HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-09-23, Page 8THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1954
Feminine Facts ’n Fancies
A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate
At a meeting of women as
sociated with the Huron County
Federation of Agriculture, Clin
ton, a group of 20 women was
appointed to a committee for the
purpose of increasing interest
and activity among farm women
in regard to federation policy on
a county level.
“The Federation of Agricul
ture is a family affair, and it is
through this organization that we
do our farming business,“ said
Mrs. G. Weir, Burford, Brant
county, who is chairman of the
women’s committee of the On
tario Federation of Agriculture.
“Women are seeking office more
than ever, for they wish an out
let for their intelligent thoughts,”
said the veteran member of wo
men’s and farm groups. She
urged the women to study fed
eration policies, and suggested
that they take office whenever
and 'wherever possible. The newly
appointed committee is a com
mittee of the federation, she
said, not a separate organization
of the county.
Should Pertain To County
The provincial Federation, Mrs.
Weir said, has some 17 commit
tees. “It would he wonderful if
these were set up at county
levels. Such committees as health,
education, marketing, public re
lations. income tax and rural as
sessments, would pertain more to
Huron county.” she pointed out.
She said the newly appointed
women's committee could study
the need of Victorian Order of
Nurses in the rural areas. The
county health unit, established in
Huron county in 1949, would not
conflict with the services of Vic
torian Order of Nurses, she said.
“The cost would average less
than 55.no a year on your tax
bill,—and this is a small amount
compared to the services render
ed. There are many rural homes
needing the bedside care offered
by these nurses.”
As ehairman of the health
committee of the provincial Fed
eration of Agriculture, the speak
er told that she will meet in the
near future with Ontario's Mini
ster of Education Dr. W. Dunlop,
to request more Dominion aid
for capital expenditures in the
Ontario public schools. “You, as
'women, can do much,—especially
i from the angle of saving the tax-
• payer from paying peak prices.”
; Schools Too Expensive
She criticized the tardiness on ! ' the public’s part in not looking
into the fact that school boards
all across Ontario that are build
ing new schools are paying top
prices. “School boards hire archi
tects to -draw up plans according
to government regulations for
the fee of six per cent. What are
these government regulations?
i Just mere common sense when it
comes to building—proper light-
j ing, proper heating, fire preven
tion, and so on.’’
Match the glorious fall
colors with clothes
freshly Saaitone dry
cleaned. When all deep
down dirt is removed,
colors fairly sparkle, and
the like-new fit and feel
are restored. Get set for
fall festivities now —
send your family’s
clothes today and avoid
the rush.
In a discussion period,
Lloyd Taylor, Exeter, said
she felt that enough emphasis
has no-t been placed on regular
township meetings of the federa
tion. Mrs. Gordon Greig, of Blue
vale, wife of the county federa-
fon’s secretary-fieldman, stress
ed the importance of the federa
tion women becoming more in
terested in marketing. She added
that when the cream
shrinks, “who is it but the farm
wife who feels it first?”
Workmen’s Compensation was
brought into the discussion as a
practical project for the new
committee to work on. Mrs. T.
Clark, R.R. 5, Goderich, who
acted as chairman of the meet
ing, said that several so-called
“salesmen” for the compensation
were in her neighborhood to
which the guest speaker inform
ed the meeting that the Work
men’s Compensation Board has
no salesmen.
Name Committee
Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, of Wing
ham, urged that the women plan
projects and work at them. The
meeting named the following
committee to the Huron County
Federation of Agriculture: Mrs,
John McKenzie, R.R. 7 Lucknow;
Mrs. James Blake, R.R. 2, Clin
ton; Mrs. Robert Welsh, R.R. 2
Bayfield; Mrs. C. R. Dunbar, of
Ethel; Mrs. T. R. Dick,'Hensail;“ - - - RR( x
George Carter, of
. Dick Procter,
Mrs. Boh
, Zurich;
3 Exeter;
Ian Wightman, Belgrave;
" ’ ‘ R.R, 2
(Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg,
Gorrie; Mrs.
Londesboro; Mrs.
R.R. 5 Brussels;
” ' R.R. 1
Krueger, i
Dot’s Beauty Shoppe
(South of Jack Smith Jeweller)
Naturelie Permanent Waving
Lustron Cold Wave
Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop.
