in 1941 and, after spending several years in the Royal Canadian Air Force, he renovated the building complete­ ly in 1947. His son, Jack, who also served in the R.C.A.F. dur­ ing the war, became a partner in the firm in 1948. He now man­ ages the business when his father is attending legislature of away on public business. One of the largest monuments erected by the firm in recent years is the large stone between the hew memorial gates at Nairn Cemetery, south of Ailsa Craig. This stone weighs Jouf tons and is placed upon a base which also weighs four. tons. Other large monuments con­ structed by the firm are the sol­ diers’ memorials throughout the district, most of which were erected following the first world war. Today the weight of stones used for cemetery memorials ranges from 3 00 pounds to a ton. A travelling crane is needed in the shop to move the stones around. Although epitaphs are seldom seen today, they were quite popu­ lar at one time, Tom Pryde re­ calls one verse which was a favorite: “Friends, think of me as you i pass by. ‘ , As you are now, so once was I.; As I am now, so will you be; i Therefore, prepare to follow me.” This epitaph soon lost its rev-1 erence, however, when some wag wrote in chalk on the bottom of the headstoues: “To follow you, I’d be content If I only knew which way you went.” Soap carving—Bruce Wallace 12U, Doug Jermyn. Frederick Desjardine IDS, Ann Alexander 10U; design for material—Rosemary Smith 3U, Plivl- lis Hodgins C, Marlene Stone 3U, Pauline Adams 118; paper hat—Ron Weber GS, Judy Snelgrove, Bobby Becker D, Angela Webster; safety rule—Freddy Wildman, Carolyn Sim­ mons, Klaas Oswald, Nancy McTa- visli. Illustrated nursery rhyme—Darlene Snell, Henk Gosar, Kat-en I-Ieywood, Maria Silverthorne 58; crest for Ex­eter—Marlene. Stone 3U, Irene King 58, Paula Boulianne C; scrap hooks. Grades fl to 8—Ruth McLean 31T; Grades 3 to 5—Sharon Mills GU, Eli Heslinga GU, Aafke Valentyne GU, Betty Stephens GU; Grades 1 and 2 —Jim Carscadden, Ann Fairbairn, Marlene Harness, Lana Keller. Grain Oats—Wayne Hern 7U, Ronald Hern 7LT, Gordon Strang 1U, Grant Hod- gins 12U; barley—Lorne Hern 71’, Wayne Hern 7U, Gordon Strang; wheat—Ronald Hern, Lorne Hern, Gordon Strang: ensilage corn—Tom Ellerington, Gary Rowcliffe 1U, Mary Ann Lostell 5U, Barbara Hern 7U, Jimmy Hyde 1U. Roots And Vegetables Red mangels—Fred Hyde 1U, Ron­ald Latta IDS; white mangels—Arlene Love 1U, Barbara Moore, Dayle Hay- ter IOS, Jean Krueger 4S; table tur­ nips—Kenny McCarter, Ross Rowe 28, Janet Rowe 28, Frances Skinner GU, Arlene Love 1U; table beets—Fred Wells, Arlene Love, Marion May 41’, Ruth Roeszler, Crediton, Mary Anne Lostell; storage beets—Ron Truein- ner, Arlene Love, Janet Morlock S, Marilyn Hicks 5U. Special Meeting —Continued from Page 1 would show these to council shortly, he said. Council agreed to continue the construction of the sidewalk from James Street to John along Ed­ ward. The construction was de­ layed when the sidewalk ran up to a fence on the property of C. S. MacNaughton, at the corner of John and Edward. Request from the Christian Re­ form Church for use of the town hall was refused by council, which said it would not rent the hall on Sunday for any purpose or to any religious denomina­ tion. It has refused the hall for church services on previous occa­ sions. Return to Eastern Standard Time this Sunday was empha­ sized. The change will be made early Sunday morning so that all church services will be held on standard time. Gordon Baynham, of Thames Road, waited on council in regard to drainage in his area. Council promised to view the situation. Building permits were granted to Ashley Smith, Main St., for a garage; Aubrey Tennant, Anne St., two-room addition; Gordon Baynham, Thames Road, an addi­ tion; Victor Kestle, William St., garage; George Swan, William St., garage; Ralph Bailey, two houses on Simcoe St. Hoopers Win —Continued from Page 1 ning finish on grain. There are other gadgets in the building which are used to make the pro­ duce look its best. Knowing how to put on the right finish is the secret of win­ ning top prizes, according to Mr. Hooper. It’s taken him 10 years to get as far as he has and he’s still learning more all the time, he says. The Hoopers have been show­ ing in fairs for 15 years but not always grain and vegetables. For a number of years they exhibited wagon aftd saddle horses but quit this when they found it became a “millionaire’s hobby”. For the past 10 years they have concen­ trated on produce alone, Their success is demonstrated in the extensive array Of ribbons and prize certificates displayed on the garage wall.