HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-09-16, Page 12e 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1954 Ladies Auxiliary To South Huron Hospital will hold their Annual TAG DAY September 23 • A. Canvass of the Town Will Be Made on September 23 Man On Highway, Driver Hits Ditch An airman from RCAF Station Centralia escaped uninjured when his .ear rolled over in the ditch near Grand Bend Tuesday night when lie swerved to avoid a man on the road. Driver Jean Colbourne, 19, told police he was travelling south on No. 81 when he noticed another car parked on the highway and a man beside it. He swerved sharp­ ly and ended up in the ditch. Visibility was poor because of rain. The man, Henry Hartle, of R.R. 3, Parkhill, said he had stopped to watch aircraft traffic on the nearby RCAF station. Provincial Constable Eime r Zimmerman investigated. Town Topics Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Exeter Tinies.Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 770. ATTENTION Buy Your Winter Clothing Needs at the FaH Rummage Sale BAKING SALE under auspices of fa ven Congregation Circle Mr. and Mrs. Wes Witmer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Witmer Of Kitchener. Dr. George E. and Mrs. Seldon of Vancouver and Miss Seldon, Ingersoll, visited day with their brother, G. Seldon. Miss Mary Forsey is with relatives in Boston, Mrs. Hazeel Turnbull, of Lon­ don, and Dr. and Mrs. William Scott, of Lynchburg, Va., are visiting this week with Mrs. Wil­ liam Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Turnbull, Janice and Carol, of! London, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patrick, St. T Friday with them, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bridges spent the weekend in Detroit. Sunday guests with Mr. i Mrs. Seth Winer were Dr. i Mrs. McLagan, Catherine i Robert, of Preston, Winer, of Los Angeles, Calif. Annie on Fri- Mr. It. visiting Mass. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dale and son Douglas, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Sanders and Mr. and Mrs. Aljoe Sanders over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks spent several days last week in Port Elgin. Miss Marian Learn, of the staff of South Huron Hospital, is seriosuly ill in Victoria Hospital, London. Mercury Down Thomas'; wifi womilfo,. September The maximum temperature the month to date has been 84° on September 2 and 6. Last year’s maximum to September 15 was Sponsored by Ladies Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital LIBRARY BASEMENT i and :and ! anil i 96.6s on September 3. and Mr. Ed * i for for on The minimum temperature the month to date was 45° September 9 and 12, Total rainfall to date has been 1.07' which is less than half last I Sat., October 16 1 | at 1:30 p.m. | I IN LADIES AUXILIARY ROOM I| OF SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL | = Articles May Be Left There on Friday, October 15 | | CALL 213 EXETER FOR PICKUP OF LARGER ARTICLES | Sbiiiiiiiiaiiiiiitimiiiiiiiiiiiiumiiiii..... .............................................................................. Sat., Sept. 25 3 pan. OBA Semi-Finals Attention LEGION MEMBERS Detroit Youths Improved The Detroit youths who were, year’s rainfall for^the same per- seriously injured in an accident east pf Dashwood on Labour Day have recovered sufficiently to be removed from London to a De­ troit hospital. The passenger, Ray Putz, 17, was on the critical list for almost a week. Driver of the car, a convertible which rolled in the ditch, was Gerald Brian Wil­ son, 16, who was also seriously injured. iod which was 2.62 inches. To date no f-rost has been re­ corded at the weather office at R.C.A.F. Station Centralia. Dashwood Tigers You are invited to the “Battle Britain’’ Parade to take place RCAF Station Centralia of at vs Walsingham s Dashwood Park Saturday, September 18 2:30 p.m. Tigers Lead Best-of-Three Series 1-0 Exeter Opening Saturday, Sept. 18 ® Anyone Interested in Joining Men’s Bowling League | Enquire at the Alleys | ?',iiaiuiiiii<iiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiuiii<iiiiiiiiiiiiui<iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiii<uuiiiiiiiiiiiiii"iii"ii(iiiiiiiiaai'';' GIANT