HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-09-23, Page 6THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1954 Classified DirectoryBRIDES-ELECT SEE OUR l WANTEDCLASSIFIED RATES for rentFOR SALE Times-Advocate Outstanding the last STOCK WANTED 1951 GMC 3/4-TON PICKUP TWO 1948 DODGE PANELS FOR SALE Bargains MAN'S BROWN stripe suit, size 38, like new. May be seen at Brady Cleaners, 23c 1 BOY’S SPORT COAT, 1 boy’s blaz­ er. Size 10-12 years, May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 23c FINDLAY TWO-TONE enamel cook stove, with granite oven and warm­ing oven. Apply Mrs. Warren Brock, R.R. 1, Granton, 23* 1917 DE SOTO. CUSTOM. New re­built motor. Will trade for older model, buyer take over finance. Ap­ ply Times-Advocate. 23* TWO ROOMS and kitchen. —Phone 244-J after 5:00 p.m. 9-lGtfe X” • / ’ A ‘ ‘ fiii® ^-Personalized Service for Serviettes, Coasters, etc Completely reconditioned and refinished, one own­ er, low mileage Only .................... $795.00 Excellent bodies and tires, motors reconditioned like new. Bargains at $595.00 1948 CHEV PICKUP Commercial Red overhauled, new excellent tires. To Clear ............ , motor brakes, $595.00 1950 CHEV DELUX COACH Torpedo body and white­ wall tires, air condition­ ing heater, excellent con­ dition throughout. Only .................... $895.00 JACK RICE Phone Collect 2-1147 LONDON ONTARIO ..... ALLIS CHALMERS tractor, fullv equipped, in A-l condition. Also hydraulic manure loader with gravel plate, nearly new. Priced reasonably. Will sell together or separately, or would consider trade for cattle. Apply to Don Uriel), R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ont. Phone Clinton 614-r-3. 23* QUANTITY of CONCORD and Nia­gara grapes. Also good Alberta peaches. Bring fruit baskets and pick your own if you wish, M. A. ' Sulli­ van. 10th Concession, Bosanquet, 3 mill-s north of Camp ipperwash. 23c 25 words or less 60c More Than 25 Words — 1|0 Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 300 ' More Than 25 Words — 10 Per Word 200 OFF if ad paid with order or by Saturday following the last insertion Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 980 i>er inch Subsequent Insertions 840 per inch Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon. LUXURY LINER — Lounge of the RCAF’s North Star, used to transport the Duchess of Kent and Princess Alexandra from Centralia to Halifax recently, is beautifully decorated and furnished for maximum comfort. This i» the plane which Prime Minister Louis St. Lau­ rent used for his world tour and Queen Elizabeth II travelled in it when she visited Canada before her Coronation. —-RCAF Photo BEET LIFTER, Towner, fits on Ford or Massey tractor. Apply Albert Wy- dooglie, R.R. 8, Parkhill,, phone 625- r-G One mile south of Mount Carmel. 23c g< Ji A. I MERCURY HALF-TON truck, d condition. — Ross Love, phone shwood 165-r-12, 23* Nursery Rhymes Topic At Lions Nursery rhymes and their ori­ gin proved an interesting subject for an ad-dress by Rev. N. D. Knox at the Exeter Lions Club meeting Friday evening. Mr. Knox traced their origin to the time of Henry VIII and Cardinal Wolsey. Most of the rhymes containing subtle jibes at these two heads of state. Mr. Knox was introduced by Harold Kelson and an expression of appreciation was made by E. R. Hopper. It was decided to increase the number of members to 65. Ways and means of raising funds for welfare work were discussed and it was suggested that the club assist with the development of Riverview Park. Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks cost 75c, In Memoriam Notices 75c for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse; and Engagement Notices are 75c. Alot-e SUPER LAYING MASH BIRTHS BEATTIE — Mi-, and Mrs. Kenneth Beattie (nee Doris Penbale, R.N.), of Lucan, wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Kathryn Jane, on September 17, 1954, at St. Jo­seph’s Hospital, London; a sister for Judy Ann and Jimmie. CANN—F/O and Mrs. John A, Cann (nee Betty Mair), of Ottawa, an­ nounce the birth of a daughter, Mary Anne, at South Huron Hos­ pital, September 2<), 1954. COUGHLTN — Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coughlin, -of Exeter, announce the birth of a daughter on September 16, 1954, at South Huron Hospital; a sister for Deborah and Jackie. GRAFF—Dr. and Mrs. J, E. Graff, of Grand Bend, announce the birth of their daughter, Judith Ann, at South Huron Hospital, September 19. 