- Among their achievements are: Five prizes out of five entries at the International Live Stock Exhibition at Chicago; Seven ehampionships in one year at the Perth County Seed Show; Ontario oat championship in 1952; Second out Of a Class of 38 in the Ottawa Barley Show last year; A consistent average at the Royal Winter Fair of placing in the money for at least two-thirds of their entries, And they’re still after more prizes I Domestic cabbage—Grace McKenzie, Ron Truemner, Brian Sanders, Linda Walper; carrots—Grace McKenzie, Tommy Ellerington, Laverne McCar­ ter, Kenneth Bender C, Janet Mor­lock S; table cucumbers — Douglas Braithwaite, Elsie Gosar, Sand r a Walper, Grace McKenzie, Linda Wal­ per; pickling cucumbers,—Tommy El­ lerington, Mary Anne Lostell, Marilyn Desjardine 11S, Sandra England 5$, Douglas Lightfoot C; Spanish onions —Arlene Love, Jim Foster 121’, Grace Eagleson IOS, Barbara Moore, Brian Sanders.Hubbard squash — Ron Truemner, Dennis Lamport C,. Carol Braith­waite; pie pumpkin—Jim Pfaff C, Tommy Ellerington, Edward Skin­ ner GU, Orville Wein S, Dawson Hay- ter IOS: early potatoes—Jim Foster 12U, Sharon Hendrick S, Betty Dixon, Shirley Wurm, Elsie Gosar; late pota­ toes—Elinor Wein S, Barbara Moore, Jim Dixon, Kenneth Bender C, Betty Dixon; field beans—Ron Weber 68. Sandra Finkbeiner C, Grace Eagleson IOS, Carol Westcott 5U, Eric Fink­beiner C; muskmellon—Brenda Bec­ ker S, Ron Truemner, Orville Wein 8, Elsie Gosar, Douglas Lightfoot C; tomatoes—Charles Hearnan, Douglas Braithwaite, Aafke Valentyne GU, Doris Cornish 7U, Muriel Cornish 7U; other winners—Muriel Cornish, Doris Cornish. FlowersAsters—Marion Belling, Mary Jane Hoffman D, Wayne Hockey, Marlene McBride, Annie Vanlockem; cosmos— Grace McKenzie, Danny Coward 2U, Joan Dettmer, Billy Snow 2U, Gloria Chambers C; snapdragons — Marilyn Desjardine 11S, Carol Braithwaite, Grace McKenzie, Joan "Westcott 5U, Kenneth Love IOS; marigold—Anne Jehna 2U, Marion Belling, Helen Hen­drick, Betty Dixon, Marilyn Hicks 5U; petunias — Stanley Lovie IOS, Kenneth Love 108, Grace McKenzie, Carol Braithwaite; zinnias — Marion Belling, Donna Ersman, Gloria Cham­ bers C, David Beaver, Douglas Hodg­ son; best display of cut flowers— Marlene McBride, Barbara Hern 7U, Grace McKenzie, Donna Ersman, Mary Hoffman.Fruit Apples (Northern Spy)—M ari on May 4U, Betty Dixon, Jim Dixon, Orville Wein S, Eric Finkbeiner C; (McIntosh) — Carol Hogarth, Elaine Hogarth, Betty Dixon, Jim Dixon, Bonnie Hogarth; (Snow)—Karen Fink­ beiner; (Delicious) — Carol Hogarth, Elaine I-Iogarth, Jim Dixon, Betty Dixon, Sandra Finkbeiner C; pears— Marlene McBride, Bonnie Hogarth, Ron Weber 6S, Sandra Finkbeiner C, Grace McKenzie. Manual Training Grade G and under, lawn ornament —Jim Hyde 1U, Fred Hyde 1U, Fred Miller 1U, David Baker 7U; tie rack —Don Brintnell, Jim Tomlinson. Gor­don Snell; Grade 8 and under, home­ name plate—Wayne Bowen, Bruce Wallis; bird house—Ron Hern 7U, Jack Sondag US, Fred Desjardine 118, Harry Adams US. (Legend—All children are from Ex­ eter except where otherwise men­ tioned: U—Usborne, 8—Stephen, C— Crediton, D—Dashwood,)Writing Grades 7 and 8—Margaret Allen, Doreen Pearce, Wilhetnina Berend- son, Elaine Hogarth; 5 and 6—Martha Cochrane, Grace McKenzie, Lla Cozyn, Simon Nagel; four—Sadie van der »Laan, Aafka Vaientyn, Nancy Fanner, Linda Hayter; 3—Wendy van der Laan, Joan Smith, Lynda Tieman, Carolyn Harris; 2—Marlon Walker, Shirley Genttner, Judy Weber, Neil McAllister; 1—Ann Fairbairn, Mar­ lene Harness, Linda Hunter-Duvdr, Bonnie McCrae, James St. Church Sanctions Loan Th© official board of James Street United Church met with the congregation Tuesday night to sanction a loan of $45,000 to build an addition to the church and to renovate and refurnish parts of the present building. The content foundation for the addition is being poured this week. Contractor Helge Jensen is in charge of