FROLIC Hensall Community Park Friday, Sept. 24 — Programme 8:30 — Special Variety Entertainment for Young and Old featuring ★ EVERETTE MIRES Master of Ceremonies, and his New Magic Show Mr. Mires has just concluded a trip in New York, ' bringing back with him new tricks, new fun. ★ AUDREY The Beautiful Blonde Guitar Player ★ JOEY HOLLINGSWORTH High Class Tap Dancer ★ DALT WALPOLE Pianist A Good Show For All FORTUNE TELLING BINGO CHINESE AUCTION CLOWNS — MINIATURE CIRCUS — Come arid Relax and Have a Good Time! Proceeds for Artificial Icfe | . Sponsored by Henshll Chamber of Commerce | j ADMISSION — 50^ and 25<f, | This Sunday Assemble at Legion HaH at 1:45 or at the Station at 2:00 p.m. Dress: Berets and Medals Dashwood Group Begins Season The W.S.W.S. of the E.P.B. Church held its first fall meeting with 28 present. It was in charge of the Spiritual Life Group with Mrs. Charles Snell as chairman. The guest speaker was Mrs. Rev. Snell of Exeter. The theme was "Go Tell”. Prayer was given by Mrs. C. Gaiser, scripture by Mrs. E. Eckstein. A duet was sung by Mrs. V. Hansor and Mrs. Compete In CNE Sing Allan Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, near Grand Bend, was awarded 80 marks for his singing in competition at the Canadian National Exhibition last week. The South Huron District High School student sang in the unchanged boys’ voice class. He is the first student from the local high school to compete CNE music classes. in MITCHELL Centennial Fall Fair rally at Rodney. M. Tieman. Mrs.C.Oestreicher gave a reading. It was decided to hold a ba- zaar and tea on November 13. Plans were made to attend the Canning Corn Excellent Crop This year’s canning corn is "very good", according to ry Peiihale, manager of the factory of Canadian Canners Ltd. The pack, which was started about a week ago, is not as large as usual. Acreage was cut to just over 500, about 50 percent pf normal. Mr. Penhale said cabbage is coming along "pretty well” for the sauerkraut pack which will start around the end of Septem­ ber. crop Har- local Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sweit­ zer and Mrs. Martha Smith visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lip- ert of Gravenhurst. Miss Joan Parsons spent the weekend in London. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY September 17 and 18 HORSE CANYON” Technicolor Joel McCrea Mari Blanchard “BLACK ★ ★ The thundering story black-maned outlaw stallion . . CARTOON AND ADDITIONAL SHORTS of a 1 HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT I Preparation for Parenthood Classes Another series of Classes is to be arranged for Exeter and district. Those interested in these prenatal classes are invited to meet on Tuesday, September 28, at 2:30 P.M. in the branch office, Huron County Health Unit, basement of South Huron Hospital, Phone Exeter .267 on that day, or write Huron County Health Unit, Goderich, Ontario. Men's Bowling League BOWLING LANES Friday, September 17 8:00 p.m. 3 s All Men Interested in Joining Bowling League £ = Are Urged to Attend | 2-Car Bingo EXETER ARENA MONDAY & TUESDAY September 20 and 21 “DUEL Tuesday and Wednesday Sept. 28 and 29 $4,500.00 IN PRIZES Tuesday Evening, Sept. 28 —Grounds Open to Public , —Program in Arena Wednesday, Sept. 29 —Official Opening by Premier L. Frost —Monster Parade, Antique and Modern Machinery, Floats, School Parade —Horse Power Threshing Machine in Operation —Two Bands —Horse Races —Stanger Show and Midway —Dance in The Crystal Palace Wed. Night: Mitchell’s own Bill Stuart and his 10-piece band - 9:30 till 12:30 A. KEMP K. J. REANEY Pres. Sec.