1954. HINES — Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hines, Centralia, announce the birth of a daughter, Vera Gladys, at South Huron Hospital, September 20, 1954; weight S' lbs. 9’i oz.KEELEY — To Mi-, and Mrs. J. R. Keeley (nee Shirley Duncan) on September 16, 1954, at the Cather­ine Booth Hospital, Montreal, a daughter. KLEINSTIVER—Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiver, of Dashwood, announce the birth of their son, Peter Wil­ liam, at South Huron Hospital, on September 16. 1954, KNIGHT — Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knight, R.R. 1, Hensall, announce the birth of their son, Allan Robert, at South Huron Hospital, Septem­ ber 16, 1954.SMITH —Mr. and Mrs. Doug Smith, Exeter, announce the birth of their son, .Douglas Reid, at South Huron Hospital, September 22, 1954. STURDEVANT — Mr. and Mrs. Wil­liam A. Sturedvant, Grand Bend, are pleased to announce the arrival of Susan Jane, on September 5, 1954, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don. Centralia Groups Hear Programs “A Nation Before God’’ was the theme of the Centralia W.M.S. meeting, in the school room of the church on with Mrs. Lloyd Morgan as lead­ er. Mrs. W. Skinner and Mrs. J. Clarke presented a skit on India and pictures of that country were discussed. Mrs. George Hepburn gave a reading. At the close of the business meeting, conducted by Mrs. Mur­ ray Elliott, lunch was served by Mrs. F. Hicks, Mrs. George Hicks, Mrs. Kershaw and Mrs. J, Mc­ Allister. Two Shipka ladies assisted with the program at the Centralia W.A. meeting. Mrs. Jacob Ratz spoke on “The Mos.t Famous Words Ever Spoken”, in which she discussed the Twenty-Third Psalm. Mrs. Ross Love of Shipka sang an appropriate solo, “The Lord Is My Shepherd”. Other numbers on the program included a duet by Jean and Joan Essery, a poem, “Humble Folk", by Miss Flossie Davey, and a piano solo by Mrs. Alvin Essery. Mrs. J. T. Clarke assisted in the worship period. During the business meeting, conducted by Mrs. Ken Greb, Mrs. Gerald Godbolt, Mrs. Ralph Light­ foot and Mrs. Reg Hodgson were named to plan the program for the annual bazaar October 27. Lunch was served by Mrs. Al­ ton Isaac., Mrs. George Hepburn and Mrs. Lawrence Hertzel. Tuesday night. J MIRAI, side ai Joll TV 17” 1953 model with enna—$225 takes the lot. ng away for the winter, i Webster, phone 297-W 23* WEDDING cake BOXES—Get them at The Exeter Times-Advocate. BUILDING 14x18. ALSO hot water boiler, burns coal. One lot, Apply S9 William Street.__________________23^ BLUE FOLDING baby buggy with storm shield. Apply William Horney, 55 Simcoe Street, Exeter.________23c TAMWORTH BOARS and chunks. Anplv H. Peterson, Dashwood, phone 31-r-5. __________________16:23:30c NEW HOPE For Sinus, Hay Fever, Head Cold sufferers by using NAMELESS Cold Remedy. Convincing trial $1.00. Ad­il ress: Purity Co., Exeter.____9-16tfc TEACHES! PEARS! APPLES! Al­berta peaches, Barlett pears and Mc­ Intosh apples. Bring containers and come to Govenlock Orchards, % mile north of Forest no No. 21 Highway.16:23* NATIONAL CASH REGISTER that registers to $29.99. Apply at Times- Advocate;_______________________t-a 18-FT. TRAILER, furnished, in good condition, 1 year old. Priced for quick sale. Apply Norris Desjardine, Grand Bend, phone 47-r-2 after G:00 p.m.______________________ 16:23* PRIVATELY OWNED '47 Cliev Coach —good tires. Apply 499 Albert- Street or phone 660._______________9:16:23* HORSE — Also electric cook stove. Apply Sol Gingerich, phone 84-r-3 Zurich._____________________9:16:23* WRECKING—'42 Hudson, '42 Dodge, '41 Dodge, '41 Cliev, '41 Ford. Many older models. Cudmore’s Gravel, tele-- plione 171-r-3 Exeter.