coilstruction. fair were these two girls, who are displaying their entries to Secretary-Treasurer Clark Fisher. Mary Ann Lostell, of R.R. 3, Exeter, left, holds stocks of corn twice as tall as she is. Carol Westcott has canned products. •—T-A Photo Improve Fair For Kirkton Kirk ton is planning a bigger and better fair than ever for Thursday and Friday, September 30 and October 1. Included in the grandstand show will be an old Tyme Fid­ dlers contest, an amateur show, selections by a pipe band and a tug-oLwar. Horses, ponies and calves will be included in the races and there will be a livestock parade and horse show. 4-H competitions will be an interesting part of the afternoon’s program. Kirkton and district cooks will be competing for the special prize of $5 offered by Milton Hooper for the best dark fruit cake. Canada Packers Ltd. is giving their usual three prizes for the best pies and cakes made with their shortening. Tile Great Star Flour Mills Ltd. will pay cash awards for the best white layer cake, iced; the best loaf of white bread and the best eight-inch apple pie made from their products. Prizes for the cake and bread range from $3 for first to $1 for third prize. The best apple pie will be award­ ed $2 and second best, $1. Joseph Taylor is president of the fair board and Fred Hamil­ ton, secretary. Buys Buswell Residence Mr. Sheldon Wein has pur­ chased the residence of Mr. Ted Buswell near Riverview Park. Dr. Corbett has purchased the residence of Mr. Fred Darling on Gidley St. and Miss Dorothy Da­ vis has purchased the homo of Dr. Corbett. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY September 24 and 25 “THE LAW VERSUS BILLY THE KID” Technicolor ★ Scott Brady ★ Betta. St. John ★ James Griffith A flaming furious saga of the West’s most fabulous outlaw . . . PLUS Walt Disney’s “BEAR COUNTRY” Technicolor Town Topics— Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Exeter Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 770. Bishop Asplund of the Morman Church, Lethbridge, Alta., spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. William Ellerington. The Morman Church owns and operates the extensive Cochrane and Knight ranches in Southern Alberta. The contract for the new heat­ ing system for Trivitt Memorial Church has been let to Linden­ fields Ltd., of Exeter, who will install a hot air modern heating unit fired with oil. The new equipment has been ordered and work on the installation is ex­ pected to begin within the next Mr. Donald R. Love, of Shipka, left Saturday for Cornwallis, N.S., where he is stationed with the Royal Canadian Navy. Be­ fore leaving, a group of young people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ranson, of Parkhill, and presented him with a gift. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Balkwill have left for Calgary, Alta., where they will attend the mar­ riage of their son Paul to Miss Doris Daley, daugther of Mr. and Mrs. J. Daley, of Haynes, Alta. The wedding will take place Oc­ tober 2. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ollen- Bittle of North Bay and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Harmer and daugh-' ters, Elizabeth and Helen, of Fullarton, called on Mr.. and Mrs. Wilfrid Shapton last week. Dr. and Mrs. K. D. Graham, and little daughter, Kathryn, of Ciaresholm, Alta., spent Tuesday with Mrs. A. Mantle. Mrs. Gra­ ham is the former Mary Denton McKinnon whose father, A. R. McKinnon, was on the Bank of Montreal staff here some years ago. Dr. H. H. Cowen, chairman of S.H.D.H.S. Board, and Principal H. L. Sturgis attended the ban­ quet at the official opening of St. Marys District Collegiate In­ stitute on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kestle, Susan and Janice, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kestle. REMEMBER! Hospital Auxiliary Rummage SALE Sat. Oct. 16 in Auxiliary Room South Huron Hospital • Save Everything Saleable to Help Your Hospital MONDAY & TUESDAY September 27 and 28 ★ Jack Webl] ★ Ben Alexander “DRAGNET” Warnercolor If you just want the facts it’s a terrific thriller based on TV’s most popular crime show . . . NEWSREEL AND ADDITIONAL SHORTS WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY September 29 and 30 “DEVIL’S CANYON” Technicolor ★ Virginia Mayo ★ Dale Robertson One beautiful woman in the confines of a notorious outpost! CARTOON AND ADDITIONAL SHORT COMING EVENTS DANCING EVERY FRIDAY nite in Bayfield Pavilion during Sep­ tember, Ken Wilbee’s Orchestra. Bayfield’s favorite summer dance pavilion. Last dance of the sea­ son. 23c Fair Outstanding —Continued from Page 1 of R.R. 6, St. Marys. China brought over from Scot­ land by the great-,great-great­ great-grandmother of Alice Par­ sons. A soldering iron brought from England over 100 years ago, hand-made from a copper bolt of an early wooden sailing vessel; a coarse cotton wedding stocking, and ear trumpet, displayed by Clarence Down. A copy of The Exeter Reflector of 188 4 exhibited by Mrs. Rufus Kestle. A silver tea service, brought over from England in. 1850 by the grandmother of Mrs. H. H. G. Strang and which Mrs. Strang still uses. A cruet stand displayed by Mrs. Eunice Stone; a dress-up apron made in 1885 exhibited by Mrs. W. Haugh. Other antique items included old china doll, clock, family al­ bum with metal locks, apple slicer, apple parer, a plaiting machine, and iron coffee grinder. New Canadian Exhibit Another display of interest was that of New Canadian crafts. This included miniature war vessel and windmill in wood, wooden shoes, and clothing. An unusual exhibition in the arena was one of eggs which de­ monstrated the difference of han­ dling eggs now and 100 years ago. The words “Exeter Centen­ nial Fair” were fashioned throughout the display of 3,700 eggs. The Canada Department of Agriculture, through its repre­ sentative Merle Mode, and Canada Packers Ltd., engineered the dis­ play. A large miniature barn, dis­ played by Douglas Lightfoot of Crediton, was outstanding in the school fair. The exhibit included a full range of farm animals, a horse hauling a hay bale into the loft, and stalls on ground level. Displays inside the arena in­ cl u d e d : Snelgrove’s, Canadian Red Cross, Dinney Furniture, Traquair Hardware, Hopper-Hoc- key Furniture, Hearnan Paint, South Huron District High School, T. & T. Flooring, Jack Smith Jeweller, Cann's Mill Ltd., Ron Westman’s sports and Auto Sup­ ply, Jensen & Co., Tuckey Bever­ ages, Singer sowing Machine Co.y Lindenfields Ltd., Russell Elec­ tric, Grattan & Hotson, Beavers Hardware, and Heder’s Florist. PORK & BEAN SUPPER — On Tuesday, Oct. 26. Supper served from 5:30 p.m. Sponsored by the W.A. of Trivitt Memorial Church. 23c BAKING SALE — .Saturday, Oct. 2, 3 o’clock at Lindenfields Hard­ ware. Sponsored by James Street Church Federated Group. 23c CANADA PACKERS Cooking School, Parkhill Arena, Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 at 8:00 p.m.; 36 bags groceries to be given away each night. Sponsored by O.E.S. Ad­ mission 50^. BAKING SALE under auspices of Oven Congregation Circle LIBRARY BASEMENT Sat., Sept. 25 3 p.m. MITCHELL Centennial Fall Fair Tuesday and Wednesday Sept. 28 and 29 $4,500.00 IN PRIZES Tuesday Evening, Sept. 28 -—Grounds Open to Public . —Program in Arena Wednesday, Sept. 29 —Official Opening by Premier L. Frost -—Mobster’ Parade, Antique and Modern Machinery, Floats, School Parade —-Morse Power Threshing Machine in Operation —rTwo Bands —Horse Races —Stanger Show and Midway —Dance in The Crystal Palace Wed. Night; Mitchell’s own Bill Stuart and his 10-piece band - 9:30 till 12:80 A. KEMP K. J. RNANEY Pres. , Sec.-Treas. Come To | Kirkton Fair | | THURSDAY and FRIDAY | Sept. 30 - Oct. 1 e ★ Sports ★ Calf Races ★ Horse Races | f ★ Top Amateur Talent Grandstand Show | | ★ Tug of War ★ 4-H Clubs ★ Pipe Band | | ★ Old-Tyme Fiddlers’ Contest | = ADMISSION: Adults 500, Children 250 1 | Dance In Kirkton Hall, Fair Night | j ADMISSION 500 | i ★ Cake Special ★ | = Milton Hooper offers $5.00 for best fruit cake (dark) | | made in 8-inch tin — Donor To Get Cake | | JOS. TAYLOR, Pres. FRED HAMILTON, Sec. | | 2-Car Bingo | Exeter Arena Friday, October 1 | 12 Regular Games for $50.00 Each A i | 3 Special Games for $200.00 Each i 1 Special For 11954 Ford Mainline Tudor I | Cards $1.00 | Free Special 11954 Ford Mainline Tudor j | Cards Free - This Is the Car Not Wop at July 30 Bingo | | Admission $1 o — Extra & Special Cards 280 * 5 for $1 | j Games Start at 9:00 P.M* Sharp I = Sponsored by Exeter Legion |