-Treas. Stephen Issues Fire Debentures Debentures amounting to $8,- 0'0 0 for the purchase of the Dash­ wood First Truck were issued Stephen Township Council at meeting last- week. The debentures were issued the name of the police 'village and are of five years’ duration. The clerk was authorized ,to pay Charles P. Dietrich the con­ tract price for digging, backfill­ ing and completion of the Greb and Fleming Municipal Drains as soon as the engineer has inspect­ ed and approved the work. The contracts amounted to $2,225. The township has applied for the 19 54 provincial subsidy on road expenditures up to and in­ cluding August 31. At a previous meeting, council set hunting licence fees in the regulated township at $1.00 per day during the pheasant season and $1.00 after the pheasant season for non-residents and $.25 for residents. by its in Local Minister Sees Hurricane Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Holley, who spent their summer vacation in suburban Boston, Mass., where Mr. Holley has preached in the same Methodist church for the past four years, experienced the hurricane “Carol” which swept the New England states on Aug­ ust 31. The storm, which began at 9 a.m., lasted until five o'clock in the afternoon. After the first violent winds, there was a com­ parative calm while the centre of the storm passed. The storm was as violent ginning. Winds which were 110 miles per hour were accom­ panied by lashing rain. All power was off for four and a half days and candles and coal oil lamps were used. The area was under curfew law police-patroled to prevent pilfer­ ing. Show windows in many stores were 'blown in. Church spires, including that of histori­ cal old North Church, were blown down. Mr. Holley said most of the in­ habitants in the area where they were staying, took to the cellars for safety. Trees were uprooted and homes damaged in that sec­ tion of the city. tail of the as its be- clocked at Lyric Theatre Phone 421 Previews Its Coining Attractions THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY September 10, 17 and 18 Matinee Saturday at 2:30 The Robe "The Garnet Miners Swine Drover Garnet Miners, 66, well-known Usborne township farmer and hog drover, suffered a fatal heart at­ tack while loading pigs at the farm day. He John T. and Bertha White Miners and had spent all his life on the farm where he was born. He was a member of Elimville United Church. Surviving besides his wife, the former Vera Batten, are one sou, John, on the home farm, and two daughters, Mrs. Howard Johns, Elimville, and Mrs. Eric Carscadden, Exeter. The body is resting at the Hopper-Hockey funeral home where the Rev. W. J. Moores will conduct the service on Thursday at 2.30 p.m. Interment will be made in the Exeter cemetery. of Garnet Hicks on Mon- was the son of the late Thomas Laing Mail Carrier Funeral services for Thomas Laing, 82, who died in South Huron Hospital on Sunday night, were conducted at the Hopper- Hockey funeral home on Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. Samuel Kerr. Interment was made in Hensall Union Cemetery. Mr. Laing was born in Hay township and farmed there until coming to Exeter in 1916 where he was a rural mail carrier from the local post office for several years. He was a member of Caven Presbyterian Church. He was predeceased 'by his wife, the former Ann Bell, in 1925. A son John made the sup-- reme sacrifice in World War 1. Surviving are two sons, Hilton of Exeter, and Cecil of Burling­ ton, and one daughter, Mrs. Ulric Snell (Hazel), of Exeter. Pall-bearers were T h o ma s Yearley, Earl Campbell, George Armstrong, Charles Godboltf Clarence Park and Luther Pen- hale. IN THE JUNGLE” Technicolor Dana Andrews Jeanne Crain ★ ★ Breathtaking action in the ac­ tual jungles of darkest Africa! NEWSREEL AND CARTOON WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY September 22 and 23 Samuel Goldwyn’s “THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES” One of the greatest motion pictures of all time . . ★ ★ ★ ★ a host of other stars! Due to the length of this the first show will he at Myrna Loy Fredric March Dana Andrews Teresa Wright and N.B.; feature, 6:30 p.m. Second show at 9:30. Regular Admission Prices Llashmar Drive-In Theatre Clinton THURS.-FRI. SEPT. 16-17 “JACK AND THE BEAN STALK” (Colour) ABBOTT & COSTELLO Cartoon and News SAT.