HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-09-23, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1954 Increase In Tax Rate Confirmed By Usborne News of Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER See 'Great Expansion' In 25 Years: Pleva Comments About Cromarty By SHIS. K. McKELLAR Usborne council officially set its general township rate at seven mills at its September meeting last week. This is an increase of one mill over, last year which, coupled with ‘ the one-mill in­ crease of the township school area board, gives a total increase of two mills in the overall rate. Total township rate amounts to 30.5 mills. One of the main projects of the council, paving of roads at Woodham and Elimville has been started by county workmen but the construction has been de­ layed by wet weather, Hosts To Association Usborne council will be hosts to the Huron County Municipal FAIT PlC*UP Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evenings throughout the week: North-End BA GARAGE ■ RAILWAY TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY SEPT. 26th, 1954 Full information from agents CANADIAN NATIONAL Officers Association when it holds its fall meeting in Exeter on Oc­ tober 20. The Usborne clerk, IT. II. G. Strang, is president of the Association this year. Among the speaker at the meeting will be A. K. Mair, of the “Municipal World”; P, D. Patterson, county highways engi­ neer; and an official from Im­ perial Oil. The Aldwortli Drain Report from the Township of Hay provid­ ing for the repair of the Aid­ worth drain in the Township of Hay was read and considered and provisionally adopted. Date of the court of revision was set for Oc­ tober 7 at 9 p.m. and the clerk was instructed to have the by­ laws printed and sent by regist­ ered mail along with the notice of the sitting of court of revision on motion of Jeffery and Mit­ chell. Bylaw amending the Dykeman Drain Bylaw providing for the collection of only one-half of the assessments in 1954 and the bal­ ance in 1955 instead of the whole assessment in 1954 as in the ori­ ginal bylaw was given three read­ ings and passed. The assessment made and re­ vised ins 1953 for taxation pur­ poses in 1954, being in total $2,672,550.00, was given three readings and finally passed. Levy by-law providing for the collection of the township rate of 7.0 mills and other rates and levies as required and setting the last day for payment on Decem­ ber 14 and the addition of a penalty after that date of two per cent was passed. The Road Superintendent’s Re­ port was heard and. passed along with road accounts to a. total voucher of $3,720.66. Petition for statutory grant on road expenditures to date for maintenance $17,935.62, bridge and culverts $8,645.53, being in total $26,581.15, was authorized to be signed by the reeve and the clerk and forwarded to the On­ tario Department of Highways by resolution of council. The treasurer reported receipt of $1,901.34 to general account including the grant from the De­ partment of Agriculture of $4S6.- 89 toward the cost of spraying of cattle for warble fly in 1954 and $1,367.21 being the provin­ cial aid to drainage grant on the cost of the Beaver drain; and $341.20 received from, the road superintendent to the roads and bridges account. Clarence Down reported that the outlet of the Jeffery drain had some broken tile and was in need of repair. Councillor Mit­ chell was instructed to see that repairs were made. Current accounts in the amount of $374.60 were passed. Because the next regular ing fell on Thanksgiving council agreed to have the lar October meeting on Thurs­ day evening, October 7, at 7:30. Mission Circle Entertained The Elimville W.M.S. and W. A. held their September meet­ ing on Monday evening at the home of Mrs, William Routly and entertained the Mission Cir­ cle. The latter put on a very fine program .with Ruth Skinner in charge. The theme was “A Nation Before God”. Scripture readings were given by Kathleen Horne and Grace Johns and Ruth led in prayer. Marilyn Moores gave a piano solo. Anna Routly and Hazel Sparling sang a vocal duet. Donna Gilfillan and Mrs. Gilbert Johns gave readings.. Mary Skin- nei’ and Grace Johns sang a vocal duet. Mrs. Moores gave a talk on the study book. Questions with written answers were the girls. Mrs. Newton Clarke Horace Delbridge are to the sectional meeting Greenway. The November meet­ ing will be held one week later than planned at the home of Mrs. Moores, November 24. The ba- zaar will be held Friday, October 22 in the afternoon. The W.A. voted to pay $200 towards manse furnishings. Grace Johns gave the closing prayer and lunch was served. Personal Items Mrs. Philip Murch visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson and family of Kirkton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephen. The special Rally Day service will be held Sunday, September 26 ............................ 