Phone 71-W Exeter
Phone 136 Exeter
Hand-Knit Yarns
at Factory-To-You Prices:
Angora, Baby Wools,
Boucle-Dress Yarn, Nylon,
Reinforced, 3-4 Ply, Sock,
Sport Wools, etc.
Write for FREE Sample Chart
Dept. 3, Box 782 Station B,
Outstanding Offer
We've Ever Made!
By International Sterling
Dinner knives, dessert knives, dinner forks, dessert forks
salad forks, soup spoons, dessert spoons, table spoons:
tea. spoons, butter knives, sugar shells.
Popular Cost Pattern
Win A Bulova Watch
With every purchase of this amassing silverplate
value you receive a chance to win a new Bulova
Watch. Act Now!
Jack Smith Jeweller
Caven Joins
The Rev. Samuel Kerr and Mrs.
Kerr attended the meeting of
Caven W.M.S. at the home of
Mrs. William Sillery last Thurs
day night and discussed with the
members the pros and cons of
joining the Stratford Presbyterial.
Since the Caven and Cromarty
churches have become a joint
charge, they are under the Strat
ford Presbytery. The meeting-
voted in favor of joining the
Stratford .Presbyterial.
Mrs. Frank Whilsmith assisted
by Mrs. W. G. Cochrane and Miss
Margaret Brown were in charge
of the program.
“A Voyage of Discovery”, from
the Study Book, dealing with the
situations faced by missionaries
in the younger churches of Asia,
African, Latin America and the
islands of the sea, was discussed.
Mrs. Whilsmith, Mrs. Jim Taylor,
Mrs. Thomas Pryde, Mrs. Harold
Simpson, Mrs. Lee Learn and
Miss Brown took part in the dis
Mrs. Carmen Cann conducted
the worship period.
The talent table was in charge
of Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Learn and
Mrs. Frank Nixon. Mrs. Earl Mit
chell and Mrs. Harold Simpson
served lunch.
See the “Personally Yours" Album at The Tinit s-Advocate
for Serviettes, Coasters, and Gift Ideas . . •
For Teens
Beautiful Swiss
Embroidered Collars
Angora Pompoms
Smart New Scarves
Looking for something different! smart! for school?
We can show you an enticing variety of
Girls' School Clothes
NEW FASHION IN HATS? Brenda Sntilley and Linda
Noakes, both of Hensail, wear wide-brini bonnets with plenty
of frills for Hensail Fair last week. The girls won first and
second in the decorated tricycles class of the fair. Although
the parade was rained out, a large number of adults and child
ren attended the annual fair, —T-A Photo
Eastern Star Banquet ■#
Harold Hunter, R.R.
Mrs. ~
Mrs. William Kinahan,
Lucknow. -
Appointed to represent the
Huron County Co-operative Medi
cal Services was Mrs. Lloyd Tay
lor; the West Huron district of
the Women’s Institute, Mrs. T.
Clark, R.R, 5 Goderich; the East
Huron district of the W.I., Mrs.
Gordon Mundell, Bluevale. Ap
pointments are yet to be made
from the Huron County Farm
Forum and the South Huron dis
trict of the W.I.
Gram Says;
Marks Anniversary
Exeter Chapter O.E.S. cele-l
brated the sixteenth anniversary
of its institution on Friday eve
ning. The event took place in the
Legion Memorial Hall with the
Worthy Matron and Worthy Pat
ron, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hodg
son, presiding
A banquet was enjoyed, the
highlight being a three-tiered
birthday cake, made and donated
by Mrs. Garnet Patterson, Grand
Seated at the head table with
the Worthy Matron and Worthy
Patron were Mr. David Kennedy.
Associate Grand Patron, of Lon
don; Mrs. William Middleton.
District Deputy Grand Matron,
of Exeter, and Mrs. Clare Ken
nedy, Past D.D.G.M., London^'*-
over, the ceremon-
Dis-Toasts were proposed to
trict No. 5 by Mr. David Kennedy
with response by Mrs. Middleton;
to Exeter Chapter by Mrs. Ken
nedy with response by Mrs. W.
D. Sanders; to the visitors by
Mrs. Stanley Love with response
by Mrs, E. Roy, of Clinton.