________7-12tfc DINING ROOM. SUITE, blonde din­ette suite, Gibson frig and’ stove; also bedding. Apply 30 Sanders St., phone 891 Exeter.________________23c MAGAZINES—New and renewal sub­ scriptions for any magazine are re­ceived at The Exeter Times-Advocate More Eggs + Less Feed Greater Profits CARDS OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil wish to express their sincere thanks to those who remembered them in any way on the. occasion of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary and also to " who assisted Wheat Below Average But See More Market That’s the formula that fits the new SHUR-GAIN Super Laying Mash, because of its “high efficiency”, 5 pounds of this new type laying feed will do the work of 6 pounds of ordinary type laying feeds. This means a big savings on every dozen eggs produced. Ask for SHUR-GAIN Super Laying Mash the next time you require feed for your flock. Cann's Mill Ltd EXETER WHALEN CORNERS Monday Maple Sea Sunset Sally topped the. dispersal sale of S. B. Reid. She. sold for $5,200 (five thousand two hundred dollars). Her best record was made at 5 years 329 days—18,159 lbs. milk testing (M-3%. Our cow Rag Apple Topsy Dixie at 4 years 273 days gave 18,041 lbs. milk testing 3.74%. Her good Plus daughter Sandell Dixie Lockinvar.at was was 2 years 8 days gave 13,999 lbs. milk 3.86% and fourth highest in Canada in her class the month she reported. Her bull calf by Elmcroft Royal Ambassador is now for sale. Come and see him, and see his maternal sister milking over 60 lhs. per day as a 2-year-oId. Sandell Holsteins I Phone 476 Exeter in the home. thank all those any way possible a broken leg. those 00* who . while —Edgar 23* I wish to helped me in laid up with Mawliinney. Eileen Regier wishes to thank all those who so kindly remembered her with cards, treats and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since her return home. 23c I wish to thank my many friends, neighbors and relatives for their eards, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in South Huron Hospital, also the hospital staff and Miss Clay­ pole, and since returning home. — Miss Nettie McCurdy. 23* Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith wish to thank all their friends, relatives and neighbors for flowers, treats and cards while Mrs, Smith was a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Miss Claypole and staff. * The cousins of the late Leslie Rob­ inson wish to express appreciation to the neighbors and friends for the floral tributes, messages of sympathy and kindness shown them in their recent bereavement. 23* Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Blackwell wish to express their appreciation to the many friends who remembered Mrs. Blackwell in any way while she was in hospital and since her return home. 23* The family of the late Mrs. Mary Waiper wish to express appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for the flora] tributes, messages of sym­pathy and kindness shown them in their recent sad bereavement. 23c Mr, and Mrs. Edward Bullock and family wish to express appreciation and thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for the floral tributes, mes­sages " ------ _ . showr men I . rence of ' thei.......... Special tli ___ Box, Rm Scrimgeour, the who carried flo sympathy, n in their :' ‘ ‘ inks W. and 'ecent bei to Mi. ... C. Srn pallbearers a: vers. kindness •eave* Law- , Dr. those 23* :ti- id The family of ers wish to thai and nei| tributes, them merit ietthe late Gan.__.. ----.k their many fi ighbors for the beautiful i, ca.J., ' in their r 1 JULIUS SCHICH sugar beet loader, good as new, in perfect working or­der. Reason for selling, ill health, discontinued sugar beet growing. Ap­ply to Dwight Zavitz, phone Watford 601-r-3, R.R. 7 Alvinston, Ont, 23:30* NEW HAMPS, ROCKS, Sussex and White Leghorns, laying 50 per cent. Six months old past, -—bee Mrs. Art Howald, Penfield.