10 given by and Mrs. delegates ■at with a combined service o’clock, D.S.T. at an example for “by our work sympathy. Our attend church meet- Day, regu- \5iiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiniHiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniii mi iHiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiniitttniiintinHriiiiiinii inn ii iitHHiiiinif mi iininiiiir^ Outside Mums All Colors Coming in Bloom You can Have Them in Pot or Planted in Your Garden Reder's Flowers Phone 761-W Exeter, Ont. | ll>111111111■1111111111<1lll>111111 ill 11■11111111111111111■nil 11 a it 1>1■1>11■■111111■1111>1<11■■111■■X11■1■11M11■■11111111>11■ '0 Your stake in the search for Better Health a vital interestEveryone has in science’s efforts to help us live longer. But life insurance policyholders have a special stake in this work. You see, certain important medical research projects are supported wholly or in part by funds from all the life in­ surance companies in Canada and their millions of policy- holders. As a result, skilled scientists in many Canadian medical research centres can carry on their task of attack­ ing some of mankind’s deadli­ est enemies. Their names: cancer, heart ailments and virus diseases. Other vital studies are sup­ ported in a similar way. These focus on obesity, blood clot­ ting, nutritional and intestinal disorders, hardening of the arteries and glandular diseas­ es, to mention but a few. Will all these efforts help you and your family to live longer, healthier lives? Yes! Thanks chiefly to the advance of modern medicine, babies born today 'can expect to live about 20 years longer than those of 50 years ago. Many dread diseases have been banished or controlled. Ahead lies further progress that will surely benefit you and yours. And, if you are a life insur­ ance policyholder, you also have the satisfaction of know­ ing that you have participated in this program designed to bring the blessings of good health to all 1 AT YOUR SERVICE! A trained life underwriter — representing one of the more than 50 Canadian, British and United States life insurance companies in Canada — will gladly help you plan now for your family's security and your own need* in later years. Rely on him I THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA "If is Good Citizenship to &W life Insurance" tJ)54D Presbytery Rally Discusses Youth The annual rally of the Huron Presbyterial of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church in Ca­ nada was held in First Presby­ terian Church, Seaforth, Septem­ ber 14. Theme of the Rally was “Our Responsibility Toward Youth.” Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell, presi­ dent of the Huron Presbyterial, in her opening address said “we often lavish time and money on our youth but are indifferent to their spiritual welfare We of the W.M.S. often fail in our own work for our young people.” “We must set them,” she said, and interest and children should and we must provide suitable programs for them.” Mrs. W. J. Thompson, repre­ senting the Seaforth W.M.S. aux­ iliaries, welcomed the visitors. The morning devotions were con­ ducted by the Belgrave and Au­ burn Societies. Reports by the treasurer and various were given. Mrs. R. Wilson, of showed and discussed books for 19 5 5 and Mrs. J. B. Russell told of the Leadership and Training School to be held in First Church, Octobei’ 14 and 15. Dinner was served by the Bar­ bara Kirkman Auxiliary. The afternoon devotional per­ iod was taken by the Arthur Circle, Goderich. A memorial service was conducted by the Exeter societies. Mrs. Ross Hamilton and “The Explorers”, accompanied by Mrs. Rennie, contributed musical se­ lections. The guest speaker, Miss Mar­ ion Williamson, of Wingham, was introduced by Mrs. G. Bisset. Miss Williamson is a missionary home on furlough from Amhut, India. She compared life in In­ dia in the past with the life there today. She said India is for peace but has trouble within. In the new government are many Christians and many of these Christians are women. Many people of India are illit­ erate and in places voting is car­ ried in by use of symbols. The greatest problem is lack of food and many suffer, but with free­ dom for India has come great hope. India is making wonderful progress, especially in education­ al lines. Miss Taylor, Goderich, thanked the speaker. The Barbara iary presented Made A Road,” W. O. Johnston. secretaries Goderich, the study Kirkman Auxil- a play, “They ■directed by Mrs. Topics From Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE Mr. Trevor 'Moores, son of Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Moores, was at home at the manse for Sun­ day. He recently received his dis­ charge from the Navy at Halifax. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jeffery and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stone spent the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. Oren Grace of Dearborn, Mich. Miss Margaret Bray of London spent the weekend with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bray. A bus load of men from commuhity went on a trip day to Detroit to see a game. A sectional meeting of W.M.S. was held at Woodham United Church oh Tuesday with Mts. W. J. Moores as the guest speaker. The Rally Hay service will be a combined service at 11.15 a.ni., Daylight Saving Time, The Sun­ day School scholars are asked to meet In the Sunday School rooms at 11 a.m. this Sun­ ball the Like other small towns in partment when it first embarked; Mr. and Mrs T L Scott and Southern Ontario, Exeter can ex-; on this program but at that time ! Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing visited on pect great expansion ’ in the. the government would not pay 1 Sunday with Miss Mary Currie at next 25 years, Dr. G- E. Pleva, 1 arants on cm.n wma, nvwinir i jAz...,, head of the geography depart­ ment of U.W.O. told Exeter Kins­ men Thursday night. Now part of the “industrial heart of the world”, this section of Canada will see its population doubled by 1975 with the de­ velopment of the St. Lawrence Seaway. “This expansion will be very slow during the first few years but it has already started," the planning expert said. Towns which wish to take ad­ vantage of this expansion must plan for their development, Dr. Pleva stressed. Services such as sewage disposal and water sup­ ply are important to the growth of industry. Towns must have men willing to accept responsi­ bilities of leadership and with an eye to business opportunities. Dr. Pleva said Southern On­ tario is one of the “favored areas” of the world. Although it represents less than one per­ cent of the total area of Canada, it has two-thirds of the nation’s population, houses three-quarters of its industrial activity and re­ ceives one-half of its total agri­ cultural crop dollars. Seaway Opens Continent Speaking on “What the way Will Mean To You”, U.W.O. professor told Kinsmen the waterway would open “the heart of this continent to the seaboard.” Already the ,amount of foreign shipping on ffie great lakes has increased three times and this will steadily grow. “Not every little harbour on the lakes today will become a major port but a lot of second­ ary harbours will take on a new lease of life,” the professor said. Exeter First Surveyed Emphasizing the importance of planning, Dr. Pleva told Kins­ men that the government has asked his department to con­ tinue its studies of municipal de­ velopment in Western Ontario. He said that Exeter was the first small town surveyed by his de- grunts on such work. Today, On-1 Woodstock.tario contributes toward its cost. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hubert, Sea- “The government hopes that forth, visited-on Sunday with her through sound democratic plan-j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry nnig we can get a better pattern Norris. of economic land use that will give us industrial dispersion with­ in this favored area. Dr. Pleva was introduced by Glen Mickle and appreciation was expressed by Ray Frayne. A $50 donation from teachers of the Exeter Public School to­ wards the summer playground was announced by Robert Soutli- cott, retiring chairman of the .playground committee. A ban­ quet and entertainment for the supervisors and committee were authorized by the club. President Les Parker conduct­ ed the meeting at which a num­ ber of guests Hugh Parsons and led in a sing song, A report on the tional Convention was given by First Vice-Presi­ dent Sheldon Wein. Mr. Alex Gardiner has gone on a business trip to the western provinces. Mrs. Jack Kemp and Mrs. La­ verne Rose and son John of chell were recent visitors Mrs. Mrs. day with Mr. and Mrs. Hocking of Mitchell. Mrs. Ruby Routly, St. visited recently with her Mrs. A, McLachlan, Mrs. M, Houghton. Grace Scott visited Stanley Sea- the attended. Mrs. Earl Witmer Kinsmen Na- at Saskatoon Flear-Armstrong —Continued from Page 8 ther of the groom, was soloist. The reception was held at Monetta Menard’s, Exeter. The bride's mother received wearing a Dior blue crepe dress with navy accessories and corsage of Hilde- garde roses. The groom’s mother received wearing a French blue crepe dress with navy accessor­ ies and corsage of I-Iildegarde roses. The bride presented her bou­ quet to the groom’s grand­ mother, Mrs. W. J. Flear, of To­ ronto, who was present for the ceremony. The bride donned a rose grey wool dress with matching coat and hat with navy accessories and corsage of white carnations for the wedding trip to Montreal and Quebec. They will reside in Grand Bend. Marys, sisters, K. Mc- Kellar and Mrs. Thomas Scott. Mr. Laverne Wallace is attend­ ing Beal Technical London. A demonstration power threshing took 1Sun­ L your help is needed too! Mit- with Send Your Donation Today »o your local chairman or C.N.I.B., London, Ontario School in of horse­ place at the farm of Mr. T. L. Scott on Mon­ day with five teams of horses providing the number of interested spectators were present including the teach­ er and pupils of No. 6 School. A further demonstration will be given at Mitchell Centennial Fall Fair Wednesday., September 29. The September meeting of the Mission Band was held on Satur­ day with Ina Scott presiding. The story was given by Mrs. Sors- dahl and Alice Walker led in prayer. The Pick Of power.Quite a London Conference W.A. The second annual meeting of the London Conference Women’s Association of the United Church will be held in Dundas St. United Church, Woodstock, on Tuesday, September 28. Mrs. A. E. Livingston, Immed­ iate Past President of Hamilton Conference W.A., will deliver the morning address on the topic: “Creative Leadership”. In the afternoon, Rev. Anne Graham, assistant minister of Metropoli­ tan United Church, London, will be the speaker, Her topic will be “Christian Leadership”. Them WHITE FUEL and ROSE OIL STOVE OIL FOR QUICK, DEPENDABLE SERVICE CALL Seldon Fuels PHONE 2 or 90 Smarter looking! Sweeter running Smoother riding! ■ s .. that's the considered verdict of people who drive Chevrolet! i Illustrated — Chevrolet "Bel Air" 2-Door Sedan A Genera! Motors Value tn '54 as for years before « . . MORE PEOPLE ARE BUYING CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! National Sales Registration Figures GIVES YOU THE MOST, AND THE BEST, FOR YOUR MONEY!ONLY CHEVROLET Famed Knee-Action Ride Chevrolet gives you the pro­ ven comfort arid safety of Unitized Knee-Action — one important reason for Chev­ rolet's finer big-car ride! 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