Following the dinner, cards
and dancing were enjoyed, The
winners at cards were Mrs. R.
Beemish and Mr. Robert Mc-
Murdo, of London, and Mr. A.
Elston, of Parkhill.
Visitors were present from
many chapters throughout the
Another Man
Who Cooks
Speaking of appetizing dishes
for cool fall days, how would
cook” who gave us his recipe
told us he cooks his “duck” on
top of the stove instead of in the
oven which is the usual proced
ure we think.
He requested that we do not
publish his name. The only clue
we’ll give you is that he is a
parson’s son.
Cover a 1-inch thick
steak with well-seasoned
ing. Roll and fasten with
skewers. Place in a tightly-cover
ed heavy frying pan with a small
amount of hot water. Steam for
one hour over moderate heat. Re
move cover and brown. Steak
will be tender and delicious. (If
it isn’t, let us know and we’ll
tell that parson’s son.)
* $ * *
Recently we spent a Sunday
with Dr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell
of Guelph. Mrs. Campbell asked
if we’d like a date pie recipe she
had tried and liked very much.
The addition of soda to the fill
ing for the last minute of cook
ing makes it light and fluffy.
(Mrs. A. R. Campbell)
cup chopped dates
cup brown sugar
yolks of two eggs
tsp. corn starch
cups rich milk
Combine these ingredients
appeal to you. We
delicious and have
it. The “gentleman
bring to a boil. Add one-half tea
spoon soda and let boil 1 minute.
Pour into baked crust. Add mer
if you
and brown,
could be used
prefer it.)
If you like French
your tossed salads,
* *
(W h ip ped
for topping
Pride Of Huron
Elects Officers
Miss Mary Gardiner, P.N.G.
Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge,
gave a report of the Rebekah
Assembly of Ontario which she
and Mrs. Gwen Gibson, J.P.N.G.,
attended in Toronto, at the regu
lar meeting held
Lodge are: Mrs,
aid, N.G.; Mrs.
G. _
cording secretary; Mrs, Gertrude
Hamilton, financial secretary;
Mrs. Mary Fisher, treasurer;
Mrs. Helen Jermyn, trustee.
Mrs. Anne Henderson, D.D.p.,
Seaforth, will install the new
officers in October,
last Wednesday
officers of the
Verna Mc.Don-
. , Honor Hick, V.
Mrs. Margaret Fletcher, re
dressing on
tossed salads, here’s a
simple way to make your own.
(Mrs. J. W. Williams, Rochester)
Combine equal parts of:
tomato soup
salad oil
A little garlic may be added
desired. Shake dressing well
before using,
$ *
P.S.: We’d like a recipe
pepper jelly.
Discuss Projects
For New Addition
Members of the James Street
Federation discussed projects to
raise money for the new addition
to the church during their busi
ness meeting on Monday night at
the church. Mrs. Robert South-
cott was named convener for a
bake sale to be held at Linden
field’s store on October 2.
A letter of appreciation for a
bale received by Severance Hos
pital, Korea, was read,
don Koch was named
sent the Federation on
parsonage committee.
Christian Fellowship
Mrs. Koch spoke
Churches Look at Discrimination”
in which she discussed racial dis
crimination from the viewpoint of
the church.
Mrs. John Schroeder's group
reviewed a chapter from the new
Study Book dealing with the
poverty, superstition and ignor
ance of India and its search for
security and happiness. Mrs. Au
brey Tennant and Mrs. Ray
Frayne as Mrs. Sight-Seer and
Mrs. Sociable discussed conditions
in India and the hope of a solu
tion to problems there.
Mrs. V. C. Green was soloist
and Mrs. R. (L Dinney conducted
Newlyweds Visit
Cities In Quebec
Tall standards of white glad
ioli and ferns formed the setting
for a pretty double-ring^ceremony
in the Hensail United
Saturday, September
p.m., when Rev. W.
united in marriage
Mary, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
George Armstrong, Hensail, and
Donald Roy Flear, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Flear, Grand Bend.
Given in marriage by her fa
ther, the bride was lovely in a
chalk-white gown of hand-clip
ped rose-point lace and nylon
tulle over satin. The bouffant
skirt was fashioned with a lace
apron. The fitted bodice was of
satin and lace with scalloped
neckline and long lily-point lace
sleeves. A tiara of pearls and
rhinestones held the fingertip
veil of nylon tulle. She carried a
bouquet of Pink Delight roses,
and wore a pearl necklace with
matching earrings, the gift of
the groom.
MiSs Jean Armstrong, of Lon
don, sister of the bride, was
maid of honor. The bridesmaids
were Miss Betty Moir, London,
and Mrs. Dennis Flear, of Dor
chester. The attendants wore
identical floor-length gowns of
nylon tulle over taffeta in three
shades of blue with taffeta bo
leros and matching bouquets of
pink Briarcliffe roses.
The groom was attended by
his brother, Mr. Dennis Flear, of
Dorchester. The ushers were Mr.
Harry Armstrong, brother of the
bride, and Mr. Donald Cowan, of
Hensail, Miss Greta Lammie was
organist. Mr. Kenneth Flear, bro-
—Please turn to Page 9
Church on
18 at 3
J. Rogers
Hilda C. Pletch
Wed In College
Hilda Catherine Pletch and
the Rev. Errol Joseph Shilliday
were united in marriage in the
Chapel of St. John the Evangel
ist, Huron College, by Dr. W. R.
Coleman, principal of the college,
assisted by the Rt. Rev. G. N.
Luxton, Bishop of the Diocese of
Huron, and the Rev. M. J. R.
Tipping. White mums, gladioli
and candelabra formed the set
ting for the ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Pletch,
Brussels, and the groom is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Shilliday, Kerwood.
Given in marriage by her fa
ther, the bride was lovely in a
floor-length gown of white net
over satin. The bodice was de
signed with a pearl - trimmed
neckline and the skirt, styled
with a front panel of
pleating, swept into
train bordered with
lace. A Maderia lace
held her silk illusion veil and she
carried a prayer book crested
with white gardenias.
The bride’s sister, Mrs. Law
rence J. Gall, of Toronto, was
matron of honor. Another sister,
Mrs. Gilbert J. Suave, of Toron
to, and Mrs. Gordon Chappell, of
Riverside, were bridesmaids. Miss
Barbara Ann Armstrong, Tees-
water was junior bridesmaid.
The attendants wore identical
waltz-length gowns of white tulle
over powder blue irridescent taf
feta with matching caps. They
carried bouquets of gladioli in
violet shades and orchids.
Mr. Mac Zuefle, of Windsor,
attended the groom. The Rev.
William Rowles, of Tbamesville,
the Rev. CyrH Ladds, of Brant
Thomaason presided at the organ
and the Rev. Clarence Mitchell
was soloist.
For the reception in the col
lege refrectory, the bride’s mo
ther received the guests wearing
Dior blue crepe with navy acces
sories and a corsage of gardenias.
The groom’s mother wore plum
colored crepe with matching ac
cessories and a corsage of Talis
man roses.
For their wedding trip to Lake
Couchiching, the bride changed
to a navy bengaline suit-dress
with navy and white accessories
and a corsage of white rosebuds.
The -bride attended Stratford
General Hospital School of Nurs
ing and the U .of W.O. School of
Nursing and has been a member
of the Huron County Health Unit
with offices in South Huron Hos
pital, Exeter. The groom attend
ed the University pf Western On
tario and Huron College. _
The couple will reside in Ker
a chapel
and William Pincombe
ushers. The Rev. Harold
“Didn’t I see you goin
the lobby of the Chase Hotel last
night? And that lady who was
with you, she didn't seem to re
cognize me . . . but it was your
wife, wasn’t it?”
“Certainly -it was my wife.
But don’t tell her that you saw
Mrs. Got-
to repre-
the W.A.
o n “The
The 10 host years of a
life are the 10 before he
hies and Mrs.!
man s
McKnight & Walker
Phone 474 Exeter
By Look
They’re off! And as they go by
on their way to school, it’s not
hard to tell in what grades the
little ones belong—that is up to
grade three.
For kindergarten, there’s an
expression of rather confused ex
pectancy. With grade one comes
the ' " " ” "
finally arrived'
that it’s all
* *
Just Watching
There’s a new type Sidewalk
Superintendent to be seen these
days fts the construction of the
new building around the corner
progresses—In the person of a
pert four-year-old.