______________ 24* 1 GIRL’S 3-PIECE red velvet grey fur trim coat set, size G, $10; 1 santl gabardine 2-zipper snowsuit, $lo, Ap­ply 73 Gidley St. 23* 500 RED SUSSEX PULLETS, 5V» months old. Apply Harry Dougall, R.R. 3, Exeter, or telephone 689-r-ll Hensall._____________________ 23* WINE ENGLISH - WOOL broadcloth coat, silver fox collar, size 16. Good condition, cost $120, will sell for $30. Can be seen at Brady’s Dry Clean­ ing, Exeter, or phone S7 Lucan. 23c 100 SUSSEX RED PULLETS, six months old. Apply Mrs. Ray Clarke, phone 84-r-4 Kirkton.____________23* 150 ROCK and NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks, 5 months old, laying. —Mrs. Silas Stanlake, 357 Carling St. 23* CIRCULAR SAWING OUTFIT com­plete with motor, self-propelled, cheap. Well digging windlass, com­ plete. — William Smale, phone 71-J Hensall. 23c LETZ GRINDER, new; McCormick corn binder and loadpr; also George White cutting box. All in good con­ dition. —Sandy Elliot, phone 476 Ex­eter,___________________________23c TAMWORTH BOARS, chunks. — H. Peterson, Dashwood, phone 31-r-15.23c BEAGLE and FOX HOUND pups. Apply to Cecil Rowe, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone Dashwood 38-r-6.__________23* COOK STOVE—White enamel Wing­ ham Clipper, with shelf and reservoir, in new condition, good heater and cooker, burns wood or coal. Can be equipped with oil burner. Very rea­sonable price for cash. Gerald Prout, phone 172-r-4 Exeter.____________16c Underwood Portable Typewriter Not the newest model but in perfect condition. Used very little. Will be sacrificed for S50.00 Can Be Seen At The Times-Advocate $3,011(1 ON FIRST MORTGAGE on rea brick insul house on William Street. On or before October 1. Apply Box. VM, Exeter Times-Advocate. 16:23:30*- SAW MILL LOGS and standing bush lots wanted. Fuel wood and slab wood for sale. — Robert Eagleson. Ailsa. Craig, phone G24-r-22 or G23-1--3 7-li.fc WANTED AND FOR SALE — Used merchandise. Louis E. Johnston, Sec­ond Hand Shop, corner Station and Main Streets. Phone 183 noon and evenings, 6-~Jue HENSALL SIX ROOMS, partly furnished, bath and heated. Apply Times - Advocate.9:16:23* APARTMENT — Bath, hot and cold water, two bedrooms, kitchen and living room, full basement, on high­ way at Shipka. Available October 16. —Albert Gaiser, Crediton, phone 6-J. 9-9tfc APARTMENT — Modern upstairs apartment, 4 rooms and bath, oil heated. Phone 7 Exeter. 9-9tfc 8-RO0M HOUSE — Modern conven­iences, garage, 1 acre land, fruit trees, corner Mill and Mary Streets. Apply Lloyd Bell at premises Satur­ day afternoon. 23c APARTMENT FOR RENT — October 1. —Beavers Hardware. 23c FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Power lawn mowers. —Bea­ vers Hardware, Exeter. 7-ltfc MISCELLANEOUS COMBINING & CORN PICKING — Implements r e p a i r e d. Reasonable rates. —11. Peterson, Dashwood, tele­phone 31-1--15, 23:30;7e DID YOU KNOW that hy spraying your picking corn, It can be matured and moisture-reduced hy as much as 20% in two weeks? See my Hi-Boy Sprayer at the Exeter Fair and ask me for details. —L. V. Hogarth, tele­phone 266. 23c CUSTOM COMBINING — Beans, Clo­ vers and Flax. Satisfaction guaran­teed, Apply C. J. Walker. R.R. 1, Cromarty, ph. 12-r-13 Dublin. 16:23* “STANDARD OF THE WOODS” — McCulloch Chain Saws! All models and complete service available at Mc­Culloch Saw Sales, 42S Huron Street, Stratford, phone 1061-J. 9-16tfc WHITEWASHING and CLEANING— Arrangements can be made. — Bill Watson, Dashwood, telephone >35-r-19. 8-26:ll-llc STEW’S SHARPENING SERVICE — Files and sets your saws better than news! Apply 152 Lake Road. 8-2Gtfc CUSTOM COMBINING. Apply Earl Neil, phone 626-J-3 Exeter. 8-5tfc SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED — Imme­diate service. Phone 108 Lucan or 130-W Lucan. —Butler Bros. 9»tfc REAL ESTATE 6-R00M INSUL-BRIC house, fur­ nace. hot and cold water in kitchen and 3-piece bathroom. Repair and in­ terior decorating good, some hard­wood flooring. Quiet location. —Wm. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 9-16tfc MODERN 2-BEDR00M house. Good Exeter location. Large living room. Particularly nice kitchen and bath­ room. Air conditioned oil heat. Im­mediate possession and very easy terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 9-9tfc HOME WITH INCOME — We are offering a well built house that will provide a home for an average family and an Income from a separate apart­ment. Each unit is complete with separate bathroom, kitchen and en­ trance. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Real­tor, Main Street, Exeter. 9-9tfc GOOD 100 ACRES, 10 bush, balance arable, L barn, good stabling, brick house, electricity, water throughout. Price $10,500 half cash. Wm. Pparce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred u Cole, Salesmen. 9-9tfc HENSALE-One of the better brick homes—main street location. Nicely decorated, modern throughout with all conveniences including water soft­ ener. Outstanding offer. Immediate possession. See this at once. • GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker —R. B. Paterson, Phone 51 Hensall, Ontario 9-9tfc NEW 1-STOREY frame house, (wo apartments, one rented. Very good for small business with living quar­ ters attached. —D. Quesnel, Crediton East, phone 27-M. 9-2tfc STORE BUSINESS—Rural—Combined store and comfortable dwelling. Hy­ dro. County road. Clean stock, mostly groceries. Necessary equipment. Four acres of land, hennery and barn 40’ x 30’. Total price $7,500.00. Terms. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Ex­ eter. 9-2tfc MODERN 1 - FLOOR HOME — This home is beautifully finished through­out and provides every convenience for comfortable living. Nearly new. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 9-2tfc BRICK HOUSE, in excellent condi­tion, full cellar, furnace. Bedroom, 3- piece bath main floor, 3 bedrooms up­ stairs. Double garage, henhouse, ex­ tra lot. —W. C. Pea-ce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 7-15tfc HENSALL — 3- or 4-bedroom house with living room, dining room and modern kitchen and bathroom. Nice­ ly located with good lot and small barn. Price $3,650.00. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 6-I0tfC 2-STOREY 2-FAMTLY brick house in fine location. Forced air oil-burning furnace. Two 3-piece baths, extra lot, garage, garden. —W, C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 6-10tfc 2-BEDROOM COTTAGE —This is a complete small home with modern kitchen and two-piece bath. Full basement. Immediate possession if desired. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. G-lOtfc $2,500.00 OR $3,000.00 CASH will give you possession of one of Exeter’s finer brick homes. Nicely arranged rooms, Hardwood floors throughout. New oil-burning furnace. Garage. Good location. Total price reduced. Quick possession. C. V. Pickard, 394 Main St., Exeter. 5-6tfc NEW HOUSE — 349 Edward Street, Living room, kitchen, dining room, two bedrooms, and bath with space for other room on second floor. Oil furnace. Wide lot. —R. B. Balkwill, Exeter, phone 89-J. 4-8tfc DEAD, DISABLED STOCK — Seven- day week service for horses, cattle,, sheep, pigs, calves. —Glen Kennedy, phone collect 1GS-W Lucan or Exeter 235, ________________ 9-2tfC HORSES WANTED—Heavy c or light, young or old, Please notify Frank Taylor, 138 Exeterr_______Jul22;ja5* ATTENTION FARMERS! — Prompt and courteous service on all dead oi* disabled farm animals. Phone collect. Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235.____________________________tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age, —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Chattels The undersigned has received in­ structions from Ed Sweitzer tc sell by public auction 1’4 MILES EAST OF CREDITON onSATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 at 1:30 o’clock the following: REAL ESTATE; Two acres oi bush, mixed timber, Lot 22, Con. 6, southeast corner.CHATTELS: Bureau; book cup­board; black walnut glass cupboard; extension table; kitchen table; kitchen stove; coal oil stove; arm chair; small tables; cook stove with reservoir and shelf; folding chairs; small living­ room table; 3 rocking chairs; 3 wood­ en beds; some antiques; sink; wash boiler; apple barrel: garden