-MON. SEPT. 18-20 “AARON SLICK FROM PUMPKIN CRICK” (Colour) ALLAN YOUNG DINAH SHORE Cartoon and News Revival Week - Sept. 21-27 These Are Some of the Shows You’ve Been Asking For! Each of These GOOD Old 'Shows ONE NIGHT ONLY Cartoon and News TUES. ONLY SEPT. 21 “THE LAVENDER HILL MOB” ALEC GUINNESS STANLEY HOLLOWAY Cartoon and News ★ Richard Burton ★ Victor Mature ★ Jean Simmons Last three days to see Robe”, photographed in the re­ volutionary Cinemascope process, not only a superior dramatic achievement but also a spectacle that will eiectrify you with its overpowering scope and magni­ tude . . . COMING EVENTS MONDAY & TUESDAY September 20 and 21 Thy Neighbor's Wife ★ Cleo Moore ★ Hugo Haas (Adult Entertainment) A highly entertaining murder drama . . . WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY September 22 and 23 Long Long Trailer ★ Lucille Ball ★ Dezl Arnaz With thhe sable cast as the "I Love Lucy" TV program, this ain U M n g comedy Will please everyone, DANCING EVERY FRIDAY night in Bayfield Pavilion during Sep­ tember, Ken Wilbee’s Orchestra. Bayfield’s favorite summer dance pavilion. For private parties and receptions, telephone 658-r-6 Sea­ forth or 684-r-31 Hensail. 9:2-30 BAZAAR & TEA — The W.A. Of Main Street United Church will hold a Bazaar and Tea on Satur­ day, Oct. 30. Further announce­ ment will be made later. 16C RUMMAGE SALE — Ladles of South Huron Hospital Auxiliary will appreciate donations from Exeter and district for their* fall Rummage Sale. Children’s cloth­ ing is very acceptable. 16c ORGANIZATION MEETING Of 1st South Huron Land Ranger Com­ pany, Canadian Girl Guides Asso­ ciation, Exeter Legioii Hall, Mon­ day, Sept. 20, at 8 p.m. All girls 15-20 years of age ate Invited^ to attend. 16* TURKEY SUPPER — Caven con­ gregation will hold their annual anniversary turkey* supper Tues­ day, October 18, in the Sunday School room of the church, 16ft Classrooms Leave —Continued from Page 1 over the ‘Hump’ of the Himilay- as between Burma and China when other means of transport­ ing war materials were,cut off. In fact, when this plane was be­ ing refitted for its new role, pieces of flak were found in the wings, visual reminders of World War 2 action* The pilots of the Dakotas, under their present Officer Com­ manding, S/L C. E. Snider, have played an important part in the training of skilled aircrew £or the RCAF. They now turn over the job to pilots at Winnipeg while they move to other posts. Some will join Maritime 'squad­ rons, one goes on communica­ tions flying in France, others will become pilot flying instruct­ ors and others will receive train­ ing on jets to join cE-100 squad­ rons. The ground crew personnel, whose ability and attention have helped so much in setting a splendid flying record, will re­ tain an association with the fly­ ing classrooms. Although some Will remain at Centralia, others will go to Wiiihliieg to keep these famous Dakotas serviceable and ready to perform .their special function. WED. ONLY SEPT. 22 “TOBACCO ROAD” GENE TIERNEY Cartoon and News THURS. ONLY SEPT. 23 “KEYS OF THE KINGDOM” GREGORY PECK VINCENT PRICE Cartoon and News FBI. ONLY SEPT. 24 “TIGHT LITTLE ISLAND” JOAN GREENWOOD BASIL RADFORD Cartoon and News SAT. ONLY SEPT. 25 “LITTLE COLONEL” SHIRLEY TEMPLE LIONEL BARRYMORE Cartoon and Nows Friday, October 1 12 Regular Gaines for $50.00 Each 3 Special Gaines for $200.00 Each 1 SPECIAL FOR 1954 FORD MAINLINE TUDOR Cards $1.00 FREE SPECIAL FOR 1954 FORD MAINLINE TUDOR Cards Free ■— This Is the Car Not Won at July 30 Bingo Admission $1 — Extra & Special Cards 250 - 5 for $1 Games Start at 9:00 P.M. Sharp | Sponsored by Exeter Legion | Kirkton Fair THURSDAY and FRIDAY Sept. 30 - Oct. 1 ★ Sports ★ Calf Races ★ Horse Races ★ Top Amateur Talent Grandstand Show ★ Tug of War ★ 4-H Clubs ★ Pipe Band ★ Old-Tyme Fiddlers’ Contest ADMISSION: Adults 500, Children 250 Dance In Kirkton Hall, Fair Night ADMISSION 50,! ★ Cake Special ★ Milton Hooper offers $5.00 for best fruit cake (dark) made in 8-incIi tin — Donor To Get Cake JOS. TAYLOR, Pres. MON. ONLY SEPT. 27 “GREAT EXPECTATIONS” JOHNT MILLS VALERIE HOBSON Cartoon and News Fall Fair 3 DAYS 3 FRED HAMILTON, Sec. ^4lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|lll<ll|l(|l||l||lllll||ll||l||l|||||||||||||||||||||||lk'S’ Seaforth i m i i n m m r m i i i i i m m i n m m i m i n i i i m t i i i n m n i i m i m i i t i i i i i i i n u i m i i m i i Outstanding Exhibits Leading Cattle Shows School Exhibits Grandstand Programme WE’LL SEE YOU AT SEAFORTH FALL FAIR