Whether chattering at ft pace
behind the contractor,^ just in
casual conversation with one of
the workmen, she certainly adds
a bit of charm and dash to an
otherwise drab scene as she ap-
Fine quality; full cedar-
lined, handsome chests in
a variety of styles and
finishes. A complete gift
selection in limed oak. sea
mist mahogany and walnut
—made by Lane; Boshart
and Airlume; the finest you
can buy!
-by —.
■ MONTREAL — “Lovely . . . lovely . . . lovely!”
r That’s what I said to myself when I had a preview
of the new fall shades in CIRCLE BAR full-fashion
ed nylons. They’re really stunning . . . with a sheer,
flawless beauty which will mean so much to your
poise and attractiveness this Fall and Winter. You’ll
find the season’s top fashion colors in Circle Bar’s
useful “Box of Three” pairs. (So wise to buy three pairs at one time!)
Thousands of women—like me—feel that Circle Bar is the label for the
best in hosiery, sox. and stockings for everyone in the family . . . the
men and boys . . . mother and daughters. Yes , . . fine quality, com
fort and long wear come with the Circle Bar label.
With A Happy Hint Of Autumn
in the air, it’s just
the right kind of
a day for a walk.
But walking’s no
fun when a pain-'
ful corn (or callus)
has you tense and
frowning. So take
my advice . . .
try new BLUE
JAY Com Plasters
with Phenylium. That’s the new
medication that gets under your
com and helps push it out from
underneath . . . the first really
new medication for coms and
calluses in over seventy years. In
actual tests, Phenylium went to
work 33% faster, worked 35%
more surely than any other lead
ing remedy. Easy to see why three
' out of four com sufferers say it’s
the best news in years! You’ll
agree!—ask for Blue-Jays with
Phenylium at your favourite drug
counter today.
The Guess-Work's Taken Out Of It! When you serve
KRAFT DINNER to your family , . . it’s exactly
right every time! Why not try it tonight-—with
consomme, well-seasoned meat-balls in brown gravy,
and a tossed salad. Add the mellow cheese flavor gy>
and the creamy texture of Kraft Dinner to a menu
like that, and you’ll have a family that’s well-fed! 0
Economically fed too—‘for each serving of Kraft
Dinner costs less than 5 cents! And don’t forget
your family Will be easily fed as well, lot Kraft
Dinner cooks in just seven minutes (Off the shelf—into the pot—onto
the table!). So, m’lady—you save time, effort and money—in Serving
this family favorite.
pears popping up hefe and there
among the piles of earth and ce
ment. •# * *
Never before has Toby,
black cat, shown such signs
well being; never before
plump and sleek.
Whisker aftd bright of eye.
And the answer? Is it tile dig
nity which comes with having a
back yard and a basement to
prowl? Ah assured and never-
neighborly neighbors.
It’s sunny mornings on
back porch of one, evenings
Sunday afternoons in pleasant
company with another and the
odd moment in the home of a
third that does the trick.
And perhaps a morsel here and
there, befitting a gourmet when
food at home becomes monoton
bristling of
supply of squirrels
Perhaps, but the
lies in new friends
How Many Shades Of White
Can You distinguish? There are
dozens you know. Many of them
are hard to sec—but there’s One
I can recognize every time. It’s
the while that comes from Laun
dry Blue. Think of your washday
products this way; soap and
detergents — regardless of their
colour — take out dirt. Bleach
takes out stains. But Laundry
Blue adds whiteness to your white
clothes. In your rinse water,
Laundry Blue becomes millions
of tiny particles that weave
through your clean clothes, catch
ing light like miniature sequins—
to give your white clothes new,
brilliant, whiteness. It works in
a twinkling.
I’ve proved it over and over. Most people can
get What they really want—if they plan for it.
Take a summer Vacation, for instance. Only four
in ten Canadians get away from home for a.
real holiday. Main reason—“Not enough money!”
, » s There’s one way you can be sure of your
vacation: Open a Sunshine Adcount at the
BANK OF MONTREAL and make it a point
to put away a few dollars every pay day. Next
summer you'll have enough to help make your
holiday dreams come true. A good holiday pays
dividends in many ways—it’s an investment in
health, happiness, a,nd better living I So start saving now for that ’dS-
vacation ,. . at “MY BANK”, *
Hera's A Truth
a /