tools; carpenter tools; toys; 2 dozen chairs; light waggon; buggy; extension lad­ der, 32-ft., nearly new; harness; doz. bags_-cedar posts; kitchen utensils; double ducks; items. TERMS: Cash. . - WM. H. SMITH, AUCTIONEER, Phone 7-7W Crediton E, SMITH. CLERK ED SWEITZER, TROP.16:23e and lanterns; fruit sealers; barrel shot • gun; 3 Peking 3 geese; and many other COMPLETE DISPERSAL 40 Choice Durham, Holstein; and Jersey Heifers Selling at the Farm BABYLON LINE 1’4 Miles East of Zurich and 2’4 Miles South or 2’4 Miles East of Dashwood and 2’4 Miles North, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1 at 1:30 p.m. OFFERING INCLUDES — Brindle cow, due latter part of October, car­ rying third calf; 4 Durham heifers, due in October; 2 purebred Jersey" heifers, due in October; 4 part Hol­stein and Jersey heifers, due around sale date; 25 Holstein heifers, some due to freshen at sale date, remain­ der in month of October; 5 open. Holstein heifers.Tin's is an extra choice herd o£ heifers, well matured and from lead­ ing blood lines, calfhood vaccinated- Guaranteed in calf as specified. Inspection invited before day ci sale.TERMS: Cash. NEIL GINGERICH. PROP. R. F. STADE, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 23:30c The Grey-Bruce Live Stock Co-operative are holding their THIRD ANNUAL SALE OF FEEDER CATTLE at WIARTON on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7 — 1700 HEAD — Sale commences at 10 A.M. All cattle sorted, graded and divid­ed into truck and car load lots. T. STEWART COOPER, Secretary, Grey-Bruce Live Stock Co-o-perative,Markdale, Ont. 23:30c- Typewriter Bargain Repossessed — Used Only Very Short Time $83.50 The Times-Advocate Cana-da will have a helow- average wheat crop of mixed quality this year, Trade Minister Howe said recently. Mr. Howe said the hazards of rust and frost, hail and drought, have returned “all too soon”. But he was sure the United Kingdom will increase its wheat purchases this year and the long-term out­ look for Canadian wheat sales was "excellent’. “I think one is justified in say­ ing that the balance of the world wheat situation, which was tem­ porarily upset by a series of ex­ traordinarily good crops, is being restored.” Blames Weather Mr. Howe blamed the decreased crop on weather conditions in the west this summer, following three bumper crops. But he said the smaller output does not point to any reversal of the marketing outlook for Can­ adian wheat. Already, Mr. Howe said, the wheat hoard has disposed at a profit of all oats and barley de­ livered to it hy producers during the crop year that ended last July 31. He said he will announce shortly the final payments on the 1953-54 oats and barley pools. The only cloud on the horizon for oats and barley, Mr. Howe said, is the fact the United States tariff commission is studying the question of whether to recom­ mend restrictions on their import But he added; “It would surprise me very much indeed if the president were to agree to apply restrictions against imports of Canadian oats and barley which would cause hardship and bitterness among such a large section of the Can­ adian population as the farmers of the Prairie provinces.” Holding Markets Despite recent big crops, there was no evidence Canada was growing too much wheat, he said. She was maintaining her share of the world market. “We have not been and we are not/’ he said, “pricing ourselves out of world markets ... So far as I can see, the price of Can­ adian wheat is hot out of line !by any reasonable standard of com­ parison,’’ GO Per Cent Crop Farmers were told last week they can expect a harvest amount* ing to little more than 60 per ceht of last year's bumper crop, due to bad weather and one of the worst epidemics of rust in history. The tistics wheat shels, a big 614,000,000 bushels in 1953. The rust epidemic, coupled with hail and wind storms, have hit western fields, particularly in the last month, and forced a drastic revisions of the bureau’s earliei' estimate in August of 487,000,000 bushels of wheat. The changed conditions, how­ ever, brought brighter promise that the marketing problem, agravated by three consecutive bumper crops, will be eased. Dominion Bureau of Sta- last Wednesday forecast a crop of 377,851,000 bu- lowest in five years, and drop from the near-record The Reader Comments Letters to the editor published hereunder represent views of in­ dividual persons. We invite read­ ers to make use. of this column. PERSONAL TIRED, WEAK MEN! Get New Pep at 40, 50, 60. Feel years younger. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Invigorates both sexes. “Get-acquainted” size only 60?!. All druggists. 16:23c HELP WANTED HIRED MAN, by day or month. Tele­phone 322-W-12 Exeter. 23* A SPECIAL INVITATION to men who would gamble a stamp to secure a -business opportunity. No time like now to get in business for yourself with our 250 household necessities. Write for free catalogue and details. FAMILEX, Dept. D, Montreal 24, 23c TWO WAITRESSES wanted. Call in person at Retlier’s Coffee Shoppe, Exeter. 9:16c BABY CHICKS FOR SALE The executive of the Exeter Home and -School Association has expressed itself in favor of a safety patrol for school children who must cross the highway every day. In a letter to The Times-Advo- cate, the executive said it wished to “publicly express our approval of the present movement on foot to establish a Safety Patrol”. The group suggested that some senior citizens might be willing to assist as patrol of­ ficers at strategic crossing points. Ont. 1954 BRAY HAS DAYOLD ehicks for de­livery. Ask us for prices and full information. (A few started) Around Nov. 1 they will be having dayold cockerels. See what you need and contact us in good time. —Eric Cars- cadden, Exeter, phone 2J6-W. 23c EMPLOYMENT WANTED ★’51 OLDS 88 2-door, Radio ’51 CHEV SEDAN Satan seat covers, radio, better than new ★ ’48 CHEV TUDOR Radio, new tires, excellent condition ★ ’47 FORD COACH Completely checked, black ’41 PONTIAC COACH Good tires ★ MIDDLE-AGED LADY desires house­ keeping position. Capable of taking full charge for one or two adults. Good cook. Apply to Mrs. EmUy Neale. Clandeboye, c/o A, Hendrle, Clandeboye. Phone 163-1--3 Lucan, 23c FARMERS! Arrange now for youf farm help. Experienced Holland fam­ ilies. Also wanted to rent—50- to 100- acre farms. Write Henry Nyhius, R. 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-31. 12*10tfc Mi •ier flo ds... al sympathy shown nt sad bereave- to everyone who ,.........................23* my friends and , visits, flowers —-..........- Ip SouthHospital. Special thanks to G, Dunlop and those who at the time of the accident. - 23 c ■ards and ... __jei......... special thanks assisted in any way. I wish to thank neighbors for cards, ____ and treats while a patient in Huron *'*’Dr. J. helped_ ____ --Richard Neil, Typewriter r 00 Shdet, Pads ~ 250 100 Sheets and 2 Carbons ~ Also Available In 500 And 1,000 Lots 400 Times-Advocate LOST over Exeter, September 21, The Editor, Exeter Times-Advocate. Dear Sir: Being deeply coheerhed the welfare Of our young school children, w6 wish to publicly ex­ press our approval of the pre­ sent movement on foot to estab­ lish a Safety Patrol for them. May we suggest that some group, perhaps, for example, the Senior Citizens, might be willing to assist as Patrol Officers at the strategic crossing points. Yours for our Children’s Safety, The Executive Exeter Home and School Association BLACK SHORT-HAIRDD Terrier dog the St. Marys road. Apply S. S, Wuerth, Crediton. 32 c, FOOTBALL—At Cann’s Mill, Friday bight. White With black. Finder please leave at Times-Advocate, 23* RALCO WRIST WATCH — MAh'S, in Drill Hn.11 washroom at RCAF Cen­ tralia. Reward. Apply Jack Jensen, plibno 415-J Ex'eter, 23c MODERN HOME One Block Off Main Street FOUND ROT AND WMTTJ3 heifer. OwntT may have same by proving bronorfy and paving expenses. Apply J. P, De Jong, R.R. 1, Cred lion, 23* M. Mason Box 15 Hensalt PHONE 107 23c ★ ★’36 CHEV COACH .... $5B ’37 PLYMOUTH SEDAN You name the price! ★ ’47 MERCURY PICKUP ★ South End Service Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER